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Zyra Console for Creators
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


Zyra Console

A WordPress plugin for creators featuring 3 powerful tools which use Google Search Console automatically to optimize your blog.

Power Bio Box

A smart author box that:

Post Miner

Auto linker on Category and Tag pages that:

Relevance Editor

Related posts in the last paragraph of every blog article that:

Text layout

Masonry layout - Related Luau posts


The best part of the Zyra Console is that it uses Google Search Console to fully automate and update your entire website with your latest top content each month. When signing up, you will be asked to authenticate GSC which will trigger our system to pull your top trafficked and top rated content so that we can display it on the Power Bio Box, pin in with the Post Miner, and add it to our trust index to use it for the relevancy editor.

Zyra Console allows all creators to see and feel its benefits. The creator short of time, who takes advantage of our automated system and has the plugin up and running within minutes, will see benefit. The creator who reviews the plugin’s automatic output and spends some time customizing the default settings to their unique needs will see even higher benefit. We have made sure that the console/ plugin meets each creator/ business owner’s needs.  

Join the Beta Program

Sign up for a free 3-month trial with no obligation. Please schedule a 15-min phone call with Raj & Anum.