A reverse mini bang is an event centered around pairing writers and artists to create a collaborative piece for a certain fandom. Artists will sign up and produce a basic sketch from which the writers will choose anonymously to produce a fic inspired by the art.

A mini bang has a smaller word count requirement than is typical for a big bang. The word count minimum for this bang is 4,000, and we ask writers not to go over 30,000. Each artist will create one work, but might be asked to contribute with an additional one depending on the number of writer sign ups.

If you are an artist that would like to submit more than one piece, please include that on your sign up form so Mods know to reach out to you if necessary.*


Artists will sign up to produce one (or more*) work(s) which must feature Reylo. They will each submit to the Bang Mods a draft / sketch and a small description of the scene (including ambience, background, etc) and one or two relevant details they would like the writer to focus on when writing.

The sign up, the artwork, and claiming stages are to be kept a secret! Anything regarding the drawing/sketch cannot be posted publicly outside of the artist’s channel in the Discord. No WIPs or sneak peeks can be posted outside of the discord. Artists may talk to other artists participating in the event, or a friend they know and trust.

If a work includes NSFW, this must be explicitly stated, so that artists can be paired up properly with writers who are willing to write NSFW.

The mods will post all of the sketches as well as the description publicly on the Discord server for the writers to claim. The writer will then fill up a claiming form listing which works they are interested and not interested in and if they are willing to write NSFW or not.

Claims are assigned by the mods and writers will not be assigned an artwork that includes some of their squicks, but top choices are not guaranteed.  They are then paired with one or two writers (depending on how many art submissions they have made)*.

All creators are also given the opportunity to privately tell the Mod team if there are other participants they would prefer not to work with. The Bang mods check in with each team to see how everything’s going and make sure all projects will be finished in time.

Once the authors are assigned to their fic, everyone is free to discuss the story with other event participants in the Discord server.

Participants may post their collaborations officially and publicly during the posting period. All works must not be posted before the posting period, and they must be completely posted by the end of it. Each team creates a masterpost of their works in AO3, Twitter or Tumblr.

At the end of the challenge, the mod team creates one big masterpost of all the fanworks and posts it for the internet to see!


Application & Onboarding

14-30 Jul 2024

Artists’ Sketch and Description

14 Aug-14 Sep 2024

Artists’ Sketch Reveal

20-23 Sep 2024


24-29 Sep 2024

Pairing Announcement

9 Oct 2024

1st Check In (Writer’s First draft / Outline and Artist’s final sketch)

13 Nov 2024

2nd Check In (Artists’ final work)

14 Dec 2024

3rd Check In

4 Jan 2025

Final Check In / Submission

7 Feb 2025


14 Feb 2024


How do I sign up? 

Through a Google Form which will be posted on Mini Reverse Reylo-Bang 2025 Official Page

Where do I find the Discord server?

Once you have completed the sign up, one of the Mods will send you an email with the link to access the Discord server (please make sure to include your correct email so that we can reach out to you). If when you receive the link, there is an issue with it, please inform a Mod or reach out to one of the organizers.

What contact details do you need from me?

The most important details we need is your contact information just to make sure we can get in touch with you when we need to. However, most of the communication will be done on discord, including sharing the forms for submissions, claims, and other announcements.

Do I need an AO3 account to participate?

It will be best if you have one as all completed work will be put on AO3 collections.

Besides AO3, writers and artists are free to post on Fafiction.net, Tumblr, Twitter or whatever other platform you like!

Can I sign up as both an author and an artist?

No. You are only allowed to sign up to one of the roles. Please make sure to select one.

Why is there an age requirement for NSFW content?

We are not trying to control what you can and can’t create in your own time; this rule is to protect the mods, you, your collaborative partner, betas, and all the other participants of Invisobang from legal consequences.

I would like to be involved in the project but I can’t/don’t want to write or make art. Can I help?

You can consider signing up as a beta! Betas proofread, edit, and help polish fics up to their best versions, and are super helpful for big events like this. For more details on beta-reader, you may head over to BETA READER SECTION below or press at the side.

Is Dead Dove content allowed?

Yes. But please make sure to tag this properly. Failure to do so, will earn you a warning from the Mods. If you still do not heed the warnings, you might get kicked out from the server and the event.

If you are squicked by Dead Dove content, please also make sure to add this to the submission forms when completing them, so that you can be paired up accordingly by the Mods.


  • Artists are allowed to submit their work as:
  • illustration, painting, sketching, or manip, gif, photography.
  • Art must be new and created specifically for this Mini Bangno rehashing of old materials.
  • Be mindful of triggers and squicks. You are required to put WARNINGS if potentially triggering content is included in your art, including NSFW
  • Visual art must have good image quality — as in, clean, free of stray pixels, etc. If a traditional medium is used, your art must be scanned rather than photographed
  • Artists are allowed to make a maximum of one submission, unless otherwise informed by the Mods.
  • Artists can submit two artworks for the same prompt. Please make sure to add on your small description how these two artworks are connected / related and what order they should appear in the fic if there is a preference.
  • Pieces may be no smaller than 600px by 600px. Pieces can be in any orientation
  • Crossovers and AUs are okay (keep in mind that finding an artist/audience may be harder if you do this), but the main focus must be on Reylo.
  • Please make sure to add in your form if you would be available to produce more than one artwork for the event — if there are more writers than artists, we might reach out to you to ask if you would like to produce two artworks.

When do I submit my first sketch and what should it consist of?

The first sketch is due by the 14th September and it should be very simple, mostly to keep some of the artists’ anonymity, as some artistic styles might be recognizable, and we want to make sure the selection is made as blind as possible.

If your work is a gif, please select some still frames and use those for the draft submission accompanied by a description.

All artists must include a written description of the scene, such as ambience, background, environment and any details that are crucial and should be included in the fic. If colour / symbolism is important, please make sure to include this in your description so the writer is aware.

Please also make sure to add triggers / WARNINGS and NSFW to the description

What do I need to send in on check-ins?

At minimum, an outline or a rough draft of your art piece. As long as there is a basic idea of where you are in the challenge and how far you’ve got to go in your artwork. These check-ins are for us to see that you’re on track, but they’re also benchmarks for you to use to keep yourself on track!

What sort of art is accepted?

For the Mini Bang we’ll be accepting digital (including manips, and gifs) or traditional art. We accept any level of experience/skill, we only ask that you put in an amount of time/effort proportional to that of your writer.

What are the minimum requirements for final art submissions?

A finished piece means that the characters are colored and not a bare sketch on paper. The artwork can be portrait or horizontal.

Do I have to draw backgrounds?

Drawing a background is not mandatory but encouraged.

What if the fic is including warnings / triggers I am not comfortable with?

All triggers and warnings should be agreed on between the author and the artist. If you are not comfortable discussing this with your partner, or if you feel pressured into accepting something you are not comfortable with, please reach out to one of the Mods.

Can I draw explicit or mature content?

Yes, but please make sure to make it very clear on your sketch submission.


  • Word count: 4k minimum for the Mini Bang. Maximum is 30k.
  • Be mindful of triggers and squicks. You are required to put WARNINGS if potentially triggering content is included in your fic — these must be agreed on with the artist.
  • Fics must be new and created specifically for the Mini Bang. There shall be no rehashing of old material or writing content for an already posted WIP.
  • Betas/proofreaders/editors are not required but are encouraged! If you have a beta you usually work with, feel free to use them, but we will also have betas signing up for the event.

When do I submit my first rough draft and does it have to be complete?

A first draft will be due on 13th November. A completed rough draft is not necessary. However, the entire fic should exist in some form, whether that is detailed writing or fragments, bullet points, or quick notes.

Can I write a multi-chapter fic?

Yes. However, the entire fic (with all its chapters) must be posted on posting week.

Can I write multiple fics instead of just one?

Each artwork should produce only one fic.

What if I get assigned an artwork I don’t like?

We’re going to do everything we can to assign you to an artwork that is within your top 5, but if a sketch changes and you are uncomfortable with the direction it takes, contact us as soon as possible so we can resolve the matter.

Can I write explicit or mature content?

Yes, as long as the artist is fine with it.


Beta Readers

Beta readers are people who help authors with their fics. This can include:-

  • Grammar checking or editing
  • Helping figure out a scene
  • Test reading a fic for clarity
  • Or anything else an author needs.

Different authors use betas for different reasons.

Betas do not get paired with authors. Instead, authors can ping the beta role in the server at any time to request help.

If you would like to Beta, please reach out to one of the Mods or Organizers (contacts at the end of the page).


  • Authors must include word counts with their check-ins as proof of progress for the mods.
  • Creative blocks happen sometimes. It’s okay if you haven’t made much progress since the last check-in. Do communicate with the mods so that you can get an extension on your piece.
  • Word goals are not fixed and meeting them is not a requirement, The check-ins and word goals are there to help you keep track of your progress.

How do check-ins work?

On check-in day, mods will make an announcement and tag participant roles as well as the check-in channel.

There is no format for check-ins. Participants can write a few sentences about the progress they have made so far, how they feel about their work, etc., and post that in the channel

What happens if I miss a check-in?

Participants will have 1 week to post their works in the check in channel. After 1 week has passed, mods will wait at least another 24 hours before issuing a reminder via DM to anyone who has not checked in.

No response after:-

24 hours — Second reminder will be issued.

5 days — Mods will assume that they have dropped out of the event and be removed from the server. Their partner will be reassigned with someone else.

Participants have five days total after check-in ends to message a mod before the mod will take any action, which is plenty of time. If for some reason you are unable to contact mods directly, you may also have your partner contact us on your behalf.

Communication is key and it is an important part of the event, missing a check-in with zero contact with the mods after five days will be taken as resignation from the event.

We will not want to kick anyone out from this event so we hope that you will be able to communicate with us to prevent this from happening.

What if I know I am going to be busy on check-in day?

It is of no consequence as long as you have communicated with the mods to tell us about it.

Subsequently, you can also post 2 days or 1 day before the check-in either through the channel or DM-ing the mods your work.


  • Claiming is the term used when a writer chooses the artwork they want to make art for. During the claiming period, sketches and descriptions for all the artworks will be posted in the event’s Discord server. Writers will go over the sketches / descriptions and claim the one they would like to create art for.
  • A google form will be attached in the channel so that you can fill in the top 5 choices.
  • Sketches will not have names attached. Artists, please refrain from telling any participants which sketch is yours.
  • Claims are first come, first serve
  • Writers can list 3-5 artworks in their claims. We recommend listing the maximum number to guarantee you get an artwork that you want.
  • If there are more writers than artists, artists who have confirmed they are happy to produce more than one work will have been contacted to do this to ensure all writers are paired up.
  • Pairings will be released once claims are closed.

How does claiming work?

  1. Artists must submit their sketches by filling out a google form on submission day. Submissions will remain open until claiming begins.
  2. Mods will put that information into a compilation and share it in the writer only chat so writers have time to look over their options (until claims are closed, we request that you keep all conversation about the work in the writer only chat)
  3. Please check the schedule for reveal and claiming dates. Mods will share a claiming form in the announcement channel so authors can make claims for their favourite artworks.
  4. Mods will update the spreadsheet in the writers-only chat so they can see which artworks have already been claimed.

NOTE: The spreadsheet may not be updated immediately if mods are unavailable to do so right away.

  1. Claims will stay open for five days, or until all writers have made a claim, whichever comes first.

What do artists need to submit for claiming?

  • A clear sketch

Please make sure that even though this is a sketch, it should be as clear as possible to the viewer.

As this is a Reylo event, please make sure both outlines for Rey and Kylo / Ben are included in the sketch

  • A description

Your sketch should include a description of the scene or an explanation of the prompt. You can include relevant details, certain motifs, or colours that might be symbolic or important for the author to know.

Please also include a description of the environment / ambient if relevant.

If you are portraying a very specific dynamic between the two characters (i.e. friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, first meeting, forbidden romance, etc), please make sure to specify it.

Provide as much information as possible about your sketch, especially if it’s an AU, so the writer is fully aware of what they are selecting and to ensure they are comfortable and up to the challenge.

Remember to also leave some artistic freedom to the writers so that they might be more willing to choose your piece. You can also hash out final details and make slight changes once you have been paired up and / if all parties are in agreement.

  • Ratings / Warnings

Please specify the rating of your drawing (you can use AO3’s rating system if this is useful and helpful to you — it might also help the author decide if they are up to writing your prompt).

General, teen, or mature. General fics are for all audiences. Teen fics are typically rated for violence/language. Mature fics are for 18+ viewers only and rated for sexual content and excessive gore. Underage writers may not claim artworks rated M/E for sexual content.

If you would like your drawing to remain G or T, please make sure to specify this.

  • Warnings

Gore, triggers, sexual content, etc. We do not want authors to end up with an artwork that makes them uncomfortable. Please include all relevant warnings for your piece.

I’m in [insert timezone here]. What if I’m not awake when claims open?

There is a spot to input your timezone in the sign-up form. Mods will work to open the claims at a time that works for as many participating artists as possible. The sketches will also be available for a couple days before claims begin, so that everyone has a chance to check them before selecting.

What if all the artworks I list have already been claimed?

If writers outnumber artists, we will reach out to the artists who have confirmed they are happy to produce more than one piece to ensure all writers are paired up.

If authors don’t outnumber artists, we might request an author to produce a second fic, or we will reach out to a Pitch Hitter.

Claims are blind, which means that artists' names will not be attached to the sketches. Claims are first-come, first-serve

Can you make sure I only have [insert artwork type(s)] to choose from when claiming?

Not really. The artists have fairly free reign to produce what they want. A sketch description will be posted along with its rating, as well as trigger warnings if applicable.

While you would never be required to work with content that may squick or trigger you, artists should be open to, and prepared for, working with content they may not usually be interested in. We have no way of guaranteeing any specific genres, characters, ships, etc.


  • The finished art will need to be posted at the same time as the reveal of the private collection on AO3 so that we can truly create a Mini Bang of works. All artists will be asked to schedule their Twitter post according to the time provided by the Mods (please be aware of Timezones - Mods will remind you of this closer to the time as well)
  • Posting on all other social media can happen after the event has gone live
  • Artists just include the tags #reyloart and #reylominireversebang2025 for searchability. Please make sure to also include the link to the author’s fic.
  • Writer will be able to use this link to embed it on AO3. We will share an ‘How to’ to ensure all authors know how to embed the art in their fic.
  • Authors will need to upload their completed fics in their entirety to the AO3 Collection by the 7th February. The collection will go live on 14th February (for Valentine’s day hehe).
  • Share links to your creations in the Discord server as proof of completion

What if I’m not done in time for posting?

If you don’t think you can finish on time, let a mod know. You will be given an extension. Remember, you probably won’t be the only one who needs an extension. If enough people won’t be done on time, we may even push posting week back.

What is an AO3 Collection and how do I add my fic it?

A Collection on Archive of our Own is exactly what it sounds like: a collection and tag used to organise and gather similar fics in one place; it’s used very often for events such as Big Bangs.

When posting your fic, go to the associations section of the page. In the field for Post to Collections/ Challenges, type Mini Reverse Reylo-Bang 2025. When you post your fic, it will be added to the collection. It will show up in the collection once a mod has approved it.


The Mini Reverse Reylo-Bang 2025 is, first and foremost, a collaborative event. Authors and artists work together to complete their works in a given time.  There is no dropout deadline, but mods expect participants to be aware of their limits and conscientious of other participants. If you need to drop out, it is better to do it sooner rather than later.

When you drop out after partnerships have been determined, that means your partner needs to find a replacement in order to continue the event. If you are not confident that you can finish the event, it is easier on both the mods and other event participants if you drop out early in the event.

How do I drop out?

Tell a mod as soon as possible and we will take care of the rest. Because the server is for participants only, if you do drop out, we ask that you leave it. However, if you choose to stay as a Beta Reader or Pinch Hitter, you may.

My partner dropped out. What now?

If your artist/author drops out but you would still like to continue the event, you will be partnered with a new art/fic of your choosing.

If your partner is unable to finish the event close to posting day, and you are unable to make a new art/fic, you may post your work without the other work to accompany it.

I had an emergency and need to drop out after the deadline

We understand; sometimes things happen beyond our control. If this happens, tell a mod ASAP and we will work on relocating your partner. This will not affect your ability to sign up for future events.


If you have any questions that weren’t answered here, please reach out to: