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STS Sea Shipping Manual
Updated automatically every 5 minutes





Updated as of October 19, 2023

*Information will be updated from time to time, without any prior notice.


  1. Introduction
  1. Message
  2. About STS Logistics with Timeline
  3. Mission, Vision, & Tagline
  1. STS Cargoes
  1. Sea Cargo
  1. Know My Batch Shipment
  1. Air Cargo
  1. Know My Flight Schedule
  1. STS Rates
  1. Sea Cargo
  1. Rates - Regular, Member, Weekly Member, Partner
  2. Ordinary or Sensitive Packages
  1. Air Cargo
  1. Rates - Regular
  2. Additional Charges
  3. How to avail and get estimate
  1. STS Services
  1. Own Package (OP)
  1. Get Started
  2. Missing Package (declared) & Follow Up
  3. Missing Package (undeclared) & Follow Up
  1. SME Assistance (SA)
  1. SME Benefits
  2. Rates
  3. Become a Partner
  1. Online Shopping (OS)
  1. Recommend Online Stores
  2. Get Started
  3. Conversion
  4. Refund
  1. Types of STS Clients
  1. STS Regular
  2. STS Member
  3. STS Partner
  4. Keep Member Account
  1. Package Restrictions
  1. Items and Products
  1. Shipping Terms of Use
  1. Terms & Conditions
  2. Privacy Policy
  1. From K-Sender to STS KR Warehouse
  1. Information for your K-sender/-seller
  2. My Korean Shipping Detail
  3. Help With Korean Address Line 1 & 2 Input
  4. Korean Address Input (In English)
  5. Delivery to KR STS Warehouse
  6. When and how to drop off package
  7. Package Imported from abroad
  8. Package Fees & Dues
  9. Unsure Delivery Date
  1. From STS KR Warehouse to KR Port
  1. Consolidation Request & Process
  2. Re-boxing or opening box
  3. How to declare package
  1. How To Pay
  1. Payment Methods
  1. How To Receive
  1. Pickup/Delivery Methods
  2. Delivery Fee
  3. Province drop off date
  4. Repack province package
  5. Choose province courier
  6. Storage Fee
  7. Forfeited Package
  1. Get Started



Hello to our future STS Clients & Partners! STS Sea Shipping Manual is provided to you for easier understanding of our shipping process and how you can maximize our services. We hope to see you with more successful shipments with STS and seeing your business prosper!

About STS Logistics with Timeline

STS Logistics started in November 2018, as South Tech Shipping selling electronics and machines that are cheaper in South Korea (such as gaming laptops and bingsu machines). During this time, there are customers who are asking if they can purchase other items aside from electronics, hence the birth of our first service, which is our buying service called the Online Shopping (OS) Service.

In 2019, while our OS service is running, there are clients requesting for their own package to be sent. Since we are shipping packages already from our OS service, we added another service, the Own Package (OP) Service, which became our main service of STS Logistics today.

In 2020, we rebranded to STS, in what is known to this day. During that year, we have been working with clients who are starting their business because of STS and also clients who have business deals in South Korea and made us their trusted, primary logistics to ship their packages which we call our STS Partners. This made us work and learn more on how we can better cater to our partners and help clients who are just starting their business and make it successful. We then came up with a new service for this, the SME Assistance (SA) Service. There were a lot of clients who have been growing their business already and we love seeing your business grow. We’ve been receiving messages on how STS has helped them and it inspires us so much that we wanted to share STS to all Filipinos and help as much as we can in every type of service we can offer and assist with.

STS is now in its 5th year as of 2023 and our rates are still very low, while our service is of high quality, first class service. We are so excited about what this year would bring for STS. Our mission this year is to focus more on STS clients and bring them to be STS partners. As your business grows, so does STS. Your success is our success!


To help Filipinos build their business successfully to their satisfaction and happiness. To see our clients and partners business success is our success.


Be the Filipino’s first choice of logistics bringing convenience and a trusted bridge from South Korea. We target to be unique and creative in this industry by implementing innovative ideas to expand our services.


“Experience South Korea right at your door.”


The Sea and Air Cargo warehouses are in a different location.

The Korean address on your STS profile is defaulted to the sea cargo K-warehouse only. To receive the air cargo address, please message us on Facebook ( or email us at for further assistance.

Sea Cargo

All packages that have been delivered to KR warehouse will be consolidated for the batch ship out. Ship out is once a week mostly, other weeks could have 2 batch ship out depending on the load.

(Normally 2 weeks for regular season. Peak season will take 3 weeks.)

How will I know my batch shipment?

Log in on the STS website and view your dashboard and see the packages you declared. You may also track your package on the website. See

You may also learn more on this at FROM KR WAREHOUSE TO KR PORT.

Air Cargo

STS air cargo flies out any day, except Sundays & holidays. Package cannot be consolidated. If there is an available schedule for the flight, it will take off right away.

Know My Flight Schedule

There is no system to track your air package yet, as cargo will be loaded based on the availability of plane storage space. You may however estimate it manually by giving it an ETA of 3-5 days, from the delivered date to the K-warehouse.

However, declaring your Air Package on STS website is still required, as all packages need to be declared for the processing, tracing, and releasing to the owner.


Sea Cargo

Regular Rate - For new clients who have less than 9kg total weight of packages.

Manual Rate - For late or undeclared packages and light packages that are greater in size than weight.

Member Rate - applied to clients on their 3rd batch shipment. If you are a new client and have more than 9kg shipment, you can receive Member Rate right away.

Weekly Member Rate - applied only to Members on their 2nd consecutive batch shipment.

Partner Rate - this rate is given with our SME Assistance (SA) Service, for Partners with shipments of 100kg and above.

For shipments more than 3,000kg, send us an email ( of your packing invoice for quote.

Are my items ordinary or sensitive?

Items that are considered ordinary:

Items that are considered sensitive (under Manual Rate):

  1. Paper - letters, cards, cups, etc.

  2. Lightweight item category with oversized packaging (masks, stuffed toys, etc.)

  3. All package that are greater in size than weight

Manually processed packages (sensitive items and undeclared packages) are under manual rate.

What if our package consists of both ordinary & sensitive items?

- As long as the package is greater in size than weight, the package will be classified as sensitive. However if the package is greater in size than weight, yet the calculated difference does not reach STS calculated limit yet for manual package, our admin will classify this as ordinary still.

Air Cargo

Air Cargo Rate

P600 per lb + add. fee (depending on package category)

Are there any additional charges for sea/air cargo?

How to declare an air cargo package?

Similar to sea cargo declaration, but for tracking number, use format AIR+Tracking Number (Eg. AIR123456789).


Own Package (OP) Service

“Ship Everything Korea!”

Get your Korean address on your STS Profile after you sign up on STS website. Send your own packages, such as:

- Personal use

- Items bought from online stores

- OFW box

- Other packages below 100kg

I am a new customer, how do I get started?

After you have read and understand the STS Manual, you may get started by registering on our website. More instructions starting here.

I have a missing package from the released batch today and it was declared correctly. What happened to it?

Rest assure your package that was declared correctly is not lost and you will be receiving your package safely. Some circumstance may be involved, such as:

I need assurance. How can I follow up my package that was declared correctly?

Since this has been declared correctly, we have your record already. We automatically follow up this to customs so we can have this released with the next batch shipment.

I have declared my package incorrectly/I have an undeclared package. What will happen to this package?

STS system will detect and prioritise those declared correctly to avoid delays on the shipments of our clients & partners that declared their packages correctly. This is so to be fair to those who follow proper importation and declaration.

Please note:

How can I still receive my undeclared package?

  1. Declare your package on STS website

  2. Select the earliest date you can on the Delivered Date calendar

  3. (If can be retrieved) An email will follow for invoice, payment, and pickup

  4. (If cannot be retrieved) A notice email will follow

SME Assistance (SA) Service

“Expand Everything Korea!”

STS will help coordinate with your supplier in South Korea until your package is ready for pickup/delivery to your location. Eligible for:

We are welcoming your team and company to start your business with STS and receive full assistance from us.

We extend our boundaries to help you with your shipment process, so you can feel at ease running your business, while we coordinate with your supplier in South Korea until your package is ready for pickup/delivery to your door.

SME Benefits:

Enjoy the lowest rates from STS with first class, high quality assistance!

See Partner Rate

Congratulations! You have closed a deal with your K-supplier successfully. Need help moving forward? STS assists with:

Your shipments will be given full priority and attention to make sure your packages are fully met with care for you to run your business smoothly

STS manager and CEO will be at your reach anytime, anywhere!

How do I become an STS Partner?

Online Shopping (OS) Service

“Shop Everything Korea!”

STS will assist with your cart check out (if Korean online store is eligible for OS service). Shop in Korean shopping site, pay in Peso. It’s FREE cart processing and no cart check out limits!

I want to shop from Korea by categories. Do you have sites to recommend?

STS showcase packages where our clients shop in South Korea to give you an idea of where you can start shopping!

Please see link below and see the description/caption of the post for the Korean online store site and what are the categories:

Stores STS clients bought from Batch Feb 25 & Mar 04:

Stores STS clients bought from Batch FEB 06:

Stores STS clients bought from Batch JAN 30:

I have items to buy & want to check out now. How do I get started?

Send us:

1. Full Name

2. Item link

    a. Note item quantity & options

(repeat #2 if there's more item)

3. Total amount (₩) in cart checkout

4. Cargo (Sea or Air)

If the site is eligible for our service and the quote is confirmed by you, you must pay the item's fee first for us to process your cart.

Is the currency conversion exact from Won to Peso according to the rate today?

We will be providing you your quote based on the currency rate today. The conversion is not exact, but it is the lowest conversion as we are using a 3rd party for the purchasing.

Can I receive a refund?

If an item is not available or the seller has cancelled the item, we will be refunding you of your total item amount.

Can I cancel my order?

Once you have confirmed your order and the quote is given, cancellation is not possible. We kindly ask to confirm before purchasing with us.



- customers who are new and have less than 3 batch shipments with STS or who have less than 9kg total weight of packages.


- To be a member, clients must have 3 shipments with STS under the same cargo. If you are a new client and have more than 9kg shipment, you can receive Member Rate right away.


- To be a partner, clients must have a business and are shipping more than 100kg in 1 shipment with STS. You may learn more about this on SME Assistance (SA) Service.

How to keep my Member account?

For Members: must have shipments within 6 months to keep their member rate. If you have no shipments within 6 months, your rate will reset to Regular Rate, until your 3rd shipment with us for the Member Rate. Please see Member.



Live Plants


Chemicals (for lab use)

And other obvious illegal items


Please note legal actions will be filed accordingly to those who attempt to ship illegal packages and abuse the STS shipping details provided in your account on STS website. Please make sure all items are declared completely and clearly. Undeclared items or misinformation of your package items will result in being forfeited strictly. Your shipping details may be halted without further notice. To avoid any issues, please read the Or go to and see “privacy policy” and “terms & conditions”.


What should my K-sender/seller know and what to inform them before sending the package to Korea STS warehouse?

What is my Korean shipping detail?

Please sign up on STS website, go to ‘My Account’, and see ‘Korean Sea Shipping Details’.

I need help with Korean address input.

If looking for Address Line 1, please search: 경기 남양주시 별내3로 402

If the system cannot detect, it probably is using the old system for address software, you may try searching:

별내동 816

For Address Line 2, please paste this:

블루오션지식산업센터 지하2층 208호 - STS로직스 [12097]

Please note your full address should look like this:

경기 남양주시 별내3로 402

블루오션지식산업센터 지하2층 208호 - STS로직스 [12097]

I need help with English version address input.

We do not recommend our clients to use English or Global version site when buying in Korea locally. We highly suggest you to use the official Korean site in order for your package not to get lost or mistakenly delivered to the wrong address. Global version site caters to global shipping.

If you would still want to push through a Global site, you may proceed at your own responsibility.

For English version address, please find the option of:

402, Byeolnae 3-ro, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do

Blue Ocean Knowledge Industry Center Basement Floor 2, Room 208 - STS Logistics [12097]

If this is manually input (not selection option), please copy & paste only the original Korean address on your STS account.

Need help with delivery to Korea warehouse?

STS do not have pickup or delivery service in South Korea. We do recommend using CJ logistics and EMS Post. You may ask help from your sender or check these logistics official websites for their instructions, rates, policy, and more.

When and how can I drop off my package to K-warehouse?

Korea office is open at:

Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm

Saturday - 9am - 12nn

Public holidays are closed.

Please inform your courier to not leave the package outside. If there are no personnel to accept the package or if the office is closed, please inform to come back during office hours.

For delivery message box, you may use this message: 지하2층 208호 안으로 넣어주세요.

Package imported from outside South Korea?

STS do accept any package from abroad to our K-warehouse. Before sending your package to our warehouse, please make sure all fees and dues are fully paid. These include item fee/cost, delivery fee, importation fee and process, handling fees, and other fees from your package.

Packages have unpaid fees or dues?

Your package should be fully paid before dropping off to our Korea warehouse. If there are fees unpaid on your package, this will be rejected in Korea warehouse to avoid any conflicts and issues between STS and your sender.

Unsure delivery date?

If you are unsure of the delivered date of your package, you may leave it blank on the ‘To Declare’ tab until you receive a confirmation from your sender/seller of the date that it was successfully delivered.

If you missed the declaration of delivered date, declare your package still and select the earliest date you can select. You may track your shipping status on your dashboard after. The status will be reflected within office hours.

STS systems will detect and prioritize those declared correctly to avoid delays on these package's shipment.

Please note Undeclared/Late/Misinformation Packages will be subjected to Manual Rate (P350/kg) and be processed separately to those packages declared correctly (storage fee may apply).


When should I declare my package?

You must declare your package as soon as you have the Korea tracking number. You can leave out the delivered date if it hasn’t been delivered. Once it has been delivered already, you may now declare the delivered date and move it to the ‘Declared’ tab by clicking the ‘Declared’ button.

*Take note: Please be mindful of your delivery date, especially for the pre-ordered packages. STS will only allow 2 days late to assign/declare your delivered date. If you missed your delivered date, we can still accept and process your package under Manual Rate.

Do you have re-boxing? / Do you open the box?

We don’t have repacking available at the moment. We don’t open the box as well to confirm the contents of your box’s items. However, inspection from Korea and the Philippines will be done and have the possibility to open your box if needed for further inspection.

How to declare a package on STS website?

Step 1: Go to STS website and click ‘REGISTER’

Step 2: Fill up everything correctly. Check your registered email for verification and verify your account.

Step 3: ‘Add Package’ and fill out your package details correctly. Make sure everything is declared correctly and appropriately. To avoid any fines, account being halted, surrendering your packages to the right authority, or other issues with your package, shipments, and account, please read our terms of use and privacy policy. Legal actions may also be filed if a restricted package was sent (depending on the package level) that was sent by you and your K-sender.

Step 4: Once your package has been delivered, click on the red box where Delivered to KR Warehouse on’ is. Make sure all package details are correct, before declaring your package to avoid any problems on your shipments!

*Take note: Please be mindful of your delivery date, especially for the pre-ordered packages. STS will only allow 2 days late to assign/declare your delivered date.

Step 5: You may track your status on the ‘Declared’ Tab by clicking the Batch

*Take note: You cannot edit anymore once the package is declared. Please double check before declaring.

Step 6: coffee time until package ‘Arrived in PH Warehouse’


Go to ‘In Philippines’ tab, click ‘View Invoice’, then see ‘PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS’ on your invoice.

What are your payment methods?


Click ‘Send Pickup Details’ and fill out the form

What are your pickup/delivery methods?

We have 3 types of STS way you can receive your packages:

  1. Free self-pick up

        If you are close to our PH warehouse, you may visit to pick up your packages.

  1. Book courier

You may book via Grab, Lalamove, Mr. Speedy, or any other local courier of your choice. Don’t forget to pay the rider their fee!

  1. Provincial

STS will handle your drop off on courier branches. We use GGX and AP Cargo, depending on your serviceable area by the courier company. If your location is not serviceable, we request for another address to deliver your package to.

Is the fee included for door delivery?

The cargo fee only covers the ‘cargo’ fees. Local Delivery fee not included. If for delivery, pay their fee to the rider.

When is the provincial package drop off to the courier branches?

We drop off provincial packages after 3-5 days to GGX or AP Cargo upon sending you your invoice. If you haven’t settled your cargo fee before our drop off schedule, we will include your package with the next week's drop off.

Can you re-box for GGX / AP Cargo drop off for less local delivery fee?

We have no re-boxing available at the moment.

Can I choose between AP Cargo or GGX?

We will drop off your package to whichever area is serviceable to your location. To avoid any delays, we do not allow customers to choose.

When is the storage fee charged?

Storage fee will be added after 4 days of your package batch release. If Sunday or holiday is affected within the first 4 days, the count will be extended to the following day. The following Sundays will be counted, even during holidays. Storage fee is P50 per day until package has been picked-up/delivered.

How is the storage fee charged for Manual processed package?

Storage fee will be based on the original batch date of your package.


If you have a late declared package on Feb 05 under Batch JAN 06 and this batch pickup deadline is on Feb 01, storage fee will be added starting Feb 02.

If your package was late declared before the pickup deadline, but the manual package has not been processed yet, storage is free on the date your invoice is released only.

Forfeited Package

Storage is allowed until 30 days only. If the package is not claimed within 30 days, the package will be forfeited and cannot be claimed anymore.


Now that you’ve read our STS Starter Manual and Guide, you may now register on STS website!

Message us at for any other concerns and faster assistance.