Community Action Pioneer Valley & Franklin County Hunger Task Force
Created March 16, 2020, updated continually since then.
Shortened URL for this page (good for sharing!):
Also, be sure to check out the Look4Help directory’s COVID-19 resource pages.
Coordinated by Mary McClintock []
If you have updates for this list, please send them to Mary.
Visit this website for more complete information on services provided by the Food Bank and their member agencies throughout our region. (Not all food pantries and meal sites are members of the Food Bank, but many are.)
Call 1-800-645-8333 for information and assistance with food resources available statewide. Help is available in 180 different languages! Mon-Fri, 8am-7pm, and Sat 10am-2pm. Read on for information about meals, food pantries, and free school meals for kids in Franklin County towns.
Regularly Scheduled Meals
2nd Helpings Meal
The Episcopal Church of Saints James and Andrew, 8 Church St., Greenfield
Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm will be giving hot meals to-go from a takeaway window in the Whiteman Room, accessible from the church's parking lot.
Sunday Sandwiches
The Episcopal Church of Saints James and Andrew, 8 Church St., Greenfield
Sundays, 12-12:30 p.m. will be giving sandwiches to go from a takeaway window in the Whiteman Room, accessible from the church's parking lot.
Whitney's Pantry (an essentials pantry--toilet paper and other goods)
The Episcopal Church of Saints James and Andrew, 8 Church St., Greenfield
Last Monday of the month, 3:00-5:30pm will be giving toiletries to go from a takeaway window in the Whiteman Room, accessible from the church's parking lot.
Franklin County Community Meals Program
Second Congregational Church, Court Square, on the side driveway
Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 4:45-5:30pm: Distributing hot meals to-go
Salvation Army
72 Chapman Street, 11:30am -12:30pm
Bag lunches: Monday, Tuesday, Friday
Hillside Pizza Days: Wednesday and Thursday
Food pantry: Wednesday & Thursday,10 am-1pm (12 visit/year)
to use Food pantry, call first for intake : (413) 773-3154 x102
Stone Soup Café
All Souls Church, Hope Street
Saturday - Pick-up Noon-1:30pm, Delivery 12:30-2:00pm (Greenfield, Bernardston, Deerfield, Montague’s 5 villages, Shelburne/Buckland.)
PLEASE RSVP to help the chefs know how much food to prepare!
Use this form to request meals for Saturday:
The Stone Soup Café is Pay-What-You-Can. We do not want to handle cash donations at the meal right now - so we won't be putting out our donation boxes. We have set up a meal payment/fundraising site - If folks who are shut in and need some yummy food delivered can pay for a meal or more, then this is the link for that activity. Our Hometown Café is for everyone!
Cathedral in the Light
Greenfield Common
Cancelled until future notice
Franklin County Community Meal Program
Thursdays: Orange Armory, 135 East Main Street. Distributing bagged meals to-go Thursdays 5:00 – 5:30 from the back door.
Free West County Community Meals
Fridays: Trinity Church, 17 Severance Street. Distributing to-go meals by drive-thru or walk-up, Friday evenings, 5:30-6pm. All are welcome. No reservations needed. For information, call 413-625-2341.
Franklin County Community Meals Program
Our Lady of Peace Church, 90 7th Street
Mondays, Distributing groceries and hot meals to go on 4:30 – 6:00pm from the sidewalk in front of the church. Call 413-772-1033 for more information, and to volunteer.
Donations of groceries collected in the church parking lot (on L Street) on the first Saturday of the month, noon-1pm. If you would like to donate funds to FCCMP:
The Brick House Community Resource Center
24 3rd St. in front of the building
For the time being, food distribution has moved to the other downtown locations. (See the Food Pantries, Emergency Meals, and School Meals sections below.)
LifePath -
Congregate meal sites in Athol, Bernardston, Charlemont, South County, Erving, Greenfield, Leverett, Montague, Northfield, Orange, Petersham, Phillipston, Shelburne, and Warwick +
/are closed until further notice:. If you normally dine at one of these locations, please contact the COA for information on other meal offerings, including grab-and-go. Home Delivered Meals continue. To sign up please call 413-773-5555. To register as a backup volunteer in case current staff and volunteers are unable to work, please do so here.
Hilltown Churches Food Pantry (
Food distribution every other Tuesday, 3-6pm at First Congregational Church of Ashfield/UCC, Main Street. Serves the eleven hill towns of Ashfield, Buckland, Charlemont, Colrain, Conway, Hawley, Heath, Monroe, Plainfield, Rowe and Shelburne. The only requirement for joining the food pantry is proof of residency in one of these towns and a simple statement of need. There are no income requirements, if you need food, please come and sign up. For information, contact 413-625-0020 or
Bernardston Pop-Up Food Pantry happens the last Wednesday of each month at the Bernardston Senior Center. We distribute fresh produce and shelf stable groceries. Please call the Senior Center at 413-648-5413 to reserve a spot. Open to seniors and their caregivers.
Good Neighbors Food Pantry will hold drive-thru distributions of food every other Tuesday. From 4:30 - 6 pm, families receive pre-bagged items directly to their car. Call (413) 339-4294 for more information.
Center for Self-Reliance: Open at 156 Main Street, Greenfield. Parking available in back at Wells Street Parking Lot. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 11 am to 4 pm, Wednesdays 4 pm to 7 pm. Operating as a “choice pantry” again where you are welcome to come inside and choose the foods the work for your households tastes and needs. Prepared bags of food available for quick curbside pickup for those who prefer (custom made bags available for households with dietary restrictions or preferences). Delivery available for Greenfield and Montague residents. Visit or call (413) 773-5029 ext 1 for more information and to place your order in advance!
Dial/SELF Food Pantry and Drop-In 16 Miles St., Greenfield (See Orange listing below as well) To-go food boxes and hygiene products for youth ages 24 and under.
Greenfield: Monday 1pm-4pm, Wednesday 11am-4pm & Friday 11am-4pm. Call ahead to 413-774-7054 x 4 so we can better prepare your order for pick up!
Orange: Tuesday and Thursday 11am-4pm.
Faith Church, 331 Silver Street, Greenfield, 413-774-6438
Food distribution each Wednesday, 9am-1pm.
Salvation Army, 72 Chapman Street, Greenfield
Bag lunches 11:30am -12:30pm, Monday to Friday
Food pantry: Wednesday & Thursday, 8 am -2 pm (12 visit/year)
Call first for intake to use Food pantry: (413) 773-3154 x102
Bread of Life Kitchen grocery distribution (new location)
14 Beacon Street, Greenfield
Saturdays, 9am
FREE GROCERIES at (new location) 14 Beacon Street, our New Parish Center right next to Greenfield Middle School. These groceries are free to anyone and everyone, no questions asked. Pick up for yourself, your friends, your neighbors, whomever could use the help, that's the beauty of this program, neighbor helping neighbor. We have cereals, cheese, soups, canned meat, fruit, sauce, bread, eggs, and so much more. We love what we do and we love you! Stay in your car, drive up with your trunk open, tell us how many families you are picking up for, that's it! For information, contact Donna at 413-498-5065 or email John Leary at
Mobile Food Bank at Oak Courts takes place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 1:30-2:30pm.
There are no eligibility requirements to receive food from the Mobile Food Bank. Anyone in need of assistance can attend. For more information, visit
North Leverett Baptist Church Food Pantry
70 North Leverett Rd
Open on 1st & 3rd Monday of every month from 7-8pm
Questions: 413-367-2619 or
MONTAGUE (includes Turners Falls)
Franklin County Community Meals Program distributes groceries and hot meals to go on Mondays 5:30 – 6:30pm at Our Lady of Peace Church, on 7th St., from the sidewalk in front of the church. Collecting donations of groceries in the church parking lot (on L Street) on Saturdays noon-1pm. Visit or call for more information: 413-772-1033.
Montague Catholic Social Ministries buildings are closed, but the Basic Needs program, which provides free non-perishable emergency food bags, diapers, housing help, information, and referrals is meeting people offsite. Contact Mary Conway at 413-824-5386 or
The Franklin Area Survival Center’s Food Pantry at 96 4th Street in Turners Falls is open from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.. Call for updates: 413-863-9549.
The Pioneer Valley Workers Center distributes food outside of La Mariposa, 111-113 Avenue A, on the first and third Thursdays of each month, 2:30-4pm. For more information, contact
The Great Falls Apple Corps hosts a weekly free table on Saturdays from 12-3pm. Check in with GFAC (via Facebook, Instagram, or for location, updates, and to volunteer/donate.
Mobile Food Bank in the parking lot of the Gill-Montague Senior Center (62 5th St.) on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, 1:30-2:30pm. There are no eligibility requirements to receive food from the Mobile Food Bank. Anyone in need of assistance can attend. For more information, visit
Northfield Food Pantry, in the basement of the Dickinson Library
Open on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month...11:30-2:30 p.m. for Northfield residents
Loaves & Fishes Northfield Residents call 413-498-2038 to request a food voucher from Foster’s.
Orange Food Pantry, 118 East Main Street, Orange
Open on Thursdays 10am to 3pm for drive through food pick-up
DIAL/SELF Food Pantry and Drop-In, 131 West Main St., Suite 226, Orange Innovation Center To-go food boxes and hygiene products for youth ages 24 and under.
Orange: Tuesday and Thursday 11am-4pm. (See above for Greenfield site details.)
Center for Self Reliance - West County Emergency Food Pantry: Open every Wednesday 11 am to 4pm at 51 Maple Street, Cowell Gym, Basement Level, Shelburne Falls. Operating drive thru pantry in the back of the gym parking lot. Custom made bags available for households with dietary restrictions or preferences. Now delivering to Shelburne and Buckland residents. Visit or call (413) 773-5029 ext 2 for more information and to place your order in advance!
TURNERS FALLS (see Montague, above)
Public schools are providing free grab-and-go meals at a variety of locations throughout the school year. These meals are for anyone between the ages of 0 and 18 years of age. You can go to any site, regardless of where you live or where your children go to school.
Project Bread offers a handy search tool for finding school meal sites near you: (The link says “summer meal site” but it is being used for school year meals now because of the pandemic.)
School meals are typically distributed only on weekdays, with most local programs giving out several days’ worth of meals at a time. (See below for examples of schedules and sites.)
Adults may pick up meals for children. Adults who pick up meals may be asked where the children go to school. (If the children don't attend school, you can just say so.)
The information below is for sites where community members can most easily access free meals for kids. Please contact Mary McClintock <> with updates!
Pick-up locations (all open from 10am-1pm):
Home delivery is possible! Fill out this form:
More info: and
Contact: Eliza Calkins, Director, Food and Nutrition Services
413-772-1334 |
Sites in Montague, Turners Falls, and Gill
When school is in session, Gill-Montague Regional School District distributes bagged lunches and breakfasts on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Turners Falls High/Great Falls Middle School – Front entrance 11:00 am-1:00 pm
Sheffield Elementary School – Front entrance 11:45 am-12:45 pm
Montague Catholic Social Ministries, Turners Falls – 11:45 am-12:30 pm
+ afterschool pick up time: Turners Falls High School – Front Entrance 3:00 pm-4:30 pm
Kuzmeskus buses will be distributing along these routes:
Route 1
Hillcrest Elementary (student drop off parking lot) 11:00 am – 11:15 am
Unity Park parking lot 11:25 am – 11:40 am
Millers Falls (Franklin Street – near Carroll’s) 11:50 pm – 12:05 pm
Four Winds School, Riverside Gill 12:15 pm – 12:30 pm
Route 2
Montague Center Town Common 11:10 am – 11:25 am
Lake Pleasant, Rutter’s Park 11:30 am – 11:45 am
3rd St. (Rendezvous) parking lot, Turners Falls 11:50 pm – 12:05 pm
Hillcrest Homes (Griswold & Ave C) 12:10 pm – 12:25 pm
For more information, contact Joanne Blier: or 413-863-3251.
Schedule for the Friday pickups:
Please send us updates and corrections! If you have updates to share, please email Mary McClintock <>!