Earth Tourism

Aliens (of your choice) have, surprisingly, begun flocking to Earth as tourists. Write about an Earth hotel popular with xeno visitors.

Scenario and Character suggestions (explore as many or as few as you like, and feel free to mix and match):

  • Medical tourism
  • An elderly Venlil retiring to the exotic locale of Earth because the lower gravity will be easier on their knees
  • A neurodivergent xeno going to Earth in the hopes of receiving actual psychiatric care
  • Ecological tourism
  • An Arxur visiting to do some real, trophy hunting
  • A former Fed interested in seeing what a real, non-exterminated eco-system looks like
  • Cultural tourism
  • A member of the omnivore species that the Kolshians ‘gentled’ (such as Gojid, Krakotl, etc) visits Earth to see what an omnivore species that hasn’t been tampered with looks like
  • An Arxur wants to spend time in a predator culture that hasn’t been reduced to cruelty, vengeance and subsistence.
  • A cheap vacation
  • A greed-driven Nevok or Fissan who originally wanted to go somewhere else but got massively discounted tickets to Earth
  • A Venlil or Gojid who had done their best to stay away from the predators, but really needed a vacation and just couldn’t afford any of the desirable locations ends up visiting Earth