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Name:ย Jimmu Myouga

Codename:ย Okuri-Inu

Age:ย 26

DoB:ย 24-08-XXXX

Height:ย 180cm

Weight:ย 88.4kg

Proficiencies:ย Assassination, Espionage, Investigation.

Weaknesses:ย Inability to express emotions, inability to show restraint.



Nirvana-no-Naraka:ย An ability transferred to the Agent by former [Blessing Bearer] Mei Kotohara, who is now spiritually bound and entangled with both the Agent and the Agent's twin katanas. The Blessing has three separate known abilities:

  • Sensory: Often manifesting as a Black Moor Goldfish, its presence allows for a [Sonar Ping] within 100 meters of the Agent's vicinity of any thing that bears some form of life energy (as described by the Agent). This includes undead. It also seems capable of tracking individuals the Agent has come in contact with. Exceptions include the targetโ€™s death or entering Hallowed Ground.
  • Enhancement: Manifesting as a Shubunkin Goldfish when activated, the Agent's reaction time, cognitive processing speed, and time perception are enhanced to an unknown degree. This ability also has a function upon the Agent's twin katanas, enhancing them to an indestructible degree of durability and edge retention.
  • Rejuvenation: Manifesting as a Ryukin Goldfish, ย this ability allows the Agent to generate a healing flame that can close wounds, albeit painfully, without leaving a scar. These flames seem to have the opposite effect of healing upon undead as well as constructs of negative energy.

Note: It would seem these abilities are time-limited, and cannot be used in rapid succession.


Strategic Value: Disposable, To be sent alone on missions deemed suicidal.

Supervisor's Notes: If he succeeds, good. If he fails, that's one less potential threat to our objectives and Japan's national security.

- Supervisor Wakako Kinokuni.


This is a collection of known information on Agent Jimmu Myouga that we were able to collect.


Note: "Out of respect for Chief Riu Myouga and Agent Jimmu Myouga, do be considerate when observing this information. It is not for the faint of heart. The boy's life was hard enough."

โ€” Supervisor Wakako Kinokuni.

โ€” [Final Warning, graphic details ahead.]

Born south of Miuda Beach in Tsushima to Kaido Myouga and Hinata Fushiro, Jimmu would never know who his mother was, for she died giving birth to him.

His mother was a former member of the Mato Defense Force who was crippled by a Shuuki. Though she was healed, she lost her nerve to continue. As such, she along with Kaido relocated to the northernmost point of Tsushima, opening a farm for them to both work on. Hinata never used her blessing again, requesting it sealed away so, as per her words, she could live a peaceful life.

Sadly had she not, she might have survived. For her blessing could've healed her in what was to come next. Her water broke at quite the worst time, Jimmu being born prematurely during a thunderstorm that flooded the roads leading to their farm, all while Kaido was away. The two would not be found till the roads could be cleared in a few days, and by then Hinata was ice-cold from blood loss, cradling a newborn Jimmuโ€ฆ his name painted on the floor with her blood.

The following five years, Jimmu was raised by Kaido alone at the farm. Information we could collect indicates his sole focus was on raising his son as well as maintaining the farm. However, as per our reports collected from his customers and acquaintances, Kaido was always working too hard, never relying on anyone else. It was clear he buried himself in work and raising Jimmu, in order to grieve or suppress the pain of losing his wife. This eventually killed him, his body found in the fields he tended to.

It was after Chief Riu was notified of her son's passing did Jimmu enter her and her husband's care within their home and dojo at Mt. Ryozen. There, Jimmu began training under Toshihiko Myouga, Jimmuโ€™s Grandfather, during which Toshihiko bonded with Jimmu unlike he had with Kaido, with whom Toshihiko had a rather strained relationship.

Toshihiko, a renowned master of Aikido, Judo, Kendo, Iado, and Karate, wrote in his journals that he was rather surprised with how fast Jimmu excelled in learning techniques and mastering them by the age of thirteen. An IQ test later showed that Jimmu possessed an IQ of 200, and a specialized IQ test later placed his IQ at 225. However, a psychological test showed that Jimmu struggled with the emotions of Sympathy and Empathy, believed to have occurred from the loss of both his parents. It should be stated clearly that Jimmu was mature for his age, his Mental Age that of a twenty five year old. It is believed he understood the concepts of death before entering his grandparentsโ€™ custody.

Even while attending school, Jimmu was still distant from others, still focusing on his training more than anything. That said, he was often tailed by Mei Kotohara, a classmate and a miko at the local Mt. Ryozen Shinto Shrines. It seemed the girl was infatuated with Jimmu, and her recovered diary states she always admired his maturity and dedication to his training, and longed to stand by his side and support him.

It is believed this lead Mei to request a Peach Blessing and plan to join the Mato Defense Corps. Unfortunately, she would never get the chance to. A few days later, during Jimmu's 13th birthday, a Mato Portal had opened and the ensuing Shuuki assault lead to over a dozen fatalities, including Kotohara. Jimmu was also found on the scene holding her body and severely injured himself, though he made a full recovery.

We believe due to Kotohara feelings of infatuation and inspiration towards Jimmu that lead to her Peach Blessing activating for the first time, transferring the blessing andโ€”from what we could senseโ€”her soul into Jimmu and the twin katanas he possessed at the time of the Shuuki Invasion. From there, he was taken into the Onmyou Agencyโ€™s custody and was experimented on for a brief period of time before returning to his grandparents custody. Though at the age of fifteen, he joined the Onmyou Agency as its first and currently only male Agent. Only one year later, he began being sent on classified missions alone.