Weegeepie Exposed: Chronological Order

This doc is a collaborative effort with info coming directly from the victims themselves, as well as many past friends of Weegeepie. It's a collection of every crucial detail from Docs #2, #3, #4, and more, with corrected details and extra info for clarity.

All of the events have been reorganized to be in chronological order.


Lucas Poirson (more commonly known as “Weegeepie”) is a 19 year old predator. These events take place over 4-5 years however, starting when he was 14.

Before we start, it's very important to note that

Weegeepie”, “Inactive”, “Lucas”, “LUCASSSS”, “WeegeepieGaming”, “Lucas <3”, “Weegee”, “Lucas le KK”, and “Aids” are all the same person.

If you want a quicker summary of what happened, the video debunk is a great place to start.


(Note that the victims aren’t in chronological order in the videos)

There is also an uncensored version, which also includes Weegeepie’s face.



Here is the link to Weegeepie’s response, where he incriminates himself even more:



(The Victims are numbered the same way they are in this video.)

Victim #1 is 17. This is the victim that was blackmailed by Weegeepie. (2023-2024)

Victim #2 is 15. This is the victim that was stalked online by Weegeepie despite them never actually dating. (2022)

Victim #3 had just turned 12 when they first started dating Weegeepie. This is the victim that Weegeepie met on roblox and tried to meet up with. They had the biggest age gap out of all of the victims. (2022-2024)

Victim #4 from was 14 when Weegeepie was 15, however, this victim is Weegeepie’s IRL ex who he abused, threatened, and recorded himself having sex with. (2019-2020)

Victim #5 was 12 at the time of the grooming. This is the victim that Weegeepie got nudes of back in 2021. (2021-2021)

Victim #6 is a 16 year old that was getting groomed by Weegeepie up until after his response video was debunked. (2023-2024)

Victim #7 was a 14 year old who was warned by the Ex to cut contact with Weegeepie, but didn’t until it was too late. (2022-2023)

Victim #8 is a 16 year old. Weegeepie got access to her Youtube account and hid in her discord server for months under an alt. (2024-2024?)

We’ll go through each Victim in chronological order.

Prologue: The Girlfriend Applications

In May of 2021, Weegeepie made a questionable community post asking his (incredibly young) audience to participate in his “girlfriend applications.”


It was played off as a joke at first, but he later made a follow up community post explaining how to add him on discord.


At the time it was not taken very seriously, but now it's very clear what the intent of these posts were.

Below is the link to the “Girlfriend Applications”


He is very clearly trying to play this off as satire, but instantly fails when he asks for a discord tag.

Archived Version of Form just incase it gets taken down

In a 2021 group chat, Weegeepie brags to his (old) friends that he got a new girlfriend DIRECTLY FROM these applications.

This is after he broke up with his IRL ex, who will come up later.

Weegeepie calls his new partner “an actually good gf”, throwing an insult to his ex.

Weegeepie having an unreasonable hatred for his ex will become more relevant further into the doc.

Weegeepie bragged about this constantly, but his friends were already skeptical about the entire situation. They were never told how old the “new gf” was.

Once everyone learned the applications were genuine, his friends tried to warn him that it was a terrible idea, but Weegeepie ignored them.

Not much is known about this “new girlfriend” of Weegeepie's. Not even her age.

However, with the type of audience Weeg attracts with his videos, it's highly likely that she was very young.

This is only the start of Weegeepie taking advantage of children and his youtube audience. He made these applications seemingly to find a replacement for his ex, who he broke up with in late 2020 and has hated ever since.

This leads us to the next section.

Victim #4: Weegeepie’s (Only IRL) Ex

Throughout August 2019 to the end of 2020, Weegeepie had an irl relationship with a girl that started when they were both 14.

Despite this being one of the only healthy age gaps; throughout this relationship Lucas was “sex-obsessed” with her and did many questionable actions, such as:

Bragging about getting nudes from a 12 year old

In 2021, Weegeepie tried making his ex jealous by bragging about the nudes he received from a 12 year old when he was 16.

Translation of the text messages:

(Note that we don’t have confirmation on who this specific 12 year old was, but it leads into the next section.)

Victim #5, The Original 12 Year Old

One of Weegeepie's first known victims was a 12 year old girl who exposed Weegeepie back in November of 2021, long before the current drama started. Weegeepie was 16 at the time.

Alot of the evidence was deleted, but the victim still had some screenshots of Weegeepie:

  • Grooming her.
  • Asking for her nudes when he was 16 years old.
  • Admitting to wanting porn of minors.
  • Masturbating to the nudes she sent.

Nowadays it's very clear that these screenshots are indeed Weegeepie, however, in 2021 Weegepie gaslit his friends into defending him after he was called out.

He then later forced the victim to say the screenshots are all fake in the end.

In the screenshots below we have Weegeepie directly admitting he is “looking for” child porn.

Note that he was, once again, lying in this screenshot. He was 16 at the time, not 15.

This is how he “defended” himself on twitter. Weegeepie threatening legal action is a common theme throughout all of this.

In the end, Weegeepie managed to manipulate the victim into saying the allegations and all the screenshots are fake.

After that, Weegeepie deleted all of the conversations they had in order to hide all evidence, which is how he got away scott-free.

It’s not been confirmed that this was the same 12 year old he was bragging to his ex about getting nudes from, however there’s a decent chance it was as the dates match up.

Creating CP with Ex

Back in 2021, Weegeepie bragged to another minor about having video recordings of himself having sex with a 14 year old. The 14 year old in question was his IRL ex. Weegeepie was 15/14 when the videos were made.

Sometime after Doc #2 was originally posted (February 2024), his ex reached out to us and confirmed that this was true.

They also explained to us that they still have the “pikachu pajamas” Weegeepie mentioned to his friend in the last screenshot.

Here is the evidence of the clothes the ex sent us.

The image on the right is the ex’s dms with Weegeepie.

Weegeepie sent the videos to her on discord.

We can’t show it, but in the original screenshot

the ex gave us, you could see the pikachu pajamas in the

censored video preview.

The screenshot was taken in 2024,

(you can see the newer discord UI)

meaning he never fully deleted the videos,

and still has access to them to this day.

Below is Weegeepie bragging about it to another friend.

He directly admits that it’s child porn here, and almost sends them the actual videos.

We now move on to the next victim. The next section is not as severe as the last victim, but it showcases his creepy behavior in detail.

Victim #2; General Creepy Behavior

Note: This Victim was 15, and Weegeepie was 17.

Hello, I'm Pyro, the victim’s close friend and I wanted to come onto this document thanks to hush being kind enough to provide a space to finally (after a bit more than a year) put everything together.

So, Lucas had met my friend around July of 2022, he added her after seeing a video that was posted to her youtube and I guess he liked her art (???)

(foreshadowing ik)

At first, the conversations were friendly and completely platonic but then they started getting weird, Lucas’ fault.

He’d post stuff like this constantly, because my friend didn’t take him as a threat, she’d just ignore it and change the topic but he’d keep insisting on it, almost as if he wanted her to respond and to fulfill his weird fantasies.

After a while, the conversations took a VERY serious turn, with him not even TRYING to hide what his real intentions were.

He also became very dependent and obsessive, making her feel like it was her responsibility to make him happy and anything below that was her fault.

After a while, she decided to confront him about it,explaining how uncomfortable she truly was and all he did was act like the victim, saying how he never had a true friend and how he was excited that someone in this god forsake earth was paying attention to his little sorry ass

He has also lied about his age multiple times,

often saying he was 15 to fit in with her, then saying he was 16 and after that confirming that he was indeed 17 when all of this was happening.

After the whole rejection thing, they decided to give it another go with newer boundaries, she was expecting him to learn from his mistakes and be a better person but alas, 4 days later he confessed to her

Here’s a link to a 12 minute audio to Lucas “Weegeepie” confessing to my friend, take it as you will. (IT'S A PAINFUL LISTEN, I’M SORRY)


Here’s a mirror in case the jumpshare link doesn’t work.

Unfortunately, it has been heavily edited to have sound effects and music in the background, but contains the full audio.

The Depressing Downfall of Weegeepie Lucas

He has also directly admitted to stalking this person's accounts.

After the confession he only became MORE obsessive (ik this guy just wouldnt fucking quit)

He also started to become more explicit, calling her “cutie” in public calls and creating fake scenarios in his mind, saying she “fell for his charms”

With her and me clearly wanting to get rid of him, we designed a plan, we were going to pretend like we were dating on twitter (sharing pfps, banner and bio) so that he maybe got a hint and left, which only triggered him more I guess!

He then sort of gave up, realized that she didn't like him and then, after hopping on Portal 2, he said all of this

Mind you all of this happened whilst he KNEW (or at least thought he knew) that she was dating me.

He then made a video, (as a parody of another one) that showcases her OC in place of the female character in the original video, with a video of BladeRunner in the background.

https ://jmp.sh/zOzU4jOt

Further showcasing how truly obsessed he was and couldn’t let go of this 15 year old he met a month ago.

And to top it all off, he was going all around places to make it known that he and her were “together”

After this, he gave up
She took the first step and stopped following him on social media and ignoring him
on discord and he slowly did that too.

There were some altercations on twitter (him putting her hoodie on a video after everything that happened)

TL;DR he blocked me and all of her friends

He also sent his friends to defend him over to the thread, clearly lying to them.

More proof that this was actually him and we’re not making shit up, he’s using the art that she had done for him to “cheer up” after the whole thing on his MAIN TWITTER ACCOUNT.

Also proof that he has me blocked before this part of the document goes up, we’ve interacted before, this was him.

(Note: The Handle for this account was changed to “@WigipEye” after Doc #2 was released, and it has been made private.)

I believe this is the end of it, he didn't try to reach out anymore but after hearing that he's been doing more of his weird things to his "friends" and giving poor fucking excuses for it, I couldn't keep my mouth shut about what he had also done to one of my closest friends and gotten away with.

Next, we go back to the Ex.

Threatening to Abuse his IRL Ex

Some time after they broke up (2022), the ex found out that Weegeepie made a new instagram account purely to talk to two minors, both only being 14 years old.

                   (Weegeepies Instagram)

When his ex tried to warn the young girls that the age gap was inappropriate and that it could be dangerous for them, Weegeepie contacted her, he threatened to hospitalize her so she wouldn't expose this info to anybody.

(Whatsapp messages translated to english on the right)

(Yes, Weegeepie is French)

You can see the dates are late 2022, December. These dates line up with the dates of the next section.

This situation leads into Victim #7, who only spoke out after Doc #3 was posted.

Victim #7

In late 2022, when Weegeepie was 17, Weegeepie made a vague tweet on his old (deleted) Twitter account. In this tweet, he’s seemingly referring to a 14-year-old that he just started talking to, which is the 7th victim.

It's worth noting that a good amount of the Tweets made on this account can be connected to Weegeepies victims, which is most likely why the entire account was deleted after the second doc.

Luckily, the account has been archived to an extent on the Wayback Machine. https://web.archive.org/web/20230128191408/https://twitter.com/WeegeepieLucas

Some of the tweets on this old account:

According to the 14-year-old, the conversations she had with him started platonic. Unfortunately, just like the other victims, they quickly became romantic and he eventually confessed to her on the 13th of October, 2022.

The only reason she stayed with him throughout the relationship is because she felt bad for him due to his constant guilt-tripping. It’s worth noting that he uses this tactic with every victim.

Weegeepie became tired of talking to her on Twitter, so he made an excuse to move their conversations to Instagram DMs instead.

After they started talking on Instagram, the victim stated how “Weegeepie’s whole personality changed”.

At this point, conversations became more sexual than ever, and Weegeepie requested her to send voice messages of herself moaning.

After she refused, he eventually started sending her voice messages of himself moaning instead.

(It’s worth noting that according to the Victim, the “Weegeepie Gaming” Instagram account was completely deleted at some point.)

Eventually, Weegeepie started sending her pictures of himself half-naked as well as a photo of his “tip”. This caused the victim to block him, which is understandable.

(It’s worth noting that Weegeepie sends shirtless pictures of himself to nearly every victim. Along with nudes, of course.)

When she confronted him about it, Weegeepie managed to guilt trip his way out of discussing what he did wrong, and they started talking again, but on Discord.

In the Discord DMs, you can see Weegeepie directly asking for “pics” of her, over and over again.

Below is another example of Weegeepie’s guilt tripping after she informed him she was getting uncomfortable with some of his “requests.”

The Ex Connecting to Victim #7

On page 17 of Doc #3, one of Weegeepie’s exes found out he was following 2 minors on Instagram. This caused him to threaten the ex so she would keep quiet.

The 7th victim was one of these 2 minors.

(The screenshot she took here is

from an older version of Doc #3)

The ex managed to get in contact with Victim 7, trying to warn her about Weegeepie.

These are the Ex and Victim 7’s DMs, from Victim 7’s perspective.

Victim 7 sent the DMs to Weegeepie, and his reaction was alarmingly aggressive.

Below, we have Weegeepie telling the 14-year-old what to say to his ex in response. He tells her to send: “It’s your last chance before I fuck you up”

It's important to note that at the start of the relationship, they didn't know each other's true age;

the victim “not remembering”, saying she was 15, and Weegeepie lying, saying he was 16.

The victim was 14 and Weegeepie was 17.

Acknowledging his predatory behavior

Sometime after the victim revealed their age to him, Weegeepie said this.

He then tells her to not tell anyone about their relationship, or their age gap.

After talking with him for 9 months on Discord, she ended up breaking up with him due to Weegeepie neglecting her. This was most likely because she wasn’t comfortable with constantly sending pictures of herself to him.

Of course, the only reason she stayed with him so long was because of his guilt-tripping. Below is another example of this.

Victim #3, Grooming a 12 year old

When Weegeepie was 17, he met a 12 year old on roblox and got into a relationship with her.

Their relationship quickly turned sexual and continued well after he turned 18 years old and she turned 13.

This relationship lasted from October 2022 to February 2024.

This victim is censored in blue.

The 12 Year old lied about her age at first, saying she was 15. In December of 2022 she lied again, telling Weegeepie that she was 13, before it was finally revealed that she was 12.

Weegeepie learned she was lying about being 15 in December 2022 due to his friends finding out.

After meeting on a Roblox “Booth” game, they started talking in a gc, growing closer over time before starting to date.

His friends found out about her age and they warned Weeg, which is why Weegeepie asked the victim about it seemingly out of nowhere.

Weegeepie now believed that the 12 year old was 13 instead of 15, and STILL did not end the relationship, trying to hide it instead.

In the images below, we have Weegeepie brainstorming WITH the victim ideas to hide their relationship from his friends.

He even made a fake breakup message, and sent the screenshot to his friends as “proof” that he and the 12 year old cut contact.

This didn’t matter however, as a few days later they found out Weegeepie and the 12 year old still had eachother added.

Despite this, Weeg then continued to lie to his friends (specifically “Rayman” and “Cake_nooob”), and continued the relationship secretly for nearly 2 years.

(Translated from french)

Note: She had actually JUST turned 12 when they started dating.

As stated before, the relationship started in October.


If you need more, THIS section of our debunk video goes into the ages in-depth, and showcases even more of Weegeepie’s friends DIRECTLY WARNING HIM about her age.

Weegeepie attempting to delete evidence

On February 17th, after the second expose doc was released, Weegeepie blocked her and made sure to delete every single message he sent to her on discord.

Since almost all the discord messages were deleted, the 12 year old looks like she’s talking to herself in most of the screenshots.

Here we have her DIRECTLY reminding Weegeepie of her age AGAIN in May of 2023.

Note that she was still lying about her age and was still 12 here. She would only turn 13 in August of 2023.

On January 24th, 2024, the first callout doc for Weegeepie (by HushMush14) was posted.

This doc was mainly about slurs and insensitive jokes however, and was not nearly as serious as the later ones.

We actually have the 12 year old’s direct reaction to the first callout doc in Weegeepie’s dms with her.

This link is a video showing a year's worth of Discord DMs between Weegeepie and the 12 year old. As stated before,

Nearly every message that Weegeepie sent to her he deleted.


This video also contains proof that the account is indeed Weegeepie, with his YouTube channel being linked to the Discord account at the end.

Below are screenshots of Weegeepie talking to the same 12 year old and sending explicit messages to her on a different account. Luckily, he forgot to delete the messages he sent to this alt.

There were also a large amount of text messages that couldn't be deleted. Here we have Weegeepie “flirting” with the 12 year old and calling things like “mommy,” “princess,” “good girl”

This video contains Voice Messages Weegeepie sent to the 12 year old of him making kissing sounds and multiple other unintelligible noises.


Sending and receiving nudes from the 12 year old

According to the victim, Weegeepie gifted the 12 year old nitro purely so she could send nudes to him.

The CP Folder

Weegeepie took the nudes she sent and put them in a “folder” which includes photos of other underage girls.

The 12 year old then said she noticed a picture of THE EX in said folder.

A reminder that the ex was 14 when Weegeepie dated her, and he’s been keeping her nudes in a folder for all these years, along with other underage girls.

This screenshot seems to showcase the 12 year old sending (and unsending) what would most likely be nudes to Weegeepie.

Below, we have the Victim explaining how Weegeepie asked to see her masturbate in the shower.

The Victim also confirms that they continued to send nudes to each other years after Weegeepie learned about her true age, only stopping in January 2024.

(The discussion below was in February 2024.)

On the left is one of the recovered explicit images that Weegeepie sent to the 12 year old. He also sent her multiple pictures of his face and chest.

Further Confirmation that nudes were exchanged

  1. Weegeepie indirectly admits that he knows what she looks like in his response video, saying that “she looks 15

  1. More importantly, when his friends tried to get him to cut contact with her, he claims “the nudes STOPPED in 2022” (which is obviously a lie)

Of course, saying the nudes “stopped” is also admitting that they were sent at all.

Planning to meet up and have sex with the 12 year old

(Note that all of these messages were sent in late December 2022 around Christmas, which was AFTER Weegeepie learned she was 12.)


At some point, Weegeepie sent her a hotel for them to meet up at.

This screenshot in particular is especially alarming in the sense that he PLANNED EVERYTHING OUT. Him “babysitting” the 12 year old being a valid part in his plan to meet up with and rape her is horrifying.

It’s worth noting that Weegeepie also planned to meet up with Victim #1 and Victim #2.

Below Are Twitter DMs with Victim #1.

Below are discord DMs with Victim #2.

As mentioned before, he blocked the 12 year old soon after Doc #2 was released, and deleted nearly every message he sent to her on discord to get rid of potential evidence.

To this day, Weegeepie is 19 and this Victim is just turning 14 years old, her birthday being in August.

Victim #1

Victim #1 is the oldest Victim, being 1 year younger than Weegeepie, (she was 17, he was 18.)

Despite this, it’s clear that he had a massive power dynamic over her, manipulating her and threatening her with doxxing on MULTIPLE occasions.

Below are some of the messages he sent her.

(This relationship lasted from May 2023 to January 2024.)

Below is an example of  one of the victims sending explicit images of herself to Weegeepie.

This is only one example, they've exchanged nudes many, many more times, just like Weegeepie has done with other victims.

In this link we have some of the voice messages that Weegeepie sent to the Victim, as usual.


After allegations of Weegeepie started to come out, Victim #1 considered cutting contact with Weegeepie.When Weeg realized this, Weegeepie started threatening and manipulating her to stay with him.

He claimed he would “take this to court” and “expose her” if she didn’t stay on his side.

He was most likely being so aggressive because he knew that her speaking out about her experience with him could snowball into something much bigger and worse for him.

Eventually, they broke up anyways and Doc #2 was made.

(Doc #3 goes into Victim #1s situation in-depth, starting at page 31)

DESPITE the break-up, Weegeepie still tried to blackmail her from speaking out about this emotionally abusive relationship with the personal information he collected during their time together.

Blackmail of Victim #1

Weegeepie was so scared of any information getting out, that he attempted to blackmail Victim #1 using their personal information to keep them from making anything public.

(note that “cake_nooob” here is one of Weegeepie’s friends with him)

Weegeepie got his father involved to send an email to Victim #1 threatening to file “international charges” against her and her friends.

If any of you are questioning why his English is terrible, It’s because Weegeepie’s family is french.

Yes, this really is his father.

Victim #6

Victim #6 is best explained in the Debunk Response video.


(Timestamp included in link)

He’s currently 16 and was 15 when he started dating Weegeepie, who was 18 and is currently 19.

The names aren’t censored because when the third doc was originally released, this victim was still getting groomed at the time.

After Doc #3, he came to us and admitted that they dated, but a few days later he completely switched up saying that it was “platonic” the entire time, which was obviously a lie.

After that they continued to date. During this period, Weegeepie got him to defend him CONSTANTLY in his Youtube comments section with alt accounts.

The victim only broke up with Weegeepie after the debunk-debunk of Weegeepie’s response was made. (Linked again below)


After they broke up, we got confirmation that just like the others, Weegeepie exchanged nudes with them multiple times, as well as sending them messages very similar to the ones he sends to every victim.

The victim claims the nudes started before they turned 16.

A video that Weegeepie sent to the victim of him masturbating was leaked and posted on twitter, thankfully censored.


Multiple Victims at Once

Weegeepie was dating Victim #6 (current victim), Victim #1 (The one who was blackmailed), and Victim #3 (12 Year old) ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

(Some of the other victims also overlap, which is why they say “FOUR-TIME” in the screenshot below.)

Here are some tweets from May this year of him talking about Weegeepie.


Victim #8

This victim was getting groomed by Weegeepie until as recent as August of 2024. Weegeepie used two new discord accounts for this victim.

The victim (Saya/Smuggi) is 16, and Weegeepie is 19.

This Twitter thread has all the details.


For a summary,

He directly admits to “pretty much” dating her, and publicly flirts with her.

They used matching VR Chat profile pictures.

Here we have Lucas drawing a picture of himself holding Saya’s character.

According to Saya, Weegeepie was “obsessed” with her (similar to Victim #2), and while she insists that they never dated, she admits to being very close with and flirting with him.

After someone found out about his VR Chat name, he admits that he is indeed Weegeepie.

Note that Weegeepie had access to her Youtube account, and his voice was actually featured in one of her videos, being credited as “Lulu” in the description.


Weegeepie didn’t try to hide the fact that he had access to her account, replying to comments using her account, and then his main account minutes later.

In the twitter thread, Weegeepie gives direct proof that he had access to her account by posting a screenshot of her analytics via youtube studio.

Saya admits that he had access to her Youtube, but not her twitter or any other accounts. It was apparently “only to upload a qna video”

Pretending to cut contact with him

After Weeg was called out, “Saya” pretended to cut ties with him multuple times on twitter.


This was a lie, the link below shows Weegeepie following her on one of his twitter alts.


Despite this, she constantly denied that they were together.



She continued to lie for quite a while, saying things like “admitting to dating me wasn’t his true feelings”

Eventually anyone that tried to warn her about Weegeepie was blocked.

Later in May/early June, Weegeepie joined her discord server on a new account (“fuuibuko” in the screenshot) and didn’t even try to hide the fact that it was him.

Also this, again, confirms that he indeed had access to her accounts.

Weegeepie keeps changing the username of the “fuuibuko” account and is very active on it.

Someone tried DMing the account and confirmed it was Weegeepie. https://x.com/SpeedLimtt/status/1812960301291036931

As of August 2024, it seems that they have finally cut contact, with Saya sending this screenshot in her discord serve of her blocking Lucas.

Note: She recently changed her Discord and Youtube to “smuggi”

The account “K.a.n.a.m.e” is another Weegeepie account. https://x.com/Thevidgame/status/1815860689350844537

Apparently she cut him off because Lucas bribed her 11 year old brother with robux to send pics of her.

Below we have more guilt tripping, as well as Saya mentioning “manipulating a kid to sell her pics” (referring to her brother)

This screenshot of their DMs alone showcases Weeg guilt tripping as usual.

It seems that throughout this relationship, Saya was flirting with Lucas for fun, and Lucas took this seriously and assumed that they were dating in his head, becoming obsessed romantically with her.

Even if Saya never considered them to be “dating”, Weeg still managed to groom her into sending pictures of herself, resorting to asking her brother when desperate to get more.

Since she has a large history of lying, take what she says with a grain of salt.

Victim #6 is apparently getting harassed by Saya, meaning that there’s a chance Saya is still in contact with Lucas.



The link above is video evidence of the DMs with Victim #1, as well as the Discord ID of both the “Inactive” account and the “Lucas <3” account.

Here is Weegeepie’s Discord ID for his main account.

Here is also video evidence of Victim #7 copying his discord id.

This is Weegeepie’s newest (known) account that he’s using to groom Victim #8.

These are the IDs for the accounts he used to talk to Saya/smuggi.

This is the same account as laceyreal, the username was just changed.

At the very end of this video, (DMs with the 12 Year Old),

You can see Weegeepie’s Youtube Account being linked to his Discord account.

If these aren’t enough, Weegeepie directly admits that all screenshots are real for some reason in his response.

(timestamp included in link)

He also admits to being in contact with the Victims in general, and that he knows what the 12 year old looks like.

Collection of Images of Weegeepie’s face that he sent to the Victims:

Warning: More (censored) nudes sent by Weegeepie below


The ending of our debunk video concludes the situation much better than we ever could in writing.


(Timestamp included in link)

Note that this Debunk of Weegeepie’s Response was taken down MULTIPLE times by Weegeepie. Obviously this showcases how he knows he’s guilty and will resort to abusing Youtube’s terrible report systems to keep the allegations from spreading.

Proof of Weegeepie Taking down the debunk of his Response

Initial Tweet:


After it was taken down:




Reupload and Second Time it was taken down:



3rd Reupload: https://youtu.be/zmYsLBwPiHc?si=-gN4FE32S20WJqhw

4th Reupload:


6th reupload (Still Active, Comments currently on)


7th reupload (Still Active with Comments Turned off)


8th Final Reupload (Heavily Censored):



Twitter Version (Uncensored):


Weegeepie’s Roblox Account

Extra: Weegeepie still accepts friend requests from underage girls on Roblox.

“Cake_nooob” admits that he Weegeepie continues to add underage girls on Roblox to his friends list even to this day.

(Translated from French)

“Rayman” is an ex-friend of Weegeepie who provided the screenshots.

For those who weren’t paying attention, cake_nooob is one of Weegeepie’s closest friends that’s still on his side.

He’s helped with Weegeepie’s videos many times in the past, including his most popular video.

Below is his roblox account, “LucasZAd6”, cake_nooob still on his friends list.

Weegeepie actually has matching avatars with Victim #8’s account.

Below are the current “comment guidelines” for Weegeepie's channel as of June 2024.



It speaks for itself.

Reporting him to the authorities?

For those wondering, there has been an attempt to report him to the authorities by another french user (@Resprune on twitter, who helped with the docs.)

Unfortunately it didn’t work, as the evidence provided wasn’t taken seriously.

This is the thread made by the person after a failed attempt to report Weegeepie.


Resprune also made his own video going over his experience with Weegeepie, featuring a lot of insider info as he tried to help Weegeepie through the allegations before realizing he was being lied to the entire time.

This video was made before the response, however.


Contact Resources/Links

As mentioned before these docs are a collaborative effort, made by the victims themselves and former friends of Weegeepie.

The user who posted the docs also helped greatly. (Links below)









Weegeepie’s Response to the allegations:


Weegeepie’s Response to the allegations (REUPLOAD)


Link to the DEBUNK of his Response:


(Important because it was made by the same people who wrote the docs)



That’s all for now, this doc will be updated if new info is discovered.