ShenYun Performers’ Posts on X

Table of Content

1, General Introduction

2, Lack of Medical Care or Health Insurance

  • 2.1 No Medical Care After Physical Injury
  • 2.2 Two Specific Cases: Torn Ligaments Must Stand up on Their Own
  • 2.3 If Proper Protective Measures are Taken, Would There be Injuries?
  • 2.4 No Option for Sick Leave
  • 2.5 Health Insurance and Accident Insurance Are not Encouraged

3, Child Abuse and Neglect

  • 3.1 Teachers Hitting Children is a Common Occurrence
  • 3.2 The Experience of 14-Year-Old Girl Luna
  • 3.3 14-Year-Old Girl: Beaten, Scolded, and Left Unattended When Injured
  • 3.4 Many Children Have Eating Disorder Issues

4. One Case of Molestation

5. Forced Labor and Poor Working Conditions

  • 5.1 Long Working Hours Without Enough Rests
  • 5.2 Dangerous Stage Setting Up/Dismantling Work
  • 5.3 Construction Site Lacks Safety Measures: At Least Two Volunteers Have Fallen to Their Deaths

6, Parents’ Blind Faith in The Mountain

7, Arranged Marriages

  • 7.1 Girls on the Mountain Used as Pawns to Attract Boys to Stay

8, Several Cases of Mental Breakdown and Suicide Attempts

  • 8.1 Multiple Cases of Mental Breakdown and Suicide Attempts
  • 8.2 A Case of Attempted Suicide

9, Coercion and Control

  • 9.1 How to Summarize Life in Shen Yun in One Sentence?
  • 9.2 Former Shen Yun Performers' Views on Making Friends
  • 9.3 Love Stories
  • 9.4 A Former Performer’s Reflection
  • 9.5 Classmates Who Suddenly Disappeared
  • 9.6 Is There a Place to Confide?

10, Shen Yun Performers' Low Salaries and Poor Benefits

11, A Suspicious Car Accident

12, Shen Yun: Epoch Times’ Money Laundering Beneficial Party

1, General Introduction

1.1 Introduction of Li Hongzhi’s Family

Li Hongzhi (李洪志), born on July 7, 1952

Li Rui (李瑞) - Li Hongzhi’s wife, born on December 1, 1957

Li Meige (李美歌),also called JingJing, Li Hongzhi’s daughter, born in June 1982

Li Jun (李君): Li Hongzhi’s sister

Li Ping (李平): Li Hongzhi’s sister

William Li (李宝圆): Li Ping’s older son, born in 1993

Victor Li (李宝满): Li Ping’s younger son, born in 1995

1.2 Important whistleblowers revealing insider information about The Mountain on X:

Yu Chao (虞超) @Charleshvgo

Yu Chao is a Youtuber who interviewed quite some former or current Shen Yun Performers.

1.3 Below are former or current Shen Yun performers who spoke on X during May-June 2024.

Luna @luna_withnotuna (Female)

Snowball (憨崽崽) @Snowball195177 (Male)

Olivia @olivia_906 (Female)

Alice @Alice8835483761 (Female)

Nonosayno (甭談了) @nonosayno (Female)

Sandy @guess_who524 (Female)

Small Star Shining (小星星亮晶晶) @zhengnianzx (Male)

Kang Shuaifu (康帅傅) @kang_shuaif (Male)

Farmer's Three Punches (农夫三拳) @Joker_Invoker (Male): Posting in a sarcastic tone as William Li.. He calls Li Hongzhi as dad and Li Rui as mum.

1.4 Notation:

1, All non-Shen Yun Performers' messages are in Italian style.

2, All keywords in the conversations are in red color.

1.5 Basics to know:

1, Smart phones are not allowed to be used by minors or in The Mountain. It means that it is extremely difficult to collect photos, videos or voice records as evidence.

2, The performers usually spend 5 to 6 months touring around the world, and the rest of their time on the Mountain.

3, The performers have 2 weeks holiday in a year. In 2024, their holiday took place from 28 May till 10 June. That was the reason why so many current performers joined the conversation on X.

4, When the performers stay in The Mountain, they get one day of holiday per week. During their tours, one day of holiday in one week cannot be guaranteed.

2, Lack of Medical Care or Health Insurance

Performers, including children, often do not receive medical treatment for injuries, instead relying on "righteous thoughts," leading to severe consequences.  "Righteous thoughts" is to pray to their God Li Hongzhi. Fear of criticism and the teachings of Li Hongzhi discourage seeking medical help. Injuries among performers are common and severe, such as torn ligaments and fractures, with even teachers getting hurt. Criticism and guilt are used to control and motivate performers, leading to mental health issues. Safety measures are inadequate, and the culture of fear prevents reporting and addressing these issues.

As @guess_who524 pointed out, a lot of people got injured.It might be due to lack of protecting skills in teaching the blanket exercises or lack of qualified teachers. But they don’t take any measurements to solve those problems. Instead, they criticize people who got injured for lack of righteous thoughts. Those criticisms lead to mental health issues.

Health insurance or accident insurance is not encouraged. The Mountain does not buy those insurance for the performers. Parents don’t buy those insurance for their kids because if they do so, they lack faith in their God Li Hongzhi.

2.1 No Medical Care After Physical Injury


@Happypo02797746 May 29

I want to ask about cases where children are not given treatment after getting injured. Do you know of any such situations?

Also, when you were minors in the mountains, if you got sick, were you sent to the hospital, or were you told to endure it? Were there any cases where serious illnesses were delayed, leading to severe consequences?

@luna_withnotuna May 29

In very rare cases, they would go to the hospital, but most of the time they wouldn't. Torn cruciate ligaments, fractures, Achilles tendon ruptures, sciatic nerve dislocation, herniated discs, hip injuries, shoulder injuries, and so on. Some groups were almost completely incapacitated.

I've seen children with torn cruciate ligaments being made to perform. They fell and couldn't get up during the performance, eventually crawling off the stage. I know of at least two such incidents.


@luna_withnotuna May 29

Once, a boy was doing somersaults in the classroom and broke a bone, with the bone protruding from muscle. The children's first reaction was to surround him and send righteous thoughts, and they quickly brought the master's wife from the office. When she saw the injury, the first thing she shouted was, "What righteous thoughts! Go to the hospital!"

@Happypo02797746 May 29

This shows that after being brainwashed, these children no longer know the normal reaction to such serious accidents. It's truly evil.

If someone becomes disabled, they have plenty of excuses to shirk responsibility: there were no adults present, the children didn't know any better, and they did it voluntarily. Without years of forced brainwashing and mental control, how could anyone not know to go to the hospital?

@luna_withnotuna May 29

It's truly pitiful. And we're not allowed to tell our parents. Even if we do, sometimes they don't believe us, saying, "The master is in charge, it's all part of the practice." ☹️


乘现 @falunverse May 29

Would the injured disciples be kicked out? Then they might think their character isn't good enough, feel guilty towards the master, and study more diligently?

@nonosayno May 29

At first, they would be more diligent, but later they would have mental problems. It's really pitiful 🥲

@luna_withnotuna May 29

They would feel very guilty and then try hard to improve, hoping for a miracle. During the recovery period, they would be despised by their classmates and teachers. Several people have gone mad.



But the children on the mountain don't have the option of "going to the hospital for treatment." Even admitting to "pain" would get them criticized and looked down upon.

"Going to the hospital" is only possible if the master's wife says it.

2.2 Two Specific Cases: Torn Ligaments Must Stand up on Their Own



There was once a girl with a torn cruciate ligament who was still forced to perform, and she didn't dare to refuse. Li Hongzhi even forbade her classmates from helping her.

In the program "The Monkey King Causes Havoc in Heaven," she played a fairy in the Peach Garden. After picking peaches, she was supposed to get to her spot and jump down. Because of her knee, she couldn't get up. She kept falling and getting up, and when the music cued her to fly up in the background video, she was still on stage, slowly crawling down.


@nonosayno Jun 2

Mr. Yu Chao was right! Every child has injuries. Minor ones include neck sprains, dislocated arms, back injuries, hip injuries, knee injuries, ankle injuries, and toe injuries. More severe ones include dislocations, fractures, and herniated discs (most of them are under 18 years old). But because the main Buddha said: "There are no problems with Dafa disciples, meditate more and flush (exact words)." How can you practice if you can't even stand up?! If you can't stand up, it means you don't believe in the master and the teachings! Do you dare not to stand?


For the girl with broken arms, other students/performers sit in a circle to send righteous thoughts to her; and they blame the poor recovery on a lack of righteous thoughts. One girl emaciated from intestinal parasites was sent back to Taiwan; there are countless people with torn cruciate ligaments or ruptured Achilles tendons who can't walk. My dad says the old forces are crazily targeting us, and if he didn't protect us, we wouldn't survive a second. When a child's knee was broken, my dad was present and would say, "Don't help her! Let her get up by herself."


@zhengnianzx Jun 2

Ha, a ruptured Achilles tendon? If we're talking about the Achilles tendon, you can feel the entire tendon rolled up. Can they still stand up? Are they all Kobe Bryant?



Without righteous thoughts, even the teachers get injured, and so do the students.


Exactly, like a few years ago when almost all the boys in a certain class got injured in various ways, breaking bones and getting hurt. This is all due to karma and lack of righteous thoughts. It's definitely not an issue with the teaching of the blanket exercises, nor is it due to a lack of qualified teachers. It's all because of a lack of righteous thoughts.


Even the blanket exercise teacher, it was a complete wipeout.


@Alice8835483761 Jun 2

I told you, even the teachers break bones, even the teachers are limping.

Editor's note: According to the educational and handling methods on the mountain


If even the teachers are limping, it means the cultivation state of this class is not good. It's time to hold a criticism meeting.

2.3 If Proper Protective Measures are Taken, Would There be Injuries?



Many of the tumbling scenes in the video were recorded in the blanket exercise classroom, where there are springs under the mats. However, not every class or practice session can be held in the blanket exercise classroom or under teacher supervision. Even when there is supervision, it's difficult to ensure the safety of every performer during practice. Moreover, since everyone's physical condition and muscle quality are different, and some teachers are irresponsible, the risk factors increase.

2.4 No Option for Sick Leave



We working professionals all know that if we feel unwell (even if it's not that serious), we can take sick leave and not go to work. I want to ask, is there much opportunity for taking sick leave and missing work at Shen Yun? Is there a school system to record the sick leave of students and employees?


@luna_withnotuna Jun 2

Hahaha, there's no such thing as sick leave.

 @Happypo02797746 Jun 2

That's impossible. Everyone has a few days a year when they don't feel well and don't want to move. From what I've observed among my colleagues, on average, they take 2-4 days of sick leave a year. Is there really no sick leave at Shen Yun? Can someone in the know explain?

@luna_withnotuna Jun 2

There's absolutely no such thing. It's not an option. Injuries, high fevers, COVID, you must continue to perform or attend classes.


@luna_withnotuna May 29

I performed and attended classes even with a high fever, cold, and cough. There is no medicine on the mountain. You can't even call it "being sick." If you say you feel unwell, it's considered as "not being in a good cultivation state."

2.5 Health Insurance and Accident Insurance Are not Encouraged



Which hospitals are affiliated with Longquan Monastery? I mean the hospitals that Shen Yun performers go to most often. Do you have health insurance?



We don't have health insurance; we have the super umbrella of protection given to us by the Lord of the Universe.



Yes, it's some kind of nonsense shield. When you're in pain or uncomfortable, you just use the Falun in your palm to rub it. It never worked for me anyway. 😂


Oceansdeep @Oceansdeep80062

I was just about to ask this question: do students and performers not have any health insurance or accident insurance at all?


@Snowball195177 Jun 2

We have the protective shield from the Lord of the Universe and the Falun in our hands. Wherever you feel uncomfortable, just rub that area. If it doesn't work, it's because your character isn't good enough. 😂 Insurance is for ordinary people.

@zhengnianzx Jun 1

If it involves an insurance company, that person basically can't dance anymore. If they can't dance in Shen Yun, why bother taking care of them? Let them go home to recover, they'll live anyway. The guarantee form is almost cost-free; if everyone signs it, Shen Yun is not liable, and they aren't afraid of being sued. Parents and family members usually don't buy insurance, as they believe that being around the master means there won't be any problems. If they buy insurance on their own and something goes wrong, the parents will be blamed for having "fear" or "loopholes," and who wants to bear that kind of pressure?



Dance, especially involving large movements, is a relatively high-risk profession. Now that they have so much money, they really should buy good insurance for the children to provide basic protection. Medical care in the United States is so expensive that without insurance, you could go bankrupt in no time trying to pay for treatment.


@zhengnianzx Jun 1

That's why they only recruit Chinese people. If something happens, the family will just suppress it and won't sue them. Your bankruptcy has nothing to do with them. They usually blame it on your poor character, so you end up quitting on your own. These feelings of guilt and shame overwhelm the injured person. Besides, don't they also require you to sign a waiver and disclaimer? Isn't that cheaper and more convenient than insurance?

3, Child Abuse and Neglect

Performers, including children, often endure physical abuse without reason, and injuries are rarely treated beyond basic first aid, leading to ongoing pain and health issues. Fear of punishment prevents students from seeking medical help or showing concern for injured classmates. Strict, often inhumane training regimens and inadequate nutrition cause severe physical and psychological stress. Personal accounts describe chronic injuries, harsh discipline, and a pervasive atmosphere of fear and neglect, contributing to long-term trauma. Additionally, eating disorders are common due to irregular and insufficient meals, and some girls do not reach puberty until they leave the mountain. The culture of fear and strict control severely impacts their physical and mental health.

3.1 Teachers Hitting Children is a Common Occurrence


Oceansdeep @Oceansdeep80062 Jun 3

Are they really being hit? 😳 Why are they being hit?

@nonosayno Does a person need a reason to hit you if they don't like you? We were all under 14 at that time...


@qiuzhen259171 Jun 3

What happens if someone is injured from being hit? Do they apologize and provide medical treatment?

@luna_withnotuna Jun 3

There's nothing to be done, and where would an apology come from? The only medical item on the mountain is a band-aid, which can be used if you're bleeding.


@qiuzhen259171 Jun 3

"The only medical item on the mountain is a band-aid"???? Do they disinfect wounds? Are there any anti-inflammatory drugs? What happens if there is an infection? What if the wound is large and leaves a scar? No apologies, so teachers can abuse students at will without any guilt. Even teachers under the communist system aren't this bad.

@luna_withnotuna Jun 3

The master knows everything. People who witnessed it have gone to tell the master.


@qiuzhen259171 Jun 3

Oh my God, I feel like hitting someone myself 😠

@nonosayno Jun 3

It's okay, we were all beaten when we were kids. Time will fade the scars, but the pain won't be forgotten. With your (the netizens') support, I believe Shen Yun performers can feel unprecedented genuine care. 🙏 Thank you to all the netizens 🙏



Exactly! You're right. Once, a classmate was slapped and kicked. The slaps were so loud that the sound echoed in the classroom. At that moment, I was so scared that I went numb, and it felt like my soul left my body.


@Happypo02797746 Jun 3

How many teachers like to hit students? Does the main Buddha know?

@nonosayno Jun 4

The master knows!!!!!!

3.2 The Experience of 14-Year-Old Girl Luna


@luna_withnotuna Jun 3

When I was 14, I almost fainted every day in dance class. At that time, I didn't know why, but now I understand it was due to severe hypoglycemia and anemia.

Not a single teacher or classmate who saw me ever asked if I was okay. Every time I woke up, I saw the other students already engaged in the next exercise while I was lying where I had fainted. Everyone acted as if nothing had happened. Afraid of being scolded when I woke up, I quickly joined the ongoing class.

Looking back now, it was both dangerous and bizarre.


@luna_withnotuna Jun 3

Seeing your sympathy and concern for me, I feel overwhelmed. This was the situation I faced almost every day when I was 14, and at that time, I had gotten used to it.

@luna_withnotuna Jun 3

I'm very surprised that such a small thing would elicit such a big reaction from you all. These are minor issues. There are many, many people in Shen Yun who have it much worse than I did.


@luna_withnotuna Jun 9

When my back was dislocated, I was also around 14 years old. My parents weren't around, and I didn't go to the hospital. I really suffered a lot for no reason. I remember that walking was so painful that it made me cry.

@Haici1775517 Jun 9

 If this were an ordinary family's child, wouldn't they call an ambulance right away? What kind of hell have we been through?!

@luna_withnotuna Jun 9 But we didn't even have the concept of "going to the hospital," let alone calling an ambulance.


@Haici1775517 Jun 9

If you get injured, just send righteous thoughts. It's utterly absurd.


At that time, I was truly both scared and ignorant. I kept chanting "Assist the Master in rectifying the Fa, save all sentient beings."


@one_sharp_arrow Jun 9

How did you recover later? Did anyone help with massages to set it back in place?

@luna_withnotuna Jun 9

I didn't receive any treatment or massages, and it never healed. After two years, the pain gradually went away, but it became as stiff as rebar and couldn't bend.

3.3 14-Year-Old Girl: Beaten, Scolded, and Left Unattended When Injured



Let me tell you about the past in that dreadful place.

When I first went up the mountain, I was assigned to the freshman class of that year. At that time, the class didn't have a permanent class teacher. When I joined, the class teacher was Teacher Cao, but later Teacher Cao got sick, so a young female teacher from China took over.

When the new teacher started as a substitute, she was really nice to us. She would make desserts for us, and in class, we felt like we were really learning something. She didn't yell or scream at us.


@Haici1775517 Jun 9

Teacher Gao was probably around 22-23 years old at the time. She was from Northeast China and had studied at a dance academy in mainland China. Back then, we all thought she was amazing and a very kind person, a good teacher.


@Haici1775517 Jun 9

Later, Teacher Cao passed away due to illness, and the young teacher officially became our class teacher. (I'm not sure what illness Teacher Cao had, but it was said to be cancer. She spent a long time recovering in her room in the dormitory.)

Teacher Gao was probably around 22-23 years old at the time. She was from Northeast China and had studied at a dance academy in mainland China. Back then, we all thought she was amazing and a very kind person, a good teacher.


@Haici1775517 Jun 9

After officially becoming the class teacher, whether it was due to increased responsibility, greater pressure, or other personal reasons, Teacher Gao was almost never kind to any of us, except for one classmate who was three years older than me. (The rest of us were between 11 and 13 years old.)


@Haici1775517 Jun 9

The number of people in the class was always odd, so I was always paired with the teacher for stretching. My hamstrings were particularly stiff, and my hip flexors were very flexible, so while others switched from hamstrings to hip flexors, I continued stretching my hamstrings. The teacher didn't time the stretching sessions; how long we stretched depended entirely on her mood that day. As a result, I often stretched my hamstrings until I was in so much pain that I had no tears left.


@Haici1775517 Jun 9

One time, after stretching my hamstrings, my right knee almost lost all sensation; it felt numb and almost completely devoid of feeling. However, the teacher didn't care at all and thought I was just pretending. Because my right knee was weak, it was very difficult for me to perform the blanket exercise techniques, especially front and back bridges, which required my right leg to land first. I couldn't complete these techniques on my own, and if I forced myself to do them, I would collapse on the ground. Then I would get scolded.



My right knee remained partially numb until I was assigned to the troupe, and it still hadn't recovered. It was over six months from the incident until I joined the troupe. During classes, if any classmates tried to show concern for me, the teacher would scold them. This eventually led to no one daring to openly express sympathy.


@luna_withnotuna Jun 9

How old were you at that time? Did they take you to the hospital?

@Haici1775517 Jun 9

14 years old. I didn't go to the hospital. To this day, it still hasn't returned to "normal."



Story Part Two:

One time in a stretching class, we were working on backbends. Once again, I was paired with the teacher. She made us try a backbend method we hadn't done before. The person being stretched lies face down on the ground, and the other person lifts their legs up and forward. I might have had a weak core, so it was hard for me to support my body in the air. I kept feeling like I couldn't breathe, with the pressure constantly on my throat. But the teacher thought I was faking it, so she forcefully pulled my legs forward, and then I passed out.


@Haici1775517 Jun 9

I don't know how long I was unconscious, but when I woke up, everyone had moved to another mat, leaving me alone in the original spot. Later, my classmates told me that when I passed out, I was convulsing but didn't remain unconscious for very long.


@Haici1775517 Jun 9

Story Part Three:

I can't quite remember if it was for the Mid-Autumn Festival program or the Lunar New Year program, but the teacher choreographed a technique routine involving both boys and girls. I wasn't good at the techniques and was often scolded, whether during the girls' practice or the combined practice with boys. The scolding was often very demeaning, making me feel extremely humiliated, with comments like, "You can't even do this technique; what have you been doing?" "Are you even trying?" "You're the worst in the class."


@Haici1775517 Jun 9

Once, during a rehearsal with both boys and girls, after we finished a run-through, the teacher threw a remote control directly at me. Although it didn't hit me, I really wanted to run to a place where she couldn't catch me. It was truly terrifying. Even after she threw it, I still didn't understand how to improve my technique.


@Haici1775517 Jun 9

Story Part Four:

The girls in the class collectively developed a "black clothes phobia" because the teacher always wore black. Whenever we saw someone in black appear in the glass window of the door, we would jump up and line up in the middle of the classroom. A few times, close to class time, a classmate wearing all black appeared in the glass window, directly scaring everyone in the classroom.

3.4 Many Children Have Eating Disorder Issues


@luna_withnotuna Jun 3

Many people have eating issues, each manifesting differently.

I tend to binge eat. I used to think this wasn't a problem, but after observing the normal people around me, I realized it's not typical behavior.

Upon reflection and investigation, I found that my subconscious thinks, "Eat well this meal, because who knows when the next one will be." This stems from years on the mountain, where we had no choice over food. We couldn't eat what we wanted when we wanted.


@nonosayno Jun 3

Having been raised with teachers stopping my meals, I now always feel anxious when eating. As a child, I would rather faint than be scolded by the teacher in front of the whole class…

Qiuzhen @qiuzhen259171 Jun 3

Children in their adolescence are rapidly growing and need a lot of nutrition. Under such high-intensity training, not allowing children to consume enough food, causing hypoglycemia and fainting, and then not caring at all—this is inhumane. They still dream of becoming Buddhas; this is organized child abuse.



You don't understand! It's not uncommon for girls in the dance team to eat only one piece of meat, half a fish ball, half a fish tofu, and one shrimp. Many of them just sit there daydreaming. And we have to wait until the master finishes eating and leaves in his mini golf cart before we can leave. We also have to say "Thank you, master" three times! Sometimes, if someone from the Gu Yun troupe still has food in their mouth, they immediately get up and follow as soon as they see the master getting up to leave... (even if there's still half a plate of meat left on the table).



Some classmates only got their first period in their twenties after leaving the mountain.

4. One Case of Molestation

It is unclear if the victim described below is a minor or not. The victim’s name is unknown and this X message has been deleted. It is highly expected that most of victims don't report sexual harassment related cases in The Mountain.



XXXX once molested a girl. That girl was so nice! Her mother bought a lot of dance supplies for the children in the mountains. As a result, the master fired the girl who was molested. Do you think he is disrespectful to his elders? Please don't mention the girl's name

5. Forced Labor and Poor Working Conditions

Editor's note: One day off per week. If during the tour period (from December to May of the following year), one day off per week is not guaranteed.

Shen Yun performers endure grueling schedules with half a year of non-stop rehearsals followed by half a year of continuous performances, leaving them physically and mentally exhausted. They rarely get enough sleep and often travel through the night, with both male and female actors having to pack up and move immediately after shows. The dismantling of stages is dangerous, with several accidents resulting in severe injuries due to a lack of safety measures like helmets. Performers sometimes stay up all night watching the bus to prevent sabotage, and they struggle to get adequate rest on the bus. Additionally, the lack of safety measures at construction sites has resulted in fatalities among volunteers, highlighting the overall neglect of performer welfare and safety.

5.1 Long Working Hours Without Enough Rests


@nonosayno Apr 30

Shen Yun performers basically have no rest! Half a year of non-stop rehearsals, followed by half a year of non-stop performances! We are physically and mentally exhausted. The master would still tell us: "Make sure to rest!" Such comforting six words!


@Alice8835483761 Jun 4

Who doesn’t stay up late during the tour?

@Happypo02797746 Jun 4

Actors should go to bed early, right? After the performance and dinner, if it’s the last show in a certain city, I know you still have to pack your luggage and leave early the next morning. It’s very tough. Do the male actors do this? Can the female actors rest earlier?


Haha, of course, the female actors also have to do it. "In Shen Yun, we don’t support prima donnas."


@Alice8835483761 Jun 4

It’s rare to go to bed early; traveling through the night is much more common.


@nonosayno Jun 4 Sometimes the girls have to stay up all night watching the bus! We’re afraid that CCP agents will puncture the tires of our Shen Yun bus. There’s not a single person passing by during the night watch!!! We perform two shows that day, stay up all night watching the bus, and then continue traveling the next day. The troupe leader says we can catch up on sleep on the bus! What kind of logic is that?


@Alice8835483761 Jun 4

Super exhausted, both physically and mentally. You can't sleep well on the bus, and even when traveling, you have to time your water intake carefully.

@nonosayno Jun 5 Some troupe leaders don't even allow people to drink water, saying that drinking water will make you need the restroom and that will delay the journey!


@Snowball195177 Jun 5

When traveling, if the driver suddenly brakes, you wake up immediately. 😂😂😂


You wake up from the braking, from singing Dafa songs, from studying the Fa (half asleep), from sending righteous thoughts (fully asleep), and after the troupe leader reads an exchange article, you put on earplugs and an eye mask to block out the noise, and then continue sleeping. We've driven for over 30 hours continuously multiple times, overnight trips, from snowy New York to hot Texas. When my dad's not around. When my dad is around, we can stay at a motel halfway and have to thank him for that.

There were also times when police officers boarded the bus and told us all to get off ("Get the fuck off the bus"), and when the bus caught fire. My dad was the first to escape the bus. That woke us all up!



 I've seen many long-distance buses with restrooms on board. Why not rent those types of buses?


@nonosayno Jun 5

Never used them. It's easier for the male performers; they just use a plastic bottle in the back of the bus. The female performers can only cry their tears out and wait until it's over! Fact! It's all true! Gives me chills~



There are restrooms on the bus, but we don't use them because they say cleaning them is too troublesome and no one wants to do it, so we never use them.

5.2 Dangerous Stage Setting Up/Dismantling Work


@kang_shuaifu Jun 7

Dismantling the stage is very dangerous. In my troupe alone, there have been several accidents while setting up or dismantling the stage. Steel rods and other equipment have fallen and hit staff on the head, causing severe bleeding... Ever since then, I've been constantly nervous, always looking up when I'm on stage, afraid something might fall on me.


When folding the backdrop, there are no safety helmets, and the stage poles sway above our heads.

5.3 Construction Site Lacks Safety Measures: At Least Two Volunteers Have Fallen to Their Deaths



Thinking back to when my dad took the whole class to visit the construction site, we climbed the scaffolding. No hard hats, no construction uniforms, no safety harnesses, no work boots, no masks—nothing at all. The volunteer practitioners didn't wear any safety gear either. They were all ragged and disheveled, and when they saw my dad, they put their hands together in greeting.

The scaffolding swayed violently and was very high. In some places, there was only a single wooden plank connecting it, which scared me so much that I was trembling and didn't dare to move. My dad proudly showed off the future construction project as he walked, feeling very pleased with himself! The kids who were brave and good at cultivation could keep up, but most took a detour.


@zhengnianzx Jun 8

Oh, then we should mention Xiao Zhao, who grabbed a support point with one hand, his body hanging in the air, while he hammered nails with the other hand... His righteous thoughts were truly strong... alas, he's no longer with us.

@Joker_Invoker Jun 8

My dad admired him and sent him to the Falun World.

Hands together in prayer 🙏


@Happypo02797746 Jun 8

There was also Liu Jinan from Canada, who fell to his death. Do you know of anyone else who died from falling? Let's all make an effort to share.


@Snowball195177 Jun 8

The prince is mighty! He even remembers the construction details so clearly. Many of those volunteers have completed their lives, right? After all, they had no identity, and even if they were threatened, they didn't dare to leave the mountain.

6, Parents’ Blind Faith in The Mountain

Oceansdeep suggests that Shen Yun performers, especially children, should have regular health check-ups, including inbody analysis and sports health checks, which are affordable and available in Taiwan. They argue that such check-ups can help identify movements to avoid and exercises that could aid in injury recovery. However, @guess_who524 points out that it's naive to think the organization would allow such check-ups, and many Falun Gong parents wouldn't agree to them, as going to the mountain is seen as bringing glory to the family, while problems bring shame. Parents are more concerned with their prestige within the Falun Gong community and believe that being around the master is the best thing for their children, leading to intense self-censorship and suppression of doubt. The master reinforces this by linking children's performance to their parents' cultivation, thus maintaining control and perceived divinity.

In short, parents usually don’t support/trust their children when the children complain about The Mountain.


Oceansdeep @Oceansdeep80062

Have you ever had a health check-up, like an inbody analysis and sports health check? If you come to Taiwan, you can get it done. You'll receive a complete report, and it's not expensive—less than 100 USD in total.


Oceansdeep @Oceansdeep80062

For the children who haven't left yet, during the holidays, have their parents take them for a check-up. Those who have already left can also get it done.


Oceansdeep @Oceansdeep80062

This way, they'll know which movements to avoid and what exercises can help alleviate injuries or even aid in recovery.


@guess_who524 Jun 2

You're so naive to think they'd let you do such check-ups on the mountain.



Thank you for your good intentions, but many Falun Gong parents simply wouldn't agree to such check-ups. Going to the mountain brings glory to the parents, but any problems that arise bring them shame.


@guess_who524 Jun 2

Maybe. But as parents, shouldn't they care for their children? The problem lies in parents only considering their own prestige in the Falun Gong community, stepping on their children's backs to climb higher.


@zhengnianzx Jun 2

There won't be any problems around the master... Sending their children to the master is, in the parents' eyes, the best thing they can do. Their guilt and sense of responsibility evaporate instantly. The master even patched things up by saying: if the children on the mountain don't do well, it's related to the parents on the mainland. This led to intense self-censorship among the parents, extinguishing even the slightest doubt. The master's brilliance lies in these patches, such as "if you leave Dafa, you will go to the opposite side." When this turns out to be true, everyone thinks it's divine.

7, Arranged Marriages

7.1 Girls on the Mountain Used as Pawns to Attract Boys to Stay



Girls are just pawns on the mountain. There are few male teachers and students, so to keep them, they say, "Our dance girls are so beautiful, you can choose any one you like, and the master's wife will agree." This is a direct quote.


@luna_withnotuna May 29

The sad part is that the girls are almost just informed and don't have a choice.


@nonosayno May 29

From a young age, we were taught that the master is the Creator, and marrying into the royal family is an unparalleled honor. If your family is dedicated to Falun Gong, they would be grateful for the master's arrangement. If they are not, the master would find a way to provide a sufficient dowry to the girl's family. 🥲



When the mountain agreed to betroth Yuning to Gu Yun as his wife, Yuning was still a minor. She didn't even know about it.


Time @BeHeartyTime

That's truly perverted. I knew that many male dancers in Shen Yun often marry much younger girls, but I didn't know that some were still minors.



I really don't understand why Li Hongzhi holds someone like Gu Yun in such high regard and allows children to interact with him.

Moreover, to keep him, they let him choose his future wife from among the underage girls. Zhou Xiao (singer) was truly lucky not to be chosen by him, while Yuning was really unfortunate. From the time she was "informed" upon reaching adulthood to her wedding day, she despised Gu Yun. She was distressed every day and sighed to me, saying, "There's nothing I can do; it's all part of cultivation."


@luna_withnotuna Jun 3

I don't know if there's any leverage.

What I do know is that the world's number one school, run by the master, heavily employs a lowlife from society. He is in close contact with the children every day, traveling and living with them. Despite repeatedly making serious mistakes, nothing happens to him. He is even allowed to choose a wife from the underage female students. What kind of example does this set for the children? What values are being instilled?

Everything in Shen Yun and on the mountain requires the approval of the master and his wife. Do the parents down the mountain know about this?

@luna_withnotuna Jun 3

I want to tell the parents down the mountain: Shen Yun will not treat your child as a human being. Remember this.



This is getting lively, so I'll join in too 😁 My friend, a musician on the mountain (a Westerner), told us that when he first arrived on the mountain, he was informed that they had arranged a girlfriend for him. They said they would meet after a while, and then, three months or maybe three weeks later, they were married 😅 He had just started practicing and found it unbelievable... Not to mention him, we were all surprised when we heard about it, and we just found it funny at the time 🤣


@Happypo02797746 May 29

I find it hard to understand how girls who grew up in Europe, America, or Taiwan would accept arranged marriages like this.

What kind of treatment do girls from mainland China receive? Girls from the mainland are all only children and the apple of their parents' eyes. How do they react to arranged marriages?



Most of the children went up the mountain when they were 11-12 years old, many of them had not yet formed their own awareness. They grew up on the mountain.

We were indoctrinated 365 days a year with assisting the master in rectifying the Fa and saving sentient beings. We gave up our entire youth. Getting married? It’s just a formality in the mundane world.

8, Several Cases of Mental Breakdown and Suicide Attempts

Mental health issues are rampant, with multiple cases of breakdowns and suicide attempts.

8.1 Multiple Cases of Mental Breakdown and Suicide Attempts


Yu Chao  @Charleshvgo

Ren Fengwu has already had a mental breakdown. The last time I saw her, her place was a mess. She was "practicing" in a dark room, looking at people with a sneaky, suspicious gaze." — Former Shen Yun performer


Semi_C @S007_Sea

What do you think is the main reason for Ren Fengwu's mental breakdown?


@Alice8835483761 Jun 1

There are many cases of schizophrenia. Her temper worsened day by day, and she became more and more like an old shrew... maybe that was a sign. Initially, it was said that a child in the dance troupe had a mental illness (inherited from his father), and the master cured him, but the cost was that a large area of plants around the mountain died.

In the conversation below, they are talking about another girl whose name is unknown. She was Ben Chen’s former girlfriend and has gone back to Taiwan.



She had a mental breakdown. There are many people with psychological issues on the mountain, but this girl truly went mad... I don't know what she went through to become like this, it's really heartbreaking... In the end, the people on the mountain just blamed her boyfriend, Ben 🙃 This happened a few years ago.


@nonosayno Apr 15

Don’t honor me! I just had dumb luck, Amitabha 🙏 Please, if you can, there are many Shen Yun performers who have tried to end their own lives. Those who didn’t succeed have already become mental patients! It’s because the pain is too much. The master is right there, but what he says and what he does are really different 🥲 Yet we still force ourselves to believe everything, to believe in the master. The cosmos chair, the troupe leader, the class leader, and classmates will still rub salt in the wound. Our bodies are already exhausted, and our minds are out of control 😞 It’s really painful.

8.2 A Case of Attempted Suicide



The master is compassionate; an attempted suicide—

"In 2014, Teacher Li Vina (Vina) scolded Xiao Pan relentlessly for several days, scolding him on the bus and during the post-performance character exchange sessions. Gradually, he became like a lost soul. Before the tour was even halfway through, he stopped dancing. Vina's attitude towards him took a 180-degree turn, and she started speaking to him gently. She even praised him, saying that Xiao Pan, as a newcomer, could see dance issues in others just by sitting in the audience, which was impressive. Later, when I left the mountain, I heard from a guy that Xiao Pan attempted suicide in a tour swimming pool. Songho (the Korean person mentioned in the Epoch Times rebuttal to the New York Times article, Cha Seongho) saved him. Xiao Pan even said, 'Hahaha! You won, you won.'


@nonosayno Jun 4

Li Vina is truly a terrifying woman, a foul-mouthed woman, a woman who is overly competitive, someone who will fight you to death, the perfect embodiment of evil essence.


Li Vina, the troupe leader, is the perfect witch, most skilled at harshly scolding students.


@nonosayno Jun 4

Seeing that face gives me nightmares. My fingers tremble.

@Happypo02797746 Jun 5

Can you tell us some stories about the witch Li Vina? Let us experience this witch, who was brainwashed and dehumanized by Li Hongzhi. Thank you.

@nonosayno Jun 5

She once used her vicious mouth to push a Shen Yun performer to the point of having mental issues, leading to an attempted suicide during a tour that was unsuccessful. They were saved by others.

9, Coercion and Control

Many former Shen Yun performers suffer from severe psychological trauma, making it difficult for them to face their past experiences. The harsh training environment, combined with constant bullying and a lack of rest, leaves them physically and mentally exhausted. Despite performing while ill or injured, they receive no empathy from their brainwashed families who view the mountain life as honorable. Those who leave often develop occupational diseases, and mental depression is common. Performers find it hard to trust anyone, as the culture of suspicion and jealousy was ingrained in them. The environment also discouraged confiding in others, with cries for help often met with criticism or punishment. This atmosphere of fear and control, along with a lack of proper medical and emotional support, severely impacts their ability to form genuine connections and recover from their experiences.

9.1 How to Summarize Life in Shen Yun in One Sentence?



Many people who have left still don't dare to face it or think about it. They have suffered too much psychological trauma, and their brains choose to selectively escape or even selectively forget.

Combine adolescence, a closed environment, group mental bullying, living the same day over and over again, with activities on the mountain basically limited to two buildings.

Touring means one bus, plane, hotel, theater after another, endlessly repeating. All these factors together create a very chaotic and complex situation.


@Snowball195177 May 29

This is very true. Sometimes, even when you're vomiting and having diarrhea, you still have to perform. The difficulties of being a performer can't be shared with the family. The family members are deeply brainwashed, thinking that life on the mountain is so great, glorious, and correct. Even when faced with the truth, they choose to stay asleep. Normally, we work six days a week, and during tours, we often don't get any rest, working beyond capacity, all for the so-called saving of sentient beings. When you get older and can't perform anymore, you are mercilessly abandoned.


@Snowball195177 May 29

Those who leave often have some occupational diseases, either physical injuries or mental issues. I feel that mental depression is more common.

@nonosayno May 29

I was once like that too, very serious—vomiting, dizziness, wanting to sleep, irritability, and sometimes wanting to cry. Later, I slowly learned to heal myself! I previously shared some books in my posts, and after reading them, my mind felt much better 😊 Because we have all suffered severe trauma, even small things can cause severe emotional reactions.

@Snowball195177 May 29

Yes, because when you discover that the so-called teachings are contrary to the brainwashing doctrines, you don't know how to comprehend it. Harmful enlightenment, misleading the youth.

9.2 Former Shen Yun Performers' Views on Making Friends



The main issue we face is that we cannot trust anyone, anyone at all. We can't open our hearts to anyone, really, and that is very painful. Former Shen Yun members were taught to be suspicious, jealous, and disdainful of each other. After leaving, it's very difficult for us to meet and connect deeply. On the mountain, they wouldn't allow us to come together, as it would unsettle them and possibly lead to collapse. The internet is seen as terrifying and not allowed by the master. But we can be online friends



🤡 The dark secrets and inside stories I know are truly terrifying! We really need to be cautious and careful.


@nonosayno May 29

But this is also a normal way of thinking because there are still former Shen Yun performers who haven't left Falun Gong and are fanatically obsessed. They can easily use us as an opportunity for their own promotion, so we still need to be careful! Former Shen Yun performers who have left Falun Gong need to be wary of those who haven't 😩.


@nonosayno May 29

Believe me, there is nothing they can't do, only things you can't imagine! As long as their reputation is at stake, our lives are insignificant 🥲.



Actually, I really want to be friends with people on the mountain. Most of the kids are very kind, but unfortunately, they have been brainwashed and deceived by the master, becoming tools for the organization's money-making. It's truly sad and lamentable.

9.3 Love Stories

A lot of young girls and boys are living in The Mountain. There is an age restriction for having girl/boy friends and getting married. For a boy, he need to be over 27 and for a girl, she needs to be over 25. Having sex without getting married is strictly forbidden. If girls were involved in such a case, girls would be fired and forced to leave The Mountain. If boys were involved, some of them can get back to The Mountain.


@Joker_Invoker Jun 7

Love Story at Longquan Monastery (Part One)

Huang Jingzhou, Shen Yun's big star, gold medalist, lead dancer, featured in all the promotional videos. My dad's favorite, the best male dancer in Shen Yun. The "shoulder strap" technique also comes from Huang Jingzhou.

Huang Jingzhou and Li XX (name withheld for the girl's privacy) were caught having sex in the long corridor of the monastery. Both were expelled. Huang had been infatuated with this girl long before they went up the mountain. The girl never returned to the mountain after this incident.



When something like this happens and it's discovered, the woman is basically always expelled. As for the man, it depends on his background. Of course, if it goes undiscovered, that's a different story.

9.4 A Former Performer’s Reflection


@nonosayno May 5

We entered school as 12-15-year-old minors, children whose minds were still developing. Normally, when a person sees a child get hurt, they would show concern—this is ingrained in human DNA. All of us students were forced to have this instinct stripped away, and this process was extremely painful. This is a source of trauma and one of the reasons we are unable to feel love or love others. Please treat us like children and give us genuine love and support.


@nonosayno Apr 24

All victims of practicing Falun Gong, whether they have left or not, have severe trauma. We must find it and heal it, as many wounds are very deep, so deep that you can't even notice them. After leaving, I discovered my own wounds were very deep and painful; just touching them caused pain, and my personality became extremely sensitive. At work, if my superior asks me to stay behind, I become unusually nervous, deeply afraid of being called into the office to be reprimanded, belittled, or insulted. This is because that was the norm at school.


@nonosayno Apr 27

During my time at school, they taught me how to get rid of compassion, sympathy, love, and kindness, and instead develop serious jealousy, hatred, and disdain for others. We had to learn not to help someone whose knee got dislocated and swollen from practicing techniques. We were taught to look down on her because her cultivation state allowed old forces to take advantage of her, rather than recognizing that it was due to a lack of proper education and guidance. And so on...


@nonosayno Apr 27

I later felt so much pain! If becoming a Buddha or a deity requires this, I don't want it!


@nonosayno May 1

 The Cosmic Lord once told us: In the future, people will remember May 13th, and everyone will celebrate it. Because the Creator descended to this world on that day to save the Earth. 😂

9.5 Classmates Who Suddenly Disappeared



In that closed environment, the age at which a child went up the mountain is basically the age at which their mental development stopped.

Many times, classmates around us would suddenly disappear. We lived in the same dormitory but had no idea where they went. When we asked the older girls, they would say, "Their cultivation state wasn't good, so they left on their own."

I find it hard to imagine that the culture class teachers would know.

9.6 Is There a Place to Confide?


@FaLunGong_Truth May 29

When faced with problems, the first reaction is to find someone you trust to confide in, and it's the same for children. Is it possible that even if the children talk to their culture class teachers, the teachers don't help them and even blame the children? Over time, this channel for confiding gets blocked or diverted. When you encounter problems, do you keep everything bottled up inside and not tell anyone? But as teachers, they should be able to see unless they're blind, right?

@luna_withnotuna May 29

We really do keep everything bottled up inside. Crying in front of the closest troupe leader/class leader/classmates would result in criticism. The kinder classmates would say, "Study the Fa more and trust the master." So the channel for "confiding" has long been blocked. Crying and confiding is punished.

It's unlikely to talk to culture class teachers we're not familiar with.



Just entered school, not even 15 years old, and confided to the culture class teacher, saying: "I'm going to die tomorrow." The teacher didn't stand by your side either 🥲 In fact, your spirit had already died that day 🥲🥲


Oceansdeep @Oceansdeep80062 May 29

A 15-year-old should have their mother by their side. If the school had a teacher or dorm supervisor who could take care of them like a mother, it would be better. 🤧

Nonosayno@nonosayno May 29

We didn't have that, but many people ran to the master's wife for comfort, not realizing she just saw them as animals 🫠.


Oceansdeep @Oceansdeep80062 May 29

The school isn't big enough to have a medical room or nurse, right?

@nonosayno May 29

The scary thing is! They set up a counseling room 🫠 Isn't that even worse? The students say: "I feel like I'm trying very hard but not being valued." The counseling room responds: "Cultivate well, and the master will make arrangements for you" 🫣🫡.


@Snowball195177 May 29

That's absolutely right, it's all about bowing down to power. Those troupe leaders and class leaders are accomplices. They got their positions by tattling on others. Why would they care about you? They would just say you're not cultivating properly and not looking inward. It's typical PUA tactics. They promote a beautiful doctrine, using cultivation and finding one's own attachments to cover up their illegal and dirty deeds. 😮‍💨



It's all just clichés. Whenever you encounter a problem, the management will tell you to trust the master; the master's arrangements are always the best. Questioning it means you're not cultivating your heart. Sometimes, it feels like talking to a computer. And not just any computer, but a cold, emotionless one.

10, Shen Yun Performers' Low Salaries and Poor Benefits

Shen Yun performers face low and inconsistent salaries, with many earning significantly less than the average annual salary of $25,000 mentioned in the 2023 financial report. Some workers receive as little as $400-500 per month, and many must rely on financial support from their families. They work six days a week, often without holidays, and face around-the-clock schedules during performance seasons. The salary system is opaque and arbitrary, with some adult performers earning $1000-2000 per month, which is insufficient to cover basic living expenses in New York. Special treatment is given to favorites of the master's couple, and there is a lack of transparency and open discussion about salaries within the organization. Renting a single room near Longquan Monastery costs at least $500, adding to the financial strain on performers.


@Happypo02797746 Jun 7

According to Shen Yun's 2023 financial report, the average annual salary for Shen Yun employees (excluding students) is $25,000. Can someone in the know comment on this? An average monthly income of $2,000 is very low in New York, right? And this is an average, which means many people are earning even less. Your monthly salary should be less than $2,000, right?



This salary is for working six days a week. Some people don't get paid at all.



Working six days a week is the norm. There are no holidays, and during the performance season, it's around-the-clock work with very little rest.






@luna_withnotuna Jun 8

I get $400-500 a month.



No matter how old the students are, they are still considered students. Only a few are given an adult salary. Most of the time, you're only considered an adult when you get married. Once married, they give you a $2000 salary. But if both of you are students, it doesn't mean each of you will get $2000; only one of you will get $2000. They don't want you to be too wealthy 🤭 But if you're a favorite of the master's couple, that's a different story.



They give you $2000, which should be enough for rent and food, so don't get too greedy. How else would the master's wife have money for shopping? She never wears the same pretty clothes twice! If they give one person in the family $2000, the other won't get $2000. They'll even find reasons to say you're not good enough. Giving you $2000 is their "mercy"! The person who gets $2000 is overjoyed and can't stop smiling! After all, other students who become so-called adults still have to pay taxes on their $1000 salary.


@Happypo02797746 Jun 7

How much does it cost to rent an apartment near Longquan Monastery?

@Alice8835483761 Jun 7

The prices have gone up. A single room costs at least $500 now.



There's a 27-year-old performer in the orchestra who has already graduated and gets $1000 a month. He rents an apartment outside and has to rely on financial support from his family.


@kang_shuaifu Jun 9

And that $1000 is taxed too~ ^_^



There was an older musician in the orchestra who didn’t get paid anything for a long time. Later, they started giving her $1000 a month. Eventually, as the situation improved, she received $50,000 a year. Her husband, who also played the French horn in the orchestra, received $50,000 a year as well. But before they could enjoy it for even two years, they both passed away!



Ordinary adult disciples (not referring to their skill level) typically earn between $2000-3000 a month. Adults also have to deal with renting apartments and supporting families, so this amount is barely enough to support themselves. Most of them need financial support from their parents to sustain a family. Earning $50,000 a year is considered mid-level. Above that are the higher levels with much higher salaries. I don’t know how the levels are determined, but it’s clearly not based on skill level. Moreover, salary matters are confidential in Shen Yun, and you’re not allowed to ask or discuss them!

11, A Suspicious Car Accident

After leaving Shen Yun for quite some years, some former Shen Yun Performers are still very scared to disclose their names when talking about what happened to their lives during their time in Shen Yun. This suspicious car accident is one of the reasons why they are so much afraid.

The young woman in the photo, the sister of Chen Chaohui, was struck by an SUV while dining with her family at a roadside seat outside Dynasty Seafood Restaurant in San Jose, California, on October 11, 2020. The collision resulted in brain death. With her family's consent, she was taken off life support and subsequently passed away from cardiopulmonary failure. Seven others were also hit, including another woman who was seriously injured. Among the seven, including the deceased woman's relatives, at least one was her parent.

This young woman's fiancé was Golden Li (Li Bojian), the lead male dancer of Shen Yun. It is rumored that before this accident, Golden Li had a romantic relationship with my master's daughter, "Sister Jingjing" Li Meige, the daughter of the Cosmic Lord Li Hongzhi. At the time of the accident, the woman was meeting Golden's parents and her own parents. They were already engaged.

The deceased's sister, Chen Chaohui, was a principal dancer in Shen Yun and is now the vice-chair at Beifang Art School.

Local police stated that the 69-year-old driver confused the accelerator with the brake. The official whispers from Longquan Monastery and Shen Yun were that this young woman had "great karmic debts."

News report:

12, Shen Yun: Epoch Times’ Money Laundering Beneficial Party

According to the 990 form of The Epoch Times Association Inc, Shen Yun Performing Arts receives 3 million USD in 2020 and 10.4 million USD 2021 from The Epoch Times Association Inc as grants.Shen Yun’s sister company The Feitian College receives 2.5 million USD in 2021 from The Epoch Times Association Inc.

Since The Epoch Times Association Inc is involved in 67 million USD monday laundering, Shen Yun Performing Arts and its sister company The Feitian College clearly became beneficial parties for the money laundering scheme of the Epoch Times Association.