How to Start a Neighborhood Pod

Mutual Aid LA -- 

(Adapted from Mutual Aid Medford and Somerville guide here.)

As things get harder, we show up for our neighbors! Mutual Aid LA is helping to create a network of autonomous neighborhood pods of people across LA that can keep in touch and support each other during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

As a Neighborhood Point Person, you will build your own pod by:

  • Reaching out to your neighbors
  • Coordinating a neighborhood groupchat or phone tree
  • Checking in on what needs are arising on your block
  • Staying in touch with point people from other neighborhoods for resource pooling, problem-solving, and mutual support

Below is a step-by-step, how-to guide on building your own pod in your neighborhood and acting as a Neighborhood Point Person. The pod program is organic and non-hierarchical, so feel free to adapt anything in this guide to fit the needs of you and your neighborhood.

If you are interested in organizing your building or neighborhood around a rent strike, creating a pod can help you get that process started. Check out the LA Tenants Union guide here.

If you have not already done so, please fill out our Neighborhood Pod intake form here.

If you need an invite to the Slack, please email

Table of Contents:

  1. How to Build Your Pod
  2. Pod Conversation Guide
  3. More Pod Building Tutorials
  4. Resources
  5. FAQ
  6. Text flyer in English and Spanish

How to Build Your Pod

  1. Starting your pod

  • This text flyer is just a template, and we encourage you to make changes or do a totally different flyer -- do whatever works best for you and your community. There are many different versions of a pod flyer you can use, including one made by Aura Vasquez here. Head to #neighborhoodpodprojects on the LA Mutual Aid Slack for more!
  • You do not have to fill in your exact address, but you can instead offer cross-streets or a block number to let folks know where in the neighborhood you live.
  • If you do not have printing access, you can ask for assistance with printing in #neighborhoodpodprojects on Slack -- or you can simply hand write them for a personal touch!
  • We currently have text flyers in English, Spanish, Korean, Armenian, and Thai (see below).
  • If you need a flyer in a different language, please ask for assistance in #neighborhoodpodprojects on Slack.
  • If you are able to translate into other languages, please feel free to do so and share with us on the #neighborhoodpodprojects on Slack.

  • Deliver the flyers to your neighborhood and safely talk to your neighbors! You might deliver 30+ to houses/apartments right around where you live -- or if you’re in a large apartment complex, you might flyer the building. It is illegal to put things in other people’s mailboxes, so try the crack of their door, between the screen door and the main door, etc.
  • Because of the need for quarantine, please be very careful when flyering. Either leave flyers or, if you are inside a building, knock and ask the person to stay inside and have the conversation through the door. If you are outside/on a block, maintain a 6 foot distance during your conversation. Wear a properly fitting mask at all times. We strongly encourage you to knock on doors and have safe conversations as much as possible, since you are much more likely to get a response than you will with a flyer alone.

  • Important note on safety: As we now know that virus germs can stay active on certain items for at least 72 hours, it is imperative that we all use safety precautions when posting flyers. Wear a properly fitting mask at all times when outside and only handle flyers with clean/sanitized hands, including during printing. Remember: do not touch your face. DO NOT flyer if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. Please read this zine about how to properly wash hands and wear masks to make sure you are protecting your neighbors in the flyering and door-knocking process.
  • Important note on privilege: Some of us may be organizing pods in buildings, on blocks, or in neighborhoods where we do not share the same language, racial identity, ethnic identity, or socio-economic experience, with our neighbors. We ask that folks in this situation take the time to be mindful of any relative privileges they hold and move forward in this work in a way that is respectful of and responsive to privilege. If you need support in approaching this, please let us know and we’re happy to connect!

  • FLYER ASAP! Things are changing quickly. The sooner you can get in touch with your neighbors, the better.
  • Try using digital tools like NextDoor and Facebook to find people who may not respond to a flyer.

  1. Building your pod

  • Name your pod! It can be fun or goofy, whatever you want. (An example from MAMAS was the “Peralta Street Blockheads.”)

  • Create a groupchat for your neighborhood. As people text you, add them to your group. You can use iMessage texting for this, or a messaging app like Signal or WhatsApp. It’s up to you!

  • Neighborhood Pods should be between 5 and 30 people or so, but it is ultimately what works best for your neighborhood. If there are more than 30 neighbors interested, you can ask if anyone else in the group wants to be a Point Person and break off into their own pod.

  • Learn about your neighbors!
  • Use the conversation guide below to help get a sense of what support needs might come up in your pod -- and what skills your neighbors have.
  • Some Point People have found it useful to create a Google Form to survey people in their pod to identify these skills and needs -- some of whom have shared their forms in #neighborhoodpodprojects on Slack. Head there for more information and guidance on using Google Forms to help with building your pod.

  • Keep in touch. You can always send folks in your pod resources from the links below -- and if you have a suggestion for an addition to our resources list, please let us know on #neighborhoodpodprojects on Slack.

  • Build community. This is a hard time for many reasons. Connect with each other! Here are some ideas for community-building with your neighbors even if you can’t be together in-person:
  • Share meals together over Zoom or WhatsApp video chat
  • Put together a virtual happy hour
  • Article/book discussions
  • Share feelings and resources

  1. Connecting to other pods

  • Join the Mutual Aid LA Slack and find us in the #neighborhoodpodprojects channel! All Neighborhood Point People should be a part of this Slack channel, where you can collaborate, pool resources, share your needs, get support for your pod, discuss your experiences, and more. The Slack should be your first stop for all concerns, questions, and communication. Please check out our how-to Slack guide here to get a sense of our Slack workflow, protocol, and culture. Email us at if you need to be added to the Slack.

  • As your pod has needs, you can head to the Slack and ask for support. Other nearby Neighborhood Point People may be able to help with resources or skills.

  • Please keep an eye on the Slack channel so you can support your fellow Point People!

Pod Conversation Guide

This can be a casual conversation or you can take notes, and you can use this information to compile a little neighborhood directory with emergency contacts for people. It does not have to be extremely formal. Please have this conversation over the phone once you have exchanged info rather than in person to minimize disease spread.

  1. Hi neighbor! We may know each other well -- or we may be meeting for the first time. If this is the first time: tell me a little about your life! What is your living situation like? Do you have pets? What are your days like? Do you have any particular skills or hobbies?

  1. What are you concerned about right now in regard to COVID-19? Your health or your family’s? Losing work or childcare? Being confined to your home? What do you think this may mean for you?

  1. Who are the main people in your life who you contact about your well-being? How do you contact them (by phone, on facebook), and would you be open to sharing their contact info with me in case of emergency? Who else lives with you, and how can we best contact them if need be?

  1. What resources, skills, interests, knowledge do you hold that you would be open to sharing with the block?

  1. What do you think is important to share with me and others about your health? Dietary restrictions? Where do you pick up prescriptions? Which clinic do you go to?

More pod-building tutorials:

Neighborhood Pods 101 presentation

Recorded webinar tutorial with Q&A


Ground Game Mutual Aid intake, if you need aid or want to give aid:

Can’t pay rent? Read this LA Tenants Union guide: 

LA Tenants Union COVID-19 resources

LA Forward crisis guides 

From CV19 Mutual Aid & Research Facebook Group:

Mutual Aid For CV19 National Document

MPH Master Research Summary on CV19

How-To on How to Prepare for Coronavirus

Inspirational Mapping a Local Mutual Aid Effort

Demands from Organizers Concerning COVID-19

CV19 Prep For People With Disabilities (PWD)

CV19 Mutual Aid for Undocumented Californians


  1. What if I need help printing flyers?

Head to #neighborhoodpodprojects on the Mutual Aid LA Slack and ask if anyone can assist you! If no one is available to facilitate, you can email and we’ll do what we can to help.

  1. How do I figure out what resources and skills my neighbors might be able to share?

Have conversations with members of your pod! You can track skills and resources however you choose -- other Neighborhood Point People might have suggestions they can offer in the Slack. Some Point People have had success sending a Google Form to folks in their pod to collect information on skills, resources, and needs. Head to #neighborhoodpodprojects on Slack for examples of those Google Forms or to ask for assistance from Point People who have used this system.

  1. What should I do if I have a question or concern? What should I do if someone in my pod has a need that I can’t fill?
  • Go to #neighborhoodpodprojects in the Mutual Aid LA Slack and ask your fellow Neighborhood Point People if anyone can assist. Be as specific as possible in your request.
  • If you do not receive an answer or help within 24 hours, make a thread on your initial Slack post and tag @annie p (she/they) and @Becca (she/her), and we will try to assist.
  • If your need is urgent, please go to #neighborhoodpodprojects, tag @channel, and write URGENT in your post. Please also DM @annie p (she/they) and @Becca (she/her). Please be mindful that not every need is urgent, and reserve this option for calls to action for a person or issue that is both time sensitive and also an emergency.

  1. How do I use Slack, anyway?

Great question! Please check out our how-to guide on using Slack.

HELLO NEIGHBOR!                                                   

My name is _____________________________________________________________.

I live close by at  ________________________________________________________.

I am reaching out because of the Coronavirus spreading in our city.

I would like to be connected with you and our other neighbors so that we can stay in touch, pool resources, and support each other with any needs that may come up.

I am starting a communication tree amongst members of our neighborhood so that we can be in communication, please contact me if you would like to be part of this network. 

The languages I speak are __________________________________________________.

If we share a language, you can call me.  If we do not, please text me or email me and we will figure out how best to communicate!

Phone number: _________________________________

Email address: __________________________________

I look forward to hearing from you!

HOLA VECINX!                                                               

Mi nombre es _________________________________________ y soy su vecinx.

Mi dirección es ________________________________________________________.

Me estoy comunicando porque el Coronavirus se está extendiendo en nuestra ciudad y me gustaría estar en contacto con ustedes y lxs otrxs vecinxs para apoyarnos y para cualquier necesidad que se presente. 

Estoy empezando un grupo de texto para estar en comunicación. Por favor mándeme un texto si le gustaría ser parte de esta red. 

Los idiomas que hablo son_____________________________________________________.

Si no hablamos el mismo idioma, mándeme un texto o correo electronico de todas maneras con su nombre y dirección. Podemos usar varias aplicaciones (como el traductor de Google) para traducir y entendernos.  

Mi número de teléfono es: _____________________________________

Mi correo es: ___________________________________________________

¡Quedamos en contacto!


제 이름은 _________________________ 이에요.

저는 _____________________________ 근처에 살고 있어요.

저희 도시에 코로나 바이러스가 퍼져 나가고 있어서, 연락하고 있습니다.

저는 당신이 다른 이웃들과 연락을주고 받고, 자원을 결합하고, 필요할 때마다 서로를 지원할 수 있도록하고 싶습니다.

이웃분들과 연락하면서 지낼수있게 네트워크를 시작하려 합니다. 이 네트워크에 참여하시려면 저에게 연락해주세요.

제가 사용할수있는 언어들은 _________________________________________ 이에요.

우리가 같은 언어를 사용하면 전화를 해주세요. 그렇지 않으면, 문자 메시지나 이메일을 보내 주세요. 제가 의사 소통할수있는 방법을 찾아낼께요.

전화 번호 : _________________________________

이메일 주소 : __________________________________

연락 기다릴게요!


ԲԱՐԵՒ ՀԱՐԵՒԱՆ՜                                                           

իմ անունը է  _____________________________________________________________.

Ես մոտ կը ապրիմ  ________________________________________________________.

Ես կը կապվիմ ձեզ հետ մեր քաղաքին տարածված կորոնավիրուսի պատճառով:

Ես կը ցանկանայի կապված մնալ ձեր եւ մեր մյուս հարեւանների հետ, որպեսզի մենք կարողանանք կապի մեջ մնանք, համատեղենք միջոցներ, եւ աջակցենք իրար:

Ես պիտի ստեղծեմ կապի ցանց մը մեր թաղամասի անդամներով: Կը խնդրեմ որ տեղեկացնեք ինձ, արդյոք կցանկանայիք լինել այս ցանցի մաս:

Ես կը խոսիմ այս լեզուները __________________________________________________.

Եթե նույն լեզվով կը խոսիք, կարող եք ինձ զանգահարել:  Եթե ոչ, կը խնդրեմ որ ուղարկեք ինձ էլեկտրոնային փոստ կամ տեքստ:

Հեռախոսահամար _________________________________

Էլեկտրոնային հասցե __________________________________

Կը ըսպասեմ ձեզանից լսելու:


HELLO NEIGHBOR!                                         

สวัสดี เพื่อนบ้านทุกคน

My name is   ชื่อ___________________________________________________.

I live close by at ที่อยู่ ______________________________________________.

I am reaching out because of the Coronavirus spreading in our city. 

I would like to be connected with you and our other neighbors so that we can stay in touch, pool resources, and support each other with any needs that may come up.

เนื่องจากโคโรน่าไวรัสกำลังแพร่ระบาดอยู่ในเมืองของเรา ข้าพเจ้าจึงต้องการที่จะติดต่อกับทุกท่านในชุมชน  เพื่อให้เราสามารถที่จะสื่อสารกัน  จัดการทรัพยากรต่าง ๆ ร่วมกันได้  และสนับสนุนซึ่งกันและกัน หากมีกรณีความจำเป็นต่าง ๆ เกิดขึ้น

I am starting a communication tree amongst members of our neighborhood so that we can be in communication, please contact me if you would like to be part of this network.  

ข้าพเจ้ากำลังทำเครือข่ายการสื่อสารขึ้นระหว่างสมาชิกในชุมชน  เพื่อให้เราสามารถที่จะสื่อสารกันได้ ดังนั้น กรุณาติดต่อข้าพเจ้า หากท่านประสงค์ที่จะร่วมเป็นส่วนหนึ่งในเครือข่ายนี้

The languages I speak are  


If we share a language, you can call me.  If we do not, please text me or email me and we will figure out how best to communicate!

หากเราใช้ภาษาเดียวกัน ท่านสามารถติดต่อข้าพเจ้าได้ทางโทรศัพท์  หากไม่ใช่ กรุณาส่งข้อความ หรือส่งอีเมล์มาถึงข้าพเจ้า เพื่อที่จะหาช่องทางที่ดีที่สุดในการติดต่อกัน

Phone number: _________________________________


Email address: __________________________________
