Dear Members of the NYU Community,


Last week, NYU announced that Germanic literature professor Avital Ronell, accused of harassing a former graduate student last fall, will return this upcoming semester to teach a course on penitentiary culture and, disturbingly enough, boundary management.


As representatives of the Arts and Sciences community, we wholeheartedly condemn this move by the University. Not only is Ronell’s alleged conduct contemptible and inadmissible, but the attendant lawsuit is ongoing, awaiting a decision by the New York State Supreme Court. Moreover, the decision to allow Ronell to return to the classroom is fundamentally antithetical to the University’s student-centered mission and stated commitment to survivors of sexual violence and abuse. Her reinstatement also reaffirms the status quo that survivors are not to be believed.


Attracting national media attention for its decision, NYU spokesman John Beckman claimed that the University does not “… discuss personnel issues concerning individual employees.” NYU has also indicated that it will not inform enrolled students of Ronell’s past actions. This is unacceptable. We demand more transparency from an institution charged with protecting and promoting student interests and hope that NYU will reconsider its decision to allow Ronell to teach this fall.  


As members of student government, we unequivocally support survivors and challenge the University to do the same.


Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.




Christopher VanDemark, GSAS Student and Senator At-Large for Graduate and LGBTQ+ Students

Nicole Sunderlin, CAS President

Kosar Kosar, CAS Senator and Chair-Elect of Student Senators’ Council (SSC)

Hüsniye Çöğür, Chair of Student Government Assembly, Senator At-Large for Undocumented and DACA Students

NYU’s SGA Leadership Team

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