SUBJECT LINE: Will you support a four-day week?

Dear XXX, 

My name is [NAME] and I live in the constituency of [FIND OUT YOUR CONSTITUENCY HERE https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/].

I’m emailing to ask you to support a four-day, 32 hour working week with no loss of pay for all workers in Britain.

Workers in Britain put in some of the longest working hours across Europe, yet we have one of the least productive economies. Research from around the world shows that a four-day week with no loss of pay would not only benefit workers but would be a win-win scenario for employers, the environment, our society and the economy.

In 2022, the biggest ever four-day week trial organised by the 4 Day Week Campaign, involving over 61 companies and 2,900 staff, found conclusive evidence that a four-day week would help solve this. 71% of employees said they suffered less from burnout, there was a 65% drop in absenteeism and 60% of people found it easier to deal with caring responsibilities.

A recent report looking at the results from the trial one year on shows that organisations and their staff are continuing to see the benefits of the shift.

As a candidate running to be my MP, I’m calling on you to show your support for the four-day week by signing the Four-Day Week Pledge here: https://forms.gle/rcPhdqK5c94VWfnw9 

This policy is incredibly important to me and I will only consider voting for a candidate that has signed the four-day week pledge.

Yours faithfully,