Letter from Concerned U.S. Law Professors Re: House Committee Investigation

[NOTE: A version of this letter was delivered to the Committee on April 17, 2024. We continue to invite signatures from all U.S. law professors.]

Congresswoman Virginia Foxx

Chairwoman, Committee on Education & the Workforce

United States House of Representatives

Committee on Education & the Workforce

U.S. House of Representatives

2176 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Re:         House Committee “Investigation” Against Rutgers-Newark’s Center for Security, Race and Rights & Professor Sahar Aziz

Dear Chairwoman Virginia Foxx and Members of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce:

We, the undersigned, comprise a group of racially, religiously, and ideologically diverse law professors from across the United States. Notwithstanding our differences, we are unified in condemning the House Committee on Education and the Workforce (the “Committee”) March 27, 2024 letter announcing a congressional investigation targeting the Rutgers University Newark Center for Security, Race, and Rights (the “Center”) and Professor Sahar Aziz, the Center’s founder and executive director.[1] The Committee’s actions, which follow a similar February 6, 2024 letter from Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans,[2] threaten core American commitments to free speech and academic freedom.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has celebrated free speech as the “bedrock of American liberty.”[3] The Constitution, to which our elected officials pledge fealty, obligates members of Congress and academic leaders at Rutgers University to safeguard the speech rights of all Rutgers’ faculty and academic centers.[4] The Supreme Court has affirmed this foundational constitutional principle: “The vigilant protection of constitutional freedoms is nowhere more vital than in the community of American schools.”[5] 

Elected officials are free to denounce ideas with which they disagree. But they may not abuse their constitutional office to intimidate, harass, and silence legitimate discourse by academics or others they happen to dislike. In our view, the Committee’s March 27, 2024 letter does just that: it is a politically motivated and viewpoint-based attack on the Center and a tenured university professor. Beyond threatening a bedrock constitutional value of American liberty, the Committee’s conduct compromises a separate pillar of our democratic republic: academic freedom.

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE)[6] explains that “[e]ducators on college and university campuses must be free to speak their minds, ask tough questions, and facilitate learning without the threat of institutional censorship, coercion, or intimidation.”[7] This sentiment echoes foundational Supreme Court jurisprudence:

[O]ur nation is deeply committed to safeguarding academic freedom, which is of transcendent value to all of us and not merely to the teachers concerned. Academic freedom is therefore a special concern of the First Amendment. It does not tolerate laws that cast a pall of orthodoxy over the classroom.[8]

The Committee’s letter expresses “grave concerns regarding the inadequacy of Rutgers’ response to antisemitism on its campuses.”[9] We, too, care deeply about our Jewish students, colleagues, friends, and families. We are committed, unequivocally, to combating antisemitism and all other forms of structural and ideological bigotry and subordination. But the Committee’s attacks against the Center and Professor Aziz do not represent an earnest effort to reckon with antisemitism at Rutgers, or elsewhere: they are part of a cynical campaign to censor dissenting speech and delegitimize open and inclusive academic inquiry and engagement.

Founded in 2018, the Center remains the only academic center at a U.S. law school with the specific mission to research, educate, and advocate for the civil and human rights of South Asians, Muslims, and Arabs. As noted on its website and reflected in its programming, the Center “supports pluralism, religious freedom, and racial equality.”[10] Like the other thirteen academic centers at Rutgers Law School, the Center is a site of robust intellectual life that regularly invites a diverse range of scholars to address matters of public concern in the United States and abroad.[11] The Rutgers’ AAUP-AFT faculty union recently lauded the Center for furthering the university’s mission to be “a national leader in 21st-century higher education through a commitment to the values of educating a diverse citizenry, producing high impact scholarship, engaging in our community as an anchor institution, and drawing the connection between local and global, for the improvement of the economic and social well-being of society as a whole.”[12] 

The Center’s first lecture this academic year “addressed how international law developed to prosecute Nazis after the Holocaust set the foundation for subsequent prosecutions of state officials for war crimes and violations of human rights.”[13] We find it notable–and telling–that of the nearly 90 lectures the Center has hosted since its founding, the Committee identifies as “antisemitic” only those in which a speaker is of Palestinian ancestry or expresses pro-Palestinian viewpoints.[14] We also note the irony of the Committee’s accusation that the Center’s recent report Presumptively Antisemitic: Islamophobic Tropes in the Palestine-Israel Discourse “delegitimizes victims of antisemitism.”[15] That report, co-authored with a Jewish American expert on Israel-Palestine, documents the precise conduct in which the Committee is now engaging:  mobilization of Islamophobic tropes to “fuel and sustain spurious allegations of antisemitism” to discredit and delegitimize critics of Israeli policy and military action.[16] 

The fact that the Committee is targeting the only Muslim Arab woman on the Rutgers Law Faculty (comprised of 130 professors) further evidences the improper motivations underlying the Committee’s actions. A “Distinguished Professor of Law and Chancellor’s Social Justice Scholar,” Professor Aziz is a renowned expert on the “intersection of national security, race, religion and civil rights with a focus on the adverse impact of national security laws and policies on racial, religious, and ethnic minorities.”[17] Professor Aziz has won multiple prestigious awards, authored the groundbreaking book The Racial Muslim: When Racism Quashes Religious Freedom, and recently served as the William & Patricia Kleh Visiting Professor in International Law at Boston University School of Law.[18] 

We may disagree with certain of the views which have been expressed at Center-sponsored events or publications. However, we recognize that disagreement is an inevitable—and, yes, critically important—component of robust academic discourse. It is deeply disturbing to witness a Congressional committee attempt to “cancel” a tenured professor because they dislike the views expressed in her scholarship and academic programming on controversial matters of pressing public concern. 

We close with the words of the distinguished Johns Hopkins University President Ronald J. Daniels, who wrote an insightful 2021 Washington Post op-ed titled “Why authoritarian regimes attack universities.”[19] Citing global examples that include the Taliban, Benito Mussolini, and Victor Orban, President Daniels clarifies what many of us intuitively understand: “Independent universities unnerve authoritarians because everything that these institutions strive to achieve is inimical to the autocrat’s devotion to the accumulation and arbitrary exercise of coercive public power.”[20] President Daniels presciently cautioned that “no democracy can prosper without independent universities to forge a bedrock of objective fact, to preserve and interrogate the nation’s collective past, to cultivate diverse and pluralistic communities, and to educate students in the skills necessary for active and engaged citizenship.”[21] 

In wielding federal power and authority to silence the Center and Professor Aziz, the Committee’s efforts share alarming parallels with tactics employed by the foreign authoritarians Daniels identifies. The Committee’s conduct constitutes a naked assault on the academic right of every college and university professor to engage in teaching, research and scholarship free from political interference and intimidation. Our present concern, accordingly, extends beyond Professor Aziz and the Center for Security, Race and Rights. The Committee’s attack on education and the freedom to learn threatens American freedom and our constitutional democracy itself.

To this end, we call on Chairwoman Foxx to practice what she preaches. We agree with her statement that “[w]ielding government power as a cudgel against political or cultural adversaries is one of the most ancient forms of bullying.”[22] We also share Chairwoman Foxx’s concern that, in situations like this, “[t]he simple truth is that when the federal government controls education, it controls society itself.”[23] 

Thus, we respectfully petition the Committee to cease its unfounded and unconstitutional investigation against Rutgers University, the Center, and Professor Sahar Aziz.

Further, we urge all members of Congress—particularly New Jersey’s delegation—to denounce the Committee’s abuse of power.

Moreover, we invite the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education to investigate the Committee’s abuse of power during her upcoming site visit to the United States.

Finally, in a spirit of solidarity, we remind the leaders of Rutgers University of their obligation to defend all of their academic centers and faculty members from political interference and threats.

Very truly yours,

To sign this statement, complete this Google Form. Signatures will be added regularly. Thank you for adding your voice to this pressing matter.


  1. Richard L. Abel, Connell Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus, UCLA
  2. David Abraham, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Miami School of Law
  3. Kathryn Abrams, Herma Hill Kay Distinguished Professor of Law, UC-Berkeley Law School
  4. Tendayi Achiume, Professor of Law, UCLA Law School
  5. Jabeen Adawi, Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Pittsburgh, School of Law
  6. Beena Ahmad, Assistant Professor, City University School of Law
  7. Amna A. Akbar, Professor of Law, The Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law
  8. Susan Akram, Clinical Professor and Director, International Human Rights Law Clinic, Boston University School of Law
  9. Raquel Aldana, Professor of Law, UC Davis
  10. Taifha Alexander, CRT Forward Project Director, UCLA School of Law
  11. Michael P. Ambrosio, Professor of Law, Seton Hall University Law School
  12. Penelope Andrews, John Marshall Harlan II Professor of Law, New York Law School
  13. Sameer M. Ashar, Clinical Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine School of Law
  14. LaToya Baldwin Clark, Professor, UCLA School of Law
  15. Asli Bali, Professor of Law, Yale University
  16. Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen, Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development, University of California, Irvine
  17. Steven W. Bender, Professor of Law, Seattle University School of Law
  18. Khaled Beydoun, Professor of Law, ASU Law School
  19. Nikolas Bowie, Louis D. Brandeis Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
  20. Carolyn J Brown, Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the Law Library, Seton Hall Law
  21. Amber Cain, Technology and Research Services Librarian, and Assistant Professor, Seton Hall Law
  22. Eduardo R.C. Capulong, Professor of Law, CUNY School of Law
  23. Sheryll Cashin, Professor of Law, Georgetown Law
  24. Jennifer M. Chacon, Professor of Law, Stanford School of Law
  25. Sumi Cho, Director of Strategic Initiatives, African American Policy Forum
  26. Todd R. Clear, Distinguished University Professor, Rutgers Law School and Rutgers School of Criminal Justice
  27. Laura Cohen, Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  28. Donna Coker, Professor of Law, University of Miami School of Law
  29. Jenny-Brooke Condon, Professor of Law, Seton Hall University School of Law
  30. Roberto Corrada, Professor of Law, University of Denver
  31. Kimberle W. Crenshaw, Professor of Law, Columbia Law School & UCLA School of Law
  32. Peggy Cooper Davis, Shad Professor of Law, New York University
  33. Angela J. Davis, Distinguished Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law
  34. Meera E Deo, The Honorable Vaino Spencer Professor of Law, Southwestern Law School
  35. Orlando Dickson, Lecturer, University at Buffalo Law School
  36. Ryan Doerfler, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
  37. Veena Dubal, Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine
  38. Jon C. Dubin, Board of Governers Distinguished Service Professor, Distinguished Professor of Law, and Paul Robeson Scholar, Rutgers Law School
  39. Karen Engle, Minerva House Drysdale Regents Chair in Law, University of Texas School of Law
  40. Joseph Fishkin, Professor of Law, UCLA
  41. Mary Louise Frampton, Professor of Law Emerita, UC Davis School of Law
  42. Kris Franklin, Wallace Stevens Professor of Law, New York Law School
  43. César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, Professor of Law and Gregory H. Williams Chair in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Ohio State University
  44. Tom Ginsburg, Leo Spitz Professor of International Law, University of Chicago Law School
  45. Rashmi Goel, Professor of Law, University of Denver, Sturm College of Law
  46. Laura E. Gomez, Rachel F. Moran Endowed Chair in Law, UCLA
  47. Marc-Tizoc González, Professor of Law, University of New Mexico School of Law
  48. Verónica C. Gonzales, Associate Professor of Law, University of New Mexico School of Law
  49. Ariela Gross, Distinguished Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law
  50. Catherine Grosso, Professor of Law, Michigan State University College of Law
  51. Jonathan Hafetz, Professor of Law, Seton Hall School of Law
  52. Hiba Hafiz, Associate Professor of Law, Boston College Law School
  53. Eve Hanan, Professor of Law, University of Nevada Las Vegas
  54. Joan Howarth, Dean Emerita, Michigan State University College of Law
  55. Ian Haney-Lopez, Distinguished Professor and Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor of Public Law, University of California, Berkeley
  56. Cheryl I Harris, Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law
  57. Angela Harris, Distinguished Professor of Law, UC Davis School of Law
  58. Tanya Hernandez, Professor of Law, Fordham University
  59. Emily Houh, Gustavus Henry Wald Professor of the Law and Contracts, University of Cincinnati
  60. Chaumtoli Huq, Associate Professor of Law, CUNY School of Law
  61. Lucy Jewel, Professor of Law, University of Tennessee College of Law
  62. Paula C. Johnson, Professor, Syracuse University College of Law
  63. Jerry Kang, Distinguished Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law
  64. Diane (Klein) Kemker, Visiting Professor of Law, Southern University Law Center
  65. Randall Kennedy, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
  66. Duncan Kennedy, Professor of Law Emeritus, Harvard Law School
  67. Abdul Rehman Khan, Assistant Clinical Professor, Seton Hall Law School
  68. Thomas Kleven, Professor of Law, Thurgood Marshall School of Law
  69. Jasleen Kohli, Executive Director, Critical Race Studies Program, UCLA School of Law
  70. Genevieve Lakier, Professor of Law and Herbert and Marjorie Fried Teaching Scholar, The University of Chicago Law School
  71. Brian Leiter, Karl N. Llewellyn Professor of Jurisprudence, University of Chicago Law School
  72. Chunlin Leonhard, Leon Sarpy Distinguished Professor of Law, Loyola University New Orleans
  73. Arthur S Leonard, Professor of Law Emeritus, New York Law School
  74. Edwin Lindo, Associate Teaching Professor, University of Washington
  75. Aaron Littman, Assistant Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law
  76. David Lopez, University Professor and Co-Dean Emeritus, Rutgers Law
  77. Gerald P. Lopez, Professor of Law Emeritus, UCLA School of Law
  78. Beth Lyon, Clinical Professor of Law, Cornell Law School
  79. David Lyons, Professor Emeritus of Law and of Philosophy, Boston University
  80. Tayyab Mahmud, Professor of Law, Seattle University
  81. Leo P. Martinez, Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Emeritus, UC College of Law, San Francisco
  82. Solangel Maldonado, Eleanor Bontecou Professor of Law, Seton Hall University School of Law
  83. Emmanuel Mauleón, Greenberg Teaching Fellow, UCLA Law
  84. M Isabel Medina, Ferris Distinguished Professor of Law, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law
  85. Martha McCluskey, Professor Emerita, University at Buffalo
  86. Eric J. Miller, Professor and Leo J. O’Brien Fellow, LMU Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
  87. S. David Mitchell, Ruth L. Hulston Professor of Law, University of Missouri School of Law
  88. Margaret Montoya, Professor Emerita of Law, University of New Mexico
  89. Daniel I. Morales, Associate Professor, Dwight Olds Chair in Law, University of Houston Law Center
  90. Janet Moore, Professor Emerita, University of Cincinnati College of Law
  91. Justin Murray, Associate Professor, New York Law School
  92. Athena Mutua, Professor of Law, University at Buffalo, School of Law
  93. Makau Mutua, SUNY Distinguished Professor, SUNY Buffalo Law School
  94. Dr. Dagmar Myslinska, Associate Professor of Law, Creighton University
  95. Vasuki Nesiah, Professor of Practice, New York University
  96. Anthony O’Rourke, Joseph W. Belluck and Laura L. Aswad Professor, University at Buffalo of Law, SUNY
  97. Mariela Olivares, Professor of Law, Howard University School of Law
  98. K-Sue Park, Professor of Law, UCLA
  99. Sanjukta Paul, Professor of Law, University of Michigan
  100. Russell G. Pearce, Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law
  101. Tara Adams Ragone, Assistant Professor, Seton Hall University School of Law
  102. Aziz Rana, Professor of Law, Boston College Law School
  103. Vernellia R. Randall, Professor Emerita of Law, The University of Dayton School of Law
  104. Kim D. Ricardo, Professor & Associate Dean of Experiential Education, University of Illinois Chicago School of Law
  105. Willmai Rivera-Pérez, Associate Professor, Southern University Law Center
  106. Joseph Rosenberg, Professor of Law, CUNY School of Law
  107. Sean Scott, Professor, California Western School of Law
  108. Theodore P. Seto, Hon. Frederick J. Lower, Jr. Chair and Professor of Law, LMU Loyola Law School
  109. Ragini Shah, Clinical Professor of Law, Suffolk University
  110. Fred Smith, Jr., Charles Howard Candler Professor of Law, Emory University
  111. Chantal Thomas, Professor of Law, Cornell University
  112. Kendall Thomas, Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
  113. Gerald Torres, Professor of Law, Yale Law School
  114. Francisco Valdes, Professor of Law, University of Miami School of Law
  115. Sheila I. Velez Martinez, Jack and Lovell Olender Professor of Asylum Refugee and Immigration Law, University of Pittsburgh School of Law
  116. Alicia Virani, Director, Criminal Justice Program, UCLA School of Law
  117. Leti Volpp, Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley
  118. Deborah M. Weissman, Reef C. Ivey II Distinguished Professor of Law, University of North Carolina School of Law
  119. Niel G. Williams, Nathaniel Jones, Jr. Professor of Law and Associate Professor, Loyola University Chicago
  120. Noah Zatz, Professor of Law and Labor Studies, UCLA
  121. Adnan Zulfiqar, Associate Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  122. Charisa Smith, Professor of Law, City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law
  123. Chaz D. Brooks, Assistant Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law
  124. Evangeline Sarda, Associate Clinical Law Professor, Boston College Law School
  125. Diego H. Alcala Laboy, Assistant Professor of Law, Delaware Law School
  126. Erin Tomlinson, Instructor, CUNY School of Law
  127. Natsu Taylor Saito, Regents’ Professor Emerita, Georgia State University College of Law
  128. I. India Thusi, Professor of Law & Senior Scientist, Indiana University Maurer School of Law & The Kinsey Institute
  129. Angi Porter, Assistant Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law
  130. Natalie M. Chin, Associate Professor of Law, CUNY School of Law
  131. Jenny E. Carroll, Wiggins, Child, Quinn & Pantazis Professor of Law, University of Alabama School of Law
  132. Nancy E Dowd, Distinguished Professor of Law Emerita, University of Florida College of Law
  133. Seema Mohapatra, Professor, SMU Dedman School of Law
  134. Irus Braverman, Professor of Law & Adjunct Professor of Geography, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
  135. Jules Lobel, Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh Law School
  136. Rachel Rosenbloom, Professor of Law, Northeastern University School of Law
  137. Adrienne Davis, William M. Van Cleve Professor of Law, Washington University
  138. Anna Roberts, Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
  139. Brian Owsley, Associate Professor, UNT Dallas College of Law
  140. Zahr Said, Professor of Law, University of Washington
  141. Carol Mallory, Teaching Professor, Northeastern University School of Law
  142. Margaret W. Bowman, Associate Professor of Law, University of Tulsa
  143. Nancy Chi Cantalupo, Associate Professor of Law, Wayne State University Law School
  144. Frank Deale, Professor of Law, CUNY Law School
  145. Justin Hansford, Professor of Law, Howard University School of Law
  146. Kaaryn S. Gustafson, Professor of Law, UC Irvine School of Law
  147. Steve Zeidman, Professor, CUNY School of Law
  148. Jessica Dixon Weaver, Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Law, SMU Dedman School of Law
  149. Shanda Sibley, Clinical Assistant Professor of Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law
  150. Carol L. Chomsky, Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School
  151. Anthony Paul Farley, James Campbell Matthews Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence, Albany Law School
  152. Kevin B. Kelly, Associate Clinical Professor, Seton Hall University School of Law
  153. S. David Mitchell, Ruth L. Hulston Professor of Law, University of Missouri School of Law
  154. Luke Herrine, Assistant Professor of Law, Alabama Law
  155. SpearIt, Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh School of Law
  156. Akilah Folami, Law Professor, Hofstra University
  157. Darren Bush, Professor, University of Houston Law Center
  158. Kathryn Sabbeth, Professor of Law, Rutgers University-Newark
  159. Brian Soucek, Professor of Law and Chancellor’s Fellow, University of California, Davis School of Law
  160. Zsea Bowmani, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law
  161. Margaret M. Russell, Law Professor, Santa Clara University
  162. Jaya Ramji-Nogales, Professor of Law, Temple University
  163. Jeena Shah, Associate Professor of Law, CUNY School of Law
  164. Ethan J Leib, John D Calamari Distinguished Professor of Law, Fordham Law School
  165. Kenneth B. Nunn, Professor of Law, Emeritus, University of Florida
  166. Katherine Franke, James L. Dohr Professor of Law, Columbia University
  167. Alicia Ely Yamin, Lecturer, Harvard Law School
  168. Matthew Lister, Associate Professor of Law, Bond University (Australia) Faculty of Law
  169. Jennifer S. Hendricks, Professor, University of Colorado
  170. Galina Abdel Aziz, Assistant Professor & Faculty Services Librarian, Seton Hall Law School
  171. Russell K. Robinson, Walter Perry Johnson Professor of Law & Faculty Director, Center on Race, Sexuality & Culture, University of California, Berkeley School of Law
  172. Lama Abu Odeh, Law Professor, Georgetown Law
  173. Arlene Amarante, Associate Professor, Lincoln Memorial University
  174. Pedro A. Malavet, Professor, University of Florida Levin College of Law
  175. Farshad Ghodoosi, Assistant Professor of Business Law, California State University, Northridge
  176. April Dawson, Associate Dean of Technology and Innovation and Professor of Law, North Carolina Central University School of Law
  177. Yelena Duterte, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Illinois Chicago School of Law
  178. Ann Cammett, Professor of Law, CUNY School of Law
  179. Emily Hammond, Professor of Law, The George Washington University
  180. Barbara Atwell, Law Professor, Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University
  181. Ruqaiijah Yearby, Kara J Trott Professor in Health Law, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University’s
  182. Matthew Dimick, Professor of Law, University at Buffalo School of Law
  183. Saskia Valencia, Clinical Legal Fellow, Brooklyn Law School
  184. Prianka Nair, Assistant Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
  185. Aníbal Rosario Lebrón, Associate Professor, Rutgers Law
  186. Andrew Hammond, Associate Professor of Law, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
  187. Shirley Lung, Professor, CUNY School of Law
  188. Caitlin Glass, Visiting Lecturer and Clinical Instructor, Boston University School of Law
  189. Jonathan Gingerich, Associate Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  190. Aziza Ahmed, Professor of Law, Boston university School of Law
  191. Andrew Foster, Clinical Professor of Law, Duke Law School
  192. Faisal Chaudhry, Assistant Professor of Law and History, University of Massachusetts School of Law
  193. Leigh Goodmark, Marjorie Cook Professor of Law, University of Maryland Carey School of Law
  194. Cyra Akila Choudhury, Professor of Law, FIU College of Law
  195. Angelo Petrigh, Clinical Associate Professor, Boston University School of Law
  196. Elissa Steglich, Clinical Professor, University of Texas School of Law
  197. Bonny Tavares Dean, Associate Professor, Temple University Beasley School of Law
  198. Jane E. Cross, Professor of Law, Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion, & Public Impact, and Director of the Caribbean Law Program, Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law
  199. Shirley Lin, Assistant Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
  200. Thomas Healy, Board of Visitors Distinguished Professor of Law, Seton Hall University School of Law
  201. Maneka, Sinha, Associate Professor of Law, University of Maryland Carey School of Law
  202. Erica B Schommer, Clinical Professor of Law, St. Mary’s University School of Law
  203. Kimberly Bailey, Professor of Law, University of Cincinnati College of Law
  204. Brooks Holland, Professor of Law, Gonzaga University School of Law
  205. Teri McMurtry-Chubb, Professor of Law, University of Illinois Chicago School of Law
  206. Mark Bartholomew, Professor of Law, University at Buffalo School of Law
  207. Rob Hochbaum, Assistant Clinical Professor of Law, University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law
  208. Almas Khan, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Mississippi School of Law
  209. Jennifer Moore, Regents’ Professor of Law, University of New Mexico School of Law
  210. Greg Baltz, Assistant Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  211. Aliza Organick, Professor of Law, University of New Mexico School of Law
  212. James Gathii, Professor of Law, Loyola University Chicago School of Law
  213. Matthew Charity, Professor of Law, CUNY School of Law
  214. Neil Gotanda, Professor Emeritus, Western State College of Law
  215. Carl H. Coleman, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Professor of Law, Seton Hall Law School
  216. Faiza Sayed, Assistant Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
  217. Franklin Siegel, Distinguished Lecturer (Retired), CUNY School of Law
  218. Aissatou Barry, Assistant Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
  219. Vijay Raghavan, Associate Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
  220. Louis Raveson, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  221. Chrystin Ondersma, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  222. Sarah Lorr, Assistant Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
  223. Sarah Katz, Clinical Professor of Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law
  224. Gautam Hans, Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Cornell Law School
  225. Eric Franklin Amarante, Associate Professor of Law, University of Tennessee College of Law
  226. Zinaida Miller, Professor of Law & International Affairs, Northeastern University School of Law
  227. Ramsi Woodcock, Associate Professor of Law, University of Kentucky Rosenberg College of Law
  228. David D. Troutt, Distinguished Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School-Newark
  229. Brandon Weiss  Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law
  230. Beth Stephens, Distinguished Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  231. Kathryn Sabbeth, Professor of Law, Rutgers University
  232. Danielle Kie Hart, Professor of Law, Southwestern Law School
  233. Thomas Williams, Assistant Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law
  234. Babe Howell, Professor, CUNY School of Law
  235. Susan Carle, Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law
  236. Robert K Goldman, Professor of Law & Louis C James Scholar, American University Washington College of Law
  237. Alexander A. Boni-Saenz, Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School
  238. James Silk, Binger Clinical Professor of Human Rights, Yale Law School
  239. Maryam Jamshidi, Associate Professor of Law, University of Colorado Law School
  240. Beth G. Schwartz, Clinical Professor of Law Emerita, Fordham University School of Law
  241. Erin M. Carr, Assistant Professor of Law, Seattle University School of Law
  242. Charles R. Lawrence III, Professor of Law, Emeritus, William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawaii
  243. Ande Davis, Teaching Fellow, Washburn University School of Law
  244. Binny Miller, Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Experiential Education, American University, Washington College of Law
  245. Randle DeFalco, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Hawaii at Manoa William S. Richardson School of Law
  246. Jorge Contesse, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  247. Kenneth Lawson, Co-Director, Hawaii Innocence Project, University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law
  248. Adam Davidson, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School
  249. Lydia X. Z. Brown, Lecturer in Disability Studies and Vice Chair of the Disability Rights Bar Association, Georgetown University
  250. Mary Marsh Zulack, Clinical Professor Emerita, Columbia University School of Law
  251. Susan Serrano, Professor of Law, William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawaii at Manoa
  252. Judith Fox, Clinical Professor Emerita, Notre Dame Law School
  253. Allison Tait, Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Faculty, University of Richmond School of Law
  254. Alexander A. Reinert, Max Freund Professor of Litigation and Advocacy, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
  255. Andrea J. Boyack, Floyd R. Gibson Endowed Professor, University of Missouri School of Law
  256. Benjamin Davis, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law
  257. Dara Purvis, Associate Dean of Research and Partnerships and Professor, Penn State Law
  258. Rebecca Redwood French, Roger and Karen Jones Distinguished, Research Faculty and Professor        SUNY Buffalo School of Law
  259. Eric Yamamoto, Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Hawaii Law School
  260. Amy Cohen, Robert J Reinstein Chair in Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law
  261. Kermit Roosevelt, David Berger Professor for the Administration of Justice, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
  262. Ellen Yaroshefsky, Professor of legal Ethics, Hofstra Law School
  263. David Oppenheimer, Clinical Professor of Law, UC Berkeley
  264. Michael Pinard, Francis & Harriet Iglehart Professor of Law, University of Maryland Carey School of Law
  265. Martha R. Mahoney, Professor of Law, University of Miami School of Law
  266. Caitlin Barry, Professor of Law, Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law
  267. Christine Haight Farley, Professor, American University Washington College of Law
  268. Randi Mandelbaum, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  269. Nicole B. Godfrey, Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Michigan State University College of Law
  270. Colleen Campbell, Associate Professor of Law, Hofstra School of Law
  271. Lawrence Sager, Professor of Law, University of Texas School of Law
  272. Carlos Ball, Distinguished Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  273. Donna Nixon, Librarian and Clinical Professor, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
  274. Stacy Caplow, Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
  275. Susan D. Bennett, Professor Emerita of Law, American University Washington College of Law
  276. Anjali Vats, Associate Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh
  277. Florence Wagman Roisman, William F. Harvey Professor of Law and Chancellor's Professor, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
  278. Anita Sinha, Professor of Law, American University
  279. Paula Galowitz, Clinical Professor of Law Emerita, New York University School of Law
  280. Luke Norris, Professor, University of Richmond School of Law
  281. Vincent Southerland, Associate Professor of Clinical Law, NYU School of Law
  282. Ann Eisenberg, Professor of Law, West Virginia University College of Law
  283. Jasbir Bawa, Asst Prof. of Lawyering Skills, Howard University School of Law
  284. Robert S. Chang, Professor of Law and Executive Director, Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality, Seattle University School of Law
  285. Ndjuoh MehChu, Associate Professor of Law, Seton Hall University School of Law
  286. Lisa A. Crooms-Robinson, Professor, Howard University School of Law
  287. Daria Fisher Page, Clinical Professor of Law/Associate Dean of Clinical Programs, University of Iowa College of Law
  288. Stephen Rosenbaum, Frank C. Newman Lecturer, UC, Berkeley School of Law
  289. Cesar F. Rosado Marzan, Edward Carmody Professor of Law, University of Iowa
  290. Audrey G. McFarlane, Professor, University of Baltimore School of Law
  291. Jane M. Spinak, Edward Ross Aranow Clinical Professor of Law Emerita, Columbia Law School
  292. John Capowski, Professor of Law Emeritus, Widener Commonwealth Law School
  293. Adil Haque, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  294. Karen U. Lindell, Senior Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
  295. Aparna Polavarapu, Associate Professor, University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law
  296. Christian Sundquist, Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh School of Law
  297. Kimani Paul-Emile, Professor of Law, Fordham Law School
  298. Alec Walen, Distinguished Professor of Law and Philosophy, Rutgers University
  299. Emily Berman, Professor of Law, University of Houston Law Center
  300. Maurice Dyson, Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School
  301. Gilbert Paul Carrasco, Professor of Law Emeritus, Willamette University College of Law
  302. Yvette Butler, Associate Professor of Law, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
  303. Upendra D Acharya, Professor of Law, Gonzaga University
  304. Barbara O'Brien, Professor, Michigan State University College of Law
  305. Dennis Prieto, Associate Professor and Reference Librarian, Rutgers Law School
  306. Omavi Shukur, Associate Research Scholar, Columbia University
  307. Faisal Kutty, Professor, Southwestern Law School
  308. Mohammad Fadel, Professor of Law, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
  309. Sarah L. Swan, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  310. Evelyn Malavé, Associate Professor of Law, Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University
  311. Shirin Sinnar, Professor of Law, Stanford University
  312. Craig Jackson, Professor of Law, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University
  313. Rachel E. VanLandingham, Irwin R. Buchalter Professor of Law, Southwestern Law School
  314. Jennifer Laws, Senior Lecturer, The University of New Mexico School of Law
  315. Katheryn Russell-Brown, Professor of Law, University of Florida
  316. Dana Lee, Assistant Professor of Law, UCI School of Law
  317. Mark Cammack, Professor of Law, Southwestern Law School
  318. Ata Hindi, Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane Law School
  319. Jennifer Brown, Associate Director, Hawai’i Innocence Project, University of Hawai’i, William S. Richardson School of Law
  320. Nadia Ahmad, Associate Professor of Law, Barry University
  321. Richard Buxbaum, Jackson H. Ralston Professor of International Law (Emeritus), Berkeley Law
  322. Gowri Krishna, Professor of Law, New York Law School
  323. Eileen Kaufman, Professor of Law Emerita, Touro University, Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center
  324. Tomar Pierson-Brown, Assistant Professor of Law, University Pittsburgh School of Law
  325. Guadalupe Luna, Professor Emerita, NIU College of Law
  326. Antonia Eliason, Associate Professor, University of Mississippi School of Law
  327. Elizabeth Berenguer, Associate Professor of Law, Stetson University College of Law
  328. Reena Parikh, Assistant Clinical Professor, Boston College Law School
  329. Vanessa Racehorse, Assistant Professor of Law, University of New Mexico School of Law
  330. LeRoy Pernell, Professor of Law, Florida A&M University College of Law
  331. Maha Ayesh, Director of Experiential Learning and Assistant Professor of Law, Lincoln Memorial University School of Law
  332. Llezlie Green, Professor of Law, Georgetown Law
  333. Seema Saifee, Assistant Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  334. Rob Howse, Lloyd C Nelson Professor of International Law, NYU Law
  335. Claudia Angelos, Clinical Professor of Law, New York University School of Law
  336. Laura Rovner, Professor of Law, University of Denver College of Law
  337. Rene Reyes, Associate Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School
  338. Lawrence Carl Levine, Professor of Law, U. of the Pacific - McGeorge Sch. of Law
  339. Nina Farnia, Assistant Professor of Law, Albany Law School
  340. Darren Hutchinson, Professor & John Lewis Chair for Civil Rights and Social Justice, Emory University School of Law
  341. Marjorie A. Silver, Professor of Law, Touro University Law Center
  342. Leslie Rose, Professor Emerita, Golden Gate University
  343. Erin M. Carr, Assistant Professor of Law, Seattle University School of Law
  344. Wendy B Scott, Professor & Associate Dean Special Projects, Elon University School of Law
  345. Gregory P. Magarian, Thomas and Karole Green Professor of Law, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law
  346. Bijal Shah, Associate Professor of Law, Boston College Law School
  347. Kenneth W. Mack, Lawrence D. Biele Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
  348. Jennifer J. Lee, Associate Professor of Law, Temple Law School
  349. Donna H. Lee, Professor, CUNY School of Law
  350. Yasmin Sokkar Harker, Law Library Professor, CUNY Law
  351. Nermeen Arastu, Associate Professor of Law, CUNY School of Law
  352. Rebecca Scott, Professor of History and Professor of Law, University of Michigan
  353. Anil Kalhan, Professor of Law, Drexel University
  354. Priscilla A. Ocen, Professor of Law, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
  355. Alexi Pfeffer-Gillett, Assistant Professor, Washington and Lee University School of Law
  356. Shauhin Talesh, Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine
  357. Saleema Snow, Professor of Law, University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law
  358. Erika K Wilson, Professor of Law & Wade Edwards Distinguished Scholar, University of North Carolina School of Law
  359. Thalia González, Professor of Law, University of California College of the Law, San Francisco
  360. David M. Forman, Professor of Law, William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
  361. Jamillah Bowman Williams, Professor of Law; Faculty Director, Workers' Rights Institute, Georgetown University
  362. Vishnu Sridharan, Postdoctoral Fellow in Law and Philosophy, University of California, Los Angeles
  363. Lauren van Schilfgaarde, Assistant Professor, UCLA School of Law
  364. Sheila Foster, Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Urban Law; Professor of Public Policy, Georgetown University
  365. Girardeau A Spann, James and Catherine Denny Professor of Law, Georgetown Law
  366. Irene Ten Cate, Associate Professor of Legal Writing, Brooklyn Law School
  367. Sandeep Dhaliwal, Research Scholar & Clinical Teaching Fellow, NYU School of Law
  368. Sherally Munshi, Associate Professor of Law, Georgetown
  369. Karen Pita Loor, Clinical Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law
  370. Daria Roithmayr, Provost Professor of Law, University of Colorado Law School
  371. Etienne C. Toussaint, Associate Professor of Law, University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law
  372. Jon Hanson, Professor of Law, Harvard University
  373. James (Jim) Cavallaro, Visiting Professor, Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs
  374. Janet Halley, Eli Goldston Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
  375. W. David Ball, Professor, Santa Clara University School of Law
  376. Allegra McLeod, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center
  377. Anne Gordon, Clinical Professor of Law , Duke Law School
  378. Ruhan Nagra, Associate Professor of Law, University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law
  379. Thomas E. Kadri, Assistant Professor, University of Georgia School of Law
  380. Hallie Jay Pope, Visiting Associate Professor, S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah
  381. Alina Das, Professor of Clinical Law, New York University School of Law
  382. Avidan Cover, Professor of Law, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
  383. Victoria Sahani, Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law
  384. Tarek Z. Ismail, Associate Professor of Law, CUNY School of Law
  385. Colin Dayan, Professor of English and Professor of Law Emerita, Vanderbilt
  386. Sam Erman, Professor, University of Michigan
  387. Margaret B. Drew, Associate Professor of Law, University of Massachusetts School of Law
  388. Tianna Gibbs, Professor of Law, University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law
  389. Leila Sadat, James Carr Professor of International Criminal Law, Washington University School of Law
  390. Dehlia Umunna, Clinical Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
  391. Constance de la Vega, Professor Emeritus, University of San Francisco
  392. Jason D. Williamson, Adjunct Clinical Faculty Member, New York University School of Law
  393. Michael Karanicolas, Executive Director - Institute for Technology, Law & Policy, UCLA
  394. Matiangai Sirleaf, Nathan Patz Professor of Law, University of Maryland School of Law
  395. Julie Goldscheid, Professor of Law Emeritus, CUNY Law School
  396. Raff Donelson, Associate Professor of Law, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
  397. Katharine Baker, University Distinguished Professor of Law, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
  398. Lua Kamal Yuille, Professor, Northeastern University
  399. Portia Pedro, Associate Professor of Law, Boston University
  400. Carla Laroche, Associate Professor of Law, Tulane Law School
  401. Manoj Mate, Associate Professor of Law, DePaul University College of Law
  402. Marissa Jackson Sow, Associate Professor, University of Richmond School of Law
  403. Monte Mills, Charles I. Stone Professor and Director, Native American Law Center, University of Washington School of Law
  404. Christine Desan, Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
  405. Andrea Curcio, Professor, Georgia State University College of Law
  406. Nyamagaga R. Gondwe, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin Law School
  407. Eric Wright, Professor of Law, Santa Clara University School of Law
  408. Maria C. O’Brien, Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law
  409. John Teeter, Professor of Law, St. Mary's University School of Law
  410. Kathleen (Cookie) Ridolfi, Professor Emeritis, Santa Clara University School of Law
  411. Cynthia Lee, Edward F. Howrey Professor of Law, The George Washington University Law School
  412. Karl Klare, George J. & Kathleen Waters Matthews Distinguished University Professor, Northeastern University School of Law
  413. Martin  Levy, Professor of Law, Thurgood Marshall School of Law
  414. Jared Trujillo, Associate Professor, CUNY School of Law
  415. Philip Alston, John Norton Pomeroy Professor of Law, New York University
  416. Laurel Fletcher, Chancellor's Clinical Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley School of Law
  417. Justin Levitt, Professor of Law, LMU Loyola Law School
  418. Margalynne J. Armstrong, Associate Professor of Law, Santa Clara University School of Law
  419. Jonathan Harris, Associate Professor of Law, LMU Loyola Law School
  420. Ruth Coker, Heck-Faust Memorial Chair in Constitutional Law, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University
  421. Dana Sajsi, Associate Professor, Boston College
  422. Charles I. Auffant, Clinical Professor of Law, Rutgers University School of Law
  423. Carmen Gonzalez, Professor of Law, Loyola University Chicago School of Law
  424. Sacha M. Coupet, Morris I. Leibman Professor of Law, Loyola University Chicago School of Law
  425. Anita Sinha, Professor of Law, AU Washington College of Law
  426. Hannah Demeritt, Clinical Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law
  427. Margaret Burnham, Professor of Law, Northeastern University School of Law
  428. John Torok, Lecturer, Labor and Community Studies, City College of San Francisco
  429. Deborah Archer, Professor of Clinical Law, New York University School of Law
  430. Richard Winchester, Associate Professor of Law, Seton Hall University School of Law
  431. Magaret Satterthwaite, Professor of Clinical Law, NYU School of Law
  432. Leticia Saucedo, Professor of Law, UC Davis
  433. Audra Lyn Savage, Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University School of Law
  434. Jessica Eaglin, Professor of Law, Cornell Law School
  435. Amy Widman, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  436. Linda Bosniak, Distinguished Professor, Rutgers Law School
  437. Joshua Jones, Professor, California Western School of Law
  438. Tonya Brito, Professor, University of Wisconsin Law School
  439. Richard Michael Fischl, Constance Baker Motley Professor of Law, University of Connecticut School of Law
  440. Elise C. Boddie, James V. Campbell Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School
  441. Ediberto Roman, Professor of Law, Florida International University
  442. Luis Muñiz Argüelles, Professor, University of Puerto Rico Law School
  443. Zanita Fenton, Professor of Law, University of Miami School of Law
  444. Eric M. Freedman, Siggi B. Wilzig Distinguished Professor of Constitutional Rights, Hofstra Law School
  445. Tom I. Romero, II, Associate Professor, University of Denver Sturm College of Law
  446. Kevin Brown, Mitchell Willoughby Professor, Joseph Rice School of Law of the University of South Carolina
  447. Juan F. Perea, Professor of Law, Loyola University Chicago
  448. Marcia L. McCormick, Professor of Law, Saint Louis University
  449. Ahilan Arulanantham, Professor from Practice, UCLA School of Law
  450. Nomi Stolzenberg, Professor, USC Gould Law School
  451. Julia Hernandez, Associate Professor, CUNY School of Law
  452. Gloria Valencia-Weber, Professor Emerita, University of New Mexico School of Law
  453. James Tierney, Assistant Professor, Chicago-Kent College of Law
  454. Evelyn Douek, Assistant Professor, Stanford Law School
  455. Laila Hlass, Clinical Professor of Law, Tulane Law School
  456. Christopher Lau , Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin Law School
  457. Julie C. Suk, Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law
  458. Kim Abubakar Ali Forde-Mazrui, Mortimer M. Caplin Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law
  459. Mary Yanik, Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Tulane Law School
  460. Jeannine Bell, Curt & Linda Rodin Professor of Law & Social Justice, Loyola University Chicago School of Law
  461. Deborah Hellman, Professor of Law, University of Virginia
  462. Clare R. Norins, Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Georgia School of Law
  463. Sarah Dadush, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  464. Kim Lane Scheppele, Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton University
  465. Gustavo Ribeiro, Assistant Professor, American University Washington College of Law
  466. Laura Padilla, Professor of Law, California Western School of Law
  467. Jill Engle, Professor of Law, Penn State Law (University Park)
  468. Laura A. Hernandez, Professor of Law, Baylor Law School
  469. Adam Herpolsheimer, Adjunct Professor and Law & Policy Analyst, Temple University Beasley School of Law - Center for Public Health Law Research
  470. Liliana Zaragoza, Associate Professor of Clinical Law & Director, Racial Justice Law Clinic, University of Minnesota
  471. Jennifer Rosen Valverde, Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law, Rutgers U. School of Law
  472. Roxanna Altholz, Clinical Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley School of Law
  473. Bassam Khawaja, Lecturer in Law, Columbia Law School
  474. Bridgette Baldwin, Professor of Law, Western New England University School of Law
  475. Luwam Dirar, Assistant Professor of Law, Western New England School of Law
  476. Naomi Mezey, Agnes Williams Sesquicentennial Professor of Law & Culture, Georgetown Law
  477. Erin Collins, Professor, University of Richmond School of Law
  478. Jasmine Gonzales Rose, Professor, Boston University
  479. Clara Potter, Assistant Clinical Professor of Law, Tulane Law School
  480. Aya Gruber, Harold M. Heimbaugh Professor of Law, USC Gould School of Law
  481. Sandra Babcock, Clinical Professor of Law, Cornell Law School
  482. Aziz Huq, Frank and Bernice J. Professor of Law, University of Chicago
  483. Darrell D. Jackson, Winston Howard Distinguished Professor of Law, University of Wyoming College of Law
  484. Lindsay M. Harris, Professor of Law, University of San Francisco School of Law
  485. Jeremiah Chin, Associate Professor of Law, Seattle University School of Law
  486. Alina Ball, Professor of Law, UC College of the Law, San Francisco
  487. Michael Boucai, Professor of Law, SUNY at Buffalo School of Law
  488. Rachel Godsil, Distinguished Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
  489. Danya Reda, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Massachusetts School of Law
  490. Alexis Karteron, Professor of Clinical Law, New York University School of Law
  491. Jamelia Morgan, Professor of Law, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
  492. Enid Trucios-Haynes, Professor of Law and Co-Director, Human Rights Advocacy Program, Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville
  493. Saira Mohamed, Professor of Law, UC Berkeley School of Law
  494. Cynthia Godsoe, Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
  495. Ann E. Tweedy, Professor, University of South Dakota Knudson School of Law
  496. Rabea Benhalim, Associate Professor of Law, University of Colorado Law School
  497. Richard Thompson Ford, Professor of Law, Stanford Law School
  498. Jonathan Feingold, Associate Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law
  499. Alveena Shah, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh
  500. Julian Hill, Assistant Professor of Law, Georgia State University College of Law
  501. Vinay Harpalani, Professor of Law, University of New Mexico School of Law
  502. David C. Bloomfield, Professor of Education Leadership, Law & Policy, Brooklyn College & The CUNY Graduate Center
  503. Salome Viljoen, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Michigan
  504. Pilar Margarita Hernandez Escontrias, Assistant Professor, Seattle University School of Law
  505. Tyler Rose Clemons, Acting Assistant Professor, NYU School of Law
  506. Miyoko Pettit-Toledo, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa William S. Richardson School of Law
  507. Olympia Duhart, Professor of Law, Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law
  508. Kate Skolnick, Acting Assistant Professor, New York University School of Law
  509. Eleanor Lumsden, Professor of Law, Golden Gate University
  510. James Gray Pope, Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus, Rutgers Law School
  511. Craig Futterman, Clinical Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School
  512. Maritza Reyes, Professor of Law Affiliate, Aoki Center for Critical Race and Nation Studies
  513. Lauren Gilbert, Professor of Law, St. Thomas University Benjamin L. Crump College of Law
  514. Holly S. Cooper, Co-Director Immigration Law Clinic, UC Davis School of Law
  515. Deborah A. Jackson, Managing Director, Center for Law, Equity and Race, Northeastern University School of Law
  516. Jyoti Nanda, Professor of Law, Golden Gate University
  517. Lauren Gilbert, Professor of Law, St. Thomas University Benjamin L Crump College of Law
  518. Brant T. Lee, Professor of Law and Assistant Dean for Diversity and Social Justice Initiatives, University of Akron School of Law
  519. Mark A. Graber, Regents Professor, University of Maryland Carey School of Law
  520. Addie Rolnick, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Professor of Law, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law
  521. Lynn Mather, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor Emerita, University at Buffalo School of Law
  522. Pratheepan Gulasekaram, Provost Professor of Law, University of Colorado Law School
  523. Jessie Allen, Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh
  524. Mia Montoya Hammersley, Assistant Professor of Law and Environmental Justice Clinic Director, Vermont Law & Graduate School
  525. Charlton C. Copeland, Professor of Law, University of Miami Law School
  526. Marguerite Butler, Assoc. Professor, Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law
  527. Mae C. Quinn, Professor of Law + Visiting Professor, Penn State Dickinson + University of Iowa
  528. Peter M. Shane, Jacob E. Davis and Jacob E. Davis II Chair in Law Emeritus, Ohio State University
  529. Juliet Stumpf, Edmund O. Belsheim Professor of Law, Lewis & Clark Law School
  530. Anne Coughlin, Lewis F. Powell, Jr., Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law
  531. Kelly K. Gillespie, Professor of Law, Saint Louis University
  532. Bela August Walker, Adjunct Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School (Newark)
  533. James Wilets, Professor of Law; Associate Dean, Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law
  534. Judith A.M. Scully, Professor of Law, Stetson Law School
  535. John H. Blume, Samuel F. Leibowitz Professor of Trial Techniques, Cornell Law School
  536. Alexi Freeman, Assoc. Dean of DEI; Professor of the Practice, University of Denver Sturm College of Law

* Affiliations noted for identification purposes only. The views expressed in this letter should not be attributed to any of the noted institutions.

** Please direct all media inquiries to Athena Mutua.

[1] See Committee on Education and Workforce, Letter to Dr. Holloway, Mr. Best, Dr. Conway, Dr. Cantor, and Dr. Tillis (March 27, 2024), https://edworkforce.house.gov/uploadedfiles/rutgers_letter_final.pdf.

[2] See Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans, Letter to Rutgers University President Holloway and Chairman Best (Feb. 6, 2024), https://www.kennedy.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/f/e/fee9448a-710d-45b5-9af1-5134826c0229/E8B1894AB80ABA009C5A19E8B4670F44.sjc-republicans-to-rutgers-020624.pdf.

[3] Mitchel McConnell, Freedoms of Speech and Association Are Bedrock American Liberties (July 19, 2022), https://www.republicanleader.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/mcconnell-freedoms-of-speech-and-association-are-bedrock-american-liberties.  

[4] U.S. Const. amend. 1.  Rutgers Law School has fourteen academic centers of which the Center for Security, Race and Rights is one. https://law.rutgers.edu/academic-centers-and-institutes 

[5] Shelton v. Tucker, 364 U.S. 479, 487 (1960).

[6] The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, About Us, https://www.thefire.org/about-us (last visited Apr. 5, 2024) (self-identifying as a “leading defender of fundamental rights on college campuses”).

[7] The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, Academic Freedom, https://www.thefire.org/defending-your-rights/academic-freedom (last visited Apr. 5, 2024)

[8] Keyishian v. Board of Regents, 385 U.S. 589, 603 (1967). See also Sweezy v. New Hampshire, 354 U.S. 234, 250 (1957) (“Scholarship cannot flourish in an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust. Teachers and students must always remain free to inquire, to study and to evaluate, to gain new maturity and understanding; otherwise, our civilization will stagnate and die.”).

[9] Committee on Education and Workforce, Letter to Dr. Holloway, Mr. Best, Dr. Conway, Dr. Cantor, and Dr. Tillis (March 27, 2024), https://edworkforce.house.gov/uploadedfiles/rutgers_letter_final.pdf.

[10] Center for Security, Race and Rights, Why We Exist, https://csrr.rutgers.edu/ (last visited Apr. 5, 2024).

[11] All of the lectures hosted by the Center for Security, Race and Rights are available on its YouTube Channel, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEbUfYcWGZapBNYvCObiCpp3qtxgH_jFy.

[12] Todd Wolfson & Bryan Sacks, Rutgers AAUP-AFT, Letter to Senator Graham and Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee (Feb. 20, 2024), at 1.

[13] Id. at 2. See also Punishing Atrocities and Fair Trials: From Nuremberg to Global Terrorism (featuring Professor Jonathan Hafetz), in Humanizing ‘the Other’ Lecture Series, Rutgers Center for Security, Race and Rights (Sept. 13, 2023), https://youtu.be/52wrJL8Dioo?si=_GPlx1h073qzJdp4.

[14] Committee on Education and Workforce, Letter to Dr. Holloway, Mr. Best, Dr. Conway, Dr. Cantor, and Dr. Tillis (March 27, 2024).

[15] Id.

[16] Mitchell Plitnick and Sahar Aziz, Presumptively Antisemitic: Islamophobic Tropes in the Palestine-Israel Discourse, Rutgers Center for Security, Race and Rights, (2023), https://csrr.rutgers.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/csrr-presumptively-antisemitic-report.pdf.

[17] Rutgers Law School, Sahar Aziz, https://law.rutgers.edu/directory/view/8277 (last visited Apr. 5, 2024).

[18] Sahar Aziz, The Racial Muslim: When Racism Quashes Religious Freedom (University of California 2021).

[19] Ronald J. Daniels, Why Authoritarian Regimes Attack Independent Universities, Washington Post (Sept. 28, 2021), https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/09/28/why-authoritarian-regimes-attack-independent-universities/.

[20] Id.

[21] Id.

[22] Virginia Foxx, Dems’ totalitarian overreach threatens Americans’ livelihood, Washington Times (Sept. 13, 2021), https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/sep/13/democrats-totalitarian-overreach-threatens-america/.

[23] Virginia Foxx, How to fight critical race theory, other dubious ideologies and end student indoctrination, Fox News (June 16, 2021), https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/critical-race-theory-ideologies-student-indoctrination-rep-virginia-foxx.