QJJ: A Speedy Analysis of Car Scenes《将进酒 高速驾驶模式分析研究报告》

This is a (mediocre) translation of an excellent post on Weibo that analyses every car scene in QJJ. TY to my bbys from the qjj server for the serious enabling pls enjoy u hornee creatures <3

Please please check out the original here: https://m.weibo.cn/3169580477/4624946725391351 

The original poster has written up multiple other very very insightful analyses of scenes in both the QJJ novel and Audio Drama!

Buy the novel here (digital), here (physical) and listen to the Audio Drama here (S1), here (S2) and here (S3).

Post-TL spoilers. Major spoilers will be blacked out with a black highlight! Please turn on print layout to see footnotes on mobile. Please do not view this in dark mode if possible as the text covered by the black highlight will then become visible.

I usually translate manhua so I’m probably not the best at prose yet! 请多多包容. (シ_ _ )シ I humbly beg for forgiveness. I think it’s pretty obvious which parts I struggled with lololol. The original poster also used loads of kaomoji, many of which I cannot find. I’ve tried to replace them with suitable ones ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎

This is solemn, strict and serious.  ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Chapter 41: First Night

It was the first time the wolf pup had tasted desire. Even though he was infatuated/captivated, he didn’t have any manual, everything had to be done through exploration. He basically lost control of his emotions, but his technique was not quite there[1].

  • Lanzhou made the first move.
  • Lanzhou came, so it’s not like he didn’t enjoy it. The keyword is 余韵, ‘aftertaste’, ‘lingering’.  
  • It was clearly written that Ce’an did it thrice, the keywords being 缴械 ‘surrender to’, 浇透 ‘penetrate’[2], 再次 ‘once again’.
  • Midway through Lanzhou had intentions of escaping, but was pulled back by Ce’an. This is also the only time that Lanzhou tried to escape.
  • Ce’an was continuously kissing Lanzhou. This is also a habit that he cultivates ever since. Kissing Lanzhou represents the materialisation of his extreme desire and infatuation.

Actually, all the other times after this do not clearly describe how many times Ce’an does it/comes[3], as it focuses on Lanzhou more. During this first night, the author straightforwardly wrote that Ce’an did it thrice.

Probably… because… it was the first night…

Chapter 68: Plague

The second time, although Ce’an was coaxing Lanzhou on the surface, he was actually trying to obtain permission from Lanzhou[4]. Lanzhou’s demeanour was also much more relaxed than their first time, and he was also very sensitive.

  • Ce’an tried to tease words out of Lanzhou.
  • Ce’an called out Lanzhou’s name. He also made Lanzhou call out his own name, a sign/display of possessiveness.
  • Long and lingering kisses.
  • Once. Also, Ce’an was extremely gentle.

Chapter 75: On Horseback

This time, it might have been because Ce’an had been drinking, so he was not as talkative as the previous two times. From pulling him atop the horse, out of the capital, kisses, penetrating, everything was done in one go. It was both intense and aggressive.

The position of them both on horseback has serious significance and meaning.

  • Attaching a description I really like: “Following along his cheek, he kissed all the way to the side of his neck.” Ce’an really, really, really likes kissing Lanzhou.
  • This time, although Ce’an was very aggressive, Lanzhou was very well-behaved and docile.
  • One of the instances when Lanzhou came was clearly written; the exact duration is unclear.
  • Ce’an tried to get Lanzhou to make noise again.
  • The appearance of the jade earring[5].
  • Doing it on horseback + the earring are both displays of desire and possession.

Chapter 76: Hot Springs Cabin

This is an extension of Chapter 75, from them leaving the capital till 5.45 am.

Lanzhou brought up having to leave twice, but Ce’an didn’t reply him directly either time.

And then he pinned him down. ¬‿¬

No details.

Chapter 84: Bathhouse

Entering domestic bliss mode, the wolf pup kidnapped his wife to the bathhouse like it was nothing if not expected.

  • 勤奋好学 “diligent and eager to learn” → it can be seen that the wolf pup’s technique had improved tremendously.
  • One of the instances when Lanzhou came was described in detail, but it was definitely more times than that.
  • 4 hours.
  • The original text made it very clear that both of them were very compatible in this aspect.
  • Once again it emphasises the kissing, especially after they’re done and Ce’an still continues to kiss Lanzhou gently.
  • At the end of the chapter they started again 枕头推掉 “pushing off the pillow” → it seemed pretty aggressive.

Chapter 112: Against the Door

Lanzhou couldn’t fall asleep, so Ce’an especially piggybacked his wife home to coax Lanzhou to sleep.

  • When Ce’an kissed Lanzhou he pulled off the ribbon holding/tying up/together Lanzhou’s hair - this image must have been very beautiful.
  • Their position was probably → them face-to-face, with Ce’an carrying Lanzhou and Lanzhou’s back against the door.
  • Ce’an entered very quickly, and Lanzhou was also very sensitive.
  • When Lanzhou couldn’t take it any longer he got flustered, then begged Ce’an to go back into the house. In the end, the wolf pup retaliated/responded by doing it more forcefully.
  • Lanzhou came at least twice.
  • From when the sky just turned dark till the skies were about to get bright[6]. ¬‿¬

Chapter 117: Xumi Couch[7]

Lanzhou could likely sense that Ce’an was in a bad mood. After he finished his shower he blew out the candles and gently brushed his fingers against the wolf pup’s face, an act of gentle seduction.

After leaving Qudu, the both of them depended on each other, with Ce’an constantly by Lanzhou’s side at every moment. Ce’an chasing down Lei Jingzhe for those three days was the first time he was away from Lanzhou for such an extended period of time.

  • Lanzhou’s indulgence towards Ce’an while in bed is also how he dotes on Ce’an.
  • Lanzhou and Ce’an both came thrice.
  • This chapter was probably very aggressive. With Ce’an being in a bad mood while also having missed Lanzhou badly, he lost control after Lanzhou called out 二郎 ‘Er Lang[8].
  • After calming down slightly, Ce’an called out his wife’s name to sajiao[9], smothering, hugging and biting him.
  • The final time was extremely gentle, and after they were done Ce’an again kissed Lanzhou very gently. <3 <3
  • The next day, Ce’an kissed his grumpy wife back to bed.

Chapter 125: The Hongyan Mountains

Similar to being on horseback, the Hongyan Mountains also have significant significance[10] - it is an expression of Ce’an’s desire and possessiveness.

Ce’an saying “Kiss me” and “I won’t let go, think of a way yourself” are displays that depict his insecurity. He hoped that Lanzhou would also express his need for him. 🥺

  • Ce’an was likely very aggressive and rough this time.
  • Continuously demanding (of Lanzhou) and being verbally affectionate → reflects Ce’an’s fragile insecurity and intense possessiveness.
  • Ce’an saying he loved Lanzhou was an effective catalyst, Lanzhou really liked hearing it, so much so that he could barely take it.
  • Unable to tell how many times they did it.
  • In this chapter, their emotional intimacy vastly exceeded the physical connection.

Chapter 143: Lanzhou’s injury

In this chapter, Lanzhou initiated things in order to hide his injury from Ce’an.

  • The wolf pup now has loads of experience and can temporarily control himself and focus on teasing his wife in bed.
  • And then he lost it when Lanzhou smooshed his face against him.
  • Lanzhou took the initiative, and Ce’an very dotingly allowed Lanzhou to do as he pleased.
  • Lanzhou’s back is very beautiful[11]. (☆‿ ☆)
  • However, because he hadn’t seen Lanzhou in a long time along with the fact that Lanzhou had taken the initiative to seduce him, Ce’an was very aggressive and fierce this time.
  • Once.
  • Sometimes, after Ce’an is done, he doesn’t pull out. This seems to be the second time that this has occurred. ¬‿¬

Chapter 164: Tent

The first time after the meeting in Libei.

  • This chapter also has loads of significance, it’s one where they both expose parts of themselves to each other - Ce’an’s unwavering and intense love for Lanzhou, and Lanzhou’s darkness and despair.
  • When they were doing it Ce’an purposefully tied up Lanzhou’s hands - he hopes that Lanzhou will learn to rely on him; when Lanzhou really really tried hard to grab onto the hem of Ce’an’s robe, Ce’an gently kissed him and then released his hands.
  • Even after getting untied, Lanzhou continued trying to touch Ce’an, and then said “I love you so much” with an air of innocence.
  • And then the wolf pup immediately lost control. ¬‿¬
  • The regular occurrence of Ce’an losing control in bed is an expression of his deep love - you will always be desired by me.
  • Unable to tell how many times they did it.

Chapter 176-177: After the ‘Punishment’ 

After Ce’an taught Lanzhou a lesson, Lanzhou was gloomy and grumpy. The little fox grumbled about getting his ‘revenge’.

  • Every time I see this I want to laugh; In his ‘revenge’ Lanzhou implicates himself. He’s so cute!
  • When Lanzhou said “not allowed to enter”, he had only mouthed the words. Although Ce’an was not clear about what he had said, he still did not allow Tantai Hu to enter. The wolf pup is indeed very obedient.
  • As this was the first time Lanzhou had done this, he ended up choking. No matter what he did it was an awkward situation. However, based on Ce’an’s reaction, Lanzhou was likely theoretically pretty good.
  • Such a position, such a setting, with Lanzhou’s face red and sweat streaming down, I predict that Ce’an having to control himself until Tantai Hu was done nagging[12] took an entire lifetime’s worth of restraint and endurance.  
  • As a result, he did not spare Lanzhou at all afterwards. ╮(╯∀╰)╭
  • Unable to tell how many times they did it, but based on the situation, probably a lot.


Spoilers are hidden beneath the black highlight.

Chapter 200: Your Wife is So Fierce

This chapter happens after the death of the Old Wolf King. It was the first time since then that Ce’an was intimate again with Lanzhou.  

  • While discussing official affairs with his wife the wolf pup’s head was filled with nonsense thoughts.
  • Pulling off his robes, unfastening the shackles (of his Public Persona), his clothes falling onto the ground, clogs kicked off on purpose, exposing his jade-green inner robes. A beauty disrobing is the ultimate seduction! (〃•ω•〃)
  • Their separation and resultant abstinence aided in heightening Ce’an’s aggression.
  • “Thinking about you all day” Lanzhou genuinely understands the inner workings of Ce’an’s heart and desire.
  • Something I like about Lanzhou is that even while they’re doing it, both of their emotions are always very gentle and intimate. An instance is exactly this moment where Lanzhou clearly understands how Ce’an is feeling, and tells him he loves him in the moments where Ce’an needs him the most. This is not merely a comfort, but also a confession, a reply, a promise and an indulgence.
  • Ce’an’s response is to kiss Lanzhou harder. Even in their most intense and drunk moments, he will not allow Lanzhou to leave his side at all.
  • The next day, when he woke up, Ce’an again kissed Lanzhou awake. While he said “poor me” out loud, in reality, Lanzhou’s heart was fully content.
  • They seemed to have done it many times, unable to tell exactly how many.

Chapter 216: The Tides of the Night

This was after Ce’an secured Duanzhou and wanted a reward from his wife.

  • The term Prefectural Lord[13] has a very subtle effect on Ce’an. During the day, the cold, icy and removed Prefectural Lord belongs to many people. At night, after removing the outer robes of his dignified public image, the soft and gentle beauty belongs only to Xiao Ce’an.
  • Lanzhou was barely able to withstand the position chosen by the wolf pup, having been teased into speaking… a lot. This is very rare. Usually, once things start picking up, Lanzhou is unable to concern himself with speaking.
  • This was probably the most aggressive time.
  • Unable to tell how many times they did it.

Chapter 235: Ji Gang

Ce’an rushes back after the news of Physician Yi Deng’s death.

  • Even though Lanzhou had said he wouldn’t leave, the wolf pup still didn’t fully believe him. Ce’an had woken up early as he had something on his mind. Upon seeing how deeply Lanzhou was sleeping, he felt a little indignant and hence bit and kissed Lanzhou awake.
  • Even with Lanzhou right next to him, Ce’an doesn’t feel a sense of security. He has to hear Lanzhou being verbally affectionate. I guess this is considered sajiao. ¬‿¬
  • Hearing people knocking outside excites the wolf pup even further. (´ ꒳` )
  • It seems as though it is only when in the background of others and with Lanzhou’s limitless indulgence that the wolf pup is satisfied and certain that Lanzhou belongs to him.  
  • Woke up between 3-5 am, ended at 5.30 am. 2.5 hours~
  • Unable to tell how many times they did it.

Chapter 282: Throne

The throne is a very significant and meaningful setting.

To Lanzhou, doing it here simply signifies that he doesn’t care[14].

To Ce’an, the meaning is a little more unusual.

Through the acts of trapping Lanzhou, his aggressive actions, low laughs and biting of Lanzhou’s earring, it is evident that this location has a similar meaning to Ce’an as being on horseback (ch 75) and the Hongyan Mountains (ch 125). The significance attached to it is even stronger and even more stimulating than the physical aspects of sex, causing him to be even fiercer.

Ce’an had wanted to lock Lanzhou up since their very first night together.

However, because of love, he did not. His reason and instinct were in conflict.

Now, Lanzhou has attained what he wanted. Ce’an has also gotten what he wanted. It could be said that Ce’an’s reason and instinct are finally in harmony.

He had bestowed upon his moonlight the most majestic of thrones. 


Yes this is in calibri because i mildly despise arial!!  

Have a lovely cezhou day 💕

[1] Yet. ¬‿¬

[2] Not very pleased with this tl, subject to change.

[3] Unclear.

[4] We love a man who understands consent!

[5] o(*≧□≦)o

[6] Wow stamina!

[7] Xumi couch (须弥榻, ), also known as the Mile couch (弥勒榻) or short couch (短榻), is basically a shorter couch, a common piece of furniture during the Ming Dynasty. Referenced from Lianyin’s translation here.

[8] ‘Second son’, similar to how Xie Lian calls Hua Cheng San Lang in TGCF. (TGCF Spoiler~)

[9] 撒娇: To act coquettishly. Wasn’t very happy with this TL so I’ve left the term as it is.

[10] Sorry I had to do it lol.

[11] Of course it is.

[12] lmao

[13] Updated the term Fujun as of chapter 160. A term for someone respected, or as i like to call him, my beloved husbando.

[14] About the officialities associated with it~