South Cumberland Elementary

Student Handbook

3536 Lantana Rd.

Crossville, TN 38572

Phone: (931) 788-6713

Fax: 931-788-1116


Dawn Hall, Principal

Blake Allen, Assistant Principal


We will strive to become strong leaders through lifelong learning and academic excellence.


We believe faculty, staff, parents, students, and community members share the responsibility of decision-making for meeting the school's mission.

  • Faculty, staff, parents, students, and the community will foster and show respect through positive relationships with others in all facets of school life, in accordance with school policies.
  • Through quality instruction and different teaching approaches, all students can learn and succeed.
  • Providing opportunities that will enable students to construct responsibility and decision-making skills.
  • Creating a learning environment that illustrates the importance of life-long learning.
  • All teachers have the right to teach, and all students have the right to learn.
  • The instruction teachers provide should be guided by, and frequently include formative and summative assessments.    

Teacher Contact

If parents wish to speak with the teacher, send a note or leave your phone number with the receptionist. The teacher will contact you as soon as possible.  From 7:30 until 2:45, all of our teachers are with students and cannot leave their classrooms unattended.  We WILL NOT interrupt the instructional day, unless an extreme emergency occurs.


Parent Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances

If you have a concern about your student, talk to the teacher FIRST. If you feel the situation has not been resolved, please call the school office to set up an appointment. In order for the school administration to provide and supervise the best instructional environment for your child, appointments must be made and followed.

1.        Teacher contact

2.        Call an administrator-- (931)-788-6713

General Information

Grade Levels: Pre-K through Eighth

School Address: 3536 Lantana Road Crossville, TN 38555

Crossville, TN School Website Address:

School Hours: 7:45 am to 2:45 pm

School Telephone: (931) 788-6713                                               \

Mascot: Rebel                                                                                              

Colors: Red and White

School Resource Officer: Jordan Winningham

History: Please see our school website for the history of SCES!

South Cumberland Elementary is a school-wide Title I School.

Testing Calendar

The testing calendar can be found at the back of the handbook. Dates are subject to change.

Civility Policy

The Cumberland County Board of Education has adopted a civility policy. The policy relates to the use of civility in relationships and communication among school officials, students, parents, and members of the public. A copy of this policy is available for review on the CCBOE website. The purpose of the policy is to maintain, to the extent possible and reasonable, a safe, harassment-free workplace for students and staff.  Consistent with the civility policy, the school will not tolerate any behavior that is physically or verbally threatening, coercive, intimidating, violent or harassing, or other behavior that is considered out of control. Furthermore, the school will not tolerate the use of profanity, personally insulting remarks, or attacks regarding a person’s gender, race, nationality, religion, disabling condition, and other characteristics protected by law. Students who violate the civility clause will be disciplined. Parents who violate the civility policy may be restricted from being present on school district property or have restrictions placed on their communications with school and district personnel.

Code of Conduct

Students’ best interests are served when students, parents, and school officials work together. Normally, any differences between these individuals can be resolved.  South Cumberland Elementary students are expected to behave in a manner that is consistent with Cumberland County Board of Education policies and procedures.  

These principles include, but are not limited to the following:

• Parents/guardians are expected to work courteously and cooperatively with the school to assist the student in meeting the academic, moral, and behavioral expectations of the school.

• Students and parents/guardians may respectfully express their concerns about the school operations and its personnel. However, they may not do so in a manner that is discourteous, scandalous, rumor driven, disruptive, threatening, hostile, or divisive.  

• These expectations for students and parents/guardians include, but are not limited to all school-sponsored events and programs (e.g., after-school tutoring, athletic events, field trips, etc.)

• The school reserves the right to determine when conduct is of such a severe nature as to warrant immediate action without a warning and/or without an intermediate step.

Cumberland County Schools Code of Conduct

  • Be Cooperative
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Caring
  • Be Honest
  • Be Respectful to Others
  • Be Fair
  • Be a Good Citizen
  • Use Manners

Before and After School Procedures

Buses arrive between 7:00 and 7:20 am. Breakfast is free for all students, should they choose to  partake. After breakfast, students in grades K-1 go to the K-1 hallway, where they sit quietly and read, listen to a teacher read, and wait for their teachers to pick them up. Students in grades 2-3 go into the library and read or work on homework quietly until their teachers arrive to pick them up. Students in grades 4-8 will go to the gym. All students MUST have a book every day for the library and gym. This is a great time for students to read independently.  

The last bell rings at 7:45 am. After this time, students will be counted as tardy and must check in through the front office.  

School is dismissed at 2:45 pm. At 2:40, car riders will be called to the cafeteria. If your child is a car rider, you must wait in the car line until they are called out of the cafeteria.  Bus riders remain in the classroom until buses are called, usually around 3:00.


All drop-offs should be made in the front of the building before 7:45.  Pre-kindergarten parents must park and students must be walked to their classroom and be signed in by a parent each day.  Please park next to the sidewalk.  Do not park in the second lane.  The building will be open at 7.  Students should not exit vehicles until the 7 o’clock bell rings.

Vehicles are not permitted to pass a bus in any lane if the flashing stop sign is out.  Please be aware that this includes parking lots as well as on the street.

Students arriving after 7:45 a.m. are to report to the bottom office and see Mrs. Rachell.  The student will sign in and a school official will issue a tardy pass to indicate to the teacher that the student has checked in through the office.  A disciplinary form may be added for the 4th unexcused tardy/early dismissal.

Please Remember: 7:00-7:40 is student drop-off time. In order for your child to participate in free breakfast each day, he or she MUST arrive at school by 7:35 am. Breakfast will end promptly at 7:45 am as instruction will begin at this time.


Car Riders Afternoon Dismissal  Parents are asked to remain in their vehicles as school personnel will load all students.  We ask those picking up kindergarten and 1st-grade students to please use the outside lane closest to the sidewalk. All other grades can use both lanes. Parents of car riders will be given a paper with their child’s name that should be placed in the front windshield of the car.  This will assist school personnel in the safe delivery of students.

Students must be picked-up by 3:15 p.m.  Students who remain after 3:15 will go to the office.  You may call the front office (931-788-6713) and your child will come to you.  


With your help, we can continue to make SCES a safe place for your child! Students not picked up on time may be sent to detention for supervision and safety purposes.

Buses/Bus Room Behavior

The school building opens at 7:00 am and buses will begin to unload at this time. School personnel are on duty and ready to receive students at 7:00 am. Students dropped off at school before the building opens will be considered abandoned and will be reported to the authorities.

All students arriving before 7:35 am should proceed in an orderly fashion to the designated area for their grade level. (K-1 K Hallway, Grades 2-3 Library, Grades 4-8 Gym) Students eating breakfast at school should go to the cafeteria and then to their designated area. Please be aware that in order for your child to eat breakfast and arrive to class on time, they should be in the cafeteria no later than 7:35 am. Students will be expected to read quietly while in the designated area.

Check-Out Procedures

Students are not allowed to leave the building during the day unless a parent or guardian signs them out. NOTE: Students may be released to another adult designated by the parents only if a note is sent and signed by the custodial parent or guardian. We keep signatures on file  

and make every effort to verify signatures or telephone for verification. Also, parents or guardians may be asked for identification in order to check out students. Students must be signed out in the office and called to the office for dismissal.

Early Checkout

Students cannot be checked out after 2:15 pm. Parents must get in the car rider line after 2:15pm. Unexcused early checkouts are equivalent to tardies. Five unexcused early checkouts equal one unexcused absence.


Please understand that our utmost concern is for the safety of your child. In order to ensure  everyone’s safety, we appreciate your support in adhering to the following:

• All visitors must enter through the front entrance. South Cumberland Elementary uses V Soft technology which requires all visitors 18 years and older to submit their driver’s license for a one-time screening.

• If parents wish to speak with a teacher, send a note or leave your phone number with the receptionist. Please understand that from 7:30 am-3:00 pm our teachers are with students and cannot leave their classrooms unattended. We WILL NOT  interrupt the instructional day.

• Visitors (parents, guardians, friends, family, etc.) are not allowed in hallways or classrooms during the school day. This is a safety precaution. All visitors must sign in through the front office when visiting.

• Parents/guardians/family members are welcome to come eat lunch with their child.  They are to eat at the picnic tables out front or in a designated location inside if the weather is unsuitable.  Your children can only eat with you and may not have friends join them.

Custody Issues 

Due to questions raised regarding custody issues, we must now require proof of custody in  the form of a court order. We will need a copy of custody papers immediately upon enrollment of a student.  If there are any changes throughout the school year, new papers should be submitted ASAP.

Attendance Policy for Cumberland County BOE 6.200

Attendance is a key factor in student achievement and therefore, students are expected to be present each day school is in session.

The Director of Schools/designee shall ensure that this policy is posted in each school building and disseminated to all students, parent(s)/guardian(s), teachers, and administrative staff.

The attendance supervisor shall oversee the entire attendance program which shall include:

  1. All accounting and reporting procedures and their dissemination;
  2. Alternative program options for students who severely fail to meet minimum attendance requirements;
  3. Ensuring that all school age children attend school;
  4. Providing documentation of enrollment status upon request for students applying for new or reinstatement of driver’s permit or license; and
  5. Notifying the Department of Safety whenever a student with a driver’s permit or license withdraws from school.

Student attendance records shall be given the same level of confidentiality as other student records. Only authorized school officials with legitimate educational purposes may have access to student information without the consent of the student or parent/guardian.3

Absences shall be classified as either excused or unexcused as determined by the principal or his/her designee.

Excused absences shall include:

  1. Personal illness/injury;
  2. Illness of immediate family member;
  3. Death in the family; funeral notice
  4. Extreme weather conditions;
  5. Religious observances;5
  6. Pregnancy;
  7. School-endorsed activities
  8. Summons, subpoena, or court order; or
  9. Circumstances which in the judgment of the principal create emergencies over which the student has no control.
  10. Other absences as pre-approved by the principal, based on appropriate documentation at least 10 (ten) school days prior to day(s) to be missed. This does not include personal family vacations.
  11. If a student is exempt from final exams per Board policy, the absence on the day of the exam is excused.
  12. Driver’s license/permit appointments will be excused with proof of appointment.

Tardies including early dismissal for any reason other than the previously mentioned excuses will be considered unexcused.

The Principal shall be responsible for ensuring that:

  1. Attendance is checked and reported daily for each class;
  2. Daily absentee sheets contain sign in/sign-out sheets and indicate students present or absent for the majority of the day;
  3. All student absences are verified;
  4. Written excuses are submitted for absences and tardiness; and
  5. System-wide procedures for accounting and reporting are followed.


Annually the Director of Schools/designee will provide written notice to parent(s)/guardian(s) that attendance at school is required. Students shall be present at least fifty percent (50%) of the scheduled school day in order to be counted present. Students may attend part-time days alternating days, or for a specific amount of time as indicated in their Individualized Education Plan or 504 Plan and shall be considered present for school attendance purposes. If a student is required to participate in a remedial instruction program outside of the regular school day where there is no cost to the parent(s) and the school system provides transportation, unexcused absences from these programs shall be reported in the same manner.7

Students who are absent five (5) days without adequate excuse shall be reported to the Director of Schools/designee who will, in turn, provide written notice to the parents/guardians of the student’s absence. If a parent/guardian does not provide documentation within adequate time excusing those absences, or request an attendance hearing, then the Director of Schools/designee shall implement Tier II of the progressive truancy plan described below prior to referral to juvenile court.

The Director of Schools/designee shall develop appropriate administrative procedures to implement this policy.

Progressive Truancy Plan

Tier I of the progressive truancy plan shall apply to all students within the district and include schoolwide prevention-oriented supports to assist with satisfactory attendance. These supports shall include, but are not limited to;

  1. After three (3) unexcused absences a student will be required to meet with a school attendance representative to discuss reasons for student absences.
  2. Regularly scheduled follow-up meetings, with the student to discuss his/her progress. If the student accumulates additional unexcused absences, he/she shall be subject to the additional tiers.

Tier II of the progressive truancy plan shall be implemented after the student accumulates four (4) unexcused absences, but before referral to juvenile court, and includes the following;

  1. A conference with the student and the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s);
  2. An attendance contract, based on the conference, signed by the student, the parent(s)/guardian(s), and the Attendance Supervisor/designee. The contract shall include:
  1. A specific description of the school’s attendance expectations for the student;
  2. The period for which the contract is effective; and
  3. Penalties for additional absences and alleged school offenses, including additional disciplinary action and potential referral to juvenile court.
  1. Regularly scheduled follow-up meetings to discuss the student’s progress; and
  2. A school employee shall conduct an individualized assessment detailing the reasons a student has been absent from school. The employee may refer the student to counseling, community-based services, or other services to address the student’s attendance problems.

Tier III shall be implemented if the truancy interventions under Tier II are unsuccessful. Tier III shall consist of the following interventions:

  1. After the 5th unexcused absence, the student will be referred to Truancy Court.
  2. Failure to attend Truancy Court and/or additional unexcused absences, the student will be cited to Juvenile Court
  3. The Court will be provided a report of all interventions that have been provided to support this student.

The interventions shall address student’s needs in an age appropriate manner. Finalized plans shall be approved by the Director of Schools/designee.

Upon completion of Tiers I, II, and III, the student will be cited to Juvenile Court.


A principal/designee may excuse a student to participate in non-school sponsored extracurricular activities. The principal shall document the approval in writing and shall excuse no more than ten (10) absences each school year. No later than seven (7) business days prior to the student’s absence, the student shall provide documentation to the school as proof of the student’s participation along with a written request for the excused absence from the student’s parent/guardian. The Director of Schools will develop procedures to implement this process.The request shall include the following:

  1. Student’s name and personal identification number;
  2. Student’s grade;
  3. The dates of the student’s absence;
  4. The reason for the student’s absence; and
  5. The signature of the student and parent/guardian.


A principal/designee may excuse a student to attend a course in religious moral instruction for up to one (1) class period per school day. Students shall not be excused during any class which requires an examination for state or federal accountability purposes.

The student shall submit a written consent form signed by the student’s parent/guardian prior to participation in the released time course. The principal/designee shall document the approval in writing. The student shall provide documentation to the principal/designee as proof of the student’s participation in the released time course.

The district shall not be responsible for transporting students to and from the place of instruction.

Upon submission of the student’s transcript from the entity that provided the released time course, the student may be awarded one (1) unit of elective credit. The Director of Schools shall develop procedures with secular criteria for determining whether credit shall be awarded.


All missed work from an excused absence may be made up.

All missed work from an unexcused absence may be made up at the principal's discretion.

All missed work shall be completed by the end of the current grading period.

Extenuating circumstances may be appealed to the building principal.

EXAM EXEMPTIONS (High School Only)

“A” average and a maximum of 3 days excused absence “B” average and a maximum of 2 days excused absence “C” average and a maximum of 1 day excused absence

Students with any unexcused absences are ineligible for exam exemptions.

All students who obtain four (4) or more unexcused tardies in any class will be required to take the semester exam regardless of grade average or days absent. Students who are suspended from school or who are remanded to the Alternative School for cause shall forfeit all exam exemptions.


Students who are absent the day of the scheduled End of Course Exams (EOC) shall present a signed doctor’s excuse or shall have been given an excused release by the principal prior to testing to receive an excused absence. Students who have excused absences will be allowed to take a make-up exam. Excused students will receive an incomplete in the course until they have taken the EOC exam.

Students who have an unexcused absence shall receive a failing grade on the EOC exam which shall be averaged into their final grade.

Extenuating circumstances may be appealed to the building principal.


Credit/promotion denial determinations may include student attendance, however, student attendance may not be the sole criterion. If attendance is a factor, prior to credit/promotional denial, the following shall occur:

  1. Parents/guardians and students shall be advised if a student is in danger of credit/promotion denial due to excessive absenteeism.
  2. Procedures in due process are available to the student when credit or promotion is denied.


A student who has more than ten (10) consecutive or fifteen (15) unexcused absences during any semester shall be ineligible to retain a driver’s permit or license.


Students with excessive (more than 5) unexcused absences or those in danger of a credit/promotion denial shall have the opportunity to appeal to an attendance hearing committee appointed by the principal. If the student chooses to appeal, the student or his/her parent(s) guardian(s) shall be provided written or actual notice of the appeal hearing and shall be given the opportunity to address the committee.

An attendance committee appointed by the principal will conduct a hearing to determine if any extenuating circumstances exist or to determine if the student has met attendance requirements that will allow him/her to pass the course or be promoted. Upon notification of the attendance committee decision, the principal shall send written notification to the Director of Schools/designee and the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student of any action taken regarding the excessive unexcused absences. The notification shall advise parents/guardians of their right to appeal such action within two (2) school days to the Director of Schools/designee.

The appeal shall be heard no later than ten (10) school days after the request for appeal is received.

Within five (5) school days of the Director of Schools/designee rendering a decision, the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) may request a hearing by the Board, and the Board shall review the record. Following the review, the Board may affirm or overturn the decision of the Director of schools/designee. The action of the Board shall be final.

Student Equal Access/School Sponsored Events BOE Policy 4.802


Schools may allow students to form clubs or groups  that  meet  before,  during,  and/or  after  the  school

day.    Requests  to  form  such  clubs  or  groups  shall  not  be  denied  based  upon  the  religious  nature  or beliefs  of the proposed  club  or  group.    If  permitted,  school  administrators  shall ensure  that  all  clubs  and groups have the same abilities to access facilities and advertise their meetings.

No funds shall be expended by the school for any such meeting beyond the incidental costs associated with providing meeting space. Groups meeting under this policy may be required to pay a reasonable fee for compensating school personnel in the supervision of the activity.

No student may be compelled to attend or participate in a meeting under this policy.

A  student or a  group of students who wish to conduct a  meeting under this policy must file an application with the principal at least three days prior to the proposed date.

The principal shall approve the meeting if he/she determines that:

  1. The meeting is voluntary and student-initiated;
  2. There is no sponsorship of the meeting or its content by the school, the Board, or its employees;
  3. The meeting will not materially and substantially interfere with the orderly conduct of the school’s educational activities or conflict with other previously scheduled meetings;
  4. Employees of the district are to be present in a non-participatory monitoring capacity; however, no employee shall be required to attend in this capacity if the content of the meeting is contrary to the beliefs of the employee; and
  5. Non-school persons will not direct, control or regularly attend.


If the Board or school principal authorizes an event at which a student is to speak, a limited public forum shall be established for such student speakers. The appropriate administrators shall ensure that:

1.        The forum is provided in a manner that does not discriminate against a student’s voluntary expression of a religious viewpoint, if any, on an otherwise permissible subject.

2.        There is an appropriate method of selecting student speakers, which is based on neutral criteria.

3.        Student speakers do not engage in speech that is obscene, vulgar, offensively lewd, indecent or promotes illegal drug use.

To the extent possible and practical, prior to events in which students will speak, notice shall be provided orally and/or in writing that the student’s speech does not reflect the endorsement, sponsorship, position, or expression of the Board and its employees.


Money/Valuable Items

The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.

Learning Lab- Students may be assigned to the Learning Lab to complete any missing or incomplete assignments as needed.  Parents must pick students up from the Learning Lab at 4:00 pm. Please understand that Learning Lab is not a  punishment for behavioral issues, but rather an opportunity for students to get extra help with assignments that they have not submitted or completed in their entirety. Learning Lab is not optional. If your child is assigned to a Learning Lab, a note will be sent home with the date the Learning Lab is to be served. The note is to be signed and returned the next day. If it is not signed and brought back the next day, a detention will be given in addition to the Learning Lab.


Students may be assigned to detention by a teacher or by an administrator. Your child is responsible for bringing the conduct report home, and we expect parents to sign and return the report the next day. Parents must pick up their children at 4:00 p.m. promptly. Students are expected to serve detention when assigned. Detention is not planned at student or parent convenience. Failure to serve detention will result in the doubling of detention until the detention is served.  Continuous absences from detention will result in out-of-school suspension. The conduct report is your notification.

Re-scheduling Detention and Learning Lab

We allow parents to reschedule one detention or Learning Lab per semester. Detention and Learning Lab  are non-negotiable. Detention and Learning Lab take precedence over sporting events, school activities, and after-school appointments.

Field trips

All field trips will be taken as extensions of classroom learning activities. Supervision is the responsibility of staff members sponsoring the activity. Students are expected to be on their best behavior while on field trips. Students who engage in inappropriate behavior on field trips will not be allowed to attend future field trips. Teachers reserve the right to allow or refuse to allow parents to attend field trips. Any adult who rides the bus with students must be a BOE-approved volunteer and have a  background check and be fingerprinted.



All books are numbered and recorded by the teacher and the condition will be noted.  Lost or damaged books (including library books) MUST be paid for before another textbook can be issued or before grade cards can be released.  The average cost of a textbook is approximately $50.00- $90.00.



Lockers are school property and are subject to search (BOE Policy 6.303). A student using a locker that is the property of the school system does not have the right of privacy in that locker or its contents.  All lockers or other storage areas provided for student use on school premises remain the property of the school system and are provided for the use of students subject to inspection, access for maintenance and search. Notice shall be posted in each school that lockers and other storage areas are school property and are subject to search. Lockers are to be kept in a neat order so that doors completely close and no articles are left hanging outside.  Failure to do so may result in the loss of the locker privileges.

Extra-curricular Activity Options

Students are encouraged to participate in the wide variety of clubs, organizations, and activities available at SCES.  Some of these include:


Middle School Programs--CCMS Football, Cheerleading, Volleyball, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Cross Country, Tennis, Track, and Golf

SCES Programs-- FCA, Chess, Cross Country, Student Council, Beta Club, FFA, STEM, Kindness Club, Basketball, and Cheerleading


Students in 7th and 8th grades that participate in extracurricular activities may be randomly chosen to participate in drug screenings that occur each semester.


Each year we try our best to add new and exciting activities for our students- stay tuned!


Phone Use

Students have access to the office phone to call a parent/guardian about cancellations, changes, and academic/personal needs. Students and parents are expected to make arrangements for normal after-school activities in advance - not the day of an activity.


Cell PhonesPolicy Ref. 6.312 

Students may possess personal communication devices and personal electronic devices so long as such devices are turned off and stored in backpacks, purses, or personal carry-alls. Such devices include, but are not limited to, wearable technology such as eyeglasses, rings, watches that have the capability to record, live stream, or interact with wireless technology, cell phones, laptops, and tablets. However, a teacher may grant permission for the use of these devices to assist with instruction in his/her classroom, and teachers are encouraged to integrate the devices into their course work. The principal/designee may also grant a student permission to use such a device at his/her discretion.

Unauthorized use or improper storage of a device will result in confiscation until such a time as it may be released to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action.



Violation of Cell Phone Policy

A student may possess a personal communication device such as a pager, cellular phone,personal digital assistant (PDA), or similar type device, in school, on school property, at after school activities and at school-related functions, provided that during school hours and on a school bus the personal communication device remains off and concealed from view.Possession of a communication device is a privilege.

A “personal communication device” is a device that emits an audible signal, vibrates,displays a message, or otherwise summons or delivers a communication to the possessor.

Students in violation of this policy are subject to the following disciplinary action:

First Offense: Device will be taken and held for parent/guardian pickup and a documented warning.

Second Offense: Device will be taken for parent/guardian pickup and detention or in-school suspension.

Third Offense: Device will be taken for parent/guardian pickup and 2 detentions or in-school suspension.

Fourth offense and subsequent violation will result in disciplinary action at the discretion of the administration.

** If a student is in possession of a cell phone, regardless of who the phone belongs to, these disciplinary consequences apply to that student.


Discipline Policy

See the county-wide BOE policy 6.300 for in-depth information on student behavior and consequences. Each grade level will provide a welcome letter with grade-specific policies at the time of registration. Copies can be made at any time for the parent/legal guardian. Students at South Cumberland Elementary are expected to behave in a way that reflects the values and morals of the school’s vision and mission. South Cumberland Elementary recognizes that students are responsible for their actions and behavior, and are therefore accountable for the resulting natural consequences of inappropriate actions or behavior. We believe that all students and adults in the SCES family should treat all persons equally and respectfully, and refrain from the willful or negligent use of slurs against any person on the basis of race, language,  color, sex, religion, disability, origin, immigration status, age, or political belief. Students are also expected to actively support and assist the school in maintaining a campus free of drugs, alcohol, weapons, and gang activity. Students should always remember that their behavior at school and school-related activities is a reflection not only on themselves but also on South Cumberland Elementary. We also recognize the responsibility of the parents for the behavior of their children and actively include them in the disciplinary process.

Expected Student Behavior

The following is expected from all South Cumberland Elementary students:

In the classroom, students should:

1. Be seated when the bell rings.

2. Be courteous to all adults and other students.

3. Follow all classroom rules and teacher directions.

At assemblies, students should:

1. Be courteous and quiet from the time they enter the assembly.

2. Immediately come to order and pay attention to the speaker.

3. Applaud to show approval.

4. Follow all dismissal directions.

In the cafeteria, students should:

1. Eat and finish their lunch in the designated eating areas.

2. Wait patiently to get their food.

3. Get all items needed (napkins, silverware, condiments) when they go through the  line.

4. Follow the directions and show respect for the adults on duty.

5. Clean up after themselves, and not throw food or run in the cafeteria.  

6. Use manners and speak quietly.

7. Not cutting line or holding places for other students.

8. Listen to directions the first time they are given.

9. Understand that adults do not argue with students.

While on field trips, students should:

1. Be on their best behavior.

2. Pay strict attention to the directions that are given.

3. Not leave trash on the bus or at the field trip site.

4. Not antagonize or make fun of ANYONE

5. Understand that field trips are a privilege: students who do not behave while in the  school, will not be allowed to leave the building.


Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch may be assigned for inappropriate behavior in the cafeteria or the classroom.  Silent lunch may also be used as an opportunity to make up tests or missing work due to absences.


 Dress Code BOE Policy 6.310

The Cumberland County Board of Education recognizes and understands that there is a strong correlation between appropriate attire and a positive learning environment. To help create not only the best learning environment but also the safest, expectations for student dress have been established. The dress code is intended to reduce the likelihood of distraction or disruption to the daily academic focus and operation of the school. Instruction is interrupted when a student is referred to an administrator for inappropriate dress. If, in the judgment of the administration or staff, a student is dressed inappropriately, the student will be required to change clothing.

The principal may allow expectations for school wide programs, special classroom activities, recognition of religious practices or medical issues.

It is essential that students respect the learning environment by being appropriately dressed for school. The purpose of the student dress code is not to inhibit any person’s taste or attire, but rather to better facilitate the process of education through reasonable guidelines of dress, instilling dignity, and pride. Students shall dress and be groomed in a clean, neat, appropriate, and modest manner so as not to distract or interfere with the educational process or cause a safety hazard.1 Students are required to adhere to the provisions of this code during school hours (whether on or off campus) and while in attendance at school- sponsored events.

It shall be the responsibility of the school administration to develop administrative guidelines that provide clarity and uniformity to the application of this policy. As part of the development of these administrative guidelines, building administrators shall set forth uniform and consistent consequences of dress code violations.

Student Dress Code Procedures/Expectations

The principal’s judgment shall prevail in all matters regarding the application of these rules.

All Students K-12

1. The following shall NOT be worn at school or school sponsored events during regular school hours for ALL students.

a. Clothing or accessories that denote affiliation with any gang associated with criminal activity or a safety hazard or security risk

b. Ill-fitting clothing such as saggy/baggy pants or pants dragging the floor.

c. Excessively oversized clothing including but not limited to coats and/or trench/duster style.

d. From a relaxed standing posture, clothing exposing skin mid-thigh or higher (no skin showing).

e. Clothing/tattoos with suggestive or inappropriate slogans, vulgar captions, or advertisements for tobacco, alcohol, or drug products

 f. Caps, hats, or headscarves, for boys or girls, will not be worn inside.

g. Form-fitting/body-fitting clothes or clothes with revealing necklines.

h. No pajamas.

2. In addition, the following rules shall be enforced for all students:

a. Any color or style of shoes may be worn, with the exception of “heely” or bedroom slipper type of shoes.

b. Shirts or tops with leggings shall be worn so that its length appropriately covers front and behind.

c. From a relaxed standing posture, without leggings, shorts/skirts/dresses will be no higher than mid-thigh. Slits ts in skirts/dresses will be no higher than mid-thigh.

d. No tinted glasses/sunglasses are permitted to be worn inside the building unless prescribed by a doctor.

e. Large heavy jewelry chains, and any jewelry that could be deemed harmful or dangerous, will not be permitted.

f. Valuable clothing and jewelry are discouraged.

g. Shirt and blouse length may not be so short that students raising their elbows to the height of his or her shoulder exposes midriff and must cover at least 3” of the shoulder so as not to reveal the torso or undergarments. Halter tops, tank tops, cropped tops, or muscle shirts that reveal a bare midriff or lower back are not allowed; no midriff bare skin should be visible while standing, sitting, or raising one’s hand in class, or walking in the hallways.

h. No costume attire or distracting clothing except on special dress days.


1. Special dress days may be designated by the principal to include but not limited to the following examples: field days, picture days, school spirit days, etc.

2. If a student cannot comply with the standardized dress code because of religious beliefs or physical characteristics, the parent/guardian must provide a written explanation to the principal for possible relief from certain aspects of this dress code.

Violations may result in the following consequences:

First Violation: The student will receive a written warning and the violation must be corrected.

Second Violation: Parents will be notified; the violation must be corrected, and a detention will be assigned.

Third Violation & Subsequent Violations: Disciplinary action at the discretion of the administration.

Bus Conduct BOE Policy 6.308

In order to maintain conditions and an atmosphere suitable for learning, no person shall enter a school bus except students assigned to that bus or parents of students or other persons with lawful and valid business on the bus. A driver may remove a student in the event that the driver finds it necessary for the safety of the other student passengers or the driver, provided that the driver secures the safety of the ejected student for the uncompleted trip. A driver shall report to school authorities as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the route, any student refusing to obey the driver or exiting the bus without the driver’s permission at a point other than the student’s destination for that trip.

The school bus is an extension of school activity; therefore, students shall conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with the established standards for safety and classroom behavior.

Students are under the supervision and control of the bus driver while on his/her bus, and all reasonable directions given by him/her shall be followed.

The principal of the student transported shall be informed by the bus driver of any serious discipline problem and may be called upon to assist if necessary.  A student may be denied the privilege of riding the bus if the principal determines that his/her behavior is such as to cause disruption on the bus, or if he/she disobeys state or local rules and regulations pertaining to student transportation.

The suspension of a student from riding the school bus shall follow the same procedures as for any other school suspension.

Any student who gets off the bus at any point between the pick-up point and the school must present the bus driver with a note of authorization from the parent or the principal of the school that the student attends.

Any student wishing to ride a bus other than his/her designated bus must have written parental permission and the approval of the principal or his/her designee.

Students who transfer from bus to bus while en route to and from school shall be expected to abide by the discipline policies adopted by the Board and rules adopted by the staff of the terminal school.

Use of Video Cameras

Video cameras may be used to monitor student behavior on school vehicles transporting students to and from school or extracurricular activities.

Students in violation of bus conduct rules shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with established board policy and regulations governing student conduct and discipline. Photographs and video footage shall be used only to promote the order, safety and security of students, staff and property.

The district shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws related to photographs and video footage. These  materials shall be maintained for a minimum of 60 days.Parent(s)//guardian(s)  may submit a written request to view photographs and video footage to the Director of Schools/designee, and a time shall be arranged for viewing at the central office within 7 days after the request is made.  The Director of Schools/designee shall be present when parent(s)/guardian(s) are provided the opportunity to review photographs and video footage.

The Director of Schools shall develop procedures governing the use of cameras and video cameras in accordance with the provisions of state and federal law and established board policies.

Violation of Bus Conduct Policy

1st Offense- Student will receive a written warning with notification to parents.

2nd Offense- Parent Notification and 3 day bus suspension

3rd Offense- Parent Notification and 5 day bus suspension

4th Offense- Parent Notification and 10 day bus suspension

5th Offense- Parent Notification and bus suspension for remainder of the semester

Zero Tolerance  BOE Policy 6.309

In order to ensure a safe and secure learning environment, the following offenses shall not be tolerated:1

  1. Bringing to school or being in unauthorized possession of a firearm on school property;
  2. Unlawful possession of any drug, including any controlled substance, controlled substance analogue, or legend drug on school grounds or at a school-sponsored event;
  3. Aggravated assault;
  4. Assault that results in bodily injury upon any teacher, principal, administrator any other employee of the school, or school resource officer; or
  5. Threats of mass violence on school property or at a school-related activity.

Committing any of these offenses shall result in a student being expelled from the regular school program for at least one (1) calendar year unless modified by the Director of Schools. Modification of the length of time shall be granted on a case-by-case basis. Students that commit zero tolerance offenses may be assigned to an alternative school or program at the discretion of the Director of Schools.

When it is determined that a student has violated this policy, the principal of the school shall notify the student’s parent or guardian and the criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system as required by law.

Tobacco-Free Schools BOE Policy 1.803

All uses of tobacco and tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vapor  products and associated paraphernalia are prohibited in all of the school district's buildings, within a 100 ft. radius of building entrances and in all vehicles that are owned, leased or operated by the district.  Smoking, use of vapor products and other tobacco products shall be prohibited in any public seating areas including, but not limited to, bleachers used for sporting events or public restrooms.

District employees and students enrolled in the district's schools will not be permitted to use tobacco or tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes and associated paraphernalia while they are participants in any class or activity in which they represent the school district.

Any student who possesses tobacco products shall be issued a citation by the School Resource Officer.

Use or Possession of drugs and/or alcohol

Any student who possesses drugs or alcohol on school grounds or at any school-related function shall be immediately suspended from school upon due process.


Searches by School Personnel BOE Policy 6.303

In order to ensure a safe and secure learning environment, the Director of Schools shall develop procedures regarding the searching of students, lockers, vehicles and containers which are consistent with state law. The Director of Schools shall develop additional procedures to ensure compliance with all of the provisions of the School Security Act of 1981.


Bullying Policy for Cumberland County BOE 6.304

Students shall be provided a safe learning environment. It shall be a violation of this policy for any student to bully, intimidate or create a hostile educational environment for another student. Harassment, bullying and intimidation occurs, if the act takes place on school grounds, at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided equipment or transportation or at any of official school bus stop, if the act either physically harms a student or damages his/her property, or knowingly places the student in reasonable fear of such, causes emotional distress to a student or students, or creates a hostile educational environment. If the act takes place off school property or outside of a school-sponsored activity, an act of harassment, bullying or intimidation occurs if the act is directed specifically at a student or students and has the effect of creating a hostile educational environment or otherwise creating a substantial disruption to the education environment or learning process.


Safe Schools Statement

South Cumberland Elementary School is committed to creating safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environments where all community members work together to promote academic excellence, civil behaviors, and social competence. All staff, students, and parents help create safe schools.


Crisis Plans

Each class has a specific plan to follow in the event of an emergency such as fire, tornado, bomb threat, or lockdown.  We practice these plans, so our students will know how to react in the event of an actual emergency. Students should be aware that they can be prosecuted for pulling fire alarms.


Inclement Weather                                                                           

During the school year, school is sometimes canceled due to bad weather. Listen to your radio or check our school Facebook page for information on school cancellation or delay.  Please do not call the school to learn of cancellations... Our phones are incredibly busy on these days, and we need to get pertinent information to our students.

When school is delayed due to bad weather, the doors will open 45 minutes prior to the announced time for school to begin.


School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS)

A systems approach to establishing the whole‐school social culture and intensive individual behavior supports needed for schools to achieve social and academic gains while minimizing problem behavior for all students. SWPBS is NOT a specific curriculum, intervention, or practice, but a decision-making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of scientifically‐based academic and behavioral practices for improving academic and behavior outcomes for all students. A central feature of SWPBS is implementation of behavioral practices throughout the entire school.


RTI (Response to Intervention)

The school system embraces the Response to Instruction and Intervention Framework (RTI2) model, now part of educational law for the state of Tennessee, as a system of service delivery that uses evidence-based interventions, monitoring and evaluation for on-going tracking of individual students in making informed decisions about the student’s educational and behavioral programming needs.  This framework provides students who do not respond to instruction with increasingly intensive levels of intervention.  Each school is dedicated to meeting the requirements of the Response to Intervention Framework Model through the School Intervention Team’s oversight of procedures and fidelity of implementation.  If you feel your child is in need of additional intervention, please contact the school office to speak with the RTI2 Coordinator, 484-6713.


Special Education Services

Approximately 15% of America’s population has a learning disability, or difference. These learning differences are most often discovered during the elementary years. If a student participates in the RTI program to the point of educational testing, a special education teacher, school psychologist, administrator, and the classroom teacher will meet with parents to determine next steps. An IEP, or Individualized Education Plan is written for each student who qualifies for special education services.



The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, commonly referred to as Section 504, is a nondiscrimination statute enacted by the United States Congress.  The purpose of the Act is to prohibit discrimination and to assure that disabled students have educational opportunities and benefits equal to those provided to nondisabled students. An eligible student under Section 504 is a student who (a) has, (b) has a record of having, (c) is regarded as having, a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity such as learning, self-care, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, working and performing manual tasks.

Please contact 504 Coordinator at 788-6713, or District SPED Department at 484-3301, or visit for more information pertaining to Special Education, 504, and Homebound Procedures.


Homebound Instructions and Procedures

Homebound placement is instruction provided at home, hospital, or related site to children with disabilities.  The purpose of homebound instruction is to provide medically involved students, both long-term and short-term, with a program of academic instruction.  Such instruction is provided so that the student’s time of confinement need not be a loss of educational experience, nor academic credit.  For long-term illnesses, such instruction is made available so that the student may participate in a planned, sequential, educational program designed to meet his/her individual needs at home or in the hospital.  The result should be an educational program parallel to the one provided in the school setting. Eligible students are provided instruction parallel to the instructional program currently offered in the typical classroom situation for his/her age and/or grade level as determined by the homebound teacher, parent, and school personnel. Adjustment in such curriculum and instruction will be made upon the recommendations of the homebound teacher in accordance with the individualized needs of each student. Homebound instruction is one of the most restrictive educational placements for school-age children and is only appropriate when a disabled student's physical or mental condition makes placement with other students prohibitive. Homebound instruction is not to be confused with homeschooling. A homebound student is a child who has a medically diagnosed physical or mental disabling condition or health impairment that confines the child to a home or hospital and whose activities are restricted for a minimum of ten (10) consecutive school days.


Cumberland County Homebound Procedures:

  1. Homebound forms requesting homebound services for a student must be received from a doctor.  Date of services can begin no earlier than the date of the doctor's signature on form.  Any homebound forms received to schools should be faxed or sent to the Homebound/SPED office the day they are received.
  2. All forms must be completed and approved by the Homebound Director, including parent signatures on the homebound application procedures form, prior to services being provided.
  3. A copy of all homebound forms will be sent back to the school attendance clerk. For students on an IEP, a copy of the homebound form will be sent back to the student’s special education case manager to place with the current IEP or 504 Plan.
  4. For Special Education Students, an IEP or Section 504 Team at the school will meet on an individual basis to determine what services a student needs after the following are met:

Only upon certification by a licensed doctor of medicine or osteopathy that a child with a disability needs a homebound placement. The child is expected to be absent from school due to a physical or mental condition for at least ten (10) consecutive school days. The child can receive homebound instruction in a homebound placement without endangering the health of personnel providing it.

  1. For students suspected of having a disability, the District will conduct an evaluation prior to determining eligibility for a 504 plan.  If a student is determined eligible for a 504 plan while on homebound, a 504 plan will be developed by the homebound instructor, classroom teacher, parent, and school 504 coordinator. A copy of the 504 plan will be sent back to the home school Section 504 Coordinator.
  2. Homebound services must be reviewed every thirty days and a new doctor’s note received.  Special Education students placed on homebound for behavior may only receive homebound services for one thirty (30) day period in a school year.
  3. Prior to the student returning to school, another IEP meeting or 504 meeting will be held to transition the student back to school and determine if services or accommodations will be needed.  504 plans may be terminated at that time if no additional accommodations or services are needed.  If the student continues to need a 504 plan, then it will be turned over to the school level 504 Coordinator.  The school 504 Coordinator will be responsible for distributing the plan to teachers and scheduling an annual review of the 504 plan, or more frequent as needed.



FERPA gives parents and eligible students these basic rights:

  • The right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school;
  • The right to request that a school amend the student’s education records
  • The right to consent in writing to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the student's education record, except under certain permitted situation;
  • The right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO) regarding an alleged violation under FERPA.


Homeless Student Enrollment Procedures: 

A homeless student (also referred to as child and youth in transition) is defined under the Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act as lacking a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, and includes:

  • Children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative, adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement;
  • Children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings;
  • Children and youth who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and
  • Migratory children who qualify as homeless for the purposes of this subtitle because the children are living in circumstances listed above.  


Every child has a right to a free and appropriate public education. Children in transition who fit federal definitions of homelessness have a right to:


  • Immediate school enrollment and attendance, even without birth records, school records, immunizations, and/or health physicals;
  • Have assistance with requesting records from the previous school;
  • Remain at their school of origin if it is in the best interest of the child;
  • Transportation to and from school;
  • Help for prompt resolution about school placement including Special Education,
  • Bilingual Education, Gifted, and remedial programs; and receive free breakfast and lunch for the remainder of the school year (by using the nutrition application and current procedure).


Identified homeless families can receive assistance through the student support staff at their school. Services provided include linkages with community resources, clothing for students, and school supplies. Homeless students may also be eligible for additional supportive academic services. For more information, please contact the school office at 788-6713


 Federal Program Offerings

Title I: Academic Improvement

Title II: Staff Development

Title III: English Language Learners

Title VI: Rural School Educational Improvement Opportunities


Title I  Components

  1. A comprehensive needs assessment
  2. Schoolwide reform strategies
  3. Instruction by highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals.
  4. High-quality and ongoing professional development
  5. Campuses utilize strategies to attract and retain highly qualified staff.
  6. Strategies to increase parental involvement.
  7. Plans for assisting preschool children transition from early childhood programs, such as Head Start, Even   Start, Early Reading First, or a State-run preschool program, to local elementary school programs.
  8. Measures to include teachers in decisions regarding the use of academic assessments that provide information to improve the achievement of individual students or the overall instructional program.
  9. Effective, timely additional assistance to ensure that students’ difficulties are identified and assistance is provided.
  10. Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs


ELL Mission Statement

The Mission of the SCES English Language Learner program is to provide non- English speaking students with the English language competence needed to thrive, move forward and accomplish high levels of success while meeting all local and state standards given appropriate education. Continuity and cooperation with the staff as a whole will lead to their full involvement in an ever changing multicultural global society.


SCES Parent Involvement Policy

  1. At the first PTO meeting of the new school year, a copy of this policy, legal requirements, and the parents’ opportunity to be involved will be explained.
  2. A monthly school calendar will be used to inform parents of upcoming programs.
  3. Information concerning the students’ performance at school will be provided on the mid-term & nine-weeks report card or, if necessary more frequently. At these times parents may arrange for conferences to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children.
  4. Comments by parents of children participating in the Title 1 school wide program plan shall be attached to the plan when submitted to the Local Education Agency.



Shared Responsibilities for High Student Performance

  1. Teachers will inform parents of their child’s progress as needed, as well as at the fall and winter parent-teacher conference sessions.
  2. Opportunities for parents to volunteer will be available throughout the school year.
  3. After-school tutoring may be available for students who need additional help.


Building Capacity for Involvement

  1. Information about literacy training provided by the Adult Basic Education office will be made available to those parents who need guidance in helping their children improve their achievement.
  2. Teachers will be available to assist parents in how to help their children in certain classroom subjects.
  3. Parents may help coordinate the services provided by local businesses
  4. Parents and teachers shall work together in coordination of the education of children, including those with learning disabilities or physical handicaps, during scheduled meetings.
  5. At the first PTA meeting of the school year, parents will be introduced to members of various school committees, discuss with them the responsibilities of each committee, and be open to parental input.



See Cumberland County School BOE Policy 6.402 for more information pertaining to student immunizations to include Meningococcal immunization.


Mental Health Needs

To address the mental health needs of our students, South Cumberland follows the mental health standards and guidelines adopted by the Cumberland County Schools.


Lice Screenings BOE Policy 6.3041                     

Screenings take place randomly. The school nurse or designee may check for head lice. Upon return to school after an infestation, that child must be checked individually by the school nurse in a private location. Cumberland County has a no-nit policy.  This means students may attend school if and when they are clear of both living bugs and nits.


All medication must be brought to and from school by parents, never delivered by students. Students requiring prescribed medication must have an “Administration of Medication” form completed by their parents and on file with the school nurse.  This form is available in the office and must be completed each year for each medication.  The medication should be brought to school by the parent, (not the student) in the original container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or clinic.  Medication will be kept in the office and given to the students at the designated time.  Prescribed medication may be administered by a school nurse or by a non-health professional designated by the principal or school nurse.  All medications must be supplied by the parents in original containers and require written consent even for intermittent use.

NOTE:  Any student possessing, selling, giving, or sharing any medication in any form including, but not limited to any type of over-the-counter medication, or health aids (such as vitamins), will be subject to full prosecution under the Drug-Free Schools Act.

Family Life Curriculum                           

Family Life Curriculum is mandated by the State of Tennessee Department of Education.  We, as a faculty, want the parents of our students to be aware that the following issues are addressed in the sixth through eighth grades throughout the year.   Parents have the option after reviewing the materials to opt their student out of such instruction.  Please contact the School Counselor for further information.  Abstinence is the basis for all our instruction.  

3rd Grade Promotion Requirements

TN State law requires that 3rd-grade students must be proficient in reading based on their report card grade, which includes the TNReady assessment score.

Withdrawal Procedures

Parents/Legal Guardians must come in person to withdraw students for enrollment to another school.  Our attendance clerk will be happy to help parents with the necessary paperwork. Student records cannot be released until all books are returned or paid for, cafeteria charges are paid, and other financial obligations are met.

Report Card Holds

Holds will take place due to returned checks, failure to pay fundraiser, or team/group/activity fees, and/or lost/missing instructional materials.

Cafeteria Behavior

Acceptable behavior and good table manners are expected at all times.  Students unwilling to use appropriate table manners/voice levels may be isolated, assigned a specific seat during lunchtime, and/or receive disciplinary action.  Lunch is an important social time for our students, and we want everyone to enjoy this time.


Homework is given to reinforce skills taught in the classroom.  As a result, completion of homework is necessary to have success in all subjects. Teachers also grade homework assignments. THUS, HOMEWORK MUST BE COMPLETED! Failure to complete assigned homework will result in disciplinary action.

Change of Contact Information

Please notify us immediately if you have a change of mailing address, email address, or telephone number.



  • The Cumberland County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, or handicap in the provision of educational opportunities, activities, or other administered programs.
  • Parents have the right to request information pertaining to the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher(s). Teacher certifications can be found by accessing the Tennessee Department of Education Teacher Licensing website ( or by contacting the Central Office at 931-456-8347. Parents may also request the qualifications of a paraprofessional that provides educational assistance to their child.
  • Parents must receive notification if their child is being taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks in a core curriculum subject by a teacher that is not highly qualified.
  • Parents will have access to system/school report cards as developed by the State Department of Education and available (usually in late fall of each year) through the state department web site (, at the school, and/or at the Central Office.
  • Parents will be given the option to transfer their child to another public school or to obtain supplemental educational services if the school fails to meet adequate yearly progress.
  • Parents will receive academic results for mid-reporting periods, end of reporting periods, TN Achievement results in grade 3-8, End-of-Course and Gateway Exams in a timely manner as required by local Board policy and the Tennessee Department of Education.
  • Parents can visit the state’s website ( to access a description of the Tennessee Curriculum Standards, assessment, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
  • Parents of secondary school students have the right to request that their child’s name, address and telephone number not be released to a military recruiter without their prior consent.
  • Parents of a student identified as limited English proficient (ELL-English Language Learner) will be notified in a timely manner of their child’s level of English proficiency, their child’s opportunity to participate in an ELL program, details of the program, and the right to waive participation.
  • Title I Schools:  A written parental involvement policy will be developed jointly with and distributed to parents of children participating in Title I programs. The parental involvement policy is printed in the school’s handbook or a copy is available at the school’s office (this is also available on the SCES web site at An annual meeting will be held to inform parents of the school’s participation and status in programs funded through ESSA..
  • A school-parent-student compact that outlines the responsibilities of each party for improved student academic achievement will be distributed and agreed upon annually.
  • Federal law affords parents and students, over 18 years of age, certain rights regarding educational records. The school board policy relating to student privacy and parental access to information is available in the school board policy manual located at each school and the Central Office.
  • Students and parents are encouraged to participate in safe and drug-free school programs/activities. If parents object to these programs/activities, they may submit a written request to the principal that their child does not participate.
  • Information pertaining to the rights granted by federal law to students with disabilities may be obtained by contacting the Special Education Department of the Cumberland County School System at 931-484-3301.
  • The Cumberland County School System has the responsibility to locate, identify, and evaluate all children ages 3 to 22 years that are suspected of having a disability. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Special Education Director at 931-484-3301.
  • School health requirements, policies and procedures can be obtained from the Cumberland County Health Department, school administrators, or the school nurse.
  • Students attending a persistently dangerous public school, or students who become victims of a violent criminal offense while in or on the grounds of a public school that they attend, are provided the opportunity to transfer to a safe public school within the local education agency.
  • A program or activity funded as part of a 21st Century Community Learning Center that provides before or after school activities must be evaluated to assess its effectiveness. The results of the evaluation(s) are available upon request at the Federal Programs Department at 931-456-8347.



Tennessee Department of Education


Answers to many questions and much helpful information may be obtained from the State Department of Education by calling 1-888-212-3162 or visiting:

Division of Special Education, Tennessee DOE

710 James Robertson Parkway

Andrew Johnson Tower, 5th Floor

Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0380

Phone:  615-741-2851

Fax:  615-253-5567 or 615-532-9412

East Tennessee Regional Resource Center

2763 Island Home Blvd.

Knoxville, TN 37290

Phone:  865-594-5691/Fax:  865-594-8909


Child Advocacy Group Contact Information

In addition to the state and local resources available to parents and children, there are many agencies and organizations that offer support, information, training, and help in advocating for persons with disabilities in Tennessee.

A few of these organizations are listed below:

The Arc of Tennessee

44 Vantage Way, Suite 550

Nashville, TN 37228                Phone:  615-248-5878          

Toll free:  1-800-835-7077

Fax:  615-248-5879          E-mail:

Support and Training for Exceptional Parents (STEP)

712 Professional Plaza Greenville, TN

Public Notice:

Parents, Teachers, Students and Cumberland County School Employees

A copy of the Cumberland County Schools Asbestos Management Plan is on file at the

Cumberland County Maintenance Department located at 736 Old Mail Road, Crossville,

TN. This plan can be viewed Monday through Friday during normal business hours 8

AM to 4 PM CST. The plan is also available during normal business hours at each

Cumberland County School.

For further information please call:

CCBOE Maintenance Office at 931-484-5763

Cumberland County Board of Education Central Services at 931-484-6135

Please note that all policies and procedures are subject to change due to the ever changing COVID-19 regulations.  We will make every effort to keep students, families, faculty and staff safe and informed.

Cumberland County Assessment Calendar 2023-2024

Disclaimer: Test dates are subject to change based on adjustments mandated by the Tennessee Department of Education. Additional information related to state testing can be found at www.






Assessment Explanation

How will you get your student's assessment results


August - May

Aug. 14-Aug. 31, 2023


WIDA Screener for EL status

This assessment is an English language proficiency "screener" test given to incoming students who may be designated as English language learners. It assists educators with programmatic placement decisions such as identification and placement of ELs.

These assessments do not reflect on your child's grades. However, the results of these tests will be sent home upon completion of the testing window.


August- May

TBD at the school level

High School Discretion


The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is an assessment designed to measure "developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military." This assessment is given to every 10th grader or 11th grader.

ASVAB will distribute the results of this assessment to students and parents.


August- May

TBD at the school level

High School Discretion

Civics Exam

Per Tennessee Code Annotated, students in high school will take the U.S. Civics Exam prior to graduation. This assessment is designed to both promote and document basic U.S. Citizenship knowledge and skills.

The results of this assessment will be returned to individual students.




PreK-8 and 9-12 as applicable

AIMS Web Benchmark Screening 1

AIMS Web is a skills-based universal screener for Reading and Math, used to inform important decisions about student learning and serve as a benchmark for making decisions regarding student academic support that may be needed.

These assessments do not reflect on your child's grades. However, the results of these tests will be sent home upon completion of the testing window.



Oct. 5&6

Grades 9-12


These assessments provide a mid-term snapshot on how students are progressing in full term courses.

Results from these tests will be averaged into your student's overall grade and reflect on their grade card.



Oct. 17

Grade 12

ACT Senior Retake

This assessment gives educators, students, and families early insight into a student's level of preparedness for college and career by high school graduation.

Results from this assessment will be distributed to individual students and parents by ACT.




Grade 12

ACT Senior Retake Makeup

This assessment gives educators, students, and families early insight into a student's level of preparedness for college and career by high school graduation.

Results from this assessment will be distributed to individual students and parents by ACT.


November - December

Nov. 27-Dec. 14

Grades 9-12 EOC Courses Fall Block

Fall Block EOC

The End of Course category of the state's overall TCAP system provides information regarding the knowledge and skills related to English language arts, math, science and social studies high school courses. Also known as TNReady assessments, these tests are designed to assess true student understanding and not just basic memorization and test-taking skills.

Results from this test will be included in the TCAP portion of the student's overall grade on their report card. Parents will receive a collective TCAP report that includes the results from each part of the assessment.



Dec. 4- Dec. 14, 2023

PreK - 8 and 9-12 as applicable

AIMS Web Benchmark Screening 2

AIMBS Web is a skills-based universal screener for Reading and Math, used to inform important decisions about student learning and serve as a benchmark for making decisions regarding student academic support that may be needed.

These assessments do not reflect on your child's grades. However, the results of these tests will be sent home upon completion of the testing window.



Dec. 13 &14

High Schools

1st Semester Finals

This assessment covers course content for fall semester.

Results from these tests will be averaged into your student's overall grade and reflect on their grade card.


January - March

March 19

Freshmen & Sophomores


This assessment predicts student performance on the ACT and can be used as an indicator of college and career readiness. Reports include data to help with target interventions, inform classroom instruction, guide students in course selection, and qualify students for Middle College.

Results from this assessment will be distributed to individual students and parents by ACT.


January - March

Jan. 29-March 8

Schools and grades participating TBA


The National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas.

Assessments are conducted periodically in mathematics, reading, science, writing, the arts, civics, economics, geography, U.S. history.

Individual student results are not reported to families or districts. Scores are only reported to the Tennessee Department of Education.


February - March

Feb. 5-March 29

EL students


The WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 is a secure large-scale English language proficiency assessment administered to Kindergarten through 12th grade students who have been identified as English language learners (ELs). It is given annually in WIDA Consortium member states to monitor students' progress in acquiring academic English.

These assessments do not reflect on your child's grades. However, the results of these tests will be sent home when results are received from WIDA.



March 19

Grade 11


This assessment gives educators, students, and families early insight into a student's level of preparedness for college and career by high school graduation.

Results from this assessment will be distributed to individual students and parents by ACT.


March - April

Feb.5-May 17

Grades 3-11 (ELA & Math)


The Multi-State Alternative Assessment (MSAA) applies the lessons learned from the past decade of research on alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS) to develop a multi-state comprehensive assessment system for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The project draws on a strong research base to develop an AA-AAS that is built from the ground up on powerful validity arguments linked to clear learning outcomes and defensible assessment results.

Results from this assessment will be reported to parents in the fall grade cards.


March - April

March 11-April 26

Grades 3-8 (students with most significant cognitive disabilities for science and social studies) and Grade 10 (biology)


This alternate TCAP test is designed for our students with the most significant cognitive disabilities for both science and social studies in grades 3-8 and biology in grade 10.

Parents will receive a collective TCAP report that includes the results from each part of this assessment.


March - April

March 11-April 26

Grade 2 ALT

2nd Grade Assessment - ALT

This alternate assessment is designed for our 2nd grade students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

This assessment does not reflect on your child's report card. However, the results of this test will be sent home as soon as it becomes available.



March 14 &15

High Schools


These assessments provide a mid-term snapshot on how student are progressing in full term courses.

Results from these tests will be averaged into your student's overall grade and reflect on their grade card.


April - May

April 15-30

Grade 2

2nd Grade Assessment

This criterion-referenced assessment is designed to measure 2nd graders' English language arts and math progress in the knowledge and skills outlined in the Tennessee State Standards.

This assessment does not reflect on your child's report card. However, the results of this test will be sent home as soon as it becomes available.


April - May

Grades 3-5 April 15-30 6-8 & EOC April 15-May 3

Grades 3-8 and Grades 9-12 EOC Courses Spring Block and Year Long Courses Offered in the Skinny Block

TCAP (Grades 3-8) and EOC (Spring Block and Year Long Courses)

This section of the state's overall TCAP system, provides information regarding the knowledge and skills related to English language arts, math, science and social studies. Also known as TNReady assessments, these tests are designed to assess true student understanding and not just basic memorization and test-taking skills.

Results from this test will be included in the TCAP portion of the student's overall grade on their report card. Parents will receive a collective TCAP report that includes the results from each part of the assessment.



May 6- May 16, 2024

PreK - 8 and 9-12 as applicable

AIMS Web Benchmark Screening 3

AIMS Web is a skills-based universal screener for Reading and Math, used to inform important decisions about student learning and serve as a benchmark for making decisions regarding student academic support that may be needed.

These assessments do not reflect on your child's grades. However, the results of these tests will be sent home upon completion of the testing window.



TBD at the school level

Grades 9-12

AP Exams

AP Exams are assessments that measure student comprehension of Advanced Placement material.

Results from these tests will be averaged into your student's overall grade and reflect on their grade card.



May 10, 13, &14

High School Discretion

Senior Finals

This assessment covers end of the semester courses that are not covered by State mandated End of Course examinations. This assessment covers end of the semester courses that are not covered by State mandated End of Course exa8minations.

Results from these tests will be averaged into your student's overall grade and reflect on their grade card.



May 21&22

Grades 9-11

Finals (Underclassmen)

Updated on 7-10-23