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Zero Response to Allegations
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Hey, I was accused by Jisu on this tweet. I'll be addressing what she said in this document.

I'm asking you to hear me out and read it fully before making your judgement. I'll address everything.

I'll be direct and say that I'm shocked at her comments because I've always been under the assumption that we have been on good terms, years after we stopped being roommates.

I’ve never been a very interactive person and I am pretty socially awkward. My main focus then was to be the best player in the world in smash and so I did that for about 90% of my day on a daily basis. So most of the interactions I had with Jackie, other than normal roommate things, were exchanging random jokes with her.

Please understand, I don't want to attack her in any capacity, and I do not want you guys to harass her or invalidate her feelings. I simply want to directly address what she said about me. I think it is very important to listen to victims, and I'm open to admitting anything I could have done to make her uncomfortable.

Let's start off with the setting and timeline -

I moved out to South California, to Sky's house, towards the tail end of 2014.

Here's the precise date and plane ticket I used to get there (Mind you, Dallas is a connection from Chile) which proves the time I moved into the house

officially as my arrival date, of Nov 20th, 2014.

Subsequently, they also mention when I left the country, which is roughly February 2015.

Here's a video of me doing a room tour in Chile - - (Video is private because I accidentally showed my Chile address, but the video

is still available if I need to prove myself through a private method with the link to it)

This house (Armacost, Sky House) featured a multitude of Smash Bros players, D1, Mew2King, Sky Williams, Zex, Tyrant, Xzax are the most notable names for the Smash scene,

since there were other people not as involved in it that lived there.

This video shows how small the house was for like 10+ people living in it:

I was assigned to live in the room on the side, on a bunkbed under Mew2King, and in front of it there was another bunkbed where Jackie and Vidjo were at.

For reference, the room can be seen here, to be noted is the desk with the big tv, and monitors on the side. I didn't have an actual computer at the time, and just used a little laptop on the side of these desks. You can see me recording a video with it here:

which also gives you a good perspective of the room.

After I left the house in February 2015, I returned to Chile as I mentioned before, then went to live in Arizona with Mew2King and MVG in March. Here's a video that shows the house and setting and proves the date

Roughly around May 2015, I went back to the Armacost Sky House, and remained there for roughly 2-3 months before we moved to the new location of the house, where Jackie did not follow and moved elsewhere before we moved into the new house.

After this my interactions with Jackie were strictly online and at tournaments where she always had an art booth.

This is all to give you a perspective on the place and timeline of events.


My experience with Jackie


My main relation with Jackie was a friend level, and here are many screenshots of our entire conversation log. I looked through our entire log, which isn't long. The date of the messages will help with reflecting the timeline of events.

The date here is important because it shows even after the first time I left Armacost, Jackie was still very friendly towards me.


Jackie often called me nicknames. In this particular screenshot she randomly called me “honey bunz,” which I wasn’t particularly fond of, and as you can see she apologized because it wasn’t in character and I just brushed it off awkwardly and went back to talking about the commission and business in general. I didn’t want to tell her I felt a bit weird about it, and just moved on from it.

The next 2 screenshots will prove this was a consistent behavior with her being comfortable around me:

Jackie also on many occasions felt comfortable enough to ask me for help to promote her work, and art, which I was supportive of generally as well. Here’s a couple of screenshots of that.

This last message is my last interaction with her, since I did not respond to this image. Note the date because up to this date in 2016, she still wasn’t uncomfortable with me and felt familiar enough to ask for favors.

She generally trusted my character, here’s an example of where she would want me to protect her belongings because sometimes at the Sky house people would steal things if you weren’t careful about them and Jackie had a lot of expensive art electronics, which I did often keep a look for when she wasn’t around.

This is pretty much the gist of our online interactions.

For in person interactions the only proof I can provide is video evidence of us interacting in general which you can find in my channel and they have always been available.

- You can see Jackie laughing in the background and overall having a good time in this video where I pranked Mew2King at 1:45 -

Jackie is also the main person laughing in this video and she was helping me keep track of chat here:

Past the Armacost Sky House, and when we moved into the second House, my interactions with Jackie moved entirely to when I saw her at Smash Bros events, where she often had an art booth. I would sometimes stop by, say hi, maybe talk about some memories from the California days, and then I would go on my way for the rest of the weekend. Sometimes I would buy her items to support her as well.

Here’s a statement from my girlfriend, Vanessa, meeting Jackie during our relationship:

And here’s proof of the shirts being purchased and the date for that:

Addressing her claims

Now that I’ve showed you a timeline, the look of the place, videos and pictures of our interactions, let me address the direct claims she made towards me.

Her statement I linked above reads:

“You were showing me explicit Craigslist ads of sex workers and hentai on the big screen and constantly harassing me at the sky house when I was 15”

The first thing to note is she’s talking about “the big screen” in the middle of the room. This is the specific room she’s talking about seen in this video

As you can see there’s a big TV on the side. As I mentioned before, I did not have a computer at the time, and instead use this little laptop. The big TV/Monitor as well as all PC’s on that table, and the table itself, were all Jackie/Jessie’s belongings. While they did let me use their faster computer from time to time (like to stream since my laptop sucked) it feels very weird that I would be looking at inappropriate things, considering not one person lived in that room, but 5 people did (2 in each bunkbed, me, m2k, jackie, jessie and one more person in the back of the room in a mattress). There is no sense of privacy, and that was a big theme at the Sky House. No one had privacy for anything, and you had to go outside to get some fresh air. If I would have done anything immediately creepy to her, it’s extremely likely a roommate in that same room or in the house would have noticed, considering we lived in a small house with 10+ people.

“You were showing me explicit Craigslist ads of sex workers and hentai ”

I don’t understand the context of this nor have any recollection of this. Craiglist is not a website I really use, and we never had ANY type of sexual interactions in our times interacting. It feels out of character for me to just “show this to her” randomly.

Hentai is something I do look at, but again - I would not be looking at it in a room full of roommates, neither would it make sense to do it on their computer of all places. I don’t understand if this part is a joke I randomly pulled out to make fun of M2K or something and she happened to see it accidentally, but looking back through our entire conversation logs, I never shared a single picture with her of this nature nor is there a single log of her ever mentioning it.

She mentions the harassment happened in the Sky house. I do not have any recollection of this. As I established above the timeline when she lived in the Sky house and when she moved out, this means she’s claiming it happened in late 2014/ early 2015. Looking back at our messages, and my memory, I only remember her interacting fondly with me and this extends well into 2016 which is well after we were roommates which is the timeline she is talking about.

Thank you for listening to my story and I hope this clears things up a little bit.

If there is anything else I need address, or she makes a follow up statement, I will also address it. Once again, please do not harass her in any capacity. I understand a lot of people are very upset and I do not want my follower to attack anyone.