Chromebook Procedures and Guidelines Handbook

Clayton County Public Schools


The Extending Learning Beyond the Classroom (ELBC) initiative was introduced as a support to the instructional priorities of Clayton County Public Schools.  The goal of ELBC is to allow students to engage in instruction anytime and anywhere and have broader access to instructional materials, core-curriculum digital resources, classwork, and their teachers.  Each student having access to a device provides teachers the ability to maximize instructional time and provide timely or immediate feedback.  Additionally, students, teachers, and parents have multiple opportunities for communication and collaboration.

Why Chromebooks for CCPS?

A Chromebook is an Internet-based computer designed to streamline both the creation of and access to online content. Student work is saved securely in the district’s Google domain and can be accessed from anywhere by simply logging into the CCPS Portal.

Here are a few additional features that make Chromebooks an attractive purchase for the district.

  • Chromebooks are more cost-effective than other devices.  
  • Chromebooks allow for the fast and reliable use of web resources in the classroom with easy control and support options for the district.
  • Chromebooks have a longer battery life that should support student use throughout the school day.
  • Chromebooks are designed to work with Google Workspace which is an efficient array of tools designed for student and teacher interaction.

Section 1: Chromebook Distribution and Collection

Beginning of the School Year Distribution

  • All students and parents will have online access to this Chromebook Procedures and Guidelines handbook each year.
  • School year distribution will begin 2 weeks after the first day of school.  Chromebooks and power cords will be designated for in-school use only during the month of August.
  • Students are required to complete the following prior to receiving their Chromebook and accessories:

Students Entering the School or District

  • Upon entering the district, there will be a 5-day waiting period before the student is issued a device. The student will use a device from the school's auxiliary cart until a device has been assigned.
  • If a student is returning to the district and did not turn in all equipment before leaving the district, the student will not be issued a device until the student has paid the fee associated with the missing equipment.

Students Leaving the School or District

  • At the time of withdrawal, students must return all student learning devices and accessories (e.g. charger and case) in good working condition before transferring to another school within or outside of the district or graduating.
  • Any items not returned must be paid for at the time of withdrawal.  The school’s technician can explain the process for paying the replacement fee for missing devices and/or accessories.
  • The school will withhold grade reports, diplomas, and/or certificates of progress until restitution is made for lost or damaged student learning devices.

School and Summer Breaks Chromebook Collection

  • Chromebooks with protective cases and power cords will be collected by teachers prior to the winter break, spring break, and summer.
  • Students needing devices for summer learning will have the following options:
  • Use a personal device.
  • Use a Chromebook from the school cart during the day at the summer school location. The device will not be taken home each day.

Chromebook Asset Verification

  • All teachers will perform a monthly Chromebook Asset Verification, using Incident IQ. Chromebook Asset Verification in Incident IQ
  • Teachers will report missing or damaged devices upon completing the Chromebook Asset Verification in Incident IQ.
  • Each student’s Chromebook must be present during the monthly Chromebook Asset Verification to avoid being reported as missing.  Students who do not have their device during the Chromebook Asset Verification will receive communication from the school, intended for the parent/ guardian.

Replacement Equipment

  • Parents or schools can pay for replacement equipment from the district's School Cash application.
  • Building Leaders:  Once the device replacement fee has been paid, a report will be provided to the Division of Technology by the school bookkeeper.  The report will be used to identify the replacement equipment needed for the school’s internal inventory.
  • Replacement Fees

School Cash url = 



Chromebook (AC Adapter included)


Chromebook AC Adapter Only


Chromebook Case


11” iPad Pro (AC Adapter included)


12” iPad Pro (AC Adapter included)


11” iPad Case


12” iPad Case


iPad AC Adapter


Damaged Devices

  • Damaged devices will be assessed by a school-based computer technician and a loaner device will be issued.  The warranty company will determine if a device is beyond repair due to negligence or intentional damage.  Replacement accessories will be available for purchase at the school.



Chromebook Damaged Beyond Repair


  • When device damage occurs, students should immediately notify their homeroom/ advisory teacher who can initiate the process of notifying the school computer technician.
  • Students who repeatedly damage their assigned Chromebook and/ or accessories will result in the loss of home-use privileges. 

Stolen or Vandalized Devices

  • Student Chromebooks are purchased with theft insurance.
  • Devices that are stolen need to be reported to the school-based computer technician immediately.
  • In addition, stolen or vandalized devices should be reported to the police.  Stolen devices must be reported within 72 hours and accompanied by a police report.

Loaner Devices

  • Students will be permitted to receive a "loaner" device under the following circumstances:
  • When their Chromebook needs to be fixed or serviced in school.
  • If there is an extended problem with their Chromebook that cannot be solved during the day.

Section 3: Using the Device at School

Student Expectations for Daily Chromebook Use

  • Students are required to complete the following prior to receiving their Chromebook and accessories:
  • Bring a fully charged Chromebook to school on EACH instructional school day. The Chromebook should be treated as a textbook or an essential school supply.
  • Failure to bring a charged Chromebook to school multiple times within a semester will result in the loss of home-use privileges.
  • The classroom teacher will advise students on Chromebook use in each class. Although students are required to bring the Chromebook to school every day, it may not be used in every class every day.  Students will respect and abide by the teacher's instructions on the usage of Chromebooks.
  • Sound must be muted at all times unless the teacher states differently and/or headphones/earbuds are used. Students will supply their own earbuds to use at school.
  • Students should NEVER share their Chromebook or charger with another student. Use of a charger other than the one provided with the assigned Chromebook will result in disciplinary action.
  • Chromebooks will not be used to take pictures or videos unless the teacher has given permission to do so.
  • The device does not come with a mouse; however, if a student wishes to use one with the Chromebook, the student or caregiver may purchase a mouse.
  • Students must follow the Clayton County Public School’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy.

Section 4: Technical Support and School Contacts

School Technician

  • The district has provided a school technician to address local technology support needs.

Section 5: Device Care



Practice good digital citizenship.

Share your CCPS password.

Use for educational purposes only.

Close the laptop with foreign objects on the keyboard, i.e. pencils or pens.

“Lock” the laptop whenever your device is unattended.

Allow pets, toddlers, food, beverages near the device.

Report any issues to your teacher who will submit a technology work order.

Rearrange the keys on the keyboard.

Fully charge the device when at home.

Permanently label the Chromebook, case, or charger cord with stickers or labels.

Safely store your device when not in use.

Remove the device from its protective case.

Hold the Chromebook with both hands when in transit.

Bring the power cord to school unless directed by school personnel.

Return laptop and accessories when requested.