Clementine Document.

(This doc was made to spread awareness of what Clementine has said & done.)

Writers and colors:

Jasper- Blue

Robbie - Yellow

Rib Cander - Orange

Joe - pink

ducky - green

Goobie/Marv - purple

Sydney - gray

Marshall - red

Marz/Stella - red text

No need for color/anon writer - plain color


Content and trigger warnings

  • Sexualizing Tally Hall members
  • Explicit art
  • Transphobia
  • Doxxing & downplaying
  • Self diagnosing disorders
  • Being a bad partner
  • Crossing boundaries and sexualizing people
  • Joe Hawley obsession
  • Tally Shipping
  • Tally Hall NSFW fanfics
  • Gore
  • Refusing to go offline + faking death
  • Projection
  • Grooming allegations against rei
  • Rei’s story
  • Self Harm and name carving
  • Robbie taking accountability for his own actions




After you read this, I highly advise you to not interact with Clementine. Do not harass her and do not comment on her posts. She likes the attention and giving it to her in any way just gives her more of a reason to not change.

Thank you.



Clementine, a popular creator in the Tally Hall fandom is known for many things. What's she known for most of all is how problematic she is. Many people often undermine how bad she is because she's young, because of her poor mental health, or some other third reason. Though she is 12— going on 13 soon— it doesn't give her any right to do many of the things she did. Think of it this way; would it be okay for a 6-year-old to stab his mom just because he’s young and has ADHD? No! So, why are we letting Clementine do such things? I'm sure if you read this in full you'll understand why it's wrong to support her.





Clem (short for Clementine) has drawn disgusting things about the Tally Hall members. She also said disturbing things about them (For example she posted a video about Zubin with a very weird sound. The sound was saying, "I want to suck his penis dry." Disgusting, right?)

Here's every explicit drawing Clementine has made, not in order of date:


[Transcript: lewd and creepy drawings of Joe Hawley drawn by Clementine]


Evil ross

She drew Evil Ross, who is canonically aro-ace. It's almost as if she's drawing Ross Federman himself, as this is just the evil alter version of this. I assure you, Sal (creator of Evil Hall) would not be comfortable with this:

[Transcript: Sexual and suggestive art of evil ross]


Joe Hawley in nothing but toe socks.

 This was posted on her Tiktok page:


C: “sorry I was uhhm” “drawing Joe Hawley with nothing on except toe socks”


 followed by the drawing]


Rob cantor r34

And proof that she drew r34 of Rob Cantor:


C: “someone found my r34 account” “sigh”

S: “Hahahaha!!!!!!!!!EHAT” “YIU HAVE A R34 ACC???”




C: “I need my computer for it but idk where it is it was something to do with Rob that's all I remember”]

The porn wasn't a one time thing. She was constantly drawing porn. She drew lude drawings of my persona and only asked if she could after making it. I did give her permission though, so please don't come after her for that.



Here's a bundle of screenshots of her sexualizing members of Tally Hall even when the topic wasn't even sexual:


S: “I fucking Love that clip” “I love rob”

C: “I love fucking fucking.rob 🤤”

(A gif of banana man)



C: “i want his banana”]



C: “mnhhgh banana man push your banana deeper nghh”]


This one is also an example of her being a bad girlfriend as she has mentioned thousands of times before:


[Transcript: “im pretty sure robs dick Is like 23 inches”]


[Transcript: (a gif of rob) “rob nghhh😍”]


[Transcript: “I'm gonna print out a picture of rob and cum all over it /hj”]

In this screenshot, she also admits to thinking being canceled is fun:


[Transcript: “I'm cumming for ross”

“I want to hear ross whimper”



(clem) “a few times” “it's actually really fun”]

I find her immature and disgusting. The amount of apologies she had made still didn't make her learn from her actions. This is honestly surprising.


She's brought this up in her apology:

This is her excusing how sexual she was at the thought of the members and drawing them. You can control your hormones when it comes to drawing porn of real people.

She would often excuse what she was doing because other fandoms did it. That's a horrible mindset to ever have and to have for as long as she did. Thankfully, Clementine says she won't do it again, but with the whole tone of the rest of her apology, it might not even be true.



While talking about ftm person



Reposting offensive jokes



She was asked by someone if she doxxed me and she said yes. She immediately goes to say she did it because she thought it was funny.

When confronted, she excused what she did by saying I doxxed her or marz and was involved in doxxing. I did not dox marz nor her.

A few months back, I made a doxxing joke that I have not made in a while. I did talk to someone who quit doxxing people way before I talked to them and asked them to dox clementine. I knew he wouldn't, therefore I asked it as a joke. I don't have anyone's Address as of now, and clementine does.

Clementine also excused doxxing me by saying it was public information and I deserved it because my dad was in a small local band when he was 17 in 2007. My dad is anything but famous. Even if he was, that is not my fault. An address should not ever be public. She also got my dad's phone number and texted him at 1am, practically begging hom to punish me.

(I put my dad's name into google And i couldn't even find him.)



At some point Clementine stopped posting about Palestine completely. She didn't repost anything, she's rarely ever posted links, or even a call for action. I counted how many posts She made before a single one about Palestine and it was 292 posts. The only time she genuinely cares is When I call her out.

She them lied about the situation, saying I said it was a competition When I have never said anything along The lines.

This is her victimizing herself. I have never aid anything like this, rather i ask why she hasn't posted consistently about Palestine without being reminded.

 she cannot say the r word either… ew.

She's overly aggressive when talked to about it as well.

She then also removed her pinned Post that was because she wanted commissions.



(And faking illnesses)

Clementine has self diagnosed several disorders You cannot self diagnose. Not only is this extremely Disrespectful, it is also borderline ableist.

Actual BPD/NPD patients


Hello, my name is Sydney, i have diagnosed NPD and BPD, and i have been diagnosed since i was 14. It’s extremely harmful to people with bpd to self diagnose a serious long term disorder. There is a reason its rarely diagnosed to teens, even adults. Clemmy has also had a history of self-diagnosing psychosis and other very serious psychiatric disorders. Bpd has affected life long term, especially with relationships. We feel and hurt a lot. From what i have seen, clemmy has had no sense of remorse or any feeling of guilt for actions she should be old enough to acknowledge.,your%20symptoms%20on%20your%20own. 

Not all self-diagnosing is bad, but when it comes to cluster personality disorders, thats where you draw a fine line, those are serious mental disorders which require lifetime therapy and medication. 

Bpd is not a joke, and its not a trend or something to s-diagnose like autism or adhd, it is a lifelong battle with suicide and depression.  

75% of people with BPD attempt suicide, and as many as 9% die. - NIH, National Institutes of Heath.

If you are suffering, please call the hotline, at 988.


Now on to the main part, it is extremely disrespectful to people who ARE diagnosed and cannot get treatment, and are labeled and treated horribly because of misinformation and stigma.  

Faking or Claiming to have a mental health condition as serious as a cluster personality disorder makes it more likely that people without the disorder, claim they do, which makes it harder for people with the disorder to get diagnosed. It is also important to note, that clemmys hormones probably are coming into play. As she mentioned in early segments.

The primary reason most therapists dont diagnose teens with BPD is because of hormones.

(this is clem)



Hi so i never thought i’d be writing stuff about clem, but looking back she fuckin manipulated me. I dont fw self diagnosing. Literally go die if you do that.

Hi so im 15 years old and diagnosed with borderline personality disorder by a psychiatrist who specializes in neurological disorders.

Am i medicated? No. i am a minor.

The diagnosis is for the pure fact to have safety plans and an idea of why i act certain ways. Medically i am not diagnosed, it is not on paper nor on any doctor files.


I have been told specifically by my psychiatrist;

“You are most definitely in the borderline personality disorder category, however I cannot medically diagnose you from a medical and educated perspective.”

So even as a minor i do not outright state i have it.

BPD is a very serious disorder and it is NOT ok to self diagnose. I was diagnosed against my will. I did not come up to my psychiatrist and ask to be diagnosed.

You cannot detect BPD unless you are a skilled professional in mental disorders. It is not like researching autism or anxiety.



Joking about hearing disability

She figured out I was hard of hearing and she said this



I don't really know what else to say here


FYI Jasper is the one with the MLP pfp.

Clem is the one with the red circle in her name


Whatever this is



This one is also an example of her being a bad girlfriend as she has mentioned thousands of times before:



During our relationship, she would often talk to other people in affectionate ways as if she and I weren't dating.

She also reached out to someone admitting that she liked them while we were in a relationship.


She also claimed to someone who was completely unaware of the situation that all She did was be a little mean.


She also was the one who broke up with me.



Not only has clementine sexualized members of tally hall— who usually don't seem as “real” as someone you actually get to know— she has sexualized three people who ran evil hall Parodies.She would spam their curious cats and straw pages with uncomfortable and sexual questions and statements. She would sometimes even talk in replies with them.

I want to note, during this time, me and clementine were in a relationship.

[transcript: “at the same time I'm harassing evil ross and evil joe”]


[Transcript: “wait i never showed how i was torturing evil ross and evil joe” followed by screenshots of her sent messages]

Here are all the confirmed messages she Has sent:


[transcript: “Evil Ross you're so handsome… Will you run away with me? We can live a fantasy together, I'll do everything you desire. I love you so much and I want to spend tge rest of my life with you, hand in hand, beautiful rings connecting our hearts into one…”]




[Transcript: “KISS ME MARY ME **** (assumed to be “fuck”) ME PLEASE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH” “I apologize for my previous message that was a bit strange of me”]

I'd like to note that Charlie (Evil Ross) said it was fine to ask any further questions, not to continue this behavior.


[Transcript: “Rossy PLEASE I'm just… So in love with you.” “Ross… Rossy baby… I know you want me ;3”]


I reached out to Charlie, the owner of the Evil ross parody and asked how they were affected and felt about this.

This was their response:

“idk how to type this tbh. But I found it weird, at first I thought it was a joke but the messages clem was sending to the acc were really weird. And im 100% sure I put in my strawpage that I was a minor and that I don't like sexual stuff. Like I felt weird opening my strawpage and seeing stuff that were sexual. Also it made me highly uncomfortable because it was sexual to evil Ross and im a evil Ross fictionkin so I felt like I was being sent those weird comments like, just me on my own. And the fact clem didn't even think about the fact I was highly weirded out about being sent all that shit. And when I got sent those stuff I felt like just stopping the acc, and I think clem should've took into accountability and actually properly apologised because I don't know if they did or not. But it was weird and I didn't really want to reply to any of them, but I thought that if I didn't I'd get sent more”

On their strawpage, there were warning about them being a minor and uncomfortable with sexual messages. Even without those warnings, this should be common sense. 



[transcript: “call me pet names baby”]


[Transcript: a fuck ton of creepy messages, the tweet reads “STOOPPP”]


[Transcript: “mwa mwa mwa, I LOve you evil joe”]


This person commented on my video about their experience with this and we talked about it further in dms. This is what they had to say:

"[so when i was receiving the anonymous messages abt sexual things, i already felt uncomfortable but out of not knowing what to do i played along. once it was done though, she had admitted to being one of the people who had sexually harassed me. at the time I genuinely did not know how i shouldve felt. But now, looking back, I feel disgusted of her actions. A quick mention that this made me relapse on one of my addictions that Id rather not say here. The way she had posted it like nothing, made it feel like I shouldve been ashamed. Soon I had found proof she was enjoying it when it was happening, and I had never felt so disgusted in my entire life. On top of all of this, when I saw she came back, I felt myself go cold and the memories of the time coming back. I genuinely didn't know how to feel, neither then, nor now. She made me feel uncomfortable, disgusted, and even ashamed of MYSELF for doing nothing wrong. Everytime I look back even if I don't want to, I just feel so sick to my stomach.) (Id also like to mention that i literally had my main acc in my bio [@wingstheperson] and i had stated my age there before [13 yrs old]. Even though its bad regardless of age, its still bad she knew my age and still went ahead and did so]”


I sent both of these paragraphs to her and stated they were from the two people she harrassed and she couldn't care less.


She then later apologized to the public not long after

She then went on to lie and say she didn't do that and immediately deflect.



Clementine has established that she had a Joe Hawley hyperfixation (she’s not even autistic or has ADHD..) publicly and privately. She has stated that she doesn't post about it as seen in this post on her Twitter:

This is sadly wrong. I'm not sure if she began  posting on her alt, Ashtononymous, before or after this. The account has been deactivated since she was exposed to being him. The account was filled with posts mostly about Joe. The most concerning post was a post of her showing off her scars from carving Joe's name into her thigh. I won't show it because that is not exactly something even I'd want to see, but I have a screenshot of proof that Clementine is Ashtononymous.


Robbie: replying to “i was ashtononymous” Show proof / though / like / being signed into him

Clem: sends a proof]


She mentioned this in her apology:

Firstly, she's joking in her apology. This doesn't help her seem sincere at all. I'm sure there were so many other paths to resort to rather than “releasing” it through carv1ng. She doesn't use her bad mental health to excuse this, thankfully. Yet this isn't the case for other parts of her apology. She said she'd talk to her mom about medication to get a better mindset and stop carving in all. This is great, and I hope it's genuine. Though, she has mentioned her mom is hard to get to about her medication so we don't know if this is really going to happen


The Joe obsession doesn't stop here. When she was sent to the mental hospital, apparently one thing led to another, and her “sexual tension” got to her. She loved Joe so much that she ended up drawing ship art of Joe in somewhat lude poses around Kittycorn, her persona, who is blushing.


Though unclear, there is another with Joe and Kittycorn close. It's hard to make out exactly what is going on but you'll get the point


This is disturbing, as this is a real person. She talked about this in her apology, using several excuses for this. Under any circumstances, there is no reason to draw such things of a real person.

She included this in her apology:

A coping mechanism. This is like calling proshipping a coping mechanism. This is obviously unhealthy and just awful. If you're away from Tally Hall content, it would make more sense to draw SFW things with references to existing content. There are so many different creative ways of making new content and art. Though, she did address how it didn't make it right which is good she admits this. No matter the hyperfixation you have, it never should spark anything of the sort.

Not only this, Clem has expressed that she didn't care that Joe had groomed a minor. And tried to make up excuses for him doing so.

[Transcript: idc that he groomed a kid 🐺 / GUYS / I think he was just ?stressed? / I mean / I mean / like / ??? bothering him / IDK / GUYS [Robbie sends image of shock] IM TURINGING INTO A JOE SUP / GUYS / SAVE ME / S—- / SLAP ME S]

The tone was jokingly, but it was clear she meant it. Even if this was somehow a joke, it's not something to even graze upon when it comes to it. Real people were in this situation and real people were harmed by it.

She did include this in her apology:

She used excuses for this. “I have a lot more empathy than usual” isn't a good reason for siding with Joe. No matter how much empathy you have it doesn't excuse supporting Joe nor saying half the things she did. The last sentence seems just untruthful. It seems insincere. It's nice she tried, but it isn't working.



This has been up in the air for a while now. She was rumored to be a tallyshipper and now it's confirmed. It was confirmed a week ago or so in pinterest dms and it's now been confirmed on her public YouTube page.


She calls tallyshipping “realistic fiction” and a coping mechanism…. She's totally right though, it's not like these grown men nor their wives/girlfriends would care if you're shipping them with their friends!

And this is some recent stuff too, she is not getting better.




And in a more recent instance:

(all following screenshots taken on 13 october)

The way she just ignores the fact that OP is calling her out for the r34 and excusing tallyshippers just to try and be like “why are u so sensitive” is insane. This person is perfectly in the right. DRAWING PORN OF REAL PEOPLE IS FUCKED UP.

Is this not proof she hasn’t “changed” ?


Robbie is exposing her for being a weirdo. I don’t know why she thinks she can say otherwise. This better be an apology.


So as you can see she is NOT better. Her only defense is to say how the tallies don't care, they are active on the internet!!

This is not the Beatles where half of them are dead. Or MCR where they don't run any of their own accounts. These people will and have seen this shit.

Yes, don’t send death threats, but it's gross and you have to call it out. I myself at one point was okay with it, now I simply don’t care about tally hall. It is NOT the same as the Beatles.

She needs to stop trying to defend her gross actions with the same excuses. The members of Tally hall have kids who WILL see this, the band being niche means they will see this stuff. Imagine you find out people online ship your dad and his best friend? Isn’t that fucking weird and uncomfortable? 3 members have wifes. 3 have kids. Andrew and Joe do not agree with each other.



Clementine often read Tally Hall fanfictions. Not SFW, non-sexual ones, though. Instead she read NSFW ones that mostly only included the members doing odd things to the reader or even together.


She said she only does this to read about the Tally Hall members in intimate situations rather than that she ships them.

There's also confusion on whether or not she was a tallyshipper or not. This is not something to be confused about. Though, Clementine has been and has admitted to being a tallyshipper. More in another section.


She would often read Tally Hall fanfictions. Even the concerning ones. Including a fanfic that was of Joe Hawley and Ross Federman raping an underage y/n. She denied this in her apology because she realized there was no proof or screenshots of it yet.Clementine did read this fanfic.


Liking Non-Con and Necro

She even commented “this is so awesome sauce” under tallyship art including non consensual and necrophilia themes. Her user is njjkfive.

When she was writing her apology she brought up how she didn't know how to even tackle this part. I said that I didn't show any screenshots of it, trying to calm her down (mind you; she was suicidal 20 minutes prior). She then said it was an allegation and that she didn't read it.

She says she's never going to read one of those fanfics again but given how she “joked” about not getting better, it seems like there is reason to doubt this.




points of why I believe Clementine thinks she did nothing wrong

Before  I start, I want to make something clear. Yes, she can be aware she did "cancelable" things but no,she doesn't believe that she's bad. Maybe this is her trying to brush things past? Maybe she is trying to pretend like nothing happened even. She has already said before she didn't want to be the bad guy. This could be reason for pretending like what she did was  okay. From everything I saw, she genuinely believes what she did was fine. I cannot see even a little glimpse of realization in all the evidence I have.

1. She refuses to get off the Internet.

There's miles of proof for this.

- Firstly, it begins right after the doc was released. Her account was banned and she made a new one. In this new account, she reposted some of her old videos as well as made a few shitposts including text. In a specific rant she says she refuses to get off the Internet. She talks about how she wants to improve while still making videos. This is an awful demeanor to have when you're in the wrong. It has been proved that she can't improve while on the Internet, as she has been "canceled" a total of 11 times. Almost each time she makes an apology and says she'll change. Judging by the amount of times she's been "cancelled" she probably never even meant her apologies.

- Another thing to note about this is that each time she wrote an apology she always had a negative attitude as if it was homework or something she was forced to do. If she was sorry, she wouldn't act like this. She only does her apologies to get people off her back, similarly to how she attempts to fake her death.

- recently, it was found out that Clementine does still have access to the Internet. She is persistent on being on her phone though she can only use Pinterest and Roblox from what we know. We got someone contact her and report back to us what she said. When they asked why she stayed online she replied saying she needed "some form of entertainment". There are millions of things she could do rather than be on her phone. This only proves she doesn't feel guilty or shame for what she did. She refuses to be creative and attempt to actually get better.


She has also faked her death several times.




Clementine has commonly been a straight-up asshole towards others. Throwing out insults over everything, and telling people to harm themselves over an argument isn’t something she should get away with. After harassing others, she plays the victim. Clementine acts like she deserves pity, immediately after being a bitch to everyone who says something factually correct about her that she doesn’t like. On her private Twitter account, Clementine posted blocks of text constantly hating on others. Need proof? Here are some screenshots taken from her private Twitter account that I have access to viewing!:

Slurs and death threats

*In this screenshot above, Clementine says a slur she cannot reclaim 6 times.


Leaking info

*In the image above, Clementine is threatening to leak important information from two people she was previously close to. This is considered illegal.


Extreme hatred for no reason

Marz doesn't use she/her by the way


This is just the information from her private Twitter; there are still more examples of Clementine having a shit attitude towards other people. Here’s another example I found, on Discord.


Clementine straight-up treats others like shit. She expects people to give her kindness back, & when she doesn’t get the kindness she wants, she complains & makes the same few excuses. Whether it’s “I’m only 12” or “I’m just a girl”, she doesn’t deserve empathy, considering the horrible shit she’s said & done. Telling people to sl1t their wrists isn’t just a joke that can be excused with a simple “sorry”. Her being 12 DOES NOT EXCUSE THIS. Death threats & insults won’t get you anywhere if you’re aiming for people to like you. When Clementine plays the victim, she often leaves out massive parts of the argument. To people not caught up in the situation enough to understand, it may seem like she’s in the right. This is not true. Leaving out details can change the entire perspective of the story she tells. She knows what she’s doing. Just because Clementine is 12, nearly 13, she isn’t stupid. She chooses what to leave out. Treating her with kindness as if she’s a baby isn’t what you should do.

Here’s another example of Clementine being an asshole:

[Transcript: i hate this stupid bitch so much it’s not even funny. I genuinely want them to kill themselves. I’ve never actually hated anyone more than this fucking persona nd it makes me want to cry all the time. They turned some of my friends against me, and even if they don’t realize it, they’re abusing their power of being popular in a fandom. They bring light to situations they SHOULDN'T be bringing light onto, which causes everyone to go attack the person in the situation. They’re 19 fucking years old yet they’re so immature it’s not even that fucking hard to just grow up. Or take meds, cmon, you’re old enough to drive yourself to the fucking doctor and find out what’s wrong with you. I hate them. I used to love them but ever since about a week ago they make me want to come to their house and explode it. They blocked me then continued to mock me afterwards so I don’t see it, but I do. They’re a huge fucking hypocrite and they’re always like “People under 14 DNI!!!” Even though the MAJORITY of the fandom their content is surrounded by are 14 and under.]

(help these transcripts took so long)

[Transcript: They ALWAYS interact with people 14 and under and then get all upsetty spaghetti when they interact back. They’ve gotten a few peoples entire SOCIAL LIVES **RUINED** Because of their immaturity. I lost some of my coolest moots because of them. I hate them so fucking much I hope they slit their wrists. Honestly its not that bad but for some STUPID REASON i just hate them with a burning passion, yet there’s still people who support them when they SHOULDNT BE. Ugh. And it’s not even bad enough to be canceled over so theres no chances of anything good happening. I hate them HATE THEM SO MUCH AUGHH I WANT TO SEE THEM HANGING FROM A TELEPHONE WIRE ON THE STREETS]


When I told Clementine about a video made about her, she expressed it made her uncomfortable to realize she made someone cry. I asked her if she'd want it taken down and she said no. Her reasoning was because she liked the attention. This is unsettling.


This further adds on to the “Clementine likes being canceled” claim.

Clementine talking shit about goobie/Sylv while she was her biggest fan:


She also left a passive aggressive comment on one of Goobie’s videos and sending it to me to be funny:

Then turning to “not support” talking bad about her the next day as if she hadn't said that the day prior. Not only this, she insults me in a way she knew would hurt my feelings. This was while we were dating.


On 3/12/24, Clementine sent me a long message about why she didn't want to be friends with me anymore. She messaged me out of the blue on her Discord alt account, Kittykat, trying to figure out why I did what I did. Soon we said our condolences and decided to be friends again. She DMed me right after school ended for her with a devastatingly long paragraph of half gibberish. I'm gonna address this in small chunks because of how many things were brought up in this Frankenstein of a message.

Part 1:

It wasn't just because she was a bad girlfriend. It was because she was a bad person. When I read back all the messages and things she said I was ashamed and disgusted that I conversed let alone dated this person. That is why I did it, to spread awareness. I admit, yes, I have exaggerated only one thing out of all of this and yes, I've owned up. that won't be added to this document. Everything except for that one thing was 100% true and never exaggerated. This is a common case of her trying to be a victim.

She claims that I'm a horrible person, one worse than her. This is not at all true. This is but one of the many times she exaggerates in this message. Yes, “canceling” her might seem bad when you look at only what she posts and says. I joined the fandom in late December. I never was exposed to the dangerous side of it. I never really thought people actually doxxed minors in the community. I never thought people would be harassed and sent photos over this. I was unaware of this. So no. I am not even close to how bad she is. I do admit, I can be a bad person at times but I cannot be compared to Clementine. She brings up the fact that I didn't take into consideration that she was mentally ill. Yes, I did. I've known mentally ill people and I know it's not an excuse to draw porn of real people or anything else on this document. She then brings up how I'm older and it baffles her how I'm less immature. This is honestly stupid. From an outside perspective, it may seem like I'm a year or two older but this is wrong. This never even needed to brought up.

I am 66 days older than her. This is another example of her exaggerating things.


She talks about how I didn't take how I drove her out of her happy place seriously when she talked to me about this in a public Tik Tok comment section of one of my videos. I obviously didn't think to take this seriously because she didn't seem to want to give enough effort to just DM me privately about it. I hate having conversations in comment sections. Not only this, she said my full name in this public comment section. She never brought this up nor apologized for it. I never leaked ANY of her genuine private information so she has no reason to do that. She then throws insults as well as a slur she cannot reclaim. The r slur. She obviously ignores this later and tries to be the victim. Again, I “turned everyone against you” because you're a horrible person. And there she goes again calling me evil.

She says this as if I was supposed to cry and get on my knees. It's disgusting how she admits to expecting fanfare like that. Unlike her, I haven't been canceled for the same things over and over again. Of course people will forgive me because again; I'm not the one who's done all of this. She blames me for why she's getting sexually harassed. I never told anyone to do that. I will never condone that. It's not my fault people are doing that. She then brings up a recent video I made. The video was a gacha club tween/animation to the song Bill Watterson by lemon demon. The caption to the video was something along the lines of “this is satire!!! I don't stalk Rob Cantoooorrrr…. Or do I.”. This will always be taken as a joke. I don't know how anyone, even if the person who posted it was problematic, would take that as anything but a joke. At this point; I have blocked her on every account I know her to own on Tiktok, so this means she created a whole new account or got someone else to stalk my page for her. This is just weird.

I responded to the message with a simple “tldr” because I didn't feel like trying to process any of what she sent at the time and blocked her. She was so upset about this, she posted it on her private Twitter. Again, trying to be the victim.

What do you expect me to do? I've told you before I don't know how to reply to half the things you send. How am I supposed to respond to a long paragraph? You're the one who exaggerated and attacked me.

She's posted about this on her main Twitter page, saying she was trying to reason with me but I wouldn't listen. That paragraph sent was not reasoning. There was no reason in it.

[Transcript: i tried to reason with you / i tried to talk to you / you’re not listening / open up your ears / listen to me / hey / hey you /i’m trying to talk to you / hey / hey!! / hey i have a deal for you / hey / why arent youlistening to me? / hello? / are you there? / stacy?]


She also mass posted on her private Twitter about me on 3/14/24

LEFT: [Transcript: qrt’ing “kill yourself” 3 times]

RIGHT: [i know / stacy i know / i dont want to die but i want this to end please / kill yourself]


She then adds a guilt trip. Tw:


This is just a bad habit. Never should this ever be a thing you do. You shouldn't be using this as a way to guilt someone into not spreading awareness of your actions.

She spam posted about how I didn't let her finish talking:

She has at least 2 people to contact me through, yet she chose not to.

Clementine often posts vent videos including other people's ocs without their permission. Here, she includes my persona in her vent video. Obviously, she Includes no context whatsoever which just makes the whole situation flipped.

This is pushing my boundaries. We are on bad terms, yet she uses my persona in means to make me the villain. This is a normal thing she does. It sickens me to see my own character used in her videos like this.

I made a video replying to the use of my OC without my permission while also including part of my story because she had captioned a video previously saying “normalize hearing both sides of the story!!”

In the top post she's begging me to take down my video. In the caption of my video it tells only part of the story without leaving anything out. The fact she's begging me to take down the post that I made to spread awareness (not including her full name or address or anything that could endanger her directly) is pathetic. This means she knows what she's done is horrible. She wants to stay innocent, she wants support. I am not going to remove my video.

Here's the caption:

[Transcript: large ass paragraph complaining]

while I was directly messaging her she dmed me asking me to tell robbietoo k1ll herself,and if we mentioned her in our conversations to show her “perchance”,and being an absolute freakzoid hoping that robbiewill come crawling back to her and that she's up for it.

↑ this was extremely weird and manipulative. Is this really what you willingly support?

Again she's very delusional and immature and I hope she gets help and gets off the Internet (which I doubt.) and learns her actions were still disgusting and age doesn't excuse how terrible she was and hypersexuality isn't an excuse.


A fuck ton of slurs:

[Transcript: f slur and r slur on multiple occasions]



Im adding this bc i have reason to believe she manipulated me. I have treated clem with kindness, despite disagreeing with her self diagnosis.

Basically clem and i were friends. We even exchanged numbers. But i started to ghost her because people in my strawpage were ‘shipping’ us.

I AM 15.

I should have the right to leave anyone i want. I was uncomfortable. Beforehand i was friends with the mini mall people, but they dropped me when i became friends with her. So i was already sacrificing shit for her.

Here you can see her acting like im in the wrong and i should ditch all my friends.

I send a cute drawing jasper drew

And this is what she says..

Why the fuck does she have to bring up the kc drama. Shut the fuck up!!!

Even here i was just saying things she wanted to hear.

This is so fucked up bro like what. She blocked me on her public twt on my priv, main and art account…

Another example of her just talking shit about people for no reason.

I then see something alarming on her priv, and being her ‘friend’ i was worried. She was threatening self harm because of jasper.

Blaming others on YOUR self harm is FUCKED UP. she literally never spoke to me again after this. No thank you, she just fucking brought in jasper again!

And shes cutting herself just to spite jasper? Is this not FUCKED UP.

She said NOTHING after what i said and left me worried as FUCK. yet still- i am not good enough to be unblocked. I am also blocked on her private. I showed fucking support and comfort for her and she does that. That is FUCKED UP.

She also lovessss convincing people to drop robbie. Get a hobby!!!

Thats enough. Ive fucking had enough of this. Continue on.



[Transcript: all hail joe hawley (spammed 11 times)]


Support of Meowbahh and bellathewolf

Oh lord, these are terrible people.

Here's some videos if youve been under a rock 

Some of bellathewolfs actions

And now meowbahh

And heres clems support to meowbahh and bella (reposting their stuff?)


Clem claiming hypersexuality isn’t real

In a Tiktok post, Clementine would say “hot take I think but you’re not hypersexual and you don’t have bpd you’re a 13 year old going through puberty.”

She also, now VERY recently posted on her public Tiktok how she is hypersexual and basically blamed her problems on that.


“Me denying everything about being hypersexual thinking it’s ‘just hormones’

“*finds out i’m hypersexual*”

Caption: ‘for the past week ive been putting extensive research into this

Posting how she denied having hypersexuality to saying she is hypersexual. Weird how it is RIGHT after she got called out for it? Exactly. She only posts things to victimize herself and make people pity her. Which is disgusting how it's working. People should not be excusing her gross actions because she turned out to be hypersexual or she turned out to do sh.


Young neil: some people have these feelings at 7..

Clem: u can start puberty early

Young neil: literally no way youre serious

Clem: I am

Young neil: attaches video response ]


She mentioned puberty being the main ready for her drawing and saying sexual things right at the beginning of her apology:

Yes, her puberty may be at its “prime” but it doesn't excuse any of this. She's using puberty as an excuse in her own apology. This is a comment trait of hers.

To add like half of the people on this doc are literally the same age as her… and they are NORMAL. They dont fucking act like this!!




Allegations Against Rei

Clementine, as some may know already, has made claims of being groomed. She has posted several videos about her getting groomed, her groomer, and her story of what happened. (as shown below)

However, she openly admitted to Greystace that she was in fact not  groomed. She admitted that both of them were minors (12 and 15) and that both of them consented to the relationship, and she in fact suggested they date in private. While, yes, the age gap is kind of weird, it is not grooming. both are minors, both consented, and Clementine wasn't manipulated into the relationship.

(proof of her admitting to lying about it shown below 🔻)


She afterwards hinted towards doxxing him/having someone else dox him.

While I don't have screenshot proof of her saying it was specifically Rei she was going to dox, it was heavily implied.

as seen in the image, Clementine would repeatedly rant and talk about him, seemingly having a weird and unhealthy obsession. She kept talking about his accounts, how she had exposed him, ect. I know this isn't exactly “canceling” worthy, but it's straight up weird. She's extremely obsessed with him, laughing over the fact she thought he killed himself, and all while she was in a relationship with someone else?? Not only is she obsessed and ranting about her ex, she's already in a different relationship, and obviously not over him. It was honestly weird and mistreating her current partner at the time. And the fact she found it so funny she thought he was dead was disgusting, weird, and shows she really lacks normal human sympathy. It would maybe be understandable if he was genuinely a groomer, but she already admitted to him not doing anything. It's weird and creepy that she's so conflicted with Rei over no real reason.  

While this may not seem like a big deal to some people, grooming is a VERY serious matter, and should not be joked about in any form, way, or matter. Completely faking being groomed is even worse. There were people attacking Rei for supposedly grooming her, even though she knew that was not the case. Joking/lying about being groomed is a very serious matter, as almost 34,000 kids have been recorded to have been groomed in the last six years. Pretending to be one of the many kids that fall victim to these actions is EXTREMELY problematic. For anyone that may say that she made an apology, she never included the fact she faked being groomed. She completely ignored it. For any victim, it’s extremely offensive to lie about those matters for any reason. Clementine didn't have any reason to fake such serious matters. While she may have been/and is in a bad mental state, that doesn't excuse things like that. It doesn't matter if she's only 12, kids can be bad people too. PLEASE do not try and excuse Clementine's actions with this. Even if she is and was in a bad mental state, it doesn't give her an excuse. People with bad mental health can still be bad people. You should know that kids can also be bad people!!! It does NOT excuse their actions!!!


Allegations to Marz

Theres a lot to go through, yeah this is new shit. Clemmentine accused my best friend of being a groomer, pedophile and more!!

Clem has so little fear to put these labels on others, when her actions are far more malicious than anyone else’s!


This is what Clementine said.

Here she says “they groomed and manipulated scott, marz is 18 and scott is a fresh 13 yr old and when scott wanted to stop being friends, marz kept threatening to kill themself and relapse”

Funny you say “wanted to stop being friends” when what ACTUALLY happened is tropical (scott’s partner) told them to block Marz. When Marz got blocked without explanation, he freaked out and spiraled into an episode that was NOT in his control. You KNOW that would happen. You have to give SOME sort of explanation, you evil weirdo.

You or tropical could've said “I don't feel comfortable around Marz.” but no, you left him in the dark.

Here are the points I will make against the definition of grooming.

  1. Marz did not treat scott differently
  2. Marz did not tell/show him sexual things
  3. Marz did not manipulate scott (will be discussed)
  4. Marz did not intend to abuse or hurt scott.
  5. Clemmentine is disgusting for assuming it was sexual.

  1. Scott was his best friend, but it wasnt anything like that because– SCOTT IS FUCKING DATING SOMEONE. Marz didnt treat scott differently. Marz treats all of his friends with kindness and silly jokes.

  1. Marz didnt send scott anything sexual or tell him about anything sexual. Most of the things Marz says that are suggestive are in public; on twitter! Where its fine, and its JOKES. A groomer would send it directly to the victim, which again, Marz did not do.

  1.  The entire “Manipulation” thing is false because how on earth is a real manic breakdown a manipulative thing. That's what BPD is.

  1. Hi!! So actually i get Clem likes proship and making her oc’s ‘creeps’ but that's not real life!! Marz would not intend to hurt his best friend if he fucking got upset about it ?


  1. Not every person wants that!! Sorry Clem can't live that fantasy.. Marz has no intent in that. As the points shown above. You are a stupid uneducated freak who wants to ruin Robbie’s and everyone around Robbie’s lives. But life doesn't work like that. Clem might think BPD is “omg so yandere i'm obsessed omg im moody” but no. it is like this.

You can want to literally kill yourself over something as simple as a block. Its by definition:

“Fear of abandonment: A core feature of BPD is a fear of abandonment, which can result in obsessive thoughts about a person's relationships/friendships”

Marz shows many typical signs of it. NEGATIVE SIGNS. Unlike you, who just draws cuts on your oc and gets the r word pass.

Here is Marz’s statement.

  • I was a friend of Scott’s since last year. Originally they told me they were 16 and I was fine with it. We had arguments and there was even a time when he did block me and unblocked me months after. He also told me he lied about his age and was actually 14, and then lied again and said he was really 13. Me personally, I had freinds my age when I was his age and the relationships were fine so I didn’t see anything wrong with it. After all the drama we were having a fine friendship until they suddenly went semi active, said tropical controlled their account and then they blocked me. I did have an episode and I regret what I said, but I wasn’t thinking straight at all because it came out of nowhere. Infact I had been getting better and I don’t know what led to them saying I “borderline” groomed them at all, seriously.

So, i want to say that, basically, Marz is allowed to be upset, and he regrets it but you know what–?

if Scott or tropical had let Marz apologize none of this would happen.

If you can’t handle what REAL mental illness is, then don’t FUCKING self diagnose and think its all fun and games!

The reason this is included is because Clemmentine is so loud about it, and she tends to love calling others groomers. This is evil and manipulative because she put Marz in an uncomfortable situation. I genuinely hope Clem gets help.


Posting FRESH Self-Harm and Name Carvings

Clementine has brought up in her “apology” about her S/H and name carvings, but she did not bring up how she posted images of the fresh cuts.

This is because she only apologized for things that were known. She asked for a list of things she did while she should know this. She only included things people knew so people would get off her back for those things rather than so she could apologize and improve for the better. This is evidence of her leaving out information on her side of the story. 

She also, which was not mentioned before, how she carved her “groomer's” name as well. (Which also was proven above, was a consensual relationship and they were both minors.) All of the images have titles like, “Who cheered?” And “I need to learn how to do beans because these are not cutting it” Erm ew. The only images I'm going to link are the ones with Joe’s name and Rei’s name.



(click this to skip)




Skip section button

These were posted on one of her accounts, “Clemmynotsilly”, shown above the images. This is absolutely disgusting, first of all, cutting REAL PEOPLE’S NAMES is disgusting and shouldnt be something you post on twitter, or even do PERIOD. Even if the titles are stupid, it is honestly gross how careless she was about these kinds of things. I deeply sympathize for people who have and do struggle with self harm and the fact she posts these things like it's some sort of cute funny joke is honestly sickening. I feel bad for Rei, who now has their cut name posted on her twitter, and carved in her leg. There is no excuse for this. Being hypersexual/or being a nymphomaniac is not an excuse for carving peoples name into your skin, drawing NSFW (brought up earlier in the doc), and ANY of her other actions. Illnesses are not an excuse for the things she has done and i truly hope she gets help.


Robbie Taking accountability for his own actions

I myself was “exposed” by Clementine. I sexualized the members and said some extremely uncomfortable things. I assure you I don't often talk like this. I'm ashamed that I ever said or did any of these things. I'm not saying this so I can get people off my back and to seem more sincere about all this. I'm saying this because I'm genuinely guilty of this and I feel horrible that I ever thought like this.

Here are the screenshots Clementine provided in her slideshow of “exposing” me.

[Transcript: a satire fic screenshot on ao3 - which literally just says “they have gay sex” and thats it. No descriptions.]

This fanfic was a joke. I do not ship any of the members and I never have. This was and still is satire.


[Transcript: GS: this is actually so hot]

I look back today and find this disgusting. I'm sad I ever looked at this.


[Transcript: bro this is so hot I know that fic]

I just want to establish that this is not my art first. Secondly, I am pretty sure this was one of the first fanfictions I've ever read, which was sent to me by Clementine. If it weren't for Clementine I would've never read this nor found it “hot”. My opinion has changed and I, again, look back with disgust.


[Transcript: the fanfic]

This fanfiction was never finished. I shouldn't have ever started it. Yes, Clementine did encourage the making of this but that shouldn't excuse the fact that I did write it at all. I'm sorry that I did this. I will not ever do this again.


[Transcript: nsfw stuff]

This was written jokingly. I would often overcomplicate messages as a joke and I never did want this. Though, that still doesn't excuse that I wrote this. I don't ever intend to ever even think like this again. I'm sorry for this.



C: what is ‘this’

G: i kinda like the “i’m not gay ??” ???

G: *replying to C* Joe (my enemy) just came up to me and started hitting on me and teasing me / and degrading me almost / ?? / meow

Right after this, Clementine tried to have a similar experience with the same bot I was using. She's leaving out things to make her side have the smallest glimmer of innocence. I feel sick at my older chats. I feel horrible that I ever thought like this.


[Transcript: nsfw description of interaction with bot]

In context:

This one is the most embarrassing of all, and it makes me want to barf. I never ever want to think like this ever again. I'm disappointed that Clementine ever got me comfortable with talking to tally hall bots like this. I will never use in this way again.


C: CUM!!!./11!

G: NSFW description of rob]

This was a joke. It's wrong that I brought Rob Cantor into this, yes. It's still a joke. This is the worst way to joke as he is a real person. I don't think this is okay anymore. I am sorry that I said this.

I am sorry that I ever let my thoughts get like this.

I am sorry I dehumanized the tally hall members. I've stopped doing this.

I plan to never do this again. I'm glad I got away from clementine, due to the fact that she is the one who got me into the mindset of even being able to think like that and say vile shit as such. Before I met her I would get ashamed at the thought of even kissing a member let alone sexual thoughts of them. I will never ever return my mindset to one of sexualizing ANYONE tally hall or not.

I am sorry.


My encounters with clem.

Me and clementine were friends back when i first joined the fandom, we would send each other tik toks and stuff. When I got into a depressive spiral and started self harming and posting it on twitter, she called me a freak. (strange bc she did the exact same thing, projecting?)  And blocked me. Later, she unblocked me and apologized, and went on to block me again (she fit into my dni ist at the time since she was underage.)

Then Goobie would Dm me About How clementine Blocked them over being friends with me. I found this really really rude and absolutely unnecessary. (They did the same thing with goobie where they blocked and unblocked FOUR TIMES. I think she does that to fuck with us and she knows it.)  

She has a habit of doing something and just regretting it the next day. I don't know why she does this.


Marshall’s experience w her

I’m not gonna lie. I always thought she was redeemable. Mainly because me and Jasper were in a fight for a while. But holy shit. This person is insane.

She is not getting better, and people seriously need to watch out. She is an evil person.

This is when I first talked to her. I felt bad because she was only 13 and was self harming and posting it. So I reached out.

Since then our conversations were just normal stuff about tally hall, but it got to a point where she’d only talk to me if I had info on Jasper. (Which I didn’t share because me and him became friends)

I feel like clem has this idea that people would easily ruin their friendships just to please her, and its selfish. She thinks that she’s everybody’s priority, and I did lose friends because of her.

She frequently tricked me into doing stuff for her, like here.

So apparently Clem was tricking me into lying so that Robbie didn’t think she and Rei were friends. So now she’s involved me in shit I did not want to be involved in!

She often got mad in a group chat and didn’t take it to dms because she ALWAYS wants people on her side. She pulled up a post from 2 days before this, and we were not friends with Jasper yet.

She ALWAYS includes how many people are on her side, because she loves the fact that she manipulates others into sticking with her.

Then of course she uses hypocrisy. YOU are the one who does this. And she has the audacity to say that Jasper ignores what he did, when he has done NOTHING to Clem. Its ROBBIE. NOT JASPER.




She then blames Jasper for what ROBBIE is doing. HOW is that Jasper’s fault. SHE is doing things to people and she never takes accountability and when OTHERS are doing things to HER she blames people associated with them.

She then ALWAYS freaks out and doubles down about that stupid unicorn cat. IT'S SO FUCKING STUPID. The amount of times she brought this up in a group chat of 8 people. EIGHT.


Clementine KNOWS she can’t say the word, yet she still does. I am so fucking angry. Me and Jasper are neurodivergent and we STRUGGLE. It isn't fair she gets to say it AGAINST US.

And she assumes everyone wants to ditch their friends because they upset clementine. But no! Nobody wants to support her because she doesn't care about how much she hurt me, or Robbie, or Marz, or Jasper.

And she says this, because she tries manipulating Jasper into leaving Robbie, (who was at the time, his partner).

And she brings up the fact about the address!


And the fact that I even acknowledged how much she manipulated me yet I still supported her. I lost ALL my mini mall friends because of her, and there was no point. There was no point because she won. She made me miserable because I chose Jasper. But you know what? Jasper isn’t like clem. So I won’t be manipulated again.

And like Jasper said, she doesn’t value our friendship. She wouldn’t care that I was being groomed while we were friends, she wouldn’t care that I fucking cared so much about her mental health, she wouldn’t care that I was contemplating leaving jasper because its always about her.

And I feel sick to my stomach thinking I might’ve lost one of my best friends because of her.

So I want you– the person reading this, tho know, that if you are friends with Clem right now, please, try to think about how much she has shown care for you. Does she even want you as a friend? Or does she just want you as a token to show how many people support her.

She needs help, and not from us online. She needs to reflect and realize what she has done is wrong.


A final explanation

(of why I let this document to be created)

Clementine assumed that I exposed the screenshots of the bad things she's said and admitted to me via discord dms because she was a bad girlfriend to me. This is not true. When we broke up, I was obviously devastated. I asked to take a break and she said “I think both you and me know it wasn't supposed to be a break” through the caption of a Tiktok.

This upset me. When I was dating her, I isolated myself from other people to maintain my interest in her. This meant I had absolutely no one who I could talk to. So, I wrote something and posted it on my story in hopes of someone coming to offer help. At this point I wanted to rant about how back clementine was. I wanted to rant about all the things I ignored and supported. The things I tried to be oblivious of. Goobie was the first person who offered to chat and actually responded when I dmed her. I felt somewhat guilty that I was about to show goobie, Clementine's biggest fan at that time, all the bad things clementine said about everything including goobie herself. I continued anyway while planning to keep it between us. Eventually I admitted that I kinda wanted to just put all the screenshots of what clementine said to me into a slideshow with no context and post it. I was overwhelmingly upset at Clementine here. I missed her and hated her. I felt like I couldn't talk to her. I was too awkward and scared to try. Goobie said that I should and this convinced me. So, I posted the slideshow after blocking clementine on every one of her alts I knew of. After this, it's a haze. Clementine was about to kill herselfhj, there was a hate server filled to the brim with active people, and it was a mess trying to make anyone take the situation seriously.

At a certain point clementine said she was probably not gonna kill herself but still kept up the face for someone else in the server who was dming her. She also had an alt in the server dropping hints and defending herself. She said on the alt, KittyKat, that it wasn't too late to convince her to not kill herself. I knew the alt was clementine from the start. I suspected it and it was unbearably obvious. These cheeky comments were honestly sick. I understand wanting to defend your name, but hinting at that you need to be convinced to not kill yourself after telling me you weren't going to seems wrong. After this, she admitted the whole experience was fun.

This is a bizarre way to react. She also admitted that she might not even change. Judging from how many times she had gotten canceled and apologized this is very likely not a joke. All this influenced me and a few other people on that server to write this.

This was not made out of spite. This was made to educate and spread awareness.

(click to go to top)