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100-Years Of Christian Politics In America.
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

A 100+Year American Timeline of Christian Fascism & Racism

Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forest was the first Imperial Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan.

From the Civil War to 2020

End of Civil War:
1865 founding of the Klu Klux Klan at DuckDuckGo
1865 KKK & Christianity at DuckDuckGo

1912: GOP Platform mentions of God & Faith - 0/1 “Faith in government”

1920s Christianity & KKK at DuckDuckGo
►1920s American Fascism at DuckDuckGo

1930s American Nazism at DuckDuckGo
1930s Christianity & American Nazism at DuckDuckGo
1930s KKK & Nazism at DuckDuckGo

1930s Father Coughlin & Nazism at DuckDuckGo 
1930s German American Bund at DuckDuckGo
1930s McCarthyism & KKK at DuckDuckGo

1940s American Fascism at DuckDuckGo
1940s KKK & Nazism at DuckDuckGo
1940s McCarthyism & Nazism at DuckDuckGo
1940s Catholics & McCarthyism at DuckDuckGo
►1940s Catholics & Nazis at DuckDuckGo

American Nazis
Fred Trump, American Nazi at DuckDuckGo
The America of Trump’s Father: as Aspirational Fascism Reigned in New York
Harry Koch, American Nazi at DuckDuckGo
The Koch family Nazi ties are more entrenched than you think 
Henry Ford was An American Nazi at DuckDuckGo

♦ 1948 Brits & Americans do their first terrorist attack in the middle east when they attack & throw the Palestinians off their land to install the puppet Israel. The Israeli Tribe had been a nomadic tribe like the Bedouin were last I knew. They used an invisible guy in the sky myth to justify it.

1950s American Fascism at DuckDuckGo
1950s McCarthy House On Un-American Activities hearings at DuckDuckGo
1950s Catholic Church & McCarthyism at DuckDuckGo
1950s Catholic Church & Fascism at DuckDuckGo

♦ 1953 the Korean War started against Godless Communism.
♦ 1953 America overthrew the democratically elected Iranian government in a move to control their oil fields.
♦ 1954 America starts war in South Vietnam against Godless Commies.

1954: End of McCarthyism

1954-1964: Church moves from the Democrats to the Republican Party bringing its Religious Fascism, bigotry & racism with it when it did.

06/14/2020 - I’m a bit slow, I just realised the fight against the “Godless Commies”, besides being pushed by the church, was why we got involved in the political wars we have, now with Muslims instead of Godless Commies. I have known our wars created the terrorist groups we fight for a good number of years, and that Christianity was behind it since I once worked in direct support of our Marine Expeditionary Forces and 80%+ of them had bible quotes in the cubicles & bibles in the drawers.

1964 to present day: Church moves towards the "Deep State" with more money than God, plus corporate Fascism of the billionaire's, Global Corp Inc, Global War Inc, World Christ Syndicate, and millions of clueless stock investors, financing the American Right many of whom are devout fundamentalist Christians. As a group, they have more money & power than some nations around the world… have you stopped to even give a dribble of a thought as to what that means? It’s a rhetorical question.

1972: 1st time 18yo could vote, I voted Nixon
1973: Roe 'v' Wade decision and abortion became legal
1976: GOP Take Pro-Life stance, Church has been lying about God on abortion to the world.
1980s: Reagan invites the Religious Right into the party en masse. We have a mass of Christian political groups popup on the Right to make sure order is enforced.

2012: 29 - 10 references to God and 19 to faith in GOP Platform.
2018: 76 - 50 references to God, 26 to faith, in GOP Platform. KKK still around, still Christian, just an embarrassment now.

This side of the ideology swap the Republican Party & American Right are the leaders of racists, bigots, and Fascists instead of leading civil rights as they had all through their history to that decade between McCarthyism & the Civil Rights Movement.

All due to the Christian Church changing its politics and bringing its baggage with it, as they converted the Republican party to their needs using the lies of God and abortion since the 1960's era of "Free Love & Acceptance".

If under 60, the religious & political leaders of the Right have lied to you every day of your life, since birth.