ETMOOC participants on Twitter 2023

Please add in your name or others you know and pass this list on…..

ETMOOC twitter lists

10 Year Celebration Information


Twitter / Other Handle

What am I doing now?

Susan Spellman Cann


Semi-Retired . Work as a Psychologist for the Stampede Youth Foundation

Volunteer, artist, blogger,always professionally developing myself and learning.

Alan Levine


Director of Community, Open Education Global, but also living an hour away from Alec

Lisa Noble

Still getting the job done teaching Grade 7/instrumental music/library in Peterborough/Nogojiwanong

Retiring in June

Sheri Edwards

@grammasheri @42Sheri

Retired. Online mentor to teachers learning technology with

And….artist / blogger

Karen Young

Museum Manager, museum consultant, grant writer, artist. Currently looking for funding for our one week education program/community engagement program pilot project.

Daniel Bassill

Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC 

Still trying to help youth in high poverty areas connect with adult mentors, tutors & extra learning via Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC (2011-present) and Tutor/Mentor Connection (1993-present). No formal org structure since 2011. Funding from small group of donors & my own savings.

Debbie Fucoloro


Technology Coordinator & Instructional Tech Specialist in K-8 school. Get to work in our Innovation Lab which is a makerspace and more.

Erin Hordyski- Luong


High School Counsellor (Calgary). Curriculum writer ATA. Parent of two teens. Mental Health advocate

Sally Wilson


Librarian (Toronto), OER Advocate, digital publishing and projects