Kevin Vodak has been a Baraboo School Board member since 2001. Currently, he serves as the school board president. For the past four years, Kevin Vodak has

  • Prioritized taxpayer dollars for hefty salaries and fringe benefits for Central Office Administrators.

The School District of Baraboo has six schools that are considered Title I based on free and reduced lunch percentages. Baraboo’s tax base is lower than many Badger Conference Schools.

The school board wants administrative salaries to compare with Badger Conference Schools, so how does our district compare to Badger Conference school  districts in teacher pay?


  • Dr. Briggs, Superintendent

2021-22 $170,000 salary + $26,128 fringe

2022-23 $177,990.00 salary + $44,010 fringe

2023-24 $185,110.00 salary + $28,415 fringe

           +$15,110 salary increase

AND, after 5 successive contract years of employment, the Board contributes $50,000 to a Tax Sheltered Annuity. Following the 6th successive contract year of employment and each successive year thereafter, the Board contributes $10,000.

  • Ms. Updike, Director of Business Services

           2020-21 $131,132 salary + $38,240 fringe

           2021-22 $135,948 salary + $38,032 fringe

           2022-23 $142,338 salary + $39,037 fringe

           2023-24 $148,032 salary + $30,770 fringe

           + $16,900 salary increase

  • Passed excessive pay for “dual role compensations.” In addition to their salaries for their full-time positions,

The board’s response was that these dual role compensations were to make it equitable to what teachers do when substituting during the school day. Teachers are paid a flat rate, not per diem. They are only allowed to be paid for one period a day even if they sub more than one period. They do not receive compensation when they are asked to combine a classroom with their students due to the lack of coverage.  See May 19, 2023 Teresa Lien's letter (see E. 22.05 Substituting During Workday) that was sent to the school board members only.

  • Dr. Briggs, Superintendent, earns $214 per day to cover for JYMS Principal (November 2023 - April 2024)
  • Ms. Updike, Director of Business Services, earns $196 per day to cover for the Director of Human Resources (October 2023-present) for which she is not certified.
  • Ms. Behning, Director of Human Resources (not certified), earns $98 per day to cover for the Director of Food Services (December 2023-present).
  • Ms. Weiland, Administrative Assistant, earns $131 per day to cover for the Director of Communications for which she is not certified.

Tim Heilman said this number ($400,000) is 1/10 of what has been added, not $400,000. One Director of Teaching and Learning would likely have a salary and benefits of $150,000. There are other new positions as is documented in the link.

  • Reduced the annual steps for certified staff from $1000 a year to $750.

The board’s response is that teachers are making more because they cut one day from the contract. This statement was not about contract days.

The board uses the Badger Conference as comparable for administrators, so here is the BADGER CONFERENCE COMPARABLE FOR TEACHER PAY and BARABOO TEACHER SALARY REPORT DPI SUMMARY

“Any transaction entered into between the Board and related parties shall be conducted such that it will pass the reasonable person test for arms-length transactions.” 

The school board asks “What transactions?” The school board received the exit interview (April 2021) from a school board member on the personnel committee. This school board and personnel committee member, Nancy Thome, sent it to the full board and included a person who was not employed by the district, making it an open record. Teresa Lien requested these records and received the letter the school board posted. The “transactions” are explained in the exit interview that was originally linked to this statement (“state school board convention”) but removed by the board.

calls into question an act or behavior that gravely violates the moral sentiments or accepted moral standards of our community.

The full police report narrative is available by requesting it from Sun Prairie Department of Police at 30 East Main Street, Sun Prairie, WI 53590-2227 (608) 837-7336 Records (608) 837-7339 Fax (608) 825-1198.

The school board response was to (re)post the Sun Prairie Star Jan 2022 announcement, which was already linked on this original document. However, they altered this original document and removed links.


  • Changed policy to gatekeep information from other school board members:

33.870 Public Complaints added “The Board President may share information with the full Board of Education and/or Board of Education Committees.”

Vodak made a motion to approve the added statement and voted to change this policy.

  • Reduced the $2,700,000 deficit for 2023-24 school year by cutting and reducing building staff and resources for students, while adding a position (Sept 25, 2023, IX Item for Action) for the Central Office.

The board linked 2023-2024 Budget of Staffing.pdfin response. This chart proves this statement is accurate. In the Additions column, Administrative Assistant @ District Office (0.50 FTE) was added and 0 District Office positions are in the Reductions column.

The issue is that the school board uses student enrollment as the rationale for cutting teachers but they do not use that rationale for Central Office staff. This concern Declining Enrollment and cuts (March 2023) was communicated with the school board.

  • Disregards the retention of teachers. The number of teachers leaving mid-year (4%) is alarming. Kevin Vodak did not reach out to the School Psychologist or School Counselor when requested to discuss the toxic environment and retaliation at JYMS.

The board response linked Vodak’s letter to assess liquidated damages to Ms. Swanson. Vodak did not reach out to her about her reasons for resignation, nor did the board include Ms. Swanson’s full letter in their response (tampered evidence) The board’s response included,  “Resignations (2007-2024) (click on link),” however the following day, the district removed the link. This is a screenshot of the chart. This chart is inaccurate, for example the number of retirements in 2018-19 is not ZERO, it was 7. We are not sure what other numbers might be inaccurate.

  • Supports Ms. Updike, Director of Business Services and Dr. Briggs, Superintendent’s termination of JYMS Principal with tampered evidence.

The district removed this link and had little response to this statement.

(Amanda Sabol’s full public viewpoint).

  • Continuous threats to our music and art positions.

  • Allows Dr. Briggs, Superintendent, to work remotely often, and “undertake consulting work, speaking engagements, writing, lecturing, or other professional duties and obligations,” per his contract.

  • Too often, Dr. Briggs is not in attendance, or attends remotely, school board meetings and infrequently has a report for the board and public. Kevin Vodak, as school board president, is Dr. Briggs’ supervisor.

  • Approved a $10,000 contract to Meraki, Dr. Briggs’ personal consulting firm.

This Meraki invoice was sent to Teresa Lien’s open records request. Per the contract the school board posted, there was a second payment of $10,000 that was not received in the open records request.

  • Changes processes to “make it easier for the Business Office (Vodak quote),” related to substitute pay, non-certified staff hours, insurance premiums, teacher academic stipends, general leave. 

When processes are made easier for the Business Office, it takes compensation away from staff.

  • Dismisses parent responses to the School Perceptions Survey (Aug 2023): Parents told the school board that they were not doing what it takes to be successful for our students and that our district is going in the wrong direction. Nothing has improved and a lot has gotten worse.

The Baraboo School District rates 3 out of 10 on realtor sites.

If you have any questions about the substance of this list, please contact the school board.

School Board Member Individual Email Addresses

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