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Appearance: Gray tabby with darker stripes, short fur, and gray-crystalline eyes, becoming bluer under the sunlight. He’s medium-sized but has strong, powerful muscles. He has a few scars under his belly from a gopher hunting during his warrior assessment.

Hunting skills: Sootfur knows how to climb, but feels more comfortable stalking prey in the undergrowth. He has a particular technique that allows him to catch birds just the moment they take flight. He’s a good stalker, with a silent stride and good stealth abilities. The best prey he’s gotten so far is a crow and a gopher.

Fighting skills: Many cats exceed this warrior’s height and dimension, but this allows him to be more agile and usually quicker. Sootfur has never had any battle experience before, but if his clan needs him, he won’t ever hesitate into putting himself between the enemy and his clanmates.

He learned mostly from Tawnywhisper, so his fighting style consists of rapid blows and quick-stepping back to dodge the enemy’s attacks, which as often slower than his.

Important roleplays

Final assessment

Our bonding time

Defying Shadowclan (Jan Gathering)

Quietpaw’s death

Let the hunt begin!

Have the stars lied to us?


Kithood: Sylvester was born to Misty in a twoleg den. His life there was miserable, the twolegs had many cats and often neglected their feeding and neutering, so the cats were reproducing and starving. Misty and her brother Haven managed to escape with Sylvester, none of the three cats had ever been outside before and as a result, they had no idea how to hunt or defend themselves.

In hunger desperation, Haven ate a poisoned, dead rat and unfortunately passed away, leaving Misty alone with her kit. Misty, unable to care for herself or Sylvester made the hard decision to give her kit away to someone who could, and the only cats who came to mind were those of the wild cat clans.

Sylvester was renamed Ashpaw in Thunderclan, though he was very young and started his training somewhat later. Ashpaw didn't really remember his time as a kittypet but sometimes recalled his mother’s face, but nevertheless, when cats claimed that he was once a kittypet he felt the undying urge to prove himself to them by becoming the most loyal, best warrior he could be in Thunderclan. It was later discovered that he had a half-sibling in the clan named Frostpaw(shade).

Apprenticeship: Ashpaw had a hard time with his training, as his mentor Darkpetal wasn’t really good at teaching him the skills he needed to make it on his own. Luckily, a few warriors of Thunderclan such as Cloudspots, Bumbleflight, Tawnywhisper, and Harefire helped him. During this time he gets to make a few friends, especially Flamepaw, during a group trip to Sunkissed Creek. The couple becomes instant friends and starts to get to know each other better and better until they become best friends and start to develop special feelings.

At some point, Cinderstar stepped down and gave up her leadership position, so Sparrowstar became the new leader and Copperfire deputy. Later on, Cindersky will die from a predator attack and Copperfire will disappear, leaving Thunderclan with no deputy. The next one will be Thrushfur.

His assessment was held by Vineglow, as Darkpetal had disappeared for some time and wasn’t available for Ashpaw, and the she-cat made the test a lot harsh for him. Against all odds, he fought until the end even with bleeding injuries still fresh on his skin.

Warriorhood: Ashpaw obtained a new name the same day as Flameheart’s. They would be the first to be appointed warriors under Sparrowstar’s leadership.

The gray warrior keeps his clan duties and is finally ready to confess to Flameheart his true feelings: the two become a couple and continue their adventures together.

Soon enough, Sootfur receives his first apprentice: Quietpaw, a mute she-cat that Sootfur quickly learns to appreciate and care for. But, just after her territory tour and her first lesson with her friend Oriolepaw, Quietpaw and his brother Rainpaw (Crowpaw) are attacked by a fox outside of camp, and the young she-cat dies to save her sibling. Sootfur will lead a patrol under Sparrowstar’s order to chase and kill that same fox.

In the meanwhile, during a Gathering Sootfur openly denounces Dawnstar’s decision to not appoint any deputy and accuses Shadowclan of not being a clan of warriors anymore. The passivity of the leaders and the fact that they all turned their back on Shadowclan’s threat to break the truce made Sootfur doubt the roots of the clans. Later on, he will have a discussion with Sundust about Starclan’s connection and their role in the clans’ history.


cute art of Soot x Flame by ghostie                                             Sootfur santa gift by Val

Sootfur icon by me

                                                                 Sootfur by me

Sootfur by Leafi

                                                                                                                         Sootfur by me

Sootfur and the fox - Quietpaw’s revenge  (by me)

☁︎ Thoughts

Flameheart: “I admire her so much. She’s the most loyal, hard-working, resilient cat I’ve ever met. I know my life would be very different without her. And I’ve never loved someone else so much as I do with her now.”

Frostshade: “We were supposed to be half-brothers, but he never showed up to me and I used to never see him in the clearing. I don’t know what happened to him, but I think it has to do with his previous mate.”

Sparrowstar: “She’s an incredible leader. I’m so proud to be one of her warriors, and I know Cindersky made the right choice when she appointed her as Thunderclan’s new successor.”

Quietpaw: “She was… so kind, and sensitive… I’ll never meet anyone like her. I saw the liveliest spirit in her silent eyes. Now, I will never see her again…”

Crowpaw: “He’s so difficult to handle, but so easy to understand… I wish he wouldn’t mourn her sister alone. I wish he would listen to me, and that he let me listen to him.”

Darkpetal: “It wasn’t… a very good bond. I knew he cared, but not enough to bring me to the Thunderwillow as a new warrior. He had the memory of a mouse.”

Cinderpaw: “I admit she’s one of the weirdest cats I’ve ever met. But she’s a tough type, and I couldn’t respect her more than I do now. She will become a wonderful medicine cat, I’m sure of that.”

Oriolepaw: “I love spending time with this young, talented cat. He’s clearly going to be a great warrior, and I’m sure a great friend, too. I just hope he’ll have more confidence in himself.”

Dovefluff: “Poor Dovefluff, she must have suffered so much. I’m really grateful to Sparrowstar for having given her a second chance, and I truly hope her kits will grow up happily and fearlessly in our clan.”

Shadowclan: “Those rat-eaters had better not cross our territory or invade our clan again. Thunderclan is changed, and stronger than ever. Dawnstar, on the other hand, doesn’t even have a deputy. They can’t be called a clan anymore, since they haven’t shown a bit of respect to the warrior code and Starclan’s will.

Shadowfur: “Grrrrrrrrrrrr. If I see him again near Flameheart, I might just claw that pretty muzzle a little bit. Just to leave him something to remember me with.”

Thrushstar: “He’s always been a great deputy. I just hope he can be a good leader as well because he’ll have a huge weight to carry on his shoulders alone: the traditional, rhythmic loss of leadership in Thunderclan. Mending this weakness won’t be an easy task.”

Sandkit & Russetkit: “What a cute couple of flowers! Their parents must be so proud of them. I’m sure they’ll grow into great warriors and lovely cats.”