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Groom Turned Stripper .docx
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You look around the dark room as your bachelor party ends; strippers passed out from too much drinking, and guys sleeping with dicks drawn on their foreheads. What a party…

“Hi, sir…” A shy voice lightly says behind you, making you turn around to see a trashy looking stripper in a cheap bikini. “My boss said I’m gonna be part of his experimental program if I don’t get more customers, could you help me by paying for a lap dance?”

You give her a weird look before telling her to screw off, but then her top comes off and you can’t take your eyes off her modest breasts.

“We’re gonna switch places for a bit, I need a break from this job…” The stripper trails off with a smug grin.

You blink your eyes in confusion, and open them up to see your own body staring back at you with the same smug grin the stripper had before.

“You gonna show me those titties, honey?” He asks with a smirk.

You’re disgusted by the proposition, but feel your breasts jiggle as your hands undo your tight top.

You see your old pants tent up as your boobs bounce freely, and in a flash the room is empty.

“Wait…” You trail off in the stripper’s voice, confused and exhausted.

Then a large man storms into the club, rushing over to you and commanding to see ‘the money’. Your befuddled look answers his question, and suddenly a tornado of light surrounds you. You feel your body get lighter on your feet as your eye line drops, and the bouncing boobs on your chest firm up as they swell and rip through your bra.

“Maybe next time you’ll have some actual money for me, bitch.” The tough man spits, spanking your now toned ass as he walks out the door.

You get a call on your cell a few minutes later, and pull out a bedazzled pink iPhone playing a pop song as the ringer.

“Your fiancé here gives amazing blow jobs…” Your body teases into the phone, grunting like he’s getting a blow job as you speak with him.

“Are you…” You trail off embarrassed, too shy to ask the question you want to.

“Of course I am, silly. Say hi to my friend, Rachel!” Your body says to your fiancé before getting back on the phone, “She’s doing that thing she promised you; in the wedding dress…”

Suddenly you hear a slurping sound, and then Rachel gets on the phone.

“Is this Pat’s friend?” She asks, licking her lips as you stand there at a loss for words. “Hello? Anyone there??”

Pat grabs the phone, laughing at your shyness, “So did Aliek try getting his money yet? That son of a bitch used to threaten me with all types of crazy shit for not being able to get paid for lap dances, that’s why I had to swap with you!” Your body chuckles into the phone, explaining why you’re in a completely different body than you had been.

“Yes!! He turned your body into a Barbie doll!! You look like a pinup model now! No ass though…” You trail off at the end, your mouth speaking in a ditzy voice and finishing your thoughts completely against your will.

“That’s actually YOUR body, missy. And it sounds like he changed more than just your body…” Pat trails off, a smirk clearly spread across his face. “Now go make some money, otherwise Aliek is gonna continue changing you. He told me he was searching for a device capable of turning all women into bimbos, he must’ve finally gotten one…” Pat explains.

You hear Rachel beg for him to hang up, and he immediately leaves you listening to a dial tone. You look around the club, only now becoming aware of the intense stares from every man in the room. You start walking away from the stage, acutely aware of each jiggle from every curve on your sexy body.

Then suddenly a stripper grabs you and throws you onstage, causing you to squeal as you stand in the hot lights totally naked. Your first instinct is to run, but your body takes over and struts over to the pole. The crowd erupts as you begin spinning, and you get drunk on cheers as you grope and fondle the stripper pole.

Grinding your bare pussy on it gets loud applause, so you get down on your knees and lick the sweet juices off. Your breasts squeeze around the wet pole, and you send a kiss out to the crowd as dollar bills start raining onto the floor.

The excitement doesn’t end for a while, and it’s only after a few jealous girls pull you off stage that you finish your show. Backstage the girls apologize for being mean, but you laugh it off and thank them for getting you out of there. They think you’re joking, but deep down you know that would’ve gone on forever if they didn’t pull you away.

Suddenly Aliek enters the room, clearly disgusting all the girls before they have to look like they enjoy his presence.

“Brandy, what a fine girl…

Got my cash now??” Aliek demands of you, laughing at his reference as you start looking around desperately for the money from the stage.

All the girls help you collect the cash, and you proudly hand him two handfuls of dollar bills with a ditzy smile. He receives the cash with a frown, his brow furled like he’s about to explode on you.

“I’m not gonna get mad, but when I say money I mean all of it!! This is barely a hundred bucks!! You worked all night for this???” Aliek screams, making all the girls uncomfortable and back away. “I guess you’re not up to par with the rest of these girls…”

Aliek grabs your boobs, and you whimper erotically as he massages them. All the other girls gasp in shock, some even sounding a little jealous as your pussy gushes onto the floor. After several seconds you can feel fat surging into your breasts, and Aliek’s hands slowly get further from your body as your boobs grow in his palms.

Your breasts fill up to their max size but Aliek continues manipulating them, causing the fat to go up past them and into your mind. You feel your thoughts get suffocated by the building ooze, and soon your eyes glaze over as you become an airhead bimbo.

“Now go show the girls here how it’s done.” Aliek commands you.

“Like, of course daddy!!” You giggle, skipping on stage and immediately licking the pole again.

Your big hairdo whips around your head as you wrap your legs around the pole, moaning in ecstasy as twenty dollar bills and loud cheers rain down on you. You hear Aliek change other girls into bimbos backstage as you get down on your knees, practically giving the stripper pole a titjob as your gushing folds make the stage slippery.

You finish your set and immediately go to your old house, banging on the door and in a ditzy voice demanding to see your former body. He opens the door and smiles calmly, letting you in before offering you a drink of water.

“Like don’t worry about me, buddy!

I’m totally here to like, take what’s mine, and I know how you swapped bodies last time!!” You exclaim, taking your shirt off and showing your boobs to your former body.

He quickly jumps behind you and shoves a few fingers into your womanhood, manipulating your clitoris and turning you toward Rachel. Tears stream down your cheeks as she begins fanning her face like she’s in heat, and you regret ever coming over as she begins moaning and stripping.

“Like, Mmmm… Please don’t make me- Oooo… turn my Rachel into a total bimbo!!” You beg, writhing on your former hand as it works your womanhood.

“I’m still attracted to men, Brandy” He grins.

You now see Rachel’s swelling breasts as pecs, and realize she’s almost twice the size with a growing bulge in her crotch.

”I don’t know why I left this body with all these powers, but they’re nothing compared to the ones I have!” Your old body laughs, shooting magical waves of pleasure up inside you.

Your mind freezes as it succumbs to the familiar ditzy fog, and you realize your former body was really Aliek the whole time. His hands glow as Rachel becomes a muscular man, and your body starts pacing around the room as you desperately try grabbing at anything to hold onto fading memories.

“Like, this picture is- Ohhh I didn’t think we’d have two cocks in here…” You trail off, giggling as Rachel’s erection grows unnaturally large and thick.

Pat rips your bra off, making you squeal in erotic surprise as Rachel stands up as a six and a half foot man for the first time. You could barely keep your eyes open as Pat lines the head of his cock up against your pussy lips, but you manage to watch as Rachel gets her throbbing shaft in front of your face.

Your mouth opens to accept your ex fiancé’s member, and suddenly Pat penetrates your virgin folds. Your neck goes down, making you choke on the shaft before Rachel’s cock slips out of your mouth covered in saliva. You then moan and suck on the tip like a lollipop, grinding into Pat as he slowly fills your womanhood.

“Why am I a man now?” You hear Rachel ask, the first words she’s spoken since changing.

“Some things came up, and I had to change plans.” Your old body says, grunting as he thrusts inside you.

“Am I gonna be able to stop at any point? Are you gonna change me back??” Rachel asks, apparently completely aware but unable to control her own body.

“Don’t worry, you’ll learn to enjoy it… Eventually…” Your old body laughs, lovingly stroking Rachel’s cock as you continue sucking on the head. “This is what you get for teaming up with a stripper against your fiancé!!” Your former body laughs before turning to you, “And this is what you get for going to a strip club for your bachelor party!”