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Grant FAQs
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I even eligible to apply for a Career Connection grant?

        All OWU students are eligible to apply for the various Career Connection grants to support their internship experiences. However, alumni are unfortunately not eligible to apply for our grants.

What kinds of expenses can I use a grant for?

        These grants are intended to close gaps between what you will make including any revenue you will receive through other funding sources, and your expenses. However, applying does not guarantee funding.

Expenses allowed through these grants include:

Any expenses not directly related to your internship (ex: a gym membership) are not applicable. In addition, if you are splitting the costs of things like rent, Ubers, etc. please only include your portion in the budget.

When should I apply for the grant?

        For the 2023-24 school year, we will review applications twice a semester. In the fall, they will be due on Tuesday, September 26th(for review before fall break) and Tuesday, November 28th (for review before winter break). In the spring, they will be due on Wednesday, February 20th (for review before spring break) and Tuesday, April 16th (for review before summer break). Should you receive an offer after April 16th, you can still complete the application. However, we cannot guarantee the availability of funds. If the funds will be needed more urgently, please contact


Can I apply for more than one grant?

        Yes, you can apply for more than one grant. You must show any revenue/funds awarded through other grants in your budget.

Do I need an internship offer in order to apply for a grant?

        Yes, you will need to show proof that you have received an offer from an employer when you fill out the application. However, you do not need to show proof that you have accepted their offer.

If I am selected to receive a grant, when will I receive the funds?

        Check processing typically takes a week and a half, however, at times it may take longer.

What steps do I need to take to get the grant funds into my account?

        All grant payments will go through NelNet which is OWU’s payment processing system for students. Please make sure your NelNet is properly set up using their FAQ sheet.

Can I reapply for a grant even if I’ve already started my internship?

        Yes, you will need to resubmit a budget showing an increased need. Send this budget directly to 

Can I receive grant funding even if I have holds on my accounts at OWU?

        No. The university cannot release grant funds if you have a hold on your OWU account. Please work with financial aid to establish a payment plan or release the hold.

How do I create a budget for the application?

For your application, we ask that your budget include the estimated spending for the duration of your internship for any expenses directly related to your internship (see above questions for examples of what our grants will cover). Click here for a template (must open with OWU email) that you can make a copy of and fill in with your own information. The first sheet is the budget template for the grant application. The second sheet is a template for the budget and actual spending that will need to be submitted at the end of your internship if you are approved for a grant.