Instances of me being harrassed

Someone I used to be close to whose name is Ven made a friend request to one of my friends after months of no contact. A group chat was made and I was ready to calmly discuss. However, the discussion escalated very quickly and led to no solution. Ven was kicked after this and started to harass my friends and me because of it. Since the doc is made by me, I am mostly going to talk about how they harassed me.

  • Doxxing

He threatened me with my ip address and posted my ip online on Insta for EVERYONE to see.

Apparently he did this bc I doxxed him with his face revealed. However, he has no proof whatsoever. It's true that I might've sent pictures of his face to my friends, but these pictures were posted ONLINE by HIM and my friends have seen them, since they were also once friends with him. The doxxing took place on an alternative account.

It isn’t clear at first sight that it’s Ven who posted this and I can only guess, but it’s what makes sense, since he threatened me that same day that he had my ip.

He most likely got my IP address when I logged into my friend’s Roblox account to buy them Robux. They didn’t know where I live and were worried to see someone from an unknown location to have logged into their Roblox account, so they made a screenshot of the ip and asked in a Discord server where Ven and I were included to share their concern. Ven most likely took the image with the address after I revealed it was mine. My friend, Ven and I were all friends at that point. I’m not sure why Ven would take that screenshot in the first place.

  • Spreading lies

Nova (junoburger) used to be a friend of mine who was also against Ven. One day, she did not want to be part of our friend group anymore which we respected. A few months later (recently) Nova suddenly teamed up with Ven. The reason is unclear to me, but she and Ven accused Sampo (my friend) and me of talking behind Joni's (my other friend) back with no proof whatsoever. The only proof they have is an edited picture.

This is what Sampo said when Joni told us this

As you can see, the text doesn't line up. Also, the colours are off.

Here's them claiming I'm a nazi to someone I'm not that close with.

  • Harrassing me and my friend

They keep trying to join my Discord server and spam hate comments on my TikToks. Also, they tried to “expose” me to someone I used to like by telling him I like him

I'm not sure what the context to the image below is, as they were banned and this is a screenshot was taken by a mod who has the same timezone as me.

Nova and I are more or less in the same time zone. It must've been around 4 or 3 am for her which is pretty late, so they are putting a lot of effort into this to stay up late to harrass me. I'm usually asleep at 4 am though.

This also has proof that she does not care about Joni. She claims that I'm racist even though she's basically saying all Indonesians have a “fishy” breath which is a racist statement.

Also, they made a caricature of me, referencing a picture that was, as far as I know, posted by my friends in real life. This means they stalked my account to the point they looked up my irl friends‘ profile.

S0nyatheegeneric (Sonya) is Ven's girlfriend. She spammed hate comments all over my TikTok.

I'm not sure who this account is, but it might be Ven. I'm sure it's from his friend group, though, because just like Sonya, they spammed hate comments.

The next screenshot was sent by my former crush. They are invading my private life by looking up his account and telling him stuff I said that were supposed to be private.

Another screenshot sent by my former crush. Now Nova is claiming that I have claimed to be a nazi and again, without proof. Just because I speak German and was born in Germany does not mean I am a nazi.

As for the n word claim: Yes, I have said it without being black, but I never used it against a black person and I never will. I believe saying the n word doesn't make you racist, since it's just a word. It's racist when you, for instance, meet a random stranger who happened to be black and call them the n word because they are black. I said the n word to Ven, but not because he is black (he isn’t black), but because he was calling me slurs, too.

Another claim she made: I make rape jokes. Again, without the proof, I have no idea what she's talking about, so I can't say much about it. I made “Imma touch u” jokes, but they're obviously not to be taken seriously. You can't touch other people over the internet.

The picture below is proof of Ven calling me a slur. I go by the alias „bryan cranston‘s groin“ on Discord.

This is a screenshot I made, texting my former crush. I asked him what they sent him and it was screenshots of me ranting about him. They weren't all that positive and I'll admit that I did say these things about him. However, these things are supposed to be private as they were sent in PRIVATE group chats/discord servers.

Good thing they are irrelevant, since stuff between him and I have been cleared up. We're friends and none of us have feelings for eachother anymore. It's been like that since months.

Here is another screenshot I made. Remember that they are not only harassing me on Discord, but on my TikTok, my Instagram and now my toyhouse, too. They left one hate comment on my YouTube and somehow found my private Instagram account. However, I have no proof of this as I deleted that comment and denied their friend requests on my private Insta before screenshotting.

Anyways, another comment made by Nova (noofaloof) telling me my art sucks and to kill myself. Telling me to kill myself may not be a death threat, but it‘s still harassment.

Here is another instance of them creating a new account just to harass me and my friend

I srsly have no clue where they got me saying “Heil Hitler” from. If I need to clarify, I am not a nazi. Being German does not make me a nazi. Also, I am a POC which contradicts being a nazi bc they are white supremacists.

I don't have any screenshots of them harassing Dragon's yt channel, but they went to Dragon's channel just to get at me. Again with the nazi accusations, saying how could they be friends with a nazi (me, apparently).  This is Dragon venting abt it to Mel. Tw for s/hsmilksiessss is one of the channels that harassed Dragon. zeronil9606 is Mel, who went on their channel to confront them

The community post they're probably talking about is the art I made of Hans Landa who is a fictional character from a movie called Inglourious Basterds. I didn't draw him in an attractive way, I drew him the way I thought he'd look after the ending of the movie. It's not like I drew him oiled up (Spoilers for the movie: Aldo, an American soldier from ww2, carves the swastika symbol on Landa's forehead as a reminder that he was a nazi)

choco_cakey is smilksiessss’ bestie, probably. I have no idea who these people actually are, but I'm sure they're trolls. I also have proof they're friends with Ven.

Oh yeah and here is their profile. They also left a hate comment on Cassie's channel

Here is proof that they're friends with Ven. Calling me a nazi while calling a video about a nazi/communist coming out video aesthetic, alright 💀.

Here is him trying to stalk me on ToyHouse

I don't know what the context to this is, so I'm not sure what Crumbie said, but as I know her, she was probably just defending Dragon. They told her to kill herself in response

I am not sure who this is, but it's safe to assume that it's one of Ven’s friends, if not himself, since the only ones who have a problem with Crumbieecake (Cassie) are Ven and his friends. The fact that they spammed “jump” five times in this screenshot makes this a death threat, meaning jump in a sense to jump of a high building to commit suicide.

Again, I am not sure who this is, but I made a new yt account,seperated it from my old account. I might have not been very careful with linking my socials, but they found me again. I know it's one of them, because they're back with calling me a fascist.

Theydrew a bunch of offensive doodles, telling me a to kill myself and calling me a kiddy fiddler. I am a minor and I've never dated anyone 3 or more years younger than me. I have seen Ven claiming we had a 3 year age difference, but Ven was born October 2008 while I was born August 2006. Grooming is defined as the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity. If they have proof I ever did that, I'll gladly address it. However, I don't remember any reason why I dated Ven other than I had a crush on him.