Boyfriend and Girlfriend met over an online debate whether which was better, white chocolate or dark chocolate. They had different opinions, and jokingly decided to meet up to “have a real debate”. Their friendship turned into a relationship within about a week, and now their love for each other is most of what occupies their brains.

Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest met at a concert. Both were already famous singers, but they both happened to be booked at the same concert, and bumped into each other backstage. They met after the show and after about a year of dating, they got married and have been married for many years, probably too high for you to count. And they haven’t regretted any second of it.


Boyfriend wishes to become a famous rapper someday, but he needs to safely be able to date his girl before he can make that a priority at all. He already has somewhat of a following, but he has bigger aspirations later on down the line. He is the oldest of his siblings. His little Brother, Ritz, is about 18 and his baby sister, Miku, is 16. Both of his siblings are adopted, but he seems to care next to none about that and loves them regardless. His father is Greg, CEO of an incredibly successful video game company. With this in mind, BF is pretty much rich, and is not afraid to blow any cash he has on him on his girlfriend. He owns 2 guinea pigs, Eminem and Beethoven. He considers this his training course in fatherhood. He diapers them. He’s very thorough.


A mostly absent-minded girl that loves her boyfriend, playing games, animals, her boyfriend, her parents and her boyfriend. Truthfully, she hasn’t had many boyfriends in the past, but plenty of male best friends. They seem to take vacations or move to different countries quite often, though. She still thinks about Dwayne from time to time. Aside from that, she doesn’t have much of a backstory. She really just aspires to see more of the world, as she’s been protected from most of it by her father.


The former is a rockstar with a constantly-growing career, and the latter is an “ex”-popstar. “Ex”, because she’s constantly starring in “out-of-retirement” concerts. Their careers had a strong start, with both of their first singles skyrocketing to the top of the charts within a week. Neither of them have reached a “low point” in their time working. For a couple of demons, they’re a match made in heaven.


Skid is pretty much the same as his normal self here. Pump, however, has actually died very recently. His soul never left his body because it simply wasn’t ready yet, so he continues to persist. Under his sheet is his decaying body, although it may just look like a well-done zombie costume under, as he’s still freshly decaying under there. No one was around for his passing…except Skid’s mother, Lila.


This paranormal scientist is utterly fascinated by Pump’s life continuing to go on, and wishes to study him, but she can never separate the two. No one but her knows of Pump’s true fate, and she’s afraid that no one will believe her. In trying to protect his secret, she’s become somewhat attached to him and basically acts as his second mom. She’s also very close with the Dearest family, and is GF’s “aunt”, and Skid is her “cousin”. She also commonly uses the Dearest’s Halloween Castle as a place to conduct experiments. When she works especially hard, she tends to leave a mess behind her, which can sometimes cause rather crazy things to happen.


Chester is a piece of cherry-flavored candy that Pump accidentally dropped into a vat of chemicals Lila left behind the previous night. The candy grew legs and immediately felt insatiable hunger. Skid & Pump were able to get away, so the monster set its sights on the only other two it could see: Boyfriend and Girlfriend. After they escaped, he realized that he needs to eat them. Only then can he be truly satisfied.

One day, while shopping in Walmart, Chester was walking through the produce aisle and came across a lemon with a single red eye. When he asked it why it was being sold. It sounded very lost and confused, almost sad; it didn’t know what was going on. Chester decided to take home the little guy, and they would be best friends. Now, the lemon, now named Lemon Bambino, helps Chester with every meal he makes. And he’s even tried to help him catch the couple, too.


In school, Pico always had a varied friend group. While his friend group was large, they consisted of 2 different groups of kids that didn’t get along. The Punks, and the “normal” kids. The Punks consisted of Alucard, Hanzou, Cyclops and their leader, Cassandra, who was…quite a freak. The “normal” kids consisted of Nene and Darnell. Pico was definitely closer with them, but the Punks were still cool. One day, none of them had seen Cassandra all day. Until after classes, they had all found that Cassandra was planning on killing everyone in the school, and then herself to finish the job. She wasn’t doing it with malicious intent, though. She truthfully believed that she was doing the right thing. She was a very misguided girl. While all of her friends were trying to calm her down, the police arrived and shot Cassandra, killing her before she even hit the ground. This hit everyone very hard, but especially Pico; this event is a large part of why he is the way he is now, very emotionally unstable and generally very confused about his stance on…himself. His mind became so fogged up, that he actually believes that he was the one that killed her. After that day, Pico left school, and none of the kids saw him for months…Until all 5 of his remaining friends got a letter from him. All of them consisted of the same message.

“I’m going off radar. Meet me in Philly.”

Now that Cass was dead…they didn’t have anything better to do. So they joined Pico. Now, they all live together in a shoddy yet spacious abandoned house, all of them working as assassins, hitmen, the like. Everything was going fine for Pico, until he got a call from a certain rockstar everyone knew of.


A martial arts great, doing the same thing for approximately 700 years…A master in the technique of every fighting style you can think of! Once a young, energetic adventurer is now a calm teacher, dedicating his time to helping younglings learn his old moves. Despite fighting less nowadays, he isn’t even a little rusty.


One of GF’s oldest and bestest friends, got too close. During their friendship, he had developed a crush on her. Trying to be respectful, he asked DD if he’d be fine if a relationship formed. He responded by telling Dwayne it was more than fine! Then waiting till his guard was down, and then forcing him into GF’s favorite game. Now, his lack of patience and seething temper has made him grow bitter and full of hate. Being trapped in that hellscape, having nothing to do and dealing with the same thing for years upon years…Now, he just wants revenge. And he doesn’t care who he has to hurt to get it. Even if it is…her.


The owner and co-founder of Fredbear Ent., he wishes nothing but to give kids a good time! Fredbear’s isn’t the cleanest establishment ever, but it sure gives any children that walks in there an experience they’ll remember for the rest of their life. (For better or for worse.) Now in his mid-60s, he still enjoys putting on a show. Hell, he’s the one in that big yellow suit sometimes!


One of William’s friends, the night guard for Fredbear’s Family Diner. He works 2 jobs; by day, a cop, and by night, also kind of a cop. William has done the guy quite a few favors in their years of friendship. He’s always telling William “I owe ya’ one!” and “If you ever need a favor, just call!”. William seldom calls in one of these favors, but if something like, say, an intruder were to come into his home, he may ask for some help.


Matpat, or Mack, is a clinically insane conspiracy theorist. He believes all sorts of crazy things, like a certain familiar skeleton being a psychic child in life, that good ol’ Mr. Afton murdered 5 children, and even that he was once a crew member on a spaceship that flew through a ton of wormholes. Of course, none of this is true and he’s just crazy. He’s been following the case of Afton’s murders for quite some time though, and he almost has all the evidence he needs to prove it. It’s about time to confront that Afton…


A reaper that rules his own portion of the undead realm, you'll typically find him on Earth, either in a hospital or in a graveyard. Things have always gone according to his plans, and most everything dies pretty easily...except for one disguised child. He loses sleep at night thinking about how that kid has stayed on Earth when it should be in his river of souls, like the rest of them. He's sworn to make countless attempts to capture the small one's spirit and bring it back to where it belongs, even if it kills him. Which, well, it can't.


When exploring an old abandoned ruin, Shaggy was told by the rest of his friends to not touch ANYTHING! However, given that Shaggy is, well, Shaggy, he did wind up small little thing. Which shattered into a million pieces.

What he shattered was a vase containing the souls of the powerful ancients that once lived in the ruin. When he broke the vase, the souls had no place to go, but inside the nearest homes; Shaggy, and his dog, Scooby. They were not possessed by the ancients, but instead seemed to gain the powers they once had, turning them into immortal, omnipotent beings. Despite being able to do whatever they please, Shaggy and Scooby decided to stay with the gang and solve mysteries. They're still a bit new to their powers, though. They have trouble containing them most of the time.


Garcello and Annie are two roommates that are struggling to make ends meet. Both are currently

Garcello has a stand in a back alleyway, selling magical cigarettes and cigars. Not exactly drugs, but the cigarettes allow you to puff different elements, such as ice clouds, fire, or if you're a simple guy like Garcello, just different colours. Since he deals with a shady type of magic, the side effects are always different. Most commonly seems to be that the secondhand smoke is incredibly dangerous and seems to acting?

Annie is a business owner at a failing business, trying to sell her famous "Liquid". It's a drink that, uh. Tastes? No one knows how she makes this stuff, or where it comes from, and she refuses to tell anyone. The reason why her business is failing is because of the lack of knowledge though, but even the folks that have bought her product have reported passing out for hours and later waking up in a random spot, with their Liquid gone. A common theory is that she spikes it, but she denies these theories.

PIZZA TOWER (PASTA PYRAMID) (Written by ThatGoofyGuy)

Peppino’s Pizza was once a thriving pizzeria full of… well pizza of course. Its owner, Peppino Pizza, was a world renowned Italian chef. Him and his sous chef, Gustavo, hadn’t a care in the world. Sadly, things turned to the worst for Peppino. After failing to pay out his debt for his restaurant, he had to say goodbye to his Pizzeria and start a new job in the city to make ends another pizzeria.

Now working under a more modern pasta joint, he serves as the speedy delivery man. One day, however, a mysterious person from the famed “Pasta Pyramid” called in to order a large order of Italian food galore. Peppino was tasked to deliver this order in under an hour, otherwise he’d say goodbye to his one and only job.

Upon arriving inside, he was ambushed by a group of figures, all of which were stealing the parts of the order!!! It’s up to Peppino to face up against the Complex’s fiercest of foes. Duel with the orchestral expert, Pepperman. Clash with a valiant cheesy swordsman, El Salvador. Tango with the complex’s #1 popstar, The Noise.  Go head to head with… Himself? And finally, confronting the true mastermind behind Peppino’s Downfall, Pastaking. Helping him in his journey is Gustavo, now homeless, with his furry friend Cement, a nutria.


Fever is an intergalactic criminal who's been on the run for years now. After supposedly stealing from a federal bank, Fever took his runaway to the stars, thinking that maybe he wouldn't be sought out on different planets. This appears to be wrong, however, as now he's wanted in every galaxy you can think of. Every time he thinks he has a breather, there's someone...either trying to arrest him, turn him in or, another very popular option, kill him.

Oh yeah, his girlfriend, Tea, also follows him everywhere.


A sentient Zip bomb that was made for a sadistic teenager to pull a prank on his friend. Accidentally made public and put on a site, advertised as a fangame starring more obscure characters from the Sonic franchise, Zephaniah now lies in the computer of any poor sap that downloads the game and successfully extracts the files.

Zephaniah is actually the second version of this zip bomb. The first one was supposedly much more sinister, so the creator decided to not use it, as he wanted his friend’s personal information to still stay intact.


God Z is a demon who was summoned to Earth and transferred to a digital world, being forced to make video games for SEGA back in the 1990s. Having forced the company to leave him behind, he took the worlds they forced him to make and made them a bit more like home. While he seldom gets visitors, he does enjoy sharing his wonderful creations with those he comes across.


A lonesome spirit that wishes for nothing but to be left alone. He enjoys silence and being in the company of no one but himself. He figured he would hide somewhere no one would find him; a Virtual Boy console. I mean, who ever played those things, anyways?

If anyone were to disturb him, he has an idea on how to get them out. However, I...I forget what it was. Would you happen to remember? Wait, who were we talking about again?


The king was always a great ruler throughout the land. When he finally decided to step down, he left the crown and magic staff to the next in line, Prince Bambi. Now King Bambi, he was kinda...not a great ruler. Always making dumb new laws, weird announcements, going on irrelevant rants...His first order of business was to expand the castle and destroy the village so everyone could live in the castle. He was a pretty strange king. When one day, an all powerful wizard, named Dave, appeared, simply looking for directions. When King Bambi saw him floating, he decided that that was all he needed to see to know that this man was the kind of full time right-hand assistant he needed. Dave wasn't really in a rush to get where he was going, so he decided to stay for a while, not realizing that King Bambi meant it when he said "full time right-hand assistant". From that day, Dave sort of acted as an advisor to King Bambi, helping sort out problems in the kingdom, and commonly helping them in any wars they may come across in.

In Bambi's mysterious scepter, there's an odd magic that not even Dave knows of. When Bambi slams it into the ground, it launches a strange, green ray that sends whoever it strikes to an odd 3rd dimension. King Bambi smacks this thing on a somewhat regular basis, and Dave is typically the one on the other end. Luckily, he can get out pretty easily, but he does need some help sometimes.

The ruler of this 3rd dimension is a ferocious dragon, only known as EXPUNGED. He has the ability to travel between dimensions, and wishes to take over the second dimension. Dave, however, is the only one powerful enough to send him back. They do this on a somewhat regular basis now, and have developed a Sam & Ralph-type relationship.




Long ago, two species lived together in harmony. Echidnas and Hedgehogs. What the two had in common was that they both guarded the Master Emerald, a powerful source of chaotic energy.

The Echidnas seemed to be a more primitive tribe, while the Hedgehogs seemed to have a more advanced type of civilization. Despite these great similarities, they always worked together, visiting and befriending one another, always happy to help. Everything was happy, until the leader of the Hedgehog civilization decided that he wanted the power of the Master Emerald all to himself...And the Echidna tribe leader feels the same way.

Both of the leaders go to steal the Master Emerald at the same time. They have a legendary duel when they meet at the scene, and the side effects of the altercation seem to fatally injure the Hedgehog solider who was guarding the Master Emerald. The sound of the battle alerts Tikal, somewhat of a head in the Echidna Tribe. She warns the two that moving the Master Emerald would anger the God Chaos, however they both ignore it, and greatly tamper with it.

As Tikal predicted, Chaos appeared, and was ready to let it's wrath be known among all living beings. All soldiers are sent to defend and put a stop to it all, but many lives are lost. The remaining Echidnas flee from battle due to fear of what may come of them, which left the remaining members of the Hedgehog civilization helpless, leaving all but a few of them gone.

The last survivor, Tikal, used all her power to seal Chaos in the Master Emerald, hoping desperately that it may never escape and that no one will ever have to suffer it's wrath again.

With all but 2 hedgehogs dead, the role of Guardian of the Master Emerald has fallen to Sonic, a snarky preteen. When he began guarding it, he was forced to wear these special shoes, passed down to him from all the past guardians. These shoes use ancient technology, which forces the shoes to lock up and become extremely heavy when the wearer strays too far from the Master Emerald. Sonic hates these shoes, as he wishes for nothing but to explore Angel Island. These shoes prevent him from doing so, obviously.

One day, the nefarious Maria Robotnik decided to steal the Master Emerald for endless power. Sonic tried to stop her, but was unable. As she flew away, Sonic’s lock shoes got so far away from the Master Emerald that they malfunctioned, unlocking permanently, meaning Sonic could run wherever he pleases. He knows what's important though, and chases after Maria to get the Master Emerald back, which he succeeds in doing. These are the events of StH1, and pretty much StH2.

Claws is a no-nonsense hero. He claims he doesn’t do much and it’s just what's right, but he’s constantly saving the lives of animals in Red Leaves, a thick forest. Tails is his best friend, a young, energetic fox who tries to make himself look tough so he won’t get bullied. He aims to be a hero like Claws someday, after being inspired by Claws saving his life. The duo is constantly working together to do right in Red Leaves, and all was well until Maria, once again, stole the Master Emerald. In an attempt to distract Sonic, she set the forest of Red Leaves on fire, so he’d be stuck in there for a while. Maria convinces Tails and Claws that there was an evil purple hedgehog going around, and he was dead set on burning down the forest. She barely escaped with her life! Claws and Tails decide that they’ll put a stop to this evil pyromaniac, and protect Red Leaves like they always would!

After a 2v1, Sonic defeats the two and informs them that Maria deceived them, and that they have got to stop her or else she may ACTUALLY burn down the forest. After this, the 3 join forces to defeat Maria yet again, and the Master Emerald is secured. These are the events of StH3&K.

Years ago, Gerald Robotnik, a mentally disturbed genius, was quite old and knew the end of his life was coming. In his final years, he was able to hold his first grandchild, Maria. He decided that he didn’t want this child to be tainted by the evils the world has to offer. So, he decided a good portion of the world simply had to go. As he inched closer to death, he invented 2 final creations. First, he created a deadly virus which would quickly kill anyone who becomes ill with it. It was contained in a capsule in space, which will launch into Earth and explode, spreading it all over the planet. Second, he created an entity known as SHADOW. He was to protect Maria from the virus, and get her to safety before the plague spread. Shadow and Maria spent some time with each other for a few years before Shadow had to be put into cryosleep for an unknown number of years.

About a year after Gerald suddenly disappeared, Maria’s cousin, Ivo, was born. Maria and Ivo live with each other on the space station for a few years until Maria heads for Earth in her youth. Ivo simply didn’t want to leave, so he stayed. There was no one else with him up there, but the station was built to cater to growing children. Maria and Ivo lived there up until their pre-teen years. For decades, Ivo lived up there alone and was fine. When he was bored, he would read old books Gerald had, and that is how he gained any form of education. He was even able to stay in contact with Maria and had a television signal, so he was able to stay up to date on the news of the world. When bored, he would create simple-minded robots. He wasn’t completely alone, although things still felt a little lonelt.

Flash forward to the future. A broadcast plays on national television. It’s a pre-recorded video of Gerald, from a few years after he created the plague and Shadow. He looks skeletal and very unhealthy. He explains that the world is too corrupt, and to teach everyone a lesson, some lives will have to be lost. It ends with Gerald ending his life prematurely. The capsule containing the virus then reaches Earth and explodes, and a large portion of the population becomes gravely ill. Including…Maria. Shadow wasn’t there to save her. Why?

The capsule which was containing Shadow had malfunctioned. It didn’t release him in time for him to escape and save Maria, so she came down with the sickness. Later, when Shadow and Maria reconcile, they decide that they may be able to find a cure at her childhood home, Gerald’s old laboratory. The space station. Upon reaching it, they’re met with Ivo, who they both completely forgot was up there. He was elated to see Maria after so many years, but the happiness was short-lived after he learned why they were there. And it was even shorter-lived after he had come down with the same illness later, simply by being in contact with Maria. And, to make matters worse, there is no cure on the space station. Following these events, Shadow and Maria are directly working together to track down all the Chaos Emeralds, to cure her and Ivo. Maria also wants infinite power. Shadow doesn’t know that, however.

Ivo is also forced to come to Earth, to assist Maria and Shadow in their search for the Emeralds. He, however, just wants to be cured. He would return the Emeralds as soon as he got what he wanted. Probably.

SPOINKY BOINGY (Written by Kloogybaboogy)

In a mystical place known as the Creature Garden, two godlike entities lie dormant known as the Cultivators. Tharulmi, the Cultivator of Shapes molds many little creatures with his magic clay and Bonnibi, the Cultivator of Souls gives them their life. One day, Tharulmi creates Spoinky Boingy, handing over his shape to Bonnibi, who loved him to death. She blessed him with her love...maybe a little too much of it. He ended up with a body filled with only blood, something no other critter in the Creature Garden had ever seen before. Spoinky's biggest hater, Cumlord "Weenielooger" Shitguzzler, and a group of especially mean critters who dubbed themselves the Goober Gang, made the rest of the Creature Garden residents turn against Spoinky, making fun of him for his differences. Spoinky was chased out of the Creature Garden, led to live a life all by himself, while the Cultivators could do nothing but watch their proudest creation through tearful eyes.

It wasn't all bad though. With Bonnibi's blessing, Spoinky was given a few magic abilites! He could traverse dimensions at will*, revive after death, and even shapeshift his body as much as he'd like! He would then go on to spend 3000 years wandering around universe after universe, spending most of his time in the True World, also known as the Base Game FNF universe. In it, its own version of the Creature Garden could be found with no Cultivators and critters which would pop out of the ground like vegetables. None of the other creatures made fun of him there. He could fit in finally. But deep down, he knew it wasn't his real home. Spoinky wanted to go back. To enact revenge on those who wronged them. In an act of rage, he killed the True World's Spoinky and took his place. Onlookers sat in shock as he did, watching in fear and despair. Then BF came in with his usual fuckery and the events of the Vs Spoinky Boingy mod took place. Since Spoinky had nothing but murder on his mind, he had no intent to make his songs sound good whatsoever so that's why all of them sound like that uh huh yup. Eventually, one of the creatures, Stuart, called the feds hoping they could do something against him while he was distracted and in Spiboible, the last song of the week, the federal agents put this fucker down like a dog.

Respawning back in the Dsides universe, Spoinky realized he actually enjoyed singing his songs with others, so he chose to return to the True World for the sake of conquering the True World's Creature Garden through song. However, that same snitch ass Stuart knew Spoinky would come back, so he hired a trained assassin to protect the Creature Garden in case of his return. When he eventually made his way to the True World once more, Spoinky found Pico and chose to use his newfound love of singing to defeat this sherbert headed asswipe in the events of the Pico v. Spoinky mod. And then his ass got shot again. After respawning once more in the Dsides universe, he took a moment to reflect upon himself. Realizing he wanted nothing more than to be silly instead of angry, his fury and rage separated from him to manifest into a physical shadow known as Stoinky Boingy, who then faded away to who knows where. With pep in his step and silly in his billy, Spoinky made his way back to the Creature Garden of the Dsides universe, accepting himself for who he was and what he wanted.

When he made his way back to the Creature Garden, Cumlord and the rest of the Goober Gang attempted to bully him out again, but to no avail. Spoinky was simply filled with too much whimsy to truly care. With his newfound jollyness, he made new friends with other creatures like Flurglenurgle and Scrinkly Dinkly, along with even adopting his own son, Wagoogus Jr. Seeing Spoinky finally happy for once, Cumlord wanted him GONE, making lots of different mechanisms and machines to take over the Creature Garden and ruin Spoinky's happiness. Thankfully, each plan would be foiled by Spoinky dying in a specific way that would always ruin his attacks. Despite everything, after a 3000 year long journey of self reflection, Spoinky Boingy was finally happy. Oh? There seems to be someone new looking to sing with Spoinky? Who could it be?

*Spoinky can willingly control his hemoglobin, making it fly rapidly thoughout his blood to carry oxygen to bind with the luciferin inside of him. He then creates luciferase, an enzyme which catalyzes the reaction, out of thin air to make him instantly fluoresce and glow red, blue, then yellow. After doing so, the molecules within him have bounced around at such a high rate in a concentrated space that it allows him to store a charge of interdimensional travel which he can use whenever he wants.

FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S (FRANCHISE) (Written by Kloogybaboogy & EllisBros with help from FunfettiKatz)

In the year 1999, William Afton, a bright and cheery man who loves to tinker, and Henry Emily, a more quiet and reserved man who specializes in planning, meet as both are working at a pizzeria, the name of which escapes me (Chuck Cheese or something?). Joking about the quality of the restaurant with the performers wearing big heavy suits, the duo come up with the idea of their own pizzeria, run by animatronics which would blow any other family diner out of the water. The two would go on to spend the next 20 years coming up with concepts, investing, and designing a type of animatronic suit with springlock technology, allowing a performer to use the suit while simultaneously having an option to switch to an automated animatronic mode to perform. In 2019, Fredbear’s Family Diner opens, becoming a massive success. And with this, our story begins.

Business is now booming! It was so genius! How had no one ever thought of something like this before? The diner stars two characters, Springbonnie and Fredbear, which would be occupied by William and Henry respectively, when not performing automatically. William and Henry make plenty of money, choosing to save for future endeavors and ideas, hoping to expand the company into a truly special business. Using a small portion of the money, the two work together with William’s wife, Daisy, hiring a team of artists and animators to create their own cartoon to play inside of the diner. Freddy and Friends, which premiered in 2022 was, of course, a massive hit. And with plans for new characters, new locations, new projects, the future couldn’t be brighter for Afton and Emily.

A few months after the business has grown, William hides away in his workshop after a stage performance, attempting to fix an issue with his Springbonnie suit. A broken air conditioning system leads to water leaking into the workshop and dripping onto the suit while William wears it. This causes the suit’s gears to slip out of place, and spring shut upon him, viciously trapping Afton inside. With most of the customers already cleared out for the day, William’s screams of pain go mostly unheard. Mostly. His son, Ryan (Crying Child), hears his dad’s fearful plea from a nearby room, a genuine cry for help he’s never heard before. Ryan flees the restaurant, tears in his eyes and echoing screams in his mind. When Henry comes to clock in for his nightshift, he opens the door to William’s workshop. A bloody mutilated mess is on the floor, stuffed inside the Springbonnie suit.

He couldn’t call the police, as the springlock technology was kept under cover for its potential harmful nature, and the company could be destroyed if it were to go public that someone died at Fredbear’s. Especially with experimental technology being used in the vicinity of children. Henry consults the advisors of Fazbear Entertainment, to which they respond with intent to cover up William’s death. They planned to avoid discussion about Afton’s disappearance, distracting the public with the opening of a new location they called Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. Fredbear’s Family Diner would close down, sealing William deep inside to prevent anyone ever knowing his true fate. If Henry decided to go public with any sort of information on William, the company would make sure he would find himself in so much legal trouble, he’d wish he was the one who got springlocked.

Days pass. Then weeks. Then months. In early 2023, Afton finally arises from his grave, like a zombie ready to take on the night. William was forced to listen to every single plan to cover up his demise made right in front of him, yet unable to barely mutter even a single groan. The constant buildup of rage, spite, revenge and even a strong sense of frustration bubbling up inside of him gives him the strength to reawaken in his mechanical tomb. Betrayal has changed this once kind and gentle man to a torchbearer of fury, ready to spread the flames of his wrath on the man that wronged him: Henry.

He slowly makes his way around the ruins of his life’s work, wandering the remains of Fredbear’s Family Diner night after night. After initially emerging from his resting place, William notices a night guard hired to watch over this place. Fazbear Entertainment had done so to ensure no one would learn anything about Afton’s fate as Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza was being built. After about a week of escape attempts, William finally makes his way out of the rubble, ready to find Henry and get his revenge. For fear of losing his own job, the night guard decides to remain silent about William, since the job was easy and paid well; he'd be crazy to give that up. Regardless, William Afton may have survived the springlock slip, but that man was dead. Springtrap was now born, wandering the town to hunt Henry down. Henry is told about the Springbonnie suit appearing in an old friend's garage, meaning William was still alive and out there, most likely looking for him, so he goes into isolation in hopes to never confront his greatest mistake.

Around the Fall of 2023, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza is getting ready to open. Just a few more weeks and the new location is ready to go! Something is stirring late at night, however. Ryan is awoken in the dead of the night, to a midnight blue figure with short bear-like ears: Shadow Freddy, a manifestation of Henry’s regret and sorrow. It guides him through the forest, away from his home. He can hear Henry’s whispers coming from the shadow, a somewhat comforting voice as Henry did his best to help Daisy after William’s disappearance, before he himself disappeared as well. The colors shift and turn, leading him to what remains of Fredbear’s. Ryan finds his father’s workshop, a mix of blood and rubble across the floor as it trails away into the depths of the forest. His dad may still be out there.

Ryan rushes home to confide in his older brother Micheal, telling him what he found. Micheal then tells Ryan about his own suspicions of his father being alive, with reports of a crazed man mentioning a yellow bunny-like monster lurking around town. With Ryan’s discovery, Micheal decides to begin his search for his father, starting at the new Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza location just about to open up. He starts his work there as a night guard, making repairs, organizing supplies, and getting everything ready for the grand opening of the location. Staying up late and working tirelessly takes its toll on Micheal mentally, yet he still manages to record any findings and notes in a notebook he always kept by his side.

By the end of the week, after not finding a single lead to where his father may be, one of the new animatronics, the puppet, appears to start malfunctioning. It jumps at Micheal, delivering a swift headbutt to his face that knocks him clean out. After waking up, he’s fired for allegedly “tampering with the animatronics” before being sent to the hospital to recover. Micheal would make one last entry in his notebook, explaining what happened to him before the next day, entering a deep comatose state with his head injury.

Years pass as Micheal remains hospitalized. He’s forced to have nightmares of what he saw working so late to open Freddy’s. Vicious and twisted versions of the animatronics he worked with tormenting him each night from his own bedroom, trying his best to keep them at bay. His sister, Elizabeth, made an effort to stay with Micheal as much as she could during his stay. Between her own job and watching over Micheal, she would do her own research to find more about their father. Elizabeth learns about Henry’s lack of public appearance since Freddy’s opened up to the public, as his daughter, Charlotte, asks for her to find him as well. To everyone involved, the mystery behind their father’s disappearances as the Fazbear name continues to grow does nothing but wrought concern amidst the families.

Elizabeth reads through Micheal’s notes, taking particular interest in the puppet’s apparent attack on him. In 2027, Micheal finally wakes up from his coma, barely able to move or speak, but this sparked something in Elizabeth. She needed to learn more. She needed to ask Henry everything. She needed to find her father. Micheal, Charlotte, Ryan, and her mother were all counting on her. With Fazbear Entertainment’s success, business horizons expand and a new Fazbear branded location opens up based on the characters of the Freddy and Friends show, dubbed Freddy and Friends’ Toony Treats. Hoping to find more information, Elizabeth decides to start her investigation here.

Slowly making her way through files and databases each night as the animatronics come to life somehow, Elizabeth discovers blueprints for a security system based on a criminal database implemented in location’s animatronics. The puppet of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza also seemed to have a prototype version of said security system. However, something caught her eye. Amidst the other criminals registered in the database were each of the members of the Afton family, for some odd reason. Someone wanted to keep the Aftons away from Fazbear Entertainment. This would explain why the animatronics came to life to chase Elizabeth, yet no one else seemed to ever experience something like it. It would also explain why Micheal was attacked by the puppet in his initial attempt to search Freddy’s.

But of course, this wasn’t enough. Elizabeth poked around for a few days more after her first week, learning of yet another location branded by Fazbear Entertainment, an arcade, named Freddy’s Fun Zone. Peering into the blueprints for this new location revealed more advanced security systems within the animatronics and a facility stretching deep within the Earth. Higher security than any previous location combined piqued Elizabeth’s interests, figuring they must be hiding something that could aid in her search. The next day, the higher ups of Freddy and Friend’s Toony Treats look back on the security cam footage to see the animatronics moving around at night, suspecting Elizabeth had tampered with the animatronics to get them to do so, and she was promptly fired.

2028 rolls in, and Henry locks himself deep within the reaches of Freddy’s Fun Zone, in hopes to continue isolating himself from as many people as possible. He refuses to meet with any of the Afton family, and has done so for years now with barely any human interaction. Using his descent into madness from isolation, the manifestation of William’s rage and anger, Shadow Bonnie takes form to torment Henry, with visions of his creations coming after him night after night. When the location is finally complete, Elizabeth begins her work as a technician at Freddy’s Fun Zone.

Each night, she travels deeper and deeper into the facility’s depths, the animatronics getting more determined to detain her with each passing night of the week. With the final day, Elizabeth makes it to Henry’s office, knocking on his door. Suddenly, metallic arms reach from behind her, restraining Elizabeth as the animatronics force her out of the Fun Zone as she screams and struggles for Henry. Her plea rang out in Henry’s head, knowing he had to do something and stop running, lest he wanted to lead a life of torment for the rest of his days. It was time for Henry to take a stand.

Elizabeth keeps attempting to make contact with Henry but with her name and face registered in the Fazbear no-hire list, she couldn’t come anywhere near him. By 2029, Henry announces a celebration of Fredbear’s, 10 years after the original diner opened. He decides to rebuild the original location to celebrate and create Freddy’s Pizza Palace, with all of the previous themes of other locations being combined into one. Henry, of course, asks for help with this in terms of designing and constructing, in hopes to get Micheal and Elizabeth to work here. Additionally, he mentions a grand public appearance for the event after so long of being hidden from the public eye, knowing this will certainly get the attention of William as well. With Micheal finally fully recovered, both him and Elizabeth choose to work here to finally meet with Henry and ask him everything they can about their father. Henry would secretly remove Elizabeth off the no-hire list beforehand so she could be there for Henry’s final plan. Micheal would spend the day shifts planning the construction of the Pizza Palace and Elizabeth would watch over the location at night, ordering supplies and organizing materials for Micheal to use while the animatronics, still equipped with the security systems, attempted to hunt her down.

A remnant of Fazbear past is found by one of the Fazbear Entertainment higher ups, as the original Springbonnie suit was found to be salvaged and set on display in the Pizza Palace. With this, Springtrap is let into the developing Pizza Palace, viciously scouring the insides to find Henry. On Friday, just as Elizabeth ends her shift and Micheal would begin his, a voice can be heard on the intercom: Henry’s. He first apologizes to William, explaining how he was forced to keep quiet about the demise of his closest friend and his right hand man. He didn’t want to lose everything the two of them worked so hard to build. He tried to cling so hard to the Fazbear company since he couldn’t face William’s family after what he did. The company was all he had left of William. But of course, this wasn’t enough. Henry was sorry, but he didn’t expect forgiveness from William. He announces to everyone listening to his plan to end Freddy’s, mentioning he fed Elizabeth false information about the conditions of the boiler so she would unknowingly ready it to explode after Henry’s final words. It was time for William to rest his soul and it was time for Henry to get what he deserved. He leaves Micheal and Elizabeth the chance to either die with the two founders or go on to live the rest of their lives. The two say their final goodbye to their father and to Henry, leaving the burning shambles and escaping to safety. With the smell of burning ash and final resolutions, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza has come to an end.


When Monty Burns suddenly passes away, he leaves his company, a Nuclear Waste Facility, to his loyal assistant, Homer Simpson. Homer is caught off guard by the sudden promotion, as everyone expected to company to go to Monty's husband, Waylon Smithers, but Burns' will left the whole company and the position of CEO to Homer. Homer humbly accepted the position, and his first order of business was to hire his best friends, Peter Griffin, Cleveland Brown and Stan Smith. And now, viewers can follow their adventures on their television, at 8, 7 central, on Fox.

Out of universe, each character being from a different show simply doesn't happen, they and their families are all the main cast in a show titled "The Facility". Each episode stars one of the 5 main casts.

One episode will feature everyone working at the Facility, the next episode will feature Homer & the Simpsons, the next episode will feature Peter & the Griffins, the next episode will feature Cleveland & the Browns, the next episode will feature Stan & the Smiths, and then it loops.

All side characters from each show also exist, but they work at the Facility as well, so characters like Seymour Skinner, Ernie the Giant Chicken, Tim the Bear and more all have jobs, and still show up in the show.


Following the horrific events of the Human Monster War, all of Monsterkind is caged away in the underground, sealed behind a powerful barrier the Monsters cannot break. Despite the sudden change, all is well in their kingdom, until a child named Chara falls. The King & Queen take this child in and adopt them as their own, raising them as a sibling to their only son, Asriel. But one day, Chara makes a plan, for them & Asriel to break the barrier and reunite Humanity and Monsters. The plan, however, goes awry, and results in both Chara and Asriel being killed. But you know all this already...

When the children's bodies were recovered, the King, Asgore, fell into a great depression, losing both of his children in one day. The Queen, Toriel, on the other hand, had a much different response...In a fit of blind wrath, she waged war upon humanity. All humans who were to enter the underground were to be killed, and with Seven Human SOULs, the King and Queen could break the barrier and become unstoppable, taking their revenge upon the Humans. She made this plan assuming her husband would be in agreement, but he didn't seem to speak much of it...

For years afterwards, no Humans fell, and no royal action or appearance was made from King Asgore. He stayed shut away from his people. One day, Toriel approached him. She demanded action from him, and stated that he was either with or against them. He responded by waiting till she left the castle, and locking himself inside. Away from his responsibilities. Away from his people. Away from her.

In yet another outrage, Toriel claimed that Monsterkind had no need for a King anymore, and moved her residence to the old Ruins, renamed to "The City of Fresh Breath" by the Queen. Fresh Breath quickly became one of the most populated areas in the Underground, being the new home of the Queen. The plan to slay any Humans that came through continued as planned, as Toriel let Asgore become nothing but a memory she soon forget, as Asgore himself let himself rot away in his old castle.

Toriel became a bitter Queen, rudely making orders towards all her subjects and making new, unfair laws based on what she alone thought was right. Her sour, mean attitude soon reflected on most living Monsters, turning Monsterkind as a whole more fierce and uncaring for the thoughts of others.

Since Toriel was situated right at the entrance of the Underground, she saw no reason to set anything like a "Royal Guard" in place...and this is where the vigilantes come in. In the swampy land of Moist Mudland, there exists a mafia run by Grillby, his wife Muffet and a gang of ferocious canines. The mafia was formed after some shady dealings in the Mudlands got a little nasty, but killing any humans that come through is something of a side hustle they have.

Another one of these vigilantes is known as Undyne. She sees herself as the hero of The Dumps, a once wonderful and lush mushroom forest, now turned into a trash heap that spans for miles. People do live here, but it's mostly residents who lived during the mushroom forest days, old timers like Gerson Boom.

Residents living in the Dump see Undyne as some type of superhero, like she would get more done for the Underground than Toriel ever would. She's incredibly violent and rude, and VERY no-nonsense, meaning she won't get distracted easily, and is DETERMINED to kill any human she finds.

The only one of Toriel's staff, and coverage for the back half of the Underground, is the royal scientist, Alphys. Toriel doesn't treat Alphys very well, but Alphys has to pay her bills somehow. Living with Alphys is Mettaton, who wanted to be both a star and a human killing machine, which happened to work perfectly with Toriel's plan! Much to Alphys' dismay...Mettaton then asked for two bodies. One he could kill humans with, and one he could be a star with. Seems simple, right?

Alphys finished the body to make him a star first, because it seemed less...lethal, and this way, Mettaton could already be building his fanbase. She tries to dawdle and not build his human-killing body for as long as she can, until Mettaton can't take it anymore and demands Alphys make it, ASAP, so Alphys is forced to make her deadliest invention yet...which happens to be right when Frisk enters the underground.

Alphys went through many prototypes of Mettaton's human-killing bodies, but none of them were right, so she left them in her true lab...along with the fallen Amalgamates. The Amalgams soon discovered the old robots, approaching them out of curiosity. Being the confused, clumsy beings they are, though, they accidentally fell into them, thus merging them, creating the Amalgaborgs.

Following along Frisk in their adventure through the Underground is Flowey, the dusty remains of the King and Queen's son, Asriel. He tricks Frisk into believing that he's hurt and needs help. Truthfully, though, he just needs some help getting to certain areas a flower can't simply pop in and out of the ground from. Frisk uproots him and puts him, along with some dirt, in their backpack.

Throughout the underground, Toriel, Grillby, Undyne and Asgore have a combined total of 6 Human SOULs. 2 with Toriel (which she slayed during her rein in Fresh Breath), 2 with Grillby (which he slayed after they escaped Toriel), 1 with Undyne (which she slayed after one escaped Grillby) and 1 with Asgore (which was left behind when Toriel left). Flowey simply needed someone to take him to visit all 6 SOULs to enact his final plan...