January 5 Runoffs: How to Help

We are winning, but the work is far from over. We know that the January 5 runoffs are a difficult fight, but we also know that we are up to the task, together.

Below, we have compiled, in one document, many of the ways you can support efforts for the January 5 runoffs. This document includes:
important dates, volunteer opportunities with us and our allies, ways to donate, messaging guidance, sample social media posts, and guidance for influencers. For our influencer friends and those with big networks, please be sure to look for specific guidance on pages 6-8.


Now:                 Request your mail ballot 

Dec 7:         Voter registration deadline

Dec 14:         Start of early vote

Jan 5:         Election Day


Whether you are in Georgia or across the country, there are numerous volunteer opportunities for you. Please note that we are not seeking out-of-state volunteers to come to Georgia and most volunteer opportunities can be done from where you are!

  • Volunteer with the Democratic Party of Georgia’s voter protection team.

  • Volunteer Directly with the Ossoff and Warnock Campaigns:

For Organizations:

  • Plug In: Thank you so much for your dedication to fighting with Georgia as we prepare for the U.S. Senate runoffs on January 5. Please complete the form below to indicate how your organization would like to plug in to this important work. Sign Up Here.


Contribute to Fair Fight PAC:

  • We know that the outcome in Georgia will determine control of the Senate. In order to face this fight, we are establishing a runoff fund to ensure Georgians have the resources they need in the January 5 runoffs.
  • For fundraising questions contact: fundraising@fairfightaction.com

Contribute to Fair Fight and the Ossoff and Warnock Senate campaigns all at once.

Other Ways to Invest in Georgia

  • Donate to Jon Ossoff’s campaign
  • Donate to Raphael Warnock’s campaign
  • Donate to both Black PAC and America Votes in one split contribution. These organizations are conducting field work to win Georgia and still have a gap. 
  • Donate to the New Georgia Project, the organization registering voters in Georgia, or contact Nse Ufot: nse@newgeorgiaproject.org

Further questions?

  • Elected officials outside of Georgia, please contact:
  •  Labor Unions, please contact:



Topline Messages: January 5 runoffs

  1. We are laser focused on winning the Senate with Georgia’s runoff elections.
  1. Now until December 7 -- target Georgians to register to vote (including Georgians who will turn 18 by January 5, 2021)
  2. Now until mid-December -- target Georgians to request and return their absentee ballots.
  3. December 14 until week of December 28 -- target Georgians to early vote
  4. January 1 until January 5 -- target Georgians to vote on Election Day

Topline Messages: Recount

  1. Voters decided and Joe Biden will be the next President.
  2. Georgia had record turnout and record participation in vote by mail. The process worked thanks to our elections officials.
  3. The Trump campaign lost and their lawsuits and other efforts are meritless and baseless.


Georgians! You voted in November. What's next? Go to peachvote.com TODAY to request your ballot for the US Senate runoffs. Go to GAsenate.com to help elect Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to win back the Senate!

Sample tweet to amplify from Stacey Abrams:



Ask: Please record and post a video on your social media using one of the following scripts to get out the word about the GA Senate runoffs.

Questions? Contact: Chelsey Hall Chelsey@fairfightaction.com

Scripts: See Below


Donate to Ossoff & Warnock

EXAMPLE: “We did it. We trusted the process, and VOTERS DECIDED this election. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be the next President and Vice President of the United States! But our job isn’t done. In Georgia, there are two Senate runoffs on January 5. Control of the Senate will come down to these races. 

We must stay focused and follow the lead of local organizations. Go to GASenate.com to help Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock win back the Senate and ensure President-elect Joe Biden can pursue an agenda for the American people. Let’s get it done, again!”  

Request your mail ballot to elect Ossoff and Warnock

EXAMPLE: “We did it. We trusted the process, and VOTERS DECIDED this election. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be the next President and Vice President of the United States! But our job isn’t done. In Georgia, there are two Senate runoffs on January 5. Control of the Senate will come down to these races.

Georgians, go to peachvote.com to request your mail ballot now! Don’t wait. And let’s get it done, again!”

Early voting/make a plan to elect Ossoff and Warnock

EXAMPLE: “We did it. We trusted the process, and VOTERS DECIDED this election. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be the next President and Vice President of the United States! But our job isn’t done. In Georgia, there are two Senate runoffs on January 5. Control of the Senate will come down to these races.

Georgians, early voting starts December 14. Whether you’re voting by mail or in-person, go to peachvote.com and make a plan to vote now. Once you’ve made your plan, help somebody else make a plan. Don’t wait. And let’s get it done, again!”