Tower v. Lobby

This document has been written on accord of @al.pino, The Tower, and the other 8-15 outspoken people that TTVGoldnSkul and his associates have wronged in his career. This document is dedicated to exposing and revealing all the secrets and wrong-doings that he and his moderation team have attempted to cover-up.


  • Romeo and Juliet laws (laws that allow minors and adults to date as long as there is a reasonable 2-3 year age gap,) do not apply to online relationships under Section 2256 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
  • Romeo and Juliet laws do not apply to relationships that require crossing state lines to meet in person.
  • The age of consent is 18.
  • People mentioned in the document are sorted by most important to least important.

  • [1] = Direct description pasted from the alp.Tower blacklist, with some “minor” adjustments.
  • [2] = Here for Defaulty? Read this

Before this starts, and before his community begins to use my screenshots with yeestofweest against me, I am going to admit my faults. I am guilty of those screenshots, and it was during a period of my life where I am not proud of the things that went on, I am only guilty of being a teenager going through many hormonal changes, every adult has some form of guilts they have from the shit they said at age 15, so if you’re gonna try and disprove everything here, at least use something that hasn’t been disproven, but knowing them they probably won’t read this and will instead go straight to defending him.

And please, do not go after ANYONE in the screenshots, many of them are censored for a reason and don’t want mindless gullible teenagers and jobless grown adults going after them, I do not condone harassing or witch hunting. (unless they have a segment named after them, then we don’t care.)


TTVGoldnSkul is a 20-year-old good-for-nothing furry Twitch streamer who gets a kick out of letting his mods degrade and target autistic people, getting porn sent his way by someone in possession of CP (cub porn, furry child porn), mastering unemployment, dating a 17-year-old whilst being an adult (illegal because it was an internet relationship,) disregarding and neglecting his community (mostly full of minors), misleading people into ruining their relationships, posting suggestive gooner slop posts on Twitter and Tiktok to his minor audience, nearly starting a polyamorous relationship with a 15-year-old, and is overall a shitty and boring person to be around. When confronted regarding his actions, his immediate first train of thought was not to blame the 6 other mature people who helped contribute to the document, but instead write a three-paragraph announcement full of shitty and out-of-context screenshots in his server towards me of all people without even reading the document, truly a master of manipulation and a master of masturbation (probably, with how much he interacts with Fortnite furry ship accounts on Twitter) (And suggestive art he reposts on his new twitter)


^ Testimony from someone who worked with Goldn previously.


^ TTVGoldnSkul reportedly quote-retweeted a render of someone’s concept for a Slurp Meowscle s Fortnite skin, replying with a slurp mushroom, the joke is it resembles the concept skin’s penis, completely uninvited. He never apologised.

^ TTVGoldnSkul is left completely unaware that a child groomer had been wandering his server, going after children to put in his large-scale polyamorous relationship (I was nearly one of them), after failure from his moderation team to do anything about him even after it was reported to a moderator. (They only took action nearly two weeks after it was reported.)

^ Testimony from someone who worked with Goldn previously.


^ When the drama died down, this was posted in mod-posting in the new fan server, it is unknown whether or not this was satire, as Goldn does shit like this all the time, an example being his recent League of Legends tweet.

Testimony from a former-moderator of TTVGoldnSkul’s server


The “lovely” girlfriend of TTVGoldnSkul, I say lovely in quotation marks because Goldn was 19 and she was about 16-17 when they started dating, very weird, and in referral to the notes, Romeo and Juliet laws DO NOT APPLY to online relationships, which already made it illegal. She also lied about her age, telling minors that she was 18 just so she could get suggestive and fetish art of her own fursona, disgusting things. She also was in contact with the person who was in possession of CP before he raided the server, and also tried to start a polyamorous relationship with a 15 year old, she was 17 and Goldn was 19. And when former moderator ShadowedShots tried to report Juniper’s disturbing behaviour to Goldn, there is a reason he is labelled “former” because he was laid off after this. Goldn did anything in his way to try and “protect” Juniper, and even waited until she turned 18 to meet her in real life, which is straight up GROOMING, and she was just also a generally unkind person to people who had commissioned art similar to hers that she had received for free.



^ Juniper and Goldn were still in a relationship when this happened (Nov 16th 2024)

^ Proof juni just turned 18 in september AND that juni was speaking to [MINOR] when he was 14

^ And here’s Goldn admitting to meeting up with her (post-18th birthday), if his community tries to justify that the relationship wasn’t illegal, why did they not meet up before-hand? This also implies he crossed state borders to meet her, which as referenced in the notes, is ILLEGAL when it comes to Romeo and Juliet laws.

^ public twitch chat, this was when Juni was a minor.

^ DMs with a 14 year old


This part of Juniper’s segment comes out from the friend of a victim of hers, and how she sent nudes to the 13 year old victim.

Edit: The victim was in fact 13 rather than 14.

^ Evidence that she sent them to the victim after the friend of the victim became vocal about the situation.

^ Conversation they had AFTER the nudes were sent.


^ Testimony from someone who worked with Goldn previously.

Document made by one of the contributors on this document with his own personal experiences with Juniper


Centrist prick, ableist, believes in lowering the age of consent based on mental capacity, generally an unsafe person to have around a community full of minors just by that belief alone, no wonder he's on this list, and no wonder he's a part of Diddyskul's Disciples.

^ Testimony from someone who worked with Goldn previously.


Bully, Knobhead, Weirdo. In that order, from having a free hour of targeted harassment against me for seemingly no reason, then getting defensive and blaming someone else when it drove me to leave, he gains his nickname of “Santa Claus” from the Tower community from his crude slang for porn to use with minors by using words such as "Jolly" or "Festive." He also apparently takes ukulele lessons with how shit his "apologies" are.

^ Apology two months after he tolerated multiple people harassing a user for nearly an hour, including deer, another moderator.

Introduction to the next part of Maj’s documentation by TheFunnyFoxMan

^ maj sent this to a 14 year old

^ Link above was a video sent to Majiyomer as verified by Yeest.

Maengsta otherwise known as Homewrecker [1]

From a man that many could trust, only to lose it all in a matter of days, Mae's downfall and blacklisting started once he and my (ex-)boyfriend both started cheating on their partners and began to flirt in private, incest lover, rape lover, pedophilic threesome lover. Very fucked up, he's also a Diddyskul Disciple.

^ Victim gave context to this, this was  a fantasy he wrote about his STEPDAD.



Generally a weird person to be around, way too open with his sexual fantasies in private messages, and as a 15-year-old, I don't think a minor should be saying the shit he says, if we only have messages from mine, @ThisIsOnit’s, and @TheFunnyFoxman’s messages, I do not want to imagine what went on in the secret mod server and other private, direct messages. and was a shit partner lol, how you gonna say you love someone for a while only to then say you don't love them and you’re aromantic 2 days later.

This was a discussion about a TORNADO


Generally, he is an unsettling person to be around, angry over the littlest things that don't suit him, racist, abuses any authority he has against people he doesn’t like, leeches off of paedophiles, and never appreciates the support he gains from others and quick to switch up on them, an obvious pick for the blacklist.

^ half assed forced apology i received after the situation


drewdiesinside; a Diddyskul Disciple who bought his way to the moderation team by spending 35 dollars a month for a shitty and laggy Minecraft server that barely anyone played after 3 days, die-hard Goldn warrior who will go after as many kids as possible on Twitter, runs away when mature adults get involved, he’s like his superiors.

^ moonxplorer drew pornography of themselves and their minor friends jacking off and fucking eachother on an alternate porn account as a minor, the fact he even wants to defend them is concerning.


-states that Defaulty is wrong for discussing nsfw things with Mae. [2]

-Is questioned about Goldn and Juniper’s relationship.

-States that they’re okay because he believes that legality and morality are separate. Logic???


^ Final conclusions and thoughts from someone who used to work with Goldn behind the scenes.

My final conclusion?

How did he not know? When 5 people in the past had attempted to expose and come out about Juniper’s predatory behaviour, and he ignored all of it until now? Really tells you how he really feels about the situation, he’s only sorry because he got caught. All of his apologies are forced, he has never apologised directly to the victims, he’s only grouped them together in a single message and just said “I’m sorry” Goldn cannot apologise to save his life, he’s just one big manchild that doesn’t deserve a platform of this magnitude, 80 named people and 6,000 unnamed people know that he is a pedophile. His legacy is in ashes, and in my opinion he just needs to retire, go back to school, and get a job.