Taking Action on Immigrant Detention
a summary of reported recommendations
*NEW: Check out the playlist created by The Beacon, which includes some of the most actionable items on this summary list:
Legislative advocacy
Being an Ally During Raids
Legal Support
Political Support
Bail/Bond Funds and Support
Psycho-social support
Humanitarian Support
Community or Multifactor Support
Direct giving to local immigrants with pending immigration cases
Obtain/Share Information
Political Candidates
Spanish Speakers
Immigration Lawyers
Other Lawyers
Health Care Volunteers
Other Volunteering
This document has been compiled from publicly reported information about actions that can be taken to oppose immigrant detention. It came from a variety of sources, from published newspaper articles to social media posts. The author of this compilation believes all sourcing is trustworthy, but has not independently vetted all actions or organizations. Please use due diligence before committing time or money to the organizations listed.
Questions? Corrections? Please contact the author, Kelly McConney Moore, Moore.kelly.m@gmail.com or @moore_kelly_m on Twitter; St. Petersburg, FL USA.