Privacy Policy 

                                                                                   Last Updated: July 31, 2020

  1. Arleano Games are mobile game developers located in Russia, Penza, Plekhanov St. 6. We create and publish free mobile games that are designed to entertain, inform and communicate people.
  2. Various data can be passed to our partners via their SDKs which we implement and use. We do not store nor process any personal data ourselves apart from passing it to our partners. Our partners provide several services for our game - mainly personalized ads and marketing, analytics of various aspects of game usage and performance and some additional game services (leaderboards, achievements, in-app purchases).
    We pass the data to the following partners:

  1. Unity and its partners - to provide optimized game experience and for analytical and statistical reasons - device, app and user data, including:
  • IDFV for iOS devices and Android ID for Android devices
  • IP Address
  • Device manufacturer, model platform type (iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, etc.)
  • Operating system, its version and language
  • Various device information (CPU information such as model, the number of CPUs present, frequency, and instruction set support flags; the graphics card type and vendor name; graphics card driver name and version (e.g., “nv4disp.dll”); which graphics API is in use (e.g., “OpenGL 2.1” or “Direct3D 9.0c”); amount of system and video RAM present; current screen resolution; sensor flags (e.g., device support for gyroscope, touch pressure or accelerometer))
  • Various game build information (version of the Unity Editor used to create the game;application or bundle identification (“app ID”) of the game installed)
  • unique advertising identifiers provided for iOS and Android devices (e.g., IDFA or Android Ad ID); and a checksum of all the data that gets sent to verify that it transmitted correctly.
  • events completed or actions taken within the game, including level, number of credits, time it took you to earn them, metadata about in-game communications and the value and details of purchases

Please refer to the Unity privacy policy for the detailed data gathering information

  1. Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) - to provide various game-related services like achievement and leaderboard tracking, processing of in-app purchases, analytics of game/player activity and game performance, including:
  • Unique identifier tied to the application/game and/or user device
  • Personal information related to sign up/sign in process Google Account (upon signing in - optional)

Please refer to the Google privacy policy for the detailed data gathering information

  1. Admob Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app:

  1. For information regarding personal data retention period please refer to the privacy policies of our partners in section 2.
