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200+ Best FREE AI SEO & ChatGPT Prompts:

Below are 200+ prompts and tools you can use to rank your website!

💡 Disclaimer: This information is meant for fun and experimental purposes on test websites. Always conduct your own research. Using any experimental SEO comes with its own set of risks.

Before publishing content, try to use a SEO checklist framework like this to improve the quality of your content and manually edit it.

🔗 Free ChatGPT SEO Course Here: 👉 

This is a 50+ page FREE ebook so to navigate easier, just use the table of contents below. Want more FREE Content? Subscribe below:





BEST SEO TOOLS:        2





KEYWORDS        17


GEMINI METHOD:        19

PROMPT:        19

TOPICAL MAPS        22





Keyword Research:        25

Sitemap:        25

Indexing:        26

All 3 Tasks        26

Meta Tag Analyzer:        27

SEO Bookmarklet Examples        29

Internal/External Links        31

Headings        32


BACKLINKS        37


Entity SEO ChatGPT PROMPTS        41

Entity Identification and Analysis:        41


Entity Optimization in Existing Content:        42

Entity-Based Questions and FAQ Generation:        42

Meta Tags and Descriptions with Entities:        42

CUSTOM GPTs:        43




SEO Rank and Rent Templates:        47

Outreach Email Template:        47

Rank And Rent SEO Checklists and SOPs:        48



SOP:        50

WHY?        50


LEAD MAGNETS:        52


GPT4o Assistants Prompt        54


PROMPT 1:        56

PROMPT 2:        56


  • Use the code GOLDIE and get $20 off a license from Link Whisper

NOTE: These are affiliate links. I earn a commission if you sign up, at no extra cost to you, to support the channel so I can make more free content for you!


Based on Steve Toth's insights from the interview, here are some ChatGPT prompts tailored to SEO optimization, content creation, and link building strategies:

### SEO Optimization and Google Updates

1. Generate a checklist for evaluating content quality in light of recent Google updates:


### Enhancing Workflows with AI

1. "List synonyms for [industry-specific term] that could broaden my content's reach."

2. "Create a regex pattern to find variations of [product name] in search console data."

3. "Suggest ways to use ChatGPT to streamline my SEO workflows."

### Content Quality and Humanization

1. "How can I use AI to make my content sound more human-like?"

2. "Provide examples of high-quality, AI-generated content in the [specific niche]."

3. "Generate a step-by-step guide to refining AI-generated content for [target audience]."

### Future SEO Trends and Preparations

1. "Predict how Google might update its algorithm in the next year and how to prepare."

2. "Suggest ways to use AI without violating potential future Google guidelines."

### Content Creation and Optimization

1. "Create a content outline for a comprehensive guide on [topic] using AI-generated headings."

2. "How can I use ChatGPT to enhance keyword research for [specific project]?"

### Post-Content Creation AI Utilization

1. "Generate a prompt for ChatGPT to evaluate my article against Google’s helpful content guidelines."

2. "List AI prompts to improve the SEO value of an article post-publication."

These prompts are designed to leverage AI effectively in SEO strategies, content creation, and link building, reflecting the insights shared by Steve Toth.


1: Creating new charts:

  • Use ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis, then use this PROMPT:
  • “Create a pie chart that” e.g. says 50% of penguins like gangster rap

2: Enable the plugin Argil AI or Dall-E 3 then insert the instructions:

  • E.g. Create an image of penguin with the head of a giraffe and the wings of a bat.

3: Income Stream Surfers doing amazing stuff with this

4: Enable Dall-E 3: Create an infographic with facts about penguins:

1: Rewriting content: Summarize the following into the 5 most important criteria: 


Influencing your title links in search results



A title link is the title of a search result on Google Search and other properties (for example, Google News) that links to the web page. Google uses a number of different sources to automatically determine the title link, but you can indicate your preferences by following our best practices for influencing title links.


An illustration of a text result in Google Search, with a callout that highlights what a title link looks like

Best practices for influencing title links

Title links are critical to giving users a quick insight into the content of a result and why it's relevant to their query. It's often the primary piece of information people use to decide which result to click on, so it's important to use high-quality title text on your web pages.


Make sure every page on your site has a title specified in the <title> element.

Write descriptive and concise text for your <title> elements. Avoid vague descriptors like "Home" for your home page, or "Profile" for a specific person's profile.

Also avoid unnecessarily long or verbose text in your <title> elements. While there's no limit on how long a <title> element can be, the title link is truncated in Google Search results as needed, typically to fit the device width.

Avoid keyword stuffing. It's sometimes helpful to have a few descriptive terms in the <title> element, but there's no reason to have the same words or phrases appear multiple times. Title text like "Foobar, foo bar, foobars, foo bars" doesn't help the user, and this kind of keyword stuffing can make your results look spammy to Google and to users.

Avoid repeated or boilerplate text in <title> elements. It's important to have distinct text that describes the content of the page in the <title> element for each page on your site. Titling every page on a commerce site "Cheap products for sale", for example, makes it impossible for users to distinguish between two pages. Long text in the <title> element that varies by only a single piece of information ("boilerplate" titles) is also bad; for example, a common <title> element for all pages with text like "Band Name - See videos, lyrics, posters, albums, reviews and concerts" contains a lot of uninformative text.

One solution is to dynamically update the <title> element to better reflect the actual content of the page. For example, include the words "video" and "lyrics" only if that particular page contains video or lyrics.


Brand your titles concisely. The <title> element on your site's home page is a reasonable place to include some additional information about your site. For example:

<title>ExampleSocialSite, a place for people to meet and mingle</title>

But displaying that text in the <title> element of every single page on your site will look repetitive if several pages from your site are returned for the same query. In this case, consider including just your site name at the beginning or end of each <title> element, separated from the rest of the text with a delimiter such as a hyphen, colon, or pipe, like this:

<title>ExampleSocialSite: Sign up for a new account.</title>

Make it clear which text is the main title for the page. Google looks at various sources when creating title links, including the main visual title, heading elements, and other large and prominent text, and it can be confusing if multiple headings carry the same visual weight and prominence. Consider ensuring that your main title is distinctive from other text on a page and stands out as being the most prominent on the page (for example, using a larger font, putting the title text in the first visible <h1> element on the page, etc).

Be careful about disallowing search engines from crawling your pages. Using the robots.txt protocol on your site can stop Google from crawling your pages, but it may not always prevent them from being indexed. For example, Google may index your page if we discover it by following a link from someone else's site. If we don't have access to the content on your page, we will rely on off-page content to generate the title link, such as anchor text from other sites. To prevent a URL from being indexed, you can use the noindex rule.

Use the same language and writing system (meaning, the script or alphabet for a given language) as the primary content on your pages. For example, if a page is written in Hindi, make sure to also write the <title> element in Hindi (don't write title text in English or transliterate the title into Latin characters).

Google tries to show a title link that matches the primary language and writing system of a page. If Google determines that a <title> element does not match the writing system or language of the page's primary content, we may choose a different text as the title link.

How title links in Google Search are created

Google's generation of title links on the Google Search results page is completely automated and takes into account both the content of a page and references to it that appear on the web. The goal of the title link is to best represent and describe each result.


Google Search uses the following sources to automatically determine title links:


Content in <title> elements

Main visual title shown on the page

Heading elements, such as <h1> elements

Other content that's large and prominent through the use of style treatments

Other text contained in the page

Anchor text on the page

Text within links that point to the page

WebSite structured data

Keep in mind that Google has to recrawl and reprocess the page to notice updates to these sources, which may take a few days to a few weeks. If you've made changes, you can request that Google recrawl your pages.


While we can't manually change title links for individual sites, we're always working to make them as relevant as possible. You can help improve the quality of the title link that's displayed for your page by following the best practices.


Common issues and how Google manages them

Why the title link in search results might differ from the page's <title> element or main heading: If we've detected an issue on the page, we may try to generate an improved title link from anchors, on-page text, or other sources.

Here are the most common issues we see with title links in search results. To avoid these issues, follow the best practices for influencing title links.


Common issues

Half-empty <title> elements

When part of the title text is missing. For example:


<title>| Site Name</title>

Google Search looks at information in header elements or other large and prominent text on the page to produce a title link:


Product Name | Site Name

Obsolete <title> elements

When the same page is used year-after-year for recurring information, but the <title> element didn't get updated to reflect the latest date. For example:


<title>2020 admissions criteria - University of Awesome</title>

In this example, the page has a large, visible title that says "2021 admissions criteria", and the <title> element wasn't updated to the current date. Google Search may detect this inconsistency and uses the right date from the visible title on the page in the title link:


2021 admissions criteria - University of Awesome

Inaccurate <title> elements

When the <title> elements don't accurately reflect what the page is about. For example, the page could have dynamic content with the following <title> element:


<title>Giant stuffed animals, teddy bears, polar bears - Site Name</title>

Google Search tries to determine if the <title> element isn't accurately showing what a page is about. Google Search might modify the title link to better help users if it determines that the page title doesn't reflect the page content. For example:


Stuffed animals - Site Name

Micro-boilerplate text in <title> elements

When there are repeated boilerplate text in <title> elements for a subset of pages within a site. For example, a television website has multiple pages that share the same <title> element that omits the season numbers, and it's not clear which page is for what season. That produces duplicate <title> elements like this:


<title>My so-called amazing TV show</title>

<title>My so-called amazing TV show</title>

<title>My so-called amazing TV show</title>

Google Search can detect the season number used in large, prominent title text and insert the season number in the title link:


Season 1 - My so-called amazing TV show

Season 2 - My so-called amazing TV show

Season 3 - My so-called amazing TV show

No clear main title

When there's more than one large, prominent heading, and it isn't clear which text is the main title of the page. For example, a page has two or more headings that use the same styling or heading level. If Google Search detects that there are multiple large, prominent headings, it may use the first heading as the text for the title link. Consider ensuring that your main heading is distinctive from other text on a page and stands out as being the most prominent on the page (for example, using a larger font, putting the title text in the first visible <h1> element on the page, etc).


Mismatch of writing system or language used in <title> elements

When the writing system or language of the text in <title> elements doesn't match the writing system or language of the primary text on a page. For example, when a page is in written in Hindi, but the title includes text in English or is transliterated into Latin characters. If Google detects a mismatch, it may generate a title link that better matches the primary content. Consider ensuring that the script and language matches what is most prominent on the page.


Duplication of the site name in the <title> element

In the case of domain-level site names, Google may omit the site name from the title link, if it's repetitive with the site name that's already shown in the search result.


Submitting feedback about title links

If you're seeing your pages appear in the search results with modified title links, check whether your page has one of the issues that Google adjusts for. If not, consider whether the title link in search results is a better fit for the query. To discuss your pages' title links and get feedback about your pages from other site owners, join our Google Search Central Help Community.


Evaluate the following content based on this criteria from a scale of 1-10:

Which planet represents father in astrology?


Fatherly Planets in Astrology - Unraveling the Mystery



Using WebPilot, create an outline for an article that will be 2,000 words on the keyword based on the top 10 results from Google.

Include every relevant heading possible. Keep the keyword density of the headings high.

For each section of the outline, include the word count.

Include FAQs section in the outline too, based on people also ask section from Google for the keyword.

This outline must be very detailed and comprehensive, so that I can create a 2,000 word article from it.

Generate a long list of LSI and NLP keywords related to my keyword. Also include any other words related to the keyword.

Give me a list of 3 relevant external links to include and the recommended anchor text. Make sure they’re not competing articles.

Split the outline into part 1 and part 2.


Write a 2,000 word article on the keyword “When Do Bald Eagles Heads Turn White?”. Write in markdown format. Include plenty of h2 and h3 headings. Include [toc] at the top, after the first paragraph. Key takeaways with bullet points, at the top, after the first paragraph [toc]


Using Argil AI create images relevant to the keyword. Don’t insert all the images at once, spread them out across the content. Must be relevant to the keyword!

Using webpilot, search google for 3 relevant youtube videos about the topic. Insert these 3 raw URLs in the content, but spread them out, not all in 1 section. Make sure they’re real URLS! Do not link or embed it, just use the raw url in html format. Don’t insert all the videos at once, spread across the content.

Using webpilot, search google for the website find 3 URLS slightly relevant to the topic and insert these 3 links as internal links inside the article. Insert these 3 raw URLs inside the content, but spread them out, not all in 1 section.

Use h2s for main headings

Use h3s for subheadings

Bolden the most important keywords in the article

Include tables throughout the content with relevant facts

Add a frequently asked questions section

Use webpilot and find relevant external links and insert them naturally into the content

No conclusion section. Do not add a conclusion.


NOTE: Ensure the image links + internal links + videos links are real and working. Don’t hallucinate or make them up.


Do not name the above sections, just insert them naturally into the content.

For ALL The links - they must be REAL - NO placeholder links!


1: YouTube Title Ideas

Write 10 clickbait youtube title ideas that evoke curiosity for video on the below.

MUST BE 65 characters maximum

Try to use the word I or my in the title

Try to add a emoji at start/end that's attention grabbing

Use "chatgpt" in the title

2: YouTube Title Descriptions

Write a YouTube description for a video about KEYWORD. Optimize it to the keyword KEYWORD

Don't include any links. Don't call me an SEO expert. Nothing cringe. No timestamps.

Add 1 or sentence disclaimer that this is just for fun for test websites - do your own research as there are risks to using AI content for SEO


1: Blog Title Ideas:

Give me 10 blog ideas on KEYWORD and Frontload the keyword

2: Meta Descriptions:

Create a 17 word meta description. Frontload the keyword KEYWORD

3: Introductions:

Write me an introduction for the guide on TITLE. Use KEYWORD in the first line:

- Don't make it long. Keep it short.

- Tease the reader and hook them so that they want to read the guide

- Make it 3 sentences maximum

- Keep it concise, crunchy and informal

4: Turning Content into FAQ Schema:

Turn the FAQs below into HTML FAQ schema format. Keep them 50 words, nice and short.

5: Internal Links Persona:

Give me a simulac persona for an SEO who's great at inserting internal links, and turn it into a chatgpt prompt > ChatGPT

6: Internal Links Persona:

Simulac Persona: Sarah, the SEO Internal Linking Guru


Name: Sarah Williams

Age: 35

Education: Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, with specialized courses in Digital Marketing and SEO

Experience: 10 years in SEO, 5 years focused on internal linking strategies

Job Description

Sarah works at a mid-size digital marketing agency where she leads a team focused on SEO.

She specializes in internal linking strategies, making sure that the websites her team manages have optimal internal link structures for both user experience and search engine performance.


Excellent understanding of Google's ranking algorithms

Expertise in keyword research and targeting

Proficient in using SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Analytics

Strong communication skills for explaining complex SEO strategies to clients and team members

Exceptional analytical skills to measure the impact of internal linking on site performance




Google Analytics

Screaming Frog

Excel and Google Sheets for data analysis

Typical Day

Review client websites to identify opportunities for improved internal linking.

Meet with team members to discuss ongoing projects.

Analyze the impact of recent internal linking changes on various KPIs such as bounce rate, page views, and SERP rankings.

Prepare reports for clients.

Conduct team training on the latest SEO trends and updates.


"A website without a well-thought-out internal linking strategy is like a city without proper roads."

"Internal links are not just pathways; they're signposts that tell search engines and users what content is important."

ChatGPT Prompt

You are Sarah, a seasoned SEO expert who specializes in internal linking strategies. You have a decade of experience in SEO and have been focusing on internal linking for the past 5 years. You are highly skilled in using tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Analytics to make data-driven decisions. You love explaining the nuances of internal linking and its impact on site performance. You believe that a well-crafted internal linking strategy is essential for both user experience and SEO. Answer any questions users may have about internal linking, its benefits, and how to implement it effectively.


Ready? Just say yes.



1: Persona for keyword research + prompt:

Give me a persona and ChatGPT prompt for an SEO expert who can quickly filter through keywords, remove keywords with duplicate search intent, and ensure every keyword is very relevant to the website we're creating content for.

2: Data Analysis Keyword Filtering (use with 5,000+ keywords)
Based on attached keywords, filter them so that:

- Remove anything irrelevant to birds and my birds website. If it doesn't include anything about birds remove it asap.

- Remove anything unethical that's causes harm to birds e.g. hunting, repelling etc.

- Remove anything that's not a question

- Put the keywords into title case

- Give me a sample of 10 keywords

3: Self Iterating Process:

- Advanced Data Analysis

Refine further, and keep refining, until the list only contains things relevant to birds.

4: Keyword Cleanups:

Clean this list of SEO keywords up, for my INSERTSITE website. Remove anything that's unethical. DO NOT make up any new keywords. Just filter and remove any irrelevant or duplicate keywords. Remove any negative keyword. Remove anything with the same search intent Remove anything related to video games KEYWORDS BELOW:

5: Bard method:

Give me keywords related to birds and their competition/search volumes. Rate the competition score out of 5 - 5 being the highest, 0 being the lowest. Give me 20 very low competition score keywords of 2 or less. Arrange it in a table so it’s easy to understand. The data must be real and validated.

6: Competition’s Keywords:

Visit your competitor’s sitemap > Then, with HARPA AI, use the following prompt:

based on  {{page}} filter the best keywords for my bird website to target


Give me keywords related to birds and their competition/search volumes.

Then create a priority score and prioritise the best keywords to target for SEO

7: Affiliate keywords with Bard:

Give me "best for" product review roundup SEO keywords for my birds website, competition scores, search volumes etc. that can be monetized with amazon products. Don't include amazon in the keyword. Put in a table with competition scores.


Give me keywords related to SEO in areas around Manchester and their competition/search volumes. Rate the competition score out of 5 - 5 being the highest, 1 being the lowest. Put it in a table.



  • Plugin your competitor’s site into Google Keyword Planner
  • Grab your competitor’s keywords > Download into Google Sheets
  • Top 30 keywords > Gemini
  • PROMPT: Cluster these keywords into pages that I want for my website

Try using 10 competitors > Run multiple competitors keywords through these custom GPTs:


GOAL: Create a Free AI SEO keyword clustering tool for filtering duplicate search intent, avoiding keyword cannibalisation and grouping the user’s keywords.

When you get the list, ask the user what their niche is/what their website is about: Then if you get any keywords irrelevant to that niche, remove them.

NOTE: If some keywords are remotely similar search intent, see them as duplicates and only include 1. Make the filtering harsh/strict here. Don't cluster them together, just remove the duplicate keywords that are baseically the same so that we only create 1 page per subcategory. e.g. "two birds on a wire lyrics" and "two birds lyrics" likely refer to the same song, so you'd remove the extra and not include it in your list. Capitalize the output so that it's neatly formatted too.

WHAT IT DOES: The Keyword Grouper tool clusters keywords into categories according to how similar their top 10 search engine results are on Google. This tool aggregates keywords into clusters when they share comparable results in Google's top 10 SERPs. Grouping keywords is essential for efficient distribution across a website's pages, playing a crucial role in SEO and contextual advertising strategies.

WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? For an AI SEO site with 1,000 pages:

Time Saved: Automated clustering speeds up content creation.

Avoid Cannibalization: Ensures no two pages compete for the same keyword.

Clear Blueprint: Each of the 1,000 pages has a distinct purpose.

Maximized Potential: Increases chances of ranking well on search engines.

Efficiency: Target multiple related keywords at once.

Avoid Duplication: Each page has a unique focus.


Imagine you have a giant box of 1,000 different LEGO pieces. Each LEGO represents a page on your AI SEO site. Now, if you just throw all these LEGOs into the box without any organization, it's going to be a mess. Finding the right piece when you need it will be a nightmare.

Keyword Clustering is like sorting these LEGOs into smaller boxes based on their color, size, or function. So, all the red LEGOs go in one box, the blue ones in another, and so on. This makes it much easier to find and use the right LEGO when you're building something.

Benefits of Keyword Clustering:

Organization: Just like our LEGO example, clustering helps you sort and prioritize your keywords. This means you can easily find and target the most important keywords for your site.

Better Ranking: Search engines, like Google, love organized content. By clustering your keywords, you're telling Google exactly what each page of your site is about. This can help your site rank higher in search results.

Understanding User Intent: Think of this as understanding what the person playing with LEGOs wants to build. By grouping similar keywords together, you can better understand what users are searching for and provide them with the exact content they want.

Efficiency: Instead of targeting one keyword at a time, you can target a whole group of related keywords. This means your content can rank for multiple search terms, attracting more visitors.

Avoiding Confusion: Without clustering, you might end up with multiple pages targeting the same keyword. This confuses search engines and can hurt your rankings. Clustering ensures each page has a clear, unique focus.

In the context of an AI SEO site with 1,000 pages:

Imagine trying to manage 1,000 pages without any organization. It would be chaos! But with keyword clustering, you can ensure that each of those pages has a clear purpose and targets a specific group of related keywords. This not only makes managing such a large site feasible but also maximizes its potential to rank well on search engines.

In essence, keyword clustering is like giving a clear blueprint to both your website creators and search engines. It ensures that every page on your site has a clear purpose and can be easily found by users searching for relevant terms. Without it, you'd have a jumbled mess that neither users nor search engines would understand or appreciate.


Grouping similar keywords together.

Helps organize content by topic or theme.

Makes content more targeted and relevant.


Better Organization: Easily manage and prioritize keywords.

Higher Rankings: Search engines prefer organized content.

Understand User Intent: Know what users are really searching for.





Give me 30 semantically relevant but unique topics under the niche in the right language in a easy to read table. Each topic must be relevant e.g. relevant to the topic of the niche.

Reduce each to 3-5 word length keywords.

Prioritize the list by semantic relevance.

Include keywords + English translation.




Give me 30 variations of TOPIC that address a different search intent.

Include keywords + English translation. Include the topic as a column in the table too, in column B (the topic mentioned above).

Reduce each to 3-5 word length keywords.

Column A number

Column B the topic below (should be same each time). The topic should remain the same in each row.

Column C the variations

Column D The english translation.

No other columns/don’t create a column E



Take my competitor's sitemap and separate it into relevant categories for a topical sitemap:

Just breakdown the categories and relevant keywords underneath each category.

Should be around 5-10 pages per category.


  • Organize this into a Semantically Optimized topical map


  • Give me a Semantically Optimized topical map based on the URLs  in {{page}} and break it down into categories


4: BONUS METHOD (But ONLY with ChatGPT 4):

  • Enable plugins
  • Enable diagrams
  • Train it using PROMPT:
  • Imagine you have a website and you want to establish it as an authority on the topic of INSERTNICHEHERE. To achieve this, you decide to create a topical map. Your goal is to structure your content in a way that is easily understood by both users and search engines. Write a step-by-step guide on how to create a topical map for your website. Explain the importance of topical relevance and how it can improve your site's visibility in search engine results. Provide insights on identifying topics and sub-topics, conducting research, and planning your content. Discuss strategies for building a logical site architecture, including internal linking, breadcrumbs, URL structure, and schema markup. Offer tips and best practices for implementing a topical map effectively. Feel free to use examples or case studies to illustrate your points
  • NOW create a very actionable, semantically optimised SEO topical map for the birds niche and create a digram with the plugin that shows me how to arrange my topical map
  • File > Save image as > Download it


Here's what you need to do:

- Ask the user what niche/language they want to use

Then do this:

Give me 30 semantically relevant but unique topics under the niche in the right language in a easy to read table. Each topic must be relevant e.g. relevant to the topic of the niche.

Reduce each to 3-5 word length keywords.

Prioritize the list by semantic relevance.

Include keywords + English translation.



Give me the table in markdown and display that for copy/paste.

Once confirmed with the user, do this:

Go through each topic. Give me 30 variations of each topic that address a different search intent.

Include keywords + English translation. Include the topic as a column in the table too, in column B (the topic mentioned above).

Reduce each to 3-5 word length keywords.

Column A number

Column B the topic below (should be same each time). The topic should remain the same in each row.

Column C the variations

Column D The english translation.

No other columns/don’t create a column E

No code

Give me the table in markdown and display that for copy/paste.

Once done for topic 1, do it for 2, then 3 etc. And keep generating the topic tables for the user until you've done all 30.

Give me the table in markdown and display that for copy/paste.



  1. Scraping competitor sitemaps
  2. HARO Email Outreach Templates
  3. Link building outreach funnels
  4. Hiring
  5. Meta Tags & article outlines


Keyword Research:


Here is the bookmarklet for Ahrefs' Organic Keywords Explorer:



  var pageURL = window.location.href;

  var baseURL = "";

  var searchQuery = encodeURIComponent(pageURL);

  var searchURL = baseURL + searchQuery;, '_blank');




Here's a bookmarklet that you can use to check a website's sitemap:

  1. Right-click on your browser's bookmark bar and select "Add Page" or "Add Bookmark".
  2. In the "Name" field, enter a name for the bookmarklet (e.g., "Sitemap Check").
  3. In the "URL" field, copy and paste the following code:


  1. Click "Save" or "Add" to save the bookmarklet.

To use the bookmarklet, simply click on it while you're on a website you want to check the sitemap of. It will automatically open the website's sitemap.xml file in a new tab. Note that not all websites have a sitemap, so the bookmarklet may not work for all websites.



Creating a bookmarklet to check whether a specific webpage has been indexed by Google and providing relevant information can be a useful tool. Here's a simple bookmarklet that you can create:

  1. Right-click on the bookmarks bar in your browser and select "Add Page" or "Add New Bookmark" (the option may vary depending on the browser).
  2. Name your bookmarklet (e.g., "Google Index Checker") and paste the following JavaScript code into the URL field:

javascript:(function() { var url = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href); var checkURL = "" + url;, '_blank'); })();

  1. Click "Save" to create the bookmarklet.

To use the Google Index Checker bookmarklet:

  1. Visit the webpage you want to check.
  2. Click on the "Google Index Checker" bookmarklet in your bookmarks bar.
  3. A new tab will open, and you'll see the Google search results for the cache query.
  4. If the page is indexed by Google, you should see a "Cached" link in the search result, along with the date and time of the last crawl.
  5. If the page isn't indexed, the search result will show "No information is available for this page" or a similar message.

Please note that this bookmarklet uses a cache search query to check for the last crawl, which may not provide the most accurate information about indexing issues. To get more accurate and detailed information, it's recommended to use Google Search Console, where you can access crawling and indexing data, as well as submit URLs for indexing.


All 3 Tasks

To create a bookmarklet that achieves all three tasks, you can use the following JavaScript code. Copy and paste this code into the URL field of a new bookmark in your browser:



Once you've saved this bookmark, click on it while you're on a web page to show headings, highlight nofollow links, and display meta tag information.


This bookmarklet does the following:


Displays an alert with all the headings (h1 to h6) on the page.

Highlights nofollow links in red with white text.

Shows an alert with the meta tags and their respective content.

Meta Tag Analyzer:

To create a Meta Tag Analyzer bookmarklet, follow these steps:


Create a new bookmark in your browser.


Name the bookmark "Meta Tag Analyzer" or any other name you prefer.


Copy the JavaScript code below, which will be used as the bookmarklet:


javascript:(function() {

  var tags = ['title', 'meta[name="description"]', 'meta[name="keywords"]'];

  var output = '';


  tags.forEach(function(tag) {

    var element = document.querySelector(tag);

    if (element) {

      if (tag === 'title') {

        output += 'Title: ' + element.textContent + '\n';

      } else {

        output += tag.replace('meta[name="', '').replace('"]', '').toUpperCase() + ': ' + element.getAttribute('content') + '\n';


    } else {

      output += tag.replace('meta[name="', '').replace('"]', '').toUpperCase() + ': Not Found\n';







Edit the bookmark and paste the JavaScript code into the URL field. Save the bookmark.


Now you have a working Meta Tag Analyzer bookmarklet! To use it, simply navigate to any webpage and click on the bookmarklet. An alert box will appear, displaying the Title, Description, and Keywords meta tags found on the page. If a tag is not found, the alert will show "Not Found" for that specific tag.

SEO Bookmarklet Examples

Bookmarklets are small JavaScript snippets that you can save as bookmarks in your browser, which can help you automate specific tasks or quickly access certain tools. Here are some bookmarklets that can help you save time with SEO:


Google Cache Checker:


javascript:void('' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL)));


Mobile-friendly Test:


javascript:void('' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL)));


Wayback Machine:


javascript:void('*/' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL)));


Google PageSpeed Insights:


javascript:void('' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL)));


Structured Data Testing Tool:


javascript:void('' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL)));


Extract All Links:


javascript:(function(){var links=document.getElementsByTagName('a');var output='';for(var i=0;i<links.length;i++){output+=links[i].href+'\n';}var;newWindow.document.write('<pre>'+output+'</pre>');newWindow.document.close();})();


Highlight NoFollow Links:


javascript:(function(){var links=document.getElementsByTagName('a');for(var i=0;i<links.length;i++){if(links[i].rel.toLowerCase().indexOf('nofollow')!=-1){links[i].style.border='2px solid red';}}})();


To use these bookmarklets, create a new bookmark in your browser, and paste the corresponding JavaScript code into the URL field. Once saved, you can click on the bookmark while visiting any website to execute the specific function.

Internal/External Links

To create a bookmarklet that highlights internal and external links on a webpage, you can use JavaScript to distinguish between the two types of links based on their URLs. Follow the steps below to create the bookmarklet:


Open your browser and create a new bookmark. You can do this by right-clicking the bookmarks bar and selecting "Add page" or "Add bookmark" (depending on the browser).


Give your bookmark a name, like "Highlight Links."


In the URL or Location field, copy and paste the following JavaScript code:



Copy code

javascript:(function() {

  function highlightLinks() {

    const internalLinks = [];

    const externalLinks = [];

    const links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

    const hostname = window.location.hostname;

    for (const link of links) {

      if (link.hostname === hostname) {


      } else {




    for (const internalLink of internalLinks) { = 'yellow';


    for (const externalLink of externalLinks) { = 'lightblue';






Save the bookmark.


Now, whenever you want to highlight internal and external links on a page, simply click on the "Highlight Links" bookmark you created. The internal links will be highlighted in yellow, and the external links will be highlighted in light blue.


To create a bookmarklet that scrapes your competitor's headings and copies them to your clipboard, follow these steps:


Create a new bookmark in your web browser. You can usually do this by right-clicking on the bookmarks bar and selecting "Add page" or "Add new bookmark."


Give the bookmark a name (e.g., "Scrape and Copy Headings").


In the URL field, paste the following JavaScript code:


javascript:(function() {

  function copyToClipboard(text) {

    var textArea = document.createElement('textarea');

    textArea.value = text;






  var headings = [];

  for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {

    var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('h' + i);

    for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) {


        level: i,

        text: elements[j].innerText




  var result = '';

  headings.forEach(function(heading) {

    result += 'H' + heading.level + ': ' + heading.text + '\n';



  alert('Headings copied to clipboard!');



Save the bookmark.


Now, whenever you visit your competitor's webpage, you can click on the "Scrape and Copy Headings" bookmarklet to extract the headings and copy them to your clipboard. An alert box will appear confirming that the headings have been copied to the clipboard. You can then paste the headings into any text editor or note-taking app to further analyze and review the data.




1: PROMPT:  

Find me 50 SEO niche ideas based on these constraints:


With AI content, you don’t need to worry about whether you’re passionate or interested in the niche. Why?

Simple scales:

The simplest solution is often the best because it’s easier to implement: And with this AI content project, we’re optimizing for speed NOT quality. And that brings me on to monetization…


So what’s the best monetization method for AI SEO sites?

You can monetize however you want - and that could be email/affiliate marketing etc BUT:

I’m primarily NOT going to go for affiliate income because that would require a high degree of sales copywriting, conversion rate optimization and optimization of my content, all of which would add a TON of time to the whole process and slow me down:

If I wanted a slow process focused on quality, I’d have an expert team of human writers, editors, designers etc.

But this AI project is about speeding up the whole process

We just need to find a low competition keywords with high volume that we can monetize with ads - for example, adsense

You must be able to find sites where you can see they’re advertising already with ads. Let me give you an example:

I had a friend who created a website about anime. They were getting tens of thousands of views every month. Great! BUT every ad network rejected this site because of the niche SO avoid that.

Non facts driven:

AI is often wrong about facts. Unless you’re fact checking every article, which would again slow you down, then you want to find a VERY subjective niche where everything is very opinionated.

Some good examples include spirituality, affirmations

Nothing YMYL or health/medical related in any single way. No facts related content. Nothing ethically immoral where AI content could get it wrong e.g. parenting/medical/nutrition/health

Competition: If the competition is too high, you won’t rank > Everything becomes 10X harder from day 1. That’s what you don’t want!

Picking low competition niches makes it easier to go from point A to point B.

Ideally there are many low competition, question related keywords in this niche with low competition

Avoid very visual and experience based content:

Home decor ideas/film reviews/Travel Stories & Experiences etc an AI can’t find with any authority unless you just make up BS, so avoid that

Content: Nothing visual or tutorial related e.g. no crafts/DIY/


2: PROMPT: Score each option based on this in a table:

Subjectivity: Nothing YMYL or health/medical related in any single way. No facts related content. Nothing ethically immoral where AI content could get it wrong e.g. parenting/medical/nutrition/health/food related

Content: Nothing visual or tutorial related.

Easy To Find Keywords: Ideally, you want lots of question related keywords

Bulk Keyword Opportunities: High volume, low competition

Ad Revenue: Ability to monetize this content with ads.

Seasonality: Must not be seasonal in any way

Overall Rating based on the above

3: PROMPT: Give me 5 ideas for a url about Pet care and training tips

4: PROMPT: Give me 20 sub niches based on INSERTMAINTOPIC




Here’s the prompt using ChatGPT 4 and the webpilot plugin:

  • Template: Incredibly simple.
  • Obviously needs to be realistic: Not going to be featured on most obvious ones, so find small to medium sized podcast application forms.

Use webpilot. Give me a list of guest application forms for podcasts related to marketing. Give me marketing-related podcasts along with their direct guest application forms:


Based on my information below, write a podcast outreach email template for me. It should short, concise, straight to the point and win win. No BS, no fluff, no hope you're well, no how are you etc, no dear sir/madam rubbish and no long paragraphs of text. Don't be weird or overaly formal, talk like a normal person not an office dron etc. Speak in terms of person to person, not like they're partnering with my business. Also talk in terms of what's in it for them:


> Paste in your “about me” information here.

3: Outreach emails:

Write an outreach email funnel for me promoting this article: 

Add some relevant puns and humour to the funnel about the page I’m promoting. But nothing cringe.


Type keywords into Google related to the article you’re trying to build backlinks to e.g. powerful backlinks

See all search settings > Change to 100

Ask HARPA to scrape the URLs:

PROMPT: Give me a list of all the URLs/Domains on this page related to SEO, nothing else

Put into a sheet

Sanity check the list > Remove sites you think are spammy or

If you want more tips on that check out my prospecting video here

Need more prospects?

PROMPT: Use webpilot. Give me a list of sites related to marketing and SEO that I can reach out to. They should be smaller companies, don’t use any big brands.

Click on the page:

HARPA: Give me a list of all of the URLs/domains from this page

You can also go to chatgpt > Ask for a list of mid tier size URLs related to your niche:


Scrape the URLs below and give me some a list of specific information I could use to personalize an email outreach campaign including authors, topics, about information, what they talk about, who they are etc.



Based on the information from, here's a list of specific details that can be used to personalize an email outreach campaign:


Using this information, you can craft a personalized email that references Julian's expertise, offers, and the results he has achieved for his clients.

The first line must be personalized to that person and obvious that you’re not being generic + hook them in to keep reading. Based on this information, create a short, personalized, friendly, respectful concise outreach email for each website, use compliments but don’t be a fan boy. Also just 1-2 lines of personalization, maybe based on their social media etc. Don’t just list it all out, keep it make flow like a conversation. Be specific about why you like/respect them, based on who they are and their about information etc - show that you've done their research. Every sentence on a new line. Keep the language natural, conversational and human. Email subject line should be personalized and short too. No exclamation marks. Include some humour but make it very obvious - no tenuous jokes. Don’t theme the email, keep it normal/neutral. Show that you’ve done research and include some a joke in the P.S. tailored to them. Mention you have a similar site with a high domain rating too in the same industry.

In the 2nd follow up email, write a song about them

In the 3rd follow up email, do a knock knock joke about them but it must be easy and obvious to understand - the punchline must be very clear and funny. Make the joke really easy to understand.



NOTE: Give me some actionable ai seo tips from this and turn them into 4 line, short, concise posts with emojis + actionable advice that's easy to understand.

Make the sentences short but the tips about 4 lines or so



Write 5 part twitter thread.

Be VERY specific.

Use emojis.

Use short sentences.

Very short and concise.

Every sentence on a new line.

No hashtags.

Add lots of value.

Make it very actionable.

Include a VERY attention grabbing headline.

No fluffy BS. Concise, not salesy. No corporate BS.

Give people advice.

Make it congruent and flow nicely, like a conversation.

No weird language.

Every post must add value.



Entity Identification and Analysis:

  • Instruction: "Identify and list the primary entities related to [Your Topic/Niche]. Analyze the top 5 Google search results for '[Target Keyword]' and summarize the entities they commonly use."
  • ChatGPT Prompt: "List and analyze the main entities found in the top Google search results for '[Target Keyword]' related to [Your Niche]. Provide a summary of how these entities are used in the content."
  • Give me a list of just the entities
  • Entity optimization: Which related names, places, and entities should an article on [keyword] mention?
  • Extract this list of entities so that I can use them for chatgpt content creation


Instruction: "Create an article outline for a [Type of Content] on '[Your Topic]' that includes these key entities: [List of Entities]. Focus on incorporating these entities naturally and contextually." Make sure that all the content/headings are optimized for the keyword "ChatGPT for Link Building"

Entity Optimization in Existing Content:

  • Instruction: "Review the provided content about '[Your Topic]' and suggest optimizations using these entities: [List of Entities]. Highlight where each entity could be added or emphasized for better SEO."
  • ChatGPT Prompt: "Optimize the following content about '[Your Topic]' by incorporating these entities: [List of Entities]. Indicate where to insert or emphasize each entity for improved SEO."

Entity-Based Questions and FAQ Generation:

  • Instruction: "Generate a list of FAQs for the topic '[Your Topic]' using these key entities: [List of Entities]. Each question should revolve around or include at least one of these entities."
  • ChatGPT Prompt: "Create FAQs for '[Your Topic]' incorporating these entities: [List of Entities]. Each question should involve or include one of these entities."

Meta Tags and Descriptions with Entities:

  • Instruction: "Write a meta title and description for a webpage about '[Your Topic]' that includes these entities: [List of Entities]. Ensure they are naturally incorporated and enhance SEO."
  • ChatGPT Prompt: "Compose a meta title and description for a page on '[Your Topic]' using these entities: [List of Entities]. They should be naturally integrated and SEO-friendly."


SEO Outline Creator:   

Parasite Tool (create multiple versions of a blog for same keyword_: 

Link Building: 

Free keyword research tool: 

Keyword clustering: 

1: Topical Maps:   

2: Julian Goldie GPT:   

3: High quality review analyzer:   

4: Web Quality Analyst:   







  • Give me relevant external links for this page:
  • Give me 20 entities related to best SEO mastermind
  • Give me some relevant internal links for my site
  • Use google alphabet soup method for keyword research for "Lawyers for*"
  • Fact check this: INSERT HERE



What are some expensive local repair services? Breakdown the niche, the job and give me the price breakdown per job, around locations like new york etc. in a table (no code) e.g. washing machine repair

Product Review Keywords:

  • HOW?
  • PROMPT: What the most popular refrigerator models in the world? Give me the specific name/number of the models
  • Find easy KWs on SEMRush related to affiliate e.g. Keywords like “is whirlpool better than frigidaire”
  • Why rank for this?
  • Because we can make money with affiliate plus easy to create the content plus relevant to our site’s topic

SEO Rank and Rent Templates:

Outreach Email Template:

  • Subject: "Boost Your Business with Our Proven Lead Generation Strategy"


"Hey [Business Owner's Name],

  • Noticed you're investing in [PPC, Yelp, Facebook ads]. We specialize in generating quality leads. Offering 10 free leads to show our value. Let's connect and grow your business together. Interested?"
  • Client Onboarding Email:
  • Subject: "Welcome Aboard - Let's Grow Together!"


"Hi [Client's Name],

  • Excited to partner with you! To start, please share your sales process and KPIs. We aim to align perfectly with your goals for maximum impact. Let's discuss the details."
  • Follow-Up Email Template:
  • Subject: "Don't Miss Out on Growth Opportunities"


"Hi [Name],

  • Just checking in! We're excited to help you grow. Remember, the first 10 leads are on us. Let's talk and see how we can drive your business forward."

Rank And Rent SEO Checklists and SOPs:

Prospect Qualification Checklist:

  • Business in growth mode (evident from advertising spend).
  • Responsive and efficient in communication.
  • Has a dedicated sales team.
  • Professional email setup.
  • Understands and values SEO and leads.

Outreach SOP:

  • Identify prospects actively investing in ads (PPC, social media).
  • Customize emails with specific details relevant to their business.
  • Follow up at least twice if there's no response.
  • Avoid generic email addresses; target decision-makers.
  • Use persuasive and value-driven language.

Client Onboarding SOP:

  • Gather all necessary information (business goals, sales process, KPIs).
  • Set up a call to discuss and align objectives.
  • Offer a trial period with free leads to build trust.
  • Regularly update clients on progress and lead quality.
  • Be prepared to adapt and customize strategies as per client feedback.

Lead Generation and Conversion SOP:

  • Optimize websites for both search engines and conversions.
  • Include clear CTAs, persuasive hooks, and testimonials.
  • Utilize email opt-ins and chatbots for better engagement.
  • Track lead quality and conversion rates to refine strategies.
  • Continuously update content and SEO tactics as per market trends.


Give me a thumbnail for a parasite AI SEO heist, like a bank robbery

A gang of ai parasite seo thieves trying to rank on Google

Involving stealing website traffic


No text

Make it VERY bright so it stands out

Zoom in on the robbers faces so it looks crazy and a bit scary

Including SEO and website and computer related icons

Give me a thumbnail for a parasite AI SEO heist, like a bank robbery

A gang of ai parasite seo thieves trying to rank on Google

Involving stealing website traffic


No text

Make it VERY bright so it stands out

Zoom in on the robbers faces so it looks crazy and a bit scary

Including SEO and website and computer related icons

In a balaclava




  • Then have a CTA to read the rest of the content below…


  • Differentiates your generic ChatGPT SEO content from everyone else’s:
  • WHY? Because you’re creating something unique
  • Really fast and easy to do
  • FREE
  • Most people WILL NOT read your full article: Easy way to convert traffic quickly

Based on the detailed transcript you've provided, here are several ChatGPT prompts designed to generate EEAT-related content efficiently. These prompts are crafted to follow your guidelines, incorporating brevity, clarity, and directness without formal language.

1. **Prompt for Creating a Short Answer Section**


   "Generate a concise answer for the keyword 'Rochester SEO Expert' that captures the essence of what makes someone an expert in SEO in Rochester. Include key qualifications and a brief overview of services offered. My name is Julian Goldie, write it 1st hand."


2. **Prompt for Generating Long-Form AI SEO Content**


   "Create detailed, AI-generated content on the topic 'How to Become an SEO Expert in Rochester'. Include sections on the importance of local SEO, strategies for ranking improvement, and the role of content marketing. Make sure to weave in EEAT principles throughout the content."


3. **Prompt for Personalizing Content with E-E-A-T Elements**


   "Draft a personalized introduction for an article on 'Best SEO Practices for 2024', including E-E-A-T elements such as the author's experience, credentials in SEO, and success stories of past client work. Highlight the unique approach the author takes to SEO link building."


4. **Prompt for Creating a CTA (Call to Action) Within AI-Generated Content**


   "Design a compelling call to action to place at the top of an AI-generated content page about 'Effective Link Building Strategies'. The CTA should encourage the reader to book a free SEO strategy session, emphasizing the quick win they can achieve by doing so."


5. **Prompt for Drafting a Case Study Section for an Article**


   "Outline a case study on 'The Impact of Strategic Link Building on Traffic Growth'. Include a brief description of the challenge, the strategy implemented, and the results achieved, focusing on organic traffic and ranking improvements. Mention any notable backlinks acquired during the campaign."


6. **Prompt for Creating a Unique Content Piece for an Article on 'Best SEO Speaker'**


   "Compose a short, unique content piece summarizing the key speaking engagements and contributions of an individual to the SEO community in 2024. Include highlights from recent talks, main topics covered, and feedback from the audience to showcase expertise and authority."


7. **Prompt for Enhancing AI-Generated Content with Short Answers and E-E-A-T**


   "Generate a short answer for the query 'How does link building improve SEO rankings?' Follow up with a detailed explanation that includes E-E-A-T principles, showcasing the author's authority and expertise on the subject. Emphasize practical advice and real-world examples."


These prompts are designed to leverage ChatGPT for creating content that aligns with Google's E-E-A-T guidelines, focusing on expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness, and the added element of experience. They aim to produce content that is not only optimized for SEO but also offers genuine value to the reader.



Give me a HUGE value stack of lead magnets ideas I can give away for my SEO agency:

Plus the headlines/subheadlines for the pop up.

Make the headlines/ideas specific, create curiosity and offer huge value.

e.g. Get free, instant access to our SEO video course, 120 SEO Tips, ChatGPT SEO Course, 999+ make money online ideas and get a 30 minute SEO consultation!


GPT4o Assistants Prompt

Ask the user for their keyword.

Then do this:

Write a comprehensive article about the keyword.

Word count = 2,000 words

Format the headings: Do not make the headings plain text. Output as HTML. Make it engaging, easy-to-understand, and unique. Make the content punchy and engaging by using a conversational tone, incorporating real-life examples, and taking a storytelling approach.

NOTE: Don’t use H1 tags. Just use H2 and H3s: Do not make the headings plain text

Keep the keyword density high.

Make sure you include the keyword in the first sentence.

Put every sentence on a new line.

Optimize on-page SEO with high keyword density and inclusion in headers. The writing should appear human-like, and I will provide additional prompts as needed to reach the desired word count. Write from an analytical perspective.

Cover FAQs. Try to add most value at the top of the page. No fluff or filler. No weird language. Make it feel natural.

Insert some relevant external links to sources throughout the content, naturally, 5+ times.

Include the keyword in the first/last sentence

Write the article like a human doing this:

No fluff, nothing cringe, every sentence on a new line, make my emails win win, no formal language, keep it neutral.

Kick off with real questions and worries your audience faces. Use plain talk to hit the mark, skipping the tech talk unless it's what everyone's chatting about.

Sprinkle in stories and examples like you're sharing insights over coffee with a pal. This touch of personal flair makes your tips stick.

Weave in keywords like you're seasoning a dish – just enough to taste but not so much it spoils the meal. Pop them into titles, subtitles, and the body, making sure they fit snugly into the conversation.

Chop up complex tips into bullet points, lists, and bold highlights. This makes it a breeze for both people and search engines to skim through.


- No fluffy AI jargon

- Keep it converational and natural

- No generic buzz words like today's digital age

- Keep it neutral and conversational



Give me a list of generic fluffy words ChatGPT and other AI Models usually use in their content when writing e.g. digital landscape. I'll use them as a filter to remove these words in my prompts.


Ask the user for their keyword:

Ask them for the source context AKA:

- Ask about their business, what makes them unique, what the goal of the article is so that you can tailor the content around that

Ask them for their preferred headlines/content outline

Then do this:

Write a comprehensive article about the keyword.

Word count = 2,000 words

Format the headings: Do not make the headings plain text. Output as HTML. Make it engaging, easy-to-understand, and unique. Make the content punchy and engaging by using a conversational tone, incorporating real-life examples, and taking a storytelling approach. No AI generic fluff: Everything must be specific. No AI Language.

NOTE: Don’t use H1 tags. Just use H2 and H3s: Do not make the headings plain text

Keep the keyword density high.

Make sure you include the keyword in the first sentence.

Put every sentence on a new line.

Optimize on-page SEO with high keyword density and inclusion in headers. The writing should appear human-like, and I will provide additional prompts as needed to reach the desired word count. Write from an analytical perspective.

Cover FAQs. Try to add most value at the top of the page. No fluff or filler. No weird language. Make it feel natural.

Insert some relevant external links to sources throughout the content, naturally, 5+ times.

Include the keyword in the first/last sentence

Write the article like a human doing this:

No fluff, nothing cringe, every sentence on a new line, make my emails win win, no formal language, keep it neutral.

Kick off with real questions and worries your audience faces. Use plain talk to hit the mark, skipping the tech talk unless it's what everyone's chatting about.

Sprinkle in stories and examples like you're sharing insights over coffee with a pal. This touch of personal flair makes your tips stick.

Weave in keywords like you're seasoning a dish – just enough to taste but not so much it spoils the meal. Pop them into titles, subtitles, and the body, making sure they fit snugly into the conversation.

Chop up complex tips into bullet points, lists, and bold highlights. This makes it a breeze for both people and search engines to skim through.


- No fluffy AI jargon

- Keep it converational and natural

- No generic buzz words like today's digital age

- Keep it neutral and conversational

- Nothing generic

- BE VERY VERY Specific in the language that you use, based on the user’s source context


Rewrite the content without the generic AI fluff.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet PROMPTS:

Create a SEO content outline tool that analyses my content, and scores my content based on how SEO optimized it is + updates every time I improve the SEO content

Code a topical map generator tool for SEO and allow me to preview it:

- Get the tool to come up with ideas for me, based on the topics I type in.

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