CS294-192: Visual Scene Understanding
Spring 2022
Instructor: Alexei Efros Course Coordinator: Allan Jabri Class time: MW 11am-12:30pm Location: 1215 BWW Registration #: 32761 (with code) Prerequisites: CS280 or equivalent (no exceptions!) Piazza signup: piazza.com/berkeley/spring2022/cs294192 |
“Бог создал мир из ничего.
Учись, художник, у него”
– К. Бальмонт
"The aim of computer vision is to overfit to our visual world"
-- Antonio Torralba (after his third beer)
In this small, advanced computer vision class, we will explore the thesis that knowledge of, and appreciation for, the vision problem specifically (as opposed to treating it as a generic learning machine) should be helpful in the development of a truly general visual AI system, as well as provide insights about human vision and cognition. Consequently, we will be reading an eclectic mix of papers, from the hot-off-the-arxiv to the classic works in computer vision, human vision, psychophysics, and cognitive science. We will revisit the ideas of Gibson, Koenderink, et al. and see if they apply to the modern age. The class aims to give students a broader, more historically-informed view of scene understanding, and will hopefully spark their inspiration and creativity in their own research. Requirements: summaries of weekly readings, 1-2 presentations, active participation in class discussions, and a final project.
Prerequisites: CS280 or equivalent (no exceptions!)
Course Requirements:
Very Tentative Paper List
Week 1: Theories of Vision: Bottom-Up vs. Top-Down:
Week 2: Texture / pre-attentive processing:
Week 3: Memory / Memorability:
Week 4: Images as attractors:
Week 5: Grouping / Segmentation / Self-attention
Week 6: Scenes and Qualitative 3D
for View Synthesis from a Single Image, 2021
Week 7: Self-Supervision by space / time / geometry / physics
Week 8: Emergence of Structure and Disentanglement
Week 9: Categorization and Hierarchies
SKIPPING Week 10: Correspondence (explicit vs. implicit), Context and Analogies
Week 11: Datasets, bias, overfitting
Week 12: Continuous / lLifelong Learning / Test-time Training:
Week 13: Active Vision, Robotics, Evolution
Other misc topics:
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