We're Whole Foods aka Amazon Employees: Amazon's Collaboration with ICE Must Be Stopped

We're a group of current and former Whole Foods employees, known as Whole Worker, attempting to organize and unionize under the dystopian rule of Amazon. Now we're here to show solidarity with our undocumented sisters, brothers, and siblings.

Recently we leaked Amazon's union-busting training video which was just featured on Last Week Tonight. Clips and variations of the video have been viewed by many, exposing Amazon's disturbingly authoritarian views on our rights as workers attempting to unionize. Amazon's treatment of workers throughout the company is a reflection of its other business practices. Namely, its continued work with the company Palantir.

Palantir provides software that helps ICE in the deportation of undocumented people. Undocumented people must be welcomed with compassion and treated like the political and economic asylum seekers they are. Many it must be added, are fleeing from conditions created by destructive U.S policies, making it the responsibility of the U.S to welcome them. It also must be said that Palantir, in 2011, was involved in a plan to spy on labor unions and activists. As workers and activists actively organizing and unionizing, we see this as further proof that Amazon has no plans on respecting the rights of workers.

We as Whole Worker stand with our co-workers inside Amazon AWS demanding Jeff Bezos cease all business with Palantir and any other company involved in the continued oppression of marginalized groups. We also stand firmly with our co-workers in calling for Amazon to end the sale of its facial recognition software, Rekognition, to law enforcement. The software has already been proven to be racially biased, and the last thing an increasingly fascistic law enforcement culture needs are further tools for mass surveillance.

We recognize that expecting a company built on the exploitation of marginalized people and the working class to cease its collaboration with ICE's deportation machine by way of moral condemnations isn’t enough. Just as the rich and powerful will never allow you to vote away their wealth and power, an amoral misery machine will never be shamed into doing what's right. Workers that control the levers inside Amazon must make this machine stop and turn in another direction. Bodies inside this machine are being mangled as it tramples on our homes, destroying families and communities. If you have your hand on one of those levers, ask yourself what can you to stop it? What will your children think? What will that child separated from their parents think? Peace to you, if you're willing to fight for it.

Do it. Si se puede!

En solidaridad

In solidarity

Whole Worker Organizing Committee