World of Warships captain builds


Please read the notes below the builds to avoid confusion. If you are looking for a specific ship, ctrl+F it. If you can’t find it, look harder or contact one of the authors.

The numbers on the skills indicate the recommended pick order. We strongly recommend that you strictly stick to the pick order of at least the first 5 skills.

If you are levelling a cruiser captain from the bottom of the branch upwards and the build includes both AR and SI, you should pick AR as your 3rd skill instead of 5th as marked in the priority order. Exceptions being any cruiser branch that gets access to Repair at the lower tiers.

For a better viewing experience, uncheck the Print layout option in the View tab. Also enable the navigation bar for increased ease of use.

Skills recommended by WG’s in-game system are indicated by the yellow triangle in the bottom left of the skill icon and are most of the time not optimal.

Skill names, if changed, are sometimes still referred to by their old(er) names because we are lazy and many players refer to skills by their old names/abbreviations.

If you have builds of your own you would like to discuss or add, please contact us on discord: yurra, yuzorah, seraphice_

These builds are intended for random battles. Competitive builds may differ greatly and will likely depend on what your FC wants you to have on your ships. The screenshots used for the builds are from the WoWs ShipBuilder app: 

The Help Me discord server: 

Document by Yurra (EU server).

Contributors: Yuzorah, Seraphice, REEEdamel, dmc531, Takru, Bazinga_Flux, QuagsireOfThePond, SriverFX, USS_Juneau, Gitaristing, Trackpad, xSolitude, LeAzur, p0int, Angelstone

Change log

  • Update 8.11.2024: Made significant changes to the Document. There may, however, be more minor changes in the coming days.
  • Changed the IJN gunboat DDs standard build, Hayate, IJN torpedoboat DDs, VMF DPS DDs, VMF universal-type DDs, KM universal-type DDs, Z-42, Druid standard build, FR gunboat DDs standard and damage builds, Kleber LM build, Marceau, Smaland, Vampire, Tromp, IJN CAs, IJN CLs, USN CLs, Battlecruiser build, RN CLs, Plymouth, FR CAs, Colbert, FR BCs, NL CAs, PA CLS, PAm CLs, IJN BBs, USN fast BBs standard and damage builds, Montana LM build, USN super-dreadnought BBs, USN hybrid BBs, Ohio alternative build, Wisconsin, Thunderer, RN BBs tank and damage builds, Slava, VMF BBs, KM BBS tank and secondary build, Mecklenburg, Bourgogne, FR BBs, IT BBs,
  • Separated torpedoboat and alternative USN and EU DD builds. Made a separate farming build for VMF DPS DDs. Separated the Traditional CL build into dedicated builds for each branch and premium ship previously encompassed under it. Separated RN BCs into a standard and damage build. Unified Bourgogne and FR BB builds.
  • Added Ognevoi, Z-52 LM, Svea, Hildebrand, Pan-American BBs, Victoria builds.
  • Changed notes for most builds. Added Brennus to the FR BC build, Almirante Oquendo to the ES CA build, Tennessee to the USN super-dreadnought BB build
  • Removed Harugumo farming build, Z-42 range build, IJN CAs damage build, IJN CLs damage build, Worcester AA build, VMF BBs damage build.
  • Update 9.11.2024: Fixed a mistake in the VMF universal-type DDs build. Changed Kidd, Fenyang, Loyang builds.
  • Update 11.11.2024: Fixed mistakes with Harugumo LM build and Pan-American BB build.
  • Update 22.11.2024: Added additional clarification in the Harugumo LM build notes and fixed a mistake. Changed KM universal-type DDs contesting build and Dalarna gun build. Slightly changed EU gunboat DD notes. Corrected a mistake in the KM CA and Pan-American CL build notes.
  • Update 28.11.2024: Edited IJN CAs, KM universal-type DDs and Z-42 build notes for better clarity. Added La Pampa, Georg Hoffmann, Prins van Oranje and Shinano.
  • Update 6.12.2024: Added Archerfish build.
  • Update 7.12.2024: Fixed a mistake in the battlecruiser build notes.
  • Update 10.12.2024: Fixed a mistake in the Archerfish build.
  • Update 27.12.2024: Added Kalmar to the EU DD torpedo build, Added Lugdunum and Niord builds.
  • Update 2.1.2025: Added Nueve de Julio, Z-44 and Jäger builds.
  • Update 26.1.2025: Added Gremyashchy to the VMF DPS DD standard build. Added Gallant/Jurua, Rio de Janeiro, Teng She, Theseus and NL CL builds.


EM/GtG - Grease the Gears, formerly known as Expert Marksman

PM - Preventive Maintenance

GF/EL - Gun Feeder, formerly known as Expert Loader

IFA - Incoming Fire Alert

ERS - Emergency Repair Specialist

FFT - Focus Fire Training

HAP/SHAP - (Super)Heavy AP shells, different names depending on ship type.

HHE/HSAP - Heavy HE/SAP shells
PT - Priority Target

LS - Last Stand

BFT - Main Battery and AA Specialist, formerly known as Basic Firing Training

AFT - Main Battery and AA Expert for DDs and Long-Range Secondary Battery for BBs, formerly known as Advanced Firing Training

TAE - Fill the Tubes, formerly known as Torpedo Armament Expert

PaP - Pack a Punch

AR - Adrenaline Rush

IFHE - Inertia Fuse for High Explosive shells

SE - Survivability Expert

SI - Superintendent

BoS - Basics of Survivability

IRPR - Improved Repair Party Readiness

SiS - Swift in Silence

RPF - Radio Location, formerly known as Radio Position Finding

FB - Fearless Brawler

CE - Concealment Expert

TGG - Top Grade Gunner

CQC - Close Quarters Combat
MS - Improved Secondary Battery Aiming, formerly known as Manual Secondaries

FP - Fire Prevention

ERE - Emergency Repair Expert

LG - Last Gasp

IEB - Improved Engine Boost

ET - Engine Technician

AS - Air Supremacy

IE - Improved Engines

TB - Torpedo Bomber

RS - Repair Specialist

SS - Sight Stabilization

AA - Aircraft Armor

BFC - Bomber Flight Control

PF - Proximity Fuse

EAA - Enhanced Aircraft Armor

Tech tree branches, analogous premiums and T10 ships


IJN gunboat DDs

Standard build

  • This is a general purpose build that allows IJN gunboats to both support friendly DDs in cap contests, as well as allowing them to deal substantial amounts of damage to larger enemy ships
  • You may swap Consumable Specialist for IFA or GtG.
  • If you want even more firepower at the expense of risking your engine and rudder, swap LS for DE.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • A Suzuki captain is a decent option for all IJN DDs due to his improved SE skill.
  • Applies to Harekaze, Akizuki, Kitakaze and Harugumo.


LM build

  • This build is centred around Harugumo’s unique/legendary upgrade (a.k.a legmod). It lets you gain more smoke uptime for more effective damage output, but you lose some concealment and thus lose out on DD fighting potential. Make sure you combine the legmod with the smoke generator upgrade and the smoke flag. ALso note that this build works best when coordinating with clan or division mates, and may not yield you the best resultsi n randoms.
  • A Suzuki captain is a decent option for all IJN DDs due to his improved SE skill.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP. If you don’t have the Smoke mod, use ASM1.


  • This is a general purpose build that allows Hayate to both support friendly DDs in cap contests, as well as deal reasonable amounts of damage to larger ships.
  • If you feel like you could use some extra gun range, swap FB for AFT.
  • A Suzuki captain is a decent option for all IJN DDs due to his improved SE skill.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.

IJN torpedoboat DDs

  • This is a general purpose build that allows IJN torpedoboat DDs to contest caps using their concealment, as well as deal large amounts of damage with torpedoes.
  • Make sure you use the Type 93 mod 3 torpedoes on Shimakaze and Yamagiri, as they are the best general-purpose torpedoes. If you’re feeling cocky, you may use the Type F3 torpedoes, but you will have to adopt a risky style of gameplay.
  • You can swap RPF for Swift in Silence if you find yourself repositioning often and/or not getting much use from RPF. You can also drop RPF and Liquidator and get BFT and Swift Fish if you want to put more emphasis on self-defence.
  • If you feel like IJN DDs’ turrets traverse too slowly for your taste, you can pick GTG instead of Consumable Specialist.
  • A Suzuki captain is a decent option for all IJN DDs due to his improved SE skill.
  • The legendary upgrade for the Shimakaze is highly recommended, and does not change the build or the playstyle in any significant way.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Umikaze, Wakatake, Tachibana, Isokaze, Mutsuki, Minekaze, Kamikaze, Fujin, Fubuki, Hatsuharu, Shinonome, Akatsuki, Shiratsuyu, Yuudachi, Kagero, Yukikaze, Asashio, Yugumo, Minegumo, Shimakaze and Yamagiri.


Standard build

  • This is a general purpose build that puts emphasis on both USN DDs’ weapon systems, allowing them to both contest caps reasonably well and deal damage to larger ships.
  • Ovechkin is a good captain for all USN DDs because of his improved SE skill.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Sampson, Wickes, Smith, Clemson, Nicholas, Hill, Farragut, Mahan, Sims, Benson, Fletcher, Gearing, Joshua Humphreys.


Torpedo build

  • This is a build that puts emphasis on the High tier USN DDs’ strong torpedoes, which reduces their cap contesting ability, but improves their damage output against larger ships.
  • Gearing’s legendary upgrade is especially good with this build.
  • Ovechkin is a good captain for all USN DDs because of his improved SE skill.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Monaghan, Fletcher, Benham, Gearing, Somers and Joshua Humphreys.

Forrest Sherman

  • This build allows Sherman to support friendly DDs in cap contests, gives her a reasonable chance of fighting stealthier enemy DDs, and allows her to deal good amounts of damage.
  • If you find yourself lacking the 3rd smoke charge very often, prioritise SI over AR.
  • You may replace SI with BFT if you don’t find yourself using the 3rd smoke charge often.
  • If you really lack the extra range, swap reload for range mod until you get enough points for AFT.
  • Ovechkin is a good captain for all USN DDs because of his improved SE skill.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.

VMF (Soviet) DPS DDs

Standard build

  • This is more of a traditional build that allows you to both support friendly DDs contesting objectives as well as farming damage off large enemy ships. This build is ideal for T2-7 DDs before the branch splits because their concealment is competitive with that of other universal-type DDs.
  • If you're using the Repair on the high tier DDs, you may swap BFT for SI.
  • Ovechkin is a good captain for all VMF DDs because of his improved SE skill.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Storozhevoi, Izyaslav, Derzki, Podvoisky, Okhotnik, Gnevny, Gremyashchy, Minsk, Leningrad, Kiev, Tashkent, Delny, Khabarovsk and Zorkiy.

VMF DDs DPS branch

Damage build

  • This build gives up all concealment in favor of maneuverability, and is optimised for dealing maximum amounts of damage to large enemy ships.
  • Ovechkin is a good captain for all VMF DDs because of his improved SE skill.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Delny, Khabarovsk and Zorkiy. You can also use this on Kiev and Tashkent, but your game impact may suffer as a result.

VMF universal-type DDs

  • This build is a standard build that allows Grozovoi to both contest objectives and deal damage to large enemy ships, and for Udaloi to both deal damage and support friendly DDs contesting. This build is suboptimal for Ognevoi, but you can use it if you don’t feel like retraining your captain when moving over to Udaloi
  • If you feel like you don’t need the extra range for gunboating and dealing damage, swap AFT for BFT, drop CS and spec into Consumable Expert with the leftover 2 points.
  • For a full farming build, which is suboptimal for game impact, you can give up CE for FB.
  • Using the legendary upgrade on Grozovoi is highly recommended.
  • Ovechkin is a good captain for all VMF DDs because of his improved SE skill.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.


  • Ognevoi is a torpedoboat, so her optimal build is different from the rest of the branch. This build gives her optimal balance of the ability to contest objectives and deal damage with torps.
  • Ovechkin is a good captain for all VMF DDs because of his improved SE skill.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.

KM (German) universal-type DDs

Contesting build

  • This build maximises German DDs’ hydro + smoke combo in order to win games by controlling objectives.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP. Note: the Hydro mod is not used because it increases the desync between the smoke and hydro action time and cooldown, which is something you don’t want, so you are better off having more engine boost uptime for better dodging and repositioning.
  • Applies to V-25, G-101, V-170, T-22, Gaede, T-61, Maass, Z-39, Z-23, Z-35, Z-46 and Z-52.

KM universal-type DDs

Balanced build

  • This build makes use of KM DDs’ decent ballistics and high HE pen in order to enable them to deal more damage to larger enemy ships, while retaining their great contesting ability.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • Jütland is decent for this build because of his improved Consumable Specialist skill.


LM build

  • This build makes use of Z-52’s legendary upgrade in order to allow her maximum effectiveness with torpedoes.
  • For those wondering, the Engine boost mod is preferred to the Hydro mod because extending your hydro duration increases the desync between your smoke and hydro duration and cooldown, while Engine boost mod lets you dodge enemy fire and move quicker for a longer time. If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • Jütland is decent for this build because of his improved Consumable Specialist skill.


  • This build allows Z-42 to strike an optimal balance of contesting objectives and farming larger ships.
  • For those wondering, the Engine boost mod is preferred to the Hydro mod because extending your hydro duration increases the desync between your smoke and hydro duration and cooldown, while Engine boost mod lets you dodge enemy fire and move quicker for a longer time. If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.

KM gunboat DDs

Standard build

  • This build allows KM gunboat DDs to both support friendly DDs contesting objectives, as well as farm damage off large ships.
  • Considering the vast majority of German gunboat DDs’ damage comes from AP, HAP is preferred to BFT (7.5% AP DPM and alpha damage bonus vs 5.5% DPM bonus)
  • If you’re making a dedicated captain for Z-31 or Maerker, BFT is an option instead of AFT. You can put the leftover point into IFA or drop EL and pick DE or PT.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Z-31, Maerker, Schultz and Elbing.


Farming build

  • This build gives up any semblance of concealment in order to gain maximum damage output.
  • For Schultz, and Elbing if you don’t have the legendary upgrade, use MBM3 in slot 6.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to F. Schultz and Elbing.

Georg Hoffmann

  • This build puts emphasis on Hoffmann’s main strength, which is her guns.
  • For those wondering, the Engine boost mod is preferred to the Hydro mod because extending your hydro duration increases the desync between your smoke and hydro duration and cooldown, while Engine boost mod lets you dodge enemy fire and move quicker for a longer time. If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.

RN (British) DDs

  • This build enables RN DDs to fight over objectives and deal some damage to larger ships.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Medea, Valkyrie, Wakeful, Acasta, Icarus, Jervis, Lightning, Cossack, Jutland, Somme and Daring.


Standard build

  • This build is optimised for farming damage off large ships from a safe distance, while still allowing you to fight enemy DDs and support friendly DDs to some extent.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.
  • Dunkirk is decent for this ship duet to his improved Consumable Specialist skill.


Damage build

  • This build gives up range for maxing out on firepower in a reasonable way, but as it gives up range it requires a more skilled player and is less safe of a build.
  • If you still feel like you’re not getting much use out of having extra conceal, pick AFT or Fearless Brawler instead.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.

FR gunboat DDs

Standard build

  • This build focuses on maxing out concealment and rate of fire in order to have the best chances of catching enemy DDs, capping unguarded caps and torping enemies pushing towards you.
  • You can swap BFT+CS for AFT if you want to put more emphasis on long-range farming.
  • Honore is a decent captain because of his improved AR skill. Auboyneau is also good because of his improved SE skill and the capture talent.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP (it’s practically mandatory).
  • Applies to Enseigne Gabolde, Fusilier, Bourrasque, Jaguar, Siroco, Guépard, Aigle, Vauquelin, Le Fantasque, Le Terrible, Mogador, Kléber

Kléber, Mogador

Damage build

  • This build aims to increase your damage output as much as possible, giving up almost any semblance of objective control. Beware, this build is not optimised for winning games.
  • If you want to farm and dodge even harder, drop conceal mod for steering.
  • Honore is a decent captain because of his improved AR skill. Auboyneau is also good because of his improved SE skill and the capture talent.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP (it’s practically mandatory).


LM build

  • This build is centered around Kleber’s unique/Legendary upgrade. You will be firing your guns very seldom, and it is all about repositioning as quickly as possible to wherever you’re needed.
  • Honore is a decent captain because of his improved AR skill. Auboyneau is also good because of his improved SE skill and the capture talent.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP (it’s practically mandatory).


  • This build allows Marceau to have both good damage output, as well as allowing for some objective play.
  • You can also use this build on Mogador and Kleber.
  • Honore is a decent captain because of his improved AR skill. Auboyneau is also good because of his improved SE skill and the capture talent.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP (it’s practically mandatory).

FR torpedoboat DDs

  • This build focuses on the main strength of these DDs, which is their torpedoes, while retaining some ability for self-defence.
  • Honore is a decent captain because of his improved AR skill. Auboyneau is also good because of his improved SE skill and the capture talent.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP (it’s practically mandatory).
  • Applies to L’Adroit, Duchaffault, Le Hardi, L’Aventurier, Orage and Cassard.


  • This build focuses on the main strength of these DDs, which is their torpedoes, while retaining some ability for self-defence.
  • Rong is a decent captain because of his improved SE skill. Sa Zhenbing is also good because of his improved Consumable Expert skill and the torpedo talent.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP
  • Applies to Longjiang, Phra Ruang, Jianwei, Shenyang, Fushun, Gadjah Mada, Hsienyang, Chung Mu, Yueyang, Kunming


  • This build makes the most of Lushun’s great firepower and decent concealment, allowing you to both contest objectives and farm damage.
  • If you think you don’t need the extra range on your mian guns (which is highly recommended due to this ship’s low top speed and large size), swap AFT for BFT and CS.
  • If you don’t feel comfortable with only 3 Repairs (which are already really strong and you will rarely need more than 3), you can swap either of the 4 point gun skills for SI and CS.
  • Rong is a decent captain because of his improved SE skill.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, equip ERP.

EU torpedoboat DDs

Standard build

  • This build gives EU DDs a good balance of gun and torpedo power, allowing them to both fight for objectives and threaten larger ships.
  • Swirski is a decent captain because of his improved AR skill and the torpedo talent.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, equip ERP.
  • Applies to Tatra, Romulus, Klas Horn, Visby, Vasteras, Skane, Öland, Östergötland, Halland and Dalarna.

EU torpedoboat DDs

Torpedo build

  • This build maximises EU DDs’ torpedo power, making large enemy ships their primary targets.
  • Swirski is a decent captain because of his improved AR skill and the torpedo talent.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, equip ERP.
  • Applies to Tatra, Romulus, Klas Horn, Visby, Kalmar, Västerås, Skåne, Öland, Östergötland, Halland and Dalarna.


Gun build

  • Dalarna had pretty decent guns by default, which allows for a gun build. This build is best played around objectives, fighting enemy DDs and farming damage off large enemy ships.
  • Swirski is a decent captain because of his improved AR skill and the torpedo talent.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, equip ERP.


LM build

  • The legendary upgrade is tailored to turn Halland into a relatively tanky hybrid DD, which this build tries to get the most out of. This build is best played when fighting over objectives and farming damage on large enemy ships. Do note that SI is not recommended simply because you will rarely get to use all 5 repairs on a DD.
  • Swirski is a decent captain because of his improved AR skill and the torpedo talent.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.

EU DDs gunboat branch

  • This build allows EU DDs to have good objective control in random battles, while also allowing them to use their awesome firepower against larger enemy ships.
  • You can pick SI instead of the consumable buffing skills or BFT if you think you need more charges of radar and engine boost.
  • Swirski is a decent captain because of his improved AR skill and the torpedo talent.
  • If you don’t have the Radar mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Muavenet, Stord, Grom, Split, Lambros Katsonis and Gdansk.


  • This is a balanced build that allows Småland both good objective control, as well as some damage farming capabilities.
  • Småland has lots of build options which I will cover here instead of making a dedicated build for each and bloating this document:
  • If you want to maximise your damage output, you can drop CE for BFT+CS and still keep your stealth radar (6.8 km conceal vs 7,5 km radar).
  • If you want to max out on objective control, drop AFT for RPF and engine boost mod for radar mod.
  • If you want to max out on survivability, drop either AFT or FB for SI+CS.
  • If you want to max out on close range fighting potential while sacrificing range, drop AFT for BFT+CS
  • Swirski is a good captain because of the improved AR and the torpedo talent.
  • If you don’t have the Radar mod, use ERP.


  • This is a balanced build that allows Ragnar both good objective control, as well as some damage farming capabilities.
  • If you need the extra range and don’t have enough points for AFT, swap reload for range mod.
  • Swirski is a good captain because of the improved AR skill.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP


  • This build puts emphasis on IT DDs’ great firepower and compensates for their inherent lack of gun range.
  • If you're making a dedicated build for the low tiers, you might want to consider swapping FB for SI due to the low amount of smoke and engine boost charges.
  • Make sure to use the smoke flag if you have any to spare.
  • Sansonetti is a very good captain for these DDs due to the ability to extend their very short range with his talent, and the ease of proccing his consumable talent with shells hits. Ignore his improved skills because they don’t make your ship any better than the optimal build with a standard captain.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Curtatone, Nazario Sauro, Turbine, Maestrale, Aviere, Luca Tarigo, Vittorio Cuniberti, Adriatico, Paolo Emilio and Attilio Regolo.

Vampire II

  • This build puts emphasis on Vampire’s consumables and guns, allowing her great objective control.
  • You can drop the 2 pt skills for RPF if you want to focus on hunting enemy DDs. In which case you can share the build with Haida.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP. If you don’t have the Smoke mod, use ASM1.


  • If you don’t feel like you need the extra engine boost from SI, feel free to swap it for BFT.
  • If you feel like you’re not getting enough out of the airstrike upgrade, swap it for the propulsion upgrade.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.

Álvaro de Bazán

  • This build allows you to both deal good amounts of damage and play around objectives.
  • If you feel like you lack range, replace BFT + EM with AFT.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.

La Pampa

  • This build focuses on buffing La Pampa’s torpedoes and consumables.
  • If you think you struggle in encounters with enemy DDs, you can swap FTT and Consumable Expert for RPF and CS.
  • Lisboa is a decent captain due to his improved SE skill and his Combat Instructions talent.



  • This build allows IJN CAs to support DDs in contesting objectives, as well as use their torps for area denial against enemy ships pushing towards you.
  • Make sure you use the 12 km range torpedoes (Type 93 mod 3), not the 8 km ones.
  • You may swap PT for LS on cruisers lower than Zao as they tend to lose their steering gears to even cruiser calibre HE.
  • You can use Suzuki for his improved SE skill.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, or when it’s not applicable, use MAM1. If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Chikuma, Tenryu, Kuma, Furutaka, Aoba, Myoko and ARP clones, Atago, ARP Takao, Mogami, Ibuki and Zao.


  • This build puts emphasis on both of the IJN CLs’ weapon systems in order to maximise damage output in a reasonable way.
  • Given the rather large size of the high tier ships, their above average HP pool, subpar agility and concealment that is too good for the firing range she has, swapping Conceal mod for Steering mod 2 is an option.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Yahagi, Agano, Gokase, Omono, Shimanto, Takahashi and Yodo.


Standard build

  • This build is for players who don’t feel comfortable with giving up concealment.
  • Using the 20km torps on Yoshino is the preferred option simply because you’re playing at mid to long range most of the time, and they can be solid for area denial or hitting the occasional unexpected torp on unsuspecting enemy BBs.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1. If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.
  • Also applies to Azuma.


Damage build

  • This build maximises damage output from all of Yoshino’s weapon systems, completely giving up on concealment. You will have to play from a longer range compared to the standard build, and won’t be able to control your engagements as well.
  • If you are not comfortable with having such a huge detection range, swap the steering upgrade for the concealment upgrade.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1. If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.


  • If you feel like you don’t have enough consumable charges, swap the consumable skills for SI.


  • This build is optimised for maximum game impact by using your radar and fighting enemy ships at medium and close range.
  • The legendary upgrade is highly recommended for Des Moines and should be one of your top priorities. It pushes DM to a whole new level.
  • Make sure you run hydro on Salem, not radar.
  • Exceptions: Anchorage should use the spotter plane consumable and upgrade.
  • Both Doe brothers and Halsey are very good captains for USN CAs, both due to their improved skills, and talents. See here for a ship priority list for this captain.
  • In case a ship doesn’t have radar or you don’t have the Radar mod, use ERP or Hydro mod in slot 2.
  • Applies to Pensacola, New Orleans, Indianapolis, Baltimore, Wichita,  Anchorage, Rochester, Buffalo, Tulsa, Des Moines, Salem and Annapolis.


Damage build

  • This build puts maximum emphasis on Salem’s damage output, which is made possible by her improved Specialized Repair Teams consumable. You won’t be able to control your engagements as well as with the standard build.
  • Make sure you run hydro, not radar.
  • Both Doe brothers and Halsey are very good captains for USN CAs, both due to their improved skills, and Halsey’s talents.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.


  • This build is optimised for maximum game impact by using your radar and fighting enemy ships at medium and close range.
  • If you are making a dedicated build for tier 6 and 7 CLs, use IFHE instead of TGG, and replace Consumable Expert with DE.
  • Both Doe brothers and Halsey are very good captains for USN CLs, both due to their improved skills, and Halsey’s talents.
  • In case a ship doesn’t have radar or you don’t have the Radar mod, use ERP or Hydro mod in slot 2.
  • Applies to Chester, St. Louis, Charleston, Phoenix, Omaha, Marblehead, Dallas, Helena, Boise, Cleveland, AL Montpelier, Seattle, Worcester and Jacksonville.

Belfast ‘43, Belfast, Irian,, Duca d’Aosta and Duca degli Abruzzi.


LM build

  • This build is tailored around Worcester’s legendary upgrade and does not work otherwise. Its main selling point is increased AA power and survivability at the expense of damage output, but it doesn’t change the default playstyle all that much.
  • If you don’t have the Radar mod, use ERP.


  • This build is tailored around the usage of Austin’s reload booster and massive firepower.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.

Battlecruiser build

  • This build applies to most battlecruisers (sometimes referred to as “big” or “large” cruisers) which have similar characteristics across the board (great ranged firepower, strong AP shells, high survivability).
  • Do note that the German battlecruisers can’t mount radar mod and should mount ERP or hydro mod instead.
  • Znamensky is a good captain on Soviet battlecruisers because of the improved GtG skill. USN battlecruisers should be using one of the Doe brothers or Halsey as their captain due to greatly benefiting from improved EL and GtG.
  • If you’re training a dedicated captain for Tallinn, swap HAP for SE because HAP will not work on that ship due to calibre constraints.
  • Applies to Riga, Kronshtadt, Petropavlovsk, Stalingrad, Novosibirsk, Graf Spee, Schill, Siegfried, Ägir, Congress, Alaska and Puerto Rico.


  • Znamensky is a decent captain for Sevastopol due to his improved GtG.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.


  • Consider getting the legendary upgrade, it’s quite a good sidegrade to the reload mod and the preferred upgrade for competitive settings (provided your team uses Moskva in competitive).
  • Znamensky is a decent captain for Moskva due to his improved GtG.
  • If you don’t have the Radar mod, use ERP.


  • This build is tailored around the high tier Soviet CLs (Chapayev, Donskoi, Nevsky) using their radar and firepower to control objectives.
  • If you are making a dedicated build for tier 6 and 7 CLs, use IFHE instead of TGG, and replace PT with DE.
  • In case a ship doesn’t have radar or you don’t have the Radar mod, use ERP or Hydro mod in slot 2.
  • Novik, Aurora, Bogatyr, Svietlana, Krasny Krym, Kotovsky, Budyonny, Makarov, Shchors, Lazo, Chapayev, Tallinn, Kutuzov, Ochakov, Dimitri Donskoi and Alexander Nevsky.


  • This build maximises Smolensk’s firepower and consumable usage.
  • If you feel like you don’t need as good concealment and prefer to dodge enemy fire, you can replace the concealment mod for the rudder mod in slot 5.
  • You can share this build with Krasny Krym. However, as she lacks a Repair, you can put the 3 leftover points into any skill of your preference in case you want a dedicated build.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.


  • This build is an all-round build that buffs most of Komissar’s various features, allowing her to use all tools at her disposal to make the most game impact possible.


Standard build

  • This build is a standard DPS CA build that maximises concealment for maximum possible engagement control, while also buffing firepower in a reasonable way.
  • You may swap SI for HAP or any other combination of skills that you might find useful. Hindenburg and Roon have 4 repairs by default and may not need the 5th charge.
  • When using this build on Eugen, make sure you pick SI as your first 3-pt skill as she only has 3 repairs and really needs the additional one. If you want a dedicated build for Königsberg or Nürnberg, refer to the Mainz build.
  • Von Jütland is a decent captain for KM CAs due to his improved CS skill.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1. If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Yorck, Hipper, Prinz Eugen, Roon, Hindenburg and Clausewitz.

Clausewitz, Hindenburg, Roon

Damage build

  • This build maximises damage output while still retaining some semblance of concealment for engagement control. You will have to play from a longer range compared to the standard build, and won’t be able to control your engagements as well.
  • You can swap conceal for steering if you are fine with being spotted at all times and prefer being on the move.
  • Von Jütland is a decent captain for KM CAs due to his improved GtG.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use DCSM1. If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.


  • This build is made to maximise Hildebrand’s torpedo bomber strength and her survivability.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.


Smoke build

  • This build is made for playing RN CLs using the smoke consumables. YOu will usually find yourself playing a bit further away from the enemy and off to the flanks in order to deal the most damage possible.
  • Dunkirk is a decent captain for RN CLs due to his improved consumable skills.
  • Applies to Weymouth, Caledon, Danae, Emerald, Leander, Orion ‘44, Mysore, Fiji, Edinburgh, Tiger ‘59, Neptune, Minotaur and Edgar.


Radar build

  • This build aims to maximise RN CLs’ game impact via usage of radar and firepower to control objectives.
  • Top Grade gunner which synergizes well with radar. If you’re not using radar, don’t have enemy ships spotted often enough to make good use of TGG’s active effect, or if you really want to make enemy DDs’ lives as miserable as possible, you can swap TGG for RL.
  • If you’re not using radar on the high tier ships or don’t have the radar mod, use ERP.
  • Dunkirk is a decent captain for RN CLs due to his improved consumable skills.
  • If you’re making a dedicated build for AP-equipped tech tree and premium RN CLs with slow turret traverse, you can swap CS for GtG.
  • Applies to Edinburgh, Tiger ‘59, Neptune, Minotaur and Edgar.


LM build

  • This build is tailored specifically for Minotaur’s legendary upgrade which gives her exceptionally high smoke uptime. It is a slight variation of the RN CL smoke build and is played in a similar way.
  • Dunkirk is a decent captain due to his improved consumable skills.


  • This build is specifically tailored to Plymouth due to her not having quite as strong radar as the tech tree RN CLs.
  • Dunkirk is a decent captain due to his improved consumable skills.
  • If you don’t have the Radar mod, use ERP.


Standard build

  • This build is a standard DPS CA build that maximises concealment for maximum possible engagement control, while also buffing firepower in a reasonable way.
  • Dunkirk is a decent captain due to his improved GtG skill.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Hawkins, Exeter, Devonshire, London, Surrey, Albemarle, Cheshire, Nottingham, Drake, Goliath and Defence.


Damage build

  • This build maximises damage output while still retaining some semblance of concealment for engagement control. You will have to play from a longer range compared to the standard build, and won’t be able to control your engagements as well. It only applies to Goliath due to her pretty good survivability and good HE.
  • Dunkirk is a decent captain due to his improved GtG skill.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.


  • For those wondering why TGG is not recommended, this ship has terrible firing angles, so you want to be somewhat further away from the enemy in order to be able to angle your ship between volleys.
  • Dunkirk is a decent captain due to his improved Consumable Expert skill
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.

Commonwealth CAs

  • This build is tailored around using smoke cover to deal the most damage possible.
  • If you are not comfortable with the concealment increase from HHE, you can swap it for PaP.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Sutlej, Port Jackson, Caradoc, Dunedin, Delhi, Hobart, Perth, Uganda, Auckland, Encounter and Cerberus.


  • This build is tailored around utilising Brisbane’s radar to control objectives, with a side of buffs to her very strong torpedoes.
  • Alternatively, you can replace the torpedo skills with RPF and Swift Fish.
  • If you don’t have the Radar mod, use ERP.


Standard build

  • This build is a standard DPS CA build, adapted for FR CAs, that maximises concealment for maximum possible engagement control, while also buffing firepower in a reasonable way.
  • Considering all of the tech tree CAs bar Henri and Condé tend to lose steering to cruiser HE, you can swap EM for LS until you reach Henri.
  • If you’re making a dedicated build for the tier 6 CLs, use IFHE and DE instead of PT and TGG.
  • Using Honoré is highly recommended due to his improved GtG and AR.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP. You really should get the Engine boost mod, though.
  • Applies to Jurien, Friant, Duguay-Trouin, Emile Bertin, La Galisonniere, De Grasse, Montcalm, Dupleix, Algerie, Charles Martel, Saint-Louis, Henri IV and Condé.

Henri IV

Lighthouse build


  • This build is tailored specifically for Henri’s legendary upgrade - it allows her maximum possible firepower at all times at the expense of any concealment, and it works well because Henri is very capable at dodging enemy fire. You will have to play from a much longer range compared to the standard build.
  • If you want a more moderate build, give up Consumable expert, Consumable specialist and IFA for CE, or Heavy HE for SE.
  • Using Honoré is highly recommended due to his improved EM and AR.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP. You really should get the Engine boost mod, though.
  • Also applies to Condé, with a choice of Conceal mod or Steering mod in slot 5 (whichever you prefer).


Standard build

  • This build is tailored to give Colbert maximum possible engagement control and good firepower.
  • If you feel ballsy enough, you can try using reload mod. You could even give up CE for TGG. Only recommended for highly skilled players.
  • Using Auboyneau is recommended due to his improved SE, as well as his potential damage talent.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP. You really should get the Engine boost mod, though.


Damage build

  • This build maximises Colbert’s firepower as much as possible at the expense of any concealment. Recommended only for highly skilled players.


  • This build is a standard DPS CA build, adapted for FR BCs, that maximises concealment for maximum possible engagement control, while also buffing firepower in a reasonable way.
  • Using Honoré is highly recommended due to his improved EM and AR.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP. You really should get the Engine boost mod, though.
  • Applies to Toulon, Cherbourg, Brest, Marseille and Brennus. 


  • This build is a standard DPS CA build that maximises concealment for maximum possible engagement control, while also buffing firepower in a reasonable way.
  • Amalfi and lower tier cruisers will benefit from LS rather than EM because of their fragile steering.
  • Since Piemonte doesn’t have access to a spotter plane, you can use CS instead of EITS.
  • Lower tier ships should use the Spotter mod when applicable.
  • Sansonetti is recommended due to his improved EL, as well as both his talents.
  • Applies to Nino Bixio, Taranto, Alberto di Giussano, Montecuccoli, Genova, Trento, Zara, Gorizia, Amalfi, Brindisi, Venezia and Piemonte.


LM build

  • This build is tailored specifically for Venezia’s legendary upgrade, buffing her smoke consumable as much as reasonably possible. You will have to play from a longer range compared to the standard build.
  • Do not forget to use the smoke flag in order to maximise the smoke’s uptime.
  • Another option is to run HHE/HSAP instead of SE, in which case you will probably be better off using range mod instead of the reload mod. However, your win rate with such a build may suffer due to your reduced positioning flexibility, stemming from the ship’s massive detection range.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1.
  • Sansonetti is recommended due to his improved EL, as well as both his talents. See here for a ship priority list for this captain.


Standard build

  • This build is a standard DPS CA build that maximises concealment for maximum possible engagement control, while also buffing firepower in a reasonable way.
  • Sansonetti is recommended due to his improved EL, as well as both his talents.


Secondary build

  • This is a build specifically tailored for buffing Napoli’s very strong secondary armament, while retaining maximum possible concealment for engagement control.
  • Also applies to Michelangelo.

Pan-Asian CLs

  • This build maxes out on firepower as much as reasonable, while still having some torpedo skills trained.
  • If you would like to max out on smoke usage, swap the torpedo skills for the consumable skills.
  • Rong is decent because of his improved SE. If you’re using Sa Zhenbing, you may swap Fill the Tubes for his improved Consumable Enhancements. He is recommended mostly for his torpedo talent.
  • Applies to Chungking, Rahmat, Chumphon, Harbin, Sejong and Jinan.


  • This build makes the most of Svea’s radar for maximum game impact, while also buffing her already decent torps.
  • If you don’t have the Radar mod, use ERP.


  • This build is a standard DPS CA build, adapted for NL CAs, that maximises concealment for maximum possible engagement control, while also buffing firepower in a reasonable way.
  • If you want a dedicated build for the tier 6 and 7 CLs, you may swap TGG for IFHE.
  • You might want to consider swapping the range mod for reload mod on Johan de Witt, but the range mod is straight up superior for the Leeuw because it makes her damage dealing capabilities much more flexible, allows her to punish broadsides with her strong AP at long range, and it slightly improves her vertical dispersion.
  • Airstrike mod is the optimal slot 4 choice, but you may swap it for the acceleration mod if you don’t feel comfortable without it.
  • This same build applies if you’re using the legendary upgrade for the Gouden Leeuw.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Gelderland, Java, De Ruyter, Celebes, Kijkduin, Eendracht, Haarlem, Johan de Witt, Van Speijk and Gouden Leeuw.

Prins van Oranje

  • This build is very similar to the tech tree NL CAs build. However, unlike on Gouden Leeuw, the reload mod is optimal for Prins in slot 6.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.


  • This build focuses on maximising NL CLs’ damage output.
  • Helfrich is a great captain for these ships mainly due to his talents.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Jaarsveld, M. van Coehoorn and Utrecht.

Pan-American CLs

  • This build is a standard DPS CA build, adapted for PAm CLs. This build puts emphasis on an aggressive playstyle that works particularly well thanks to the synergy of the Specialized Repair Team, the Combat Instructions and, in the case of San Martin, the amazing concealment.
  • If you don’t have the Radar mod, use ERP. Applies to Almirante Barroso, Vicente Guerrero, Córdoba, La Argentina, Almirante Cochrane, Coronel Bolognesi, Ignacio Allende, Santander and San Martin.


  • This build is a standard DPS CA build, adapted for ES CAs, that maximises concealment for maximum possible engagement control, while also buffing firepower in a reasonable way.
  • If you feel like you need a warning when being shot at, swap GtG for IFA.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1. If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.
  • Applies to Jupiter, Méndez Núñez, Navarra, Almirante Cervera, Galicia, Baleares, Asturias, Cataluña, Numancia, Andalucía, Almirante Oquendo and Castilla.



  • This is a standard BB tank build that provides great survivability for maximum game impact.
  • Yamato’s legendary upgrade is a viable alternative to the reload mod.
  • If you’re building a dedicated Hyuga captain, swap PM for EL because Hyuga has good HE shells and her gun calibre is subpar for her tier.
  • Yamamoto is recommended mostly for his improved PM and GtG skills.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1.
  • Applies to Kawachi, Myogi, Ishizuchi, Viribus Unitis, Kongo and ARP clones, Fuso, Ise, Mutsu, Nagato, Ashitaka, Hyuga, Amagi, Kii, Ragnarok, Ignis Purgatio, Izumo, Bajie, Hizen, Musashi, Iwami, Yamato, Shikishima and Satsuma.


  • This build is a balanced build that provides both good survivability and damage output, considering IJN BCs have high damage output and are not very survivable.
  • You can opt for GtG instead of Brisk if you feel your turrets are too slow.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1.
  • Specific for Tsurugi, you might want to pick ERE before FP as she only has 3 repairs by default.
  • Applies to Yumihari, Adatara, Tsurugi and Bungo.

USN fast BBs

Standard build

  • This is a standard BB tank build that provides great survivability for maximum game impact.
  • If you're using this build on Constellation, make sure you use range mod in slot 3.
  • You may use range mod instead of turret traverse if you feel like you lack range.
  • Halsey and Doe brothers are recommended mostly for their improved skills.
  • Applies to South Carolina, Wyoming, Arkansas beta, New York, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, West Virginia ‘41, Colorado, California, Florida, North Carolina, Alabama, Constellation, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Ohio and Maine.

USN fast BBs

Damage build

  • This build puts emphasis on damage output, and is made possible by USN BBs’ improved Repair party. You will have to play more carefully and take less damage in the long run because of the reduced survivability.
  • If you want a more moderate build, swap SHAP for IRPR.
  • Halsey and Doe brothers are recommended mostly for their improved skills.
  • Applies to North Carolina, Alabama, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Ohio and Maine.


LM build

  • This build is tailored for Montana’s legendary upgrade. IRPR is picked here because stacking BoS with the legendary upgrade gives diminishing returns, and reducing the cooldown on Montana’s repair, which is more powerful than an average BB repair, will allow you to heal more in shorter bursts.
  • You can also use this build on Maine because her Combat Instructions greatly diminish DoT effects.
  • Halsey and Doe brothers are recommended mostly for their improved skills.

USN super-dreadnought BBs

  • This is a standard BB tank build, adapted for the USN super dreadnought branch, that provides great survivability for maximum game impact.
  • If you feel like you’re lacking range, pick the range mod in slot 3.
  • You can use the legendary upgrade on Vermont, but you will have to play a bit more carefully due to worse concealment. You can combine it with the reload mod for maximum firepower.
  • If you feel like your turrets traverse quickly enough without EM, drop EM and ERS for BoS.
  • Halsey and Doe brothers are recommended mostly for their improved skills.
  • If you are making a dedicated build for ships before the split, this build is preferred. Otherwise, use the build for the sub-branch you will pursue.
  • Applies to South Carolina, Wyoming, Arkansas, New York, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, West Virginia ‘41, Colorado, California, Kansas, Tennessee, Minnesota and Vermont.

USN hybrid BBs

  • This is a variation of the standard BB tank build, adapted for the USN hybrid branch, that provides great survivability for maximum game impact.
  • Halsey and Doe brothers are recommended mostly for their improved skills.
  • Applies to Nebraska, Delaware, Kearsarge and Louisiana.


Alternative build

  • This build is an alternative to the standard tank and damage builds that are optimal for Ohio, and makes use of her above average secondaries for additional damage output. Note: this build is not optimal for maximising win rate.
  • Halsey and Doe brothers are recommended mostly for their improved skills.
  • Applies to Oklahoma, West Virginia ‘44, Massachusetts and Ohio.

Rhode Island

  • This build is a balanced build that provides both good survivability and damage output, considering Rhode Island has high damage output and is not very survivable.
  • The radar is very situational, so you may swap to the Spotter plane if you feel like you’re not using it enough. Engine boost mod is stronger than the radar mod in slot 2 for the same reason.
  • Halsey and Doe brothers are recommended mostly for their improved skills.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use DCSM1.


  • This build is a balanced build that provides both good survivability and damage output, considering Wisconsin has high damage output and is not very survivable.
  • Halsey and Doe brothers are recommended mostly for their improved skills.


  • This build is a balanced build that provides both good survivability and damage output, considering Thunderer has high damage output and is not very survivable.
  • Dunkirk brothers are decent because of their improved EM.



Standard build

  • This is a variation of the standard BB tank build, adapted for the RN BBs, that provides great survivability for maximum game impact.
  • Dunkirk brothers are decent because of their improved EM.
  • Applies to Bellerophon, Dreadnought, Orion, Iron Duke, Queen Elizabeth, Warspite, King George V, Duke of York, Nelson, Rodney, Yukon, Collingwood, Hood, Monarch, Vanguard, Lion, Marlborough, Scarlet Thunder, Conqueror and Devastation.


Damage build

  • This is a build that maxes out on damage output at the expense of survivability, which means you will have to play this build more carefully and form a longer range. It is made possible by RN BBs’ Specialised Repair teams.
  • Dunkirk brothers are decent because of their improved EM. See here for a ship priority list for these captains.
  • Applies to Nelson, Yukon, Monarch, Lion, Conqueror and Devastation.


Standard build

  • This is a variation of the standard BB tank build, adapted for the RN BBs, that provides great survivability for maximum game impact.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use DCSM1.
  • Applies to Indefatigable, Queen Mary, Tiger, Renown, Hawke, Renown ‘44, Rooke, Duncan, St. Vincent and Incomparable.


Damage build

  • This build takes maximum advantage of high tier RN BCs’ super Repairs by allowing them to take increased amounts of fire damage in exchange for additional firepower.
  • If you don’t like the increased DoT duration coming from SHAP, pick a selection of the following: IRPR, BoS, EM, PM.
  • You can share this captain with the Incomparable.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use DCSM1.
  • Applies to Duncan, St. Vincent and Incomparable.


  • This build is a balanced build that provides both good survivability and damage output, considering Slava has high damage output and is not very survivable.
  • Znamensky brothers are decent because of their improved skills.


  • This is a variation of the standard BB tank build, adapted for the VMF BBs, that provides great survivability for maximum game impact.
  • Due to how fragile Kremlin’s AA mounts are, and considering her turrets are incredibly hard to knock out, it is recommended that you swap MAM1 for AAM1 on the Kremlin.
  • If you don't get any use out of EM, you may try your luck with Brisk or PT
  • Due to the potential damage cutoff of the IRPR skill’s proc, this build is only applicable to high tier Soviet BBs. The low tier BBs and Borodino should use BoS instead.
  • Kuznetsov is highly recommended because his talent is very good on VMF BBs.
  • Applies to Knyaz Suvorov, Gangut, Nikolai, Pyotr Velikiy, Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya, Izmail, Novorossiysk, Sinop, Poltava, Vladivostok, Lenin, Borodino, Sovetsky Soyuz, Sovetskaya Rossiya, Sun Yat-sen, Kremlin and Ushakov.


Tank build

  • This is a standard BB tank build that provides great survivability for maximum game impact.
  • Lütjens is decent here due to his improved skills and talents.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use DCSM1.
  • Applies to Nassau, König Albert, Kaiser, König, Bayern, Prinz Eitel Friedrich, Gneisenau, Scharnhorst, Bismarck, Tirpitz, Friedrich der Große, Pommern, Preußen, Großer Kurfürst and Hannover.


Secondary build

  • This build buffs KM BB secondary armaments as much as possible while sacrificing some concealment. Given the existence of KM BCs and PAm BBs, this build is no longer optimal for maximising win rate.
  • You may swap MS for CQC if you prefer getting the most out of your main battery. You may also swap ERE for CE if you want to put more emphasis on sneaking into close range.
  • If you are feeling extra cocky, you may swap ERE for CQC in order to max out on firepower.
  • Consider trying the legendary upgrade for the Großer Kurfürst if you have it.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use DCSM1.
  • Applies to Scharnhorst 43, Bismarck, Tirpitz, Friedrich der Große, Pommern, Preußen, Großer Kurfürst and Hannover.


  • This build is tailor made for maximising KM BCs’ exceptional secondaries and concealment for maximum game impact.
  • If you’re making a dedicated build for Heinrich, a standard tank build works just fine.
  • Lütjens is highly recommended due to his secondary talent.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use DCSM1.
  • Applies to Von der Tann, Moltke, Derfflinger, Mackensen, Prinz Heinrich, Zieten, Prinz Rupprecht and Schlieffen.


  • This is a standard BB tank build, adapted for Mecklenburg, that provides great survivability for maximum game impact.
  • A few explanations:
  • This ship should NEVER be built for secondaries. Her main battery is excellent and her hull is not tanky enough to sustain a secondary-focused playstyle. Don’t be baited by the torps either, they are very situational.
  • Brisk enhances your ability to get on the enemy’s sides quickly, and DE is there because there’s nothing better to pick considering her guns’ poor fire chance.
  • If you don’t find Brisk + DE useful, replace them with BoS.
  • Lütjens is highly recommended due to his main battery hits talent.

FR BB tree and some premiums

  • This is a standard BB tank build, adapted for FR BBs, that provides great survivability for maximum game impact.
  • Honore brothers are highly recommended due to their improved skills.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod or if it’s not applicable, use DCSM1.
  • Applies to Turenne, Courbet, Bretagne, Normandie, Dunkerque, Lyon, Strasbourg, Richelieu, Flandre, Gascogne, Alsace, Jean Bart, Wujing, République, Bourgogne and Patrie.


  • This is a standard BB tank build, adapted for IT BBs, that provides great survivability for maximum game impact.
  • You may swap reload mod for range mod if you don’t have Sansonetti and if you don’t feel comfortable with having the stock range + spotter plane.
  • Sansonetti is recommended due to his improved EL, as well as both his talents.
  • The legendary upgrade for Colombo is highly recommended.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1.
  • Applies to Dante Alighieri, Conte di Cavour, Giulio Cesare, Andrea Doria, Francesco Caracciolo, Vittorio Veneto, Lepanto, Marco Polo, Cristoforo Colombo, Sicilia and Ruggiero di Lauria.


Alternative build

  • This is a balanced build that provides Sicilia with both good offensive power and survivability, made possible thanks to her fast cooldown smoke generator.
  • Despite her being advertised as a BB with strong secondaries, a secondary focused build is not recommended because it’s strictly inferior to a main battery focused build.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1.

Pan-American BBs

  • This build is tailor made for maximising PAm BBs’ exceptional secondaries and concealment for maximum game impact.
  • A classic tank build is also possible due to PAm BBs’ Combat Instructions extending their secondary range when needed, but is not optimal for maximising game impact.
  • Applies to Ipiranga, Los Andes and Libertad.

Aircraft carriers


  • For dedicated Hosho and Ryujo builds, you can go for Last Gasp and Engine Techie instead of Repair Specialist
  • For Hosho, Ryujo and Shokaku,you can switch Enhanced Aircraft Armor for Bomber Flight Control  
  • Suzuki bros are highly recommended because of their improved SE.
  • Applies to Hosho, Ryujo, Shokaku, Kaga, Hakuryu.and Sekiryu.



  • The torpedo protection reduction skill is NOT mandatory and depends a lot on how much you use the torpedoes. Do keep in mind that even if you don't use them often, the 10% increase is pretty significant. You can swap this out for whatever you like better (for example the flak reduction if you are not as confident in dodging flak)
  • Whether you use speed or HP in upgrade slot 6 is up to you.
  • Using the legendary upgrade (slot 6) puts extra emphasis on your already incredibly powerful DBs at the cost of making other plane types slightly weaker, which is quite good in practice because Midway DBs are effective against all surface combat ships.
  • Ovechkin is highly recommended because of his improved SE. See here for a ship priority list for this captain.
  • Applies to Langley, Ranger, Lexington, Saipan, Sanzang, Enterprise and Midway.

United States

  • US requires a slightly different build compared to other USN CVs due to her tactical TBs aiming much more quickly than Midways while also being much more potent.
  • Ovechkin is highly recommended because of his improved SE. See here for a ship priority list for this captain.

USN alternative CVs

  • Ovechkin is highly recommended because of his improved SE. See here for a ship priority list for this captain.
  • Applies to Independence, Yorktown and Essex.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Ovechkin is highly recommended because of his improved SE.


  • For a dedicated Rhein and Weser build, you can replace Repair Specialist with Torpedo Bomber
  • Lütjens is highly recommended due to his engine skill and his talents.
  • Applies to Rhein, Weser, August von parseval, Graf Zeppelin and Manfred von Richthofen.

Max Immelmann

  • Lütjens is highly recommended due to his engine skill and his talents.


  • Applies to tech tree and premium RN CVs with the exception of Indomitable
  • If you want a dedicated build for Ark Royal, simply swap Repair Specialist for Engine Techie and Last Gasp, or for Swift Fish
  • Cunnigham is highly recommended due to his aircraft armour skill and his talents.
  • Applies to Hermes, Furious, Ark Royal, Implacable and Audacious.


  • Cunnigham is highly recommended due to his aircraft armour skill and his talents.


  • Eagle requires a slightly different build due to her bombers being faster than those found on Audacious and other RN CVs, and due to her having quite decent tactical bombers.
  • Cunnigham is highly recommended due to his aircraft armor skill and his talents.


  • If you feel like you don’t have enough reserves, feel free to swap conceal mod for flight control mod.
  • Ovechkin is recommended due to his improved SE.
  • Applies to Komsomolets, Serov, Pobeda, Chkalov and Nakhimov.


KM sub build

  • If you don’t have the DCP mod, use MAM1. If no Battery mod, use DCSM3. If no Surveillance mod, use Dive cap mod.
  • Applies to U-69, U-190 and U-2501.


  • If you don’t have the DCP mod, use MAM1. If no Battery mod, use DCSM3. If no Surveillance mod, use Dive cap mod.
  • If you feel like you don’t have enough battery, opt for the battery mod in slot 6.

USN sub build

  • If you don’t have the DCP mod, use MAM1. If no Surveillance mod, use Dive cap mod.
  • Applies to Cachalot, Salmon, Balao and Gato.


RN submarine build

  • If you don’t have the DCP mod, use MAM1. If no Surveillance mod, use Dive cap mod.
  • Applies to Undine, Sturdy, Alliance and Thrasher.

Other premiums



  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.

Karl von Schönberg

  • Lütjens is recommended due to his improved GtG and PM. See here for a ship priority list for this captain.


  • SI is recommended because Leone gets only 2 charges of smoke by default.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.



  • You may swap DE and Consumable Expert for RPF or AFT if you feel like you need to know where the nearest enemy DD is or if you need the extra range for gunboating.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.

Tashkent ‘39

  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.

Jupiter ‘42

  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.


  • Even though it's not optimal, you can share this build with Vampire.
  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP. If you don’t have the Smoke mod, use ASM1.


  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.


Stord ‘43



Conventional build


DPS build

  • This ship has radar which means enemy DDs can’t really spot her for free even with a no CE build, which makes a build like this viable in randoms.


  • IFHE is mandatory as her HE shells can’t even penetrate DD plating by default.
  • If you feel like you need more range, swap BFT and HAP for AFT.







  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.


  • If you don’t have the Engine boost mod, use ERP.


  • Running Janssen or De Ruyter does not change this build in the slightest as DE is still a bad skill.


  • Building into DPM is preferred because Neustrashimy has incredible survivability that will allow her to win DD duels, so you might as well improve upon that ability. She also has good gun range, which just gives you an extra reason to build into guns and makes AFT not mandatory.
  • You can also swap DE and BFT for Fearless and a 1 pt skill of your choice if you want a bigger advantage in DD duels.









Atlanta, Flint

  • If you feel like you need IFHE, drop SE and Consumable specialist.




Francesco Ferrucio

Nueve de Julio

San Diego

  • If you can't spare a dedicated captain, you can share this captain with Austin. You shouldn’t, however, share the Austin captain with San Diego because it includes DE, which is worthless on SD as she doesn’t have HE.
  • The build order here prioritises firepower over survivability as SD actually has quite good survivability. You can, however, prioritise SE over HSAP if you want.
  • Spending the last available skill point is up to your discretion, I put it on EL here because we didn’t find any other useful skill to spend it on.

Bagration, Molotov, Kirov, Mikoyan

  • Considering these ships have poor HE DPM and a massive detection to range buffer, HHE is a very good skill. If you’re not comfortable with the increased detection range from this skill, drop it and DE for TGG or any other combination of skills of your choice. Note that you won’t benefit from HAP as the guns’ calibre is too small.
  • If you don’t feel like DE is useful, drop it for QoL skills like IFA and EM.
  • If you're dedicating this build to Kirov or Molotov only, you may want to swap SI for any skill combination of your preference.

Dimitry Pozharsky



  • If you’re feeling extra cocky you can swap SE for Heavy HE, but it’s not recommended unless you have a divmate smoke you up regularly because Mainz is not really tanky enough to have such a large detection radius.
  • Also applies to Königsberg, Nürnberg, Makarov, München and Leipzig. If you want to share this captain with München, pick LS instead of EL.


  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.



De Zeven Provinciën

Almirante Grau

Chikuma, Tone

  • Tone and Chikuma have 4 repairs by default, which makes speccing into SI for a 5th one pretty redundant. Rather pick SE to improve your immediate survivability and total HP pool, especially if you have a Suzuki to spare.
  • If you dislike the idea of HHE and want to maximise your concealment, pick FTT and Swift Fish instead.
  • If you don’t have the Hydro mod, use ERP.


Kozma Minin

  • This is a radar CA build tailored for Kozma Minin and using her myriad consumables.

Admiral Schröder


  • This is a “reasonable” lighthouse build. You can swap CE for TGG if you want to go even more extreme.



  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1.



Mikasa, Agincourt

Rio de Janeiro



  • The Air groups modification image is broken in the app.


  • Note: despite this ship being advertised as having strong secondaries, a main battery build will work better in most situations.

Teng She

  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1.


  • Given Odin’s exceptionally good concealment, CE is preferred to ERE, unlike on tech tree German BBs. You can, however, share this build with the tech tree BBs.


  • Given that she has a larger number of 105s compared to her peers and relies a bit more on sneaking around to get into close range due to her lower HP pool, she benefits more from this build than the standard German BB one. You can, however, share a standard German BB captain with her.



  • If you’re wondering why PM is recommended, it’s because Roma’s turrets tend to break often.
  • You may use the build for tech tree IT BBs on Roma, but keep in mind that she won’t benefit from EL because her HE is useless.


  • This build focuses on Champagne’s speed and concealment to abuse quickly relocating around the map. This pushes her top speed to 42.4kts
  • You may swap propulsion mod for DCSM2 in slot 4.



  • Atlântico requires Brisk due to her low top speed. You can also replace DCSM2 with the propulsion mod for the same reason.

Giuseppe Verdi


  • You may use the standard IJN BB captain build in case you can’t afford a dedicated captain for this ship.


  • If you don't feel like you benefit from Brisk, swap it for GtG.


  • A few things that have to be noted to avoid confusion:
  • The range mod is there mostly for the improvement in vertical dispersion (look up how vertical dispersion correlates with firing range on the WoWs wiki). However, if you are confident in your aim, you may attempt to use these guns past your stock maximum firing range.
  • If you don’t feel like the additional range benefits you at all, you may replace the range mod with the turret traverse mod.
  • Due to Illinois’ high speed and cruiser guns, the combination of Brisk and Propulsion mod is preferred. Also, her guns tend to break often, so PM is a high value skill.
  • In case you don’t find your guns break often, and in case you find the fire resistance of this build lacking, you may replace EM and PM with BoS, or Propulsion with DCSM2.
  • Reload mod is preferred over dispersion mod due to the decent stock accuracy.


Karl XIV Johan

  • Despite being a “torpedo battleship”, the majority of her damage comes from her main guns and, as such, should be built for them.
  • Due to her incredible concealment, you could also make a secondary build similar to the one on German BBs (swapping BoS for secondary range and ERE for MS). However, note that you will, on average, have worse performance compared to a main battery build.



  • This is a balanced build that buffs Victoria’s awesome firepower in order to maximise her game impact.
  • If you don’t have the Spotter mod, use MAM1.

Aircraft carriers

E. Löwenhardt









  • If you don’t have the DCP mod, use MAM1. If no Battery mod, use DCSM3.


  • If you don’t find SI useful feel free to swap it for any combination of 1 and 2 point skills you may find useful (except LS because subs don’t lose steering and engine)