Q: Where can I find out more about how to use the ALL Moodle?
A: All participants have access to the Welcome course. It may already appear in your courses but if it does not then you can find it here. If you need help accessing Moodle for the first time you can find the introductory video here
Q: Why haven’t I had the details of my Moodle account?
A: Check your junk mail folder. If you still can’t find it then contact adminall@leadinglearning.co.uk
Q: I have previously logged in but now my login details don’t seem to work
A: If you have previously logged in successfully, instead of using any links you may have been sent, try going directly to https://moodle.leadinglearning.co.uk/login/index.php - and log in using your username and password. If this does not work try resetting your password
Q: When I try to log in I get an error message and Moodle disappears. What can I do?
A: This is most likely because you have entered an incorrect password too many times. If you wait for 15 minutes you should be able to try again. If this doesn’t work, or you need access urgently, contact adminall@leadinglearning.co.uk - if possible please use take a screenshot and include this with your email
Q: How do I find my courses?
A: All courses that you are enrolled can be found in two places: (1) the list on the left hand side of the Moodle screen and (2) in My Dashboard (https://moodle.leadinglearning.co.uk/my/) under the Courses tab.
If you cannot see your course listed there please contact adminall@leadinglearning.co.uk (If you have been given an enrolment key then you will need to enrol yourself onto the course first before it will appear in your courses.)
Q What do I do with the enrolment key I have been given?
A: Find the course you need to enrol on by clicking on Site Home. Scrolling down the page and navigating to the appropriate category. Click on the category of course, and then the course itself. At the bottom of the page will be a box to enter your enrolment key.
Q: I have forgotten my password, what can I do?
A: Go to the Moodle login page (https://moodle.leadinglearning.co.uk/login/) and click on the Forgotten your username or password link. You can then either enter your username or your email address in the appropriate box and a reset link will be emailed to you. If this does not work then contact ALL Admin.
Q:I have forgotten my username, what can I do?
A: Your username is usually the email address that you have registered with ALL.
Q: How can I reduce the number of forum notification emails I am getting?
A: Go to https://moodle.leadinglearning.co.uk/user/preferences.php (or click on your name and select Preferences) and click on Forums. Select one of the Digest options. This will mean that you only get one daily email with all forum posts contained within it.
Q: Why does the Course Progress indicator say less than 100% when I have completed my course
A: The Course Progress indicator shows what activities you have completed within the course - it is an indicator for you, and is not used by ALL staff to judge completion.
There is a box to the right of every section title in Moodle. if the box is dotted it means that it’s automatic – i.e. it will tick itself when you view that section. The way this works is different for different activities:
If it is solid it means that it’s manual – i.e. you are able to tick the box yourself to indicate that you have completed that section.
Because of some system changes that were implemented in June 2020, if you started the course before that your progress may be wrongly indicated. This will not affect your completion of the programme.
Q: How can I change my username, password or email address?
A: You can change all of your details from the Preference page (https://moodle.leadinglearning.co.uk/user/preferences.php) - click on Edit profile to change your name, email address, and to upload an avatar (a small image of you that is displayed in areas such as forum posts) Click on Change password to change your password.
Q: How can I track the progress my course participants have made?
A: Go into the course and click the cog at the top right hand side of the screen. Select More… at the bottom of the menu and then click on Activity completion in the Reports section. This will display a table of all of your course participants, with their progress listed.
Q: Why am I getting email notifications and what can I do about it?
A: To manage your notifications go to https://moodle.leadinglearning.co.uk/user/preferences.php (or click on your name and select Preferences). From here you can select Notifications and then choose the actions that you receive a notification for. Alternatively to reduce your forum notifications click on Forums and select one of the Digest options. This will mean that you only get one daily email with all forum posts contained within it.