On September 25, 2024, Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont) introduced two joint resolutions: S.J.Res.114-115. If passed, these resolutions would block the sale of approximately $20 Billion in weapons to the Government of Israel. They also block the sale of spare parts, personnel training, support equipment, and U.S. government contracting and engineering, technical, and logistics support services (and more). This would significantly disrupt the current economic stream between the United State’s tax payer and the Israeli government and military, and it would curtail the Israeli military’s ability to escalate and perpetuate violence in Gaza, the West Bank, and throughout the region.
Passing S.J.Res.144-115 is one of the most important and impactful ways we can bring an end to the current conflict.
Where do these resolutions currently stand?
After being introduced on 9/25, these resolutions were read twice on the Senate floor (this is standard procedure to familiarize the Senate with the legislation). Then, they were referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
There is a specific set of protocols for resolutions related to arms sales (you can find the full Congressional Review Process for Arms Sales here). The Committee is given 10 days to review the resolution and then report back to the Senate. However, these resolutions were introduced at the end of September, and the Senate did not meet in October (members were home, working in their districts). Once they reconvene on 11/8, the committee will have five days left to consider their stance. The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has been positively paralyzed for months now; if the committee does not act by 11/13, Bernie can bring a motion to discharge the resolution from the committee, and, if he has the support, bring them to a floor vote (the “Floor” is the full Senate; a floor vote is where the senate actually votes on whether legislation passes or fails).
Currently, these resolutions have two cosponsors: Senators Peter Welch and Jeff Markley from Vermont and Oregon, respectively. Any Senator can co-sponsor legislation. The “sponsor” is the lawmaker that officially introduces the piece of legislation; co-sponsors add their names to the bill, showing that they support and prioritize the legislation. This is a level of support that goes beyond simply voting “yes” on a bill. There is no limit to the number of cosponsors allowed on a bill.
What needs to happen next?
It is important that we act on this issue NOW while the current congress is in session because after January 3rd, a new set of lawmakers will take their seats and the process will have to start over (and the 119th congress is almost certainly going to be even more unfriendly to our cause). On Wednesday, November 13th, the 10 day period allotted to the Foreign Relations Committee will end, and Bernie will be able to bring the resolution to a vote.
What can WE do to get these resolutions moving?
It is likely that Senators will be voting on these resolutions very soon! Encourage your Senators to learn about, support, cosponsor, S.J.Res. 114-115. N O W!
Bill Text
Orgs & Information
Resistbot Petition Open Letter
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Amnesty International One-Pager
Emails and phone calls are likely the best modes of contact, since the turn-around time is quick. Personally, my plan is to contact both senators via email, and follow up with phone calls to their offices through November 13th.
If you are in Arizona, your Senators are Mark Kelly and Kyrstin Sinema. Both have been strong supporters of Israel and have approved aid packages before. It is always a good day to express our disappointment in them.
Mark Kelly
Tucson Office: (520) 475-5177
Phoenix Office: (602) 671-7901
D.C. Office: (202) 224-2235
Kyrsten Sinema
Tucson Office: (520) 639-7080
Phoenix Office: (602) 598-7327
D.C. Office: (202) 224-4521
If you do not live in Arizona, find your Senator and their contact information here.
Tips for phone calls:
Tips for Email:
Phone Script:
“My name is _____ and I am a constituent from [address]. I am calling today to urge Senator ___ to support Senate Joint Resolutions 114 and 115 to disapprove of the sale of arms and services to the Government of Israel. United State’s tax dollars have funded over 70% of the horrific violence against Palestinians. Despite reports of U.S. weapons being used to kill and injure innocent Palestinians, and the evidence of Israel blocking aid for over a year, we have continued to offer a non-stop flow of weapons, money, and support. Over 60,000 people have died because of Israel’s actions during this conflict. This genocidal violence will only end when we stop supplying the weapons.”
Email Script:
Dear Senator _____
My name is _____ and I am your constituent from [address]. I am writing today to urge you to support S.J.Res 114 & 115 introduced by Senator Sanders.
These resolutions would disapprove of the sale of certain defense articles, weapons, and services to the Government of Israel. At least 60,000 Palestinians have died since the beginning of the current conflict and the United States has funded over 70% of the Israeli military’s violence. Countless people have been displaced and injured as the IDF’s indiscriminate campaign has continued. Even more have suffered as Israel has blocked aid.
This genocide against Palestinians will only end when we stop providing a constant and unconditional supply of weapons, support, and money to the Israeli Government. About 60% of Americans support some sort of ceasefire agreement in Gaza, and I am disappointed that congress has only continued to act in opposition to the will of the people.
I ask you to take the historic opportunity presented by S.J.Res.114 and 115 to approach this situation with compassion. I hope you will cosponsor both of these resolutions and vote in favor of them.
Thank you for your time,
[Your Name]