Neon Beats Speedrunning Notes
Any% & All Music Notes (Glitchless)

Hello! This is a document compiled by Metroid Crime, based on notes originally written by IndyVillain. Thank you Indy!
This game has an autosplitter written by one of my community members, saiarcot895! You can activate it through Livesplit.
General Notes
- Neon Beats is a Rhythm Platformer released in 2019 by OKYOGames. It features a white block that must traverse dangerous levels as quickly as possible.
- There’s an audio visualizer shooting out of the little white block that we play as, it moves to the music!
- Level 3 is the last level of the free portion of the game. There are 8 levels in total, including a Tutorial. The DLC is totally worth it for the added complexity and great music.
- There are golden music notes around each level that you can collect to do the All Music Notes run (100% completion). There are three notes inside of each level aside from the tutorial, which has one.
- Collecting these notes adds extra instruments to the base song of the level, it builds on itself.
- The game comes with an in-game level timer, and you have to add them up at the end of the levels to get your overall speedrun time.
- The timer for the levels stops once you enter an elevator box. There’s no excuse not to dance when you’re inside of one!
- The timer pauses when you’re not in a level.
- Each level grows on one another, introducing new mechanics and new complexities. The finale of both the free portion of the game, and the DLC, combines all the mechanics to make complex levels.
- You're encouraged by the game to play the levels flawlessly because deaths cause a sudden reset of the screen and the music. So, doing it perfectly feels pretty rewarding!
Main Techniques
- There is no buffer on ledge jumps, you have to hit it in time or you fall to your death. No coyote jumps.
- Adjust jump strength and length in mid-air to land properly on objects or bouncing sections.
- Clinging to walls will slow your movement.
- Jump off of walls rapidly to climb them.
- Swinging off of chains & multi-chain swing segments. The momentum on chains is weird, and they don’t reset when the rest of the level resets, making them difficult to manipulate.
- You can manipulate your momentum through portals, chaining jumping through portals to increase your speed.
- Knowing the levels and what comes next is a huge help.
- …and most importantly, dancing in the elevator boxes!
The Run
Note: If you are not doing the All Music Notes route, it is quicker to ignore the notes in every case except the 1st music note in Level 2.
Time starts when you begin the Tutorial level.
- This level shows you how to play the game with animated tutorials. There’s spike obstacles, platforms appear and disappear with the music, and there are chains to swing from.
- There’s a single music note to collect in this level, it’s out in the open.

Level 1
- The first real level of the game! Adds more complex rotating platforms with spikes.
- In addition to the straight paths in this game, there are also big open rooms that will have complex platforming sequences inside of them.
- Music Note Locations
- 1st Note: To the left of a swinging platform and up a column.
- 2nd Note: Above a set of rotating pink platforms with spikes.
- 3rd Note: Down a hole surrounded by spikes, below a swinging chain.

Level 2
- This level sees platforms that disappear and reappear, but the intervals are not always regular, they are in tune to the music.
- There’s a lot of slower chain swinging sections.
- Music Note Locations
- 1st Note: Right after the first chase sequence, drop down the hole.
- 2nd Note: While riding a green moving chain platform, drop down for the camera to pull back and reveal a platform with a music note.
- 3rd Note: Instead of going down a spike pit, jump to the right to make the camera pull back and reveal a jumping platform section.

Level 3
- This is the last level of the free levels.
- The start of this level is a long stretch (30 seconds) without checkpoints. If you fail before the first checkpoint, you start at the beginning again.
- All of the music notes in this level are completely out in the open, along the route, and easy to get.
- Music Note Locations

Level 4
- This section introduces alternate paths. You can either choose to take the top or bottom route, depending on which feels better for you to play. There’s not much of a time difference between them.
- Level 4 introduces portals to the game!
- Music Note Locations
- 1st Note: To the left of the “windmills”. Jump on top of the edge and over to the left side.
- 2nd Note: Down a hole.
- 3rd Note: Down a hole between two blue bounce boxes. If you miss this note, you have to reset the level to get it. It locks you out if you jump into a blue box.

Level 5
- Level 5 introduces gravity flipping to the game! Walk into arrows to make gravity flip between the ceiling and floor.
- There’s a section where you can do a slight maneuver to use momentum to rocket yourself through a set of yellow portals.
- Music Note Locations
- 1st Note: On the ceiling after a gravity swap.
- 2nd Note: Make sure to hug the right wall, because if you fall into the elevator you need to reset the level to go back.
- 3rd Note: Down a hole under a green moving spike block.

Level 6
- Lots of gravity flipping in this level too, but more fast paced and with more portals!
- Music Note Locations
- 1st Note: Down and to the left after doing a gravity swap.
- 2nd Note: Up on the ceiling after doing a gravity swap.
- 3rd Note: Loop through the green portals to gain momentum and force the camera to zoom out and reveal the note.

Level 7
- Level 7 introduces growing blue spikes!
- Music Note Locations
- 1st Note: Down and to the left under a ledge in a room with disappearing green platforms and blue spikes.
- 2nd Note: Fall into a hole on the ceiling after jumping on an orange bounce pad.
- 3rd Note: Let a red triangle shoot upwards and then jump into the hole it was blocking.

Level 8
- The start of this level is a long stretch (30 seconds) without checkpoints. If you fail before the first checkpoint, you start at the beginning again.
- Lots of sequences require you to be precise.
- Making sure to fully press into the blue jump boxes at the end of chase sequences.
- Jumping at the perfect times to make it into portals.
- There’s a section with four swinging chains that is difficult if you fail it the first time. The chains don’t reset when you die, making it hard to get swinging momentum on them for subsequent tries.
- Music Note Locations
- 1st Note: Inside of the top pink portal on the right side of the room.
- 2nd Note: Loop through the pink portals once, and then jump through the yellow portal to end up on a top section in the next room. If you miss this jump, you’ll have to reset the level to get it.
- 3rd Note: At the bottom of a hole while you’re being chased by a blue spike moving block. If you miss this the first time, it’s difficult to get the right momentum for subsequent tries.

Time ends when you land on the platform at the end of Level 8.