What are the changes needed in this world that will give everyone a seat at the table?

by Scotty draft 1 started Feb 2, 2022

There is no right or wrong answer to our problems or the solutions. My goal is simple:

 to start a discussion that will influence others and the collective unconscious that connects every person on this Earth.


What I AM suggesting is based on a suggestion in re: How to influence the youth to instill the ability to see things as they are and realize that when they grow up they will be able to change things. The question I asked the kids:

 What changes in the world do you see are needed?

It doesn't take skills or anything to make positive changes in this world. All it takes is a desire, if the desire is honorable and based on Truth, it will gain momentum all its own. The movie: 'Pay it Forward' reflects how positive changes world wide all start with the honorable intentions of a child.I realize I can't do it all or even have a clue on how to solve the world's problems but I know deep in my heart when a bunch of good people who put their minds to a task nothing is impossible.  Don’t be shy, submit your ideas or idea on the changes needed in our world that will give everyone a seat at the table???


Pick a square and add what things you feel need changed.  

Politics - Reverse Citizens United that gave Corporations the ability to influence politicians with unlimited monetary funds.

Education System- Critical Race Theory should not be taught to children

Term Limits for Politicians at every level of Government

I actually wrote to our curriculum board a couple of years ago about all of this. Go back to basics - identify areas of natural skill and interest and develop learning to suit. The one size fits all math, science, English is stifling.

why not tax breaks for those who do the right thing as well.  like businesses who have a green roof?

Education system: So much wasted time and brain power learning things that will never be used…

Will still need schooling depending on vocation, but certainly not one size fits all.

Children learn by living, experiencing, observing. Maybe small classes for specific skills

home school

bring back Art Classes and Music Classes for the kids in school. Let their creative juices flow instead of stifle them.

stop putting fluoride in the city water supplies?

How about a new law: a garden in the front yard is ok, instead of penalizing people for them?

Enough demonizing the herb- marijuana

Stop the chlorine and fluoride in the water supply

Lateral thinking

In particular, we urgently need to remind children how to read again.


non-monetary rewards

Big Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex are totally out of control.

WATCH THE VIDEO Dr. Jane Ruby - WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC - Stop Getting Vaccinated IMMEDIATELY - SHOCK Images - https://go.shr.lc/3Cfs2iE

When someone brings negativity don’t pass it on. Make someone smile every day. = one person changing the world.

A common understanding of our spiritual nature as beings of light, infinite,eternal,multidimensional. #One with all creation