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PRIEST study: Privacy Notice log
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Pandemic Respiratory Infection Emergency System Triage (PRIEST) study (IRAS-Number: 101138): Privacy Notice log


Date in effect

Summary of changes

V6 [current]


Change to date personal data will be deleted due to extension of YAS data.



Removed data source (PUPRN) and removed data flow (NHS England). The planned data flows with NHS England have been abandoned: no data was ever shared.

Updated date ranges for the various datasets listed in Data sources.



Added additional data source (PUPRN) and data flow (NHS England).

Added legal names (in square brackets) of data providers where different from their operating names.

Added “NHS Number” to “Direct patient identifiers present” for [DR] and [DEMO] data, incorrectly omitted previously.

Clarification that NHS Digital is a joint data controller (not a processor) for the purposes of identifying patients from the data supplied to them by the University of Sheffield.



Clarification of purpose of the various data sources.

Narrowed the stated period for which data was collected for some data sources.

Added links to data providers.



Clarification of processing activities, subject rights and how to contact us to make a request under your rights as a data subject.

Clarification of data flows and data sources.

2020-07-30: Corrected the list of participating NHS Hospital Trusts to remove a Trust which had not been involved in the study at any time.


Study opening

Original notice.