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2 - Cavalcade of Bands By-Laws
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Restructuring & Revisions - JM Proposal 12/16/23

Updates Voted & Approved by General Membership - 2/9/24

Cavalcade of Bands Association, Inc. By-Laws

Article I: Name

  1. The name of the organization shall be Cavalcade of Bands Association, Inc (herein referred to as “Cavalcade of Bands” or “CBA” ).  It shall be a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the state of Pennsylvania.

Article II: Purpose

  1. The official motto of Cavalcade of Bands is “Education Through Musical Involvement”
  2. There are three main areas of concentration for Cavalcade of Bands.  These are:
  1. Promote Music – To organize a program that will promote music and its related activities.
  2. Education – To formulate and maintain policies that will safeguard the educational values of Cavalcade of Bands competition and cultivate high ideals in performing arts.
  3. Competition – To promote uniformity of standards in all Cavalcade of Bands events.

Article III: Overview

  1. Cavalcade of Bands is composed of member schools marching bands and jazz bands.
  2. Control of Cavalcade of Bands is vested in band directors (as determined by the local school entity) in cooperation with the administrators of their respective schools.
  3. The member directors will be responsible for electing a board of directors charged with making decisions for the betterment of the organization as outlined in Article II above.
  1. Detailed responsibilities of the Board of Directors can be found in Article VIII.
  1. Cavalcade of Bands is committed to supporting all member ensembles and their continued learning and growth.

Article IV: Philosophy

  1. It is the continuing philosophy of Cavalcade of Bands to provide students with a broad array of educational opportunities for the development of abilities in music and the performing arts.  
  2. Through competitive and non-competitive evaluations, the primary goal is to promote the ongoing development and mastery of cumulative technical and artistic skills reflecting contemporary educational principles.

Article V: Fiscal Year

  1. The fiscal year shall be July 1st to June 30th inclusive.

Article VI: Membership by Schools & Educational Entities

  1. All public-school districts, nonpublic schools and colleges/universities are eligible for membership in Cavalcade of Bands.
  1. Only secondary and college level units are eligible to participate.
  1. The school-appointed band director will be the official representative to Cavalcade.
  2. Membership in Cavalcade of Bands shall become effective when the application and dues have been received by the organization.
  3. Members in good standing (defined as current on any registration fees) shall be entitled to vote on issues brought before the organization by the Board of Directors for ratification. Such issues shall be decided by simple majority affirmations.
  4. Each member’s school-appointed band director is entitled to one vote for these issues.
  1. Quorum shall be defined as those voting members present.  
  1. The Board of Directors may temporarily suspend a member school who fails to pay dues or any other obligation within four months after such debt has become due.
  1. Any membership may be reinstated by the Board of Directors once all dues and other obligations are fully satisfied.
  1. Students enrolled in member schools should be approved by the school district’s attendance and enrollment policies.
  1. If a question regarding student enrollment is brought to the attention of Cavalcade, the member school’s appointed director will be responsible for providing verification to the Board of Directors prior to participation in the next sponsored event.

Article VII: Board of Directors

  1. The Board of Directors (known in this document as the “Board” or “BoD”) consists of five (5) members elected by the membership.  President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and At-Large Member.  
  1. The CEO will be considered an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board.
  1. Each voting member of the Board must be a band director in a member school district or non-public schools as defined by this document.
  2. Elections for Board positions will be held at the end of each academic year.
  1. The President, Secretary, At-Large Member and the Jazz Band Director Liaison will be elected in even years.
  2. The Vice President, Treasurer and Marching Band Director Liaison will be elected in odd years.
  3. All members of the board serve for (2) two-year terms.  
  1. Primary governance of the organization will rest with the BoD, whose members shall have the right to vote on all issues before them.
  1. From time to time, for the purpose of unity and clarity, matters passed by the BoD may, at the Board’s discretion, be brought before the general membership for ratification.
  2. In such circumstances, a special organizational business meeting will be either called by voice or written instrument, with a minimum notice of five business days to the full active membership.  In lieu of a meeting, electronic communication and voting can be utilized.
  1. The majority of the Board cannot be related by blood, marriage or business dealing.
  2. The Board shall meet as determined by the need and at such times thereafter as the President of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors may request.
  3. A majority number of board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board. If less than a majority is present at a meeting, a majority of the director’s present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice.
  4. No elected member of the Board of Directors shall for reason of their office be entitled to receive any salary or compensation, but nothing herein shall be construed to prevent a Board member from receiving any compensation from the organization for duties other than as a band director.
  5. Any member of the Board of Directors may be removed by a unanimous vote of the remaining Board of Directors whenever, in its judgment, the best interests of the corporation will be served thereby, but such removal shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, or the person so removed.

Article VIII: Board of Directors Responsibilities

  1. Maintain general control and interpret the provisions of all Cavalcade of Bands sponsored activities within the provisions of all operational documents referenced in these by-laws
  2. Oversee and administer the finances of Cavalcade or delegate to an approved administrative team member accordingly.
  3. To decide matters in dispute between member schools. The board shall not be required to consider protests after one year from the date of the alleged infraction of the Cavalcade of Bands By-Laws, Rules and Regulations.
  4. To enforce penalties, within the limits described in these documents, for any violation of the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations.
  5. If necessary, to suspend from membership in Cavalcade of Bands, any school in violation of the Cavalcade of Bands By-Laws, Rules and Regulations.
  6. Develop and chair ad-hoc committees as appropriate to further the purpose of Cavalcade as defined in Article II.

Article IX: Administrative Positions

  1. The Board of Directors and CEO will be responsible for the hiring process of all administrative team members paid by Cavalcade of Bands.  
  1. The Board reserves the right to include or exclude any or all part of the administrative team in this process, including the CEO.
  1. The Board, in consultation with the CEO, reserves the right to expand and/or all administrative positions to serve the purposes of the organization while maintaining fiscal responsibility.
  2. All administrative team member contracts are considered two-year terms.
  1. The CEO contract will be considered a three-year term unless otherwise negotiated.  
  1. Whenever possible, the following hiring timeline will be followed to ensure continuity of the organization through all transitions.

December (Even Years)

December (Odd Years)

Spring (Even Years)



Judging Coordinator

JB Coordinator

All other positions not named in this table

Education Coordinator

Administrative/ Financial Controller

Hall of Fame Coordinator

MB Administrator

  1. All admin team contracts will be presented and voted on at the last membership meeting before the calendar year concludes.
  2. The CEO, with board consultation and approval, may remove any administrator from their position.
  1. The CEO may be removed from their position by the Board of Directors.
  2. In the event that any person filling an administrative position is removed, compensation will be provided for the duration of the time that they were employed by the organization.
  1. The Board of Directors can waive financial compensation if the reason for for removal from the position is considered to be counter to the purpose of the organization.

Article X: Administrative Regulations & Documents

  1. All current administrative regulations and documents essential to the operation of Cavalcade of Bands will be warehoused in a single, digital location.  
  2. The CEO will present to the Board continual updates to these documents as deemed necessary for Cavalcade to continue functioning towards fulfilling its purpose outlined in Article II.
  1. The Board of Directors has the responsibility to hold a vote on changes or send to the full membership (see Article VIII.F)

Article XI: Membership Meetings

  1. The organization will host (2) general membership meetings in December, and June.
  1. The meeting times can be altered based on scheduling factors if voted upon by the Board of Directors.
  2. Meetings can be held in person, virtual, or a hybrid combination.
  3. A third meeting could be held in late February or March if the board deems it necessary.
  1. The December and June meeting will be for the purposes of business operations and finances.  
  2. The Board of Directors can schedule an additional meeting for voting on proposals for the jazz season in the fall.

Article XII: Code of Ethics & Professional Responsibilities

  1. All persons associated with Cavalcade of Bands are expected to operate with the highest professional stands, operate in an objective manner, and keep current standards of education as a top priority.
  2. Disagreements & grievances between all persons associated with Cavalcade of Bands are to be handled in a confidential manner.
  3. Individuals will maintain mutual respect and confidence in each other.  Whenever a person has a reason to question a colleague, it should be handled professionally and according to Cavalcade of Bands guidelines.
  4. Individuals will not publicly display a negative response to, or ridicule any unit.
  5. Every unit is responsible for the care and condition of any area used by that unit during and after Cavalcade of Bands events.
  6. All issues falling under this heading are to be brought to the Board of Directors and CEO for review.  
  1. It is this group’s responsibility to conduct due process hearings with all parties involved to determine the validity of the issue.
  2. Determinations of this group after the due process hearing will be considered final.
  1. Cavalcade of Bands, the Board of Directors, and any officers and/or employees shall be indemnified by the organization against all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees.
  1. Cavalcade will provide to any person who is or was a Board of Director, officer, employee or agent of the organization the indemnity against expensed of a suit, litigation or other proceedings which is specifically permissible under applied law.
  2. The Board of Directors may, in its discretion, direct the purchase of liability insurance by way of implementing the provision of this amendment.

Article XIII: Amendments to the Bylaws

  1. Amendments to the By-Laws must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the members present voting.
  2. Amendments shall be presented to the Board of Directors at least thirty (30) days before a membership meeting and communicated to all members at least fifteen (15) days prior to the next general meeting.

Article XIV: Dissolving Cavalcade of Bands, Inc.

  1. In the event Cavalcade of Bands, Inc. would dissolve as an association, any funds remaining in the treasury would be donated to a nonprofit charitable organization as determined by the Board of Directors