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CLOUD GAZE Newsletter Nov 2022
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

The NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE logo has the words NASA and GLOBE on the top in blue and below the words CLOUD GAZE with a black and blue wave coloring the words.

2022 Celebration

NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE has tagged over 735,000 photographs of sky and clouds all because of you! The photographs are part of cloud reports sent in from over 120 different countries and regions around the world.

NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE is closing with a very successful story. The project will stop collecting data on 1 December 2022. On 16 December 2022, NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE will no longer be a NASA sponsored project. The website will remain open . The datasets will be available for researchers and participants to use. The Cloud interactives ( Cover and What Do You Seen ) will still function. The CLOUD GAZE team will set up test datasets within the interactives for educators and teachers to use in their classrooms.

We invite you to become part of The GLOBE Program and take your own sky photographs. The GLOBE Program is an international science and education program providing the public worldwide with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process. It allows you to contribute to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment. The GLOBE Program’s GLOBE Observer app is one of the quickest ways to send in your own observations.

Figure 1. NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE InfographicThe infographic is divided into four parts with four different photographs that received most comments from participants. The top left corner shows a photograph of the horizon with water, mountains, and clouds. The clouds seem a bit orange and birds are flying in formation. The top right shows a photograph with hanging plants in the foreground and thin white clouds in the background. The bottom left photo is of large puffy clouds  and some soft clouds on the top left corner. The bottom right photo is of a large cumulus cloud that is gray in the bottom and has a colorful rainbow on the top. The rain shows pinks, greens, and blues and seem like the tail of a unicorn. In the middle of the infographic are colorful bubbles. The lighter blue bubble says that over 43,000 classifications were received in just one day. The darker blue bubble says that over 700,000 sky photographs have been analyzed. The green bubble says here are the four of the most commented photos. The purple bubble says over 12,000 volunteers have been involved in CLOUD GAZE.

Impact of the Data

The NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE dataset is the combination of two citizen science datasets. It merges cloud cover and cloud type information from people, and images with satellite data. It is one of the few datasets of its kind that combines three different datasets into one single file. This provides researchers and citizen scientists the opportunity to study clouds from three different perspectives in one. Download the data from the GLOBE Observer data site.

NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE: Merging of Multiple Cloud Datasets

Ground observations of clouds supplied by citizen scientists through The GLOBE Program

The image has three people, one with braids and dark skin holding a phone, the second has short brown hair and light skin also holding a phone, and the third person has long white hair. All three people are looking at a cloudy sky with contrails and thin cirrus clouds.

Satellite Observations of Clouds

This image is of a table that has observations sent in by someone using the GLOBE Observer app and satellite reports. The person's data is in green, Aqua satellite data in blue, and geostationary satellite data in yellow.

Cloud Cover and Cloud Type Identifications per sky photograph supplied

by citizen scientists

The image shows a sky with a persistent, spreading contrail and four persistent, non spreading contrails.

Cloud Cover: 50-90%

Cloud Types:


Cirrus or Cirrostratus

Altostratus or stratus

Geolocation and cardinal direction recorded through The GLOBE Program.

Accessibility and Internships

The NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE increased the accessibility of The GLOBE Program to participants who could not participate before. This was truly impactful during the backlash of COVID-19 pandemic, allowing for people to do real science from their homes.

This image shows Naudia Graham at a table with her tactile cloud chart while a person is touching the clouds Naudia created.

The NASA GLOBE Clouds team had the fortune to collaborate with Naudia Graham, a high school intern. She became a GLOBE Clouds expert quickly. She is also interested in advocating for accessibility. Naudia had an important research question: “How can blind and sighted students learn about clouds alongside each other?”

If you would like to learn more about Naudia’s work, please access Naudia’s student report.

Summer Research Experience

Audrey Cabrera, Data Science Intern Summer 2022

This image shows Audrey Cabrera who has long dark hair, wearing a suit and smiling while standing in a long hallway.

The summer months were filled with data analysis with our summer intern Audrey Cabrera. A senior at University of California Los Angeles in Statistics with a focus on data science, Audrey spent her summer analyzing your data and comparing it with the ground observations reported by The GLOBE Program. Read about Audrey's work on her blog post below and by reviewing her research poster.

Would you like to reach the NASA GLOBE Clouds team?

Use our contact page.