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Right-Wing Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers

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This document includes people with political power or access to it, party activists, candidates, and electeds. These are also people in positions of public trust such as educators and law enforcement. There are religious leaders who involved theselves in politics through anti-abortion and anti-gay activism. I also include white supremacist, white nationalists, and other right-wing extremists as they embraced Trump and the Insurrection and Republicans, in turn, embraced them as political prisoners and “patriots.” Whatever brightline existed in the past, it’s been erased by the MAGA takeover of the GOP.

This information is available on different sites in the hope of making sure the content is available if I lose an account.

  1. Donald Trump is accused of sexual assault by more than two dozen women. He is accused of raping a 13-year-old girl, talked about having sex with his daughter, bragged of walking in on underage girls at pageants, claimed he can grab women by the pussy. He is convicted of sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll
  2. Judge Roy Moore is accused of sexual assault and dating underage women.
  3. Jim Jordan is in Republican House leadership though he is accused of ignoring sexual assault of more than a hundred young men while a coach, dismissing it as locker room talk. Students have said they told him and he is said to have called the parents of one complainant asking them to get their son to back off.
  4. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert sexually abused his high school students. He is outside the statute of limitations but was convicted of paying off/bribing some of his victims
  5. Cobb County GOP Chairman Joseph Russell Dendy - child molesting - pleaded guilty, life sentence, parole possible in 30 years. He was 72.
  6. So-called "pro-life"/ antigay  activist Howard Scott Heldreth was convicted of raping a child
  7. GOP Ohio County Commissioner David Swartz convicted of raping two girls - released after only 5 years!!!! Back in prison after contacting one of his victims.
  8. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl
  9. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessingChild Sexual Abuse Material on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
  10. Republican Speaker of the House in PR Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. …
  11. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
  12. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
  13. Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with (RAPED)  a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
  14.  Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
  15.  Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
  16. Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
  17. Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.
  18. Republican of the Year Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
  19. Republican state senator Ralph Shortey from Oklahoma admitted to being involved in sodomy with a 17 year old male prostitute and transporting child pornography.
  20. Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.
  21. GOP Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a page. To be fair, Dem Congressman was Gerry Studds was also caught for the same thing..
  22. Republican Congressman Mark Foley abruptly resigned from Congress after "sexually explicit" emails surfaced showing him flirting with a 16-year old boy.
  23. Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to raping his stepdaughter repeatedly after she was 15. Headline here is gross. Rape/not affair
  24. Republican congressman and anti-gay activist *Robert Bauman** was charged with having sex (raping) with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
  25. Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped and notice, they agreed his record could be expunged in THREE YEARS!
  26. Republican legislative aide *Howard L. Brooks** was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. He pled no contest and was sentenced to 3 years in prison..
  27. Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of raping his 12-year old babysitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
  28. Republican preacher *Stephen White**, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
  29. Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.
  30. Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
  31. Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
  32. Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.
  33. Republican politician *Andrew Buhr** was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. Admitted it, but claimed he thought 13 yr was 18. Mistrial.,474893&hl=en

  1. Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16. He committed suicide
  2. Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.
  3. Republican County Councilman *Keola Childs** pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.
  4. Republican activist, McCain office manager Jeffrey Claude Bartleson, was arrested for molesting the child of a campaign volunteer.
  5. NYC councilman, Republican-Queens, Dennis Gallagher - rape
  6.  Rep Mayoral Candidate and pastor - Pastor Stephen David Rambler was accused of having sex with an underage boy and was convicted of soliciting explicit photos from a swingers' group & using the pics to extort money
  7. Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.
  8. GOP Sen aide Ryan Loskarn committed suicide after CSAM arrest
    Ryan Lokarn, aide to Republican senator Lamar Alexander, killed himself while awaiting trial on child sexual abuse  pornography charges.
  9. Parker J. Bena was a prominent Republican activist and an elector for Bush in 2000. A year later, Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography in a plea dea
  10. Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.
  11. Faith and Family Alliance director, Republican strategist, and lobbyist Robin Vanderwall was convicted of five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet. It's at the end or article, after all his illegal lobbying schemes
  12. Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter
  13. Nicholas Elizondo, director of the "Young Republican Federation" molested his 6-year-old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison
  14. Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr. rape Dasen has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women
  15. Republican Judge and campaign official Tim Nolan for President Donald Trump indicted for human trafficking and forcing a minors (9) to engage in sexual activity
  16. Republican County Board Candidate Brent Schepp was charged with molesting a 14-year old girl.
  17. Randall Casseday, HR Director for right-wing Washington Times - caught in an underage sex sting - "The Washington Times is the only newspaper where the moral issues of family and faith are proudly reported on the front page on a regular basis"
  18. Republican chairman of the Oregon Christian Coalition Lou Beres confessed to molesting a 13-year old girl
  19. Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Floyd has repeatedly won elections for Denton County, Texas, constable
  20. Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex (raping) with a 5-year old boy.
    Lexington Herald-Leader Oct 4, 2005
  21. Republican petition drive manager Tom Randall pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 14, one of them the daughter of an associate in the petition business.
  22. Republican County Chairman Armando Tebano was arrested for sexually molesting a 14-year-old girl.
  23. Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pleaded guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14 year old girls.
  24. Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker is a convicted child molester.
  25. Republican Mayor Tom Adams was arrested for distributing child pornography over the internet.
  26. Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.
  27. Republican Committeeman John R. Curtin was charged with molesting a teenage boy and unlawful sexual contact with a minor
  28. Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader and Lutheran church president and BTK killer Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.
  29. GOP ad consultant Carey Lee Cramer who created an anti-Gore ad modeled on LBJ's "Daisy" ad convicted of sexual assault of 2 8-year-old girls, including daughter who appeared in the ad
  30. Republican Lobbyist Craig Spence - running call-boy sex trafficking ring, killed himself
  31. Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline was placed under house arrest for child molestation and possession of child pornography
  32. GOP state Rep Jim Knoblach of St. Cloud ended his re-election campaign Friday amid detailed accusations from his adult daughter of what she described as his inappropriate behavior toward her since she was 9
  33. Steve Aiken, campaign manager for a Republican candidate for Congress in Arizona, former Quakertown, PA, police officer and self-proclaimed reverend, was convicted of having sex with two underage girls
  34. Republican president of the New York City Housing Development Corp. Russell Harding pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer
  35. Republican state representative Bob Allen charged with soliciting oral sex from a male undercover cop. Normally, I would ignore a gay man being arrested for being gay, but he claimed Fear of Black men made him do it
  36. Republican prosecutor John David Roy Atchison arrested on charges of flying across the country to try and have sex with a five year old girl. Committed suicide.
  37. Republican chairman & radio show host E Ozwald Balfour arrested on four counts of forcible sex abuse/groping
  38. Clifton Bennett, 18, son of Arizona republican state senator Ken Bennett plead guilty to assaulting 3 boys, aged 11-15 with broomsticks up their rectal areas.
  39. Republican preacher Hewart Lee Bennett arrested for soliciting sex from 16 year old boys while claiming that he did so to gain their trust and then teach them the love of Jesus
  40. Republican commission candidate Wilton Frederick Bland sentenced to 80 years in prison for various sex crimes including 45 counts of first degree rape of an 11 year old
  41. Republican councilman John Bryan resigned from office and committed suicide several hours later, just a few minutes before police arrived at his home to question him about his alleged rape of his two adoptive daughters, ages 12 and 15
  42. Garrett Ventry-Judiciary Committee communications aide coordinating GOP messaging on Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation forced to resign due to sexual harassment claims. He denies them.
  43. Republican staffer and long term director of financial operations for Seattle Republicans Larry Corrigan plead guilty for attempted rape of a 13 year old girl
  44. Republican talk show host Scott Eller Cortelyou plead guilty on charges of using the Internet to try and lure a child into a sexual relationship with him
  45. Republican constable Joshua Dickens sentenced to five years in prison for torture related activities against a young woman.
  46. Republican spokesman Brian Doyle arrested for trying to seduce a 14 year old girl over the Internet.  He was later sentenced to 5 years in prison
  47. Republican campaign official and former Romney staffer Matthew Joseph Elliott convicted of sexual exploitation of a child Got great deal, but really went astray, ending up murdering a child
  48. Republican party chair Donald Fleischman was charged with two counts of child enticement and one count of exposing himself to a child (Brown County, WI)
  49. Republican Michael Flory, former head of the Michigan Young American Foundation, raped a colleague at convention
    Michael Flory, who once led National Teenage Republicans & Michigan Federation of Young Republicans organizations, back a 2nd time with 2 new accusations of rape.
  50. Richard Gardner, a Nevada State Representative (R), admitted to molesting his two daughters and 34% of voters still voted for him. That Keyes Constant!
  51. George Roche III resigned as president of conservative Hillsdale College in Michigan after accusations of a quasi-incestuous relationship with his daughter-in-law, Lissa.
  52. Bishop Paprocki is not a sexual predator, but he protects them. He protects and enabled pedophile priests. He engages in partisanship to order Democratic politicians be denied communion by all priests in his diocese, including Dick Durbin
  53. Republican high level Bush appointee Dr. W. David Hager sodomized his wife while she slept.  She divorced him for it.
  54. Republican sheriff Don Haidl used his office to smear the victim who was gang raped. The main perpetrator was Haidl’s son, who poisoned the victim. Sheriff Haidl claims that the girl deserved it because she was a "slut."
  55. Republican activist Neal Horsley admits to having had sex with a mule.  Horsley also wants all homosexuals arrested and solicited murders of abortion providers on his Nuremberg files site.
  56. Conservative cardinal Bernard Law of Boston covered up thousands of instances of sexual molestation by fellow conservative members of the clergy.
  57. Republican congressman Joseph McDade charged with exposing his genitalia to two women on a public beach
  58. Republican delegate Robert McKee resigns after police seize two computers and videotapes from his home pertaining to child pornography
  59. Republican blowhard TV personality Bill O’Reilly paid several million dollars to settle a sexual harassment suit with Andrea Mackris.
  60. Republican mega-preacher Marshal Seymour arrested on charges of having sex with underage boys.  Seymour had been jailed almost a decade earlier for similar charges in a different state
  61. White supremacist National Vanguard leader Kevin Alfred Strom arrested and charged with child pornography
  62. Daniel Dean Thompson founded a familly values film company that removed all the "bad parts" from films to make them family-friendly - front for child porn, arrested for having sex with 14-year-old
  63. Wharton prof & conservative consultant on media effects on children Lawrence Scott Ward - video of himself having sex with children, sex tourism
  64. Spokane Republican homophobic mayor Jim West recalled after evidence surfaced that he molested little boys
  65. Focus on the Family's Steve Wilsey - molesting an 8 year old boy
    NewspaperAugust 8, 2004 | Gazette, The (Colorado Springs, CO) Author: BILL HETHCOCK
  66. Republican Southern Baptist megachurch pastor Paul Williams faces charges of molesting his son
  67. Chairman of the Young Republican National Federation, Glenn Murphy Jr., from Indiana was busted for assaulting another man. Not the first time it's happened.
  68. Republican Township Supervisor Robert Holland pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 92-year-old nursing home resident in 2006. He was given a two-to-four year sentence. Ex-town official sentenced for molesting patient http://findarticles.eom/p/articles/mi_kmtpi/is_200703/ai_nl8699927
  69. Antigay pastor Leonard Ray Owens told a woman who had miscarriage she was possessed by a sex spirit and lesbian demon so he raped hert.
  70. GOP State Rep & House Minority Leader Galen Fox convicted of molesting a woman who was a flight with him from Honolulu to Los Angeles
  71. Albert Andre Zimmerman, GOP-appointed spokesperson for the State of Florida Department of Children and Families, producing child porn
    The Wrong Voice
  72. The Republican Mayor of Collins Missouri, and Pastor of the Temple Lot Church in Collins, Allen D. Kauffman caught in internet sting by adult pretending to be 13 
  73. Dana Rorabacher's aide Jeffrey Nielson, sex with underage boys
  74. SD State GOP Rep Ted Klaudt: rape, sexual exploitation of a minor, witness tampering, stalking. Five victims, three foster children who lived with Klaudt.
  75. Elyria Ohio city councilman, Republican Joseph Monteleone Jr. was found guilty of fondling underage girls
  76. GOP County Commissioner Patrick Lee McGuire child molestation
  77. Republican Mayor Jeffrey Kyle Randall was sentenced nine months in jail and six years on probation on charges that he molested two boys
  78.  Republican Judge Donald Thompson from Oklahoma, was found guilty on four counts of indecent exposure after using a penis pump while presiding over court cases.
  79. Ohio GOP Caucus lawyer Stephen Linnen - "Naked Photographer" a moniker suggesting his snapping pics of women in the nude was harmless. It was not
  80. Texas: Kaufman Co.Sheriff candidate Eddie Frankum ndicted for sexual harassment and illegally detaining women while police chief.
  81. GOP campaign volunteer and national convention delegate Ted Bundy - kidnapping, rape, murder
  82. Gun activist Cody Wilson- child sexual assault
  83. Christian Television Network entertainer Ronald William Brown convicted for child porn, the rest is just too disturbing to go into
  84. GOP state Senate aide Alan Berlin - internet child sex. I don't care about him being a furry. I know a few furries who are lovely people, including one of my nephews. They are not pedophiles.
  85. Trump White House aide Rob Porter - domestic violence
  86. Roger Ailes, Republican propagandist, sexual harassment
  87. Jason Miller, Trump campaign staffer and Trump advocate on CNN - poisoned ex with abortion pill It's not the sex, it's not the desire for abortion, it's the doing it against her will
  88. GOP megadonor Steve Wynn - sexual harassment and rape
  89. Michael Cohen used threats and money to silence women and reporters who could expose sexual predator @RealDonaldTrump
  90. GOP Rep Patrick Meehan sexual harassment
  91. GOP Congressman Blake Farenthold - sexual harassment
  92. Former Republican WY Sec of State Ed Murray - sexual assault
  93. KY GOP state legislator Dan Johnson accused of sexual assault of 17 year-old. Killed himself
  94. OR GOP state senator, Jeff Kruse, subjected two women senators to unwanted sexual touching
  95. Pennsylvania Republican state rep Nick Miccarelli - domestic violence
  96. Republican CO state senator Randy Baumgardner - sexual harassment,
  97. OH state representative, Republican Wes Goodman - inappropriate behavior
    He was also accused of fondling an underage boy
  98. MN state rep Tony Cornish - sexual harassment
  99. AZ state rep Don Shooter - sexual harassment
  100. FL state senator Jack Latvala - sexual harassment, assault
    He reached a settlement
  101. KY state rep Jeff Hoover sexual harassment
  102. Idaho GOP state rep Brandon Hixon - child molestation, committed suicide
  103. Republican Ohio state senator Cliff Hite - sexual harassment
  104. Cumberland County Commissioner Bruce Barclay is not included because he hired male and female prostitutes every week. He’s included because he taped them without their knowledge.
  105. PA GOP Congressional candidate Derek Walker - broker into ex’s house to tape heir having sex
  106. Franklin Graham, partisan religious leader, uses his family name & father’s credibility to protect child molestors and sexual predators, including Trump, Roy Moore, and Kavanaugh
  107. Republican Judge Alex Kozinski, Brett Kavanaugh’s mentor: sexual harassment
  108. Trump Deputy Chief of Staff for Communication Bill Shine - an expert at protecting and covering up sexual harassment and abuse.
  109. How did I forget GOP Sen. Bob Packwood - serial sexual misconduct
  110. Republican Columbus Mayor Dana Rinehart was never indicted for molesting 13-year-old babysitters, but years later it was discovered cop spied on her and family and worked to protect him from indictment
  111. Republican Judge Samuel Barstow Kent - sexual assault
    By the way, he thinks prison is unfair
  112. MO Gov Eric Greitens - consensual affair, BUT he took nude photos and threatened to publicize them. Yes, charges dropped, but because prosecutor was also a witness which is not allowed. Also, stealing from charity

Update: His ex-wife accuses him of domestic violence toward her and their son.

  1. Montgomery Co GOP Chair Robert Kerns - rape pled to indecent sexual assault
  2. Edison Misla Aldarondo, Republican Speaker of the House in Puerto Rico, rape of 17-year-old girl, molesting stepdaughter, plus corruption
  3. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas - sexual harassment. He lied to the Senate. Senate Judiciary did not allow other accusers to testify.
  4. GOP Candidate for ME House, James Tracey, Jr. indicted for rape in Rhode Island, stayed in the race, won primary, lost general, pled no contest  
  5. Alabama RW religious leader - Ralph Lee Aaron - child molesting
  6. NV Governor Jim Gibbons - accused of assaulting a woman, settled a civil suit
  7. PA GOP Congressman Don Sherwood - not for having an affair, but for assulting and choking the woman he had an affair with
  8. Republican Judge Mark Fuller - domestic violence
  9. GOP Rep Trent Franks - harassment of his office staff - to serve as surrogate for he and his wife, this makes me feel sad, actually 
  10. GOP Congressional aide Matthew Pennell - child molesting plea deal to 2 or 17 charges
  11. GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain - sexual harassment
  12. Tennessee GOP state rep Scott DesJarlais - OK, these are consensual affairs, but with PATIENTS!!!!
  13. GOP Rep John Schmitz - John Birch Society member had two families (one he did not support) - and obviously there was some sickness going on because on of his daughters is Mary Kay LeTourneau the child raping teacher.
  14. California GOP Rep Ernie Konnyu - sexual harassment
  15. Styles Bridges - R-MA - This man was filth. He extorted Dem Sen Hunt of WY that he would reveal his son’s homosexuality unless Hunt resigned so the R’s could get his seat. Hunt refused, but then killed himself. This headline is from a citizen’s jury, not a real one
  16. Joe McCarthy, R-WI, started the Lavender Scare, a purge of gays from government.  Many other Republicans joined in. Technically not a crime, but surely an immoral act
  17. Pastor Roy D. Bolden, Providence RI GOP Chair child molestation and sexual assault
  18. Ron P Broussard, Jr of TRUMP UNIVERSITY - sex with 8-year-old
  19. Republican state senate candidate Sherman Lee Criner - molesting 6-year-old girl. Prosecutors used unusual standard of enough evidence to convict rather than probable cause, possibly because he is a popular lawyer. NOT CLEARED, just not indicted
  20. Wenatchee Republican Michael T McCourt molested children for 30 years behind a civic front as a utilities commissioner, political operative and community volunteer, Then asked judge for leniency because of all his community activism
  21. Unsuccessful Republican candidate William C Mach - child molestation. Ironically, he ran on a campaign to fight child molestation and was endorsed by related organizations
  22. Republican Sheriff Perry Grogan continued to campaign despite indictment for child molestation, probably because of disgraceful coverage like this. He was convicted.
  23. Republican campaign consultant and Baptist pastor Kenneth Adkins - child molestation. By the way, he said Pulse victims got what they deserved. So should he.
  24. GOP candidate for OH legislature James E. Dutschke = child molestation also investigated for ricin letters to Obama
  25.  Brian O'Toole, Republican Sunnyvale mayor convicted of child molestation.
  26. Last month Indianapolis Republican City Councilman Jeff Miller resigned/plea deal for child molestion
  27. While Douglas Marks was a teacher, he was probably able to abuse two generations of children because of his wealthy Republican family. His brother was Speaker of the House.

  1. Vermont Republican statea senator Norman McAllister who's one of the Legislature's most outspoken conservatives charged with sexual assault, human trafficking and prohibited acts. Made a plea deal
  2. SC Rep Chris Corley - domestic violence
  3. Gordon Blake, a political activist who twice ran unsuccessfully for the GOP nomination to state legislature - child molesting
  4. Darrell Gilyard, Jerry Falwell protege, must really be some preacher, convicted of child molestation, on parole and back in the pulpit. So they ban children from the church
  5. Conservative Baptist minister Matt Baker murdered his wife
  6. Richmond County Republican Party official Brett Bennie Langham was indicted for child molestation. Brett Bennie Langham
  7. FOX News Latino VP, Francisco Cortes - sexual harassment
  8. Eric Bolling, formerly FOX News - sexual harassment
  9. Kimberly Guilfoyle - FOX NEws - sexual harassment
  10. David Garland, President of rightwing Baptist Baylor University, covered up rapes, said women willingly became victims.
  11. Political hack and professional hypocrite Ken Starr covered up rapes while Chancellor at Baylor
  12. Stephen Dalton Baril just got not jail time even though he took a plea for rape, perhaps because his grandfather was John Dalton, a former governor, and his father Steve Baril ran for Attorney General.
  13. Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis, Republican, indicted for rape, stalking, obstruction
  14. While Oklahoma Republican representative George Faught did not commit rape and incest (as far as I know) he said it’s all part of god’s will, so he joins the list of rape enablers.
  15. Connecticut Republican politician Christopher von Keyserling was arrested and charged with sexual assault. Trump’s his role model
  16. Bob Jones University Blamed Victims, not Abusers
  17. Rhode Island state Sen. Nicholas Kettle, a 27-year-old Coventry Republican, of twice coercing a Senate student page to have sex with him and of sharing nude pics of his ex-grilfriend. The sexual assault/extortion charges were dropped when the intern refused to return to testify. He pleaded guilty to sharing pics.
  18. Milo Yiannopolous defended pedophilia, saying older men can show younger men who they are
  19. Caleb Bailey, Trump delegate - child pornography
  20. Paul Travis Williams, former Lumpkin Co GOP Chair, child pornography
  21. Bishop Raymond Burke of Missouri said John Kerry should not get communion, excommunicated all sorts of people, but not pedophile priests
  22. CJ Mahaney covered up sexual abuse in his churches
  23. Megachurch pastor Bob Coy allegedly raped and molested a girl from age 4 until she was 14 and his Republican pals helped cover it up, sealing his divorce file, not investigating the complaint
  24. Baptist Megachurch Pastor Matt Chandler punished a woman for divorcing her pedophile husband. Did not punish the husband.
  25.  AZ GOP State Sen. Scott Bundgaard - domestic violence, not arrested at the time because cops believed him when he said he had immunity while House was in session
  26.  WA GOP state Rep. Matt Manweller is accused of sexual misconduct with students and legislative aides.
  27.  TX GOP state Sen. Charles Schwertner accused of sending sexting grad student, sending dick pic
  28.  Indiana Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill - groping
  29.  IN state Rep Jud McMillin - a sex video sent from his phone. He claims his phone was lost so he could be a victim to the end, he’s resigned for misconduct before
  30. TN State Rep David Hawk convicted for hitting his wife. Now running for Speaker.
  31.  TN state GOP Rep Mark Lovell - sexual harassment
  32.  TN State Rep.Jeremy Durham sexual misconduct
  33. Alabama Republican Party Executive Committee and former Cullman County Commission Chairman James Graves, 73, 1st degree sex abuse of 17 year-old-girl
  34. Tennessee Republican judicial candidate Chuck Hunter - enticement 14-year-old teen
  35. Dr Don Boys is a rape apologist. According to him, it’s not rape unless she screams and there are TWO witnesses.
  36. Wasilla Republican Sen. David Wilson was disciplined for retaliation against a staffer who complained he upskirted her. Investigation ruled that while h e did put his phone down by her skirt hem, he failed to get close enough.
  37. Former GOP state house candidate Schaeffer Cox - Domestic Abuse , also soliciting murder, terrorism
  38. Sheriff Joe Arpaio ignored 400 sexual assault and abuse cases, allowing rapists and molesters to continue unbothered by anything so troublesome as an investigation
  39. Ron Williams II - Trump’s Kobach Voter Fraud commission staffer, also worked on claim Obama DOJ discriminated against white voters - child pornography
  40. GOP Fundraiser Michael Centanni - child pornography
  41. James City GOP Chair Charles K Young - child pornography - sentenced to six years.  He was found with over 600 images.
  42. Republican Mayor Rick W Nelson of Stillwater NY, - child pornography - LONG history of it.
  43. GOP Stockton mayor Anthony Silva - alcohol to minors, playing strip poker - he’s got a big felony trial in Nov for embezzlement, money laundering
  44. CA Deputy AG Raymond Liddy, son of G. Gordon Liddy, child pornography. Some RW site call him a Dem because they call all nonpartisans Dems, but here’s over a decade of campaign giving -
  45. OK GOP State Sen Bryce Marlatt - sexual battery
  46. OK GOP state Rep Dan Kirby - sexual harassment
  47.  Missouri GOP Speaker of the House Rod Jetton - pled guilty to assault, injuring a woman during “rough sex”
  48.  MT GOP state Rep Jason Priest - domestic violence
  49.  SC GOP state Rep Nelson Hardwick - accused of assault, pled guilty to sexual harassment
  50.   SC GOP state Rep Thad Viers, stalking and harassing ex-girlfriend - pled guilty now sentenced for money laundering
  51.  WI state Rep Bill Kramer  - sexual assault
  52.  Illinois GOP Senate candidate Jack Ryan accused of coercing wife to have sex in front of people at sex clubs - the coercion is the issue. I don’t care about kinks
  53.  NC Baptist Minister, state Rep and County Commissioner Coy C. Privette - so soliciting prostitutes which would not be a thing, except he paid them by check, then reported the checks as stolen, the louse.
  54.  Kennesaw Mayor, former councilman Leonard Church (all households required to own a gun) child molestation
  55.  GOP WA state Sen Joe Fain - accused of rape, accuser inspired by Christine Blasey Ford
  56.  Federal judge Brett Kavanaugh and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been credibly accused of sexual assault
  57.  George H.W. Bush - several groping allegations (though my sister worked in nursing homes & said they used to note DOM (Dirty Old Man) on charts because it was so common for aged men to lose their social control
  58.  AL GOP Gov. Robert Bentley - sexual harassment
  59.  Pensacola’s GOP Sheriff Al Harrison convicted of forcing women prisoners to have sex with him.
  60.  SC celebrity politician Thomas Ravenrl, former Republican State Treasurer, sexual assault, assault and battery
  61.  Colorado Republican House minority leader Mike May’s company sued for sexual discrimination/harassment
  62.  Republican Sheriff L. PAUL BAILEY of Berrien Co, Michigan oversaw a prison where several inmates were raped and abused.
  63.  Reagan appointee U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith Jr. sexual harassment and misconduct
  64.  SD GOP state Rep. Mathew Wollman resigned after sleeping with interns Plural!
  65.  Republican NY state Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin - sexual harassment
  66.  NY Assemblyman Greg Ball - R - sexual harassment and assault several times in NY & TX
  67.  NY Assemblyman  Republican Angela Wozniak sexual harassment, retaliation after staff member breaks off affair
  68.  Former state representative and gubernatorial candidate Steve Nunn ignored the restraining order had against him for domestic violence and murdered her.
  69.  GOP Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls gets ONE YEAR for raping a young woman since she was 9 until she was 23.
  70.  Will Folks, spokesperson for Republican Gov. Mark Sanford (Appalachian Trail) convicted for domestic violence.
  71.  MN GOP state house candidate Brad Gerten - domestic assault
  72.  GOP Congressional candidate David "Bull" Gurfein domestic violence
  73. University of Massachusetts Republican Club vice president -Bradley S. DeFlumeri domestic violence, violating restraining orders. 
  74. Carl’s, Jr CEO and big Trump supporter Andrew Puzder lost the opportunity to be Labor Secretary because of domestic violence history, but Trump still wants him in the administraiton
  75. Albuquerque Republican Rep. Rory Ogle - domestic violence and assault withdrew from reelection campaign
  76. William "Wild Bill" Janklow Republican governor of SD - two rapes, one as a minor, the other, he took advantage of reservation inability to prosecute whites who commit crimes on rez.
  77. Republican Congressman Dan Burton - sexual harassment and groping
  78. Dick Armey, GOP Congressman from Texas - sexual harassment, inappropriate conduct with college students
  79. Pennsylvania Republican State Sen. John Peterson, later elected to Congress - sexual harassment, grabbing a woman’s breast
  80. Neil Bush, the S&L grifter of the Bush family, sex tourism in Thailand and Hong Kong. We know what sex tourists are looking for in Thailand.
  81. James Woods, actor and right-wing provocateur, was accused by Amber Tamblyn of trying to pick her up when she was underage. Since then many other women have come forward
  82. Ted Nugent, alleged musician and right-wing provocateur who joked about assassinating Obama, beloved friend of moralist Huckabee - sex with underage girls
  83. Gregory Nathan Peterson, Utah Republican fundraiser charged with 21 charges of rape, forcible sexual abuse and battery, two charges of aggravated kidnapping, one charge of assault and one charge of felony burglary. Committed suicide while on bail
  84. NH GOP Representative Robert Fisher created The Red Pill Reddit site which is known for its tips on how to get away with rape, etc.
  85. Union County GA GOP Chairman Billy Joe Turnage - attempted rape and it was broadcast on internet
  86. WI GOP Rep. Roger Rivard on the list for excusing and enabling rape by saying “some girls rape easy.”
  87. NJ GOP candidate for town council Mike Krawitz had to resign after threatening, wishing reporter would be raped.
  88. Rory A. Koch, committee administrator for the Minnesota House Republicans, child pornography
  89. Former GOP Walton Co. Commissioner Lane Rees - child pornography
  90. James "Dub" Maines, formerly GOP Rep. Joe Barton's deputy district director - child pornography
  91.  Joseph Hayon, Midwood Republican Who Ran On Family Values Platform, Confesses To Viewing Child Pornography
  92.  Christian Hine, Charlotte Tea Party leader - child porn and had the nerve to claim it was how he self-medicated for an autistic disorder and depression from a failed relationship
  93.  Southern Baptist Convention leader and Trump religion advisor Frank Page resigns over moral failings
  94.  Far right religious leader Mark Aderholt - sex with underage, sexual assault. Church organization knew and ignored it.
  95.  Former Judge, Baptist Leader, Republican Paul Pressler - sexual abuse/assault underage men.
  96.  Larry Weinstein, Northampton Township Supervisor and former campaign manager for GOP Rep. Scott Petri and his girlfriend charged with indecently assaulting unconscious woman
  97.  GOP Commissioner John Butler and his wife sexually abused his underage niece.
  98.  Anti-Choice Congressman Tim Murphy forced to resign for hostile work environment/harassment and asked his lover to have an abortion.
  99.  GOP Commissioner Jack Gardner of Millersville, PA was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl, pled guilty. 30 years later he’s on the City Commission.
  100.   Lincoln County GOP commissioner and town clerk Merril Robert Barter of Boothbay Harbor - molesting an underage boy while at the State Republican Convention.

  1.   Michigan GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Schuette. This is what he does on camera! OMG, what does he do when no one is looking?
  2.   Broward Co Florida GOP Party Secretary Rupert Tarsey attacked a woman, a classmate, with a hammer & they did not force him out of office
  3. Travis Bauer, former aide to Oklahoma GOP Gov. Mary Fallin was accused of took photos up a woman’s skirt during a meeting.
  4. Frederick Eugene Wall, Republican candidate for state house in SC, is charged with child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor. He threatened reporter who asked him about it. He denies he was charged, but he has the same name, age, and address.
  5. Gary Schaffrick, State GOP Treasurer in CT - child endangerment that sounds a lot like sexual assault (Bathing nude with 5 yr old boy who he sits on his lap while both are naked, sharing a bed)
  6. Elected @GOP state legislators who oppose changes to state statutes of limitation so that victims of sexual assault and exploitation will be able to come forward and get justice. They are on the side of rapists and child molesters
  7. GOP Rep. Michael Capps of Wichita - child abuse of foster child, overturned on a technicality, party withdraws supports, asks him to withdraw but he won’t
    Kansas Republican state Rep. Michael Capps was also part of the conspiracy to smear mayoral candidate.. He lost his primary.
  8. Roy Bolden, Chair of the Providence GOP - first-degree and second-degree child molestation, and third-degree sexual assault.
  9. Elliott Broidy, former RNC Finance Chair, mega-donor - sexual abuse
  10. Iowa GOP staff Jim Friedrich cost Iowa taxpayers $2.2 million with his sexual harassment of women
  11. Former GOP State Senator Shawn Hamerlinck, sexual harassment - cost taxpayers #2.2 million
  12. Iowa state Sen. Merlin E. Bartz - sexual harassment
  13. Iowa GOP aide Ed Failor Jr - sexual harassment
  14. Iowa GOP state Sen. Rick Bertrand - sexual harassment
  15. Iowa State Sen Bill Anderson - inappropriate conduct, comments
  16. Iowa State Sen Tim Kapucian - inappropriate comments/conduct
  17. GOP NV Assembly candidate and LEGAL brothel owner Dennis Hof was under investigation for sexual assault, though his death 10/16/18 will probably end the investigation
  18. ID state rep Mark Patterson - pled guilty to attempted rape,lied about it, also said his constituents aren’t interested in that.
  19. Southern Baptist Seminary leader Paige Patterson pressured women to not report their rapes, told woman it was good she was raped. He’s not the rapist, but he helped the rapist rape more women
  20. ME state house GOP candidate Mark Bedell - domestic violence
  21. NH state Rep. Eric Schleien to resign amid allegations he sexually assaulted 16 year old student.
  22. ME GOP state house candidate Chris Hoy- violating protective order, domestic violence, assault, pled guilty
  23. GOP Voters - More Republican voters would vote for a candidate accused of sexual harassment than would not. They have embraced their role as the party of sexual abuse.
  24. John Boswell, Republican donor-activist - sexual assault. Arrested twice, first time at Trump inauguration, paid a $50 fine.
  25. OK Republican George Faught makes the list for claiming rape and incest are God’s will. Rape culture on steroids.
  26. State Rep. Rob Brooks - R-WI - racist remarks and sexual harassment
  27. US Rep Ralph Norman thinks sexual assault is a joke, cracking a joke about it during a debate
  28. Former executive director of SC Republican Party Todd Kincannon - domestic violence. He may be mentally ill.
  29. Benjamin Sparks, NV GOP Consultant, WI GOP spokesman, Romney campaign spokesman, enslaved and battered his fiancee. In 2020, charged with rape.
  30. GOP Farmington CT Town Council member Jon Landry carried on an extramarital affair for years with a young woman he met online as a girl of 12, and began having sex with after she turned 16
  31. Michael Kelsey, NY state GOP representative, convicted of sexually abusing two boys.
  32. NY state GOP Rep Joe Incoronato was censured for saying women bring assault and harassment on them by their behavior. He is in new trouble for writing on behalf of shi son-in-law, convicted of spying on women with camera
  33. NC Congressional Candidate Steve Von Loor - domestic violence
  34. Republican state Rep. James DeCesare of Kentucky settled a sexual harassment claim and did not run for re-election.
  35. Republican state Rep. Michael Meredith of Kentucky settled a sexual harassment claim, but is running for reelection and trying to block the release of information.
  36. Brian Linder, Republican state representative in Kentucky settled a sexual harassment claim and is trying to block the details from being released.
  37. MN Republican Rep.Jason Lewis mocked women who said they were assaulted.
  38. Republican Congressional candidate Anthony Pappas - domestic violence
  39. David W. Coderre, Connecticut State Senate Republican nominee - domestic violence
  40. Baltimore City Council candidate Republican Ryan Nawrocki, alleged domestic violence. Police reported evidence of violence, now denied
  41. California Republican Assemblyman Devon Mathis accused of sexual assault, running for re-election. The accusation was on social media, but backed up by the resignation letter of one of his staff
  42. Scott Paul Beierle, a member of FSU Republicans and We Are Conservatives, has been arrested twice for groping women before killing two and wounding several more in a mass shooting
  43. Patriot Prayer videographer Matthew "Deme" Cooper was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy on a victim under age 13. … 
  44. Doomsday Preppers actor and child-sex-offender Tyler Smith joined Patriot Prayer at an NYC hate rally in 2017
  45. Proud Boy Graham Jorgensen - domestic violence and cyber-stalking, targeting a former intimate partner
  46. NH Republican state house representative Frank Sapareto - assault in dispute during a porn film HE WAS PRODUCing
  47. Steve Watkins, Republican Congressional representative in Kansas was accused of sexual misconduct unwanted sexual advances
  48. Michael Moates, conservative news-blogger, accused of sending inappropriate messages to underage girls
  49. Conservative journalist Mark Halperin accused of sexual harassment
  50. Nick Sauer, Republican state rep in Illinois, resigned after his ex-girlfriend accused him of posting revenge porn
  51. Ed Crane, co-founder of the libertarian Cato Institute, sexual harassment
  52. Conservative Evangelical pastor Andy Savage of Tennesee - sexual abuse of a minor
    Andy Savage, a TN Baptist preacher who advocates conversion therapy, was confronted by Jules Woodson whom he raped when she was just 17. He admitted a sexual incident and said he regretted it and the congregation applauded.
  53. Chris Conlee protected Andy Savage at Memphis Church
  54. Larry Cotton, conservative Evangelical pastor covered up Andy Savage’s crime
  55. Alex Jones, right-wing conspiracist, sexual harassment, groping, racism. Did I miss this because I skip anything with his name because he’s a fantasist?
  56. Wm F Buckley admiring FOX News reporter James Rosen - sexual harassment
  57. Right-wing former actor Scott Baio, sexual assault saved by statute of limitations
  58. Maine Republican district attorney candidate Seth Carey stalking and harassment of ex-girlfriend, unwanted sexual advances
  59. Idaho Republican Sheriff Craig Rowland opened the door for a lot more rapists by saying rape kit legislation is not needed as  "The majority of our rapes that are called in are actually consensual sex.”
  60. Republican Rep. David Byrd inappropriate contact with three underage students.  He says God forgave him
  61. Frank Hughes high school had students wear shirts promoting child-molesting Rep. David Byrd on a state capitol field trip.
  62. Kenny West, Chief of Staff of GOP Representative Mark Meadows - sexual harassment
  63. Republican Representative Mark Meadows was censured for protecting his aide after accusations of sexual harassment and continuing to employ him.
  64. Colorado State Senator Larry Crowder - Sexual harassment of female senate colleague
  65. Colorado State Senator Jack Tate will not seek reelection due to sexual harassment complaint by intern though the allegation of leering & making comments about her appearance is believed to be true, they do not amount to sexual harassment according to GOP leadership
  66. Florida State Representative Ritch Workman - sexual misconduct
  67. Clint Reed, Sen. Marco Rubio’s Chief of Staff, improper conduct
  68. Iowa State Senator Bill Dix fired party’s Communication Director for reporting sexual harassment, then resigned after caught on film kissing a lobbyist
  69. Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler resigned, taxpayers paid to settle suit
  70. MS State Representative John Moore resigned - sexual harassment
  71. Trump White House speechwriter David Sorensen resigned after allegations of domestic violence by his ex-wife
  72. MN State Rep. Rod Hamilton (R) stripped of chairmanship when accused of inappropriate touching by a woman
  73. Father C. John McCloskey Conservative celebrity priest famed for shepherding conversions of Gingrich, Brownback, Kudlow and others was a groper.
  74. Samuel Pimm, GOP consultant, Ben Carson campaign, found guilty of groping woman on a plane, she tells flight attendant The guy next to me is feeling me up."
  75. Former IL GOP State Rep John Anthony - groping
  76. Brian Ellis, GOP Member of PA House of Representatives, accused of drugging and raping a woman.
  77. Erick Bennett who challenged Susan Collins in the Maine GOP primary was convicted of domestic violence which he thought was a good reason to vote for him.
  78. Trump Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta made an illegal plea deal protecting Jeffrey Epstein, a nonprosecution agreement for someone accused of raping underage girls and sex trafficking. Is protecting sexual predators itself an offense? I think so.
  79.  MT state Rep. Fred Anderson, a Great Falls Republican, violated mandatory reporting requirements as a  high school principal, allowing a sexual predator to continue as a coach after students came forward.
  80. NJ Republican freeholder candidate Michael Silvestri has been accused of sexually harassing and assaulting a campaign worker. It’s a big mess with other GOP officials threatening her, etc.
  81. GOP Mega-donor John Childs patronized a sex trafficking ring. Sleeping with sex workers is one thing. When women are forced by traffickers, that’s something else
  82. LA Republican Congressional Aide Jerod Prunty  arrested for pandering, possibly trafficking
  83. Arizona Rep. David Stringer benefited from a plea deal that hid his arrest for child pornography
  84. Steven Muñoz, Trump State Department hire & former Santorum campaign worker, accused of five sexual assaults
  85. Morton Klein, far right head of Zionists of America, newly empowered by Trump has been accused of sexual assault and domestic violence.
  86. Cody Henson - R, NC, two term state rep accused of harassment, cyberstalking, ignoring restraining order his wife got.
  87. TN State House Speaker Glen Casada defends David Byrd, because he claims women who are really raped would move.
  88. Republican Judge John Russo, Jr. was suspended after blaming a rape victim for not closing her legs.
  89. Jacob Wohl attacks the credibility of people who have been assaulted by recruiting people to make false claims of assault against Robert Mueller and Pete Buttigieg
  90. Jack Burkman attacks the credibility of people who have been assaulted by recruiting people to make false claims of assault against Robert Mueller and Pete Buttigieg
  91. Hays County GOP Chair Michael “Bo”  Dresner arrested for sexual assault of a child over SEVEN years. Sentenced to 400 years.
  92. Kentucky State Rep Robert Goforth (candidate for Governor) has been accused of sexual assault
    He resigned
    KY State Rep. Robert Goforth who was also a gubernatorial candidate was arrested for trying to strangle and hog-tie a woman
  93. Republican Sheriff Rene Rodriguez of Lincoln Co, Idaho - sexual assault, lewd conduct, and rape of a minor
  94. Former Republican Congressional candidate Daniel Edmonds, R, molested a child many times over the course of three years.
  95. New York Judge James P. McClusky ruled firmly in favor of rape, even rape of children by giving a man who pleaded guilty to raping a 14-year-old girl to no jail time, only probation. He was endorsed by the
  96. NJ GOP state Sen. Anthony Bucco - sexual harassment, getting women fired for ending relationship
  97. Republican Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger (CA) sexual harassment/groping
  98. CT GOP Senate Candidate Augie Wolf - sexual harassment
  99. CA GOP state assemblyman Dante Acosta - sexual harassment
  100. SC GOP State Rep. Edward Southard - sexual harassment
  101. Former SD GOP state representative Gene Abdallah - sexual harassment
  102. TX GOP state Sen J. E. “Buster” Brown - sexual harassment
  103. Missouri Republican House Speaker John Diehl - sexual harassment
  104. ID GOP state Sen. John McGee - sexual harassment
  105. Conservative media star Josh Duggar - molesting sisters + others
    Child Porn -
  106. Utah Rep House Majority Leader Kevin Garn - inappropriate sexual conduct with minor
  107. CNN Conservative Paris Dennard whom Trump called wonderful - sexual harassment
  108. Republican VT State Sen Norman Mcallister convicted of illegal acts, acquitted of sexual assault (sex with employee was held to be consensual)
  109. Orange County GOP Assemblyman Mickey Conroy - sexual harassment
  110. Steve Bannon - sexual harassment / domestic violence
  111. Ambassador Scott Brown, former GOP senator from MA, accused by FOX News reporter of sexual harassment
  112. OH GOP Congressional candidate Tom Ganley - sexual harassment
  113. CA Rep Assemblyman Trice Harvey - sexual harassment
  114. SC GOP Rep. Josiah Magnuson attacked and harassed fellow Repubilcan who spoke of being raped to argue for R&I exemption for abortion. called rape a misdeed.
  115. NV Sheriff Gerald Antinoro - sexual harassment/assault
  116. CA Assemblyman/gubernatorial candidate Travis Allen - sexual harassment
  117. Knox County Judge Steve Sword, appointed by GOP Gov Haslet, sentenced man convicted of 9 counts for raping his 14yo daughter over 2 years to just 12 years rather than the recommended 72 because of his Christianity
  118. Mississippi Republican State Rep. Doug McLeod snapped "as he often does" and punched his wife in the face for undressing too slowly
  119. Jonathan Parker - former Idaho GOP Chair - arrested for stalking, masturbating outside apartments
  120. David Narramore, KY GOP State Executive Committee and Letcher Cty Chair, arrested for exposing himself
  121. Eric Bodenweiser, GOP State Senate candidate, arrested for over 100 counts of child sex abuse, pleaded no contest to lesser charges
  122. AZ GOP Rules Committee Chair Rep. Anthony Kern - for protecting sexual predators, preventing testimony from child sex abuse survivors

  1. Anti-gay bigot Bishop Thomas Tobin knew about children being raped but didn’t tell anyone because his job was accounting - ignoring his duty of care.
  2. Shawn Brooks, Trump social media super fan behind doctored Pelosi video - domestic violence
  3. George Nader, liaison to the Trump transition - child pornography
  4. Douglas Perlitz, with the support of the rightwing Order of Malta, founded a Haitian orphanage where he molested as many as 170 boys.
  5. Stephen Bratton, TX Baptist minister who advocated charging women who get abortions with murder, arrested for child sex abuse.
  6. Valentino DiGiorgio III, chairman of the Pennsylvania Republican Party, resigned due to sending explicit photo to city council candidate
  7. Todd Poole, a former executive director for the NC GOP and senior staff member was arrested for assaulting a woman. Charges dropped, domestic violence.
  8. Republican Judge James Troiano protected alleged rapist because he’s from a “good family”
  9. Republican Judge Marcia Silva protected rapist by saying 12-year-old victim didn’t suffer serious harm by being raped.
  10. Rightwing Baptist Pastor John Martin - raping young boys
  11. Harry Thomas, RW founder of the Creation Festival, sentenced to 18 years for raping children. At least 5 children assaulted
  12. Amanda Chase, Rep. VA state senator, thinks women are raped because they are naive, unprepared, and not carrying a gun. Rape apologist/enabler
  13. Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbot vetoes bill to protect child victims of trafficking, protecting them from being arrested for prostitution.
  14. OK City Councilman, former ICE agent Jeffrey Short, molesting teen girls
  15. Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski assaulted a reporter and has been accused of sexual assault
  16. PA GOP Party Acting Chair Bernadette Comfort accused of knowing about and ignoring sexual harassment complaints about party officials
  17. Evangelist Jason Brothers raped a 14-year-old girl and got probation thanks to 412 who exploited his legislative position to delay trial for years.
  18. GA GOP Speaker of the House David Ralston abuses his power and a legal ploy to help clients evade justice including rapist Jason Brothers
  19. Republican activist, Putin-advocate Steven Seagal has been accused of rape and sexual harassment
  20. John Jones, chief of intelligence and counterterrorism for the Texas Department of Public Safety, who backed Trump’s anti-immigrant wall propaganda has been accused of rape.
  21. John Fickas, GOP campaign consultant in California, accused of multiple rapes, at least one of a minor
  22. Republican campaign volunteers/staff for #TeamMitch groped and choked a lifesize AOC cutout. McConnell campaign says boys will be boys.
  23. Mississippi Republican Robert Foster refuses to allow women journalists to cover his campaign because he’s a rape-culture-promoting moral weakling who can’t trust himself not to harrass and rape women
  24. Conservative anti-historian Dinesh D’Souza - domestic violence
  25. Missouri GOP state Rep Barry Hovis said date rapes were consensual rapes. He says he misspoke but context shows he meant what he said.
  26. CA GOP Rep. Joel Anderson was reprimanded for sexually harassing& threatening a woman lobbyist.
  27. ID GOP Rep James Holtzclaw - sexual harassment
  28. KY GOP Rep. Jim Stewart III - sexual harassment
  29. OH state Rep Bill Seitz, GOP, sexually offensive jokes about women legislators
  30. OH state Sen. Mark Huffman, GOP, sexually offensive jokes about women legislators
  31. OH state Rep. Michael Henne - sexually offensive statement ito group
  32. Andrew Knarr, GOP legislative aid to CO state Sen. Smallwood was fired for joking about sexual assault
  33. Oregon GOP Rep Bill Post ® sexual harassment, touching a women under the table and mocking sexual assault victims
  34. Omar Navarro, GOP Congressional candidate from California, accused of hiring Jacob Wohl to harass and threaten ex-girlfriend and former staffer
  35. GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa thinks humanity would not exist without rape and incest.  Yay Rape! Yay Incest!
  36. Paxton Singer, youth pastor at anti-gay church - sexual exploitation of a minor.
  37. GOP Oregon Senate candidate Monica Wehby was accused of stalking and harassment

  1. Gary Wiggins
  2. and Meghan Wiggins who run anti-gay converstion therapy “homes” have been indicted for trafficking boys.
  3. Phillip Todd Wilson, an anti-gay high school principal who banned books with gay content was charged with 30 counts of having and sharing chid pornography. Ironicaly, he claimed books with gay characters wre pornographic.
  4. Joshua Powell, former NRA executive director of general operations and advisor to Wayne LaPierre, sexual harassment
  5. GOP House candidate Daniel Rodimer likes to “fuck people up” He claims he was standing up to a bully but police and witnesses say he was harassing women and attacked a man who asked him to leave them alone
  6. Infamous homophobe & intermittent Trump supporter, conspiracist Rev. James Manning accused of abusing students
  7. Pennsylvania Republican State Senator Mike Folmer resigned from his Senate seat after being charged with possession of child pornography
  8. GOP Assemblyman Bill Brough has been asked by the party to withdraw due to multiple complaints of sexual harassment, ethics charges relating to use of campaign fund.
  9. Butler Twp fiscal officer & GOP county treasurer Mark Adams resigned after sexual harassment allegations.
  10. Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nick Hermann (GOP) accused of retaliation for reporting sexual harassment allegation against him.
  11. Sacramento County Sheriff and failed GOP congressional candidate Scott Robert Jones accused of sexual harassment (He’s a real shitbird, ties to hate group)  @Netflix, what were you thinking? 
  12. By a party line vote, Senate confirmed conservative judge Kenneth Lee with racist, sexist, homophobic history who called sexual harassment/assault allegations “irrelevant pouting”
  13. Conservative lobbyist Richard McIntosh worked with GOP legislators in MO to craft Title IX legislation with a “rape equals regret” bias against victims, assuming rape/assault allegations are false. Turns out his son was expelled under such a proceeding. The law would allow his son to appeal to commission on which his mother sits
  14. Former Republican candidate for Idaho governor Steven Pankey  indicted for kidnapping and murder of 12-year-old girl in 1984. Her body was found July 2019. He was suspected at the time due to prior rape allegation, He was convicted Nov 2022
  15. The Southern Baptist Church has become increasingly tied to Republicans due to their opposition to gay rights and abortion. There is a database of over 200 convicted sexual predators among their leadership.
  16. D-list actress and Trump cheerleader Stacey Dash was arrested for domestic, Claims self-defense abuse
  17. Greg May, the businessman who appears in GOP Gov Matt Bevins ad, settled two sexual misconduct lawsuits. The ad has been pulled by the Republican Governors Association.
  18. Cory Green, new GOP candidate for Utah’s 1st district, claims he is as innocent as Kavanaugh He pled guilty to sexual battery.
  19. Texas GOP Rep. Jodie Laubenberg and anti-abortion activist promotes rape culture by claiming rape kits prevent pregnancy so there is no need for rape exemption to abortion bans.
  20. While Eric Lin was thanking God everyday that Trump was president, he was also plotting to kidnap a woman and keep her captive, also planned to exterminate Latinos.
    Trigger Warning on this story
  21. Evangelical Pastor Thomas Bruce, often retweeted Laura Ingraham, murdered one woman, raped two others.
  22. Paul Edward Acton Bowen: Alabama Evangelical religious leader. He founded Acton Bowen Outreach. He is also a convicted child molester serving time in prison. He was sentenced to consecutive maximum sentences, more than 1,000 years in prison.
  23. Paul Petersen, AZ Republican Maricopa County Assessor, indicted for human trafficking and selling chidren. Although one hopes the children went to  loving homes, selling children for adoption is illegal for many reasons, including the lack of investigation of adoptive families.
  24. NJ GOP Senator Jon Bramnick makes a living enabling sexual predators clean up their records so they can prey again. Until recently, he bragged about his success discrediting victims of sexual assault
  25. Peter O’Rourke, Florida GOP Executive Director, retaliated against whistleblowers, covered up sexual harassment complaints, political meddling at the VA
  26. SC Sheriff R. A. Strickland arrested for punching a woman in the face.
  27. VA Republican Delegate S. Vance Wilkins retired nearly 20 years ago for sexual harassment & paying off an accuser. He was recently reported to be thinking of a comeback.Still a party player
  28. Jennifer Van Laar, California GOP campaign advisor and alleged journalist posted explicit photos of Katie Hill, sexual cyberexploitation, to end her career.
  29. East Haven,CT spent a lot of money defending, then settling Republican Mayor Joseph Maturo against sexual harassment charges. More allegations have come in.He retired this year. Wonder why?
  30. Clark Co, WA GOP elected Dan Clark, a convicted child predator, to chair their Bylaws and Resolutions Committee even though they know his history. This is a seriously creepy predator.
  31. Eric Firkel, former Cattaraugus Co attorney and failed candidate for GOP primary for County legislature - accused of sexual harassment
  32. Anti-gay Anglican Father Eric Dudley sexually harassed and abused young adult men through abuse of power. Dudley left Episcopal Church to found Anglicans over opposition to gay rights.
  33. Gordon Sondland, Republican donor and Trump Ambassador, accused of sexual misconduct and retaliation by three women
  34. Jamie Horowitz, Fox Sport President, forced to resign after sexual harassment allegations. He is known for hiring hosts who use stereotypes - to please Trump voters.
  35. Michael Ferro, Chicago Trib owner and GOP donor (30/34 donations) sexual misconduct
  36. Gavin Mcinnes, Proud Boys founder, blames sexual harassment on women, saying #MeToo is proof women don’t belong in the workplace.
  37. Dylan Howard of National Enquirer and other news media, sexual harassment. Featured in “Catch and Kill” for role in covering up on behalf of sexual predators.
  38. Ayn Rand lover Travis Kalanick of Uber and short-lived Trump economic advisory council member was forced to resign over sexual harassment allegations.
  39. Guess founder, Paul Marciano, who switched from D to R in 2016, sexual harassment - resigned.
  40. Betsy DeVos, Trump Education Secretary, proposes rules to Title IX to make it harder to report sexual assault and harassment, protecting campus predators
  41. Extreme right-wing Bishop Donald Sanborn blames women for being raped because they don’t wear skirts to their knees and three-quarter length sleeves.
    He said we should not believe allegations against Kavanaugh because he is more powerful & if true, he absolved him anyway.

  1. The Republican Sandusky County prosecutor Tim Braun has pled guilty to a reduced charge in a plea deal over sexual assault complaint - and gets to keep his job.
  2. Tommy Fisher, Fisher Industries and Trump’s favorite for building the wall - sexual harassment. He took over when former CEO, brother David Fisher, was sentenced for child pornography
  3. Gen. Guy Roberts, former assistant Defense Secretary for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense programs - sexual harassment
  4. Jonathan Murray of Murray Energy, GOP donor, accused of raping his adopted daughter when she was a pre-teen using threat of deportation to compel obedience
  5. Robert Murray of Murray Energy has been accused of sexual harassment. Famously litigious, John Oliver suggests that might be one reason this story has little coverage. Here, he has sued the women’s lawyers for sharing info to advance their case.
  6. Gov. Matt Bevin pardoned a second child molester, this time based on bad science. It is inexcusable he did not check into this first.
  7. Michigan Republican state Rep. Peter Lucido made a sexual innuendo in front of a group from a boy’s school implying they might “have fun with” a young woman reporter. He proffers a pathetic excuse, but it was still a rape threat.
    And now, he’s accused of sexual harassment on the job as prosecutor
  8. Robert Ray, Whitewater prosecutor and Republican primary candidate for Senate in 2002 charged with stalking
  9. An aide to NY state senator Mariarz named Glenn Aronow cost the state taxpayers 90K to settle a sexual harassment suit brough by a co-worker. In response to her complaints, she was taken off work, not him
  10. Wilmington’s Republican City Councilman Ciro Adams accused of sexual and racial harassment
  11. Chad Lupinacci, Huntington Supervisor, and former Republican Assemlyman, sexual assault trial set to begin soon. He is famously anti-gay and the staffer he is accused of assaulting is a man.
  12. Randall Hunt, Gov Ron DeSantis’ appointee to Florida Lottery resigns after background check reveals domestic violence complaint.
  13. Sec. of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie refused to recognize sexual violence at the VA, instead accusing a survivor of lying, even though one in four women veterans experience sexual violence or harassment at VA facilities
  14. Rene Pedrosa, aide to Republican Mayor Francis Suarez, arrested for sending porn to a minor, groping minor.
  15. Rightwing priest, Rev. Richard Bucci said “pedophilia doesn’t kill anyone but abortion does after posting a list of people who cannot receive communion, be godparents, witness ceromonies, etc.
  16. State Senator Michelle Ugenti-Rita (R – Scottsdale) has been accused of sexual harassment and intimidation of a lobbyist - Ugenti-Rita is accused of soliciting for a threesome
  17. Dennis Nielsen, a Johnston County gun shop owner and Republican candidate for N.C. Senate District 11, faces allegations of domestic violence from his wife.
  18. Republican congressional candidate Jamie Berryhill thinks women who have been raped have no value. He also thinks it is acceptable to compare undocumented immigration to rape. Texas
  19. Mayor John Valdivia accused of sexual harassment. Valdivia was former GOP candidate for CA House Dt 31 before he dropped out. 1.2 million settlement
  20. Roanoke attorney & sometimes judge C.J Covati, a donor to the RNC, was found guilty of assaulting a woman at a strip club
  21. Kelly Toppin, Republican school board president & Stow city council candidate accused of sexual harassment
  22. GOP Rep & Trump Toady Matt Gaetz accused by fellow Republican Chris Latvala of having “created a game where members of the FL House got ‘points’ for sleeping with aides, interns, lobbyists and married legislators.”
    Gaetz under investigation for trafficking.
  23. Former White House physician, now Republican Congressman Ronny Jackson - sexual harassment
  24. SC state senate candidate & bullet-proof vest charity operator Michael Allen Letts charged with rape and incest/minor between the ages 11 and 14 and minor under 16
  25. The Village Church - an anti-gay conservative church, fired Anthony Moore for SECRETLY filming his youth pastor in the shower. University gives him a second chance until they learn they were lied to
  26. Michael Tonne was the associate children’s minister at The Village Church and staff at the Children’s Bible Camp. While at the camp, he allegedly raped an eleven-year-old girl. The Village Church was more concerned about protecting its reputation than the little girl. In the end, the prosecution declined to move forward with only the child’s testimony and dismissed the charges Her Evangelical Megachurch Was Her World. Then Her Daughter Said She Was Molested by a Minister.
  27. AZ Republican Sen. Eddie Farnsworth has a long history of defending spousal rape.
  28. Michael Caputo, Trump HHS spokesman abused and harassed women with crude sexual comments on Twitter
  29. Josh Moore, NH Republican said that if breastfeeding is okay and natural and exempt from a bill banning public nudity, then men should be able to grab those breasts.
  30. Oregon Republican John Minnis was forced to resign for getting a woman drunk so she woke up in bed with him with no memory of what happened. It was not prosecuted though the alleged incident meets the legal definition of rape
  31. Fox News host Ed Henry was fired for sexual misconduct
  32. CT GOP Congressional candidate Thomas Gilmer withdrew from the race after his arrest for unlawful restraint and strangulation in a possible domestic assault. The victim is not named, there is video.

  1. Joel Greenberg, endorsed by Matt Gaetz and supported by Roger Stone, has been indicted for child sex trafficking and more in Florida.
  2. Alaska’s Republican Attorney General Kevin Clarkson is on unpaid leave for sending over 500 personal texts in one month to a state employee. This is sexual harassment
  3. Becki Falwell, wife for former Liberty University president Jerry Falwell, Jr. is accused of pressuring a student into sex and pursuing him via Facebook.
  4. Republican Brian Mast apologizes for social media jokes about rape, sex with a child.
  5. Augustus Sol Invictus, former Republican presidential candidate, released on bail after trying to strangle his wife and holding a gun to her head.
  6. Republican Congressional candidate Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina is accused of sexual assault by two women
  7. Sean Hannity of FOX News accused of sexual harassment
  8. Tucker Carlson accused of sexual harassment
  9. Republican campaign manager Bobby Burns accused of raping a colleague.
  10. Marcie Adkins, GOP primary candidate for FL House District 53, accused of ignoring her campaign manager’s past of rape and child abuse
  11. Loren Culp, Republican gubernatorial candidate, is being sued for botching a child sex abuse investigation by accusing the victim, threatening her with charging her with a crime. Culp denies the child rapist is guilty even though he pleaded guilty.
  12. Tennessee Rep. David Hawk convicted of endangerment in domestic violence incident.
  13. Schuylkill County commission Chairman George Halcovage, a Republican, repeatedly violated policy when it came to sexual harassment, discrimination and the physical and verbal abuse of employees. He is likely to get away with it.
  14. Republican Rep. Robert Forsythe, NH state representative, charged with felony domestic violence
  15. John Gallman, SC Republican state Senate candidate - domestic violence
  16. CT GOP party Leader J. R. Romano knew of Gilmer’s Domestic Violence arrest and hushed it up. Fellow Republicans demand his resignation
  17. C. Plover, Republican candidate for Thurston  County Commission in Washington is accused of sexually harassing several young women, approaching them at church  with creepy comments even when they were as young as twelve. He was in search of a child bride.,335
  18. Minnesota Republican Party’s communications director Jack Tomczak is accused by his ex-wife of harassing, stalking, and threatening her. She got a restraining order last month
  19. NH Rep. Howard Pearl was charged with sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl. The case was dismissed by the judge on a technicality, that the prosecution did not provide a video. Read for yourself:
  20. NH state Rep Michael Sylvia referred to a rapist as someone with time on their hands. His claim that he hates rapists is belied by his voting history
  21. NH state Rep Michael Weeden sentenced to one year for threatening his girlfriend (much more to that story!)
  22. NH state Rep James Spillane who recently suggested a BLM sign was an invitation to rob people pleaded guilty to domestic violence. There’s more.
  23. Former NH state Rep. Frank Sapareto was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend’s children and sued for punching his partner in a porn film.
  24. Big money Trump donor and DC Football team owner Dan Snyder is accused of suggesting cheerleader go upstairs and get to know someone better. Created an atmosphere of harassment of women
  25. FOX personality Judge Napolitano has been accused of sexual assault
  26. Brad Parscale is reported to beat his wife according to police who took him into custody after suicide threats
  27. Hamilton Police Chief Tony Yocham an unsuccessful Republican candidate for Sheriff was arrested for “continuous sexual abuse of a child”
  28. Trump donor and Halliburton International Foods CEO Ian Charles Schenkel was arrested for engaging in prostitution with minor children. Isn’t that rape?
  29. Democrat turned Republican Sheriff Robert Anderson Strickland Jr. pled guilty, got no prison time. Domestic violence, beating up his girlfriend. Used position to force subordinate into sexual relationship. Why isn’t this called rape?
  30. Rick Roeber, Republican candidate for MO HD 34, is accused of physical and sexual abuse by his adult children. They swore this in a deposition 20 years it’s not something they made up for the election
  31. Trump endorsing Brett Favre sent unsolicited and decidedly unwanted dick pics to a sports reporter. He also recorded an anti-Semitic video & was paid $1.1 million in Mississippi welfare funds.
  32. Republican donor and Oregon doctor David Farley is accused of sexually assaulting his patients.
  33. Daryl Brooks, GOP poll watcher, perennial GOP candidate, and star “witness” at Giuliani’s Four Seasons Total Landscaping presser exposed himself to two children aged 7 and 11.
  34. Ricky Schroder whose donation helped get Rittenhouse out on bail has been arrested twice for domestic violence. No charges were filed because the victim declined to cooperate, but TWICE!!!
  35. George Rutler, Trump-supporting anti-gay, anti-choice, anti-Francis Catholic priest has been accused of sexually assaulting a security guard.
  36. Ken Kurson, political consultant, Giuliani associate, who withdrew his nomination for a Trump admin appointment due to harassment allegations has been arrested for stalking.
  37. Lauren Boebart, recently elected CO CD3 GOP Rep's husband has been arrested for domestic violence & indecent exposure (to a minor!) Normally it’s not fair to blame women for what their husbands do, but she was THERE when it happened and then married him.
    Colorado Republican Rep Lauren Boebert says rape victims are at fault for being raped because they didn’t have a gun.
  38. Republicans got rid of Victim’s Advocate Jen Storm because she advocated “too much” for victims of sexual abuse in the Catholic church & criticized GOP leader Joe Scarnati for his actions during a staff harassment accusation.
  39. GOP Donor Darrell Cafasso is accused of sexually harassing a colleague. Goldman Sachs who hired him is accused of covering it up and firing another lawyer who spoke up about it.
  40. Melissa Carone just finished serving her probation for harassing her boyfriend’s ex by sending them tapes of him and her having sex.
  41. Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) conspired with VA Sec. Robert Wilkie to smear a woman who claimed she was sexually assaulted at a VA facility.
  42. Unsuccessful GOP Congressional candidate (LA-4) Ben Gibson arrested for child pornography involving children under 13. Gibson is also a Q-Anon conspiracist.
  43. Former CA Republican Congressman Jerry Lewis has been charged with domestic violence.
  44. Republican members of the Texas Board of Education refuse to include information on consent and discussion of bullying LGBTIQ in middle school guidelines.
  45. John Weaver, former aide to McCain and Kasich and a Lincoln Project co-founder, has been accused of sexual harassment and grooming. He confesses to some of the activity.
  46. Adam Donaghey, whose Run Hide Fight has been acquired by Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire, was arrested for raping a minor, which led to the closing of Trumpist movie company Cinestate.
  47. Republican Madison County (IN) Councilman Steven Sumner has been arrested for “child seduction” and possession of child pornography. Performing sex acts on a minor under 16 for 2 years and they don’t call it rape? He may have skipped bail. Warrant issued after failure to appear 7/27/23
  48. Republican OC supervisor candidate John Moorlach is accused of smearing the woman who accused fellow Republican Assemblyman Bill Brough because she claimed his Chief of Staff told her not to report the rape.
  49. Republican Attorney General Ed Sniffen resigned after it was revealed he abused his position of authority as a coach to begin a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old student. This is sexual abuse.
  50. Bradford County PA  District Attorney Chad Michael Salsman, a Republican, was charged sexual assault, indecent assault, witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, & promoting prostitution
    Bradford County DA Chald Salsman (R) pled guilty to sexual assault
  51. Ruben Verastigui has been arrested for Child Pornography. He is the former digital strategist for the Senate Republican Conference. Most complete (triggering) info is here: 
    This is the less triggering source:
  52. Insurrectionsist Edward Hemenway was convicted of rape, sexual battery, and criminal confinement and served five years. VA Original reporting by @AlannaVagianos
  53. Insurrectionist Larry Rendall Brock Jr., stormed the building carrying zip-tie handcuffs and wearing full combat gear. Brock had sent several threatening messages to his ex-wife, HuffPost reported. He was described as a "terroristic threat of family/household" during one call to the police.
  54. Insurrectionist Guy Reffitt - domestic violence
  55. Insurrectionist Mathew Capsel continued threatening and illegal actions toward women even after he was arrested on Jan. 6. Two days later, Capsel violated a protection order — one of multiple violations in the past year — that was filed by a romantic partner after a report of violence
  56. Insurrectionist Jacob Lewis - restraining order for domestic violence and also this
  57. Insurrectionist Samuel Pinho Camargo arrested for battery of his sister
  58. Insurrectionist Dominic Pezzola - domestic violence
  59. Insurrectionist Andrew Ryan Bennett - domestic violence
  60. Insurrectionist Donovan Ray Crowl - domestic violence
  61. State Rep. Luke Simons (R-ND) has been accused by several state legislature employees.
  62. Paulding County District Attorney Dick Donovan, a Republican, indicted for bribery but also accused of sexual harassment -
  63. Maryland Delegate Sid Saab (R)  fired an employee who complained of sexual harassment rather than address the complaint.
  64. Maryland Delegate Brian Chisholm(R)  fired an employee who complained of sexual harassment rather than address the complaint.
  65. Kevin Hohn, former Mayor of Brookville FL and unsuccessful Republican primary candidate for Hernando County Commission arrested for possessing child pornography.
    Kevin Hohn, former Republican Mayor of Brookville, FL, has been charged with possession and distribution of images of the sexual abuse of children.
  66. A former insurance lobbyist has accused Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) of sexual misconduct during a dinner they both attended in downtown Minneapolis in 2017 with corroboration from former employer
  67. Maine Republican state representative Bruce Bickford evidently thinks rape and sexual harassment are funny.
  68. Dave Robinson, Salt Lake County GOP committee’s unofficial comms manager has been accused of threatening and verbally abusing women.
  69. Salt Lake Country Republican Committee Chair Scott Miller responded to complaints of harassment by defaming all the women who came forward in an email sent to party leaders statewide.
  70. Republican Sedgwick County Commissioner Michael O’Donnell smeared Democratic candidate for Wichita mayor with false sexual harassment & then conspired to shift blame to others
  71. Wichita City Council member James Clendenin was another conspirator who hired actresses to make false accusations against a Democratic candidate. All women are damaged by false allegations.
  72. Republican Mayor Dominic Foppoli of Windsor, CA has been accused of sexual assault by four women
  73. Eric Lipman, General Counsel for the Florida Elections Commission and registered Republican. Child Pornography.
  74. Insurrectionist Rickey Williams has been arrested for child pornography. His daughter stole Pelosi’s laptop.
  75. Gary Caplinger, Mayor Pro Tem and City Council member for Allen, TX arrested for child pornography.
  76. Martin (Marty) Peterson, former Idaho State Budget Director, received a suspended sentence and 10 years probation for child pornography involving 6000 images.
  77. Missouri GOP supported Roeber #534 rather than risk losing a seat to a Democrat.
  78. Missour Republican Party director Jean Evans needs special attention for diminishing child rape “People do strange things when they’re grieving.”
  79. Idaho Rep. Aaron von Ehlinger, Republican, accused by several women of sexual harassment, accused of rape by 19-year-old intern.
  80. Idaho Republicans supportive of von Ehlinger have released the victim’s name and accused her of lying. Rep. Priscilla Giddings even sent out a newsletter to constituents.
  81. Rodney Wren, Mike Pompeo’s former speechwriter, candidate for Wichita City Council, failed Republican primary candidate for Kansas State House, arrested for “unlawful sexual relations with a former student” - a minor
  82. Former Republican Lt. Governor David Dewhurst of Texas arrested for domestic violence.
  83. Kansas state Rep. Mark Samsel ranted about masturbation, sex, and one of his student’s genitals. He kneed the student in the crotch in class and suggested girls in the class check his balls, a physical assault for which he was arrested.
  84. T. Elliott Welch, anti-gay, anti-COVID lockdown, rightwing conservative pastor has resigned after his arrest for child pornography that makes this tweet sick-making.
  85. US House candidate Anthony Bouchard impregnated a 14-year-old girl. He was 18. He married her. She killed herself. This is a tragedy for everyone, but a 4 year difference is too much at that age. She was only 14.
  86. Conservative Evangelical pastor Mack Charles Andrews raped and tortured multiple children, including one girl he raped on her father’s grave when she was nine. Released after serving only 5 years. The second link has fewer of the horrible details in the first.
  87. Trump Commerce Dept official Adam Hageman - child pornography, TPUSA
  88. PA Republican Schuykill County Commissioner  George Halcovage - sexual harassment
  89. NH Republican Rep. Kyle Tasker pled guilty to sexual solicitation from a 14-year-old girl
  90. Chad Perkins, a Missouri Republican state representative, abused his power as a cop to solicit sexual favors from a drunk teenager when she was in his custody.
  91. Insurrectionist Ryan Samsel Has a history Of violenceand sexual assault
  92. Athens, TX Mayor James Montgomery, who credited his 2017 victory to being the most conservative candidate, was arrested during a sting operation for online solicitation of a minor
  93. Consensual adult sex is not included, but this intern said it was consensual though she “felt pressured into it.” Brian Bosma, long-time GOP Speaker of Indiana House was accused of affair in 1992. The accusation came in 2018
  94. Rep Rocky Miller of Illinois was ordered to attend sexual harassment training after making up false allegations of an affair about a state House employee.
  95. WV state Rep. Danny Hamrick’s consensual affair is included because it was with a legislative intern, a clear violation of sexual harassment policies and good ethics. It makes consensual iffy
  96. Insurrectionist Sean McHugh, who on ⅙ accused Capitol Police of protecting pedophiles, was convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl. 240 days in jail? SMH
  97. Republican lobbyist Rick Dennis has been cleared of the accusation of using GBH, but the allegation exposed his constant sexual harassment was ignored and tolerated.
  98. Illinois state Republican Rep Andrew Chesney said sex ed was like pornography. “A Mini-HBO porno.”
  99. Matthew Palmer, a former COO of MD Dept of Commerce and a former aide to Republican Gov. Hogan pleaded guilty of sharing and having pictures and video of children being sexually abused.
  100. Former judicial candidate in Florida, Andrew John Jones pleaded guilty to child abuse & tampering with evidence after he raped a minor and got no jail time.
  101. Jesus Blancas, a member of the Boogaloo movement Grizzly Scouts in northern CA that plotted to kill cops so Trump would invoke Insurrection Act has also been indicted for trying to get a 15-year-old girl to produce child pornography.
  102. Jorge Riley, GOP activist and insurrectionist - domestic violence and felony child abuse including choking his 11-year-old son into unconsciousness.
  103. Insurrectionist Ben Martin has a history of violence. Two restraining orders from his sister, accused of domestic violence by former girlfriend, anti-mask ranting
  104. OR Deputy Republican Leader Matt Wingard resigned his position after a woman who worked for him came forward alleging he forced her into an affair.
  105. Republican Sheriff candidate Doug Litwhiler stepping down from the race due to being accused of preying on young girls in a Facebook post. It included screenshots he sent to underage girls and was not anonymous.
  106. Former Sheriff Edward Bullock, Republican, of Warren County, NJ is alleged to have sexually abused young boys in his custody. Four of his victims are now suing the county alleging that people knew this was happening and protected the Sheriff.
  107. Audio recordings show Southern Baptist Convention tried to coverup and obstruct investigations into sexual abuse by pastors.
  108. Chris Simcox, former leader of vigilante group The Minutemen, was convicted of child sexual abuse involving two children, ages 5 and 6.
  109. Philip Godlewski, Q-Anon leader and supporter of the insurrection, guilty of corrupting a minor.
  110. Eric Reinbold, who was convicted of preparing bombs to foment a second American Revolution, was recently released from prison because his wife (whom he had previously tried to kill by ramming her car) had COVID. So he murdered her.
  111. Boyd Householder  who ran a conservative Christian boarding school called Circle of Hope was charged with 79 felony counts and one misdemeanor, including charges for child molestation, sodomy, sexual contact with a student and neglect of a child
  112. Stephanie Householder who ran Circle of Hope, a conservative christian boarding school, has been charged with 22 felonies of abuse or neglect of a child, and endangering the welfare of a child.
  113. Walworth, NY Town Board member Karel Ambroz II was arrested for Attempted Crimiinal Sex Act, namely arranging to meet a 14-year-old girl for sex via social media and meeting law enforcement instead.
  114. Bill Hutchinson, Dallas, TX, developer and reality TV star and Republican donor was charged with rape & sexual assault of two teenage girls.
  115. David Nims, Children’s Director at Calvary Baptist Church in Pensacola, FL, and registered Republican has been arrested for child porn, secretly taping people in church bathroom.
    Arrested a third time
  116. Matthew Brewer, Youth Pastor at the conservative Fairfield Baptist Church in TN was arrested for soliciting sex with a minor in a trafficking sting
  117. William R. Luckey, professor emeritus at Virginia’s Christendom College, a right-wing Catholic college founded in a backlash to social liberalism, was arrested for Solicitation of prostitution from a minor less than age 16” and two charges of “Indecent liberties, parent, grandparent, etc. of a child less than 15”.His FB is full of anti-Obama racism
  118. Herschel Walker, Republican potential GA Senate candidate, threatened his ex-wife’s life. She had to take out a restraining order. Her divorce cited “physically abusive and extremely threatening behavior.”
  119. Max Miller, Trump favorite in OH 16 primary, domestic violence incidents including pushing a girl down the stairs and slapping his latest girlfriend Stephanie Grisham, Trump’s press secretary
  120. Massachusetts GOP Vice-Chair Tom Mountain resigns. The big scandal is his gross texting with a catfish that presented as a consenting adult woman, but he also posted inappropriate comments on pictures of teens. The article links to the expose.
  121. GOP Strategist Anton Lazarro Arrested for Underage Sex Trafficking
  122. District 24 GOP Treasurer Shane Anderson of ND is leading a campaign to recall a Republican representative for voting to expel Rep. Luke Simons 601 for sexual harassment. His own district party has already censured him.
  123. Gisela Castro Medina, Chair of the College Republicans at St. Thomas, has been arrested on sex trafficking charges along with Anton Lazaro (668)
  124. John Hiatt, Republican Penobscot County Treasurer and Bangor School Committee member has been arrested for child pornography and stalking, harassing, and felony invasion of privacy of a woman.
  125. Minnesota Republicans allege MN GOP State Chair Jennifer Carnahan allowed abuse to continue by extensive use of NDAs. Admirably prohibit use of NDAs in the future.
  126. Republican candidate for governor in recall election, Larry Elder has brandished a gun at his ex-fiancee
  127. Two women have come forward to claim Benjamin Rajadurai of the College Republicans National Committee asked them to fabricate sexual harassment claims to affect the election for his preferred candidate. False accusations affect all women’s credibility.
  128. Ed Gray, former Gulf Breeze FL mayor and losing Republican primary candidate for HD2 in 2013, pleaded no contest to charges of secretly taping young boys undressing, video voyeurism, stalking.
  129. Chase Tristian Espy, Alabama Governor Ivey’s staff attorney was arrested for child solicitation  sentenced to 8 years
  130. Caroline County, MD, Circuit Judge Jonathan Newell, a Republican, killed himself this morning when agents showed up at his house to arrest him on child pornography charges.
  131. Alexander Bebris, unsuccessful Republican candidate for sheriff of Outagamie County Wisconsin, is indicted for child pornography a SECOND time while out appealing his first conviction.
  132. Michigan Republican state Rep. Steve Marino has been stripped of his committee assignments and is under investigation for domestic abuse. He admits to a volatile relationship with his accuser, Democratic representative.Mari Manoogian
  133. GOP PA Senate Candidate Sean Parnell’s wife sought two protective orders against him. This makes him unelectable according to his primary opponent.
  134. Jeffrey Lynn Thomas, the tough on crime, anti-mask Republican DA for Somerset County, Pennsylvania, has been arrested and charged with rape.
  135. J.D. Vance, running in GOP primary for US Senate in Ohio, backs banning abortion in cases of rape and incest, which he calls inconvenient.
    More J. D. Vance says women who are abused shouldl stay in violent relationships.
  136. Florida GOP primary candidate William Braddock stalked and threatened Anna Paulina Luna, his female primary opponent (not the men who were running,) though the judge did not grant a restraining order against him.
  137. Former pastor Trent Brandon Holbert, Republican, filed false child neglect claims against the parents of a child he was sexually abusing to pressure them to sign over parental rights to him.

He pleaded guilty to felony attempted statutory rape and was sentenced to 7.8 to 14.4 years in prison.

  1. Naason Joaquin Garcia, self-described conservative,  leader of the megachurch franchise Light of the World, who publicly claimed to love and honor Trump, has been arrested for sex trafficking, child rape, child pornography
  2. Daniel Gai, aide to Republican City Councillor Gerry Bredefeld pleased guilty to five felonies of domestic violence
  3. David Todeschini AKA David Trent, peddler of Q-Anon’s most vicious conspiracies about Democrats is, himself, a convicted child rapist.
  4. Fabian Shepard, chair of the Johnson County, Kansas, Republican party resigned after it became public that he was accused of forcible sexual battery.
  5. Austin Cox, Republican campaign manager for Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (no relation) resigned after accusations of sexual misconduct were investigated and substantiated.
  6. OH Speaker Larry Householder, R had 6 hearing into the Strauss sex-abuse case putting survivors through painful public testimony under the pretense they would pass a bill holding OSU accountable with no intention of passing it.
  7. OH Maj Ldr Bill Seitz, R had 6 hearing into the Strauss sex-abuse case putting survivors through painful public testimony under  pretense they would pass a bill holding OSU accountable with no intention of passing it.
  8. Jonathan Uzcategui, Republican candidate for Wilmington, NC, City Council is accused of domestic violence by his ex-wife. Not for nothing, BLM activists have accused him of brandishing a gun at them.
  9. Charles Dyer, once an Oath Keepers spokesperson and Tea Party activist, was convicted of raping his six-year-old daughter.
  10. WI GOP Congressional candidate Derrick van Orden sexually harassed two women while in the military. He also accepts campaign contributions from Steve Wynn #122
  11. William A. Jones, president of the conservative Baptist Georgetown College in Kentucky, was fired after a sexual assault complaint.
  12. Elementary School Guidance counselor Todd Roatsey who advocated for Trump on Twitter was arrested for child pornography.
  13. Jack Strain, Republican former sheriff of St. Tammany Parish was convicted of eight sex crimes charges, including aggravated rape, aggravated incest, sexual battery, and indecent behavior with a juvenile.
  14. Jason Boyet, former state trooper and registered Republican sentenced for child pornography
  15. Father James Jackson, member of the arch-conservative Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, was arrested for child pornography. FSSP editorialized against Biden (They’re on Gab) i
    Pleaded guilty
  16. Texas GOP Congressional candidate Monica de la Cruz is accused of child abuse
  17. Michigan Republican state Sen. John Bizon is charged with assault after inappropriately touching a nurse practitioner and her assistant
  18. Former conservative Orchard Prairie, WA, school-board candidate Dr. Ronald Ilg: Too much to list. hiring people on dark web to beat and torture women, imprisoning woman in bunker until she signed sex slave contract. More.
  19. GOP Mega-donor T. Denny Sanford was implicated in a child pornography investigation in South Dakota and referred to the federal government since the investigation crossed state lines. The feds have so far not taken action.
  20. Former Republican staffer and current mayor of Cambridge, MD, Andrew Bradshaw has been charged with 50 counts of distributing revenge porn.
    Andrew Bradshaw, former Republican mayor of Cambridge, MD, reached a plea deal for 50 counts of revenge porn. He was sentenced to 5 years and 5 days in prison, suspended, which means no jail time. After 3 years probation, his record is expunged as though it never happened.
  21. Anti-tax, conservative city council member Brian Mackenzie in Craig, CO, has been sentenced to 10 years probation for attempted sexual assault of a child
  22. Republican Mayor Ed Reinhardt of Lockport, LA resigned after investigation into complaints of sexual harassment  (affiliation here:
  23. Wisonson legislator Shae Sortwell abused his child, police sought a felony child abuse charge against him. He did not deny the abuse. No charges were filed, perhaps because he was a city councilman at the time He now serves on the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee
  24. Republican actress Heather Locklear (and volunteer for Bush campaign) has been arrested for domestic violence as well as batteru of a police officer
  25. Genesee County Republican Party Chair Matthew Smith pleaded guilty to making a harassing violent phone call.
  26. Michael Brian Protzman - QAnon leader is accused of “blind rage” domestic violence
  27. Felicia Killings, self-proclaimed “Conscious Black Conservative” of the Conscious Conservative Media Network pleaded “no contest” to raping her students. In memoir, she claims false arrest, but she pleaded no contest.
  28. 8-Chan/8kun owner and QAnon peddler Jim Watkins hosts child porn sites on his service. H/t @clearing_fog
  29. William Dalton Milam, a Republican Baptist pastor, crusades against drinking, but probably not child porn. He’s been charged with promoting the sexual performance of a child and possession of child pornography H/t @clearing_fog
  30. Republican Pastor and Aeronautics professor John Robert Griffin (checked voter records) pleaded no contest and got 20 years for child pornography
  31. Republican donor David Smock (to the predator Eric Greitens) has been charged with sexually assaulting children in his care at a Christian boarding school
  32. Former Republican Speaker of Michigan House Lee Chatfield is accused of sexually assaulting a fifteen-year-old girl, continuing for fifteen years. She is also his sister-in-law and she attended his church when it began.,19456
  33. Alex Barron, failed GOP candidate for Idaho House and Sec of Kootenai County Republicans has been charged with rape and sexual abuse of a minor (12yo)
  34. April Grace, Republican candidate for State Superintendent, is accused of allowing a predator to remain in his position as High School Athletic Director. Sheriff’s investigator found 8 admonishments and suspensions of Ronald Arthur for sexual language and conduct with students.
  35. Republican Judge Robert Adrian, IL, overturned a rape conviction because he thought four years was too much for rape.
  36. Republican activist and radio host Marty Glickman was arrested for sexual contact with underage girls and killed himself. Tallahassee Democrat, 10 May 2001
  37. Fox News Producer Aaron Bruns was sentenced to ten years for possession of child pornography
  38. Royce M. Fessenden, The former head of the Christian County Republican Party was sentenced to five years in prison for child molestation.
  39. Republican Plattsburg NY Assemblyman George Christian Ortloff was sentenced to twelve and a half years for soliciting a minor for sex
  40. Robert R. Groezinger, aide to NY Republican State Senator Serphin Maltese, was arrested for 25 counts of child pornography. Sentenced to 57 months.
  41. Eric Feltner, Missouri Lt. Gov Peter Kinder’s former chief of staff pled guilty to a pornography misdemeanor. He showed porn to a child.
  42. James Zedaker, associate dean of Florida State University’s School of Physician Assistant Practice and a registered Republican resigned after he was accused of sexual misconduct and creating a hostile work environment.
  43. Gary Lee Hansen, former City Councilman of Sac City, IA was arrested and convicted for child sexual abuse.
  44. Edward (Ted) Burgess, City Councilman in Carlisle, OH - sexual assault, felony  gross imposition. 8 year-old girl
  45. Gerald ‘Ajax’ Ackerman, Port Huron MI Mayor was convicted of sexual contact with minors, three girls, 8, 11, and 12 years old
  46. Missouri Speaker of the House John Diehl resigned after revelation of his sending explicit text messages to a college intern.
    Making a comeback?
  47. Former Rep Speaker of NJ Assembly Garabed "Chuck" Haytaian was accused of sexual assault. The State paid the accuser $175,000 to drop her claim.
  48. GOP MN Rep Jim Rostberg was charged with three counts of criminal sexual conduct for fondling a minor. Charges were dropped in exchange for Rostberg admitting to the elements of the crime, including fondling the juvenile girl, but it was handled in juvenile court.
  49. Col Allan, former editor of the racist right-wing tabloid New York Post has been accused or sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment at the Murdoch-owned paper by a former editor after she rejected his demand she sleep with him.
  50. Keith Poole, the current editor-in-chief fired Michelle Geithoff, the editor who was sexually harassed. She alleges this is in retaliation for complaining about being harassed.
  51. Todd Wayne McFarland, Mayor of Depew in Creek County, OK, was convicted of sexually assaulting a sixteen-year-old girl
  52. Mayor John Pfannenstiel of Baseshor, KS, was accused of having sex with inmates while working as a prison guard. Found guilty, he received probation.
  53. Mayor Joe Dan Dwyer of Reeds Spring, MO, was convicted of criminal sexual assault for having a “relationship” with a 15-year-old child. Also convicted of obstruction of justice and trying to influence witnesses.
  54. Mayor Virgil Hebert of Wilmot, OH pleaded guilty to gross sexual imposition and sexual battery for molesting a 15-year-old boy. He was fined $5000 and sentenced from four to ten years in prison.
  55. Former Mayor Byron Campbell of Concord, CA, a “conservative Republican businessman” lost a 1.4 million sexual harassment/retaliation lawsuit.
  56. Fran Coombs, editor of Washington Times, has sexually harassed so many women it’s an open secret in Washington, DC.
  57. Republican Mayor Jim Maloof of Peoria, IL, and the City of Peoria settled a sexual harassment suit -
  58. Bernie Alimenti, Republican Councilman in Fort Meyers, pleaded no contest to offering influence in exchange for sex. This is after it was also revealed he had been fired from the lottery for sexual harassment. When the Clemency Board refused to restore his voting rights, he threatened to leave the GOP and become independent. 
  59. Michigan gubernatorial candidate Garrett Soldano thinks women impregnated by a rapist should be inspired that “god put them in this moment.”
  60. Kristopher Coody, Republican Sheriff of Bleckley County, Georgia, has been charged with sexual battery for groping a woman.
  61. Book-banning advocate Ryan Utterback from Northland, MO has been charged with child molestation and showing pornography to minors.
  62. Pastor Greg Locke, a big Trump supporter, is accused by his ex-wife of physical and emotional abuse.
  63. Dennis Perkins, a registered Republican and former head of the Sheriff’s SWAT team in Livingston Parish, LA has been indicted for 150 accounts of rape, child sexual abuse, child pornography. He committed crimes with his wife and lover, both of whom are already adjudicated.
  64. Nebraska state senator Mike Groene has resigned after initially denying the accusation that he took sexually inappropriate photos of his legislative aide.
  65. Barry Morphew, who was once drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays, has been arrested for killing his wife and then casting her ballot for Trump.
  66. Donald Crerar, insurrectionist at the state and federal level who also makes terroristic threats to school board sexually assaulted a child but his lawyer got the case dismissed because his flag did not fly.
  67. Gary Clark, the former mayor Zillah, WA who retired after losing in 2020, has been accused by more than one person of child rape. Update: He pleaded guilty
  68. Severance, CO, Mayor Donald Marceau McLeod, a Republican, resigned after being arrested for child prostitution.
  69. Kenneth Lewis Barrett, Republican Mayor of Winston, OR was caught in an undercover sting, thinking he was meeting with a 14-year-old girl
  70. Jeremy Filbert, Republican former Mayor of Mitchellville, IA, was charged with rape and sodomy of a child in Kansas,326%20&s=KS&d=115279
  71. Valley Mills TX Mayor, Rodney Burl Nichols, child indecency
  72. John J, Griffin, former CNN producer and registered Republican, child sex abuse
  73. Neil Gardner, a former Republican Highway Superintendent, settled with a woman who accused him of sexually molesting her since she was twelve, that he took pictures of her to sell.
  74. Terry Peters, Arizona Republican donor, and husband of Bush Transportation Secretary Mary Peters, was sentenced to 14 years for child molestation
  75. Michigan House candidate Republican Robert “RJ” Regan claimed he tells his daughters to “lie back and enjoy it” if rape is inevitable.
  76. Brandon Beckham, Republican Utah State Senate candidate R, has been charged with forcible sexual assault
  77. Paul Dyal, Jacksonville Florida pastor and registered Republican, was arrested for capital sexual battery of a child 11 or younger. The abuse is alleged to affect many people going back 30 years.
  78. William Henry Randall, 1998 Republican candidate for Congress in FL, was sentenced to 20 years for child sexual battery
  79. Stephen Bates, Ted Cruz-endorsing pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Nashua, NH, arrested for child pornography
  80. Sen. Joey Hensley of Tennessee was put on medical probation for prescribing to family members. He also prescribed to and had an affair with one of his employees, his second cousin. They are consenting adults, BUT he is her employer and her prescribing physician, making this an improper influence relationship.
  81. Danielle Neuschwanger, the leading candidate in the GOP primary for governor, has been twice arrested for domestic violence and had a permanent restraining order requested by her ex-boyfriend who was the victim in the domestic violence incidents. She now claims he was the abuser, but that was not what she told police.
  82. Former MN GOP legislative candidate, John Myser, has been accused of domestic assault.
  83. Former Blasdell NY Mayor Michael McGuire, a Republican,  has been accused by three former students of sexual abuse while they were minors.
  84. Former Sweetwater, FL mayor, Republican Jose “Pepe” Diaz was accused of sexual harassment. He fired her after she complained.
  85. Alan Moran, Republican Acting Mayor of Diamondhead, MS, was arrested on misdemeanor?!? Charges for touching a 17-year-old boy’s genitals and buying him beer. Why is this a misdemeanor?
  86. DeSantis Faith Advisor Jeff Ford resigned from teaching high school when his sexual relationship with a student was discovered. Not criminal because she was of age, but still an abuse of power & position. He is Gov. Desantis’ faith advisor
  87. Tampa Police Office Paul Mumford, a Republican, was arrested and charged with 100 counts of child pornography. This is a #LawEnforcementPredator
  88. Hart County, GA, Commissioner Ricky Carter has been charged with aggravated assault and three counts of cruelty to children. County elections have okayed him running in the GOP primary in spite of the arrest.
  89. Clay County Deputy Alejandro Carmona (registered Republican) has been charged with child solicitation, sending nude images of himself to a child
  90. Illinois candidate for a state House seat, Tpm McCullagh dropped out of the race after accusations of grooming arose from a botched investigation last year. While trying to extract data from an underage child’s phone, the data was corrupted. The child’s family decided not to pursue charges.
  91. Ravi Zacharias, evangelical leader who supported Rubio and then Trump, abused women and masturbated during massage sessions
  92. Pete Newman, a favorite at Christian camp Kanakuk, is being sued by yet more people he molested when they were boys. Convicted on 7 counts of abusing boys, he is serving 2 life sentences plus 30 years.
  93. Joe White, founder of Camp Kanakuk was informed of Pete Newman’s activities and covered it up, telling his wife to make him behave rather than disciplining or firing him. Because they were more concerned about silencing survivors than protecting children, they soon hired another predator. Campers are called Kanakuk Klassic Kampers.
  94. Kamp Kanakuk where the campers are called Kanakuk Klassic Kampers are regular donors to Republicans (over $60k). I guess to be bipartisan, they have $3 to Democrats. Yes, in 2020 they gave $3. Over the years they have employed several child molesters.
  95. Cary Rhodes, Republican mayor of Taylorsville, GA was convicted of trying to have sex with a child in a internet sting. Hetwo years in prison and 10 years on probation on one count of computer and electronic child exploitation. He must also pay a $2,000 fine plus court costs and surcharges, perform 240 hours of community service and abide by sex offender restrictions avoiding all children except grandchildren, nieces, and nephews (with another adult present)
  96. Saunemin, IL Former Mayor Mike Stoecklin, pled guilty to Producing child sex abuse material after filming himself in a sex act with one of his grade school students.
  97. Republican Mayor of Ketchikan, AK, Jack Shay pled guilty in a plea deal reducing his 91 charges of child pornography down to seven.
  98. Former Republican Mayor of Seven Fields, PA Ed Bayne pled guilty to child pornography
  99. Paul Reeves, former mayor of Ashland, KY - child pornography
  100. Gregory J. Nies, Republican mayoral candidate for Lititz, PA - child molestation
  101. Jeffrey Armstong, Former Mayor of Rockford, OH, and GOP Central Committee rep, was charged with child pornography and pleaded guilty
  102. Ronnie Hale, Republican Alderman in Southaven, MS, pleaded guilty to transporting child pornography and was sentenced to seven years in prison.
  103. Town Councilman David Bernard (R)  in Greybull, WY, David Bernard, was charged with possessing and distributing child pornography
  104. Charles Jandris, Former Mahwah, NJ, City Councilman and DAY CARE CENTER OPERATOR was sentenced to probation for possessing child pornography. The plea deal also will not require he register as a sex offender. The day care center has new owners.
  105. Carter Clinton Ballman, a GOP legislative aide in Missouri, pleaded guilty to attempting to receive child pornography. The deal dropped the more serious charge of soliciting a minor. He was sentenced to five years.
  106. Trump-endorsed candidate for the Nebraska Republican gubernatorial nomination, Charles Herbster, has been accused by eight women, including a GOP state senator of groping them. The GOP senator accused him of reaching up her skirt and groping her. There are witnesses.
  107. Derik Ford, the conservative candidate for mayor of  Washouga who was endorsed by the Clark County Republican Women, was arrested for domestic violence.
  108. John Randall Hammock, the conservative Republican mayor of Tallassee, AL, was arrested for domestic violence. He was charged with 1st degree domestic violence, a felony.
  109. Holdenville Ctiy Councillor Richard West (R) was convicted of possessing child pornography and soliciting a minor, a child he met at age 12. He was  a member of Bikers Against Child Abuse
  110. VA Attorney General Jason Miyares accused Democrats of being soft on pedophiles in his campaign. Just two months in office, he made a plea deal with a pedophile cop dropping one of the charges. The VA GOP denied there ever was a plea deal, but it’s public and dated Mar 3, 2022.
  111. Rightwing anti-gay Echo City Council member Lou Nakapalau was convicted of child pornography several years earlier. The controversy over his anti-gay comments led to the revelation and to his resignation
  112. Republican Sheriff Jon Hammond of Hamilton County, TN, has allowed his deputies to rape and assault people with impunity. The DA accused him of slow-walking any investigation. The server “failed” and lost dashcam evidence. While he may not be a rapist, he is abetting rape and assault. One accuser is dead.
  113. Former mayor David G. Landfair of Gulf Breeze, FL, is in trouble for sexting and paying adult women for consensual activities. That’s not why he is on the list. He also texted former students from where he was a high school teacher & sent unwanted, unsolicited sexual messages and  photos.He lied to the school investigation.
  114. Denver Mass murderer and full-time manosphere misogynist Lyndon J McLeod  is a registered Republican

  1. Manosphere misogynist Andrew Tate, the Trump-loving thug, home was raided in human trafficking investigation.
    Andrew Tate - American/UK citizen arrested in Romania for rape and trafficking. Big MAGA influencer.
  2. Ken Kratz, former District Attorney of Calument County, WI, resigned in the wake of a sexual harassment/misconduct scandal that involved him pressuring domestic violence survivors for sex and extorting sex from women he prosecuted. (RAPE!)  h/t @Kalicayo
  3. Sen. Ray Holmberg, R-ND, was accused in 2020 of sexual assault in a twitter thread. This was brought back to light by the suspicious 72 messages he exchanged with a child pornography that “inexplicably” vanished.Considering both accusations, either way, he’s a predator
  4. John Gray, President of Goshen OH School board resigned after being arrested in a predator sting. He drove 3 hours for what he believed would be sex with an 11-year-old girl
  5. Teddy Daniels says he’s just a regular guy who has had enough, but are regular guys abusers? His wife is the third spouse who has sought protection from his abuse. He was just evicted thanks to a judge granting her a protection order. He’s running as the MAGA GOP candidate for PA Lieutenant governor
  6. Cliff C. Maloney, Jr, a libertarian Republican activist on the far right has been accused of drugging and raping a woman, plus several other sexual assault complaints from other womenHe has been charged with four felony charges alleging assault of impaired or unconscious victims.
  7. Trevor Bauer, a baseball player, is an accused serial abuser of women with multiple women alleging rough sex that went too far as well as domestic violence
  8. Texas state Rep. Kyle Biedermann, R, was accused of emotional abuse of his children and physical abuse of his ex-wife. The judge issued a restraining order because of his inappropriate conduct with his daughters.
  9. Visible Music College, founded and run by Dr. Ken Steorts, reacted strangely when a student reported she had been raped. They refused to remove the alleged rapist from her classes, demanded she sign a contract to never speak of it, refused to investigate it, but did investigate her and demanded she move off campus for having pre-marital sex.
  10. Benjamin “Ben” Ignatowicz, chair of the York County Republicans in South Carolina was arrested for “unlawful neglect of a child or helpless person for allegedly causing a child bodily harm.” Child abuse. Even he agreed that his punishment was excessive when shown pictures of the child’s bruises
  11. David H. Broadbent is an OB/GYN in Provo, UT, a registered Republican and generous GOP donor, has been accused by 83 women of sexually abusing them.

  12. Gary Binkley is a Cheatham County TN Commissioner. He was indicted on four counts of rape and sexual battery. He is on the ballot in the Republican primary this spring.
  13. Greg Lopez, GOP primary candidate for CO governor, and his wife ran an ad discussing his arrest for assaulting her. He said it wasn’t a violent situation, but he knocked her to the ground and kicked her while she was 6 months pregnant.
  14. Circuit Court Judge Jonathan Young lost the Putnam County Tennessee Circuit Court Republican primary after he was found guilty of sexting women on social media who had business before his court.

  15. Brad Graven, is  a very active campaign volunteer for Rep. Mary Miller, R-IL, including working as her driver. However, he was convicted for luring a 14 year-old minor to a parking lot for sex. Miller frequently says people should be judged by who they have around them.
  16. Andrew Wilhoite, the winner of the Republican primary for Clinton Township Board in Indiana has been indicted for the murder of his wife. He admitted killing his wife
  17. Pastor John Raymond of Lakeside Academy in Slidell, LA, who also serves on St. Tammany's Republican Parish Executive Committee has been arrested again for cruelty to children. He held a four-year-old boy upside down while whipping him on the buttocks.
    John Raymond, a former Survivor and the  headmaster of a Christian school has been charged with child abuse
  18. Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers and one of the Insurrectionists, abused and terrorized his wife and children according to his ex-wife and his adult children.
    Oath Keepers Boss Stewart Rhodes' Kids Say They Thought He Would 'Kill All of Us'
    Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes' wife alleges widespread abuse in petition for restraining order | Southern Poverty Law
  19. Sandy Smith, GOP primary candidate for NC-01, has been accused of domestic violence by two ex-husbands.
    Butterfield's 'October surprise' comes early in NC-1 GOP primary
  20. Trump-loving “Black MAGA man” and former Dem and former state rep Vernon Jones (GA) was accused of rape 17 years ago but the woman dropped the charges, she claims out of fear.
  21. Elon Musk who recently announced he became a  Republican because Dems support workers, was accused of exposing himself to a SpaceX  flight attendant. The company settled.
  22. The attention-seeking Archbishop Cordileone who banned Pelosi from communion also refused to disclose dozens of known pedophile priests names, failing to protect the public from them.
  23. Anti-Gay, anti-abortion Pastor John Lowe of New Life church confessed to adultery, but the woman came forward and clarified that she was a child of 16 when he began sexially assaulting her. The church embraced the pastor
  24. Ronnie Floyd, Trump lover and Arkansas pastor was the Executive Committee Chief of the Southern Baptist Convenion, not because he was angry that they were covering up sexual assault, child molesting, and more, but because they voted to waive attorney-client privilege to allow the investigation to go forward. Enabler in Chief.
  25. Holyoke City Councilor Wilmer “Will” Puello-Mota, who was endorsed by the conservative “A Better Holyoke” and not by the liberal “Forward/Palante” pac, was arrested for child pornography
  26. Patrick Trowbridge, former Rockwall, TX, city councilor was sentenced to 120 months for child pornography
  27. Tony Cutler, unsuccessful Republican primary candidate for Michigan legislature in 2020, was charged with criminal sexual conduct. Sentenced to 3 months
  28. Registered Republican Pastor John William Lovelace was arrested for child sexual abuse involving a child under 15
  29. Matthew Chappell, a candidate in the VA Republican primary, was fired from his former job as a police officer for sharing nude photos,using state database to track a woman, and requesting sex acts on duty
  30. Jimmy Ray Neal,.Republican County Commissioner in Putnam County, has been charged with possession, receipt, & distribution of child porn. He was admin of child porn group on kik
  31. Scott Huse, former United Pentacostal pastor was charged with 12 felony counts of child sexual assault from his time at Apostolic Worship Center and Evergreen Christian Academy,
  32. Travis Huse, former United Pentacostal pastor was charge with 31 charges of child sexual assault and child enticement during his time at Apostolic Worship Center and Evergreen Christian Academy.
  33. If you’re a rapist, you can rest easy with Republican Judge Jeffrey Cashe of Louisiana. He not only gave a rapist full custody of the daughter from that rape, he ordered the rape victim to pay child support. Why did she lose custody? She gave her teen daughter a cell phone.
  34. Former Greenville, SC, Radiant Life Youth Pastor Shane Richardson was convicted in Pennsylvania was convicted of child sex abuse.
  35. David A. Walker ex-youth pastor at the anti-gay  sentenced to four years in prison for sexually abusing a young girl since she was 14 until she was 17. His wife, Anna, also pleaded guilty to one count of child sex abuse.
  36. Kevin Madden, Youth Pastor in Arkansas, has been accused of sending nude photographs of himself to a minor and requesting minor send him photos
  37. Matthew McIlravy, recently elected Mayor of Pilot Point, TX, a prayer group leader who is said to be a big Gov. Abbott supporter, was arrested for soliciting a minor. Ongoing investigation to see if there are more cases.
  38. When a 15yo boy had sex with a 13yo girl at Falls Creek Baptist Bible camp where he worked as director of youth programming, Senator James Lankford (OK) said in a deposition that 13-year-olds are old enough to consent to sex, .
  39. Phillip Gunn, Speaked of the House in Mississippi, says 12-year-olds raped by their fathers must be forced to bear those children. What about when they are raped by their pastor? Gunn is accused of helping to cover up the sexual molestation of young boys by a former music minister, James Langworthy.
  40. Michigan Republican primary candidate for governor, Kevin Rinke, was sued for discrimination and sexual harassment by several employees at his auto dealership. Standard harassment fare, though saying he had “golden genitals” does stand out.
  41. Richard Fritz, the elected Republican state’s attorney (DA) in St. Mary’s County, Maryland was convicted in a gang rape which he described as doing what comes naturally. Seriously, this guy is a piece of work. Corrupt, incompetent, and still elected despite everyone knowing this.
  42. Vince McMahon, Trump’s good friend and former WWE leader and wife of Linda McMahon (Trump admin SBA head) paid $12 million in sexual harassment/misconduct settlements
  43. Kevin Smith, GOP primary candidate for US Senate (NH), was accused of retaliating against a woman who filed a sexual harassment complaint, failing to protect employees. Called subordinate porkchop. Case was settled.
  44. Jonathan Hernandez, Chairman of the Oklahoma College Republicans was arrested for sex acts with a minor.
  45. Joel Sartori, assistant treasurer and custodian of records for NY Republican Carl Paladino’s congressional campaign, was convicted of possessing and promoting child pornography
  46. Eric Carlson, a Republican candidate in the 1st Congressional District race in Illinois, was convicted of criminal sexual assault in 1995, He served six of the twelve years he was sentenced to.
  47. NC Congressman Greg Murphy denied rape even exists, tweeting “No one forces anyone to have sex.”
  48. Kansas Republican gubernatorial candidate Arlyn Briggs sheltered a stalking suspect from police, going so far as to call the police department with a threat to shoot them if they tried anything.
  49. Kendall Kippen, WA) a conservative youth pastor and Ben Shapiro fan, has been indicted with two counts of child rape for abusing a young girl. Someone called police to report the abuse because they believed the church was trying to cover it up.
  50. Peter van Vliet, appointed to replace another Republican commissioner in Havelock, NC. He pleaded guilty to 12 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor for possession of child pornography.
  51. Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, Republican, claimed that the 10-year-old girl who was raped and traveled to Indiana for an abortion was a hoax. “"I know our prosecutors and cops in this state — there’s not one of them that wouldn’t be turning over every rock in their jurisdiction if they had the slightest of hint that this occurred there”
  52. Ted Haggard, who was not on the list before because his scandal involved consenting adults, has now been accused of inappropriately touching a minor.
  53. January 6th insurrectionist Gavin Crowl was named by Brandon Straka in his cooperation agreement and identified by another insurrectionist in an Epoch Times story I will not provide a link to. He is also a registered sex offender for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl. He got probation.
  54. Matthew Leveridge (R) while state’s attorney had sex with someone he was prosecuting, offering her a diversion program but rescinding it when she told his wife. He also had an affair with a juror. So now he’s running to be a circuit judge.
  55. Joshua Clemons, a former youth pastor, has been charged with the sexual abuse of three minors.
  56. Ryan White AKA Jon McGreevey, was arrested for making a false report of child trafficking, allegedly motivated by partisan politics
  57. Republican Mayor Dale Berry was arrested for domestic violence. He admits hitting his wife. Has no plans to resign.
  58. Republican school board candidate Joshua Schopp was arrested for inappropriately sexting with a minor. Indecent behavior with juveniles and computer-aided solicitation of a minor are a couple of the multiple charges.
  59. Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez has been accused of possessing child sexual exploitation media and soliciting a minor (14), two crimes discovered when he was arrested for terroristic threats in an internecine alt-right conflict with TPUSA.
  60. Gary Busey, celebrity Trump-supporter, was arrested and charged wtih 2counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual contact, 1 count of criminal attempt/criminal sexual contact and one count of harassment.
  61. This is an old one but a real warning. Edgar Smith murdered a 15-year-old girl, biting her breasts before killing her. The famed conservative and founder of the National Review was certain no conservative supporter could be a murderer and lobbied for his release in 1971. In 1976, he stabbed a woman who got away.
  62. Former AL state representative and 2016 Donald Trump Alabama campaign cochair Perry Hooper has been arrested for felony sex abuse. Charges were dropped when victim refused to testify. Hooper apologized. The assault happened, but she did not want to prosecute him. ““I would like to express my sincerest apologies to Elizabeth Daly. On August 16, 2022, Miss Daly was assisting my friend and me, as a hostess where we were dining. I was wrong and I take full responsibility for my actions. Miss Daly is an exemplary person and my behavior was unacceptable. I hope she will accept this apology for my regrettable conduct,” Hooper’s statement read.
  63. While there are no allegations against former TN state representative Barry Doss who recently lost his GOP primary, he said something that captures why so many people feel safe to prey on children and other victims claiming everyone has history, There’s a lot more people that have molested people than you’re letting on - are we gonna kick em all out?”
  64. Luke Bowen of Texas Right-to-Life who also was a volunteer blogger for the Texas GOP has been arrested for soliciting a minor. Sentenced to five years.
  65. Jack Murphy, founder of The Liminal Order, a secret men’s rights network, said feminists need to be raped and that he volunteered for the job. He’s recently been kicked off most social media sites for promoting hate.
  66. Tudor Dixon, who is the Republican nominee for governor in Michigan, said forcing women to bear their rapist’s child is “healing” for women.
  67. WV state senator Robert Karnes argued against abortions for child rape victims saying they romanticize their rapiest, they believe they’re in a relationship and see them as their boyfriend.
  68. Keenan Hord who served as a youth pastor at two non-affirming Baptist churches, one of which (FBC Bentonville) has a deacon who has led several campaigns against Arkansas gays, was arrested for sexual assault, sexual indecency with a child, possessiong child sexual exploitation material - with potentially 30 victimes according to prosecutors.
  69. Arizona Republican candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne didn’t just hire David Stringer #363 to work for him, when he was questioned about having someone accused of raping children on his staff, he lied and said Stringer was proven innocent.
  70. Julio Sandoval, Dean of Agape Christian School and frequent donor to GOP has been indicted for trafficking children, literally kidnapping them and taking them to “Christian boarding schools” such as the infamous Agape school where children were sexually abused.
  71. As Attorney General, Republican Eric Schmitt received several leads revealing trafficking, rape, and enslavement at Agape School with the aid of Missouri Police and ignored them. For more detail, see this thread
  72. Missouri Governor Mike Parsons has done nothing to shut down the infamous Agape Christian School. That children are tortured and abused there has been an open secret for at least 20 years
  73. Rev. Chuck Phelps made a 15-year-old rape victim apologize to the church and protected the 39-year-old rapist who remained a member of the church for another 7 years. Trinity Baptist Church, Concord NH.
  74. Jonathan Young, Sunday School teacher and Republican has been sentenced to 87 years for raping children.
  75. Carl Johnson, formerly a Republican mayor and an LDS Bishop, has been arrested for child molestation. He immediately confessed to police, claiming it was a compulsion and admitting he assaulted six children, one just two years old
    Carl Johnson was given a sentence of 9 years to life for one felony, and another sentence of 1-to-15 years for a second. The sentences handed down are to be served consecutively.
  76. John Flores, a pastor at the anti-gay, arch-conservative Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, was convicted of molesting a 15-year-old girl, the daughter of another pastor.
  77. Anthony Iglesias, youth pastor in one of the churches in the Calvary Chapel network, was convicted of molesting two young boys in Idaho. Two other men sued the church for knowingly employing a pedophile and covering it up, leading to them being molested by him.
  78. John Grant, pastor of the conservative, anti-gay Calvary Gospel church learned of child’s abuse by one of the youth pastors from her letters to a pen pal, so he called her and her mother in to threaten them into silence.
    He continues to be highly honored by the church organization
  79. Glen Uselmann, youth pastor of Calvary Gospel, groomed and raped a child under the age of 13 and continued to abuse her until she was 18 when he married her. She freed herself and brought charges. He was found guilty in July 2022
  80. Gary Lee Bell, a retired assistant attorney general from the Utah Attorney General's Office where he worked in the Child Protection Division, has been arrested for 6 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor. The images uploaded appeared to children under the age of 10.
  81. Shreveport, LA, Republican mayoral candidate Melvin Slack accused of sexual harassment.
  82. Peter Thiel, huge GOP donor, has called date rape “belated regret” denying it is real. In his own “belated regret” he has apologized.
  83. David Wayne Farren, former youth pastor at the anti-gay Heritage Church and pastor of Anchor church in Texarkana, raped three teenage girls. Pleaded guilty. Sentenced to 15 years.
  84. Joe Lonsdale, Tech Millionaire & GOP donor was accused or rape, sexual and emotional abuse by a woman who was his mentee at Stanford.
  85. Clark County Sheriff Jamey Noel is a member of the seditious Oathkeepers and also the sheriff whose alleged negligence allowed male prisoners access to the women’s part of the jail resulting in 28 women reporting they were raped.
  86. Frequent Republican candidate Billy Oswald has been sued by a former employee for sexual harassment, including groping and being yelled out for refusing his overtures. He had sex with clients and tenants (abuse of power) while in the office while his employees were there and could hear.
  87. Clay Travis is a conservative radio talk show host who is known for his racist and sexist commentary said there is no age of consent for looking, suggesting it’s perfectly okay to sexually objectify children.

Link to Google Book

  1. Clifford James Neesmith, the chairman of the Port Wentworth Planning Commission and was the past chairman for the Port Wentworth Chamber of Commerce. Was arrested and charged with possession child pornography
  2. Jason Musselman was charged with sexual exploitation/child porn.He’s charged with persuading two minors to engage in sex activites that he recorded
  3. Jorge Ariel Benavides, a pastor, raped a special needs woman, threatened her with placement in a mental institution.
    Promoted this conspiracist
  4. Darrin Rice, a former Free Will Baptist pastor (anti-gay) and girl’s basketball coach in Kentucky, has been arrested for sexual abuse, rape and sodomy against a minor
  5. Aron Peña, who was on Republican Rep. Mayra Flores staff, resigned after it was reported that he has a long history of sexual harassment complaints against him
  6. Republican State Senate candidate Dave Estenson accused of sexual misconduct and abuse of power while serving as police officer - Wisconsin
  7. Utah Republican State Rep. Merrill F. Nelson told Mormon bishops to not report a confession of sexual abuse of children by their father. This allowed the abuse to continue for several more years.
  8. Rep. Vito Barbieri wrote a letter on his legislative letterhead defending fellow Idaho Republican von Ehlinger (#671) and his good character. Except for that silly rape conviction, of course.
  9. Rep. Mike Kingsley wrote a letter on his legislative letterhead defending fellow Idaho Republican von Ehlinger (#671) and his good character. Except for that silly rape conviction, of course.
  10. Doug Wilson, leader of Christ Church in Moscow, ID, preached men have the right to rape their wives. He helped found a network of churches where his deep hatred of women is spread.
  11. Scott Ritter, former weapons inspector, who remained a Republican despite opposing the Bush War in Iraq. Arrested twice in an online sting looking for pedophiles. The first was dismissed. Rather than learning his lesson, he did it again. Found guilty, served two years in prison
  12. Elijah Schaffer, insurrectionist and conservative podcaster, has been fired after being accused of sexually assaulting a coworker. He was accused of groping a colleague’s breasts at a film premiere. This happened in August, was investigated, and he was fired is September.
  13. Angie Woodward, Trump supporter and owner of Trinity Teen Solutions, is alleged to run an abusive camp that uses forced labor and abusive punishments for which there is an ongoing investigation and a lawsuit from survivors
  14. James Hargis had sex with students at the college while he was President of American Christian College in Tulsa. He married a couple. On honeymoon, they discover both had slept with Hargis. “Noebel was told that Hargis justified his homosexual acts by citing the Old Testament friendship between David and Jonathan and threatened to blacklist the youths for life if they talked.” “s for their parents, one father, who reports that his son's three-year involvement with Hargis began at age 15 or 16, wept as he said, "I will forgive him his sins because God's Word tells me what I must do, but I will never forget his acts against my son.",33009,918027,00.html
  15. Texas AG Ken Paxton bungled the prosecution of a sex trafficking ring 
  16. Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate Tim Michels and his brother owned a nationwide construction company. Several employees sued the company for sexual assault, harassment, racist hostility, and a hostile work environment. The company settled the various suits & employees signed NDAs
  17. Diego Morales, Indiana Secretary of State candidate, has been accused by two Republican women of sexually harassing them and forcibly kissing them without consent. They went to state GOP leaders to try to handle in-house.
  18. Randy Kaufman, a Republican candidate for the Maricopa County Community College Governing Board, was arrested for public indecency (masturbating) in his vehicle in the college parking lot near a childcare center.
  19. Daniel Montague Acker Jr., youth pastor at the anti-gay Westwood Baptist Church in Alabama, molested 21 children in his career as a teacher. He was sentenced to 17 years.
  20. John W Adams was the pastor of the anti-gay Calvary Freewill Baptist Church. He pled guilty to possessing child pornography. He got probation.
  21. Mark Curtis Adams was a Sunday school teacher. He also produced child porn and used the social media app Kik to entice a child into sex, which is rape, and take explicit photos of the child. He was sentenced to 10 years.
  22. David Wayne Pendley, a Las Vegas religious private school teacher, sexually assaulted a student because “God made him that way.”
  23. Charles Kyle Adcock was youth pastor at Woodward Avenue Baptist Church in Muscle Shoals. He was arrested and charged with 29 counts of rape and sodomy of a minor. He was sentenced to 10 years.
  24. Mark Aderholt was charged with the sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl when he was 25. He pleaded guilty to assault and was sentenced in a deal that wiped his sentence clean without listing on the sexual offender registry.
  25. Kenneth Daniel was arrested at the church where he was pastor for facilitating the travel of a minor across state lines for a sex act. According to the police, the 7-year-old girl told her grandfather about him touching her inappropriately at his home, the pool, and at church.
  26. Former Winnebago County Republican Central Committee Chairperson Eli Nicolosi, who lost his primary bid for state senate, was charged with home invasion, aggravated battery, and violating an order of protection that his wife had been granted. The person he attacked was her boyfriend. His injuries include with injuries including a ripped ear lobe, a large black eye, scratches and a bite on the back.There’s a reason she sought an order of protection.
  27. Charles Pierce, Alaska GOP candidate for governor, has been sued for sexual harassment “constant unwanted physical touching, sexual remarks, and sexual advances,”  while he was the Kenai Peninsula Borough mayor. The borough is also named for not providing a way to report without reprisal.
  28. NC Republican candidate for US House Sandy Smith is accused of domestic violence against her ex-husband, her daughter
  29. Cade Cothren, chief of staff to former TN Speaker Glen Casada,sexually harassed interns, sent racist and misogynistic texts (also indicted for fraud)
  30. Alek Skarlatos, running for Oregon’s 4th District, joked about choking and killing women during sex. He also has a penchant for liking underage girls on Instagram
  31. South Dakota Republican state senate candidate Joel Koskan has been charged with grooming and sexually assaulting a family member who was a child from 14 to 19.
    No jail time:
  32. US Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin was on the finance council of the Green Bay Diocese when it was being sued for priest child molestation and its coverup. At the same time, he testified against the WI Child Victims Act, lifting the statute of limitations that prevents so many victims from getting justice.
  33. Matt Walsh, conservative political commentator and transphobe, came to the defense of the Duggars, pedophiles, and child molesters over the years. Most recently he said that it should be okay to have sex with teen girls because that’s when they are most fertile.
  34. Matthew Foster, GOP candidate for District Atty in Maine was asked if he had ever been investigated criminally. He said no, but that was a lie. He was investigated for sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl in his care. She continues to insist he abused her though the DA investigating the DA brought no charges.
  35. Leticia McCormack, an elder soon to be ordained at The Rock Church, an anti-gay FourSquare Evangelical church in San Diego, has been charged, along with her parents, with the torture murder of her adopted daughter.
  36. David Lloyd Walther, Pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Round Rock, has been charged with distribution, receipt, transportation and possession of child pornography.
    Pled guilty = 5 years
  37. GOP candidate for SD state house, Bud Marty May, who lost to his mother has been charged with the rape of a woman in a bar bathroom. When police arrived she had blood, dirt, and an abrasion on her face. The blood is believed to by May’s
    Charges dismissed because she would not testify
  38. David Lynn Richards, former pastor of the anti-gay My Father’s House Church of God, was convicted of nine felony counts for repeatedly raping his daughter over the course of two years.
  39. Jeffery Williams = Fountain, CO Salvation Army youth pastor, sent sexually explicit material to young person who attended his youth group.


  40. Steve Wukmer, a former teacher at the infamous Agape Boarding School has been arrested and charged with 215 counts of possession of child pornography.
    Agape School has still not been shut down.
  41. David Ray Barker, member of the white supremacist Texas Patriot Network, was twice convicted of indecency with a child by contact, sexually violent offenses.

  42. Joshua Barnard, a member of the Boogaloo Bois, was arrested after a riot and then rearrested shortly after for 11 charges of sexual exploitation of a minor. SC Richland County Sheriff’s Dept
  43. QAnon conspiracist Matthew G. Barszcz of Idaho was arrested for possession of child sexual exploitation images. He had the novel explanation that he was searching and downloading it in order to report it to the police.
  44. Patricia Kent, anti-drag queen activist, anti-BLM activist, etc. in Utah was fired and lost her teaching license for forming inappropriate relationships with her female students including physical intimacy. There was a settlement but she did not get prosecuted.
  45. Robert George Bierer Proud Boy/3% Robert George Bierer 3rd was convicted of possession child exploitation materials in 2015
  46. Francis Joseph (Frank) Collin, founder of the National Socialist Party of America.molested children,6667865
  47. David DePape, QAnon conspiracist who attacked Paul Pelosi, is alleged to have abused his step-daughter and sons.
  48. Matthew Fairfield, Oath Keepers member, was arrested for possessing explosives and weapons presumed stolen from the military. During search discovered he had child sexual exploitation material on his computer. Convicted for fourteen felonies, weapons and pandering obscenity involving child pornography.
  49. Peter Mitchell Gaughenbaugh, Florida Hammerskins. Child pornography
  50. Michael Scott Geiger, white nationalist Aryan Brotherhood member and convicted kidnapper, raped and killed a child shortly after being released from prison
  51. Andrew Hazelton, neo-Nazi from Portland, Maine convicted for possession child sexual exploitation materials
  52. Michael Alan Jones, Patriot Front member in NC, sexual assault of 14 and 15 year old girls. Was a Jan 6 insurrectionist.
  53. Jonathan Charles Koch, Iowa white supremacist, child pornography
  54. August Kreis, former leader of Aryan Nations - SC, was sentenced to 50 years for child molestation
  55. Warren Jeffs, fundamentalist Mormon extremist - rape of many children. Too horrific to recount. Sentenced to life in prison plus twenty years. This story is too awful.
  56. Michael Scott Langton, Ferndale, WA, police officer (fired), tried to join Oath Keepers AFTER insurrection. Contacted woman he met as a witness on the job and asked her to bring her child for the two of them to have sex with him.
  57. Republican Congresscritter James Comer, KY. Accused by former girlfriend of domestic violence
  58. Nathan Larson, far-right white supremacist Libertarian, advocate of pedophilia.Arrested for grooming and kidnapping a 12yo girl, died in federal custody
  59. James Mason, white nationalist, created child sexual exploitation materials, raped minor girls.
  60. John Cameron Denton, former Atomwaffen leader, accused of sharing child pornography
  61. Stephen Parshall, of the Boogaloo Boys and indicted for a terrorist plot in Nevada, pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual exploitation of children, a count of coercion and enticement, and a count of receipt and distribution of child pornography.
  62. West Linn, OR, Jarl Rockhill, associated with Patriot Prayer and a neo-Nazi who committed bias crime at IRCO was a registered sex offender
  63. Jesse Shenk of CA, part of the Goyim Defense League of anti-Semites, was arrested for soliciting a minor (police officer presenting as 14), sending pornography to minor
  64. Kevin Strom, white nationalist and Neo-Nazi, was sentenced to 23 months for possessiong child pornography
  65. Alexander Hillel Treisman of Washington was arrested for a terrorist plot in NC that included the plans to assassinate Joe Biden. In search of his van, the found his plans and child pornography on 8 different devices
  66. Robert Lee West is Portland, OR, Patriot Prayer associate and has stalked and doxxed police and the DA. He was convicted of rape/mayhem in CA.
  67. Kyle Broussard, Patriot Prayer associate, convicted or Rape 3

  68. Jonathan Myers, youth pastor in Edinburgh, IN and christian school principal, has been charged with child molestation and grooming
  69. Timothy Jason Jeltema, Texas youth pastor at Southern Baptist church pleaded guilty to sexting a minor
  70. Ryan Scott Walsh, Gulf Breeze, FL, youth pastor - sexually assaulting a child
  71. Youth Pastor Trent Ivey at Vestal Baptist Church in South Knox, TN has been charged with sexual battery of two young girls.
  72. Michael Paul Keech, Southern Baptist youth pastor in South Carolina accused of sexual abuse of a child
  73. Thomas James Bracket, once a youth pastor in Baltimore, arrested in SC where he is now a pastor and will be extradited to Maryland to face charges of criminal sexual conduct with minors
  74. Youth pastor Sean Patrick Masopust of Northridge Assembly of God (anti-gay church) pled guilty will be sentenced Jan 2023 for a sexual “relationship” with a minor
  75. Michael D’Attoma, SC Baptist pastor, grooming, child molestation
  76. Sean M. Higgins, youth pastor in Palmyra NJ, online sexual exploitation of children, extorting images
  77. Kenneth Baker, Ashland OR youth pastor charged with 4 felony and 2 misdemeanors involving a minor child. Sentenced to 10.5 years.
  78. Peter Bass, Oregon youth pastor was sentenced to 33 years for multiple counts of rape of underage minor
  79. Central Point, OR youth pastor Dustin Colony-Herrera sexually abusing children in California. Pled no contest. District Court Judge Karen Townsend sentenced Herrera on May 26 to two, six-year prison sentences, which were suspended in favor of five years of sex offender probation.
  80. NY youth pastor Robert Fenton groomed and sexually abused minor child - to whom he was engaged when she was 14.
  81. Evansville, IN, youth pastor Joshua Burton Henley arrested for child sexual assault when he was a youth pastor in TN, several victims 12 to 16
    45 YEARS!!!
  82. Ronnie Lee Barron, youth pastor in Loris SC was charged with sexual exploitation of a minor while youth pastor in Conyers, GA
  83. Donald Courtney Biggs, recently fired youth pastor at MTN Church, Medford, OR, wrote inappropriate text to a minor, filmed a woman undressing without consent, there are allegations of filming other women.
  84. Ben Courson, pastor of Applegate Christian Fellowship, was forced to step down after several accusations of sexual misconduct, abusing his ministerial authority to initiate sexual relationships with women.
  85. Jon Courson, former pastor of Applegate Christian Fellowship, is accused of using his position as pastor to initiate a relationship with a parishioner.
  86. Former youth pastor,  Jeffrey Winston Forrest, was found guilty of two counts of sexually assaulting children and given 99 years for each conviction.
  87. Nicholas Kelley, youth pastor in Lawrencevill GA, charged with rape of a 14-year-old girl admitted to an inappropriate physical relationship
  88. Shawn Fitzgerald, youth pastor and teacher, arrested on 408 counts of child pornography.

    Sentenced to 35 years.
  89. Alexander Roesly, youth pastor at Praise Chapel of Church God in Union City solicited two minors, ages 13 and 15.
  90. Malo "Victor" Monteiro, youth pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Wildomar, CA, pled guilty to grooming and sexually assaulting minors. Sentenced to 5 years and 4 months.
  91. Wendel Nix, youth pastor in Aztec, NM, at Bible Baptist Church was arrested for sexual assault of minor. Pastor said he is a good guy who made a wrong decision. (Several times!!!!)
  92. Bill Gothard, former leader of conservative homeschooling Institute in Basic Life Principles, resigned in 2014 after 30 women accused him of harassment and molestation, including a minor. Ten more women come forward in 2016 and sued alleging sexual abuse, nonconsensual touching, etc.
  93. Kevin Etherington, Republican, first assistant district attorney of Logan and Payne Counties, has been arrested (and fired) for possession of child exploitation materials.
  94. Joseph Brody, a volunteer coordinator for Glenn Youngkin (R) gubernatorial campaign in VA has been indicted for his role in January 6. Additionally, he has a history of threatening rape against women exposed in an epic 87-tweet thread
  95. North Carolina youth pastor Benjamin Damron arrested for sexual assault of children he met through church
  96. Jeff Taylor, former youth pastor at First Baptist Church in Strafford, MO, groomed a girl beginning when she was 11 and began raping her when she became a ten until she came forward at 19. He was arrested in 2020 and pleaded guilty in 2022, received a 9-year sentence, just one year more than his grooming and molestation of that girl.
  97. Republican Rep-elect Brian Stout of Oregon was accused of sexual assault and threats, woman was granted restraining order.
  98. Samuel Rappylee Bateman is a leader of the Fundamentalist LDS church and accused of of engaging in the transportation of minors in interstate commerce to engage in criminal sexual activity and travel interstate commerce to engage in illicit sexual conduct with minors,
  99. Jonathan Ryan Ensey, a music director and worship leader at the conservative Living Way Fellowship in Conroe, TX was convicted of indecency with a child and soliciting a minor. TW: This article is more graphic than most.
  100. Conrad Estrada Valdez, pastor of the conservative Restoration Outreach Christian Church in Houston, TX, pled guilty to sexually assaulting a child.
  101. Aaron Duane Shipman, pastor of the fundamentalist conservative Bible Baptist Church in Odessa, TX, arrested for sexually assaulting a minor for two years.
  102. Brian Pounds, pastor at Assembly of God in Vernon, TX, accused of giving a minor meth and raping her.
  103. Sergio David Bezerra, piano teacher for Waco Baptist Academy has been sentenced to 80 years for molesting two children.
  104. William Frank Brown, pastor of Bellmead (TX)  First Baptist, wes sentenced to four 50-year concurrent sentences molesting a child
  105. Benjamin Nelson, Baptist pastor in Texas, sentenced to 20 years for molesting a teen
  106. Curtis Jene Smith, after twice being convicted of molesting children, was hired as music director at a Waco Baptist Church.
  107. Gary Don Welch, Texas Baptist youth pastor, sentenced to 55 years for sexual assault of teen
  108. Conner Jesse Penny, youth pastor in Texas, confessed to abusing children after being arrested,
  109. Robert Shiflet, former Texas youth pastor, sentenced to 33 months for child sex trafficking, less than the minimum
  110. William C. Robinson, William C Robinson, pastor in Corpus Christi, arrested for sexual assaulting a child from age 9 to 14
  111. David Pettigrew, a Texas pastor, was sentenced to 30 years for producing child sexual exploitation material
  112. Lawrence Hopkins, Texas pastor, arrested for online solicitation of a minor in one of those stings where law enforcement officers pretend to be children.
  113. Ruben A. Garcia, a Texas Baptist pastor, pleaded guilty and avoided jail in a case where he was charged with sexual assaulting a child, pleading down to enticing a child
  114. Jerry Dale Carver, Texas Baptist pastor, lured a child into his car and sexually assaulted him according to the arrest affidavit
  115. Shane Flournoy, a youth pastor and teacher at the Texas School for the Deaf, confessed to his minister that he fondled a teen. The minister went to the police.
  116. Bradley Wayne Dixon was the dorm director at San Marcos Baptist Academy and has been convicted of sexually abusing four boys
  117. Santiago “Jimmy” Morales Jr., Baptist Academy dorm director, pled guilty and received ten years of probation for sexual assault of a teen.
  118. George Alexander Diaz Menges, Gainesville, FL, was an assistant to a failed Republican Congressional candidate was arrested four counts of sexual battery, two counts of aggravated battery, eight counts of battery and a charge of committing or facilitating a kidnapping.
  119. Former Lake Center police chief William Ray Pruitt has been arrested for the sexual battery of a 14-year-old child.

  120. John Michael Mann, Oregon’s top administrative law judge (for when there are disputes between citizens and state agencies) was indicted with 10 counts of encouraging child sexual abuse (possession of material)
  121. Richard J. Corkery, former mayor of Coaldale, in Carbon Cty, PA was convicted of possession child sexual abuse material and sentenced to 9-36 months
  122. Gordon Grabau, Special Deputy Sheriff in Linn Cty, IA, was arrested on federal child sex abuse (child porn) charges.
  123. Christopher Haenel pled guilty to possession child sex abuse material  (child pornography) and was sentenced to 41 months
  124. Mark Aaron Griffin has been accused of using his position as a Messianic rabbi to assault a woman by telling her that she was a gift to him from God and has been charged with four counts of sexual assault. The school board that banned Anne Frank’s book invited him to speak even after he was charged.
  125. Nick Provenzano, aide to Illinois GOP Rep. Randy Hultgren, was fired after being caught having a sexual encounter with a teen boy.
  126. Richard “Dickie” Braswell was re-elected to the Johnston County Commission (NC) on November 8, 2022, even though  he was indicted for indecent liberties with a child in July.
  127. Robert Morris was the Assistant Dean of The Wave Leadership College, a Christian college for pastors, so conservative it partnered with Choices Pregnancy Center, a fake clinic. He was sentenced to 6 years for possessing more than 500 child sexual abuse maters.
  128.  Dean Alan Smith, pastor at Morning Star Baptist Church in Lame Deer, MT, was charged with sexually abusing four girls, three under age 12.
  129. Michael Brisky - Cattaraugus County NY, Republican Election Commission = sexual harassment - complaint referred to AG
  130. Tristan Tate - American/UK citizen arrested in Romania for rape and trafficking. Big MAGA influencer.
  131. Rudy Giuliani, former Trump lawyer and otherwise shameless hack, has been accused of sexual harassment. And never forget, the scene from the Borat 2 film
  132. Matt Schlapp, chair of American Conservative Union and CPAC organizer, is accused of sustained, unwelcome groping of a Herschel Walker campaign staffer
  133. Barry S. Edwards, Florida Pinellas County Republican Party activist, professor,  extorting sex from students
  134. John Rose, a Tennessee representative, was 42 when he met a high school girl at an Future Farmers of America competition. When she went to college, he married her. There is no allegation of criminal conduct, but a 42 y/o man selecting and grooming a high schooler for marriage is still predatory.
  135. Garrett Biggerstaff, former pastor of Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church Illinois (conservative, anti-gay, dominionist) has been arrested and charged with grooming.
  136. Joseph Kade Abbott, a teacher at the Apostolic Christian Academy in Merryville, TN is charged with sexual battery of a 14-year-old girl. In March 2024, he agreed to plead guilty.
  137. Rafael Cuevas took over as pastor of Temple of Prayer Assembly of God from his father Gabriel Cuevas. He was arrested in 2021 for raping a child under 12 several times over 4 years. A 2nd child came forward. He was sentenced to 20 years.

  1. Scott Yotka, a Jacksonville sheriff’s office dispatcher sentenced to 60 years for producing and distributing photos of himself sexually abusing young children
  2. Aaron Mitchell, former Customs and Border Protection officer, indicted for kidnapping a 15-year-old and sexually assaulting them
  3. Michael Patterson, former city manager in Florence CO, pleaded guilty to sexual misconduct and was sentenced to two years probation, no jail time in a too-sweet plea deal. Charges included stalking, sexual contact with no consent, and providing alcohol to a minor. City settled harassment suit.
  4. Oregon State Rep. Brian Stout has been accused of sexual assault and threatening his accuser with violence. He claims the attacks are partisan but the accuser is a former volunteer for his campaign.
  5. Dustin Spillers, a former youth pastor at the conservative Abba’s House church and a president of the PTA, was arrested for child molestation and child battery
  6. John Blanchard  a fervent Trump supporter who remains pastor of Rock Church Virginia Beach was charged with soliciting sex from a police officer he believed to be a 17-year-old girl. For some reason the charges were dropped, a special prosecutor has now been assigned.
  7. Christopher Schroder, a Cincinnati police officer pleaded guilty to dereliction of duty for not turning in rape kits or investigating sexual assaults
  8. Jason Kennedy, the principal of a conservative Christian school in Tennessee, has been charged with sexually abusing four children
  9. Deric Wallace Peacock, former youth pastor for South Hopewell Church of God, a conservative anti-gay church, was sentenced to 20 years for possessing and distributing child sexual abuse media with victims as young as 7.
  10. Former Sheriff’s Deputy of Onandaga County, Alexander Nicholson, was charged with reoffending after being released from jail after serving his sentence for sexual abuse of minors. ht/Beks
  11. Rocky Hayes was the Jones County Republican Party Chair. He was charged with three counts of possessing child sexual exploitation material ht Beks
  12. Gerald Fairbanks, a former Ada County (ID) sheriff’s deputy, has been charged with 8  counts of lewd contact with a child and 2 counts of child sex abuse.
  13. Adam Jeremy Lewis, an 8th grade teacher and wrestling coach at Pelham Park Middle School and Youth Director at Rock Mountain Lakes Baptist Church (far right) has been arrested for possession of child pornography.
  14. Gareth Reece Goode, music school owner and active in church band at anti-gay church St. Paul Lutheran, was arrested for aggravated sexual assault of a child, indecency with a child and harassment.
  15. Thomas Gilman Hartman, founding pastor of Wings of Peace NW, in Arkansas, used his position to manipulate a man into sex out of fear of bond being revoked, Arrested for sexual assault third degree
  16. Richard E. Jacklin, Kankakee County, Illinois - was sentenced to 18 years for sexually assaulting a Shapiro Developmental Center resident in 2017.
  17. David Stone, a police office in Virginia has been arrested for 50 counts of possessing child sexual exploitation material
  18. Erich A. Bennett, a NJ police officer, used police databases to stalk and harass a woman who ended their relationship in 2022. Slashed her tires…
  19. Adam James Maass, an Arkansas doctor is accused of sexually assaulting his patients.
  20. Scott Christner, a youth pastor at Goshen First Baptist Church, was sentenced to 20 years for child molestation.
  21. Tony Ernest Bunton, a Statesville NC pastor, was arrested with 4 counts of child sexual exploitation in August 2021. While out on bail, he was arrested again for 30 counts of  child sexual exploitation in October 2021.
  22. Joshua Grover of Rockford, IL, was sentenced to 180 DAYS plus probation for 4 counts of possession of child sexual abuse material
  23. Troy Hinchey, a former Sheriff’s Deputy in Washington County, VA, has been charged with misdemeanor sexual battery.
  24. Insurrectionist Daryl Johnson has been indicted for secretly recording women at a tanning salon.
  25. NY Congressman and real-life Zelig, George Santos has been accused of sexual harassment and of pursuing teenagers
  26. Mayor Jaron Rosien of Washington, IA, also ran in GOP primary for state House but lost. He has been arrested for third degree sexual assault - accused of assaulting a customer at his bar
  27. Phillip Briggs, Spencerville, OH, mayor resigned after being arrested for allegedly recording underage girls while they were undressing
  28. Jonathan High, deacon of the Antioch Revival Church in Perry, FL, was sentenced to 22 years for secretly filming boys in church bathroom to produce child exploitation material.
  29. Daniel Gilbert Franklin, track coach at North Bay Haven High School, admitted filming student while she showered. Charged with voyeurism
  30. Pastor Fred Gammon of Miami, OK was charged with felony child abuse. Gammon is the pastor of Wayside Assembly of God church in Wyandotte.
    And convicted and got 1 year 17.5 years suspended.
  31. Ted J. Tomaszewski, former Republican mayor and county commission candidate has been arrested for sexual assault of a 15-year-old.
  32. Matthew T. Travis, pastor of Apostolic Life United Pentecostal Church in Buffalo, TX, has been charged with three counts for Sexual Assault of a Child.
  33. Clark Travis, a pastoral leader at Centerville Apostolic Church and Apostolic Life United Pentecostal Church in Buffalo, TX was charged with five counts of Sexual Assault of a child and one count of Sexual Abuse of a Child under 14.
  34. Rightwing Radio Host Daniel W. Merrick who has published several books and songs and fulminates against homosexuality and Democrats on his radio program and Facebook has been charged with 886 counts of child sexual exploitation materials and 1 of criminal use of communications facility. He blames his wife.
  35. Stephen Arthur Morris, former pastor of anti-gay archconservative Oliver’s Grove Baptist Church, who is now serving 10-17 years for raping three minors has been charged with anothere 26 charges of raping a minor who is a relative.
  36. Matthew Reiber, pastor of the anti-gay New Life Christian Church in Chickasaw, OK, has been charged with inappropriate touching of a minor child.
  37. Chad Rider, former youth leader at Church of the Nazarene and chiropractor, was sentenced to 60 years for producing child exploitation material in collaboration with the pastor David Pettigrew (965)
  38. Anastasia Dawson has been charged with seven felonies involveing sexual abuse of a minor whom she met while a youth leader at the Hamilton MO LDS church
  39. Frank Pavone, Trumpist former Catholic priest defrocked for blasphemous social media posts, is accused of sexual misconduct including coercive physical contact
  40. Jeffrey Bedwell, sentenced to 30 years for molesting a child for several years.
  41. David Arthur Kendall was convicted for a lewd act with a minor and is a lifetime registered sex offender. He also leads a MAGA group Maine First opposing trans people.
  42. Harry Brar, George Santos campaign finance committeeperson, was arrested for attacking an eleven-year-old boy and his mother, who caught him with her son
  43. Charles Sutherland, a former librarian in Prince George’s Co, Maryland, schools committed an anti-gay hate crime last year, painting groomer on public library library doors. Now he has been charged with possession child sexual exploitation material
  44. Jacob Woods, a youth pastor at Rutherford County Baptist Church in Smyrna, TN, began grooming an underage girl there and has been indicted for five counts of statutory rape.
  45. Dennis Wayne Laferty, pastor of Thompson United Methodist Church in Geauga County, Ohio, has been charged with sexual battery, sexual imposition (victim between 13 and 16), and gross sexual imposition (under 13) of minors over the past 4 years.
  46. Michael Guglielmo, recently featured on FOX News as a NH  anti-trans activist who dressed up at Julius Caesar at a school board meeting has been charged with sexual grabbing a juvenile and assaulting a woman
  47. Emanuel Rivera, a Vernon NJ, police officer, admitting making making sexual advances to women while on duty, admitted the balance of power and intimidation, plea deal “conspiracy to commit official misconduct” was facing sexual assault charges.
  48. Pastor Milton Martin III, of the First Pentacostal Church in Chalmette, LA, was arrested for raping a child since she was 14 until she was 17 and reported him.
  49. Andrew Kloster, congressional counsel for Matt Gaetz, promotes rape culture. He once wrote “Consent is probably modern society’s most pernicious fetish.” He was talking about animals, arguing against outlawing bestiality. He said he wants a woman who looks like she just got punched. And much more including arguing slavery was voluntary.
  50. Donald McKinney, City Council and Mayor Pro Tem of Pickens, SC was arrested for sexually abusing a minor between 15 and 16
  51. Brandon Michael Fox, a Daytona police officer was sentenced to 25 years in prison and 45 years probation for possession of child sexual exploitation material
  52. David Duffett, youth pastor at Bible Baptist Church has been arraigned for felony sexual abuse of a minor
  53. Byron Wiscombe, former City Councilmember from Ammon, Idaho was sentenced from 3 to 33 years for raping a minor from when she was 14 until she was 21.
  54. Gary Buckaloo, former youth pastor at the rightwing First Baptist Church in Normangee and a school teacher, charged with Sexual Contact and Abuse of a Child under 14.
  55. International Churches of Christ joined other churches in institutionally providing cover and protection to sexual predators
  56. William Morrissey, a school resource officer in Cayuga County, NY. was arrested for sexually abusing a 14yo girl ignored order of protection to contact her, cited for contempt
  57. Charles Wadlington, professor at Abilene Christian University, sexual abuse of children
  58. Joshua Wine, Iowa National Guard recruiter, charged with sexuallly abusing a 10-year-old girl
  59. Leslie Shawn Brock, Lockland city councilman until his arrest in 2022 for possession of CSAM was sentenced to three years in a plea deal.
  60. Jared Woodfill, Harris County, TX, GOP chair and anti-gay activist, knew his law partner Paul Pressler was accused of child sex abuse but not only continued to work with him, he lied to help cover it up.
  61. A state trooper in Alaska, Vance Peronto, pulled over a 16-year-old girl, did not issue a citation, contacted her later, invited her to a hotel where he was met by police.Convicted of sexual abuse of a minor.
  62. Fulton Brock, a Maricopa County Supervisor, used his influence with Sheriff Joe Arpaio to protect his wife and daughter who were both sexually abusing a minor child.
  63. Nick Johnson, former coach at anti-gay Huntington University, arrested for felony sexual battery
  64. Jeffery York, pastor of the anti-gay New Beginnings Community Church in San Luis Obispo, was charged with sexually abusing a child for three years.
  65. Austin Haynes, former West Virginia state delegate, was sued for sexual harassment by a woman who worked with him to pass a bill. He sent inappropriate messages and offered to work on bill for sex.
  66. Jonathan Sauers, teacher at Faith Academy (uses RW Abeka & Bob Jones University curriculum) has been arrested for sexually abusing a student.
  67. Wesley Kendall Allen was a prison guard in a youth facility in Utah where he sexually abused a young girl. While awaiting sentencing, another woman came forward to claim he raped her when she was a teen and he was a cop. He has a long history of being fired for sexual misconduct, employers passing the problem on to others.
  68. Johnny Hunt, former Southern Baptist Conference president, is credibly accused of assaulting a pastor’s wife.
  69. John Perry, co-author of books by Mike Huckabee and Roy Moore was accused of child molestation. In one case, the police investigated and sustained the accusation but it was outside the statute of limitations. In the other, it is civil litigation involving the same victim.
  70. Matthew Durham was arrested for domestic violence, allegedly attacking his wife in front of their children. He’s been suspended from the Oconee County Council and his trial was set for April 2023. He reconciled, his wife now refuses to testify so charges were dismissed on 3/30/2023
  71. Texas State Rep. Bryan Slaton is under investigation for improper conduct with an intern - including providing her alcohol though she is under 21 & inviting her to his apartment after 10 pm
  72. Paul Zunker, former Carver County Wis. GOP Chair, pled guilty to criminal sexual contact with a person under 16. He was sentenced to 6 mo. and 15 yrs probation in 2012. In 2013, he was charged again for the same crime with a different person. He now leads a sex addiction counseling nonprofit called Turnback Ministries
  73. Todd Wade Allen, former Hutchinson, KS, police officer pled guilty to 12 felony sex crimes and 5 breach of privacy crimes.
  74. Timothy Wade Owen, former police officer in Edmond, OK, is charged with an improper relationship with a 14-year-old girl. Caught because a good person sent an anonymous letter to police.
  75. Joshua Craft, unsuccessful candidate Otter Creek Township Trustee, Vigo County in Indiana, who truthfully chose the name Josh38PervDad was charged with possession of CSAM
  76. Michael Wayne Coleman, a Mormon bishop in Arizona, was arrested for soliciting a minor. He was fired by the church immediately. 
  77. Missouri State Sen. Mike Moon thinks 12-year-olds getting married is just hunky-dory
  78. Ali Alexander, Stop the Steal organizer and Roger Stone wannabe, has been asking underage boys for dick pics. AT least one was only 15, another 17.
  79. Christopher Link Jones who worked for InfoWars and more recently for a creationist theme park has been convicted of lewd acts on children and battery, has been arrested now for child sex abuse
  80. Kent Stermon, close DeSantis ally and GOP donor killed himself, allegedly because police were investigating interaction with minor
  81. Bernd Niels “Dutch” Deblouw, a Republican who ran for City Council in Longview, TX, was arrested in Aug 2022 for intent to promote child sex abuse material. He was arrested again in Apr 2023 for invasive video recording.
  82. Scotty Campbell, TN House Rep, resigned after subcommittee investigation found he sexually harassed at least one intern
  83. Daniel Perry, the convicted racist murderer that Gov Abbott wants to pardon is also a child predator.
  84. Jacob Desormeaux, a Lafayette, LA, police officer was arrested for showing pornography to two underage teens, charged with two counts of obscenity with children.
  85. Adrienne Peña-Garza, Chair of Hidalgo County Republicans and the sister of Aron Peña, has been sued for covering up her brother’s sexual harassment.
  86. William Lee Lawshe of Fish and Wildlife in Florida was charged with possession CSAM. Another "of the Year" alumnus. National wildlife officer of the Year in 2018

  1. John Brownlow, former administrator at Westminster Academy, sexual exploitation of a child, and much more. Westminster is part of ACCS (Doug Wilson)
  2. Former Regent University law school assistant dean Stephen L. McPherson - convicted of raping three underage girls
  3. Percy Wilbur Rock Jr, candidate in the Republican primary for the Greencastle-Antrim School Board was charged with possessing child sexual abuse material. He admitted to police he has been looking at CSAM for 10 years.
  4. Jim Duran, Ventura City Councilman and Lead Pastor at The River Community Church knew his son was sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl and did not do mandatory reporting, his wife coerced the girl to not report.

  5. Andrea Speck, failed GOP primary candidate for PA House, candidate for Huntingdon County Commission, has been charged with felony strangulation, misdemeanor simple assault and summary harassment,
  6. Steven Crowder was revealed to be a verbally and emotionally abusive husband on Ring video. His wife is divorcing him and he is furious that is allowed. In addition, workers allege he exposes his genitals at work.
  7. Erickson Lee, law enforcement officer and youth pastor, child sex crimes. NC
  8. Earl Worden, an activist in Open Carry Texas and YouTube personality who tested limits of taping police convicted of rape and also of child sexual abuse
  9. Emma Hancock was a substitute teacher and acting in the capacity when she allegedly groped a teenaged boy in a classroom closet. She had an inappropriate relationship, text, exchange nudes. Her husband is Chief of Police, her father the town’s mayor.
  10. Harry Jackson, Fairfax VA school board candidate endorsed by the GOP, has been arrested for domestic violence against two of his wives. Pled no contest in 2018, twice sent to anger management/batterer intervention
  11. Kieran Cartharn, unsuccessful candidate for Columbus OH city council - pled to the lesser charge of gross sexual imposition, also domestic violence
  12. Laverne Paul Fox, was the principal of Faith Baptist Academy in Wildomar, CA and the bus director for the church when he molested a 15-year-old girl sentenced to two years in prison
  13. Jana Bradford - tough on crime prosecutor is alleged to have enabled and covered up for her pedophile uncle. He raped children, created CSAM. More than 100 videos of him raping children.

  14. Reginald 'Reggie' Loper, a member of the Effingham County Board of Commissioners was arrested for child molestation, The Board said they “pray for him and his family as they deal with this situation.” I guess they won’t be praying for the victim.
  15. Michael Sperou, North Clackamas Bible Community. Third conviction, two overturned and this was for raping a child while she was from 3 to 10 years old. Sentenced to 13 years.
  16. Ron Causby, GOP podcaster/influencer and candidate for Tulsa County GOP Chair
    In Oklahoma was arrested for burglary and stalking - breaking into his estranged wife’s home though she no longer lived there. He’s very active in the anti-education movement
  17. Larry Wilcoxson, aide to GOP state Rep. Byron Donalds and himself a candidate Hendry County Clerk has a troubling history of violent intimidation directed against women in politics, even REpublican women, a DV allegation from former girlfriend, and an arrest for child molestation.
  18. Bart Jetton, Mayor of Reno, Texas, resigned after being charged with assault with a deadly weapon after his wife. His wife reported he made a terroristic threat when she called the police for help.
  19. Jared Michael Boyce is a member of Patriot Front and he pleaded guilty to last month to nine felony counts of sexual exploitation of a minor and a misdemeanor count of dealing in material harmful to a minor.
  20. Shawn Bergstrand is the founder of Right-Side Up “Christian” fashion and sponsor of TurningPoint USA’s pastor’s summit. He is also a registeredsex offender convicted of attempted coercion and enticement of a minor
  21. Christopher Hundl, was a pastor at Baylor Chapter of Chi Alpha but resigned. He has since been arrested and charged for continuous sexual abuse of a child.
  22. Christopher Fourcade was Director of Children’s Ministries at First Christian Church, advisory board of Chamber, and Fostering Futures board member - arrested for molesting a 12-year-old child.
  23. Matthew Porter, former youth pastor at Bethel Baptist Church in Bradenton, FL was sentenced to four months in jail and two years of probation for secretly recording minors changing clothes.
  24. Fabian Basabe, Republican state rep for Miami, Florida is being investigated for slapping an aide. As of 7/6/23 he has been accused of sexual harassment
  25. Donny Raney, pastor of Okeechobee Missionary Baptist Church in Florida,
  26. Matthew Reilly, a Rhode Island Republican Councilman and local Party Chair has been charged with child molestation and solicitation of a child (a 12-year-old girl)
  27. John Dizon, SUNY and Newburgh city police officer, arrested for raping a child under the age of thirteen.
  28. Daryl Stagg, a powerful Baptist leader, a strategist for Big Creek and CenLa Baptist associations, has been charged with three counts each of oral sexual battery, first degree rape, aggravated crimes against nature and indecent behavior with juveniles.
  29. Faith Academy in Mobile, AL, will not allow a student to play softball without signing a “hold harmless” waiver after that student was sexually abused by soccer coach
  30. Maryville Apostolic Church not only did not report sexual abuse of children, they told families not to report it. They encouraged young girls to date older men.
  31. Mel Gibson, actor/activist, pleaded no contest to domestic violence. Conviction vacated after he completed three years probation, took classes.
  32. Brian Hawkins, San Jacinto City councilmember, was arrested on suspicion of assaulting two children.
  33. Bradley Putnam, pastor at Freedom Fellowship in Keizer, OR, was sentenced to 27 months for child rape.

  34. Daniel Savala, former youth pastor in Ketchikan Alaska where he was convicted for the sexual abuse of a child has been an itenierent pastor traveling from ministry to ministry. He was arrested in June 2023 for forcing kids to perform sex act  in the home of a mentee.

  35. Joseph Charles Golinske - Proud Boy leader convicted of lewd conduct with a minor in Florida, of sexual assault in Michigan
  36. Dwight C. John, on governing board of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, was charged with 14 counts of child sex abuse plus 3 related felony counts.
    He is also associated with Daniel Savala

  37. Chi Alpha and Assemblies of God protected Daniel Savala and wrote leniency letters to reduce his sentence in 2012 impugning the victims. Allowed years of abuse to continue
  38. Steve Morgan, founder of The Network, raped a 15-year-old boy in 1986. People allege there has been a coverup of his past actions which should have been divulged. They also allege spiritual abuse.
  39. Christopher Dorworth, former GOP state rep in Florida, current GOP lobbyists and Matt Gaetz buddy has been accused of trafficking and rape by a woman who was underage at the time.
  40. Zachary Reynolds, a teacher at Bunn High School in Louisville, North Carolina was charged with indecent liberties with a student
  41. Jamie Flanery, former youth pastor, Arkansas is accused of sexually assaulting a fifteen-year-old girl. h/t dvslib
  42. Donald Lee Flanery, a former pastor and Jamie Flanery’s father, was sentenced to 35 years for raping a child.
  43. Anthony Emanuel, former mayor of Trenton, GA, and failed Republican candidate for county executive (2008) was charged with child molestation.
  44. Scott Erickson, pastor of Redemption Church in Arcadia FL, under investigation for child molestation h/t Beks
  45. Michael Chayton Bullard, firefighter with Bullard VFD, charged with raping a child.
  46. Terry Rudisill, former pastor of Cornerstone Independent Baptist Church in Lincolnton NC sexually assaulted a child while out on bail for sexually assaulting a different child.  Via Beks

  1. Stephanie Neipling, the former deputy director of constituent services for former Governor Asa Hutchinson, has been arrested for sexually assaulting (raping) a fifteen-year-old boy.
  2. Angela Leigh Stewart, teacher at a private Christian school, charged with crimes against special needs student
  3. Michael James Shover, a priest at Holy Redeemer in Pella, IA, was rallying in support of Iowa’s abortion ban when asked about pedophiles, referencing the Catholic church controversy. His reply was “Why is pedophilia wrong?” He said it several times. He’s now claiming that he was asserting the + LGBTQ+ stands for pedophile.

  1. Scott Saunders, Jr was the mayor of Smithville, TX. He resigned shortly before his arrest for child sex crimes. He pleaded guilty to sexual assault and sexual assault of a child and was sentenced to 5 years deferred adjudication which means in 5 years, his record will be clean - erasing his history
  2. Ray Uttaro, VA, was a law enforcement and corrections officer as well as with DARE. He has been charged with dozens of sex crimes against children. h/t Dara
  3. Ferrell Kissiar, a Pentecostal pastor in Illinois, pled guilty to Child Sexual Abuse Material, and more. In an actual sex ring.
  4. Cole Wagner, Alabama Dept of Ed staff and ED of Alliance for a Pro Life Alabama charged with child sex abuse
  5. Benjamin Yu, Lake Forest, CA, City Councilmember has been arrested for domestic violence.
    Lake Forest Councilmember Benjamin Yu arrested on suspicion of domestic violence
  6. Lawrence Fourkiller, a teacher in Stillwell, OK  charged with sexual abuse of a child under 12
  7. Brian Heck, Belgrade school trustee, who campaigned against any progressive social agenda, resigned after arrest in a child exploitation and human trafficking investigation.
  8. Jose Tirado, a Seminole County Deputy, used his access to information about investigations of child predators to warn them and help them evade arrest.
  9. Dan Waddington, former police officer, Utah Valley University adjunct professor of Criminal Justice, former DHS employee - arrested for possessiong child sexual abuse material. His FB is full of anti-Democratic posts and memes.
  10. Joel Womochil was Police Chief of Burns, Kansas until he resigned a day before his arrest for possessing CSAM - even a child so young they used a pacifier h/t Be
  11. Ryan Kissell, Special Ed teacher and football coach at Nodaway Valley Community School District, Iowa was arrested and charged with 46 counts of child sexual abuse. The child was under 12 for the duration of the abuse that began in 2013.

  1. Jeff Thomas is no longer the Republican DA in Somerset County, PA. He was convicted by a jury of indecent assault and several other sexual assault crimes. He was sentenced to 7 years in prison.
  2. Edward (Ed) Wonnacott, a Celebrate Recovery church leader in Springdale, AR. Charged with 13 counts of possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material.
  3. Tivo McCrary, Executive Pastor at the anti-gay Cornerstone Church, was dismissed for sins against teen members = law enforcement is involved
  4. Bob Stine, former pres of MN/WI Baptist Convention, and pastor has been charged with sexually assaulting a child. This illustrates the value of sex-ed. That’s how she knew it was wrong.
  5. Boris Epshteyn,Trump friend and supporter has been accused of groping two women.
  6. Dakota Kennermer, a youth pastor in Twin Falls, Idaho, has been charged with sexual battery for fondling a teenage girl
  7. Kyle Nelson Robinson, a pastor at First Baptist, Indialantic, FL, has been arrested for child molestation
  8. Bob Young, GOP state rep in Ohio arrested for violating a protective order issued after a domestic violence incident.
  9. Joshua Harris, former Wibaux County Deputy in MT, pleaded guilty to raping three children and to two counts of incest over the course of eight years.. He began raping one of the girls when she was eight.
  10. Amanda Buchanan Justice, a youth pastor, has stepped down as she has been charged with sexually assaulting a child under the age of fifteen. Her husband remains pastor, but also stepped down as youth pastor. NC
  11. Scott D. Owen, a therapist in Utah recommended by a Morman Bishop to counsel LGBTIQA patients, lost his license FINALLY for sexually assaulting patients.
    Now arrested:
  12. Alexander Kenoyer, former Cripple Creek, CO, police detective arrested for continued sexual contact with a sex trafficking victim and coercion.Received probation in plea deal
  13. Antonio Capilupi, a high school teacher in Florida, was arrested for soliciting sex from underage children via computer and possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material.
  14. Franklin Joseph Perkins, Eagle Scout leader, Martial Arts instructor, and gymnastics coach was arrested for possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material
  15. Justin R. Barron, firefighter, arrested and charged with raping a child
  16. Fabian Marta, a funder of the Q-adjacent film Sound of Freedom, and local school board advocate for anti-gay candidates and positions. Arrested for child kidnapping
  17. Timothy Ballard, inspiration for Sound of Freedom and leader of Operation Underground Railroad founded to rescue trafficked children has left the organization due to complaints about unspecified sexual misconduct.
  18. Chris Marsh, Florence City, SC, school board chair was sentenced to 11 years in prison for criminal sexual conduct with a minor
  19. Robert Lazzell, First Baptist Church School Principal and Deacon, sentenced to twelve years for raping a former student since he was in 8th grade and continuing to harass him after he went to college
  20. Jason Kerby is a Christian musician in Abilene Texas who has been charged with producing Child Sexual Abuse Material using hidden cameras. His FB:
  21. Miracle Meadows in W. Virginia, founded by Susan Gayle Clark, has come to a 100 million settlement for allowing students to be beaten, raped, starved, confined in solitary. Students became pregnant from rape, got STDs.
  22. Joshua Hageman, a police officer in Kansas, was charged with indecency with a child for sex crimes involving two 15-year-old girls. He pled guilty to a lesser charge. For some reason the judge gave him two years probation rather than the 5 the prosecution requested.
  23. Allan Kyle Jones pastor at the evangelical Lifeway Community Church in Alabama was arrested for possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material
  24. Aaron Mirtsching, pastor at Thrive Church in Burke County, NC, and a kindergarten teacher at a charter school, arrested twice of possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material and taking indecent liberties with a child.

    And now again
    Some more
  25. Kenneth Seidens, Republican city councilman in Alta Vista, KS, was arrested for child sex crimes
  26. Robert Jordan, City Council member in Louisiana, Missouri arrested for sexual misconduct during his employment as a prison guard. Charges include sexual abuse of an offender.
  27. Steven Bradley Coward, Latta, SC, City Councilman - suspended by governor for domestic violence arrest
  28. James (Jim) Pierce, city council member in Flower Mound, TX, was sentenced to life for continuous sexual abuse of a child plus 70 years for four counts of child indecency. He’s 82.
  29. Ruby Franke, influential mommy vlogger with at one time more than 2 million subscribers, was charged with child abuse and neglect
  30. Jeremy Chesser, OH firefighter, charged with possessing and distributing Child Sexual Abuse Material and production. Admits sexually abuse of children.
  31. Kevin Tomafsky, former aide to Chris Christie, was arrested on charges he paid to “perform a sexual act” with a 6-year-girl. The girl’s father was arrested but unnamed to protect her privacy
  32. Kevin Ruditsky, a Trump-supporting NJ police officer, has been charged with stalking a 16-year-old girl.
  33. Kelly Garrett Ivey, a youth pastor at Rock Springs Church, is accused of trying to sell a 16-year-old girl online on the dark web.
  34. Alan Placa is a priest, ironically and disgustingly appointed to deal with abuse allegations. But he was an abuser himself, so
  35. Tyler Selby, Music Ministert at Robinwood Baptist Church in Mississippi, charged with filming himself in a tub with a child committing sexual acts. 11/24, he changes his plea to guilty.
  36. Nicholas Garrett Corl, youth pastor at Mountain Avenue Baptist in Banning, CA, was arrested for sexual battery/lewd acts with a child after someone who saw something said something.
  37. Derek Cornette has been removed as Davenport, IA, alderman by a 7-3 vote because of sexual harassment allegations, voice mails, police recordings, coming to work drunk
  38. Jeff Jones, Monroe County WV Sheriff, was arrested 9/15/23 for soliciting nude pictures from a minor.
  39. Dennis Prager dismisses sexual assaults as invented “to get votes” and overblown, defends marital rape,
  40. Erick Allen Mosteller, former LDS youth leader and supporter of Sound of Freedom/Tim Ballard, was charged with 10 counts of Child Sexual Abuse Material, pleaded guilty to 2 in a deal. 250 days/4 yrs probation. Rape/Sodomy of infants and toddlers.
  41. Roger VanRaden, youth pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Champaign, IL raped a child for four years until she was 18 and went to the police. Sentenced to 15 years.
  42. David Cornelius, a First Baptist of Danville high school math, science, and Bible teacher named David Cornelius was charged in 2003 with sexually abusing a young child in his wife's daycare, as well as soliciting sexual favors from a high school student at his new school position with Schlarman High School. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 4 years of probation.
  43. John Finley, FOX News VP, NY, fired for sexual harassment and stalking.
  44. Austin Perkins, youth minister at Grace Fellowship Baptist Church in Cave Spring, GA. He was arrested in March 2022 with five others who shared Child Sexual Abuse Material. He pleaded guilty in September 2023, three counts of aggravated child molestation, child molestation, possession or control of any material depicting the minor in a sexual context and employing/using the minor to engage in/assist a person in sex.
  45. State Sen. Tom Wright of Florida was banned from DV shelter for lewd behavior with survivors has now physically attacked the director
  46. Joseph C. Roberts, a member of the San Francisco Republican Central Committee, made a name for himself when he claimed to have been wrongfully suspended from college due to complaints by three women who accused him of sexual misconduct. He was a vocal speaker against the #MeToo movement. He was arrested for murdering and dismembering his fiancée.
  47. Tony Bunton, a NC pastor, pled guilty to possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material. He was sentenced to four years.
  48. Andrew Lynn Overheul, Jacksonville, FL, softball coach sentenced to 20 years for secretly recording girls on his team.
  49. Matthew Dessert, CA Sheriff’s Deputy, arrested for continuous sexual abuse of a child (9 yo)
  50. Gregory Norton, a former Baptist church youth group leader who also once worked as a nurse at a Jacksonville children’s hospital. Has been accused of sexual molestation of a teen he met at church functions.
  51. Martin Burns, pastor of Winamac Nazarene Church, has been charged with battering a child after a video of him leaning on the child’s chest surfaced. Indiana
  52. Christopher M Pruitt, pastor of evangelical Our Father’s House (Nazarene) has been charged with sexually abusing two girls. Oregon
  53. Kent Daniel Prestwich, an LDS primary school leader was arrested for possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material 10 counts /via Beks

  1. Phillip Koons, a Ringling, OK, Hall of Fame football coach created a culture of intimidation on his students - Charged with outraging public decency
  2. Ronald VanOverloop, former pastor of the anti-gay Grace Protestant Reformed Church (MI) was sentenced to 45 days in jail in a plea agreement for assault though sexual battery was the initial charge. He is accused of inappropriately touching several minor girls
  3. Justin B. Durham, Phelps Co Sheriff’s Deputy, arrested and charged with possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material and raping 2 little girls and recording it. MO
  4. Matt Innis, Lancaster GOP Chair, has been accused of sexual assault and stalking by a woman. She had an exclusion order which police refused to enforce, so she got a protection order. PA
  5. Anthony J. Dinch, who lost GOP primary for mayor & is running unopposed for Borough council in E. Washington PA arraigned on 9 charges, including involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a person less than 16 years of age, unlawful contact with a minor — sexual offenses, and indecent assault of a person less than 16 years of age.
  6. Michael Queensland, Chief Clerk of WI Senate, who also worked for Sen. LeMahieu (R) , has resigned after investigation determines woman’s allegation of sexual misconduct and harassment is credible
  7. Joseph Saggese, Republican candidate for an open seat on Matawan, NJ, city council, has been arrested & charged with strangulation, domestic assault, assault
  8. Michael Tobin, former police officer in Clarksville, IA, convicted on 11 charges of sexual exploitation of a minor,month%2Dlong%20investigation%20for%20misconduct.
  9. Robert Stahn, a counselor for survivors of child sexual trauma, himself victimized a vulnerable adult who was nonverbal.
  10.  Tammy Tyner, former Tammy Tyner Moran, was 2 years probation for raping two exchange students in her home.
  11. Matthew Thomas Wyatt, guest preacher at Southside Baptist Church. Charged with child sex crimes.
  12. Mike Bickle of the International House of Prayer, said opposing Trump is “a demonic attack coming against the Word of God.” He’s been accused of sexual misconduct, using his position to coerce sex,
  13. Newton Crenshaw is the President/CEO of Young Life Ministries which, under his leadership, is accused of covering up or ignoring sexual abuse allegations.
  14. Robert W Austin of Sanderson, FL, was a Dept of Corrections Chaplain, arrested for sending explicit messages to a police officer he believe to be a 14-year-old girl
  15. Corey White, youth pastor at the anti-gay, hate church Redeemer Midland, has been arrested for possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material. Pleaded guilty January 2024
  16. Adolphus “Dick” Pelley, has sat on the Athens City Council since 2002. He’s also a member of the Republican National Committee. He lost his professional counselors license after a woman complained he made sexual comments and ranted at the woman for not attending church
  17. John Justin McCall, pastor/worship leader at Grace River Community Church in Decatur, AL.  Soliciting a minor, Child Sexual Abuse Material, failing to register as a sex offender
  18. Ashley Crouse, pastor at New Vision Baptist Fellowship Church, in Granite Falls, NC, arrested for possession of child sex abuse material. Bail is $1 milion
  19. David Scott, the head of Exxon’s shale oil and gas business has been arrested and charged with sexual assault in Houston, TX. Charges were dropped in February
  20. Tom Garrett, VA GOP Congressman - domestic violence
  21. Thomas Garrett, a Milwaukie, OR, police officer has been charged with domestic violence, assaulting the mother of his 1 year-old in front of her children
  22. Republican Del. Matt Fariss, a member of the VA House since 2012,is charged with hit-and-run and accused of swerving to strike a woman he had been dating with his vehicle. She was injured.
  23. Brad Benson, GOP Granbury, TX, City Council candidate arrested on 2 counts of possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material and two counts of felony first-degree child pornography possession after his home was searched. He was arrested the day before the election.
  24. Ted Suhl, a health services corrupt executive pardoned by Trump, has been sued by former residents of his “Lord’s Ranch” who claim he covered up child rape and abuse, even threatening reprisals for reporting abuse. Trigger Warning:
  25. Paul Schofield and his wife recorded themselves raping her 4 year-old child. Pled Guilty.
  26. Wade Lee Schvaneveldt, Soda Springs, ID, teacher and coach was sentenced to 8 to 18 years in Jun 2023 for raping on of his players
    In Sept 2023, in another county, he pleaded guilty to raping a player, sentenced for 10 to 25 years concurrent h/t Beks
  27. Kyle Hilleary, pastor at anti-gay church and educator at Christian school in Mississippi, was charged with child exploitation
  28. David Prince, OK Corrections officer and Associate Pastor and Candace Owens fan, arrested for possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material
  29. Alyson Cranick accused of repeatedly raping an 11-year-old boy, her student.
    While on bail, she was caught sending pics to 13-year-old and arrested again
  30. Daniel J Abraham, a Christian school teacher in NC, is charged with sexual battery, indecent liberties with a child.

  1. Phillip Fisher Jr, a pastor, Republican ward leader, and a Philadephia Moms for Liberty coordinator pleaded guilty to aggravated sexual abuse of a 14-year-old boy
  2. Jeffrey Thomas Singleton, a code enforcement officer, arrested for possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material that included infants (and animals). Materials on his phone showed him raping his dogs. Florida
  3. Joseph Ortega, Las Vegas police officer, arrested for child abuse and domestic violence with a deadly weapon
  4. Justin Sigmon, Franklin County Sheriff, was convicted of sexually abusing his niece.
  5. Reagan Anderson was a teacher at a private christian school. She’s been charged with sexual battery of one of her students and sendng him nude photos of herself.
  6. Trammell Crow, brother to Harlan Crow, and big GOP donor in his own right, has been sued, claiming he financed and participated in a sex trafficking ring
  7. Patrick Walsh, one of the funders who bankrolled Trump's Truth Social has been sued for sexual harassment including sexual battery by two women. NY
  8. Ryan Fournier, a co-founder of Students for Trump who now leads Radical Alert, has been charged with misdemeanor assault for grabbing his girlfriend and striking her on the forehead with his handgun, what used to be called pistol whipping.
  9. Christian Ziegler, Florida Republican Party Chair and close friend and confidante of Ron DeSantis, has been accused of rape. His wife is co-founder of the book-banning Moms for Liberty. The accuser told police she had been a third in consensual sexual encounters with the Zieglers.The police did not charge him with rape and instead forwarded charges of video voyeurism to prosecutors
  10. David J. Turley was the mayor of Woodland Park when he was charged with sexual assault of a child by a person in a position of trust. He pleaded guilty and avoided jail time through four years of intensive probations. (2015, Colorado)
  11. Jeffrey Brienza, former NYPD captain, has been accused of rape by a retired police officer. He was also alleged to stalk a four-year-old girl.
  12. Justin Wells, Tucker Carlson’s producer at Fox News, is accused of sexual assault by another FOX news producer. NY
  13. William Oswald, SC Baptist pastor, sentenced to 40 years for raping 2 young girl. One was younger than 11. Rush Limbaugh fan (see Beks)
  14. Kristopher Gellenbeck has been charged with child abuse and domestic violence/abuse in front of a child.
  15. Johnathan Andrew Edwards, a Sheriff’s deputy in Harnett County, NC, was charged with 10 counts of 1st degree sexual exploitation of several minors and obstruction of justice.
  16. John Sweeney, former NY congressman, was accused of domestic violence after a 911 call brought police to his home. His wife claimed she was forced to issue denial. He was active in 2020 election denial efforts.
  17. Jose Saez Jr, a Brentwood, NY, pastor at Iglesia Cristiana Alumbrando el Camino, has been charged with the production and possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material. He claimed to find his victims at his church.
  18. Brock Fredin, a Wisconsin right-wing twitter user/influencer frequently amplified by Donald Trump, has a history of stalking and harassing women.
  19. William Gleason, a Republican who held several positions in the Toms River borough including heading the Recreation Committee, has been arrested and held without bail for sexually assaulting a child.
  20. Albert Benjamin Wharton, a pastor at a conservative Baptist church, has been charged with 30 felony counts of child sexual abuse.
  21. Cameron Cotrill, a media minister at Center Pointe church in Ocean Springs, MS pleaded guilty to possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material.
  22. Christopher Terranova, 34 year-old NYPD officer, accused of sexual abuse via coercion of three children
  23. Clarice Schillinger, Republican candidate for PA LT. Gov and a conservative “parental rights” activist was arrested for assault after punching a minor at a party where she provided alcohols to minors - what we call contributing to the delinquency in liberal circles.
  24. Thomas Wall, a former pastor at the conservative Pentecostal Fellowship Church and a Christian school administrator pled guilty in a deal that dismissed all but one charge against him and whose sentence is agreed to be one year/time served. He was accused of raping several girls under the age of 16.
  25. Calvin Weber, a dentist in Glenwood, IA, was convicted of assaulting a patient. She claimed he called her sexy and touched her without her permission.
  26. Eric Spofford, former CEO of Granite State Recover and Republican party donor, has been accused by several women of sexual harassment.
  27. Andrew N Lackey, Seward County Community College teacher charged with sexually assaulting a child.
  28. Patrick Stephen Miller, a former Immanuel Baptist Church youth minister, was originally charged with second-degree sexual assault, pleaded guilty instead to misdemeanor harassment in January 2022. Now he wants his record expunged despite a new allegation.
  29. Immanuel Baptist Church’s pastor Steven Smith never reported the allegations against 1238 to the congregation although the church did inform the police, and in his plea deal he was not required to register as a sex offender, he was able to get a job at another church.
  30. Mark Rivera, lay pastor at Christ Our Light Anglican IL (anti-gay splinter church) was convicted of child sexual abuse and pled guilty to an additional charge in 2023. Accused of molesting several more children.
  31. Jake Freeman, a police officer in Las Vegas, was arrested for aggravated stalking, attempted home invasion, & destruction of property, all against his ex-wife. He died by suicide after his arrest.
  32. Dillon Herrington, the Alabama seditionist known as MAGA Lumberjack, has been charged with rape.
  33. Richard Shaw, a pastor from Riverton, WY, was arrested and will be extradited to Florida for molesting a child who was younger than twelve. He admitted doing it and claimed an addiction to pornography.
  34. State House Republican Leader Matt Hall - domestic violence Michigan
  35. NH State Sen. Andy Sanborn was accused of paying off an intern or getting him a legislative job to keep quiet about sexual harassment. There are additional allegations as well.
  36. Rand York tried to protect and cover up rape of nine-year-old child by a pastor he supervised. Told the child’s mother not to report to police.

  37. Nathaniel Jon Pineda, a teacher at Dream City Christian School in Glendale, AZ, has been charged with luring a minor, four counts of sexual conduct with a minor and four counts of sexual abuse. Caught when parents found texts on 15yo daughter’s phone
  38. Cole Carter, Alabama fireman, pleaded guilty to sexually abusing two children and creating Child Sexual Abuse Material. ht/Beks
  39. Cortney T. Andrew, a Utah church leader pleaded guilty to grooming, enticement of a minor ht/Beks
  40. Gary Joseph Hawkins, a Utah firefighter, has been charged with child sexual exploitation.
  41. Micah Whitfield, the technical director of the Arend Arts Center and an employee of Bentonville, Arkansas, Schools was charged with sexual assault of a Bentonville high school student. Pic/Beks
  42. Shawn Gooden, an LDS church leader, lobbyist, and lawyer was convicted in VA of assaulting a child and has been charged with rape and sexual abuse of a child in PA.
  43. Rhett Hintze, a lobbyist and “stake president” of seven area LDS churches, is charged of failing to report. He is alleged to have known of Shawn Gooden’s actions for 2 years and not reporting it.
  44. Brad Nash, former Mayor of Salem, MO, Dent County Fire Chief, Emergency Manager, charged with two counts of first-degree statutory sodomy and one count of second-degree child molestation
  45. Paul Humphrey, Indianapolis police officer who follows rightwing FB account, was charged with child seduction, sexual misconduct with a minor.
  46. Lillie Bowman, Norris, OK, high school teacher pled no contest to third-degree sexual abuse by a school employee in a plea deal. She sexually abused a student.
  47. Donald H. Briggs, former mayor of Millbrook, NY was arrested in 2016, charged with two counts of third-degree criminal sexual act. The victim was under 17. His name is on lists posted by MAGAs who list him as a Dem (Not every person in NY is a Dem, guys)
  48. Corey Botelho, a PA sheriff’s deputy, soccer coach, and gun/tactical businessman who was also an anti-mask/anti-vaxxer, and anti-government 2nd amendment fanatic, charged with 79 sex crimes against children, raping a girl since she was 8 until she was
  49. Jamol Jones is a former police officer and was recently appointed to the Arkansas Board of Corrections by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. However, he was fired as a police officer for “a sexual relationship with a minor.” Why no prosecution for statutory rape?
  50. Kenneth M. Richens, head of Utah children’s charity is accused of participating in sex tourism. Pleaded guilty to two counts of child sexual exploitation in an agreement that dropped eight charges. He had CSAM on his phone after returning from trip to Phillipines.
  51. Dale Kenyon, former mayor of Clayton, New York, pleaded guilty in a plea deal. He pleaded to a third-degree criminal sex act, dispensing with a 22-count indictment of third-degree sex acts with a 14-year-old By the way, this guy shows up on the lists MAGAs post, claiming he is a Dem.
  52. Seditionist Kyle Colton, CA, has been indicted for receiving Child Sexual Abuse Material
  53. David Helbling, CA, Assemblies of God pastor has been charged with kidnapping to commit rape and sexual abuse of child under 14 and of child under 10.
  54. Lynn Lindaman, a pediatric orthopedic surgeon in Ankeny, Iowa has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a child. He will receive an enhanced sentence thanks to a deferred sentence for a related offense 25 years ago. How did he get licensed?
  55. Pastor Bobby Leonard of Bible Baptist Tabernacle in Monroe, NC, preached that he would acquit a man who raped a woman if the woman was wearing shorts.
  56. Trevor Goodson, Tennessee teacher and basketball coach, arrested and charged with sexual abuse of a child
  57. David Wakefield, principal and athletic director at Damascus Christian School, has been charged with sexually abusing a 14-year-old child for four years.
  58. Rachel Wakefield, substitute teacher and coach at Damascus Christian School has been charged with sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl for four years.
  59. David Templett, a police officer in Latta, SC, is charged with sex crimes involving an 11-year-old child
  60. Daniel Edward Duffey, a GOP political strategist and former political director for MT Governor Gianforte, has pleaded not guilty to stalking charges. He is charged with stalking and harassing a man whom he accuses of sexual assault, posting flyers, making accusations on man’s wedding site, etc.
  61. Dustin Ledford, an elementary school counselor in Cleveland County, NC, was arrested for felony child abuse, sexual act, and indecent liberties with a child.
  62. Luis Borunda, a former deputy state secretary under GOP Gov Larry Hogan and Trump appointee, has been indicted for possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material following charges last August for soliciting a minor.
  63. Kyle Hayden Lewter, Alabama Young Republicans leader, arrested for sexual torture and murder
  64. Floyd Godfrey, a gay conversion therapist, surrendered his license after sexual misconduct allegations were brought by two employees
  65. John Goodrich, former bishop in the Morman church, has been indicted for sexually assaulting his daughter. Charges include rape, sodomy and two counts of aggravated sexual battery by a parent.
  66. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - organizational coverup
  67. Paul Rytting, Director of Risk Management Division of LDS Church, for covering up and preventing prosecution of sexual abusers of children
  68. Christopher J. Ballard, a Colorado religious academy teacher was charged with sexual assault of a child, accused of making students create Child Sexual Abuse Material
  69. Dan Rodimer, a GOP House candidate, has been charged with murder after killing someone in a brawl. He’s been involved in at least three other brawls in the past.
  70. Dennis Coggins, the Mayor of Hoxie, Arkansas, has been sued for sexual harassment - pressuring her for sex as she tried to rent a house from him. He forced an embrace on her repeatedly and constantly asked for sex in return for rent and utility discounts that she refused.
  71. Les Stapleton, Mayor of Prestonburg, KY, resigned shortly after being sued for sexual harassment and sexual assault of a city employee - but he said did not resign because of it.
  72. William Keith Dodd, a pastor in Kansas, pled no contest to raping a child under the age of fourteen.
  73. Marvin Leroy Mosley, a now-former pastor of the extreme-right God’s Missionary Church in Lehighton, PA, has been sentenced to 6 to 23 months for raping three children under 13. He will serve probation after his release.
  74. Jeffrey Duncan, a Nebraska pastor and one time Lutherans for Life staffer, was sentenced to 4.5 years for sexually abusing a child.
  75. Jon Stone, GOP NH state representative, responded to an investigation into him for an inappropriate relationship with a minor (started at 15) by threatening to rape the police chief’s wife and kill his fellow officers in a shooting spree.
  76. Monte LaVelle Chitty, a FL Baptist pastor and former cop, is accused of raping a 15yo after he gave her alcohol and she passed out.
  77. Justin Hicks, MO state rep who is running for Congress, was subject to a restraining order after threatening to kill a woman while choking her. The information was brought out by one of his competitors in the primary for a Congressional race
  78. Spencer Greendyke, ID orthopedic surgeon, is charged with 2 counts of producing Child Sexual Abuse Material and 6 counts of video voyeurism for putting hidden camera in bathroom at his practice.
  79. Charles O. Lake, Lake Alfred (FL) City Commissioner & former mayor, charged with possession of more than 300 Child Sexual Abuse Materials - children from 2 to 12
  80. Tifany Adams, Chair of Cimarron County Republican Party in Oklahoma was charged with kidnapping and murdering two women, one was the mother of her grandchildren.
  81. Jesse Law, Clark County (NV) GOP County Chair, was arrested on suspicion of domestic battery. The DA declined to prosecute.
  82. Brian Ormes, a Kentucky primary candidate for state house, was arrested for strangulation of a minor after his kid was almost struck by a ball at Walmart.
  83. Solomon Peña, failed NM state house candidate, has been arrested in murder for hire effort to get rid of witnesses to his upcoming trial for hiring people to shoot at Democratic Party candidate homes.
  84. Robert Lookingbill, Thurmond MD Town Commissioner, was arrested for sexual abusing a child
  85. Zack Scrivner, Kern County Supervisor (CA) and Kevin McCarthy protege, is being investigated for sexual assault of his daughter after one of his other children stabbed him in the chest to defend her.
  86. NH State Rep. Jess Edwards fought to retain child marriage, thinking if they were of “ripe and fertile age” they should be able to be married.
  87. David Love, Kentucky retired police officer and member of Patriots Guard Riders was arrested, charged with raping 13-year-old
  88. Bill Halle, Butler school board member and founder of the Patriot Party, a PA GOP extremist offshoot, charged with  grooming, sexual assault, corruption of minor
  89. Seth Waxman, Mason, MI VP of Planning Commission, arrested for soliciting a minor.
  90. Victor Franklin, Wysox Township Supervisor, (Pennsylvania) charged with possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material
  91. Jerry Dan Heflin, a Deacon at Unity Baptist Church - a far-right conservative church, in Sylvester, Georgia, was charged with 66 felony counts, including child molestation, aggravated sodomy and incest.
  92. Retired Air Force General Mike McClendon (TX) has been charged with the continuous rape of a child under 14.
    FB Post Archived:
  93. Christopher Matthew Codding, a youth pastor in Georgia, pleaded guilty to Child Molestation and Sodomy. He taught sexual abuse protection at the church.
  94. Randy Saylor, Assoc. Pastor at Living Word church, Michigan has been charged with sexual assault involving a child under 13
  95. Leo Riley, priest in FL and IA, charged with five counts of sexual abuse in IA and also accused of sexual abuse in FL though no charges yet filed. Case: 01311 FECR154879 (DUBUQUE)
  96. Elliot “Alu” Axelman, a former Republican for the NH state house, has been accused of assaulting a 14-year-old girl at a Libertarian festival in 2022. His trial begins in June.
  97. Jeffrey Allan Hill was a youth coach before his arrest for possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material. He pled guilty to a federal charge, but still faces several state charges.
  98. Gabe LeBlanc, former Lafourche Parish deputy, has been arrested for producing Child Sexual Abuse Material.
  99. Louisiana News Director/ Bill Lunn is being investigated for soliciting a minor, caught in a catfish trap.
  100. Barry Fike, former pastor, former teacher at Christian school, former Pepperdine professor pled guilty to online sex crimes with a child.
  101. Russell Jon Tusing, a Sovereign Grace pastor, has been arrested for molesting a child. Sovereign Grace churches are so extreme, they argue that disagreeing with their faith is persecution.
  102. Samuel Jason Ingle, Dean of Asheville Christian Academy and a graduate of Liberty University has been arrested for engaging in a sexual act with a student. While registered independent, he chose the GOP primary ballot.
  103. Ronnie Allen Killingsworth, a far-right Christian pastor and decades-long book banner, has been convicted of raping three children in his church. He was sentenced to 42 years in prison.
  104. Gregory McLean, a Naval Commander from Jacksonville FL, was sentenced to 160 months for distributing Child Sexual Abuse Material and 120 months for unlawfully retaining national defense information, served concurrently.
  105. Robert Morris of TX (not 1035 VA) was pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake, TX, confessed to moral failure for his relationship with a “young lady” who was 12 at the time she claims he began molesting her and raping her. He was Trump’s spiritual advisor.
  106. Neil Friske, a Republican state representative in Michigan, was arrested for a felony level offense, allegedly menacing a stripper with a gun, chasing her outside his home. Police were called for shots fired. He said he was exercising his 2nd amendment rights.
  107. Thomas L. Deane was a high school teacher and lacrosse coach in Florida. He has been sentenced to 23 years for possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material.
  108. Luke Cunningham, youth pastor at Turning Point Community Church and Lakeside Baptist Church, in Texas, charged with sexually assaulting a child.
  109. Ryan Ivy, a youth pastor in Bluff Dale, TX, was originally charged with online solicitation of a minor. A hung jury in his first trial, he reached a plea deal, pleading guilty to online harassment.
  110. Joel Bruce Searby, former GOP consultant and current charter school initiative leader, arrested for soliciting a minor.
  111. Jonathan Edward Elwing, senior pastor at Palm View Baptist Church in Palmetto, FL, charged with purchasing child sexual abuse imagery.
  112. Martin W. Wallace, a therapist in Sibley, IA, has been charged with sexually abusing a 13-year-old patient. Supposedly there have been many accusations, no professional discipline.
  113. Patrick Stephen Miller was Associate Children’s Ministry Director for Immanuel Baptist in Little Rock, AR, when he was charged with sexually assaulting two minor children. So he got a job as Assc. Children’s Ministry Director at First Moore Baptist, in OK.
  114. Trevor Renare, Bannock County, ID, Sheriff’s Deputy, has been charged with sexual battery of a minor
  115. Christopher Cassidy, formerly a police officer in Tammany Parish, LA, has been sentenced to 15 years for 78 counts of child sexual abuse material and 111 counts of sexual abuse of animals
  116. Dennis Houchin, a retired U.S. Air Force Senior Master Sergeant in Vero Beach, CA, was charged with possession of child sexual abuse imagery. He allegedly created CSAM featuring a young relative.

  117. Jonathan Shaheen, former evangelical pastor, sentenced to 2 years for possession and distribution of CSAM. Colorado Spring, CO
  118. Keith Farrell, Republican City Councilman in Providence, KY, indicted for sexual abuse of a minor under 16
  119. Walter Davis Lundy, former advisor to failed GOP congressional candidate and current Hamilton County Mayor Weston Wamp has been indicted for beating adult son with a baseball bat.
  120. Joshua Kindred, a Trump-appointed federal judge, resigned after a judicial review board found that he committed sexual misconduct and lied to investigators.
  121. Riley Carter, Aberdeen, WA City Councilman, arrested twice this year, for domestic abuse and the rape of a child under the age of 12.
  122. Michael Paustian, Christian publishing house creative director, sentenced to 8 years to life for child sexual abuse
  123. George Bardmesser, GOP candidate for Sunny Isles Beach commissioner (FL) arrested for striking one teen and putting another in a chokehold
  124. Brett Callaway, Chair of Buncombe County GOP, found guilty of assault of a woman, a school board member. It seems the judge will not impose punishment because “that’s the state of politics today.”
  125. RJ May, Republican State Rep in South Carolina, Chair of Freedom Caucus, is under investigation for possession of CSAM - a search warrant served and devices collected.
  126. Joshua Dane Wells, a part-time deputy, pastor, and foster parent in Dekalb County, Alabama, has been arrested for inappropriate sexual conduct with minors. Host of rightwing Pentecostal Holiness podcast.
  127. Mike Vereb, the Republican aide to Democratic Governor Josh Shapiro, was accused of sexual harassment. The state paid $295,000 to settle the claim.
  128. James Robert Murphey, a youth pastor at a church in High Point, North Carolina, has been arrested and charged with 30 counts of sexual battery involving teens.
  129. Dean Allen Wallowing Bull, a GOP state House candidate from Lame Deer, MT, has been charged with sexual abuse of two people who had no ability to refuse and an attempted sexual abuse of another.
  130. Paul Calhoun, the former Mayor of Lake View, AL, was charged with possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material. He was originally appointed by Republican Governor Robert Bentley.
  131. Doug Pitassi, CEO of Pacific Office Automation, OR’s largest employer, and a Trump/GOP donor is accused of sexual harassment including unwanted touching. He pled guilty to exposing himself to teenagers when he was a teacher at Centennial High 40 years ago.
  132. Andy Santana. Treasurer of Miami Republican mayoral candidate Alex Ataola’s  campaign, has been arrested for sex (rape) with a minor
  133. John D Jessup, Republican Hancock County Commissioner of Indiana is facing trial for sexual assault in Las Vegas
  134. Dave McCormick, PA GOP Senate nominee, discouraged and threatened women who made allegations of sexual harassment against employees of the company where he was co-CEO
  135. Leroy Driscoll, Indianapolis Police Department Chaplain and Trump supporter, accused of repeatedly raping a child since she was around 5.
  136. Clayton Sallee, a teacher in Farmington, AR, was arrested for sexual assault of a minor
  137. David McCauley, Republican city council member and former mayor of Buckhannon, has been charged with producing child sexual abuse material
  138. Zachary Joseph Radcliff, CPAC worship leader and Michigan Christian musician, is charged with one count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, four counts of child sexually abusive activity, and six counts of using a computer/internet to commit a crime.
  139. Doug Brown, Buncombe Co GOP Chair, has been found guilty of assaulting a woman, a local school board member. NC
  140. Stephen Bojekian, retired chief of Bergen County Sheriff’s Dept, has been arrested for possession of CSAM.
  141. Ryan C. Capps, a former middle school teacher in Durant, OK, has been convicted of child exploitation and sentenced to 25 years.
  142. Kevin Menon, a Las Vegas police sergeant, has been arrested for possession of child sexual abuse material
  143. Starr Emery, Republican MT House candidate, has been charged with child endangerment for allowing a 2-year-old to wander unsupervised on the street. She is running a campaign for “safe children,’ ‘sound families’ and standing up for MT families.  She has pled not guilty
  144. Rebecca Hood, Gordon County, GA, County Commissioner, and her husband have been charged with cruelty to their adopted children.
  145. Blake Steiner, the Baton Rouge city-parish's chief building officer has been arrested for possession of child sexual abuse material
  146. James Burland, Republican lobbyist and lawyer has been charged with possession of child sexual abuse material
  147. Jason Yates, MN, of My Faith Votes, was arrested for possession of child sexual abuse material. Told police he had a prior conviction for CSAM that was expunged.
  148. Bobby Cheshire, TX, former Angelina County Commissioner, already in prison for familial violence, is preparing for trial for aggravated sexual assault of a child and child indecency.
  149. David Paul Daniel, NC Insurrectionist, faces charges of child pornography possession and sexual exploitation of a minor
  150. James Cowan, evangelical pastor of Little River church in AR, sentenced to 50 years for raping his children.
  151. Eric Stearns, a teacher at St. Helens High School was charged with sexual abuse of his students
  152. Mark Collins, a former teacher at St. Helens high School, charged with sexual abuse of students
  153. Peter Hegseth, Secretary of Defense nominee, was accused of sexual assault. He settled with the woman. He was never prosecuted. His mother’s letter accusing him of abusing women has been made public.
  154. Michael “Luke Atwell, former Palo Verde teacher, has been charged with sexually abusing a studen when the student was between 11 and 14.
  155. Ricci Wynne, MAGA video vigilante whose claim to fame is shaming homeless people, has been charged with human trafficking and pandering.
  156. Taylor Lewis, a police officer in Springfield, Louisiana, was arrested, charged with indecent behavior with a juvenile.
  157. Charles Kyote Dunn, City Manager of Waurika, OK, has been charged with child sexual abuse
  158. Michael Priest, co-founder with his wife of 99+1 charity for foster kids in OK, has been charged with child sexual abuse
  159. Michael “Luke” Atwell, Nevada high school teacher and basketball coach, has been charged with child sexual abuse.
  160. Matthew Huttle, Indiana insurrectionist pardoned by Trump, was previously sentenced to 2.5 years for battery of his son, beating him so badly he could not sit properly for a week. He was shot to death a week after his release in a clash with police.
  161. Theodore Middendorf, Illinoi insurrectionist pardoned by Trump, raped a seven year old child. He pleaded guilty in May 2024
  162. Peter Schwartz, Pennsylvania insurrectionist pardoned by Trump. He assaulted police on Jan. 6 and had an extensive history of violent behavior including domestic violence.
  163. Daniel Ball, Florida insurrectionist pardoned by Trump, has a criminal record that includes Domestic Violence Battery by Strangulation,"
  164. Kasey Hopkins, Kansas insurrectionist pardoned by Trump, raped a woman, battering her and urinated in her mouth
  165. Edward Richmond, Jr., Louisiana insurrectionist pardoned by Trump was court martialed for shooting a handcuffed Iraqi and convicted. He has also been charged with domestic violence though, as often happens, charges were dropped
  166. Benjamin Martin, CAlifornia insurrectionist pardoned by Trump, pled to battery charge in 2016 for beating his 14-year-old daughter and in 2018 for assaulting his girlfriend.
  167. Edward Hemenway, Virginia insurrectionist pardoned by Trump, served 5 years in prison for sexual assault and illegally detaining a woman in 2006
  168. Andrew Taake, TX insurrectionist is wanted for online solicitation of a minor.
  169. Harrison Clark of Florida was elected to the Clay Soil and Water Conservation District. He has been arrested for online solicitation of a minor in a predator sting.
  170. Kyle Travis Colton, insurrectionist, charged with receiving child sexual abuse material
  171. Aaron Craig Gleason, hatemongering writer for The Federalist, the Daily Wire, and The Imaginative Conservative and religion teacher and soccer coach at Christian school has been arrested for soliciting a child under the age of 12.
  172. Ryan D. Jenks, former GOP legislative candidate in Idaho, has been arrested for lewd conduct with and sexual abuse of a minor under sixteen. He is co-owner of a mental health clinic for children and teens and active in youth sports.
  173. Christopher David Burk, SLC Fire Captain, EMT instructor, juvenile detention center employee has 13 charges for unwanted touching/groping women during instruction or after class.
  174. Cory Mills, GOP congressperson from FL, is being investigated for physically assaulting his DC girlfriend. He admits the altercation became physical.


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