Marvel Upgrades (AkhilPDX)

Big thanks to Bang, Remus, Jazz, and Cyber for helping with this!

Thor’s speed calculations (done by Akhil):

Calc 1:

In “Journey Into Mystery (Vol 1 Issue 94)”, Thor flies from Earth to Asgard in “moments” after Loki, using his trickery, telepathically sends him a message to do so.

Asgard is but one of nine (ten including Heven), if not an infinite number of realms contained within Yggdrasil, with each one being entire universes.

Low end = Thor took 20 seconds to reach Asgard = 1.5 quintillion times FTL

Mid end = Thor took 5 seconds to reach Asgard = 6.3 quintillion times FTL

High end = Thor took 2 seconds to reach Asgard = 15.8 quintillion times FTL

The Marvel 616 Universe is at least 1 trillion light years in diameter (likely far higher due to the consistent statements of it being infinitely big). Even if we don’t account for the fact each realm has its own space and time (due to being above and beyond ordinary, universal laws of space and time), they should be beyond the 1 trillion light years scope of our universe due to Yggdrasil (delves deeper into Marvel cosmology).

1,000,000,000,000 light years = 5.87862537318361e+24 miles

5.87862537318361e+24/20 seconds =  1058152567173049800000000000 MPH or 1.579 quintillion times FTL

5.87862537318361e+24/5 seconds = 4232610268692199200000000000 MPH or 6.317 quintillion times FTL

5.87862537318361e+24/2 seconds = 10581525671730498000000000000 MPH or 15.793 quintillion times FTL

This feat should be completely usable as Thor is seen flying to Asgard in mere moments without the use of the Bifrost. It should not be lowballed or ignored due to a lower calc.

Mjolnir travelled through all 10 realms of Yggdrasil in a short amount of time.

Thor can dodge Mjolnir (Thor (1998) #7, Thor #144, Journey Into Mystery #121)


The entire Marvel Universe is stated infinite in size

Marvel Universes

The Marvel Universe is a vast phenomenon. At a very minimum, it’s at least 2 trillion lightyears in diameter (assuming the Earth is in the middle of the universe). Depending on what “thought years” are, the universe could be far greater than just 2 trillion lightyears, even via finite statements for thought is repeatedly stated to be far faster than light. However, the universe is far more likely to be greater than a simple finite value due to the consistent statements of the universe being truly infinite. You could say that some statements might be hyperbolic or symbolic, but there are far more reliable statements from reliable sources such as Odin Borson, the Watcher, and Galactus that debunk this notion. The Living Tribunal states the universe is infinite. The Beyonder describes the 616 universe as a multiverse, being composed of an endless number of dimensions and myriad planes of reality. A single universe creates an infinite number of alternate realities / timelines every quantum moment over and over, AD Infinitum.

Most heralds (high-tier heralds like Thor, Hulk, Beta Ray Bill, Doctor Doom) would have infinite speed via this standard and some (Silver Surfer or Sentry) could have immeasurable speed.

surpasses the Big Bang (multiversal feat lowballed since it goes across all planes of reality of which there are an infinite number of)

The clash of two Mjølnir

Marvel Universe 1 Trillion Light Years - Avengers (2018) #26

Yggdrasil Universes - Thor #616, Loki Agent of Asgard #11

Hulk destroys a Universe - Hulk #126, recapped in Defenders #1

2 weak Thor’s clash rivals the Big Bang - Thor #439

Mjolnir crosses all the 9 realms - Thor (2020) #1

Yggdrasil above Space and Time - Thor (1998) #26, Journey Into Mystery #85 (Here’s a bit more about Yggdrasil by the way)

Platonic Forms in Marvel

The entire Marvel Universe is stated infinite in size

All-Black the Necrosword

Before creation (Second Cosmos), there lived a God… his name was Knull. The Lord of Darkness. The progeny to Oblivion. As the Aspirant / Celestial War shattered the First Firmament, there was light. The First Firmament was the first universe, a universe transcendent to all creation, all multiverses. The first universe created by the One Above All.


Knull used All-Black the Necrosword to decapitate one of these Celestials.

Gorr found the sword. Used it to try to kill all gods across all of time and space via the Godbomb. Thor stopped it by absorbing the multiversal bomb into himself and killed Gorr but Gorr’s essence was drawn into All-Black. After he returned, he pulled a Zamasu and merged it into the universe, turning it into All-Black the Necroverse. In order to stop him, Thor has to unleash the full power of the God-Tempest within Mjolnir, the primal motherstorm so powerful that Odin at his best could only seal it away.



  • Physically speaking, Hulk is slightly stronger than Thor. With that being said, he shouldn’t scale too all of Thor’s feats that were listed above but he should be able to replicate things like destroying a root of Yggdrasil or launching a big bang level attack.

Silver Surfer:


Beta Ray Bill:


Doctor Doom:

Jean Grey:


Blue Marvel:



Red Hulk:


Scarlet Witch:

  • This was from the author notes but it also states that some parts were taken out during the editing process. There were no specific statements of her connection to the House, so is it possible that it’s not a thing? Wrong.
  • The House of Ideas is the dwelling space of TOAA (The One Above All). If you’re in it, you gain access to anything true form TOAA (not aspects like the Fulcrum or Above All Others) has, which includes boundless AP and every single hax and superpower in the history of Marvel Comics which includes the past, the present, and the future. Essentially omnipotence.


Doctor Strange:

Gorr the God Butcher:


Black Bolt:

  1. Narration claims his strength is a close second to the Hulk.

Defeats Sphinx without the use of his voice, releasing what is described as infinite energy, who he himself states that he can destroy worlds and even a galaxy  on a whim

                -Silver Surfer claimed Visions’ strength approaches his own in their fight.

-Can slug it out with Ultron, his creator. Ultron specifically created Vision to be a threat to the Avengers, including Thor.

  • Captain Marvel
  • Genis-Vell
  • Gladiator

  • Nate Grey
  • Adam Warlock

  • Legion
  • Invisible Woman

  • The Runner
  • Venom
  • Carnage

Characters that are EXTREMELY important to Marvel Cosmological Scaling / Dimensional Tiering (mess with them at your own peril):

Yggdrasil Scaling:

  • Galactus
  • Odin

  • Gwenpool
  • Nyx
  • Vision
  • Eternity
  • Franklin Richards
  • Thor
  • Kubik
  • Thanos
  • Anti-Man
  • The Living Tribunal 

all the hosts of Celestials, Aspirants, Reed Richards with prep, Exitar, Ashema, Arishem,