Rank One Instructions

  1. Complete the Rank One Athletic Interest Form (link)

**Allow 48 hours for your student’s data to be populated. Before continuing**

  1. Go to Fayette County Public Schools Rank One Site (link)

  1. Click on “Proceed to Online Forms”

  1. Create a Parent Account

**You will receive an email to confirm your account**

  1. Login to your Parent Account

  1. Search for your student by entering both last name and student ID number

(You will not be able to do this until after 48 hours of completing step one)

  1. Click Start Forms

  1. Click View (gray box next to yellow alert triangle)

  1. Complete all THREE forms by clicking on the blue titles to the left of the screen. Do not select “Download PDF”

  1. Please fill in the blanks for each of the linked forms (Parent Consent, Physical Upload, and Fayette County Signature Page). At the bottom of each form, be sure to click the blue Submit button.

  1. Please see screenshot for specific Physical Upload Instructions. Each of the four pages must be uploaded separately.

  1. On the Pre Participation Forms document, you must select boxes one (1) through four (4), indicating that you have read and agree to the Concussion Awareness, Sudden Cardiac, Code of Conduct, and Concussion Fact Sheet.

  1. The Athletic Office will be working to clear students’ Rank One accounts as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience during this transition. You will be notified via email from Rank One when your student has been cleared. Thank you!