Authors Support UFCW Canada Local 1006A

We are writers, editors and publishers speaking in solidarity with the Chapters Kennedy Commons workers (UFCW Canada Local 1006A,) one of the few unionized Indigo locations in Toronto. Their store is facing imminent closure, and Indigo is refusing to give them the basic compensation they’re entitled to for their years of work at the company.

Most of the Kennedy Commons staff have been told they’ll be denied severance pay. Some of the workers who are getting severance are only receiving the bare minimum, despite upwards of 20 years of service, based solely on the average hours worked in the past 8 weeks. This number will be further reduced by the branch’s hiring of temporary seasonal staff. Some staff are being forced into early retirement. All are being denied transfers to other Indigo locations, despite this being regular practice in other Indigo closures.

These actions evoke classic union-busting tactics, where companies “make an example” out of unionized workers to intimidate organizing  in other branches. Indigo is also leaving these employees in economic turmoil right before the holiday season.

We echo the union’s demands that:

  • Departing Chapters Kennedy Commons staff either be transferred to other Indigo locations, or granted fair and adequate settlements based on their years of service, age, and economic situations.
  • Their benefits continue to be provided for through the duration of their severance package, or for one year (whichever is greater).

As cultural workers, we stand alongside Local 1006A, and support the organizing efforts of staff across all Indigo locations. All workers deserve fair wages, benefits, and the ability to collectively bargain. A tremendous amount of care and attention is required to do the work of connecting readers with books on a daily basis. The staff at bookstores play a crucial part in keeping our writing alive. They’re entitled to the fruits of their labour.


T. Abrahams

Tina Zafreen Alam

Greg Albo

Irfan Ali

Erin Alladin

Elisa Amado

Maya Ameyaw

Neal Armstrong

Alex Ateah

Gary Barwin

Dr. Jes Battis

Kate Beaton

Samantha Bernstein

Serena Lukas Bhandar

Persimmon Blackbridge

Frances Boyle

Howard Breen

Simon Brown

Skye Butters

Jake Byrne

Kaela Cadieux

Emily Carroll

Brad Casey

Jody Chan

Avik Jain Chatlani

H Felix Chau Bradley

Tom Cho

Carolyn Combs

Denise Da Costa

Degan Davis

Mieke de Vries

Michael DeForge

Trynne Delaney

Sheila Delany

Krish Dineshkumar

Farzana Doctor

Alycia Dufour

Monika Dutt

Jonathan Dyck

Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch

Maranda Elizabeth

Emily Fedoruk

Sue Ferguson

Emma FitzGerald

Rosemary Flutur

Tara Sidhoo Fraser

Leandra Gamboa

Annie Gibson

Shirley Gillett

Gregory Gillis

John Gilmore

Sahar Golshan

Mariana Muñoz Gomez

Marlowe Granados

River Halen

Maeve Hanna

Ashley Harvey

Gita Hashemi

Emma Healey

Catherine Hernandez

Marcela Huerta

Roshan James

Kyla Jamieson

Joanne Jin

Amy Jones

Daniel Sarah Karasik

Hannah Karpinski

Aris Keshav

Joelle Kidd

King Kimbit

Gary Kinsman

Rahat Kurd

Lydia Kwa

Lee Lai

Avery Lake

Amy Lam

Q Lawrence

Erica Violet Lee

karen lee

Paul Lee

Anna Leventhal

Michael Leyne

Thea Lim

Chris Lloyd

Mikaela Lucido

Sophie Lyons

Kyo Maclear

Rebecca Mangra

Alex Manley

Garth Martens

Nyla Matuk

Jason McBride

Tim McCaskell

Ami McKay

rob mclennan

Jessica Lee McMillan

David McNally

Sean Michaels

Haley Mlotek

Jessica Moore

Geoffrey D. Morrison

Elizabeth Mudenyo

Noor Naga

Scott Neigh

Norm Nehmetallah

Michael Nelson

Mai Nguyen

Karen Oberer

Ashley Obscura

Chimedum Ohaegbu

Joe Ollmann

Sofi Papamarko

Faith Paré

Jocelyn Parr

Laura Doyle Péan

Stanley Péan

S. Penn

Cleopatria Peterson

Ursula Pflug

Dasha Plett

Adan Jerreat-Poole

Barbara Pulling

Anahita Jamali Rad

Deanna Radford

Fauzia Rafique

Judy Rebick

Emma Rhodes

Jael Richardson

Patricia Robertson

Carmen Rodríguez

Ziyad Saadi

Chloé Savoie-Bernard

Laura Sergeant

Sid Sharp

Rahma Shere

Jane Shi

Marie Metaphor Specht

Casey Stepaniuk

Jillian Tamaki

Josie Teed

jorji Temple

Kai Cheng Thom

Hugh Thomas

Nazbah Tom

Jo Treggiari

Sandra Vander Schaaf

Rahul Varma

Jade Wallace

Yilin Wang

Natalie Wee

Jessica Westhead

Nathan Whitlock

Sam Wiebe

K.A. Wiggins

Janice Williamson

Alanna Yaraskavitch

Tannara Yelland

Evan Yeong