IMR Full Guide

Last Updated: November 13th, 2024

Table of Contents

IMR Full Guide        0

Table of Contents        1

Preface        2

Chapter 0: Before Starting        3

Chapter 0 - 1: Basic Gameplay        3

Chapter 0 - 2: Game settings        6

Chapter 0 - 3: Gameplay style        8

Chapter 1: Mass (Beginning - RP)        9

Chapter 2: Rage Power (RP - DM)        12

Chapter 3: Dark Matter (DM - Atom)        17

Chapter 3 - 1: Dark Matter        17

Chapter 3 - 2: Challenges        20

Chapter 4: Atom (Atom - SN)        25

Chapter 4 - 1: Atom        25

Chapter 4 - 2: Dilation        37

Chapter 5: Supernova (SN - Fermions)        44

Chapter 5 - 1: Supernova        44

Chapter 5 - 2: Bosons        51

Chapter 5 - 3: Fermions        56

Chapter 6: Radiation        62

Chapter 7: Quantum (Quantum - Big Rip)        69

Chapter 7 - 1: Quantum        69

Chapter 7 - 2: Quantum Challenge        78

Chapter 8: Big Rip (Big Rip - Darkness)        81

Chapter 9: Darkness (Darkness - C16)        87

Chapter 9 - 1: Darkness        87

Chapter 9 - 2: Dark Run        95

Chapter 9 - 3: Matter        98

Chapter 10: Challenge 16 (C16 - Infinity)        102

Chapter 11: Infinity (Infinity - Infinity Theorem 9)        109

Chapter 11 - 1: Infinity        109

Chapter 11 - 2: Infinity Theorem 3 ~ 9        115

Chapter 12: Break Infinity (Break Infinity - c20)        119

Chapter 12 - 1: Break Infinity        119

Chapter 12 - 2: More Challenges (c17 - c20)        123

Chapter 13: The Next Chapter?        132


This is a guide for the game “Incremental Mass: Rewritten” made by MrRedShark77. This is the official guide, however the writers and editors do not have control over the game itself so it is recommended to contact RedShark himself if there is an actual game issue. If you can't progress, just grind a bit more (it's mostly fast anyway). Please only ping a writer (credits), or point out inconsistencies, if you do spot an actual error or ineffective way to progress (and only if you have a solution). It is recommended to check all autobuyers and all tabs for new features, and ask a member of the discord for help with your save provided before assuming it is a guide issue. Last, but not least, in the "Options" screen is an "Export" button which will allow you to download your save. Click that at least once per session. The game can be prone to corrupt data or bugs.

There is also an appendix with useful tools including NaN fixing, scripts, and a link to the community save bank also made by me. Contributions to both are welcome. (contact random for details)

For the old guide:

The original version of the guide was made by a lot of different people, including cc, rickrolled, 3^3=7, minimum, yoshi, me (random), etc. As a result of inconsistencies due to updates in v0.8 changing earlier game progression, this new version is made and translated by peaplant and edited by random, minterr, and goober/maxwell.


Sometimes, you can just wait (especially if the gain per second and the amount you need is within 3 orders of magnitudes (number after the e) of each other.

If a while goes past and things still aren’t happening, check all tabs for upgrades. Usual culprits are (spoilers, highlight to see it): electron upgrade in post-supernova, accelerator and stronger, meta-fermions, page 2 elements, break dilation, put quarks in particles, keep automation on. 

Contact the discord for help! I (random) do usually respond to pings (hopefully in <48 hours).

The guide will be separated by in-game chapters. After chapter 13, the guide describes the beta version, 8.0 beta 4 at another doc. (WIP)

This guide assumes little prior idle / incremental game knowledge, and the guide wording will reflect that.

Other guide versions:

Without images



Chapter 0: Before Starting

Chapter 0 will explain content including basic gameplay, UI, and settings. (This chapter can be skipped if you already know how to play the game.)

Chapter 0 - 1: Basic Gameplay

0 - 1 - 1: Start…

 0 - 1 - 1 shows the game at the beginning.

0 - 1 - 2: Left tabs

 0 - 1 - 2 are the left tabs which tells you what tab you're currently viewing (highlighted with a white bar in the left) and lets you navigate to other tabs. Each tab has unique features, so you need to switch tabs many times. Only 3 tabs are unlocked at the beginning:

Main: Basic gameplay tab!

Stats: Shows statistics as well as rank rewards

Options: Basic game settings

0 - 1 - 3: Main screen

 0 - 1 - 3, The main screen is where the early / beginning gameplay takes place.

 0 - 1 - 4: Right tab

The right tab is the “currency tab”, showing how many currencies and how much of each currency you have. You can also do prestige resets for the various layers by clicking the corresponding icon. Since IMR has tons of prestige layers, you need to know what prestige gives what currency.

        0 - 1 - 5: Mass

 0 - 1 - 5 is the description of mass (first currency). To see more specifics, hover over it for its name, description, and other information.

Chapter 0 - 2: Game settings

 Before starting the game, we should do some setting for QoL.

        0 - 2 - 1: Options tab

 0 - 2 - 1 is the main screen when selecting the “Options” tab, which has the subtabs of “Options” and “Resource Hider”.

        Options: Main settings

        Resource Hider: Can hide certain currencies from the currency tab (will not be useful until later)

        0 - 2 - 2: Settings

The buttons in the main options screen include:

  • Settings about save

                Save: Save the game.

        Hard Reset: Resetting game progress.

                Export: Download game save file as .txt file.

        Export to clipboard: Copy game save to clipboard.

                Import: Import game save as text format.

  • Some helps

                Join Discord: Join the discord server.

                Donate: Donate to the game developer (redshark).

                Help: Description of the basic notation and mass conversions.

  • In-game setting

                Offline Production: Turn on / off offline currency production.

                Fonts: Settings on game font.

                Notations: Setting about game notation.

                Mass Format Display: Settings on mass notation.

         0 - 2 - 3: Confirmation Settings

“Confirmation Settings” is used to toggle prestige reminders / warnings.

 0 - 2 - 4: Some important things

Below that, there is other information including devs, contributors, tips, play time, etc.

It is recommended to have the following 2 settings:

        0 - 2 - 5: Notation setting

When clicking “Notation”, a popup will show the options for notation. It is recommended to use scientific, and the rest of the guide will use it.

        0 - 2 - 6: Mass Format Display

It is recommended to change “Mass Format Display” to “Always show g”, as it reduces the need for conversions. The rest of the guide will use this setting.

Chapter 0 - 3: Gameplay style

IMR is technically an idle game, but it is relatively active and has a lot of prestige layers. Basically, you should always be doing something, and idling is generally only when you are stuck. It is recommended to play another game if you prefer an idle playstyle. Do note that despite this, hour or hours long wait times are not too uncommon in this game.

Chapter 1: Mass (Beginning - RP)

        1 - 1: Chapter 1 - The First Lift (Your potential of gaining weight starts here. How much mass can you gain?)

Chapter 1 is relatively simple, so the information will be condensed.

         1 - 2: Your first “Rank”

First thing to do in-game is “Rank” in the Main tab. Rank is the first prestige in-game (but it will not be counted as a prestige layer), which can be gained upon reaching a certain mass requirement. By doing a rank reset, you reset your mass and upgrades (seen below) in exchange for boosts or unlocks. What each rank does is detailed in the upgrade box and in the stats menu.

        1 - 3: Mass upgrade 1, Muscler

The first upgrade is the muscler, which gives a flat +1g to mass gain per level by default. It is not strictly necessary to progress, but the optimal way to gain rank 2 is to buy 5 levels.

        1 - 4: Mass upgrade 2, Booster

Booster, the second mass upgrade, will be unlocked upon reaching rank 2, and boosts the effect of musclers. Boosters should be bought before musclers if their prices are similar. Rank 3 needs 1656.3g of mass, so buying 2 Boosters and some musclers is optimal.

        1 - 5: Rank 3

        1 - 6: Mass upgrade 3, Stronger

Mass upgrade 3 is Stronger, giving an exponential boost to the booster effect. They should be bought before boosters if their prices are similar. Try to buy mass upgrades as they become affordable, then rank up to rank 4 & do a “Tier” reset.

        1 - 7: Tier

Rank 4 unlocks “Tier”, which is the second “Rank prestige”. They are prestige layers that require the previous rank prestige layer. Tier resets rank, mass, and mass upgrades for new effects. Since tier resets rank, you’ll have to do what you did again (but faster). At rank 6, mass gain is increased exponentially so game progression will be faster. After reaching rank 9, do tier 2.

In tier 2, progression will be faster with the tier 2 effect. So do the same things before reaching and passing rank 9 and progressing further.

        1 - 8: Softcapped

After reaching rank 10, Stronger will be softcapped. Softcaps make upgrades less efficient.

        1 - 9: Rage Power (RP)

“Rage Power”(abbreviated RP) is the first prestige layer which is reached upon gaining 1e15g of mass. 1 RP will be earned at 1e15g, and more for higher mass values. Even though you unlock it at 1e15g, it is not recommended to prestige immediately, but instead to collect some mass and do rank 14 for more RP. Reset at rank 14 and 1.6e16g of mass to get at least 5 RP for the new upgrades.

Chapter 2: Rage Power (RP - DM)

2 - 1: Chapter 2 - Rage Power (You feel outrageous and want to be energy-efficient. You are stronger with less effort needed.)

From your first RP reset, you get 5 RP, which you can use to buy 2 upgrades.

        2 - 2: Rage Upgrades (RU)

The first upgrade you will purchase is the first under the “Rage Upgrades” section found in the newly created “Upgrades” tab. rp1x1, which means the first upgrade of the first row, which only needs 1 RP and provides free Musclers, so it's a useful upgrade.

        2 - 3: Tickspeed upgrade

Next upgrade you will purchase is the “Tickspeed” upgrade. Tickspeed upgrades provide a x1.5 mass gain per level multiplicatively. Use “Buy Max” to buy 3 tickspeed upgrades for 4 RP.[1] After that, repeat chapter 1 as before to get your next RP. RP is generally to buy more RP Upgrades or tickspeed upgrades.


        2 - 4: RP Reset Confirmation Setting

Before doing the next RP prestige, it is recommended to go to the Options tab - Confirmation Settings, and set the RP reset confirmation to Off. It is recommended to do this for each new reset layer, as it removes the popup confirmation and makes it much faster.

        2 - 5: rp1x2

You should next gain 10 RP to buy rp1x2. The effects of the upgrade are similar to rp1x1 but more powerful. This effect makes rp1x1 more powerful too. Next, buy more tickspeeds and gain 25 RP for the next Rage Upgrade.

        2 - 6: Mass Upgrade Automation

After buying rp1x3, the three mass upgrades will be automated. This means if you turn on the automation, the upgrade will be bought automatically if able (costs below your mass amount). Automation is the most important thing in this playthrough and your best friend. If you unlock a new automation upgrade, turn it on ASAP so you don’t forget it (it can severely hinder or stop progress if you forget to upgrade something). Rank and tier doesn’t have automation yet, so you need to do it manually. After Tier 3, you can get 100+ RP per reset, which will allow you to stock some RP and buy rp1x4 and tickspeeds.

        2 - 7: Rank Automation

After buying rp1x5, you unlock Rank automation, that means that rank resets will be done automatically. With automation and RU14, you can get 30k+ RP per reset. Get 100k RP for buying rp2x1 to get tier automation. Now keep buying Tickspeed and buy other Rage Upgrades.

        2 - 8: rp2x2

rp2x2 for 10M RP makes every 3 tickspeed add a Stronger, which means more Mass and RP on prestige. After getting tier 4 and rank 34, you can get 100M+ RP in one reset. Keep getting more RP and use 1e15 RP for buying rp2x3.

        2 -  9: rp2x3

RU23 makes the Super and Hyper mass upgrade scalings weaker based on RP. Super, Hyper, and later other prefixes indicate higher scaling (when the costs of upgrades rise quicker). Upgrades like rp2x3 make said scaling(s) weaker, which allows you to buy more upgrade levels. Now reach rank 45 and its effect, allowing you to get 1e20 RP for the next layer.

2 - 10: Dark Matter (DM)

Next prestige layer is “Dark Matter” (DM), which is reached upon reaching 1e20 RP. It is recommended to wait until 3 DM for upgrades and speed.

Chapter 3: Dark Matter (DM - Atom)

Chapter 3 - 1: Dark Matter

        3 - 1 - 1: Chapter 3 - The Black Hole (You pulled up a hidden mystery of cosmos. The force was so strong, it forms a black hole!)

Black hole resets everything before it, with the exception of QoL RUs (3 - 1 - 3 for reference).

With 3 DM, you can buy upgrades from the new prestige layer.

        3 - 1 - 2: Black Hole (BH)

A new feature is “Black Hole” (BH), which boosts mass gain boosts based on its mass[2]. You can get more BH mass from the “Black Hole Condenser” (BHC) upgrade. Use Buy Max for 2 levels of BHC.

        3 - 1 - 3: Black Hole Upgrades (BU)

 For 1 DM, buy your first black hole upgrade (BU11[3]). BU11 makes mass upgrades no longer spend mass, which means faster rank ups.

Now get mass and RP again in order to BH reset for DM. Get at least 19 DM in your next reset to buy BU12 then BHCs. Next, get more DM for BHCs and buy BU13. After buying BU13, it is possible to get 3000+ DM on prestige; get RU24 and get ~e32 RP for more DM. Use DM to buy more BHCs.

Next run, get e38 RP for more DM to buy BU14. Get ~1e40 RP and prestige for DM and buy BHC, and do fast RP prestiges for 6e42 RP and 5e5 DM to buy BU15.

        3 - 1 - 4: BU15

BU15 unlocks tickspeed and RU automation. Now, you only have to do RP resets for DM. Do another prestige for the 25th BHC and get 2e6 DM to buy BU21.[4] 

        3 - 1 - 5: BU21

 BU21 makes RP generation automatic and makes RP gain boosted by BH mass. From now on, you don’t need to do RP prestige for RP gain. From here, reaching 1e7 DM is a piece of cake, and soon, the “Challenge” tab will be unlocked.

Chapter 3 - 2: Challenges

        3 - 2 - 1: Challenges tab

 “Challenge” works just like other incremental games: playing the game but with constraints, having a set goal, and getting rewards for completing them.

        3 - 2 - 2: Challenge 1

Challenges can be checked in the challenges tab, and each challenge will have its respective image. Click it to show the challenge description and double click to enter the challenge. Challenge 1[5], “Instant Scale”, makes Super rank and mass upgrade scaling start at 25 and Super Tickspeed start at 50. Also, entering a challenge will force a reset.[6] Completing c1 makes Super Rank start later and Super Tickspeed scales weaker based on the number of completions (more completions can be gained by meeting higher goals). At this moment, there are 2 ways to clear c1:

  1. Buy BU22.
  2. Buy more BHC.

The second method is preferred because the first way takes longer. BU22 needs 1e13 DM, which is very time-intensive. With way 2, 48 BHC needs only 20 mins for clear c1.[7] 

        3 - 2 - 3: c1 clear

After reaching 1.5e58 g of mass in c1, the “Exit Challenge” button will be changed to a “Finishing Challenge for +1 Completions” button. Now, exiting the challenge will give 1 completion on c1. Completions are the number of times you clear a challenge (the requirement scales with completions), and more completions results in the rewards becoming stronger. You can also get multiple goals per challenge run, which results in  multiple completions on exit. Reaching c1x1[8] unlocks c2. Get more DM and buy more BHC, and try c2x1.

3 - 2 - 4: c2

C2, Anti-Tickspeed, prevents you from buying tickspeeds. Wait in c2 for 1 completion. The reward of c2 is boosting Tickspeed’s effect.

        3 - 2 - 5: Mass softcap

Upon reaching 1.5e156 g of mass, its gain will be softcapped, or slowed significantly. This will subsequently increase DM gain, so faster DM prestiges are preferred for getting more DM for BHC. After getting 50 BHC, do c2x2 and c1x4 and gain more DM to buy BU22. After buying BU22, do c2x3 and c1x7, and get more DM. Get 1e72 RP for RU31 to gain more DM.

        3 - 2 - 6: c3

c3, Melted Mass, makes mass gain softcap start 150 OoMs[9] earlier and it is stronger than normal. The reward is that mass gain is raised based on completions. You can reach c3x1 at 65 BHC, then gain c1x12, c2x6 (wait for 10 minutes). After c3x1, get 1e17 DM for BU23.

        3 - 2 - 7: BU23

BU23 gives a boost to RP, which helps to get 1e19 DM per prestige. Get DM then buy BHC, and do challenges for c1x26, c2x9, and c3x5. The challenge order to do if not otherwise specified is c1 > c2 > c3 > c2 > c1. After the challenge run, get more DM and buy BHC again, then do more challenges. At 105 BHC, get c1x32, c2x12, c3x13, and collect 1e27 DM to buy BU24.

        3 - 2 - 8: BU24

 BU24 makes Stronger effect’s softcap start later based on unspent DM, which should give more completions of c2. At 115 BHC, get c1x42, c2x24, c3x17, and buy BU25.

        3 - 2 - 8: BU25

BU25 boosts mass gain by OoMs of DM. Now you can do c4.

        3 - 2 - 9: c4

c4, Weakened Rage makes RP gain rooted by 10 and mass gain softcap start 100 OoMs earlier. The reward is that RP gain is raised by completions. Reach c4x5 and gain 1e156g BH mass for the next prestige layer. Buy as much BHC as you can for more BH mass. At 136 BHC, wait 10 mins for more BH mass.

        3 - 2 - 10: Atom

If you passed 1e156g of Mass of BH, You can go to the next layer prestige, the “Atom”. It is recommended to wait for more BH mass in order to reset for 4 atoms.

Chapter 4: Atom (Atom - SN)

Chapter 4 - 1: Atom

        4 - 1 - 1: Chapter 4 - The Atom (You discovered a Atom! You decompose it to find physical miracle: Gravity. This helps you to go further!)

Atom prestige unlocks many new features.

        4 - 1 - 2: Cosmic Ray

First is the “Atomic Generator” in the main tab. There are two new things: “Atomic Power” and “Cosmic Ray”. Atomic power and cosmic rays work similarly to BHC and BH. Cosmic rays boost atomic power gain which provides free Tickspeed. Use Buy Max to buy 3 cosmic rays.

        4 - 1 - 3: Atom Upgrade(AU)

Next are “Atom Upgrades”(AUs). Buy AU11 with 1 Atom. AU11 makes you start with mass upgrades unlocked.

        4 - 1 - 4: c5

Next is c5, No Rank, which disables ranking up (and, as a result, tiers too). The reward is that the rank requirement is weaker based on completions. You can’t get any completions of c5 at the moment so just ignore it for now.

        4 - 1 - 5: Atom tab

The biggest thing is the atom tab.

        4 - 1 - 6: Particles tab

There's only a “Particles” tab in the atom tab for now, however, more tabs will be unlocked as progression continues.

        4 - 1 - 7: Quark

In the Particles tab, you can utilize a new currency, Quarks. Quarks are gained from Atom resets, and can be used in the particles tab for new effects.

        4 - 1 - 8: Particles Assign

 You can get particles from assigning quarks to particles (the “Assign” button). There are three particles available: “Protons”, “Neutrons”, and “Electrons”. Each particle gives their respective “Powers” which give some awesome effects: protons powers boost mass gain and increase tickspeed power, neutron powers give an RP gain boost and boost mass gain based on RP, and electrons powers boost DM gain and increase BHC power.

        4 - 1- 9: Quark Distribute

There are 2 ways to assign particles: “Ratio” and “Distribute”. Ratio is the manual assign mode, where you can choose to give 1, 25%, or all of your current quarks to a chosen particle. Distribute automatically assigns quarks with an inputted ratio after pressing “distribute”. Use 4 3 3 for now. You must assign manually to begin with, as the assignment will not work with distribute[10]. Keep protons at 1 more than neutrons and electrons.

Now you have checked out all the new things, it's time to play the game again. You can buy BU22 easily and can buy BU25 before c4.

        4 - 1 - 10: AU12

Do atom prestige a few more times to collect 100 atoms and buy AU12. AU12 automates BU and BHC, and makes tickspeed no longer spend RP. AU13 needs 2.5e4 atoms so buy some cosmic rays for progression. Fast atom resets come from a sequence: RP prestige a few times > DM prestige > start challenge at e33 DM > collect more than e65 DM for more Atoms.

        4 - 1 - 11: Tetr

After buying AU13, you will unlock a new rank prestige, tetr, which requires tiers to level up. Tetr doesn't have automation yet, so remember to do it manually. With tetr, you can get more completions on c1, 3, and 4. At tetr 2, you can collect e92 DM for e7 atoms on prestige.

        4 - 1 - 12: AU14

 After buying AU14, c1 - 4 will not reset on atom resets, so now go for c5. At 33 cosmic rays, and c1x95, c2x80, c3x74, and c4x60, try c5.

        4 - 1 - 13: c5

After entering c5, do RP > DM prestige. You can get c5x6, and do c1 - 4 for more completions after finishing. Farm atoms again to buy AU15. You can reach c1x100 at e15 atoms. There is a cap for completions so you can’t gain more completions for now.

        4 - 1- 14: AU15

AU15 unlocks tetr automation and makes Super tier starts 10 later. Farming more atoms to buy more cosmic rays. At 54 cosmic rays, c1x100, c2x88, c3x81, c4x82, and c5x10, try c6.

        4 - 1 - 15: c6

c6, No Tickspeed & Condenser, makes it so you can’t buy tickspeeds or BHC. The reward is that every completion adds 10% to Tickspeed and BHC power. To reach c6x1, collect e61 DM and wait. After c6x1, do some atom resets and collect e18 atoms, then buy AU21.

        4 - 1 - 16: AU21

AU21 gives DM similar to BU21, and makes BH softcap start later based on atomic powers. After getting 70 cosmic rays, get c1x100, c2x91, c3x83, c4x85, c5x13, and c6x2. Now collect more atoms and buy cosmic rays. You can get more quarks from short atom resets.

  • At 75 cosmic rays, reach c1x100, c2x91, c3x84, c4x86, c5x14, c6x3.
  • At 79 cosmic rays, reach c1x100, c2x92, c3x85, c4x87, c5x15, c6x3.
  • At 82 cosmic rays, reach c1x100, c2x93, c3x84, c4x86, c5x16, c6x5, and c1x100, c2x93, c3x85, c4x87, c5x17, c6x5.

        4 - 1 - 17: AU22

After these milestones, collect e25 atoms and buy AU22. AU22 makes tickspeed boost all particle powers’ gains. Get each particle at least 1000, do challenges, and reach c1x100, c2x96, c3x88, c4x92, c5x20, and c6x6.

Now it’s time to do c7. Reach 102 cosmic rays, c1x100, c2x98, c3x89, c4x93, c5x22, and c6x8, then enter c7 and wait.

        4 - 1 - 18: c7

c7, No Rage Power, means that you can’t gain RP but can gain DM directly from mass at a reduced rate, and makes mass gain softcap stronger than normal. The reward is that completions increase c1 - 4 cap by 2. On c7x16, you will unlock the next feature, “Elements”. For now, you can reach c7x1, then c1x102. Now do some atom resets for AU23. Do some fast resets for some quarks and assign 1e4 to each power. Then, wait 1 to 2 hours for e210 DM for the next DM upgrade. This will allow you to get a lot of atoms for AU23.

        4 - 1 - 19: AU23

AU23 makes atomic powers boost Quark gain. Do fast resets for quarks and c1 - 4 completions, do a few long resets for atoms and c5 ~ 7.

        4 - 1 - 20: AU24

Collecting 2e44 atoms for AU24 makes the Stronger effect softcap 15% weaker. You can buy it after grinding for ~2 hours. After buying AU24 do some atom resets and do challenges. After the challenge run, do some atom resets for AU25.

        4 - 1 - 21: AU25

AU25 needs 5e47 atoms and makes tier requirements halved and makes Hyper Rank start later based on the number of tiers. Now you can gain more quarks and atoms. Get more Particles and 140 cosmic rays for c7x16.

        4 - 1 - 22: Elements

 You can unlock elements upon reaching c7x16. Element upgrades are bought with quarks. Collect 5e8 Quarks and buy your first element ([1][11]).

        4 - 1 - 23: First Element

[1] makes the quark gain formula better, which means more quarks. Now you can get e11 quarks per reset. Collect 2.5e12 Quark for [2].

        4 - 1 - 24: Second Element

[2] makes Hardened Challenge scaling 25% weaker, which lowers challenge requirements so you can get more completions. Do all challenges for completions and collect 1e15 quarks for [3].

        4 - 1 - 25: Third Element

[3] makes electron powers boost atomic powers gain. Now buy some cosmic rays and do some challenges, then buy [4].

        4 - 1 - 26: Fourth Element

[4] makes stronger power stronger based on proton powers. Buy cosmic rays and do some challenges. After getting 180 cosmic rays, it’s time to do c8.

        4 - 1 - 27: c8

In c8, White Hole, DM and BH mass gain are both rooted by 8. The reward is that DM & BH mass gain are raised by completions. C8x1 also unlocks 3 new rows of elements. This completion should be easy.

4 - 1 - 28: Extended Elements

After c8x1, the elements menu will be extended and will have 14 more elements. Do more atoms resets for them. Repeat buying cosmic rays, assigning particles, and doing challenges.

        [5] - The c7’s effect is twice as effective.

        [6] - Gain 1% more quark for each challenge completion.

        [7] - [6]’s effect is now multiplied by the number of elements bought.

        [8] - c2’s reward’s softcap is 75% weaker.

        [9] - Tetr requirement is 15% weaker.

        [10] - c3 & c4’s scalings are weaker.

        [11] - [7]’s multiplier is squared.

        [12] - Power’s gain from each particle formula is better.

        [13] - For every c7 Completion, increase the c5 and c6 cap by 2.

        [14] - Passively gain 5% of the quarks you would get from resetting each second.

        4 - 1 - 29: Passive gain of Quark from [14]

 After gain [14], you will gain quarks automatically so you don’t need to reset for them.

        [15] - Super BHC & cosmic ray scalings are 20% weaker.

        [16] - [14]’s effect is +2% better for each element bought.

        [17] - Raise atom gain by 1.1.

        [18] - Unlock cosmic ray automation, cosmic ray raises tickspeed effect at an extremely reduced rate.

        4 - 1 - 30: Extended Elements to [21]

  After buying [18], Elements are extended to [21].

        [19] - The 2nd neutron effect is better.

        [20] - Increase c7 completion cap by 50.

After buying [20], get more challenge completions and buy [21].

        [21] - Unlock “Mass Dilation”.

        4 - 1 - 31: Extended Elements to [36]

After buying [21], elements will be extended to [36], and Mass Dilation will be unlocked.

Chapter 4 - 2: Dilation

        4 - 2 - 1: Mass Dilation tab

You can check mass dilation in the atom tab.

        4 - 2 - 2: Mass Dilation

Mass dilations force an atom reset and make all pre-atom resources and atomic power gain multipliers raised to 0.8.

You can gain “Relativistic Particles”[12] in mass dilation, and relativistic particles will generate “Dilated Mass”. dilated mass makes tickspeed stronger and unlocks new upgrades (“Mass Dilation” upgrades, DU). There are upgrades with or without a purchase limit.

The upgrades are the following:

        DU11 - Double dilated mass gain. (no limit)

        DU12 - Make dilated mass effect stronger. (no limit)

        DU13 - Double relativistic particles gain. (no limit)

        DU14 - Dilated mass also boosts stronger power. (once)

        DU21 - DU13 scales 10% slower. (5 levels)

        DU22 - Increase the exponent of the RP formula. (no limit)

        DU23 - Dilated mass boost quark gain. (once)

        DU24 - DU12’s effect formula is better. (once)


Do mass dilation for relativistic particles and dilated mass.

        4 - 1 - 3: Relativistic Particles gain

After reaching enough mass, the exit button will be changed into “Cancel for x Relativistic Particles”. Gain 2 ~ 3 relativistic particles and buy some DUs, then dilate mass again. For more relativistic particles, get more upgrades, elements, or challenge completions.

Progression will be similar to before dilation, but dilate mass sometimes for more relativistic particles and remember to buy DU. The following elements can be bought in this way:

        [22] - Dilated mass gain is increased by tickspeed at a reduced rate.

        [23] - Atomic powers’ effects are better.

        [24] - Passively gain 100% of the atoms you would get from resetting each second. Atomic power boosts relativistic particles gain at a reduced rate.

        [25] - Increases DU11 base by 1.

        [26] - Hardened Challenge scaling is weaker for each element bought.

        [27] - Hyper / Ultra Rank & Tickspeed scales 25% weaker.

        [28] - Mass gain is raised 1.5 while in mass dilation.

        [29] - Proton power’s effects are better.

        [30] - Electron power’s effects are better. Passively gain 10% of the particles you would assign quarks per second.

        [31] - Dilated Mass boosts Relativistic Particles gain.

        [32] - Increase Dilated Mass gain exponent by 5%.

[30] means that you do not need to assign particles anymore, as they will be gained automatically. After [32], progress will be slower. Get DU23 for more quarks and elements.

        [33] - Add 50 more to c8’s completion cap.

        [34] - RP boosts relativistic particles’ gain.

Game progress will be slower again until AU31.

        4 - 1 - 4: AU31

AU31 makes dilated mass boost BHC & cosmic ray powers at a reduced rate. Next, buy [35].

        [35] - Mass of BH boosts Dilated Mass gain.

Then, buy DU24 and AU32.

        4 - 1 - 5: AU32

AU32 makes the BH mass effect better. This will allow you to get [36].

        [36] - Unlock new content, “Star”.

        4 - 1 - 6: Extended Elements

 After buying [36], elements will be extended to [54]

        4 - 1 - 7: Stars tab

Stars can be checked in the “Stars” tab in the main tab. You can buy stars with quarks, and will generate “Collapsed Stars”. Collapsed stars boost mass gain based on all rank types. First, click “Unlock new type of Stars” for the first star.

        4 - 1 - 8: First Star

 After buying the first star, you will gain the first star itself which will generate collapsed stars. The button will also be changed to unlocking the second Star.

        4 - 1 - 9: Star in background

There is a star in the background. Its size will scale with collapsed stars, and its maximum size will be reached at 1e90 collapsed stars[13]. At that point, you will enter the next prestige layer. Now buy elements again.

        [37] - Super Tier scales weaker based on tetr.

        [38] - Cosmic ray’s free tickspeeds now also add to RU22.

        [39] - Remove softcap from the c2 & c6 effects.

Now there are enough quarks for a second star, so buy it.

        4 - 1 - 10: Second Star

The second star works similarly to the first but produces the first star instead. After buying it, get elements.

        [40] - Collapsed stars boost dilated mass gain.

 After buying [40], collect some dilated mass and buy the new DUs

        DU31 - Tickspeed affects all-Star resources. (once)

        DU32 - Double quark gain. (no limit)

At 1e315 quarks, buy [41] and get more challenge completions.

        [41] - Add 50 more to the c5 completion cap.

After gaining completions, unlock the third star and buy more elements.

        [42] - Collapsed stars boost quark gain.

        [43] - Automatically buy DU if you purchased it once.[14] They no longer spend dilated mass.

        [44] - The Tetr requirement is broken.

        [45] - Collapsed Star boosts Relativistic Particles gain.

After gaining e430 quarks, you will unlock the fourth star, and do mass dilation a few times to buy DU32. This will allow you to buy [46]. Collapsed stars will also boost mass dilation, so idling here also works.

        [46] - Collapsed star’s effect boosts BH mass gain at a reduced rate.

        [47] - Quark gain is raised to the 1.05th power.

        [48] - Collapsed star effect is 10% stronger.

Now wait until e870 quarks and unlock the last star.  

        [49] - Collapsed Star boosts the last type of stars.

 Do mass dilation and challenges until you reach 1e90 collapsed stars. It should take 1 hour.

        4 - 1 - 11: Entering new layer of prestige, “Supernova”

When the collapsed star reaches 1e90, there is a message to become “Supernova”, and you can enter supernova. Click “You’ll be Supernova” to enter supernova.

Chapter 5: Supernova (SN - Fermions)

 Chapter 5 - 1: Supernova

        5 - 1  - 1: Chapter 5 - Supernova Born(A new age of stars rises, while the stars collapsed. Neutron stars felt elder…)


Supernova is the prestige layer, which reset all things except content unlocks and some QoL.

        5 - 1 - 2: Supernova Count

Supernova is a different layer that will automatically reset upon reaching a certain amount of collapsed star (with no way to reset before then).

        5 - 1 - 3: raised limit

With each supernova, the requirement is raised. You need to reach the new requirement for the next SN[15].

        5 - 1 - 4: Supernova tab

After doing your first SN, you will unlock the “Supernova” tab.

        5 - 1 - 5: Neutron Tree

In the SN tab, there is a new tab, “Neutron Tree”. The neutron tree is a skill tree-like mechanic, which costs a new currency, “Neutron Star”. There are three trees for the neutron tree for now; “Main”, “Quality of Life”, and “Challenge”. Each tab is its own tree, and if there is an upgrade available for purchase in a tab, a red [!] will appear next to the tab. You can check each tree by clicking on its corresponding button.

        5 - 1 - 6: Node selected ([c])

If you select an upgrade, it will show its name, requirement, effect, and cost. The name is denoted by the string in brackets (in this case c), the requirement is the requirement to buy an upgrade (in this case SN 1[16]), the effect is the upgrade’s effect, and the cost is the cost to buy the upgrade. Requirements often include needing a certain amount of SN or another currency. This guide will use the names for the tree upgrades from now on in brackets (in this case [c])[17]. Buy this one (or any tree upgrade) by double clicking.

        [c] - Generate 0.1 neutron stars per second

Now you can generate neutron stars.

        5 - 1 - 7: Extended Tree

Buying tree upgrades can open up new upgrades (but not always). Now play the game as before doing SN, but buying tree upgrades as they become available in this order:

        [sn1] - Tickspeed affects neutron star gain at a reduced rate.

        [m1] - Neutron star multiplies mass gain.

Note: mass dilation will still be unlocked after SN, so you can enter mass dilation at just e100 atoms for fast relativistic particles. Also some QoL elements were reset so you need to buy cosmic rays, DUs, and assign particles manually.

        [sn2] - Supernova boosts neutron star gain.

        [bh1] - Neutron star multiplies DM gain.

[rp1] - Neutron star multiplies RP gain.

[m2] - Delay mass softcap^2 by ^1.5.

        [s1] - Neutron star boosts last star gain.

After buying all the upgrades, SN2 should be easy. After that, buy [qol1].

        [qol1] - Start with [14] & [18] unlocked, and unlock automation for elements & AUs.

After buying [qol1], turn off your tickspeed autobuyer. Then, press the “reset without being supernova” button in order to complete [t1].[18] After reaching 1.5e1.65e6g[19] without tickspeed upgrades, the required message color will change from red to green and you can get [t1].

5 - 1 - 8: [t1]

        [t1] - Tickspeed Power is raised to the 1.15th.

Now remember to turn on tickspeed automation again, then reach SN3. In SN 3, the following elements should be achievable:

        [50] - Star generator.

        [51] - Mass gain softcap^2 is 10% weaker.

        [52] - Mass of BH boosts atomic power gain at a reduced rate.

        [53] - DU22 is 75% stronger.

Then, buy [qol2] and [s2].

        [qol2] - Start with [24] & AU 21.

        [s2] - Each star boost makes tetr's softcap 50% weaker[20]

Now buy [bh2] by doing a supernova run without BHC and reaching 1e17500 uni (basically the same in g) of BH mass.

        [bh2] - BHC power is raised to the 1.15th.

Remember to turn on BHC automation again after buying [bh2], then buy [54] and reach SN4.

        [54] - Normal mass boosts all star resources at a reduced rate.

After reaching SN4, buy [s3], [qol3], and [chal1]. Now relativistic particles will be gained without entering mass dilation. You can now do SN 5 and 6.

        [s3] -  Star generators are stronger based on supernovae.

        [qol3] - Start with [43] unlocked and it’s improved. You will automatically gain relativistic particles from mass.

        [chal1] - Add 100 more to the caps of c7 & c8.

After reaching SN6, [sn3] and [s4] are unlocked, which needs a lot of neutron stars. Buy it in that order.

        [sn3] - Blue star (last Star) boosts neutron star gain at a reduced rate.

        [s4] - Unlock “Star Booster”.

        5 - 1 - 9: Star Booster

Star booster boosts star generators. It needs a lot of quarks so you can’t buy it at this time. Idle for SN7.

After reaching SN7, it's time to buy new tree upgrades.

        [gr1] - BHC power boost cosmic rays power.

        [chal2] - Keep c1 - 4 completions on prestige.

        [chal3] - Keep c5 - 8 completions on prestige.

[chal2] and [chal3] require 1e2.05e6g of Mass without c1 - 4 completions and 1e17500g BH mass without c5 - 8 completions respectively. Do [chal2] first, gain c1 ~ 4 completions, then do [chal3]. After that, unlock [chal4].

        [chal4] - Unlock c9.

Before doing c9, push all your other challenges.

        5 - 1 - 10: c9

In c9, No Particles, you can’t assign particles and the mass gain exponent is raised to 0.9th power. The reward is improving [12]. You can reach c9x4 after about 1 hour of waiting. Then, you can buy star boosters for SN8.

 After reaching SN8, enter c9 and wait for about 1 more hour for c9x7. Push other challenges then idle again for c9x9 (you can buy stars in c9, so do that). Now get SN9, then gain 3e6 neutron stars and c9x10 (Don’t forget to buy stars). Now go for SN10.


        5  - 1 - 11: Supernova 10 reaching message

At SN10, there is a popup: can manually supernova instead of automatically doing so at the collapsed star requirement (this allows you to gain multiple SNs at once). “Bosons” will also be unlocked in the supernova tab.

Chapter 5 - 2: Bosons

        5 - 2 - 1: Bosons

The bosons tab has “Boson Upgrades” and new currencies. These are: “Graviton”, “Higgs Boson”, “Photon”, “Gluon”, and “W+”, “W-”,  and “Z0” Bosons. They have a complex synergy with each other, but ultimately higher numbers are better. Use photons and gluons for upgrades (and to boost bosons), W+ to multiply Mass gain, W- to make Mass gain softcap^2 start later, and Z0 Boson to multiply Tickspeed Power.

Photon Upgrades:

        Gain more DM & BH mass based on photons

        Boost BHC power

        Photon gain is boosted by collapsed stars

        All star resources’ gains are boosted by photons

Gluon Upgrades:

        Gain more atoms & atomic powers based on gluons

        Boost cosmic ray power

        Gluons gain boosted by quarks

        SN requirement is decreased based on gluons

Assuming the same price, the second row upgrades are better. To progress further, gain 1e8 neutron stars for [chal4a]. It will take some time, so grind for more neutron stars, boson upgrades, and c9 completions.

        5 - 2 - 2: Supernova 12

Idle to skip SN11 and reset for SN12 directly. Now buy [chal4a] and get c9x19.

        [chal4a] - c9’s effect is better.

Now gain 1e16000 quarks for [55].

        [55] - Hyper / Ultra BHC & cosmic ray scaleings are 25% weaker.

Idle again for SN13, then buy [sn4] and [qol4].

[sn4] - [sn2]’s effect base is increased by supernovae.

[qol4] - Star unlocks and star boosters are automatically bought.

You can gain more neutron stars with [sn4], then [qol4]. Idle for SN14. Then, gain 1e8 neutron stars and do c9x20. After doing more challenges, enter SN15 and idle to buy [bs1] and [qol5]. ([bs1] is in the Post-Supernova tab, [qol5] will be bought later to save neutron stars.)

        [bs1] - Tickspeed affects higgs boson gain at a reduced rate.

Get 1e22000 quarks for [56]

        [56] - Add 200 to c8’s cap.

Buy [56] and get c8 completions. Buy boson upgrade for e13 neutron star and c9x22.

        5 - 2 - 3: Boson Upgrade 4

After buying the 4th[21] boson upgrade, you can get SN17. Buy 4 of the 3rd Boson Upgrade and do challenges. Then, idle for e14 neutron stars, and buy the following in this order: [bs3] > [bs2] > [qol5] > [qol6].

        [bs3] - Neutron gain is affected by graviton’s effect at a reduced rate.

        [bs2] - Photons and gluons boost each other’s gain.

        [qol5] - Tetr no longer resets anything.

        [qol6] - While in any challenge, you can now automatically gain completions before exiting.[22]

 After buying these, get SN18. Get c9x25 and idle for e16 neutron stars for SN19. After that, buy [chal5] (It isn’t technically necessary right now because you can’t complete it yet, but it’s nice to have).

        [chal5] - Unlock c10.

 Get e18 neutron stars for c9x26, then buy [57] for SN21.

        [57] - Tickspeed power boosts the base of star boosters at a reduced rate.

Do some boson upgrades and save some bosons (e18 photons, e17 gluons)[23] for c10.

        5 - 2 - 4: c10

In c10, The Reality I, you are trapped in mass dilation and c1 - 8. The reward is that the exponent of the RP formula is multiplied by completions. “Fermions” will also be unlocked on the first completion.

        5  - 2 – 5: Unlocking Fermions

Chapter 5 - 3: Fermions

        5 - 3 - 1: Fermions

The “Fermions” tab is a new tab in supernova, and is similar to challenges. Entering one will force a SN reset with handicaps, and after reaching the goal, you will get a reward. Rewards are boosted by the “Tier” (aka completions) of Fermion and new currencies, “U-Quark” and “U-Lepton”. U-Quark and U-Lepton have many sources, and they boost fermions’ rewards. The top row of fermions is boosted by U-Quark, and the bottom row is boosted by U-Lepton.

Current fermions (the first sentence gives the constraint, the second gives reward):


        “Up” - ^0.6 to the exponent of atomic power gain. Adds free cosmic rays

        “Down” - The exponent of PR’s formula is divided by 10. Boost relativistic particles gain


        “Electron” - ^0.625 to the exponent of atom gain. Collapsed star softcap start later

        “Muon” - Mass of BH formula’s exponent is always -1. Boost higgs bosons & gravitons gains

Before doing any fermions, buy [gr2].

        [gr2] - Cosmic rays’ power is raised to 1.25th power.

 Now time to start Fermion, do down[24] and wait for tier 1, then do up. Now it's time to do muon. In muon, enter and exit mass dilation. This sets the BH mass exponent to 0.8, so it actually increases BH mass gain. This way, you can reach tier 5 in muon. Idle in electron for tier 4. Do normal challenges then get SN22.

After SN22, get down 2, electron 9, muon 7, and up 2 (in that order). Now buy boson upgrades and wait for SN23.

In SN23, do c10x3 with (push boson upgrades if necessary). After that, you should have enough quarks for elements and SN24.

        [58] - Ultra Rank & Tickspeed scale weaker based on tier.

        [59] - The exponent from the BH Mass gain formula is increased to 0.45.

        [60] - Add 100 more to C7’s cap.

At Sn24, do up 4, down 5, electron 15, and muon 9. Do c9x31 and buy boson upgrades and wait for e28 photons and e26 gluons. Get 1e24 neutron stars and buy [bs4].

        [bs4] - Raise Z0 Bosons gain to the 1.5th power.

After buying [bs4], get SN25.

At SN25, reach up 5, down 6, muon 11, and c9x32. Idle for neutron stars for muon 12, down 7, and SN26. Then, reach c9x33 and buy [fn1].

        [fn1] - Tickspeed affects fermions gain at a reduced rate.

Now make more progress: muon 13, down 11, and up 7. Idle for SN 27.

At SN27, you can reach c10x4 and up 8. Gain 1e30 neutron stars and buy [fn3].

        [fn3] - Super Fermion scaling is 7.5% weaker.

Wait for [61] and then get SN28.

        [61] - Multiply Particle Powers gain by ^0.5 of its Particle’s amount after softcap.

At SN28, reach c9x37, down 12, muon 13, and up 9. Idle for SN29.

At SN29, reach c9x39, muon 15, and idle for 2e33 neutron stars. Then, enter down and enter mass dilation for the requirement of [fn2].

        [fn2] - Unlock 2 more type of U-Quark & U-Lepton

Collect 2e33 neutron stars again, reach c10x5, up 10, then enter Supernova 30.

        5 - 3 - 2: Extended Fermions

[fn2] unlocks 2 new fermions:


        Charm - Trapped in double-strength mass dilation. Z0 Boson’s first effect is stronger.


        Tau - Trapped in c8 & c9. Tickspeed is cheaper (before Meta scaling).

You can’t get either yet so ignore them for now.

At SN30, reach down 13, and gain 5.5e35 neutron stars, 4e50 photons, and 1e49 gluons. With this, get up 11, c9x41, and muon 16. Now, do “Charm”. Collect 1.4e36 neutron stars, 4e51 photons, and 5e49 gluons and go for charm 1. Do mass dilation just like down for more progress. After charm 1, you can get c9x42 and enter SN31.

At SN31, collect 2.4e37 neutron stars, 1.5e53 photons, and 1.5e51 gluons, then down 14, charm 2, and muon 17. Then, idle for SN32.

At SN32, game progress will be slower. Do c9x43 and collect 1e39 neutron stars to buy [fn4]. You will get [62] while collecting neutron stars, then enter SN33.

        [62] - Ultra Rank scaling starts 3 later for every supernova.

        [fn4] - 2nd photon & gluon upgrades are slightly stronger.

After buying [fn4], [63] will be brought automatically, and SN34 will be doable.

        [63] - Non-Bonus tickspeeds are 25x more effective

At SN34, reach c9x44, down 15, muon 18, charm 3, and tau 1, then idle for SN35.

At SN35, idle for resources, then reach c9x45, c10x6, tau 4, down 16, and up 12, then idle for SN36.

At SN36, reach charm 4, tau 5, and muon 19, then collect 1e42 neutron stars. Now, start electron for [fn5].

        [fn5] - “Electron” max tier is Increased by 35. Its effect softcap is weaker.

After buying [fn5], you can reach electron 36, tau 7, and c9x47. Idle to buy boson upgrades and reach charm 5, down 17, tau 9, and c9x49. Idle for SN37.

At SN37, reach c9x50, charm 6, and tau 11, then enter SN38.

At SN38, gain 1e46 neutron stars and buy [m3], then buy some elements.

        [m3] - Mass gain softcaps^2 & ^3 starts later based on supernovae.

        [64] - Rewards from c3, 4, and 8 are 50% more effective.

        [65] - Add 200 more to the caps of c7 & c8.

With this, reach c9x51, c10x7, up 13, down 18, charm 7, electron 37, and muon 21. Now you should be able to get [fn6].

        [fn6] - Unlock 2 more type of U-Quark & U-Lepton

        5 - 3 - 3: Extended Fermions

From [fn6], 2 new Fermions will be unlocked:


        Strange - Trapped in mass dilation and C3 - 5. 4th boson upgrades are stronger.


        Neutrino - Star generators are decreased to ^0.5. Tier requirements are lower.

Reach strange 2, neutrino 2, down 19, charm 8, electron 38, and tau 15, then idle for SN41.

At SN41, reach c9x52 and buy [qol7]

        [qol7] - Automate boson upgrades, and they no longer spend bosons.

Reach down 21 and muon 22, then get [66] for SN42.

        [66] - [57]’s effect is twice as strong.

 At SN42, idle for 1e51 neutron stars for [d1]

        [d1] - Generating relativistic particles outside mass dilation is 25% stronger.

Reach strange 3, neutrino 5, muon 23, and electron 39, then enter SN43.

At SN43, reach c9x54, down 23, charm 11, muon 24, tau 17, up 14, and electron 41, then idle for a bit. Reach up 15, buy [67] and enter SN44.

        [67] - Collapsed stars boost quark gain.

At Supernova 44, you need to idle for a while for 5e52 neutron stars and [unl1] to unlock new content, “Radiation”.

        [unl1] - Unlock new content, Radiation.

Chapter 6: Radiation

        6 - 1: Chapter 6 - The Radiation (As stars radiate, you dig deeper: Radiation.)

Radiation is not a new layer, but new content for game progression.

        6 - 2: Radiation tab

 You can check radiation in the “Radiation” tab in the supernova tab. First of all, there is “Frequency” and “Radio’s wave”[25]. You get a base 1Hz of frequency per second, which is boosted by radio waves. Frequency multiplies U-Quark & U-Lepton gain, and unlock new types of radiation at certain milestones. The first type, radio wave, gains 1 meter per second as base and it is boosted by “Boosts”. There are 3 types of boosts: “Radio Boost”, “Tickspeed Boost”, “Mass-Softcap Boost”. These boosts give buffs, and are gained by buying “Amplitude” and “Velocity” upgrades from their radiation’s length. New types of radiation have similar upgrades and boosts, with different effects. It seems to be difficult to progress but it’s simple: buy upgrades and gain boosts for frequency and new types of radiation. This will allow you to get SN46.

At SN46, idle for 1e54 neutron stars and buy [rad1]. (In the Post-Supernova tree)

        [rad1] - Gain more frequency based on supernovae, it will also multiply radiation that are not the last available types.[26]

After [68], push challenges and get c9x62, c10x10, then SN47.

        [68] - Meta-Tickspeed starts 2x later.

 After reaching SN47, do Fermions, skip SN48 and enter SN49.

 After SN49, you should unlock a new type of radiation, “Microwave”.

        6 - 3: Microwave

Microwave (and all future radiation types) has 2 upgrades and 3 boosts like radio waves. After unlocking it, do fermions and challenges. After that, you can buy many elements and get several SNs.

        [69] - “Pent” is now added in the mass gain formula from collapsed stars.

        [70] - Add 2000 more to the caps of c7 & c8.

        [71] - BH formula softcap starts later based on supernovae.

        [72] - Tetrs are 15% cheaper.

        [73] - Add more to the cap of c5, 6, & 8 based on supernovae.

        [74] - Super Tetr scales 25% weaker.

        6 - 4: Pent

Pent is a new rank-like reset, which requires tetr. After passing SN60, you can buy new neutron tree upgrades: [qol8] and [rad2].

        [qol8] - You can now automatically pent up, and it no longer resets anything.

        [rad2] -  Gain 10x more of all radiation types.

After buying these two, buy radiation boosts to unlock “Infrared’s wave” and “Visible’s wave”[27]. Do fermions and challenges, then get SN69.

 After entering SN69, buy [76], [chal6], [rad3], and [fn7].

        [76] - Collapsed star’s effect is 25% stronger.

        [chal6] - Unlock c11.

        [rad3] - Radiation boosts are 1.1x cheaper.

        [fn7] - Unlock 2 more types of U-Quark & U-Lepton.

        6 - 5: Extended Fermion

With [fn7], 2 new fermions are unlocked.


        Top - U-Quark, photons, and gluons do nothing. Radiation Boosters are cheaper.


        Neut-Muon - U-Lepton & Z0 Boson do nothing. Pre-Meta-Supernova scalings are weaker.

After getting tiers in the new fermions, you can get SN100+.

        6 - 6: c11

In c11, Absolutism, you can’t gain dilated mass and are stuck in mass dilation. The reward makes star boosters stronger based on completions. Do c11 and reach c11x11.

After c11, buy [qol9], [rad4] and [fn8].

        [qol9] - Automatically buys radiation boosters, and they no longer spend radiation.

        [rad4] - All meta-boosts are twice as effective.

        [fn8] - Unlock 2 final types of U-Quark & U-Lepton.

        6 - 7: Extended Fermion

[fn8] unlocks 2 more fermions:


        Bottom - Challenges are disabled. Meta-Tickspeed starts later.


        Neut-tau - Radiation Boosts are disabled. Pre-Meta BHC & Cosmic Ray are cheaper.

Do Fermions again and get SN110+.

After entering Supernova 110+, buy [fn9], [rad5].

        [fn9] - “Strange” & “Neutrino” max tiers are increased by 2.

        [rad5] - All radiation gains are increased by 10% per supernova.

        [77] - Mass softcap^3 is 17.5% weaker.

Do fermions and challenges again, and get SN120.

At SN120, idle for [chal7].

        [chal7] - Unlock c12

        6 - 8: c12

In c12, Decay of Atom, you can’t gain atoms or quarks. The reward is to add free radiation boosters based on completions, and on first completion unlock a new prestige layer. Do c12.

        6 - 9: New prestige layer popup

 After reaching c12x1 and gaining e1e13g[28] of mass, you can enter the next prestige layer, “Quantum”.

        6 - 10: “Quantum Foam”

You can enter the next prestige layer by clicking the icon, “Quantum Foam”. Prestige at at least 11 Quantum Foam.


Chapter 7: Quantum (Quantum - Big Rip)

Chapter 7 - 1: Quantum

        7 - 1 - 1: Error 404! Mass doesn’t exist! - Mass has collapsed while going Quantum! It looks like evaporation! But at what cost?

        7 - 1 - 2: Don’t worry, new mechanics will arrive for you!

        7 - 1 - 3: Chapter 7 - Scale to Quantum (Mass has collapsed in quantum scale! Good luck on new features!)

 With the new prestige layer, quantum, new features are added.

        7 - 1 - 4: Quantum Tree

First, there is the “Quantum Tree”, which can be checked in the supernova tree. The quantum tree costs quantum foam instead of neutron stars. Buy [qu0] to start the tree.

        [qu0] - Good luck with the new era!

        7 - 1 - 5: Extended Quantum Tree

After buying [qu0], there are 3 new upgrades. With 10 Quantum Foam, buy all 3.

        [qu1] -  Fermion requirements are decreased by 20%.

        [qu2] -  W+ Boson’s 1st effect is overpowered.

        [qu3] - BH formula’s softcap is 30% weaker.

        7 - 1 - 6: Quantum Tab

The “Quantum” tab is a tab unlocked after doing quantum, which contains most of the new mechanics.

        7 - 1 - 7: “Chroma

 There are 2 new tabs in the Quantum tab: “Chroma” and “Quantum Milestones”. Chroma is a new feature which unlocks chroma for buffs. Each choice produces their chroma with their buffs. There are 3 chroma; “Pyro-Radioactive Plasma”, or “Red Chroma”, which raises tickspeed power. “Hybridized Uran-Astatine”, or “Green Chroma”, which reduces all Pre-Pent requirements. “Neutronium-0”, or “Blue Chroma”, makes rewards from c1 - 8 stronger. You can unlock Chroma by using “Quantum Theories” from quantum prestiges. Unlock them in this order: Red > Blue > Green.

        7 - 1 - 8: Quantum Milestones

The second tab is “Quantum Milestones”. New QoL and buffs are unlocked based on the number of quantum prestiges (“Quantizes”).

        1 time - Start with [qol1 - 6], bosons, and fermions unlocked.

        2 times - Pre-Quantum supernova tree’s requirements are removed. “Pre-Quantum global speed[29]is increased by 10x.

        3 times - Start with the challenge tree and [qol7] unlocked.

        5 times - Start with [qol8 & 9], [unl1], and radiation unlocked.

        6 times - 2x quantum foam gain.

        8 times - PQGS affects blueprint particles and chroma at a reduced rate.

        10 times - Supernova stars are boosted by quantizes (capped at 1e10[30]). Unlock “Auto-Quantum”.

Do more quantizes for milestones.

        7 - 1 - 9: Pre-Quantum Global Speed

PQGS boosts game speed to all pre-Quantum content. This means making more resources.

        7 - 1 - 10: “Cosmic String”

“Cosmic String” is a new generator in the main tab. Cosmic strings can be bought with quantum foam[31], and they boost the production of blueprint particles. Blueprint particles increase PQGS. Use “Buy Max” to buy cosmic strings. The next quantum reset should be much faster, and you should try to get at least 35+ qf.

        [78] - Meta-Supernova scales 20% weaker.

        [79] - Neutronium-0 affects [13] and [73].

        [80] - Stronger & tickspeed are 10x stronger.

Buy [qu4] with 35 qf.

        [qu4] - Remove softcaps from [sn2]’s effect.

After 2 quantizes, pre-quantum tree’s requirements are gone because of the milestone.

Buy [qf1] for more qf per reset.

        [qf1] - Gain more Quantum Foam based on Supernovas.

After 4 quantizes, you can buy:

        [qu_qol1] - Automatically buy upgrades as long as they don’t cost qf.

        [qu_qol4] - Automatically supernova, it no longer resets anything.

Other Nodes have requirements, so you should do a few runs to unlock them.

        [qu_qol2] - Keep U-Quark Tiers on going Quantum.

        [qu_qol3] - Automatically gain c1 - 4 Completions.

        [qu_qol5] - Automatically gain c5 - 8 Completions.

`        [qu_qol6] - Keep U-Lepton Tiers on going Quantum.

Each requirement requires a separate quantum run, so do them one by one in this order: [qu_qol6] > [qu_qol2] > [qu_qol3] > [qu_qol5]. After buying [qu_qol3] and [qu_qol5], [qu_qol7] is unlocked.

        [qu_qol7] - Keep c9 ~ 12 Completions on going Quantum.

To buy [qu_qol7], reach e5e12g of mass without completing c9 - 12, while in bottom (fermion). After buying [qu_qol7], do 20 quantizes for [unl2]. First few have to be manual, but then auto-quantum is unlocked. Auto-quantum has two modes (7 - 1 - 11): amount and time. Amount causes a quantum reset at a certain amount of qf, time causes one at a certain period of time (in seconds).

        [unl2] - Unlock “Primordium”.

        7 - 1 - 11: Auto-quantum

After buying [unl2], unlock new tree upgrades.

        [unl3] - Unlock “Quantum Challenge”.

        [qu5] - Blueprint Particles & chromas are affected by the tickspeed effect at a reduced rate.

        [qu6] - Quantizes boost cosmic string’s power.

        [prim1] - Primordium Theorem’s base requirement is reduced by 1.

        [prim2] - Theta Particle’s second effect is now added

        7 - 1 - 12: Primordium

In the “Primordium” tab in the Quantum tab, you can gain primordium theorems based on blueprint particles, and you can assign them to random particles.

        “Delta” - Boost Stronger Power        

“Alpha” - Boost RP gain / Non-bonus Tickspeed upgrade        

“Omega” - Boost DM gain / BHC Power

        “Sigma” - Boost Atom gain / Cosmic Ray Power

        “Phi” - Boost Higgs Boson’s effect

        “Epsilon” - Add to base of Fermions gain

        “Theta” - Boost all radiation gains / Make all Radiation effects stronger

        “Beta” - Make all of SN’s scalings start later

To assign, use the “give 1 / 10 / all random Particles” buttons. You can also use “Respec all Particles” to return assigned all Particles. Just use “give all random particles” to assign particles for now.

        7 - 1 - 13: Unlock “Entropy”

By doing assignments, you can soon reach e7.5e15g of mass, and unlock “Entropy”.

        7 - 1 - 14: “Entropy” tab

You can check Entropy in the “Entropy” tab in the quantum tab. In entropy, there are 2 new currencies for new features: “Enthalpy” and “Hawking Radiation”. These new currencies are from evaporating frequency / BH mass respectively. Enthalpy increases entropy gain, while Hawking Radiation its cap. You can unlock a new effect at a specific amount of entropy, and after unlocking it, you can enhance it further based on entropy. They are:

        “Entropic Multiplier” - Meta Tickspeed, BHC, Cosmic Ray start later.

        “Entropic Accelerator” - Make Atomic Power’s effect exponentially stronger.

        “Entropic Evaporation” - Make evaporating resources faster.

        “Entropic Converter” - Tickspeed power gives an exponential boost to BHC & Cosmic Ray Powers.

        “Entropic Booster” - Gain more extra Mass Upgrades, Tickspeed, BHC and Cosmic Rays.

        “Entropic Scaling” - All pre-Supernova, pre-Pent & pre-Meta scalings are weaker.

        “Entropic Condenser” - Entropy boosts itself.

        “Entropic Radiation” - Radiation effects are boosted by entropy exponentially.

You need to click the evaporate button a few times for more Entropy. After gaining some more qf, it’s time to unlock a new feature, “quantum challenges” (QCs). To unlock QC, set auto-Quantized to 0s and idle to get 200 quantizes. After that, you can unlock QC with new upgrades.

Chapter 7 - 2: Quantum Challenge

        7 - 2 - 1: QC

You can check QCs in the challenge tab, under “Quantum Challenge”. QCs are a new challenge type where you choose the conditions yourself. There are 8 types of conditions and each condition has 10 levels. Higher levels and more conditions make QCs harder.

The conditions are:

        “Black Dwarf” - Decrease the exponent of all star resources, and strengthen star generators

        “Time Anomaly” - Decrease PQGS.

        “Hypertiered” - Increase the requirement of all fermions

        “Melted Interactions” - Decrease multipliers from bosonic & radiation resources exponentially.

        “Intense Catalyst” - Decrease multiplier from pre-SN resources exponentially, except all star resources.

        “Ex-Challenge” - Increase the requirements for non-QC challenges.

        “Spatial Dilation” - Increase mass dilation’s penalty exponentially.

        “Extreme Scaling” - Decrease the start of pre-quantum scaling exponentially. increase the strength of pre-quantum scaling.

Each total level gives one quantum shard (QS) upon clearing the QC, and each QS increases qf gain by 2. There is a “preset” button so you can import the numbers for specific QCs.

At your first QC, set the challenges to 0/0/0/0/0/10/0/0[32]. To complete a QC for QS, you need to quantum while in the challenge. After getting 10 QS, do some quantum resets for qf. Entering a QC resets fermions and c9 - 12, so you need to do them in and after QC runs. After gaining more qf, buy [qc1] for progress further (in Quantum Tree).

        [qc1] - Mass gain softcap^4 starts later based on quantum shards

 For next QC do 0/0/8/0/0/10/0/0[33], and then 0/3/8/0/0/10/0/0. At QS 15, you can buy [qu_qol8]. After buying [qu_qol8], gain 1e15 qf for [qu7] and [prim3].

        [qu_qol8] - Now automatically get all fermions tiers, except during QC

        [qu7] - Gain more quantizes based on QS.

        [prim3] - Epsilon particle’s second effect added, stronger in QC.

For the next QCs, do them in the below order. Remember to do fermions and c9 - 12 in and after each QC.

  • 0/4/10/0/0/10/0/0
  • 0/4/10/0/0/10/10/0
  • 10/4/10/0/0/10/10/0
  • 10/4/10/10/0/10/10/0
  • 10/4/10/10/0/10/10/5

If you can’t do the QCs above, reassign primordium particles for better RNG, and do more quantum resets for the 10th milestone effect. At QS 24 you can buy [qu_qol9]. Also at 1e21, 1e24, and 1e32 quantum foam, you can buy [qu8], [qu9], and [qu10] respectively.

        [qu_qol9] - Start with [84] unlocked when entering QC.

        [qu8] - Chromas are affected by the QS effect.

        [qu9] - Gain more quantizes based on total primordium particles.

        [qu10] - Higgs boson’s effect is increased by 3.3% for every OoM of blueprint particles.

After collecting 1e27 Quantum Foam, buy [qc2].

        [qc2] - Get 1 extra QS when a condition reach 10

To buy [qc2], you need to meet its requirement. Do the QC 10/4/10/10/6/10/10/10 and gain mass (you don’t necessarily have to complete it). After buying [qc2], do QCs in this order:

  • 10/3/10/10/0/10/10/7
  • 10/4/10/10/0/10/10/7
  • 10/2/10/10/0/10/10/10
  • 10/3/10/10/0/10/10/10

After QS 66, you can buy [unl4] with 1e42 qf to unlock the feature, “Big Rip”.

        [unl4] - Unlock Big Rip.

        7 - 2 - 2: Big Rip

Big Rip is another challenge type, where you can gain “Death Shards” (DS) based on mass gained in it. it has these restrictions:

  • Entropy rewards don’t work
  • All primordium particles are 50% weaker except for epsilon.
  • Epsilon doesn’t work.
  • [qu2] and [qu10] don’t work.
  • Trapped in QC with 10/2/10/10/5/0/2/10.

You can enter Big Rip by clicking the icon.

Chapter 8: Big Rip (Big Rip - Darkness)

        8 - 1: Chapter 8 - Ripping Universe(All the spacetime rips before your eyes!)

        8 - 2: DS gain

Enter big rip and idle for a while to get DS. Click the icon again to exit it and gain DS. Like QCs, do c9 - 12 for more DS. Exiting Big Rip and gain 1e43 qf to buy [qu11] and 1e55 qf to buy [en1]

        [qu11] - Quantum foam’s gain formula is better.

        [en1] - Evaporating frequency & BH mass are twice as effective, and its effects are stronger.

        8 - 3: “Big Rip Upgrade”(BRU)

With DS, you can buy “Big Rip Upgrade”(BRU). Collect 15 DS and buy BRU11 and BRU12

        BRU11 - Start with [1] unlocked in big rip.

        BRU12 - Mass upgrades & ranks are no longer nerfed by the 8th QC selector.

        8 - 4: Big Rip Elements

In big rip, you can earn quarks to buy new elements. They are automatically bought but still try to buy a new one when stuck. Collect 50 DS to buy BRU13.

        BRU13 - PQGS is raised based on DS. (before division)

At this point, you can try QC with 10/6/10/10/3/10/10/10. Then, collect 250 DS for BRU14.

        BRU14 - Start with 2 tiers of each fermion in big rip.

After buying BRU14, collect 250 DS again and enter big rip to buy [89] and [90]. Then enter QC 10/6/10/10/10/10/10/10 for the requirement to buy [br1].

        [br1] - QS boost DS gain.

Then collect 2500 DS and buy BRU15, then get 1000 DS again for the PQGS boost.

        BRU15 - Root star booster’s starting cost by 10. Star booster’s base is increased based on DS.

Farm DS again to buy BRU21 - 23.

        BRU21 - Start with all radiation features unlocked.

        BRU22 - Green chroma is twice as effective in big rip.

BRU23 - Passively gain 10% of qf & DS from resetting per second.

Enter a big rip and idle for [95], then buy BRU24.

        BRU24 - Unlock “Break Dilation” and “Prestige”(in the mass tab).

        8 - 5: Prestige

 Prestige is a new type of rank. You can get “Prestige Base” based on the product of rank types and you can prestige at certain amounts of prestige base. Also there is “Honor” which is similar to tier, but requires prestige levels instead.

        8 - 6: Break Dilation

Break dilation is similar to mass dilation, but it actually helps you, so keep it broken. Entering break dilation causes these effects:

  • While in big rip, BHC & cosmic rays are no longer nerfed by the 8th QC effect
  • The 7th QC condition is disabled

In break dilation, you can gain “Relativistic Energy” based on dilated mass gain in big rip. Relativistic energy makes “Relativistic Mass”. If you fix break dilation, it forces a quantum reset and resets relativistic energy & mass (don’t fix it). With relativistic mass, you can buy some new upgrades (once means the upgrade can only be bought once):

        BDU11 - Double relativistic mass gain

        BDU12  - Increase the exponent of the dilated mass formula

        BDU13  - Multiplier from the dilated mass effect is transformed to an exponent (at a reduced rate, weaker in big rip), but DU12’s cost is exponentially increased. Buying BDU13 will reset DU12. (once)

BDU14 - DU33 is 50% stronger, and its effective level softcaps at 1e18. (once)

        BDU21 - Meta-Rank scales later

        BDU22 - Triple relativistic energy gain

        BDU23 - DS & entropy boost each other (once)

        BDU24 - Relativistic mass gain is boosted by 75% for every OoM^2 of dilated mass (once)

        BDU31 - PQGS affects relativistic mass gain at a severely reduced rate (once)

        BDU32 - Super Prestige Level starts 10 later (once)

Break dilation and start a big rip for BDUs. Next, before prestiging, buy BRU25 and BRU31.

        BRU25 - Chromas are 10% stronger.

        BRU31 - Prestige level no longer resets anything.

Increase prestige level and honor and reach prestige level 24 and honor 5. Collect 1e75 qf and buy [qu_qol8a].

        [qu_qol8a] - [qu_qol8] now works in QCs and big rips.

Entering big rip again for BDU24, and gain e19 DS for BRU32 and BRU33

        BRU32 - Mass gain softcap^5 starts later based on atoms.

        BRU33 - DS gain is boosted based on prestige base.

After buying BRU23, enter big rip and buy BRU34 and BRU35

        BRU34 - Super Fermion Tier starts 10 later (after QC8 effect).

        BRU35 - Blueprint particles boost PQGS slightly.

Enter big rip again to buy BDU32 and [116].  Do QC with 10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10 for the maximum 88 QS, then buy [qc3].

[qc3] - QS’s base is increased by prestige base.

Gain entropy and level up prestige, then enter big rip and push challenges for [118].

        8 - 7: [118], Oganesson

        [118] - Unlock “Darkness”, you'll be able to go “Dark”.

        8 - 8: “Dark Ray” (DR)

  After buying [118], you can go “Dark” to gain dark rays (DR).

Chapter 9: Darkness (Darkness - C16)

Chapter 9 - 1: Darkness

        9 - 1 - 1: Chapter 9 - Trapped in Darkness (You rose up the darkness. Time to research the mysteries of matter!)

        9 - 1 - 2: DR

DR makes “Dark Shadows” based on the amount of DR, which has new effects.

        9 - 1 - 3: Tier 2 Elements

Your first dark reset also unlocked tier 2 elements. Like tier 1 (the first page), you can buy elements with quarks. However, you sometimes have to use dark shadows, and automation has not been unlocked yet. Get 500 dark shadows for your first one and buy [119].

        [119] - PQGS affects dark shadow gain at a logarithmic and reduced rate.

Idle to collect more dark shadows and buy [120].

        [120] - “Insane” & “Impossible” Challenge scalings are 50% weaker.

At 1e110 qf, you can buy [qu_qol10].

        [qu_qol10] - You can’t gain delta, alpha, omega & sigma particles from primordium theorem now. Instead, their amount is set to your total primordium theorems.

[qu_qol10] means that you automatically get a lot of the first particles without assigning, and frees them up for the later particles. Make sure to still assign them for the later ones.

        9 - 1 - 4: new BDU

2 more BDUs are unlocked:

        BDU33 - You can now automatically evaporate resources, and it is stronger than manual. (once)

BDU34 - Double dark shadow gain.

After buying BDU33, now you can gain entropy without evaporating. Idle for [121] and [125].

        [121] - You can buy [58] in big rip.

        [125] - c7’s effect gives more c9 - 12 completions at a 10% rate.

Gain more DR and collect 1e6 dark shadows for [122].

        [122] - Automatically complete c9 - 11. Keep c12 completions on big rip or QCs.

After buying [122], gain some c12 Completions and enter a big rip to gain e1e19 quarks for [123].

        [123] - Automatically buy BDUs. They no longer spent relativistic mass.

Gain more DR and collect 1e7 dark shadows for [124].

[124] - Keep the quantum tree on darkness resets.

Now that you keep the quantum tree, you don’t need to do QCs anymore. If you can’t progress further, check c12 completions, particles assignments, and prestige levels. Idle to for 1e8 dark shadows and [126].

        [126] -You can buy [74] in big rip.

Idle again to collect 1e9 dark shadows for [127].

        [127] - Start with break dilation unlocked. Relativistic energy gain is increased by 10%.

At about 300 DR, collect 1e11 dark shadows to buy [128]

        [128] - You can buy AU33 - 35 outside the big rip.

Next, idle in big rip to buy [129], [130], and [131].

        [129] - [18] is overpowered, and it affects BJC & cosmic ray powers.

        [130] - Entropic scaling & radiation work in big rip.

        [131] - Automatically complete c12.

Idle to collect 1e13 dark shadows to buy [131].

        [131] - Unlock c13, automate BRUs.

        9 - 1 - 5: c13

In c13, Absolutely Black Mass, a darkness reset is forced and mass and BH mass gains are set to lg(x)^^1.5. The reward is increased DR gain, and new features on first completion. You can reach c13x2 immediately. You will unlock auto prestige leveling from the completion.

Next, collect 1e130 qf and buy [qu_qol11] (it is similar to [qu_qol10]).

        [qu_qol11] - You can’t gain phi & epsilon particles from primordium theorems now. Instead, their amount is set to your total primordium theorems.

At about 1e4 DR, you can collect 1e18 dark shadows to buy [136]. Don’t forget to assign particles again.

        [136] - You can now gain relativistic energy outside of big rip. Keep non-QoL quantum tree upgrades on entering dark challenges (c13 -).

Reach c13x7 and grind for more DR.

        9 - 1 - 6: Hex

Hex is another rank-like prestige, costing Pent. Don’t forget to turn on automation. At e1.5e13 neutron stars, you can buy [fn13] to unlock 2 new “Meta-types” of U-Quark & U-Lepton.

        [fn13] - Unlock 2 Meta-types of U-Quark & U-Lepton.

        9 - 1 - 7: Extended Fermions

New Meta-types (“Meta-Quark” and “Meta-Lepton”) are harder versions of normal fermions. Its tier increased by U-Quarks and U-Leptons.


        Meta-Quark - Stuck in all U-Quarks. Makes DR’s effect more stronger.


        Meta-Lepton - Stuck at all U-Leptons. Increases prestige base’s exponent.

Enter the 2 meta types and reach tier 4 in both. Idle for 1.2e27 dark shadows to buy [142] and [143].

        [142] - Uncap “Strange” & “Neutrino”

        [143] - Dark shadow’s second effect is better. Keep pre-[118] elements on Darkness.

After buying [143], you can gain more DR on reset. Enter big rips and do darkness quickly for 3e6 DR. Reach c13x9 and grind again to collect 1e7 DR. Reach meta-quark 8 and meta-lepton 9, then idle to gain more dark shadows to buy [144].

        [144] - Unlock c14.

        9 - 1 - 8: c14

In c14, No Dmitri Mendeleev[34], you can’t purchase any pre-[118] elements and are stuck in QC 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5. The reward is more primordium theorems and more features on first completion. Enter for c14x16.

        9 - 1 - 9: “Glory”

After clearing c14, you will unlock more elements and “Glory”. Glory is the next prestige rank that costs honor to up. Honor automation will also be unlocked so turn it on.

         9 - 1 - 10: “Abyssal Blot”

You will unlock “Abyssal Blots” after a certain amount of dark shadows, with new effects.

Next, idle for 1e40 dark shadows and [147].

        [147] - You will automatically gain DS outside Big Rip. Automate cosmic strings.

After buying [147], you only need to do big rip for elements. Reach c13x11, c14x17 and collect 1e190 qf for [qu_qol14].

        [qu_qol14] - You can’t gain theta & beta particles from primordium theorem now. Instead, their amount is set to your total primordium theorems.

Now you don’t need to assign particles anymore since all amounts are set to total primordium theorems. Reach honor 3, c13x25, and c14x17, then buy [152] to gain more DR.

        [152] - Boost DR gain based on quarks.

Collect 1e12 DR and idle to buy [151].

        [151] - Add 75 more c13 completions.

9 - 1 - 11: DR Automation

 After passing 1e12 DR, DR is gained passively (albeit slowly). Reach c13x100 and c14x100, then enter a big rip to buy [153].

        [153] - Prestige base exponent boosts abyssal blot gain.

Buy more elements and collect 1e80 dark shadows to buy [156].

        [156] - Uncap “Top” & “Neut-Muon”.

Next, collect 1e96 dark shadows to buy [161].

        [161] - Unlock “Dark Run”. Keep [118] on darkness.

Chapter 9 - 2: Dark Run

        9 - 2 - 1: Dark Run

Dark runs are another challenge mechanic that forces a dark reset. Its effects are:

  • Stuck in the big rip.
  • Instead of 10 / 2 / 10 / 10 / 5 / 0 / 2 / 10 QC, it is 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 QC.

In these conditions, you can gain “Glyphic Mass” based on earlier resources, and you can get “Glyphs” based on it. There are 6 types of glyphs, and holding onto them makes dark run harder based on their amount and effects. Here is list of glyphs (the negative effects only happen in dark run, the second sentence explains how to earn them):

  • “Cyrillic Glyph”: Reduce the exponent of mass and BH mass gain. Based on Mass.
  • “Deutsch Glyph”: Reduce the exponent of DM and RP gain. Based on BH Mass.
  • “Swedish Glyph”: Reduce the exponent of atoms, atomic powers, and quarks. Based on quarks.
  • “Chinese Glyph”: Reduce the exponent of relativistic particle gain and dilated mass formula. Based on dilated mass.
  • “Spanish Glyph”:  Reduce the exponent of SN resource gain and increase SN requirements. Based on collapsed stars.
  • “Slovak Glyph”: Reduce the prestige base exponent by & increase every rank requirement. Based on Prestige Base.

Since each glyph makes earning subsequent glyphs harder, the order of earning them is important. It is usually from right to left, but exceptions exist, so experiment!

        9 - 2 - 2: Dark Run buttons

These buttons are in dark run:

  • “Start / Exit Dark Run”: Start / exit dark run.
  • “Glyph Button Mode”: There are earning / max earning / clear glyph, but just set it to earning. The other modes aren’t that useful yet.
  • “Clear all glyphs”: Set all glyphs to 0. (This is useful if you mess up)

Below those buttons are buttons to configure glyph earning. You can ignore them for now since you are using the earning mode. With glyphs you can buy “Dark Run Upgrades” (DRUs). After buying a DRU, it is recommended to clear all glyphs in order to make sure it doesn’t affect the next dark run negatively.

        9 - 2 - 3: DRU

DRUs are upgrades you can buy with glyphs. Some DRUs require several types:

  • DRU11: Raise mass gain by 1.5 per level. (10 levels)
  • DRU12: Raise BH mass gain by 1.5 per level. (10 levels)
  • DRU13: Exotic Rank starts 1.25 later per level. (5 levels)
  • DRU14: The nerf of QC nerf 8 is weaker to rank in dark run. (once)
  • DRU15: Raise atom gain by 1.5 per level. (10 levels)
  • DRU16: Triple dark ray gain per level. (100 levels)
  • DRU17: Gain x1.5 more cyrillic glyphs. (once)
  • DRU18: Dilated mass overflow starts ^10 later per level. (10 levels)
  • DRU19: Star generators are ^1.5 stronger per level. (5 levels)
  • DRU21: Prestige base’s exponent is increased by 0.02 per level. (10 levels)

For the first dark run, get 5 cyrillic glyphs to buy DRU11x1[35]. Then do several more runs for DRU11x7, 12x6, and 13x5 (do each level one at a time, and don’t forget to Clear Glyphs after buying upgrades. Try several orders if one doesn’t work). Buy elements then get DRU14x1 and DRU11x8, 12x7, 15x4, 16x3, and DRU18x3 (in that order). Buy elements again and reach glory 2 in dark run to buy DRU17x1, 11x10, 12x9, 15x8, 16x4, 18x5. Idle to collect more dark shadows and buy DRU15x9 and 18x6, then idle again to buy [168].

        [168] - Unlock c15.


        9 - 2 - 4: c15

C15, The Reality II, traps you in c1 - 12 and QC 10 / 5 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10. The reward is that mass overflow starts later, and more features on first completion. Enter c15 and enter a big rip[36] for c15x100. After c15x100, you will unlock glory automation and new elements. Get DRU12x10, 15x10, 18x9, 16x6, then buy elements and DRU18x10. Buy elements again and buy DRU19x10. Buy elements again and buy DRU19x4 and 21x4. Idle for more elements and collect enough dark shadow to buy [188]

        [188] - Unlock “Matter”

Chapter 9 - 3: Matter

After buying [188], it unlocks new Elements, DRUs, and new content, Matter.

        9 - 3 - 1: Matter

You can check matters at the “Matters” tab in the darkness tab. You can automatically gain “Dark Matter” at first (not to be confused with the reset layer of the same name). After reaching 3.0077e167 dark matter, it unlocks the next matter, “Red Matter”. From red matter, you can buy upgrades to increase the previous matter’s gain. You can get red matter from dark matter, and unlock the next matter at 3.0077e167 red matter, so gaining more Dark Matter is important. Try to gain dark matter to unlock new matter and reach the last matter for more progress. Also, don’t forget about the new DRUs.

  • DRU22: Add 0.1 to matter exponent. (2 levels)
  • DRU23: Cosmic ray’s effect is now an exponent at a super reduced rate. (once)
  • DRU24: Green chroma gain is squared. (once)
  • DRU25: Each matter’s exponent is increased by 12.5% per level. (10 levels)

You can soon buy DRU22x1, 19x5, and [199].

        [199] - Unlock “Accelerators”, tickspeed now provides an exponential boost, but nullify [18] and [150] (except in c15).

        9 - 3 - 2: Accelerator

Accelerator gives an exponential boost to the tickspeed effect. Automation is automatically unlocked so just turn it on. Reach c13x500 and c14x500 then buy DRU21x8 and 23x1. Buy [198] and DRU22x2, then buy DRU24x1. To buy DRU24x1, gain Swedish first, and idle to get enough cyrillic. Buy [202] for more game progress.

        [202] - Unlock the fourth mass upgrade which raises stronger.


        9 - 3 - 3: “Overpower”

The fourth mass upgrade, overpower, gives an exponential boost to stronger power. Automation is unlocked so just turn it on like accelerator’s. Buy elements and DRU21x9 and 16x10, then buy [208].

        [208] - Unlock Beyond-Ranks.

        9 - 3 - 4: “Hept”

Beyond-ranks are a new rank type, starting with hept that costs Hex. Each subsequent one requires the previous one to level up. Beyond-Ranks don’t have automation yet so you need to do them manually. Just check sometimes. Buy DRU21x10 and 25x1 then buy elements to reach hept 6.


        9 - 3 - 5: “Final Star Shard”(FSS)

Soon, you will collect enough matter to unlock the “Final Star Shard”(FSS) and “FSS base”. Gain FSS causes reset dark shadows, abyssal blots, matter, and force a darkness reset. FSS boosts matters gain and glyphic mass, so gain FSS ASAP.

        9 - 3 - 6: FSS

 On the first FSS reset, its icon will appear. Now you can click this button instead of navigating to the matters menu.

        9 - 3 - 7: Hept and oct automation

At 2 FSS, you can up to hept 10, which unlocks oct and automation. Turn it on so you can ignore it from now on. Reach 3 FSS and buy DRU16x14, 25x10 and do the new prestige tier, “Renown”.

        9 - 3 - 8: Renown

Renown is another prestige tier that requires glory to up. Reach renown 1 and buy DRU16x15, do fermions and buy elements. Idle to buy BRU44 and reach renown 2. Buy elements, do fermions, buy DRU16x17, and idle to reach renown 3. After that, reach 4 FSS and idle to buy [218].

        [218] - Unlock c16

Chapter 10: Challenge 16 (C16 - Infinity)

        10 - 1: c16

C16, Chaotic Matter Annihilation, is the next challenge with the following handicaps:

  • You can’t gain RP, and all matter formulas are disabled.
  • Matters generate each other. (Red matter will generate dark matter, etc.)
  • Pre-c16 features, such as rank, prestige tiers, main upgrades, elements, tree, and others may be “corrupted” (disabled).
  • Trapped in mass dilation & dark run at same time and with all glyphs except slovak set to 100 (slovak glyph will be set to 10).
  • Primordium particles are disabled.
  • PQGS is always set to /100.

Entering c16 will force a FSS reset. When exiting c16, you will gain a new currency, “Corrupted Shards”(CS) based on BH mass. The reward is improving green chroma and unlocking the next prestige layer on first completion. It will come at e1.7977e308 mass, so don’t worry about it yet.

        10 - 2: Chapter 10 - The Corruption (The final challenge stands against you. Good luck!)

        10 - 3: CS

After entering c16 for the first time, a CS icon will appear. You can enter / exit c16 by clicking the icon. Idle for about 20 mins, and after getting 1e100g of BH mass, you can get 1 CS. Collect 3 total CS in the same way.

        10 - 4: Corruption Upgrade(CU)

With 3 CS, you can buy “Corruption Upgrades” (CUs). They require a certain amount of BH mass to unlock and corrupted shards to buy, and can only be bought outside of c16. With 3 CS buy CU11.

        CU11 - Multiply all matters gain by 1e10, and square BH mass gain.

After buying CU11, you can easily get 1 CS per c16 run by entering and exiting. Collect 10 CS to start the “Corruption Tree” with [ct1].

        [ct1] - Best BH mass in c16 boosts mass gain.

Next, collect 50 CS to buy [ct2].

        [ct2] -  Best BH mass in c16 boosts bosonic resources gain.

After buying [ct2], you can gain 4 CS per c16 run. For the next upgrade, collect 50 CS and buy [ct3].

        [ct3] - Best BH mass in c16 adds free fermion tiers.

Then, buy [217] and reach 5 FSS, and collect 100 CS to buy [ct5].

        [217] - FSS’s requirement is 20% lower.

        [ct5] - Blue chroma now affects c13 at a reduced rate.

Collect 400 CS and idle in c16 to buy [ct4] & [ct6].

        [ct4] - Best BH mass in c16 adds to the base of all matter upgrades.

        [ct6] - Mass overflow starts later based on the best BH mass in c16.

Reach 6 FSS and buy DRU16x23 and idle to reach glory 4. Do fermions and challenges, then reach c14x750+ to buy [ct7] and collect 2500 CS to buy [ct8].

        [ct7] - Blue chroma now affects c14 at a reduced rate. (like [ct5])

        [ct8] - Keep pre-c16 tree on entering c16. Best BH mass in c16 boosts all radiation gains.

 Idle in c16 again to reach 1e1000g of BH mass to buy CU12.

        CU12 - Unlock the “Unstable Black Hole”(UBH) that boosts BH (in BH tab).

        10 - 5: UBH

Mass of UBH boosts BH mass gain. You can gain more UBH mass from “False Vacuum Manipulators” (FVMs). Unlike BH mass, UBH mass gain is decreased based on itself (so waiting has diminishing returns. You can only buy FVMs in c16. FVM automation is automatically unlocked so turn it on. Collect 5000 CS then turn off BHC automation, enter c16 and meta-lepton at same time, and collect 1e400g of BH mass for [ct9]. After that, collect 50000 CS to buy [ct10].

        [ct9] - Best BH mass in c16 adds free radiation boosts.

        [ct10] - FSS requirement is lower based on total CS.

Getting 7 FSS allows you to get a lot of CS in c16. Collect 1e4500g BH mass in c16 to buy CU13, then 1e30000g of BH mass in to buy CU14.

        CU13 - UBH’s effect is 50% stronger (after overflow).

        CU14 - Remove all pre-meta scalings from SN. Neut-muon’s effect is now changed, and reenable c5’s effect, but it’s changed.

Buy [ct11] and [ct12] then collect 1e33000g BH mass in c16 to buy CU21.

        [ct11] - BH mass overflow starts later based on best BH mass in c16 (weaker during c16).

        [ct12] - Best BH mass in c16 adds free primordium particles.

        CU21 - Dark shadow’s first reward is overpowered. Remove all scalings from tickspeed, but nullify tau’s effect.

Reach glory 5 and buy DRU16x31, do fermions, and reach c14x940+ to buy [ct13].

        [ct13] - Blue chroma now affects c15 at a reduced rate (like [ct5]). c15 now affects atomic & quark overflows.

Collect 1e77000g BH mass to buy CU22.

        CU22 - Unlock “Exotic Atoms”(EA) in the atom tab, and unlock a new element layer.

        10 - 6: Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Tier

Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Tiers create EA. You need to buy Tier 1 to start making them.

        10 - 7: Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Tier 1

Reaching Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Tier 1 unlocks “Kaons” and “Pions”. Both are gained based on Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Tiers, and they both boost EA gain. They also both have unique effects that are unlocked by buying more Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Tiers. Collect more EA to buy more Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Tiers.

        10 - 8: “Muonic elements”

With fusion tiers, a new “Elements’ Layer” button appears in the elements tab. You can switch the element table between “Normal” and “Muonic” using this button. The normal elements are the tiers of elements you have been getting earlier. In the muonic elements, you can see muonic elements which are bought with EA. It is recommended to buy Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Tiers before muonic elements if you have the necessary EA. After buying [μ1][37], buy [ct14], [ct15], and [ct16].

        [ct14] - Dilated mass overflow starts later based on best BH mass in c16.

        [ct15] - Total CS boost matters gain.

        [ct16] - Best BH mass in c16 boosts kaon & pion gain.

Do fermions and collect 1e1e6g of BH mass in c16 to buy CU23. You can reach glory 6 and 8 FSS after this.

        CU23 - Remove all scalings from BHC. Neut-tau’s effect no longer affects BHC’s price. In c16, BHC is 1e6x cheaper.

Collect 1e1.6e6g BH mass in c16 to buy CU24.

        CU24 - Remove all scalings from cosmic rays. Neut-tau’s effect now affects BHC’s price again, but its effect is massively weaker.

Reach 9 FSS, glory 7 and Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Tier 7. Then you can reach c16x1. After c16x1, buying muonic elements provide more boosts to mass gain which makes reaching e1.7977e308g mass possible. If you can’t get there, gain more CS or collect more BH mass in c16. When reaching e1.7977e308g mass, the following screen will appear:

        10 - 9: Next layer, “infinity” - Your mass is enough to go Infinity! (You have reached the limit of lifting where only gods withstand… You need to condense all your progress to evolve!)

After reaching e1.7977e308g of mass, you will enter infinity automatically. Click the “Get Infinity Theorem” button to get an “Infinity Theorem” and enter the next layer.

Chapter 11: Infinity (Infinity - Infinity Theorem 9)

Chapter 11 - 1: Infinity

        11 - 1 - 1: Chapter 11 - The Infinity (Infinity. You have been evolved to a god.)

Upon entering infinity, you will unlock a few new features.

        11 - 1 - 2: “Infinity Icon”

First, there is an infinity icon. If you collect more than 1.7977e308g of mass, you can go infinity. By doing so, you can gain “Infinity Points” (IP). With IP, you can buy upgrades (described below). There are 2 types of infinity resets: manual resets and “Infinity Theorem” (IT) resets. Both kinds give you IP and core infinity theorems[38], but IT resets will unlock new upgrades.

        11 - 1 - 3: “Theorem”

You can check core theorems in the “Core” tab in the “infinity” tab. Core theorems give buffs based on their types, levels, percentage, and dots on it. There is a starting theorem for your first infinity reset, so click to select it and click in a core spot to equip it. With infinity resets, you can select one of the four options that appear once e1.7977e308g of mass is reached near the top of the screen in order to choose a core theorem to gain in your next reset. There are 5 types of theorems. Their effects are determined by their dots[39]:

  • Newton (N) - Mass

Boost mass gain.

Delay mass overflow starting.

Make pre-beyond ranks cheaper.

Increase the exponent of prestige base.

  • Hawking (Λ) - BH mass

Boost BH mass gain (weaker in C16).

Delay BH mass overflow starting (weaker in C16).

Weaken unstable BH decreasing.

Boost FVM's power.

  • Dalton (Ξ) - EA

Boost quarks gain.

Delay quark & atomic power overflows starting.

Increase overpower power.

Increase accelerator's power.

  • Protoversal (Π) - Quantum Foam

Make cosmic strings cheaper.

Strengthen primordium particles.

Weaken “entropic” reward scaling.

Weaken QC conditions.

  • Einstein (Δ) - CS

Boost pre-infinity global speed.

Boost pre-quantum global speed.

Boost dark shadow & abyssal blot gains.

Weaken glyphic mass nerfs.

These theorems have 1 - 4 effects (for now). Hover over them for the details in case you forget. Level and power are numbers that determine the strength of the effect (the level is the number at the bottom, the power is the percentage at the top). They are both important, but generally 1% of power is as strong as 1 level. You may need to grind for better ones as time goes on if game progression becomes slow.

         11 - 1 - 4: Visual Representation (by JSG)

11 - 1 - 4 shows what effect of the theorem is better. Green is best and red is worst.[40] Only the core theorems equipped give effects and you can’t fit 2 of the same type theorems in the core, so you need to optimize for the 4 most important types and the most effective within each type.

        11 - 1 - 5: “Core Effect”

If you want to see the effects of the current theorems in the core, check the core effect tab.

        11 - 1 - 6: “Infinity Upgrade”(IU)

IUs are new upgrades that can be upgraded with IP and may need IT for unlocking. The ones available currently are:

        IU11 Require-Free Tree - Pre-corrupted trees can be bought without requirements.

        IU12 Infinity Mass - Mass & BH mass gains are boosted by total IP.

        IU13 Legacy Mass Upgrade 4 -Start with overpower unlocked and its starting cost is massively decreased. Start with [202] unlocked.

        IU14 Dark Rest - Keep DRUs in infinity. Start with [161] unlocked.

Buy order is different based on your playstyle. If you prefer QoL, buy IU14 > IU11 > IU12 > IU13. If you focus more on progression speed, buy IU12 > IU13 > IU14 = IU11.

        11 - 1 - 7: “Pre-infinity global speed”(PIGS)

PIGS works the same as PQGS but works on all of pre-infinity.

After equipping your core theorem and buying your preferred IU, reach e1.7977e308g mass again for the next infinity.

        11 - 1 - 8: Select theorem

You can select one of the 4 theorems when you have enough mass for infinity. You must select one in order to gain it. You gain the selected theorem upon reaching infinity, whether you gain a new IT or not. A new dot can be added as core theorem levels increase, but it’s unlikely. However, it can still be worth it to idle for more levels. For more IT levels, you need to reach a certain amount of mass.[41]  Don’t use “Remove selected” button since all theorems will be used for later. Buy IUs 11 - 14 and get core theorems for IT2.

        11 - 1 - 9: IU2x

IT 2 unlocks the second row of IUs (a.k.a IU2x). IU2x requires more IP to buy.

        IU21 Tree Automation - Automate the pre-corrupted trees.

        IU22 Self-Infinity - IT boosts IP gain.

        IU23 Stop Big Rip Switching -  pre-[218] big rip elements are now affordable outside big rip. Automate elements tier 2 ([119] - [218]).

        IU24 Dark Passive - Start with more DR (enough for DR’s first effect).

The buy order is IU22 > IU23 > IU21 > IU24. All IU2x require 100 IP, so you need to do more infinity resets. After buying all IU2x, grind more IP. Collect better theorems, EA, & CS, and reach 3 IT.

Chapter 11 - 2: Infinity Theorem 3 ~ 9

        11 - 2 - 1: IU3x

Reaching IT 3 unlocks IU3x.

        IU31 Corrupted Construction - Keep the first rows of the Corrupted Tree based on IT (starting at 2, ending at 5).

        IU32 Parallel Extruder - Unlock a new generator in the main tab that passively generates “Dimensional Mass” that increases the “Meta-Score” of equipped theorems.

        IU33 Final Star Automation - Automate FSS, and it doesn't reset anything. Also, start with beyond-ranks automation.

        IU34 Lethal Universe - Keep BRU and break dilation on infinity resets.

The next row of IUs, IU4x will be unlocked at IT 6, so this row will have to carry progression for a bit. The order is IU32 > IU33 = IU34 = IU31. You should have enough IP to buy IU32 already.

        11 - 2 - 2: “Parallel Extruder”

IU32 unlocks the new “The Parallel” tab and parallel extruders in the main tab. Parallel extruders boost the production of dimensional mass which boost meta-score of equipped theorems. Meta-score will boost the effect of equipped theorems. This means it will boost your game progress, but it costs quite a bit of IP, so just buy 1 parallel extruder for now and buy other IU3x first for QoL.

        11 - 2 - 3: 3 dots theorem

By now, 3 dot theorems have become likely enough to become worth it. You should grind for ones with the best dots. You may also have to grind for even better ones later for IT 6, however it should be relatively easy.

        11 - 2 - 3: IU4x

At IT 6, IU4x will be unlocked.

        IU41 Dark Challenge Automation - Automate c13 - 15.

        IU42 Exotic Speed - IT boost kaon and pion gains.

        IU43 Muonic Automation - Automate muonic elements and muon-catalyzed fusion.

        IU44 Corrupted Peak - Start with c16 unlocked. Keep CUs and best BH mass in c16 on infinity. Unlock more CUs.

The order is IU42 > IU43 > IU44 > IU41. The new CUs unlocked by IU44 can’t be bought at this moment, so you need to buy IU42 first. With 1e150 EA you can buy [μ17], which boosts IP gain. Also a new core slot will be unlocked, so you can equip another core theorem (the last unequipped type). For the next IU, IU51, you need IT9, which can be reached by grinding for 4 dot theorems. Also, grind for the new CU unlocked by IU44 as it is necessary for IT9, so idle for a while in c16 at some point.

        11 - 2 - 3: IU51

At IT 9 and 1e12 IP, you can buy IU51.

        IU51 Break Infinity - Reaching infinity no longer plays its animation. You can go beyond the mass limit and get IT freely. Finally, unlock element tier 3 and more muonic elements.

Buying IU51, it will unlock the next stage of infinity, “Break Infinity”.

Chapter 12: Break Infinity (Break Infinity - c20)

Chapter 12 - 1: Break Infinity

        12 - 1 - 1: Chapter 12 - Broken Infinity(Your omnipotence ascends as you surpass Infinity.)

After break infinity, you can gain mass past the IT limit, and instead can gain them manually whenever you pass the limit (this is a minor QoL change). It also unlocks new content.

        12 - 1 - 2: Element tier 3

Tier 3 elements are new elements which need to be bought manually. Elements in tier 3 can require IP or quarks in c16. Collect 1e13 IP to buy [222].

        [222] - The softcap of theorem’s level starts +5 later.

[222] will delay the softcap of the theorem's level, which means ~5 more levels of theorems. Grind theorems again and buy [219] - [221]. After buying [221], it will make buying other elements easier. Buy [229] to progress further.

        [229] - Increase c16 max cap by 100. Keep c16 completions on infinity.

After buying [230], it will unlock “Fragments”.

[230] - Allow you to form any theorem into its fragments, they give you benefits.

        12 - 1 - 3: Theorems to fragments

[230] will unlock the “Form selected into fragments” button. This button will change selected theorems[42] to fragments. Use the button for each individual theorem in your inventory right now. Doing so to a theorem will cause you to gain the corresponding theorem’s fragments, which has its own effects.

        12 - 1 - 4: Effect of fragment

You can check the effect of fragments in the core effect tab. Each type of fragment gives another unique effect: stronger overflow starts later, raise UBH mass gain to the power, boost kaon & pion gains, raise chromas gain to the power, and weaken beyond rank’s next tier requirement. They are powerful buffs so form theorems into fragments as you gain more. You can gain more fragments based on the theorem's level, power, and dots amount. Now buy new elements:

        [232] - Passively generate 100% of CS gained based on the best BH mass in c16.

        [235] - Passively gain 1% of the best IP gained on infinity. The softcap of the theorem's level starts another +5 later.

        [239] - Going infinity without selecting a theorem will auto-fragment all 4 theorems at a 25% yield.

[232]’s effect is based on the best BH mass in c16, so do c16 sometimes for more mass. [235]’s effect is similar, so you sometimes need to do infinities for more IP. Other than that, only do infinities if you want to gain a new theorem or IT. Collect 1e25 IP to buy [240] and unlock c17.

[240] - Unlock c17.

Chapter 12 - 2: More Challenges (c17 - c20)

        12 - 2 - 1: c17

 C17, unnatural tickspeed, is the next challenge with the following handicaps:

  • Tickspeeds, accelerators, BHC, FVM, cosmic rays, star boosters, and cosmic strings (including bonuses) don’t work, and they are unobtainable.
  • Second neutron effect doesn't work until AU43.
  • BH’s effect doesn’t work until [201].
  • You are stuck in a dark run with 250 of all 6 glyphs. (unaffected by weakness)

Starting c17 forces an infinity reset. The reward is increasing the softcap of core theorem levels starting by +3 per completion, and, on 4th completion, unlock “Ascensions” and more elements. At the moment, you can’t reach c17x1, so you need to grind. You should get all fragments to about 1e9 each and buy all elements except for [241] & [242]. Grind for more fragments and push BH mass in c16 to reach c17x2. Next, grinding for 40+ level theorems will give you more fragments. After getting a good set of them for the core, buy [241]. Then collect 1e1000 EA for Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Tier 13 and [242].

        [242] - Your core theorems will automatically be leveled to the same as your current level (assuming it is higher). Keep FVM on infinity.

This means now you don’t need to focus on level and power for theorems. Now you can reach c17x4 easily.

        12 - 2 - 2: Ascension

Reaching c17x4 unlocks ascensions. You can check ascension in the “Ascensions” tab in the main tab. You need “Ascension Base” to ascend, which is based on prestige tiers. You can reach ascension 1 already, so do it. From now on, if you can’t progress further, grind for fragments, try to ascend, update the best BH mass in c16, or buy parallel extruders. Idle for [245] and [246]. After buying [247], reach ascension 4. At ~e35 IP, buy [251].

        [251] - Unlock the “Corrupted Star”.

        12 - 2 - 3: Corrupted Star

Corrupted star is another buff feature. Corrupted star will generate exponentially but slows down as it increases. You can increase the gain of corrupted stars by using corrupted stars or IP. Corrupted star has some effects: increase theorem powers, increase theorem star (dot) luck, and speed IP generation. Also, you can buy some muonic elements with corrupted stars, so idling for corrupted stars and elements is key to progress. Collect 1e41 IP and buy [253] to automate fragments gain. Next, reach 1e45 IP by buying more elements.

        [258] - Unlock c18

        12 - 2 - 4: c18

C18, reinforced scaling, makes it so that pre-infinity scalings cannot be delayed nor ignored and makes you trapped in a dark run with 500 of all 6 glyphs. The reward is that c16’s effect is strengthened and green chroma applies to exotic scalings. Also, on the 4th completion, unlock the 5th dot in core theorems and more features. Reach c18x2, push c16 & c17, then reach c18x4.

        12 - 2- 5: 5 dots theorem

Now, you can gain 5 dot theorems with new buffs. You should grind for them.

        12 - 2 - 6: “Transcension”

Next, transcension is a new ascension rank, which costs ascensions. Do it immediately. Push challenges and reach ascension 8 for transcension 2. Next, gain 1e59 IP to buy [262].

        [262] - Unlock “Galactic Prestige”

        12 - 2 - 7: Galactic Prestige

Galactic prestiges requires SN to up, and unlocks new buffs at certain milestones.

        12 - 2 - 8: “Galactic Stars”

At galactic prestige 1, it will unlock “Galactic Stars”. It will be generated based on collapsed stars and galactic prestige, and makes the star generator stronger. At some point, you can’t buy more elements, so collect 1e18 SN and do galactic prestige 2.

        12 - 2 - 9: “Prestige Mass”

At galactic prestige 2, it will unlock “Prestige Mass” which makes mass overflow weaker.

Reach transcension 4 and ascension 15, then buy elements again. [267] will unlock the next ascension rank “Valor” and ascension automation. Reach galactic prestige 5 and buy [270], then buy elements again and reach galactic prestige 7. At e96 IP, reach transcension 7 and buy more elements to reach galactic prestige 8, then buy [275]. You can buy [275] by idling in c16. After buying [275], you can reach galactic prestige 9 and idle for more corrupted stars. At e625 corrupted stars, you will unlock the sixth star generator from [μ54].

        [μ54] - Unlock the sixth star generator.

        12 - 2 - 10: The sixth star generator

The sixth star generator generates the fifth star generator, this means more collapsed stars. Buy elements and idle to reach IT 21. Buying [277] will allow you to buy FVM outside of c16. Reach transcension 11 and buy more elements, then idle to buy [280].

        [280] - Unlock c19.

        12 - 2 - 11: c19

C19, Yin-Yang Malfunction, is the next challenge with the following handicaps:

  • You can’t generate SN.
  • You can’t generate star resources, DR (capped at 1e12), dark shadows, or abyssal blots, nor purchase tree upgrades.
  • You are stuck in a dark run with 1000 of all 6 glyphs.
  • When entering c19, it will reset SN.

The reward is to generate more SN, and, on 10th completion, unlock IU6x. Reach c19x2, buy elements, then reach c19x3. Collect e840 corrupted stars for [μ58] and 6 dot theorems. You should grind for them. After getting 5 6-dot theorems, get transcension 12 and do c16, and reach galactic prestige 12. Reach c19x9, gain IT, then reach galactic prestige 13. Idle for more progress then complete c17x56 and c19x10 to unlock IU6x.

        12 - 2 - 12: IU6x

The IU6x upgrades are:

        IU61 Extraordinary Matters - Every non-red matter upgrade now provides a bigger boost to its previous matter. (1e145 IP)

        IU62 ‘Permanent’ Upgrades - Keep main upgrades on reset. (1e155 IP)

        IU63 Blackest Challenges - Remove the cap of c13 - 15’s completions. (1e190 IP)

        IU64 Better Infinity - The formula of IP gain is improved. (1e225 IP)

As you can see, IU6x are strong and required for progression, but they are also expensive. Buy IU61 immediately, then get elements for more IP and IU62. Update c16 and buy [285], do transcensions, and galactic prestige. At 1e1000 corrupted stars, you will unlock the seventh star generator from [μ62]. Do more challenges, buy [286], and update c16. After gaining another IT, you can buy [287] by doing challenges and idling. Idle again for a galactic prestige and [288].

Collect e1430 corrupted stars for a new star generator, then collect 1e190 IP to buy IU63. Gain more IT and idle to buy [289]. Reach c19x13 and idle to gain new main upgrades, which gives IP boost. This will allow you to buy IU64. The IP boost will also allow you to gain more challenge completions. After reaching 1.7977e308 IP, you can buy [290] to unlock c20.

        [290] - Unlock c20

        12 - 2 - 13: c20

C20, the reality III, traps you in c1-19 and a dark run with 1500 of all 6 glyphs. Also, core theorems don’t work and entering c20 will reset main upgrades. You may have noticed that this challenge is not completable. As of v0.7.1.6, unlocking this is the endgame! However…

Chapter 13: The Next Chapter?

Actually, the next chapter is out but you can’t play in the main IMR version. You can play the 8.0 beta 4 version here. After reaching [290], you use export or export to clipboard to move the save file to the beta version. Chapter 13 will cover the new layer (ouroboros) in the next doc, which will be out after the shark incremental guide is out (aka likely a few months).


Note: This section contains spoilers and what some may consider “cheats”. However, it is still useful. This section was originally made by mattshark. The primordium particle roller was originally made by Jett Altair.

Skip time

Gives you offline progress as if you were offline, saves you from timewalls. (x is amount of seconds)


Set quantum count

Can be used to slightly speed up progress when quantum is unlocked

player.qu.times = E(200)

Setup prim particles

Change the 20 to any number such that won’t take too long to roll but will still be good.


    if (!player.qu.prim.particles[1].gte(4*player.qu.prim.theorems.mag/24+1) || !player.qu.prim.particles[5].gte(2*player.qu.prim.theorems.mag/24+1) || !player.qu.prim.particles[6].gte(2*player.qu.prim.theorems.mag/24+1)) {

        if (tmp.prim.unspent.eq(0)) {

            for (let i =0; i < 8; i++) {

                player.qu.prim.particles[i] = E(0)







Go straight from Start to Darkness

When you unlock atoms, DO NOT buy the challenge autobuyers as you can’t have supernova challenges completed for quantum quality of life tree.

player.rp.unl=true;player.atom.unl=true;player.dark.unl = true;player.dark.rays.sign = 1;player.dark.rays.mag = 160;player.dark.rays.layer = 1

Get Corruption Shards

The number can be adjusted as you want

player.dark.c16.shard = E(40000000000)

Auto 4-dot theorem rerolling

Written by esker. It checks once per second if the level is ten, then if so clicks any four-dot theorems from left to right, then goes to the next infinity, accepting the popup if needed. You may want to adjust the "startsWith('10')" part to suit your progress.

claimfour = setInterval(function(){


    var theorems = [document.getElementById('preT0'), document.getElementById('preT1'), document.getElementById('preT2'), document.getElementById('preT3')];

    theorems.forEach(theorem => {

      if(theorem.innerText.split('◉').length -1 == 4){




    popup = document.getElementById('popups');

    if(popup.childElementCount == 1){

      if(popup.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].innerText == "Are you sure you want to go infinity without selecting any theorem?"){





}, 1000)

To turn it off then just clearInterval(claimfour)

Auto Infinity: (IP gain mode)

autoINF = window.setInterval(function(){if (INF.gain().gte(x)) INF.goInf()},10)

x is IP gain, enter more than 1e308 need to be a string

Auto Infinity: (Theorem Level mode)

autoINF = window.setInterval(function(){if (INF.level()>=x) INF.goInf()},10)

x is theorem level (decimal included)

stop it by typing window.clearInterval(autoINF) in console, or refresh

'autoINF' can be changed to whatever you like

Stop Quark animation

Press f12

Go to Sources

In js, go to style.css and CTRL+F for quark_color

Delete that or change it to just red/green/whatever

NaN fixes

Sometimes hard reset doesn’t actually reset or the game gets NaNed and doesn’t fix itself. Here are 4 methods to fix it:

Fix 1

Refresh as soon as possible. Sometimes it rolls back in a way that it doesn’t NaN again.

Fix 2

Use export() and go to this website and paste in the stuff. Turn all NaN values, negative values, or abnormally high values (i.e. (e^15)1000) to 0. Then encode that and import it into the game (you may need to type wipe() to stop the screen from constantly getting stuck in a loop). If this does not work, ask for help from someone who has more experience.

Fix 3

Import another person’s game into your game then reset the game as normal.

Fix 4

Clear cookies from your browser. This will wipe all MrRedShark77 games (and probably more). Not recommended, should only be used as a last resort, i.e. when console is not available.

Save Bank

This save bank is made from saves from different community members, compiled together by me (random). It can be found here. (CURRENTLY WIP)

Full Credits

Please let me (random) know if you contributed to the guide but I forgot to include you!

New Iteration:


A random person (a.random_person on discord)


Peaplant / 피플랜트 (peaplant_ on discord)


minterr (minterr on discord)

Goober / maxwell (agoobercalledmaxwell on discord)

Old Iteration:


A random person (a.random_person on discord)

Writers (major)

(In order of appearance)

cc (cccx3): Start - Supernova, Supernova - Quantum

Rickrolled (Rickrolled#2245): Supernova - Quantum, Big Rip - Darkness

Minimum (minimumornot): Quantum - Big Rip, Darkness - Infinity

Yoshi (yoshi128986): Quantum - Big Rip, Darkness - Infinity

Gravy (ytgravytraps): Darkness - Infinity

MrBarryShark63 (MattGSM): Scripts, NaN Fixes, Save Bank


3^3=7 (3pow3equal7): Editor, Darkness - Infinity

Rickrolled (Rickrolled#2245): Editor

Minter (minterr): Editor

MrBarryShark63 (MattGSM): Editor

BlueTurnip (dablueturnip): Editor

Writers (minor)

(In order of appearance)

Lulero (lulero)

Most Definitely Tom (castleminerv)

[1] The “buy all” function is bugged in the latest release of the game. Instead of subtracting the cost for every level bought, it only subtracts the last level bought. I.e. buying 2 tickspeeds that cost 1 and 2 respectively using the buy all function will only cost 2. For future reference, when the guide says to buy all, it is to utilize this feature.

[2] BH mass is a separate value from normal mass and has different uses.

[3] Henceforth, the upgrades in the upgrade tab will be using the same numbering scheme as RUs.

[4] It is recommended to turn off tickspeed autobuyers shortly before resetting for BH so the RP isn’t spent (the DM gain formula is based on unspent RP).

[5] From now, the challenges will be numbered the same as in game (left to right, then top to bottom), with a “c” before them to indicate challenges (i.e. c3 = challenge 3)

[6] Which layer is a layer prestige by the border color of the image. The first four unlocked challenges will all force BH resets. Future resets will be brought up when unlocked.

[7] If you have more BHC, it takes less time

[8] c1x1 means 1 c1 completion. 2 completions would be c1x2, 3 completions c1x3, etc.


[9] OoM is Order of Magnitude, read this Wikipedia for more info.

[10] When clicking assign, the game will loop, and assign quarks if and only if the remaining quarks can be assigned such that each proportion is met. For example, if you have 25 quarks, the game will assign 4 + 3 + 3 twice for 20 quarks, but the remaining 5 will go unassigned.

[11] For the rest of the guide, [n] means the nth element.

[12] You gain relativistic particles based on mass in mass dilation. If you want to get more relativistic particles once, you need more mass and beat your previous best mass in mass dilation.

[13] This is the number after the slash in the number of collapsed stars you have (x / 1.0000e90)

[14] This means for DU upgrades, you only need to purchase 1 level. Any more levels will be bought automatically.

[15] Henceforth, supernovae will be denoted by SN.

[16] Note: The nth supernova will be denoted by SN n instead of n SN.

[17] To reduce ambiguity, elements will only have numbers in their brackets, while SN tree upgrades will have letters as well.

[18] For future SN tree upgrades with similar requirements i.e. [bh2] on the following page, this same procedure will be followed, but will not be explicitly mentioned in the guide.

[19] Note: numbers with 2 e’s are just like 1 e. (a e b e c = a * 10^(b * 10^c)))

[20] Note: the creator of this game (RedShark) has Russian for his first language, so this upgrade and some others have confusing wordings. This guide will attempt to rectify this problem.

[21] The naming order will be left to right, then top to bottom.

[22] Before, you had to exit a challenge for completions to be granted. Now, it will be automatically granted. This allows for a challenge to immediately benefit from new completions.

[23] This is necessary because unspent photons and gluons are important for the effects of upgrade 4 for both.

[24] Fermions will now be denoted by their names, without the word “fermion”. If a certain tier should be reached, it will be shortened to name + level (i.e. electron 3).

[25] Since this is a likely typo, the rest of the guide will say “radio wave” instead.

[26] This means all radiation types except for the most recent one unlocked.

[27] All future radiation types will have the ’s removed from their name.

[28] This means e10000000000000g of mass.

[29] Henceforth abbreviated as PQGS

[30] 1e10 as in x1e10, not at 1e10 quantizes.

[31] Henceforth abbreviated as qf.

[32] Challenge conditions are denoted by 8 numbers separated by slashes, with each one denoting its challenge (the first number is the leftmost condition, etc.)

[33] For readability, red means that number has increased, blue means decreased.

[34] Dmitri Mendeleev is credited with the creation of the modern periodic table.

[35] This means level 1 of DRU11.

[36] Due to QC interaction jank, this makes the challenge easier.

[37] Muonic elements will be denoted the same as normal elements, but with the symbol μ before them.

[38] Confusingly, 2 features are called infinity theorems. To avoid confusion, the infinity theorems in the core will be referred to as “core infinity theorems”, while the infinity level theorems will simply be referred to as IT.

[39]  The order of these effects starts with the leftmost dot on the top and proceeds clockwise.

[40] This is from short rudimentary testing, and more is needed to truly confirm the best ones.

Note: Newton bottom left is best for early infinity, until IT 3.

[41] You can gain more mass than e1.7977e308g since ITs increase the cap of mass.

[42] You can select theorems by clicking it.