Q & A - Often asked questions & answers
Who can participate in finals?
Everyone who has entered in the qualification races can start in respective finals, even if the competitor does not get a result in a qualification race. Forest qualification race stands for qualification for both middle final and long final.
IOF Rule 12.21:“Competitors who start but are not placed, or who do not start, in the qualification race may start before the qualified runners in the lowest ranked final of their class. If there is only one final, they appear in the result list as not placed. If there is more than one final, then they are competitive in the lowest ranked final.”
Can I enter only sprint or only forest competitions?
It is possible to choose to compete in one or more races. The default setting is that the registration is for all races. Click on the red circled icon to select if you want to register only for one race.
If you want to select for example only Forest Qualification, untick sprint qualification.
When registering for sprint qualification a registration for sprint final is automatically done.
When registering for long qualification 1 a registration for long qualification and long final is automatically done.