We are no longer accepting signatures. The letter will be sent in the coming hour.
Thank you for the support!
Dear Members of the Board of Governors of West Virginia University:
We, the undersigned, write with grave concern about the threat to teaching, research, and community work at West Virginia University as announced in the August 11, 2023, press release detailing planned program cuts.
Our WVU colleagues working across your institution are respected scholars whose work in and beyond the classroom is vital for the advancement of your university mission. They have supported thousands of students, are mentors to emerging scholars throughout the planet, shape public discourse on vital matters pertaining to life in our times, and are leaders in their respective fields.
The planned cuts will impoverish the intellectual and social culture at WVU. They will permanently damage the reputation of the institution. Moreover, they will cause more harm to student enrollments and the morale among members of your university community than the current administrative practices of the university have already done.
We are particularly concerned about the wholesale closure of the WVU Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics. The cited number of specializations paints a faulty picture: that the department does not serve enough students. This is far from the truth. The faculty teaching in the department have served thousands of students over their careers. Moreover, they provide vital service to the university, serve the region in various ways, and are vital contributors to their respective fields, all of which they accomplish at a net gain to the university.
We also condemn statements made by WVU President Gordon Gee and Provost Maryanne Reed in support of the planned cuts in the press release. They paint the closure as inevitable because of the underperformance of faculty and programs affected by the cuts instead of acknowledging the ongoing administrative mismanagement of university priorities.
We urge you to rescind the announced recommendations for program cuts. If you approve them, you risk tarnishing the status of your institution as a university. Your students, faculty, staff, and the broader university and academic community expect and deserve an intellectually diverse education. They depend on you for your support in defending the university against bad decisions.
- Ervin Malakaj, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of British Columbia
- Kyle Frackman, Associate Professor of German and Nordic Studies, University of British Columbia
- David Gramling, Professor and Head of Central, Eastern, and Northern European Studies, University of British Columbia
- Cori Peet, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Wayne State University
- Brett Sterling, Associate Professor of German, University of Arkansas
- Christiane Frey, Associate Professor of German, Dept. Modern Languages & Literatures, Johns Hopkins University
- Augustus Haines, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Colorado
- Dr. Budimka Uskokovic, Director of German Language Instruction, The Ohio State University
- Catherine Smale, Senior Lecturer in German Studies, King's College London
- Deidre Lynch, Ernest Bernbaum Professor of English Literature, Harvard University
- Nicole Grewling, Associate Professor of German Studies, Washington College
- Andrea Schmidt, Teaching Assistant Professor, Temple University
- Jacqueline Vansant, Professor Emerita of German, University of Michigan-Dearborn
- Evan Torner, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of Cincinnati
- Tita Chico, Professor, University of Maryland
- Valerie Weinstein, Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Niehoff Professor of Film and Media Studies, University of Cincinnati
- Katrin Bahr, PhD. Assistant Professor of German, Centre College
- Frank Voigt, DAAD-Lecturer, Emory University, Dept of German Studies
- Jill Galvan, Associate Professor of English, Ohio State University
- Josh Epstein, Associate Professor of English, Portland State University
- Surekha Davies, Ph.D., author and historian
- David Hull, Associate Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Co-Chair of the Department of World Languages and Cultures, Washington College
- Holly Yanacek, Associate Professor of German, James Madison University
- Jen William, Head of the School of Languages and Cultures, Professor of German, Purdue University
- Krsna Santos, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Old Dominion University
- Ilinca Iuraşcu, Associate Professor of German and Director of Modern European Studies, University of British Columbia
- Katherine Bowers, Associate Professor of Slavic Studies, University of British Columbia
- Lindsay Preseau, Assistant Professor of German Studies, Iowa State University
- Melissa Mowry, Professor, St. John’s University
- Joseph Moser, Professor of German, West Chester University
- Talia Schaffer, Distinguished Professor of English, CUNY
- Marcel Strobel, PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature Program, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Axel Hildebrandt, Associate Professor of German, Moravian University
- Brian Glavey, Associate Professor of English, University of South Carolina
- Matthew Kirschenbaum, Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland
- Lori Emerson, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
- Dan Sinykin, Emory University
- Cathy N. Davidson, Distinguished Professor, CUNY
- Shannon K. Supple, curator of rare books, Smith College (USA)
- Tim Watson, Professor of English, University of Miami
- Vanessa Plumly, Assistant Professor of German, Wittenberg University
- Mary Hennessy, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Lucian Rothe, Assistant Professor of German, University of Louisville
- Mona Eikel-Pohen, Associate Teaching Professor, Syracuse University
- Rebekah Klein-Pejšová, Associate Professor of History, Purdue University
- Natalia Cecire, Senior Lecturer in English and American Literature, University of Sussex
- Gwendolyn Reese, Director of Library Services, Latin Teacher, Brooks School
- Roopika Risam, Associate Professor, Digital Humanities and Social Engagement, Dartmouth College
- Nissa Cannon, Program in Writing and Rhetoric, Stanford University
- Caroline Schaumann, Professor and Chairperson of German Studies, Emory University
- Erika Nelson, Associate Professor of German Studies, Union College, NY
- Ian Petrie, Director of Graduate Programming, Center for Teaching & Learning, University of Pennsylvania
- Gail Hart Professor emerita University of California Irvine
- Tim Frandy, Assistant Professor of Nordic Studies, University of British Columbia
- Markus Hallensleben, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia
- Paul Fleming, Professor of German Studies, Cornell University
- Hoyt Long, Professor of Japanese Literature, University of Chicago
- Meredith L McGill, Professor of English, Rutgers University
- Paul Buchholz, Associate Professor of German Studies, Emory University
- John Stadler, Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University
- Esther Bauer, Associate Professor of German, Virginia Tech
- Carol Anne Costabile-Heming, Professor of German Studies, University of North Texas
- Daniel Walter, Assistant Professor of German and Linguistics, Oxford College of Emory University
- Joshua Gooch, Associate Professor, D'Youville University
- Stephen Guy-Bray, Professor of English, University of British Columbia
- Bailu Li, Instructional designer, Arizona State University
- Dr. Sara F. Hall, Associate Professor of Germanic Studies, University of Illinois Chicago & President, The German Studies Association
- Heidi Schlipphacke, Professor of Germanic Studies, University of Illinois, Chicago
- Rick McCormick, Professor Emeritus of German, University of Minnesota
- Dennis Johannßen, Assistant Professor of German, Lafayette College
- Marlene Burtscher, Graduate Student of Linguistics
- Amanda Randall, Associate Professor of German, St Olaf College
- Deliya Kuleshova, Ph.D. student, Purdue University; former MA student, WVU
- Kyle Stevens, Associate Professor of Film Studies, Appalachian State University
- Thomas Kovach, Professor Emeritus of German Studies, University of Arizona
- Marina Ishii, Lecturer of Japanese, Purdue University
- Sara Lennox, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Martha Shearer, Assistant Professor of Film Studies, University College Dublin
- Kazumi Hatasa
- Dr Patricia Hart, Professor Emerita Spanish, Purdue University
- Andrés Obando, Graduate Student, Purdue University
- Manushag Powell, Professor, Purdue University
- Katina L Rogers, PhD, Inkcap Consulting
- Hiram Maxim, Professor of German and LInguistics, Interim Chair of Spanish and Portuguese, Emory University
- Wei Hong, Purdue University
- Paula Leverage, Associate Professor, Purdue University
- Alexander Mathas, Professor Emeritus, University of Oregon
- Stacy E. Holden, Associate Professor of History
- Didem Uca, Assistant Professor of German Studies, Emory University
- Melinda White, PhD student, Purdue University
- Aparajita Sagar, Associate Professor, Purdue University West Lafayette
- Christine Achinger, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of Warwick (UK)
- Samuel Baudinette, PhD Candidate, University of Chicago
- Christa Spreizer, Associate Professor of German, Queens College/CUNY
- Tanja Nusser, Professor of German Studies, University of Cincinnati
- Thomas Davis, Associate Professor of English, The Ohio State University
- Barbara Schmenk, Professor of German, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Lei Jin
- Sarah Werner, Coeditor, The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
- Manu Samriti Chander, Associate Professor of English, Georgetown University
- Judith DeGroat, Emerita Associate Professor, St. Lawrence University
- Anna Kornbluh, Professor of English, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Jinhua Li, Professor, University of North Carolina Asheville
- Yi Chen, Teacher, AliefISD, Houston TX
- Matthew K. Gold, Associate Professor of English and Digital Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center
- Ling Wang
- Bryan Klausmeyer, Assistant Professor of German, Virginia Tech
- Sarah Dowling, Assistant Professor and Associate Director, Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto
- Eric Doise, Associate Professor of English, Southwest Minnesota State University
- Jean-Thomas Tremblay, Assistant Professor, York University
- Xiangjia Kong, language teacher
- Flora Roussel, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Montreal, Department of World Literatures and Languages & Center for German and European Studies
- Sabine Gross, Professor Emerita of German, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Nicole Rizzuto, Associate Professor of English, Georgetown University
- Leslie Schwalm, Emeritus Professor, University of Iowa
- Brian Connolly, Associate Professor of History, University of South Florida
- Sarah Bull, Assistant Professor of English, Toronto Metropolitan University
- Matthew Ellis, Senior Instructor of Literature and Film, Portland State University
- Sarah Osment, Writing Specialist, The University of Chicago
- Katherine Hallemeier, Associate Professor, Oklahoma State University
- Kevin Joel Berland, Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature, Penn State University
- Gavin P. Johnson, PhD, Assistant Professor of English, Texas A&M University-Commerce
- Gabriel Winant, Assistant Professor of History, University of Chicago
- Tristan Schweiger, Assistant Instructional Professor of Humanities & English, University of Chicago
- Ann McGlashan, Assoc. Professor of German, Baylor University
- Kamran Javadizadeh, Associate Professor, Villanova University
- Janice Liedl, Director of the School of Liberal Arts, Laurentian University
- Christina Gilligan, Visiting Assistant Professor, Brown University
- Patrycja Humienik, Author & Grad Student, UW-Madison
- Richard Keller, Robert Turell Professor of Medical History and Population Health, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
- Gillian White, Associate Professor, University of Michigan
- Asheesh Siddique, Assistant Professor, History, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
- Jeffrey Pethybridge, Assistant Professor, Naropa University
- Cara Lewis, Associate Professor of English, Indiana University Northwest
- Eric Hayot, Penn State University
- Tony Papanikolas, Ph.D., Independent Scholar
- Margaret Ronda, Associate Professor of English, UC-Davis
- Brian Goodman, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Arizona State University
- Patrick Giamario, Assistant Professor of Political Science, UNC Greensboro
- Jessica Cuello, French Teacher, MCS Public Schools
- Nicholas Dehler, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Emily Friedman, Associate Professor of English, Auburn University
- Lindsey Webb, PhD student, University of Utah
- Sumita Chakraborty, Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing, North Carolina State University
- Bruce Simon, Associate Professor of English, SUNY Fredonia
- Erin Hochman, Associate Professor, Southern Methodist University
- Dr. Joseph Henderson, Associate Professor of Social Sciences, Paul Smith's College
- Abigail Swingen, Associate Professor of History, Texas Tech University
- Lindsay Thomas, Associate Professor, Department of Literatures in English, Cornell University
- Richard Grusin, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Janet Golden, Ph.D. Professor Emerita, Rutgers University
- Dan Berger, Professor, University of Washington Bothell
- Zhen Zou, Education Specialist, CLA Language Center, University of Minnesota
- Howard Mancing, Professor emeritus of Spanish, Purdue University
- Thomas Lecaque, Associate Professor of History, Grand View University
- Nichole Neuman, Assistant Professor of German and Director, Max Kade Center
- Marshall Needleman Armintor, University of North Texas
- Chad Denton, Staff Member, Carnegie Mellon University
- Melanie Conroy, Associate Professor of French, University of Memphis
- Robin Ellis, Assistant Professor of German Studies, William & Mary
- Marty Cain, Visiting Lecturer, Cornell University
- Gabriel Salgado, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Trinity College
- Hannah Zeavin, Assistant Professor of History, UC Berkeley
- Brian Jansen, Humanities Specialist, McGillicuddy Humanities Center, University of Maine
- Erin Pineda, Phyllis C. Rappaport '68 New Century Term Professor of Government, Smith College
- Roger Landes, Senior Lecturer, Texas Tech University
- Ruth Marshall, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
- Lorely French, Professor of German, Distinguished University Professor, Pacific University, Oregon
- Sterling Hall, PhD Candidate, Villanova
- Matthew Dean Hindman, Chair, Dept. of Political Science, University of Tulsa
- Katlyn Durand, Graduate Student, UMass Amherst
- Edward Larkey
- Michael H. Brown, Assistant Professor, Komazawa Women's University
- Anna Meier, Assistant Professor of Politics, University of Nottingham
- Jocelyn Sears, PhD Candidate, Department of English, Harvard University
- Samuel P. Catlin, Shuman Visiting Assistant Professor of Jewish Thought, University at Buffalo (SUNY)
- Elizabeth Dale, Professor of History, University of Florida
- Juan Lamata, Assistant Professor of English, California State University-LA
- Cari Hovanec, Associate Teaching Professor of English and Writing, University of Tampa
- David Hollingsworth, Teaching Assistant, UC San Diego
- Wendy Matsumura, Associate Professor, UC San Diego
- Elias G Saba, Assistant Professor, Grinnell College
- Jacob Remes, clinical associate professor of history, New York University
- Derek Davison Publisher, Foreign Exchanges
- Alexander Jabbari, Assistant Professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Minnesota
- Meg Berkobien, PhD, University of Michigan
- Runlei Zhai
- Jacob Remes, clinical associate professor of history, New York University
- Charlee Bezilla, Visiting Assistant Professor of French, George Washington University
- Michael Meranze, Professor of History, UCLA
- Ann Kennedy, Prof. Women's and Gender Studies, UMaine-Augusta
- Matthew Martello, PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
- Nicolaas P. Barr, lecturer, Comparative History of Ideas, University of Washington, Seattle
- Eileen Boris, Hull Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Esther Allen, Professor, Department of Modern Language and Comparative Literature, Baruch College, City University of New York
- Huiqiang Zheng
- Michael Copperman, assistant professor, Department of Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures, Michigan State University
- Ryan Zohar, Middle East Studies Librarian, Georgetown University
- Jeanette McVicker, Professor, SUNY Fredonia
- Greg Afinogenov, Associate Professor of History, Georgetown University
- Richmond Embeywa, Provost Postdoc of German Studies, Emory University
- Kaneesha Parsard, Assistant Professor of English, University of Chicago
- Daragh Grant, Senior Lecturer, University of Chicago
- Laura Colaneri, Teaching Fellow in the Humanities, University of Chicago
- Rebecca Kosick, Senior Lecturer in Comparative Poetry and Poetics, University of Bristol, UK
- L M C Westin, Professor of English, CSUFresno
- Jared S. Richman, Professor, Colorado College
- Katie Kadue, Assistant Professor of English, SUNY Binghamton
- Atsushi Fukada, Professor, Purdue University
- Emily MN Kugler, Assoc. Prof., Howard University
- Shelley Frisch, Ph.D., Princeton University
- Geoffrey G. O'Brien, Professor of English, UC Berkeley
- Jennifer A. Lorden, Assistant Professor of English, William & Mary
- Bruce Pietrykowski, University of Michigan-Dearborn
- Sharon L. James, Professor, UNC Chapel Hill
- Namiko Uchida, Limited Term Lecture, Purdue University
- Bethany S. Keenan, Associate Professor of History, Coe College
- Clinton Williamson, Postdoctoral Associate, Boston University
- Ingrid Zeller, Northwestern University
- Jennifer Sessions, History, University of Virginia
- Nathaniel Mills, Associate Professor of English, University of Minnesota
- Terri Friedline, Associate Professor of Social Work, University of Michigan
- William Orchard, Associate Professor of English, Queens College/ CUNY
- Ingrid Zeller, Professor of Instruction, German Department, Northwestern University
- Megan Riley, doctoral student, UCLA Department of Information Studies
- Devin Garofalo, Assistant Professor of English, University of North Texas
- Stephen Haswell Todd, Associate Instructional Professor of Humanities, The University of Chicago
- Ursula McTaggart, Professor of English, Wilmington College Ohio
- Mila Ganeva, Professor of German and Chair, Miami University, Ohio
- Sandy Alexandre, Associate Professor, MIT
- Cassandra Good, Associate Professor of History, Marymount University
- Ivón Padilla-Rodríguez, Assistant Professor of History, University of Illinois Chicago
- Andrew Douglas, Professor of Political Science, Morehouse College
- Amish Trivedi, Post Doctoral Researcher, University of Delaware
- Charlotte Boyce, Associate Professor of Victorian Literature and Culture, University of Portsmouth
- Danielle La Londe, Associate Professor of Classical Studies, Centre College
- Scott B Ritner Political Science & Program for Writing & Rhetoric, University of Colorado Boulder
- Shea Stuart, Professor, Gardner-Webb University
- Adhaar Noor Desai, Associate Professor of Literature, Bard College
- Samet Baydar, PhD Student, Purdue University
- David Ambaras, Professor, North Carolina State University
- Colby Townsend, Associate Instructor, IU Bloomington
- David Hobbs, Assistant Professor of English, University of Lethbridge
- Daniel Picus, Assistant Professor, Western Washington University
- Helen Deutsch, Professor of English, UCLA
- Donna Shelton, PhD, Emerita Professor of Foreign Languages, Northeastern State University
- Emily Steinlight, Associate Professor of English, University of Pennsylvania
- Hilary Strang, Assoc Sr Instructional Prof, University of Chicago
- Alexandra philippidis, PhD student at CU Boulder
- Travis Chi Wing Lau, Assistant Professor of English, Kenyon College
- Joanna Fuhrman, Assistant Teacher Professor, Rutgers University
- Zack Furness, Associate Professor, Penn State University
- Karl Steel, Professor, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, CUNY
- Cara Marta Messina, Assistant Professor of English, Marist College
- Megan Gallagher, Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
- Alexander Dickow, professor of French, Virginia Tech
- Jeffrey Parker, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of New Orleans
- Katarzyna Bartoszynska, Ithaca College
- Bryan Waterman, Associate Professor of English, New York University
- Daniel Hsieh, Associate Professor, Purdue University
- Liz Perego, Assistant Professor of History, ASU
- Hannah Sparwasser Soroka, PhD Candidate, McGill University
- Cathy Day, Professor of English, Ball State University
- Yuliya Komska, associate professor of German Studies, Dartmouth College
- Nancy M. Wingfield, University Professor Emerita, Northern Illinois University
- Quinn Dombrowski, co-President, Association for Computers and the Humanities
- Bryan Waterman, Associate Professor of English, New York University
- David Mittelman, Assistant Professor of Portuguese, United States Air Force Academy (personal speech, not a statement on behalf of the US Government or any agency)
- Gayathri Goel, PhD, Lecturer, Tufts University
- Benjamin McKean, associate professor, Ohio State University
- Elizabeth Leininger, Associate Professor of Neuroscience, St. Mary’s College of Maryland
- Mary Lewis, Robert Walton Goelet Professor of French History, Harvard University
- Katie Marie Glenn, PhD Student, University of Colorado Boulder
- Rebecca Colesworthy, Sr. Acquisitions Editor, SUNY Press
- Elise Blackwell, Professor, University of South Carolina
- Antonio Espinoza, Associate Professor of History, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Shannan Clark, Associate Professor of History, Montclair State University
- Barry V Qualls, Professor Emeritus, Rutgers
- Julie Beth Napolin, Associate Professor of Digital Humanities, The New Scho
- Kristen Hanley Cardozo, Adjunct Professor, Northeastern University
- Adrian Daub, Professor of German and Comparative Literature, Stanford University
- Leah Milne, Associate Professor, University of Indianapolis
- Ted McCormick, Professor of History, Concordia University
- Yumiko Adachi, Teaching Instructor, WVU
- Erin Graff Zivin, Professor and Director, Society of Fellows in the Humanities, University of Southern California
- Erin Moodie, Associate Professor of Classics, Purdue University
- Roger Rouse, Retired faculty, University of Pittsburgh
- Glenn Mackin, Associate Professor of Political Science, Humanities Department, Eastman School of Music
- Caroline Rieger, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
- Yilin Liao-Carlson, Teaching Associate Professor, West Virginia University
- Samer Ali, Associate Profesor, U of Michigan
- Susan C. Anderson, Professor of German, University of Oregon
- Lindsey Joyce, PhD
- Ariel Mae Lambe, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Connecticut
- Seth Howes, Associate Professor of German, University of Missouri
- Jun Xu, Associate Professor of Chinese and Japanese, Colorado State University
- Kye Barker, Assistant Professor of Government, Smith College
- Sarah Einstein, Associate Professor of English, UT Chattanooga (MFA WVU 2014)
- Kathryn Schauer, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Daniel I Morales, Associate Professor of Law, University of Houston
- Patrick Shepherd Alumni West Virginia University
- Gang Liu, Teaching Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
- Sarah Brouillette, Professor, Department of English, Carleton University
- Lyle Rubin, PhD, Author and Historian
- Xiaoling Shi, Cambridge School of Weston
- Anthony Lioi, Professor of English, The Juilliard School
- Dr Rachele Dini, Coventry University, UK
- Patricia Clare Ingham Martha Biggerstaff Jones Professor of Literature
- Cecelia Parks, Undergraduate Student Success Librarian, University of Virginia
- Joseph MacKay, Fellow/Senior Lecturer, International Relations, Australian National University
- Margaret E. Menninger. Professor of History, Texas State University
- Vicki Callahan, Professor, Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California
- Christina Huhn, Associate Professor, Indiana University of PA
- Matt Coss, PhD student, Michigan State University
- Jared Leggett, Aerospace Engineer, Marshall Space Flight Center
- Becky Guan, TSCCA Chinese School
- Orion Ussner Kidder, Clinical Assistant Professor, FDU - Vancouver
- Erica Fretwell, Associate Professor, SUNY Albany
- David Alff, associate professor of English, SUNY-Buffalo
- Zhiqiang Li, Professor of Chinese, University of San Francisco
- Matt Hooley, Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College
- Marc DiPaolo
- Eyal Amiran, Professor of Comparative Literature, UC Irvine
- Lei Xue
- Feng Liang, adjunct assistant professor, Baruch College
- Erica Buchberger, Associate Professor of History, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
- Yan Liu, Associate Professor of the Practice, Director of the Chinese Program, Duke University
- Josh Meier, Assistant Professor, Rhode Island School of Design
- Claudia R. Fernández, Clinical Associate Professor of Spanish
- Han Luo, Associate Professor of Chinese, Lafayette College
- David Mazella, Associate Professor of English, University of Houston
- Derek Sparby, Associate Professor of Digital Rhetorics and Technical Communication, Illinois State University me
- Martha Johnson-Olin, Truckee Meadows Community College
- Phil Birge-Liberman, Associate Professor in Residence, University of Connecticut
- Derek Nystrom, Associate Professor, Dept. of English, McGill University
- Benjamin Lee, Associate Professor of English, University of Tennessee
- Cheryl Pappas, Writer
- Patricia Morton, Associate Professor, University of California, Riverside
- Fengyan Hu, Chinese Lecturer, UNC-CH
- Melissa Byrnes, Professor of History, Southwestern University
- Alejandro Cuza. Professor of Spanish and Linguistics. Purdue University
- Harris Feinsod, Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies, Northwestern University
- Dan Wang, Distinguished Lecturer, University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Olga Dmitrieva, Associate professor, Purdue University
- Jalylah Burrell, Assistant Professor of African American Studies, Loyola Marymount University
- Andrew Hoberek, Professor of English, University of Missouri
- Nathan Kalman-Lamb, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of New Brunswick
- Peggy Lovro, Teacher, Center for Global Studies
- Yen-Chen Hao, Associate Professor of Chinese, University of Tennessee
- Lindsay Stallones Marshall, Assistant Professor of History, Illinois State University
- Carlo Cinaglia, PhD student in Second Language Studies, Michigan State University
- Thomas F. Broden
- Ashley Reed, Associate Professor of English, Virginia Tech
- Chase W. Fleece, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Bowling Green State University
- Xi Chen, Teacher, MA public school
- Melissa Ryckman, Associate Professor of History, University of Tennessee Southern
- Amy Elkins, Associate Professor of English, Macalester College
- Martina Bison-Huckaby, Manager Physician Learning and Development, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
- Jennifer Golbeck, Professor of Information Studies, University of Maryland
- Diane Tober, Associate Professor, University of Alabama
- Leif Weatherby, German, New York University
- Siva Vaidhyanathan, The University of Virginia
- Jay Michael Layne, German Instructor, Virginia Tech
- Audrey Xu, Mandarin Teacher, Dublin High School, California
- Brent Sirota, Associate Professor of History, North Carolina State University
- Crystal Luo, Assistant Professor of History, Georgetown University
- Johannes von Moltke, Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures / Film, TV, and Media, University of Michigan
- Silvia Guslandi, Visiting Assistant Professor of Italian, Kenyon College
- Dr. Lauren Turek, Associate Professor of History and Director of Museum Studies, Trinity University, Texas
- Andrew Ishak, Senior Lecturer, Santa Clara University
- Kelly Smith, Lecturer, University of Alabama in Huntsville
- Jeff Sharlet, Frederick Sessions Beebe ‘35 Professor in the Art of Writing, Dartmouth College
- Heather Frese, author (Lee Smith Novel Prize) and instructor of English, Meredith College
- Ralph Lawson, Lecturer of English, Columbia College SC
- Susannah Glickman, Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University
- Lauren Bernofsky, Composer, Theodore Presser Company
- Brian Tholl, Assistant Teaching Professor of Italian, Penn State University
- Roger Freedman, Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Kristen McCleary, Associate Professor History. James Madison university
- Duosi Meng, Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois Chicago
- Megan Faragher, Wright State
- William J. Maxwell, Fannie Hurst Professor of American Literature, Washington University in St. Louis
- Melissa Weiner, Professor of Sociology, College of the Holy Cross
- Carisa Collins, BA in English, MS in IMC alum
- Ricky Allen, M.Ed.
- Erin Ritchie, PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Bennett Gilbert, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History and Philosophy, Portland State University
- Matt Weiner, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Vermont
- Dali Tan, Professor of Chinese, Northern Virginia Community College
- Allen Zhong, Washington Yu Ying PCS
- Ángel Díaz Miranda, Associate Professor, Hollins University
- Logan Fry, Lecturer, Texas State University
- Ruth E. Sternglantz, PhD 1998 (New York University), JD 2005 (University of Pennsylvania
- Biko Gray, Associate Professor of religion, Syracuse University
- Claudia Hein, Senior Lecturer, Simon Fraser University
- Richard Manspeaker, SW Engineer, NASA IV&V, WVU Class of 1981
- Dorothee Ostmeier, Professor of German and Folklore, University of Oregon
- Claudia Breger, Villard Professor of German, Columbia University
- Marike Janzen, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of Kansas
- Jane Lehr, Professor, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
- Roxanna Curto, Associate Professor of French and Spanish, University of Iowa
- Jess A. Goldberg, Assistant Professor, New Mexico Highlands University
- Danielle Hidalgo, Associate Professor, CSU Chico
- Mingjiang Chen, Graduate Student, University of Connecticut
- Mila Ganeva, Chair and Professor of German, Miami University, Ohio
- Adam J. Toth, PhD, Visiting Assistant Professor of German, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Helga Thorson, Professor of German, University of Victoria
- Scott Richmond, Associate Professor, Cinema Studies Institute, University of Toronto
- David Palumbo-Liu, Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor, Stanford University
- Anthony Reed, Professor of English, Vanderbilt University
- Elizabeth Gackstetter Nichols, Professor of Spanish, Drury University
- Donna Campbell, Professor of English, Washington State University
- Chris Taylor, Associate Professor of English, University of Chicago
- Leslie Morris, Professor and Chair, Dept of German, Nordic, Slavic & Dutch, University of Minnesota
- Alina Stefanescu, Writer
- Brian Butcher, City Councilor, City of Morgantown
- Nicole Walker, Northern Arizona University
- Paul Steege, Associate Professor of History, Villanova University
- Brian Butcher, City Councilor, Morgantown City Council
- Jonathan McGregor, Lecturer of English, Southern Methodist University
- Megan Tusler, Assistant Instructional Professor of English, University of Chicago
- Blake Stricklin, Assistant Professor of English, University of Houston Victoria
- Stephen Roddy, Professor of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, University of San Francisco
- Lauren Eriks Cline, Assistant Professor of English, Saint Norbert College
- Xizhen Qin, Associate professor, University of South Florida
- Fiona Brideoake, Assistant Professor of Literature, American University
- Karen Zumhagen-Yekplé, Associate Professor, Tulane University
- Ellen Tremper, Professor and Chair, English Department, CUNY Brooklyn College
- Johanna Mellis, Assistant Professor, Ursinus College
- Dr. Jacob Henry Leveton, Program Coordinator, Institute for Humanities Research, Arizona State University
- Beki McElvain, PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley
- Scott Gregory, Associate Professor of East Asian Studies, University of Arizona
- Cassaundra Thompson
- Jennifer Gustar Associate Professor University of British Columbia
- Pei-Chia Chen, Lecturer, UC San Diego
- Mikhaila Redovian, Ph.D. Student, university of California Davis
- Marie Buck, Adjunct Instructor, New York University
- Shin Chi Fame Kao, Coordinator of the Utah Chinese Bridge Program, University of Utah
- Benjamin Swerdlow, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Lake Forest College
- Moisés R. Castillo, Associate Professor, Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky
- Janice McGregor, Assistant Professor of German, University of Arizona
- Eleanor H McConnell, Associate Professor of History, Frostburg State University
- Nick Domich, desert dweller, just some dude
- Meijun Forgue
- Luisa Calè, Reader in Romantic and Nineteenth-Century Literature and Visual Culture
- Caroline Gonda, College Associate Professor and GlenCavaliero Fellow in English, St Catharine’s College, Cambridge
- Rebekah Aranda, DPT, WVU Medicine at Ruby
- Jason Haslam, McCulloch Professor of English, Dalhousie University
- Dr Abigail Boucher, Lecturer in English Literature, Aston University
- Kathryn Sederberg, Associate Professor of German Studies, Kalamazoo College
- Michael Powers, Assistant Professor of German Studies, Kalamazoo College
- Nelson Niu, PhD Student, University of Washington
- Eva Maes
- Hilah Kohen, PhD student, University of Pennsylvania
- Bum-Sik Park, Professor of English, Dongguk University
- Qiong Chen, university of Illinois at Chicago
- Andie Wang, Assistant professor of Chinese, Colby College
- John Evelev, Professor, University of Missouri
- Martha Sprigge, Associate Professor of Musicology, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Zixi Liu, PhD student, University of Connecticut
- María Anderson, Assistant Professor, UAB.
- Uma Kumar, Lecturer, CENE, University of British Columbia
- Brigitte Rossbacher, Associate Professor and Head, Germanic & Slavic Studies, University of Georgia
- Dr Jeffrey Dean, Senior Researcher (retired), Royal Birmingham Conservatoire
- Albrecht Classen, University Distinguished Professor, University of Arizona
- Sigrid Schmalzer, Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Mark Kemp, Reconnecting McDowell
- Divyanjali Pulivendhan, WVU Alumni
- Sara McDougall, Professor, CUNY
- Vicky Che
- Megan Kate Nelson, writer, Boston MA
- Dr. Joseph Steele, research affiliate Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- William Howard, PhD student, Virginia Tech
- Allison Harris, Assistant Professor of English, University of North Carolina Wilmington
- Joshua Karr, Teaching Assistant Professor of Mathematics, West Virginia University
- Aarthi Vadde, Associate Professor of English at Duke
- Chris Iannini, Associate Professor, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
- Diego A. Millan, Assistant Professor, Washington & Lee Univ.
- Professor Sarah Colvin, University of Cambridge, UK
- Emmanuelle Ben Hadj, Lecturer, Purdue University
- Benjamin Brand, Teaching Ass. Prof. of German, University of Pittsburgh
- Nicole Carline, assistant area director of WV, intervarsity christian fellowship, wvu alumna '08
- R. Chris Skinner, Assistant Professor of Nutrition, UVM
- Leanne Lentz
- Anne Simon Caruso, Adjunct Professor of English, Community College of Allegheny County
- Qing Liang Teacher Akron Public School OH
- Dr. Patrick Bigger, Research Director, Climate and Community Project
- Lisa Di Bartolomeo, Teaching Professor, WVU Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
- Sandipto Dasgupta, Assistant Professor, The New School
- Stefanie Ohnesorg, Associate Professor of German, University of Tennessee
- Tahneer Oksman, Associate Professor of Writing, Literature, and Language, Marymount Manhattan College
- Nico Baumbach, Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies, Columbia University
- Cris Mayo, professor, University of Vermont
- Lina Insana, Associate Professor of Italian, University of Pittsburgh
- Laura Alexander, Associate Professor of English, High Point University
- Laurel Harris, Associate Professor of English, Rider University
- Aurelie Chatton, Associate Professor of French & Francophone Studies, Kalamazoo College
- Myya Helm, 2022 Graduate and Marshall Scholar
- Charles S. Campbell, Asst Teaching Professor, School of Languages and Cultures, Purdue University
- Thea Riofrancos, Associate Professor of Political Science, Providence College
- Hangxin Yu,ChineseTeacher, Barrington Middle School Station Campus
- Jennifer Borland, Director, Center of the Humanities and Professor of Art History, Oklahoma State University
- Isabel Alvarez-Sancho, Associate Professor, Oklahoma State University
- Xin Zhang, Assistant Professor of Chinese, Duke Kunshan University
- Erik Ekman, Professor and Department Head, Oklahoma State University
- Briallen Hopper, Associate Professor of English, Queens College, CUNY
- Adam Kotsko, Assistant Professor in the Shimer Great Books School, North Central College
- Lily Han, ICLS
- Piedad Corredor-Sánchez, Lecturer, Purdue University
- Eleanor Paynter, Postdoctoral Associate in Italian Studies, Brown University
- Donald W. Wood, Lecturer of Spanish, Oklahoma State University
- Jennifer Marshall, Professor, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
- Anna Gotlib,Associate Professor of Philosophy, Brooklyn College CUNY
- Cecile Zorach, Professor Emerita, Franklin & Marshall College
- Stefani Engelstein, Professor of German Studies and of Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, Duke University
- Frank Edwards, Assistant Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University
- Anna M. Klobucka, Commonwealth Professor, U of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Cameron Leader-Picone, Professor of English, Kansas State University
- Aly W Corey, Associate Director of the Davis Center, Williams College
- John Jones, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University
- Kristin Brig-Ortiz, Johns Hopkins University
- Joshua Mitchell, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Southern California
- Mara R. Wade, Prof. Em., University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
- Christiadi, former Research Associate, BBER
- Daniel Wright, Associate Professor of English, University of Toronto
- Dr. Jenny L. Santilli, NBCT, Fairmont State University
- Christa Teston, Vice Chair of the Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy Program, Ohio State University
- Lynne Stahl, Humanities & Interdisciplinary Studies Librarian, Wesleyan University
- Sean DiLeonardi, Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg
- Julia Penwell Hughes, PsyD. Clinical Psychologist. WVU ‘04 Spanish BA
- Maia L. Butler, Associate Professor of African American Literature, University of North Carolina Wilmington
- Nina Potischman, MA Student, University of Exeter
- Jamie Shinn, Assistant Professor, SUNY ESF (former faculty at WVU)
- Aaron Chandler, Associate Prof of English, Stevenson University
- Rachel Burk, Associate Professor of Spanish and Chair, Notre Dame of Maryland University
- David Dault, Assistant Professor of Christian Spirituality, Institute of Pastoral Studies, Loyola University Chicago
- Felicia Steele, Associate Professor, The College of New Jersey
- Susan Wackerbarth, Children’s Librarian, DC Public Libraries
- Jianlan Fu, School District of Philadelphia
- Lisa Voigt, Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Yale University
- Dani Dowler, Case Western Reserve University
- Rachael Levay, Editor in Chief, University Press of Colorado
- Zeljko Boskovic, Professor of Linguistics, University of Connecticut (graduate of the WVU Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics)
- Katie Hutchison, Esq. Managing Attorney Hutchison Immigration
- Nicole Coleman, Associate Professor of German, Wayne State University
- Christopher Weimer, Professor of Spanish, Oklahoma State University
- Edin Hajdarpašić, Associate Professor of History, Loyola University Chicago
- Debra Rae Cohen, Distinguished Professor of English Emerita, University of South Carolina
- Katie Hutchison, Esq. Managing Attorney Hutchison Immigration
- Christopher Weimer, Professor of Spanish, Oklahoma State University
- Laura C. Bucci, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Saint Joseph’s University
- Valerie Surrett, assistant professor of English, University of North Georgia (former doctoral student and lecturer at WVU)
- Stephanie Schmier, Associate Professor, CUNY College of Staten Island
- Dr. Rachel Dean-Ruzicka, Senior Lecturer, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Eva Yezerets, PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University Biomedical Engineering
- Elizabeth Sheehan, Associate Professor of English, Ohio State University
- Adam Dohrenwend, Geography
- Yohann Ripert, Director of the Honors Program, Stetson University
- Jennifer Lozano, Associate Professor, UNC Wilmington
- Jessica Sturm, Associate Professor of French and Applied Linguistics, Purdue University
- Kate Costello-Sullivan, Professor, Le Moyne College
- Xin Yang, Associate Professor, Macalester College
- Miriam Bilsker, PhD candidate, UChicago Divinity
- Xuehua Xiang, Professor of Linguistics, University of Illinois Chicago
- Devin Daniels, Visiting Assistant Professor, Bryn Mawr College
- Hang Zhang, Associate Professor of Chinese Language and Linguistics, George Washington University
- Priscilla Layne, Professor of German, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Isabel Espino de Valdivia Ph.D. PSMLA President
- Katie Peel, Associate Professor of English, UNCW
- Lakshmi Padmanabhan, Assistant Professor, Department of Radio, TV, Film, Northwestern University
- Duncan Richter, Professor, Virginia Military Institute
- Rafael Khachaturian, Lecturer in Critical Writing, University of Pennsylvania
- Jonathan Harvey, Professor of English, Northern Virginia Community College
- Susana Perea-Fox, Emeritus Professor of Spanish and Latin American Literature, Oklahoma State University
- Charlene Polio, Professor, Michigan State University
- Kara Morgan-Short
- Grace Pei, Mandarin instructor at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School
- Ulrich Plass, Professor of German Studies, Wesleyan University
- Elizabeth Alsop, Assistant Professor of Communication and Media, CUNY
- Zheng-Sheng zhang, San Diego State University
- Ashley McKay Brash, J.D., Two-Time Graduate of WVU
- Zheng-sheng Zhang, Professor of Chinese, San Diego State University
- Carolyne L Ryan, Associate Professor of History, St. Norbert College
- Anthony Palmiscno, Instructional Designer, Penn State University
- Drew Paul, Associate Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Huda J. Fakhreddine, Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania
- Henry Pickford, Professor of German and Philosophy, Duke University
- Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Librarian for Literature, Duke University
- Yael Rice, Associate Professor of the History of Art & Asian Languages and Civilizations, Amherst College
- Ivelisse Santiago-Stommes, Professor of Spanish, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska
- Emily Ogden, J.D. Candidate, WVU; former BA English Student, WVU
- Mehmet Oztan, Service Assistant Professor, West Virginia University
- Leah Toth, Assistant Professor of English, St. Norbert College
- Andrew Brandel, Assistant Research Professor, Penn State University
- Pedro Pereira, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University
- Andrew Kroninger, Ph.D. Candidate, Purdue University
- James Bobrick, Emeritus Professor of English, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Brian Thompson, Associate Director and Head Instructor at Middlebury Summer Language Schools, and at the University of South Florida
- Xuefei Ma, Assistant Professor of Chinese, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
- Matthew Motyka, Associate Professor of Romance Languages, University of San Francisco
- Melissa Sheedy, Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Andrea Roberts, Associate Professor, UVA
- Maria Stehle, Distinguished Professor of Humanities, University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Marc Rathmann, Senior Lecturer of German, Purdue University
- Marian Aguiar, Associate Professor of English, Carnegie Mellon University
- Jesse W. Torgerson, Associate Professor of Letters, Wesleyan University
- Phillip Conrad, Teaching Professor, UC Santa Barbara (WVU Alumnus)
- Joleen McInnis
- Muhsin J. al-Musawi, Columbia University, New York
- Jiabao Fan, Ph.D. Student, UConn
- Jeff Schuhrke, Assistant Professor of Labor Studies, SUNY Empire State University
- Sarah Eldridge, Associate Professor of German, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Kenya C. Dworkin, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies & Translation, Carnegie Mellon University
- Dana Luciano, Associate Professor, Rutgers University
- Gordon Witty, Associate Professor of Arabic, Temple University
- Prof. Em. Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger
- Poulomi Saha, Associate Professor of English & Chair of Critical Theory, UC-Berkeley
- Ashlee Dauphinais, PhD, University of Nebraska Omaha
- Barry Lee Wendell, former Morgantown City Councilor
- Mark JL Sabine, Associate Professor of Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies, University of Nottingham
- Sarah Mercer, University of Graz
- Mootacem Mhiri, Senior Lecturer in Arabic, Vassar College, New York
- Sohinee Roy, Associate Professor, department of English, North Central College
- Michael Kremer, Mary R Morton Distinguished Service Professor, Emeritus, University of Chicago
- Vera Stegmann, Associate Professor of German and Film, Lehigh University
- Graham Andrews, Visiting Research Professor, University of Hull
- Monique Flores Ulysses, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dartmouth College
- Barbara Kosta. Professor and Head of German Studies University of Arizona
- Cheng Chen, Oklahoma State University
- Jennifer Campbell, senior director for strategic communications, Division of Alumni Affairs and Development, Cornell University
- Hannah Miller, PhD, Diacritics, Cornell University
- Cynthia Chalupa, Associate Professor of German, West Virginia University
- Tracy Zang, DDS
- Shaine Scarminach, Lecturer, Northern Arizona University
- Bernard Issa, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Xiaoming Hou, VAP, Williams College
- Dylan Lewis, PhD Candidate & Instructor, University of Maryland
- Cornelius Hugo, MFA graduate and allum.
- Erica Bentley
- Paula R. Curtis, Department of Asian Languages & Cultures, UCLA
- Andrew Tobolowsky, William and Mary
- Kimberly Noels, Professor, Psychology, University of Alberta
- Heather I. Sullivan, Professor, Trinity University
- Sayaka Chatani, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
- Pauline Strong, Professor of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin
- Jesse Drew, Professor, University of California
- Elisheva Perelman, Associate Professor of History, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University
- Dominic Pettman, University Professor, The New School
- Shirin Khanmohamadi, Professor, Comparative Literature, SFSU
- Hasan Alsulami, Assistant Professor of Arabic Literature, Umm al-Qura University
- Wail S. Hassan, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Wenhao Diao, Associate Professor, The University of Arizona
- Shawna Peters, German teacher, Mars High School
- Carolyn J. Eichner, Professor of History and Women’s & Gender Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Dr. Tim Anderson, Associate Professor, Kishwaukee College
- Eric Calderwood, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Sarah McKibben, Irish Language and Literature, University of Notre Dame
- Martin Shuster, Professor of Philosophy & Isaac Swift Distinguished Professor of Jewish Studies, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Dr. Ray Horton, Associate Professor of English, Murray State University
- Carmen Valdivia, Assistant Professor, Lafayette College
- Mohammed Sawaie, Professor of Arabic, University of Virginia
- Melinda Landeck, Austin College
- Robin Shay, ASL Senior Lecturer, Purdue University
- Katharine Eakins, alumni
- Claudine Thill, German Instructor, Virginia Tech
- Cara Kinnally, Associate Professor, Purdue University
- Erin C. Cassese, Professor, University of Delaware
- Yue Li
- Sherida Erdner Glover, WVU Honors Grad, 1981
- Dustin Edwards, Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Writing Studies, San Diego State University
- Zarena Aslami, Associate Professor, Michigan State University
- Skylee M. Cox, J.D. candidate at the University of Richmond School of Law
- Annie McClanahan, Associate Professor, UC Irvine
- Dr. Julie Burrell, Associate Professor, Cleveland State University (MA from WVU)
- Debra Stoudt, Professor of German, Virginia Tech
- Richard Marotta, Queens College, CUNY
- Sarah Ensor, Assistant Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Deborah Thurman, Assistant Professor of English, Marshall University
- Lauren (Emerick) Bowser, Proud WVU grad '09 Master of Arts in French Language and Literature, Marguerite Eynard McBride Scholarship Recipient, Master I- Université de Nantes '10, Former Ph.D. student and Teaching Fellow- University of Pittsburgh. Current High School French Teacher
- Nicholas Poggioli, Assistant Professor of Management, Appalachian State University Walker College of Business
- Holly Brining, Assistant Professor of German, University of Minnesota Duluth
- Beverly Eisenstadt, Instructor, Florida International University
- Lee Delong, actress, director, creator, resides in France
- Maura Seale, History Librarian, University of Michigan
- Ninghui Liang, Senior Lector II, Yale University
- Andy Hines, Senior Associate Director, Aydelotte Foundation, Swarthmore College
- Su Fang Ng, Professor of English, Virginia Tech
- Shangyan Pan, PhD student, University of Connecticut
- Claire E. Scott, Senior Lecturer of German, Vanderbilt University
- April McGinnis, PhD Candidate, Dept. Of English, WVU
- Dr. Judith Thompson, Inglis Professor Emeritus, University of Kings College and Dalhousie University
- Kennan Ferguson, Professor, Political Science, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- James Martell, Associate Professor of Romance Languages, Lyon College
- Lale Can, Associate Professor of History, The City College of New York & Graduate Center, CUNY
- Michael Rothberg, 1939 Society Samuel Goetz Chair in Holocaust Studies, UCLA
- Regina Zhou, PhD student, University of California, Davis
- Alanna K. Higgins PhD, Assistant Professor of Rural and Environmental Geography, University of Nottingham
- Zena Hitz, Tutor (Professor), St. John's College
- Helen J Burgess, Professor, NC State University. WVU Alum, 2003.
- Steven Marsh, Professor and Head Dept. Hispanic & Italian Studies. University of Illinois, Chicago
- Shiangyun Wu. Chinese teacher, Whitney HS
- Terence Sweeney, PhD. Assistant Teaching Professor, Honors Program, Villanova University
- Anthony Petro, Associate Professor of Religion, Boston University
- Mervat Youssef, Associate Professor, Grinnell College
- Jorge Gomez, Associate Professor of English, El Paso Community College
- Renee Perper, Meridian International Center (Fulbright, Boren, and CLS Scholar)
- Christina Murray, Graduate Candidate, Georgetown University, WVU Alumna
- Matthew Knachel, Teaching Professor of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Emily Harrington, Associate Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Lucia Rafanelli, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, The George Washington University
- Alan Richardson, Professor of Philosophy, University of British Columbia
- Judy Lee Emerick, Artist and grateful parent of Lauren Lee Emerick Bowser, 2009 graduate WVU Master of Arts in French Language and Literature, Teaching Assistant, recipient of Marguerite Eynard McBride Scholarship
- Jeff Hindal, Assistant Professor of Art, Fairmont State University
- Phil Hiver, Associate Professor of Foreign and Second Language Education, Florida State University
- Shuchi Kapila, Professor of English, Grinnell College
- Dr. Ben Utter, Assistant Professor of English, Ouachita Baptist University
- Christine R. Johnson, Associate Professor of History, Washington University in St. Louis
- Brian Sherry, Postal Worker, WVU Mail Services
- Angelo Parodi, Teacher, DC Public Schools
- Sage Perrott, Assistant Professor of Printmaking, East Tennessee State University, WVU Alum 2010
- Michael Tondre, Associate Professor of English, SUNY Stony Brook
- Mike Putnam, Professor of German & Linguistics, Director of the Linguistics Program, Associate Director of the Center for Language Science, Penn State University
- Laurie Naranch, Professor Political Science, Siena College (WV native)
- Samuel Martin, Lecturer in French & Francophone Studies, University of Pennsylvania
- Jeff Hindal, Assistant Professor of Art, Fairmont State University
- Karyn Schell, Professor, Spanish Studies, University of San Francisco
- Salma Monani, Professor, Gettysburg College
- Darwin Tsen, Assistant Teaching Professor and Coordinator of Chinese, Syracuse University
- Philipp Steinkrüger, Department of Philosophy II, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
- Phillip Maciak, Senior Lecturer, Washington University in St Louis
- Christopher Breu, Professor, Illinois State University
- Shoshana Schwebel, PhD candidate, University of British Columbia
- Daniel A. Novak, Associate Professor, University of Alabama
- Theo Hawkins
- Anne Gulick, Associate Professor of English, University of South Carolina
- Inês Cordeiro Dias, Lecturer in Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies, University of Leeds
- Eliza Ablovatski, Associate Professor of History, Kenyon College
- Eyda Merediz, Associate Professor, University of Maryland College Park
- Ben Wolfson, PhD Stanford 2011
- Alison Munson, Professor, Université Laval, Canada
- Anke Biendarra, Associate Professor and Department Chair, University of California, Irvine
- Siham Bouamer, Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati
- Dr. Grant Cohen, Ceo, Chaco Travel
- Lauren Jannette, Visiting Assistant Professor, Kenyon College
- Jessica Resvick, Assistant Professor of German, Oberlin College
- Samantha Fitzgerald, PhD Student, Duquesne University
- Alexa Firat, Associate Professor (Instructional) of Arab Studies, Temple University
- Cari Carpenter, Professor of English, WVU
- K.E. Saavik Ford, Professor, CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College
- Terry Foreman, Assoc. Prof. Emeritus, Murray State University
- Jingjing Ji, Associate Professor of Instruction, Northwestern University
- Juliane Schicker, Associate Professor, Carleton College
- Bryn Perrott, artist, West Virginia University BFA graduate 2004
- Dorina Miller Parmenter, Professor of Religious Studies, Spalding University
- Giovanni Salazarcalvo, Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University
- Martin Mazorra, Adjunct Associate Professor CCE, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NYC
- Giovanni Salazarcalvo, Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University
- Julie Orlemanski, Associate Professor of English, University of Chicago
- Karina A. Vado, Assistant Professor of Latinx Studies, Florida Atlantic University
- Zachary Freedman, Assistant Professor, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
- Hélène Quanquin, Professor of American Studies, Université de Lille (France)
- Ryan Fong, Associate Professor of English, Kalamazoo College
- Stephen Kleinschmit, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Illinois Chicago
- Jeremy Wolf, Assistant Professor of Political Science, SUNY Cortland
- Anny Gaul, Assistant Professor of Arabic, University of Maryland, College Park
- Kyoko Sawada, Graduate Student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Aaron Bornstein, Assistant Professor of Cognitive Sciences, University of California, Irvine
- Anne Langendorfer, Senior Lecturer, University of Tennessee
- Kimberly J. Hale, Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University
- Daniel J. Olson, Professor of Spanish and Linguistics
- Ann Neelon, Professor Emerita (English), Murray State University
- Anna Kofler, MA, Emory University
- Olivier Le Blond, Associate Professor of French, University of North Georgia
- Michael Anthony Fowler, Assistant Professor of Art History, East Tennessee State University
- Kirsten Beck, Assistant Professor of Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies, Queens College, City University of New York
- Chelsea Szendi Schieder, Professor, Faculty of Economics, Aoyama Gakuin University
- Michael Anderson, PhD Candidate, Program Assistant, Drew University
- Isabel Kain, PhD student, University of California Santa Cruz
- Xiaohong Lin, Language Teacher
- Lucy Lawrence, Newcastle University
- Ben Pin-Yun Wang, Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Victoria
- Garry Hoffmann, BA English, University of Notre Dame, 1975
- Hester Baer, Professor of German and Cinema & Media Studies, University of Maryland, College Park
- Alexander Martin, Artist, Educator, WVU Alumni
- Timothy Ashe, Jr.; Assistant Professor of Spanish; UAB
- Ashley Rattner, Assistant Professor of English, Jacksonville State University
- Cassandra Glynn, Associate Professor in Education, Concordia College
- Chris Renaud, Professor Emerita, Carthage College
- Karolina May-Chu, Assistant Professor of German, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Margaret F. Swezey, Instructor, Thompson Writing Program, Duke University
- Brigetta M. Abel, Associate Professor (NTT) of German Studies, Macalester College
- T.J. Martinson, Assistant Professor of English, Murray State University
- Raphael Zhang, Chinese Program Director, American University
- Sara Marie Jordan; Senior Producer at Warner Brothers Games; BFA Painting, BFA Printmaking, WVU 2010 Alumni
- Silke-Maria Weineck, Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Michigan
- Benjamin Zephaniah, Professor of Creative Writing, Brunel University London UK
- Laura Engel, Professor of English, Duquesne University
- Steven McClellan, PhD, University of Toronto
- Dianna Murphy, Director, Language Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Danielle Walker Executive Director of ACLU-WV
- Liran Yadgar, Visiting Assistant Professor, Muhlenberg College
- Sarah Ellis, Assistant Professor of Printmaking, Jacksonville State University
- John Fried, Associate Professor, Duquesne University
- Kristina Straub, Professor Emerita, Carnegie Mellon University
- Catherine Stafford, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Liuqing Ruth Yang, Artist, Alumni BFA WVU
- Kathy, Puzey, Associate Professor, Utah State University
- Laura Spagnoli, Professor of Instruction in French, Temple University
- Peter Höyng, Professor of German Studies, Emory University
- Meagan K. Tripp, Assistant Professor of German, Franklin & Marshall College
- Tyler J. Carter, Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric, Duke Kunshan University
- Wendy Allison Lee, Associate Director, Pembroke Center, Brown University
- Lily Jarvis, undergrad printmaking student, Utah state
- Lisa McElwee-White, Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida
- Jessica Robles, Art Adjunct Faculty, College of the Sequoias
- Emily Hainze, Assistant Teaching Professor, Georgetown University
- Dr. Doug Gardner, Owner, Thinksport Consulting Services
- Sarah Donley, Associate Professor of Sociology, Jacksonville State University
- Amy L. Montz, Professor, University of Southern Indiana
- Christina Roberts, PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Danielle Anderson, PhD Student, CU Boulder
- Emilia Farmerie-Rishel, Staff, University of Pittsburgh
- Elizabeth Loentz, Associate Director, School of Literatures, Cultural Studies, and Linguistics, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Chanelle Newsom, Department of Justice (not a direct representative of the agency, free speech)
- Timothy Sweet, Eberly Family Distinguished Professor of American Literature, West Virginia University
- Hester Blum, Professor of English, Penn State University
- Thomas Greene, Associate Professor of History, University of North Georgia
- Laura De Vos, Assistant Professor of American Studies, Radboud University, Netherlands
- Travis Sharp, Lecturer, Howard University
- Sarah Wasserman, Associate Professor of English, University of Delaware
- Heather Blatt, Associate Professor, Florida International University
- Charles Siehl, WVU Alumni
- Niklas Frykman, Associate Professor of History, University of Pittsburgh
- Bethany Qualls, Lecturer in English literature, University of California, Davis
- Leslie Wilber, WVU MFA in Creative Writing 2023
- Weifang Wang, High School Teacher, Highland Park High School
- David F. Green Jr., Associate Professor of English, Howard University
- Taylor Weaver, Instructor, Texas State University
- Hanna Kesty, MFA in Printmaking, Alumni
- Colin Crawford, Graduate Student, University of Notre Dame
- Chloe Conner, RN, Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital, WVU Alumna
- Joshua Arthurs, Associate Professor of History, University of Toronto (and former WVU faculty)
- Wesley Bishop, assistant professor of history, Jacksonville State University
- Masha Raskolnikov, Associate Professor, literatures in English, Cornell University
- Michael Toole, Teaching Assistant Professor of Japanese, University of Denver
- Robert W. Barrett, Jr., Associate Professor of English, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- James W. Watts, Professor, Department of Religion, Syracuse University
- Dr David Fallon, Assistant Professor of Eighteenth-Century Studies, Northumbria University
- Catherine Evans, PhD Student, Carnegie Mellon University
- Benjamin Williams, PhD Candidate, Carnegie Mellon University
- Brianna Turgeon, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Jacksonville State University
- Yang Xiao-Desai, Professor of Chinese, San Francisco State University
- Hsin-hsin Liang, Professor of Chinese, The University of Virginia
- Lisette Chavez, Visual Artist/Educator, National Hispanic Cultural Center
- Maggie Grey McDonald, Master of Library Science Candidate, Indiana University
- Yi-Lu Kuo, Associate Instructional Professor, University of Chicago
- Griffin Nordstrom, Alumni 2022
- David Walker, Professor Emeritus of English, Oberlin College
- Montserrat Piera, Professor of Spanish and Chair, Temple University
- Heide Witthoeft, Associate Professor of German, chair, Department of Foreign Languages, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP)
- Allison Blair, Associate Business Manager, Carnegie Mellon University
- Laura Leigh Morris, Associate Professor of English, Furman University
- Jay Fox, Director of Book Arts, University of Arkansas Fort Smith
- Megan Bronson, PhD student, Virginia Tech
- José A. de la Garza Valenzuela, Assistant Professor of Latina/Latino Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Wren King, Class of 2023
- Nurul Wahyuni, Ph.D, WVU
- Matthew Smith, Visiting Assistant Professor of Art, Marshall University
- Faye Valoris, Teacher, Greensboro Day School
- Gillian Russell, Professor, Dianoia Research Institute at Australian Catholic University
- Ying Wu, Assistant Professor of Chinese, Lake Forest College
- Kay Snyder, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Indiana University of PA
- Sheree Lynn, Instructor, Upward Bound Program, University of Colorado
- Anne Lambright, Paul Mellon Professor of Hispanic Studies and Head of Modern Languages, Carnegie Mellon University
- Karen Tucker, Teaching Assistant Professor, UNC Chapel Hill
- Tijah Bumgarner, Associate Professor of Filmmaking, Marshall University
- Kelly Zhang, Chinese Teacher, Morton East High School
- Jonathan Z Ludwig, Teaching Associate Professor, Oklahoma State University
- Devin Wilson, MFA Visual Arts Candidate at the University of California, Irvine
- Gregory Santos, Printmaking Director, Art Gym Denver
- Sarah McDermott, Associate Professor of Art, Marshall University
- Alex Helberg, Visiting Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Writing, Trinity College
- Hunter Moore, 2023 WVU David L. Boren Scholar
- Niko Tracksdorf, Associate Professor of German, University of Rhode Island
- Kevin Adams, Assistant Librarian, Alfred University
- Julie Carr, Professor and Department Chair, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Sarah Bowen Savant, Professor of History, Aga Khan University-ISMC, London
- Brittney Barlett
- Nick Satinover, Associate Professor, Middle TN State University
- Samah Selim, Professor, Rutgers University
- Marissa Nicosia, Associate Professor of Renaissance Literature, The Pennsylvania State University - Abington College
- Heather Lepp, Third year MFA Candidate in Ceramics, WVU
- Ruben Castillo, Assistant Professor of Printmaking & Expanded Media, Skidmore College
- Hank Wang, Teacher, Northfield Mount Hermon School
- Fuko Ito, Assistant Professor of Art Studio & Foundations, University of Kentucky
- Andrew Mullally, Assistant Professor of Printmaking and Drawing, Pratt Munson
- Vanessa Mayoraz, Professor, East Tennessee State University
- Amanda Burris, BA French, WVU 2006
- Amrita Anand, MBA
- Thelma Jimenez-Anglada, Associate Professor of Spanish, Lawrence University
- Gwen Perrott, Secretary, WVU
- Sara Soderstrom, Associate Professor, University of Michigan
- Tessa Shackelford, BFA alumni '09 - Printmaking
- John Lyon, Professor, Georgia Tech
- Maggie Rosenau, Lecturer of German, University of Colorado Denver
- Amy L. Fair, Associate Professor and Writing Coordinator, Umpqua Community College (MA English, 1998)
- Peter Alegi, Professor of History, Michigan State University
- Jimmy Lizama, PhD Student, Carnegie Mellon University
- Jicong Cao, Teacher
- Brigid O’Keeffe, Professor of History, Brooklyn College
- Sylis Champion, Printmaking and Ceramics Student, Jacksonville State University
- Dr.Greta Gaard, Professor, University of Wisconsin
- Douglas Canfield, Coordinator of the Language Resource Center, University of Tennessee
- Chunsheng Yang, associate Professor of Chinese, university of Connecticut
- Brett Kern
- John Edwin Mason, Associate Professor, University of Virginia
- Yasmeen Hanoosh, Professor of Arabic, PSU
- Adam Blackler, Associate Professor of History, University of Wyoming
- Hector M. Varela Rios, Assistant Professor of Theology, Villanova University
- Judith Weisenfeld, Professor of Religion, Princeton University
- Rose Heater current WVU Graduate Student
- Katherine Sevin, PhD Student, CU Boulder
- Paul Eiss, Associate Professor, Department of History, Carnegie Mellon University
- Kevin Young, Associate Professor of History, UMass Amherst
- Amanda Rivera, Community Organizer and Alum of Geography Department
- Alex Younger, Faculty, Kent State University
- Megan Cook, Associate Professor of English, Colby College
- Benjamin Friedlander, Professor of English, University of Maine
- Laura Funk, Professor of Sociology, University of Manitoba, Canada
- Thomas Upton, MLS(ASCP), IT Analyst
- Daniel Kaufmann, Professor of Art, Marshall University
- Carlisle Yingst, Lecturer in English, Harvard University
- Brittani Myers, MFA Student, Jacksonville State University
- Kevin Anzzolin, Lecturer of Spanish, Christopher Newport University
- Barbara E. Liedl, Associate Professor, West Virginia State University
- Christopher Rasmussen, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Wesleyan University
- Charles Victor Ganelin, Professor of Spanish Emeritus, Altman Fellow in the Humanities (2015-16), Miami University
- Michal Friedman, Assistant Teaching Professor and Jack Buncher Professor of Jewish Studies, Department of History, Carnegie Mellon University
- Katherine Hair Eagle, Assistant Professor
- Ajibola Fabusuyi, PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia
- Danielle Stoneberg, Graduate Student, West Virginia University
- Natalie Zacek, American Studies, University of Manchester
- Rebecca Durst, BSN, Mountaineer Mascot 2009-10, West Virginia University
- Emmy Lingscheit, Associate Professor, School of Art & Design, University of Illinois
- Marcel P. Rotter, Associate Professor of German, Department Chair, University of Mary Washington
- Maria Seger, Associate Professor of English, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
- Laura Baisden, Printmaker, Owner of Camp Nevernice Letterpress
- Jason Read, Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern Maine
- Taryn McMahon, Associate Professor of Studio Art, Kent State University, Kent, OH
- Mary Rose Manspeaker, PhD Candidate, Dept. Of English, WVU
- Alana Dunn, academic copyeditor
- Jason Brozek, Lawrence University
- Carolyn Betensky, Professor of English, University of Rhode Island
- Andrea Rupp, current English BA student, West Virginia University
- Logan Kennedy, History BA (WVU), Graduate Student (UBuff)
- Tianzhou Ye, teacher at Stevenson High School, IL
- James M. Kopf, Visiting Assistant Professor of German, Lehigh University
- Jessica I Griffith, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
- Zoe Jacobs
- Camryn Pressley, WVU BA International Studies and Spanish ‘21, MPA ‘23
- Summer Krantz, WVU graduate BA in English and FLIT minor
- Jingjing Ao, Chinese Lector, Yale University
- Gisela Hoecherl-Alden, Assistant Dean & Professor of German, Boston University
- Leslie Kealhofer-Kemp, Associate Professor of French and Film, University of Rhode Island
- Jaclyn Legge, English MA, Carleton University
- Margaret C. Flinn, Associate Professor of French, The Ohio State University
- Daniel Vergara, Assistant Professor, Auburn University
- Abbi Ruppert, WVU alumni, Art Coordinator at OCTC
- Lance Ingwersen, Associate Professor of History, Jacksonville State University
- Robert Patrick Newcomb, Professor of Luso-Brazilian Studies, Affiliated faculty, Comparative Literature and Critical Theory, University of California, Davis
- Yingling Bao, Indiana University Bloomington
- Gayle Levy, Associate Professor of French, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- Kerry Wallach, Associate Professor of German Studies, Gettysburg College
- Devon Hughes-Gunn, Interior Designer, AAIC Inc.
- Robert Long Foreman, WVU class of 2003, PhD U of Missouri
- Maria Florencia Mazzei, PhD candidate, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Enrique García Santo-Tomás, Frank Casa Collegiate Professor of Spanish, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Anna Elfenbein, Associate Professor of English, West Virginia University
- Lindsay Miranda, Museum Educator, Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences & Alumni of WVU
- Audra Slocum, Associate Professor of Education, Director of Teacher Education, Oakland University
- Sarah DeSmet, Banks Professor of Languages and Literature, Wesleyan College
- David Foreman '94 '00, Director of Institutional Relations, Swarthmore College
- Kirsten Prior, Associate Prof., Binghamton University
- Ying Wu, Language Teacher, ECFS
- Claudia Mesa Higuera, Professor of Spanish, Moravian University
- Eir-Anne E. Edgar, Associate Professor, NTNU
- Asaad Alsaleh, Associate Professor and Chair, Indiana University
- Mathilde Robert, Graduate Teaching Assistant, French and Italian Program OSU.
- Henry Gepfer, Assistant Professor of Printmaking, University of Arkansas
- Cassie Leymarie, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Director, Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School
- Lauren Hansen Holznienkemper
- Jianhua Shen, Senior Lector, Yale University
- Evan Clough, 2nd Printmaking MFA Graduate candidate, WVU
- Fei Sun, Mandarin Chinese teacher, New Hanover County Schools
- Mary Rhein, ceramic artist
- Maria Gonzalez, Associate Professor, University of Houston
- Leigha McReynolds, Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Maryland College Park
- Chunlong Xia
- Joela Jacobs, Assistant Professor of German Studies, University of Arizona
- Dr. Fernanda Ferreira, Professor, Bridgewater State University
- Amanda Cobb, MFA graduate in Creative Writing 2008
- D Josh Cook, Lecturer, Loyola University Chicago
- Teri Doerksen, Professor of English, Mansfield Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania
- Gabe DeWitt, PE - Senior Engineer - KeyLogic Systems - WVU civil engineering
- Dana Dragunoiu, Professor, Carleton University
- Karin Schutjer, Professor, University of Oklahoma
- Lisa T, artist
- Gisela Ramirez, Artist
- Frederick A Bartolovic, Professor of Art & Ceramics Area Coordinator, Marshall, University
- Holly Dugan, Associate Professor of English
- Brenda Dickinson, Parent of a Student
- Jennifer Guen Montgomery, Assistant Professor of Studio Art, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Kayla Stillman, Graduate Student, New York University
- Cecilia Battauz, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Colorado Mesa University
- Kenzi Lockwood
- Megan DiBartolomeo, Assistant Professor of Spanish and Language Pedagogy, Longwood University
- Jonathan Goldman, Professor, New York Institute of Technology
- Mariya Cherkasova, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, West Virginia University
- Matthew Kolb, WVU Undergraduate Mathematics Student
- Daniela Cerbino, PhD, Assistant Professor, Cal Poly Humboldt
- Melissa Atkins, Associate Professor of Psychology, Marshall University
- Elizabeth Mittman, Associate Professor of German Studies, Michigan State University
- Donald L Yakstis II
- Connie Banta, WVU MFA and MA Counseling
- Donovan Schaefer, Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania
- Gabriella Licata, Postdoctoral Scholar, UC Riverside
- Joseph Katz, alumni, University of Chicago
- Mindi Spencer, PhD, Associate Professor, University of South Carolina
- Lillian Wright, class of 2022
- Elizabeth Freeman, Needham Professor of English, U California, Davis
- Sara Rosenau, PhD Student, University of Pittsburgh
- Jessica Tanner, Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies, UNC-Chapel Hill
- Selma Feliciano-Arroyo, Lecturer in Spanish, University of Pennsylvania
- Joseph P. Vitta, Associate Professor, Kyushu University
- Devoney Looser, Professor of English, Arizona State University
- Juliet O’Brien, Lecturer in French, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada)
- Michaela Grobbel, Professor of German & Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Sonoma State University, California
- Sierra Wise, BA, USU.
- Donald Joseph, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Missouri
- Teresa Ritterhoff, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, Germany
- Gina Greco, Professor of French, Portland State University
- Kathy Fellers, Associate Professor of English, Snow College
- Shaden M. Tageldin, Associate Professor of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature and Morse-Alumni Distinguished University Teaching Professor, University of Minnesota
- Gillian Dow, Associate Professor, English, University of Southampton
- Irina Dubinina, Professor of Russian, Department of German, Russian and Asian Languages and Literature,Brandeis University
- Lori D'Angelo, WVU MFA alum 2009
- Yuzhe Song, Postdoc, Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology
- Dr Anna Bernard, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, King's College London
- Cristina Gragnani, Associate Professor of Italian,Temple University
- Emily Keener, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology, Slippery Rock University, Pa
- Thora Brylowe, Associate Professor of English, University of Colorado
- Menglin Jin
- Angela Bejarano, Program Assistant, Marshall University
- Hong Zhan, Professor, EMBRY-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Aaron Williams, MFA, 2011 Alumn of CAC in Printmaking and Sculpture
- Nesrine Basheer, Assistant Professor of Teaching, The University of British Columbia
- Margaret Price, Associate Professor, Ohio State
- Rebeccah McCauley, Keyser High School Teacher
- Myra Seaman, College of Charleston
- Karissa Messer
- Kenneth Hodges, Professor of English, Virginia Tech
- Sonja E. Klocke, Professor of German, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Carmelo A Galati, Associate Professor of Instruction, Italian Temple University
- Asha Cabaca, Sculpture MFA pre candidate and GTA, College of Creative Arts
- Carl Gelderloos, Associate Professor of German Studies, Binghamton University (SUNY)
- Yvonne Shaw, WVU graduate MA Spanish and Linguistics.
- Emily Wilson, Professor of Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania
- Jennifer Willging, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University
- Erika M. Sutherland, Associate Professor in Spanish and Chair of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Muhlenberg College
- Philip Kaisary, Associate Professor, Carleton University
- Michael Reagan, assistant teaching professor, Rutgers University
- Deborah R. McDowell, Alice Griffin Professor of English, University of Virginia
- Katharine Kittredge, Professor, Ithaca College
- David Nichols, PhD Candidate, Emory University
- Jodie Medd, Professor of English, Carleton University
- Chloe Firth, WVU printmaking graduate student
- Annalisa Mosca, DML, Coordinator of Italian Language, Senior Lecturer of Italian, School of Languages and Cultures, Purdue University
- Kang Zhou, Chinese Lecturer, MIT
- Marjorie Pak, Associate Teaching Professor of Linguistics, Emory University
- Alison Kohan, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
- Kwabena Opoku-Agyemang, Senior Lecturer, University of Ghana
- Kwabena Opoku-Agyemang, Senior Lecturer, University of Ghana & Alumnus of WVU
- Mary Anna Ball, MA, Fulbright alumna
- Elena Gonzalez Ros, Associate Professor of the Practice in Hispanic Studies, Brandeis University
- Viktorija Bilic, Associate Professor of Translation & Interpreting Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Matthew Lang, Graduate Student, The Ohio State University
- LeAnne Spino-Seijas, Assistant Professor of Spanish, University of Rhode Island
- Willie Costley, Associate Professor of Spanish, Centre College
- Yvonne Seale, Associate Professor of History, SUNY Geneseo
- Todd Heidt, Professor of German, Knox College
- Kristin Marie Bivens, Scientific Editor, Education Officer, & Lecturer, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine and Department of Clinical Research, University of Bern, Switzerland
- Soledad Morales-Serrano, Program Administrator, School of Languages and Cultures - Purdue University
- Sun-Young Kim, Lecturer in German Studies, McGill University
- Sigrid Berka, Executive Director, International Engineering Education, University of Rhode Island
- Morgan Worsham, Art Gallery Coordinator at Jacksonville State University
- Courtney Chapman, Gallery Director, Marshall University
- Sara DiCaglio, Assistant Professor of English & Core Faculty in Women's Studies, Texas A&M University
- Barbara Fara
- Samantha Shipeck, Teacher of German, Strath Haven Middle School; Co-President, PHL-DE AATG
- Kyle Garton-Gundling, Assistant Professor, English, Christopher Newport University
- William R. Stark, Associate Teaching Professor, University of Rhode Island
- Taylor Cowdery, Associate Professor of English, UNC-Chapel Hill
- Akiko Okumura, Lecturer, Kanda University of International Studies
- Julia Adams
- Neelofer Qadir, Assistant Professor of English, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Meriel Tulante, Associate Professor of Italian Studies, Thomas Jefferson University
- Lisa Dillman, Professor of Practice, Emory University
- Noel Blanco Mourelle, Assistant Professor of Spanish, University of Chicago
- Drew M. Loewe, Professor of Writing and Rhetoric, St. Edward's University
- Nancy Bentley, Donald T. Regan Professor of English, UPenn
- Lauren Ginsberg, Duke University, Associate Professor of Classical Studies and Theater Studies
- Errol Lord, associate professor of philosophy, University of Pennsylvania
- Amna Haque, MPH, WVU Alumna
- Cecilia Weddell, independent scholar, editor, and translator
- Charlotte Whittle, writer and translator
- Christine Rinne, Associate Professor, University of South Alabama
- Dennis Wise, Lecturer, University of Arizona
- John Ernest, Judge Hugh M. Morris Professor, University of Delaware
- Heather Chacón, Greensboro College
- Ian Walling, Visiting Assistant Professor of Politics, Whitman College
- Emanuela Bianchi, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, New York University
- Samantha Moser
- Jann Matlock, Assoc. Prof., University College London (UCL)
- Philip Montgomery, Graduate Student, Michigan State University
- Carl R. Rice, Visiting Assistant Professor of Greek and Roman Studies, Vassar College (WVU BA ‘13)
- Stefani Scimeca, PhD Student, Ohio State University
- Meagan Driver, Assistant Professor, Romance & Classical Studies/Second Language Studies, Michigan State University
- Kate White, Assistant Director, Language Learning Services, Temple University
- Jason Williamson, Senior Lecturer, UW-Milwaukee
- Maha Jafri, Assistant Professor of English, Sewanee: The University of the South
- Suzuko Mousel Knott, Associate Professor of German Studies, Connecticut College
- Michaela Grobbel, Professor of German and Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Sonoma State University, California
- Kerstin Barndt, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of Michigan
- Taylor Remsburg, Ms., Graduate Student
- Hyun-Bin Hwang, Ph.D. student, Michigan State University
- Lore Weber retired member of faculty at University of Notre Dame
- Stephanie McCarter, Professor of Classics, University of the South (Sewanee)
- Lourdes Ortega, Professor of Linguistics, Georgetown University
- Steven Sola, PhD Worker, Johns Hopkins University
- Stephanie Alaniz, former printmaking grad student
- Yoshiko Mori, Professor, Georgetown University
- Christopher Roman, Professor, Kent State University
- Yusuke Kikuchi, Lecturer, Kanda University of International Studies
- Paul Elliott Johnson, Associate Professor of Communication, University of Pittsburgh
- Danielle Wenner, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University
- Kayla Garrett
- Lucille Toth, Assistant Professor of French, Ohio State University
- Hannah Sanders, Professor, Southeast Missouri State University
- Catherine Massey, Professor, Slippery Rock University of PA
- Dr. Piper Harris, mathematics instructor, Phillips Exeter Academy
- Miranda Yaver, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Wheaton College (MA)
- Joel Suarez, Assistant Professor, Harvard University
- Hanna Kozlowski, Associate Professor of Foundations, School of Art & Design, Marshall University
- Carmen Winant, Associate Professor and Roy Lichtenstein Chair of Studio Art, The Ohio State University
- Ryan Boyd, Associate Professor (Teaching), University of Southern California
- Phillip Hamrick, Associate Professor of Psycholinguistics, Department of Psychological Sciences, Kent State University
- Jessi Grieser, Associate Professor, University of Michigan
- Gergana Atanassova, Associate Teaching Professor of Arabic, The Ohio State University
- Darla Himeles, Assistant Director, Writing Center/Student Success Center, Temple University
- Dr. Marcus Merritt, Adjunct Professor of Creative Writing, Eastern Michigan University
- Katie Hodges-Kluck, Ph.D., Communications & Marketing Coordinator, UT Humanities Center, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Amanda Watson, Librarian for English and Comparative Literature, New York University
- Jeffrey Insko, Professor of English, Oakland University
- Kellie Giordano, PhD Student, Ohio State University
- Amy Emm, Assoc. Prof. of German, The Citadel
- Louise Hipwell, Teaching Professor of Italian, Georgetown University
- Ronald P. Leow, Professor, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Georgetown University
- Joanne M McKeown, Professor of French and Chair, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Moravian University
- Wol A Kang, Senior Lecturer, Swarthmore College
- M. Marina Melita, Senior Lecturer of Italian, Marist College
- Agnes He, Professor, Stony Brook University
- Josh Manning, Visiting Lecturer of Art & Ceramic Program Director, Hollins University, 2009 MFA Lum
- Frank B Brooks, Professor Emeritus, Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
- Candace Taylor
- Dani ReStack, Ohio State Associate Professor of Art
- Cathy Gutierrez, Montclair State University
- Karen Stolley, Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Emory University
- Jessica Rutherford, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Central Connecticut State University
- Benjamin Hoffmann, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University
- Sara Hillman, Associate Professor of English, Texas A&M University at Qatar
- Ana Valero Pena, Lecturer in French, Purdue University
- Erin Fell, Ph.D. candidate, Georgetown University
- Beverly Weber, Professor of German Studies, Chair, Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Colorado Boulder
- Juliane Wuensch, Assistant Professor of German, Skidmore College, NY
- Jeffrey Alan Miller (Montclair State University)
- Suzanne Silver, Associate Professor of Art, The Ohio State University
- Sibelan Forrester, Susan W. Lippincott Professor of Modern and Classical Languages and Russian, Swarthmore College
- Sigrid Berka, Executive Director, International Engineering Program, University of Rhode Island
- Anthony J Grubbs, Chairperson and Associate Professor, Dept of Romance and Classical Studies, Michigan State University
- Timothy Anderson, Visiting Assistant Professor, Pratt Institute
- Alecsandra Vac
- Jack Carey, Instructor of American Studies, University of Alabama
- Kayla Soares, Assistant Teaching Professor of French and Language Center Coordinator, University of Rhode Island
- Motoko Omori, Associate Teaching Professor, Georgetown University
- Justin Quam
- Takae Tsujioka, Teaching Associate Professor in the Japanese Language, The George Washington University
- Amna Akbar, Professor of Law, The Ohio State University
- Ariela Rosa, Associate Director of Corporate, Foundation, and Sponsored Research Support, Lawrence University
- Lachelle Oglesby, student, University of Michigan
- Lakyn Arrick, Elementary School Teacher, WV Native
- Jacquelyn Kendall
- Sharon Stanley, Professor of Political Science, University of Memphis
- Abigail Jarvis, PhD Student, Georgetown University
- Jeremy Dauber, Atran Professor of Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture, Columbia University
- Kate Ozment, Associate Professor of English, Cal Poly Pomona
- Jessica Lambert, Instructor or Art - Sculpture, Arkansas State University
- Michele M. Mason, Associate Professor, University of Maryland, College Park
- Jeffrey Bruner, former associate professor of Spanish, WVU
- Maggie Doherty, visiting lecturer in creative writing, Harvard University
- Patricia Melzer, Associate Professor, German and Gender Studies
- Sam Hensley, MA student, University of Colorado Boulder
- Nicholas Fleisher, Associate Professor of Linguistics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Raven Showalter, Instructor of Japanese, Mary Baldwin University
- Zhini Zeng, Associate Professor, University of Mississippi
- Marta Pérez García- Visual artist/Educator from Puerto Rico
- Abigail Harward, PhD student, University of Washington
- Michelle Franco, Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University
- Paul D. Toth, Associate Professor, Temple University
- Elizabeth Donovan, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Murray State University
- Robert Wilson, Associate Professor, The Juilliard School
- Tomoko Marshall, President, Mid-Atlantic Association of Teachers of Japanese
- Veronika Fuechtner, Associate Professor of German and Chair of Comparative Literature, Dartmouth College
- Nacer Khelouz, Associate Professor of French, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- Brenda Vellino, Professor, Carleton University
- Scott Wible, Associate Professor of English, University of Maryland, College Park
- Thomas Nolden, Professor, Wellesley College
- Jeremiah Munsey, Professor of Theater, Glendale Community College, WVU graduate and Morgantown native
- Erika Berroth, German Program, Southwestern University
- Tammy Gregersen, Professor, American University of Sharjah
- Dr. Ummni Khan, Associate Professor, Carleton University
- Bridget Levine-West, Assistant Professor of German and Film & Television, University of Vermont
- Glenn Levine-West, Professor Emeritus, University of California, Irvine
- Jenessa Steele, PhD, Professor, Radford University
- Mike Boylan-Kolchin, Associate Professor of Astronomy, The University of Texas at Austin
- Jessie Van der Laan, Associate Professor of Art and Assistant Dean of Humanities, Walters State Community College
- Sarah Wald, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and English, University of Oregon
- Siobhain Bly Calkin, Associate Professor, Dept. of English, Carleton University
- Laura Siragusa, Senior Lecturer, The Ohio State University
- Tom Hatcher, Lecturer, University of Maryland
- Spencer Clermont, MA, Carleton University
- Kimberly Southwick-Thompson, Assistant Professor, Jacksonville State University
- Daniel Shore, Professor, Georgetown University, Department of English
- Adam Leestma, Print & Letterpress Studio Coordinator, Penland School of Craft
- Gabriela Stoicea, Associate Professor, Clemson University
- Robin Norris, Professor, Carleton University
- Suzanne Johnston, Associate Professor, University of Central Arkansas
- Georgia M. Green, Prof Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Dr. Heidi Dempsey, Professor of Psychology, Jacksonville State University
- Simone Poliandri, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Coordinator of American Studies, Bridgewater State University
- Taína Rodriguez Patmore, MFA student, University of Maryland College Park
- Paul Allen Miller, Carolina Distinguished Professor, University of South Carolina
- Michael Lastinger
- Mark Davis, Asst. Professor, Michigan State University
- Elizabeth Miller, Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Linda Zionkowski, Professor of English, Ohio University
- Trishelle Jeffery, Instructor Support and Gallery Technician, California State University, Fresno
- Walter Lucken IV, Assistant Professor of English, Queens College CUNY
- Tom Lynch, English Professor emeritus, University of Nebraska
- Brian Gravely, Visiting Assistant Professor, Emory University
- Jessie Ramey, Director, Women's Institute and Associate Professor, Women's & Gender Studies and History, Chatham University
- Mark D. Stansbery, CWA 4502
- Dr. Gloria Torrini-Roblin, Senior Lecturer, The Ohio State University
- Rachel Waugh, University of Maryland
- Nick Kawa, Associate Professor, Ohio State University
- Christina Baker, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Temple University
- Jason Steele, PhD, Senior Environmental Scientist Freese and Nichols, Inc.; Research Adjunct Professor, Virginia Tech
- Ivette Pugh Ojeda
- Susan Lavelle, MS, FNP, DipACLM
- Lorena Ballester, PhD, Program Specialist World Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, WVU
- Elizabeth Papazian, Associate Professor, University of Maryland
- Carolina Aguilera, Ph.D., graduated from the WVU Psychology Department
- Erin Green, PhD Candidate, University of Maryland
- Rebecca Epstein-Levi, Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies and Gender & Sexuality Studies, Vanderbilt University
- Samuel DiBella, PhD student, University of Maryland, College Park
- Norvin Richards, Professor, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT
- Paul Cote, PhD, Senior Lecturer, University of Maryland
- George Rush, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University
- Helen Stuhr-Rommereim, Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian, Swarthmore College
- Sara Faradji, Lecturer, University of Maryland
- Alexandra M. Stewart, Academic Associate Dean, University of Portland
- Molly Farrell, Associate Professor of English, Ohio State University
- Zohra Ahmed, Assistant Professor, University of Georgia School of Law
- Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Associate Professor of Physics, University of New Hampshire
- Catriona MacLeod, Frank Curtis Springer and Gertrude Melcher Springer Professor in the College and the Department of Germanic Studies, University of Chicago
- Nikolas Bowie, Professor, Harvard Law School
- Erika Meitner, Professor, Department of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Anna Souchuk, Associate Professor of German, DePaul University
- Abbie DeCamp, postdoctoral teaching associate, Northeastern University
- Kate Schlosser, Lecturer, The Ohio State University
- Christina Walter, Associate Professor of English, University of Maryland, College Park
- Tara C. Smith, Professor, Kent State University
- Nadia Bozak, Associate Professor, Department of English, Carleton University
- Matthew Reznicek, Associate Professor of Medical Humanities, University of Minnesota
- Maury Bruhn, Assistant Professor of French, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Patricia Sauthoff, PhD, Hong Kong Baptist University
- Riya Das, Assistant Professor of British/World Literature, Prairie View A&M University
- Matthew Lavine, Associate Professor, Mississippi State University
- David Stein, Assistant Professor of History, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Noah Mastruserio, MA Student, University of Maryland
- Brian White, Assistant Professor of Japanese, Kalamazoo College
- Peyton Bullock, Learning Fellow, Dept. of Classics, Dartmouth College
- Roger Beebe, Professor of Art and Theatre, Film & Media Arts, The Ohio State University
- Aparajita De, Alum, Associate Professor, and Division Chair for Arts & Humanities, UDC
- Andrea Dortmann, Clinical Associate Professor of German, New York University
- Donovan MIyasaki, Professor, Wright State University
- Lillian-Yvonne Bertram, Associate Professor of English, University of Maryland
- Richard W. Morrison, Editorial Director, Fordham University Press
- Charlie Nagle, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin
- Vashti Lee, PhD Student, Michigan State University
- Mallory Brown, MS, WVU Alumni
- Randy Ontiveros, Associate Professor of English, University of Maryland
- Bob Ross, Professor, Point Park University
- Destinee Harper, English Ph.D. Student, English Department
- Laura Larson Professor Emerita of Art, Ohio University; Co-Chair, Photography, Bard College MFA
- Heidi E Hamilton, Professor Emerita, Georgetown University
- Seyda Ipek, Assistant Professor, Carleton University
- Jeremy C. Justus, Associate Professor of English, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
- Susan Tamasi, Teaching Professor, Linguistics, Emory University
- Nate Beard, PhD student, University of Maryland
- Tamara Gómez Carrero, PhD, Research Assistant at University of Valladolid (Spain), WVU alumna
- Pranav Jani, Associate Professor or English & AAUP Chapter President, The Ohio State University
- Dan DeGenaro, MS Student, Georgetown University
- Letha Ch'ien, Assoc. Prof. of Art History, Sonoma State University
- Kaitlyn Woods friends of students
- Colin Sostar, Carleton University
- Guy Spielmann, French & Francophone Studies/Performing Arts, Georgetown University
- Alex Wolf-Root, Senior Lecturer, The Ohio State University
- Samantha O'Connor, Graduate Student, University of Maryland
- Francesco Sticchi, Oxford Brookes University
- Matthew Kanefsky, French Language Coordinator, Michigan State University
- Ben Davies, University of Portsmouth, UK
- Julie Parson, Senior Associated Faculty, The Ohio State University
- Catherine Meyer, MD
- Erin Dwyer, Associate Professor of History, Oakland University
- Brendan Cantwell, Professor of Higher Education, Michigan State University
- Cynthia A. Sloan, Associate Professor, Portland State University
- Malayna Bernstein, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
- Noah Harvey Vaughan, VP Solidarity, CGE AFT local 6069, PhD candidate, Oregon State University
- Sarah Ovink, Associate Professor, Virginia Tech
- Dr. Diane M. Hodge, Director and Professor, School of Social Work, Radford University
- Luke Plonsky, Professor, Northern Arizona University
- Sara Nieto Reyero, English teacher and WVU alumna
- Malayna Bernstein, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto (former WVU faculty member)
- Víctor Rodriguez-Pereira, Assistant Teaching Professor, Michigan State University.
- Richard Seifert, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Claudia Coelho, Grad Student, USP
- Iris Tenge, former lecturer at Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, Germany
- Benjamin Paloff, Chair, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan
- Wendy C. Nielsen, Professor, Montclair State University
- Derrick Banerjee, PhD Materials Scientist/Engineer, WVU
- Azalea Kelley, student, WVU School of Music
- Andrea Retano, Graduate Student, Oregon State University
- Brittany Finch, Graduate Student, Michigan State University
- Ethan White, Associate Professor, University of Florida
- Vanessa C. Weller, PhD Student in French and Francophone Studies, Michigan State University
- Jasmine Noelle Yarish, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of the District of Columbia
- Ramsey Karim, Ph.D. student, University of Maryland
- Suling Homsy, senior executive policy advisor, Texas Health and Human Services
- Betsy Schlabach, Associate Professor, Lawrence University
- Jeffrey Fuss, Dept. Chair of History @ Enloe Magnet High School, 2016 WVU Alumni
- Devin Goudy, 2011 Graduate, BS Accounting and BA French
- Linda Coleman, Associate Professor of English, University of Maryland
- Elizabeth Hewitt, Professor, The Ohio State University
- Jon Cho-Polizzi, LSA Collegiate Fellow & Assistant Professor of German, University of Michigan
- Liette Gidlow, Professor of History, Wayne State University
- Petra Watzke, Assistant Professor, Lawrence University
- Shannon Winnubst, Professor of WGSS, Ohio State University
- Beth Kautz, Lecturer, Dept. of German, Nordic, Slavic and Dutch, University of Minnesota
- Zackary Berger, MD, PhD, FACP, Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Core Faculty, Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics
- Alyssa Knights, concerned community member
- Anna Zimmer, Associate Professor, Northern Michigan University
- Veena Dubal, Professor of Law, UC Irvine
- Kathleen Scollins, Associate Professor of Russian, University of Vermont
- Katie Anne Conner, Graduate Student, The Ohio State University
- Johanna Franklin, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Hofstra University
- Sarah Neville, Associate Professor, Department of English, Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts, Ohio State University
- Jennifer Gandee, ceramic artist and gallery director
- Jessica Smith, Instructor of English, The University of Alabama
- Professor English and Comp.Lit.Univ oF Maryland
- Miriam Moore, Associate Professor of English, University of North Georgia
- Jeffrey Cox, Distinguished Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
- Maria Esswein, MFA, Artist
- Shelley Chan
- Michael White, Professor of Linguistics, The Ohio State University
- Brian Richardson, University of Maryland
- Nicole Karn, associate associated professor, The Ohio State University
- Hillary Gulley, writer and translator
- Anand Edward Sokhey, Professor of Political Science, CU-Boulder
- Georgetown University
- Lauren Levine, PhD Student, Georgetown University
- Caroline Levine, David and Kathleen Ryan Professor of the Humanities, Cornell University
- Catherine Sama
- Saihua Xia, Full Professor, Murray State University
- Carol Senf, Professor, School of Literature, Media, and Communication, Georgia Tech
- Ombretta Frau, Professor of Italian, Mount Holyoke College
- Douglas E. Black, Alumnus and Retired Staff
- Danielle Marx-Scouras, Emerita Professor of French, The Ohio State University
- Miriam L. Wallace, Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, U Illinois-Springfield
- Laura Partain, Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
- Joshua Weiner, Professor of English, University of Maryland, College Park
- Alida Liberman, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Southern Methodist University
- Alan Farmer, Associate Professor of English, Ohio State University
- Karri Bonner Verno, PhD, DCJ; Professor, Mansfield University
- Bruna Sommer-Farias, Assistant Professor, Michigan State University
- Sarah Perrier, AVPAA, Point Park University
- Karla Anhalt, Ph.D., Professor, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
- Angela Baus
- Matthew Levay, Associate Professor of English, Idaho State University
- Katherine Huang, PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
- Marilia Ribeiro, Associate Teaching Professor, Emory University
- Kendra McSweeney, Ohio State University
- Austin McCabe Juhnke, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Ohio State University
- Susana de los Heros, Professor, University of Rhode Island
- Marta Kvande, Associate Professor of English, Texas Tech University
- Jian Neo Chen, Associate Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University
- Katherine Muksuris, Second Year Graduate Student, Behavioral Neuroscience, West Virginia University
- Claire A. Ross, Assistant Professor of German, University of Rhode Island
- Barbara Barrow, Associate Professor, Lund University
- Andreas Gailus, Professor, University of Michigan
- Iñaki Pérez-Ibáñez, Assistant Professor of Spanish and Teacher Education, University of Rhode Island
- Dr. Ada Hubrig, Assistant Professor of English, Sam Houston State University
- Don Godfrey, Associate Professor of English, Washington State Community College
- James Perla, PhD student, University of Maryland
- Julia Ruck, Assistant Teaching Professor, Emory University
- Kelly Cresap, Senior Lecturer, English Dept., University of Maryland
- Lynn L. Wolff, Associate Professor of German, Michigan State University
- Danny Méndez, Associate Professor of Spanish, Michigan State University
- Angela George, Associate Professor, University of Calgary
- Laetitia Kokx, Ph.D Student, Michigan State University
- Mary Mullen, Associate Professor of English, Villanova University
- Courtney Balestier, writer, WVU BS 2005
- Emma Trentman, Director, Language Learning Center, University of New Mexico
- Mei Li Inouye, Assistant Professor of Chinese, Centre College
- Harriet Fertik, Assistant Professor of Classics, The Ohio State University
- Howard Winant, Distinguished Professor Emeritus. University of California, Santa Barbara
- Roberto Leon, Georgia College & State University
- Auvid Momen, MD, alumni 2004 biology, French, anthropology. 2011 MD
- Shannon Neal, Graduate Student and Communications and Outreach Manager, University of Maryland
- Richard Apgar, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of the South
- Krista Wack, Instructor of Spanish, Michigan State University
- Edlie Wong, Professor, English Department, University of Maryland, College Park
- Emma Katherine Bilski, PhD Candidate and Teaching Fellow, Johns Hopkins University
- Alys George, Acting Assistant Professor of German Studies, Stanford University
- Andrea Hernandez Hurtado, PhD student, University of Pittsburgh (former MA student at WVU)
- Lawrence S. Schwartz, librarian and retired assistant professor, Minnesota State University Moorhead
- Anna Kraffmiller, undergraduate student, Wellesley College - Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences Program
- Laura Brescane Nicolas, GRA Student, University of North Carolina
- Tanya Caldwell, Professor, Georgia State University
- Tom Nixon, Emergency Dispatcher, University of Iowa Campus Safety
- Fiona Somerset, Professor, Literature Cultures Languages and English, University of Connecticut
- Jennifer Oditt, Latin Teacher in Texas
- Fernando Morris Duran, PhD Candidate, University of Maryland
- Dora Zhang, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley
- Nahid Ahmadian, Lecturer, English & Comparative Literature, University of Maryland, College Park
- Mary Smith, Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, University of Connecticut
- Hannah Vandegrift Eldridge, Professor of German and Director of Graduate Studies in German, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Johanna Sellman, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University
- Laura Mayron, Adjunct Professor of Writing, Boston University
- Christopher Nichols, Professor of History, Hayes Chair, The Ohio State University
- Nancy Johnson, Professor, Assoc. Dean, SUNY New Paltz
- David Pesetsky, Ferrari P. Ward Professor of Modern Languages and Linguistics, MIT
- Lars Erickson, Professor of French and Director of the French International Engineering Program, University of Rhode Island
- Sujan Manandhar, Technology Manager, Ohio State University
- Allen Kendall, PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
- Nichole Michaels, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
- Vic Quennessen
- Laura Winkiel, Associate Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Andrea Hernandez Hurtado, PhD student, University of Pittsburgh
- Jessica Santollo, Associate Professor, University of Kentucky
- Maria S. Garcia, I am a Spanish Teacher in Monongalia County
- Dr. Dominic Schmitz, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
- Dr Aleksondra Hultquist, Associate Professor, Stockton University
- Peng Yu, Senior Lecturer of Chinese, University of New Mexico
- Cynthia D. Porter, Assistant Professor of German, The Ohio State University
- Melanie Munier, Lecturer of French, James Madison University
- Md Jahurul Islam
- Rosa María Marín, FC Associate I, Amazon
- Vera Brunner-Sung, Associate Professor, Theatre, Film, and Media Arts, Ohio State University
- Jennie Ikuta, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Missouri-Columbia
- Ryan Skinner, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University
- Dr. Loraine Tyre Ob-Gyn Emeritus Professor West Virginia School of Medicine
- Sydney Wilson, PhD Student, University of New Mexico
- Amrita Dhar, Assistant Professor of English, The Ohio State University
- Catherine Brown, Professor, Comparative Literature and Residential College, University of Michigan
- Rachel Ramsey, PhD, Associate Professor of English, Assumption University
- Jay Wilcox, Lecturer, Professional Writing Program, University of Maryland
- Hedwig Fraunhofer, Professor of French and German, Georgia College & State University
- Oliver Knabe, University of Dayton, German
- Diana Duarte, PhD Candidate, Emory University
- Elizabeth C. Miller, Professor of English, UC Davis
- Elizabeth Wittner, University of Virginia
- Daniel Sidman, Lecturer, University of Maryland
- Yu Wu, Associate Professor of Chinese, University of Rhode Island
- Abigail Hohn, WVU graduate, Marion County Humane Society
- Marjory Keenan
- Sarah Bellavance, PhD student at NYU
- Brian Spiesman, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology Kansas State University
- Dr. Scott Challener, Assistant Professor and Chair, Hampton University Department of English and Foreign Languages
- Kathryn Nogue, academic editor & unaffiliated scholar
- Meg Montee, Associate Research Professor, Department of Linguistics, Georgetown University
- Christoph Schmitz, Visiting Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University
- Mario Juarez Sanchez, Ph.D. Student, University of Georgia
- Rocio Jimenez Segura, Ph.D. student, University of Georgia
- Falcon Restrepo, Assistant Professor, Minnesota State University
- Anne Marie Devlin Dr University College Cork
- Danah Alfailakawi, phd candidate, university of california, irvine
- Dan Breen, Associate Professor of English, Ithaca College
- Bianca Romaniuc-Boularand, Associate Teaching Professor of French, University of Rhode Island
- Giordano Mazza, Visiting Lecturer of Italian, University of Illinois Chicago
- Lizzy LeRud, Associate Professor of English, Minot State University
- Ryan Long, Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Maryland
- Jose Camacho, Professor, University of Illinois Chicago
- Enid Valle, Professor of Spanish, Kalamazoo College, Dept of Spanish Language and Literatures
- Stephen Henighan, Professor, Spanish and Hispanic Studies, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
- Sarah Reed, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Brigham Young University
- Dr. Lisa Davidson, Professor and Chair of Linguistics, New York University
- Meg LaLonde, Senior Academic Advisor, School of Literatures, Cultural Studies, and Linguistics, University of Illinois Chicago
- Harli Warren, CNC, concerned party
- Jennifer Cabrelli, Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Steven Watts, Postdoctoral Lecturer, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
- Liansu Meng, Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
- Luke Nearhood, Physics PhD Student, Oregon State University
- Fatima Seck, Graduate Student, UMD-College Park
- Liliana Sanchez, Professor, University of Illinois Chicago
- Annemarie Toebosch, Director of Dutch Studies, University of Michigan
- Karl-Georg Federhofer, Alan P. Cottrell Collegiate Lecturer, University of Michigan
- Scott Wible, Associate Professor of English, University of Maryland, College Park
- Vessela Valiavitcharska, Associate Professor, University of Maryland
- Nicole Reynolds, Associate Professor, Ohio University
- Jonathan Reyes, PhD Candidate, University of Maryland, College Park
- Matt Kilbane, Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame
- Laura Vrana, Asst Prof of English, Univ of South Alabama
- Sabrina Islam, Lecturer, University of Maryland
- Rex Bowman, writer and translator
- Dr. Mary Quinn, Associate Professor, University of New Mexico
- Alexandra Lopez Vera, PhD, MPH. California University of Science and Medicine
- Alexis Berles, University of Illinois Chicago
- Paul Ukrainets, MFA student, Michener Center at UT Austin
- Meredith Martin, Associate Professor, Princeton University
- Dana Stoker Cochran, Instructor, Radford University
- Sunny Stalter-Pace, Hargis Professor of American Literature, Auburn University
- Azadeh Yamini-Hamedani, Chair of World Languages and Literature, Simon Fraser University
- Priscilla Gilman, writer, former English professor at Yale and Vassar
- Jay Oliver, Assistant Professor, University of Guelph
- Cori Crane, Associate Professor, University of Alabama
- KT Herr, Program Coordinator, University of Houston Creative Writing Program
- Sandra Parmegiani, Associate Professor, European Studies and Italian, University of Guelph, Canada
- Elizabeth Weber, Clinical Associate Professor of French, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Margot Irvine, Associate Professor, University of Guelph, Canada
- Louis Mangione, Associate Professor, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies, Temple University
- Hazel Gold, Associate Professor of Spanish, Emory University
- Virginia Reinburg, Professor of History, Boston College
- Carrie Pichan, Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois Chicago
- Theodore Leinwand, Professor of English, Emeritus, University of Maryland
- Alberto Morán Vallejo, Ph.D. Candidate, Kent State University
- Jeff Dolven, Professor of English, Princeton University
- Melissa Funke, Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Winnipeg
- Jacob A Latham, Associate Professor, University of Tennessee
- Jennifer Grotz, Professor, University of Rochester and Director of Bread Loaf Writers' Conferences
- Maria Grewe, Adjunct Associate Professor of English, John Jay College of Criminal Justice-CUNY
- Christina Heatherton, Elting Associate Professor of American Studies and Human Rights, Trinity College
- Brian Gollnick, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Iowa
- Ruth Hoff, Chair, Department of World Languages and Cultures, Associate Professor of Spanish, Wittenberg University
- Grace Shaffer, Research Assistant, Zucker/Goldberg Center
- Kyle Butler
- Ross Lerner, Associate Professor of English, Occidental College
- Aurora Castillo-Scot, Associate Professor, Georgia College & State University
- Kelsie Pattillo, Visiting Scholar and former Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee
- Margarita Saona, Professor, UIC
- Gordon M. Burghardt, Professor emeritus, University of Tennessee
- Kimberly Wieser-Weryackwe, Professor, University of Oklahoma
- Lindsay Turner, Assistant Professor of English & Creative Writing, Case Western Reserve University
- Robert Freeman, Lecturer, Oxford University
- Janice SolekTefft MA Clinical Mental Health Counselor
- Alzbeta Hajkova, Postdoctoral Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Aurora Wolfgang, Michigan State University
- Mark Healey, Associate Professor of History, University of Connecticut
- Patrick Grzanka, Professor and Divisional Dean for Social Sciences, The University of Tennessee
- Hunter Kippen, Ph.D. Candidate, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland
- Neil Fraistat, Emeritus Professor of English, University of Maryland
- Amy McIntyre, Managing Director, Association for the Study of Literature and Environment
- Denise Meuser, Professor of Instruction, Northwestern University
- Dr. Pamela Banting, English Dept., University of Calgary
- Scott Trudell, Associate Professor of English, University of Maryland
- Jennifer Schell, Professor of English, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Viv Kemp, PhD Student, University of East Anglia
- Robert McDonald, assistant professor, University of Kansas
- Cassidy Brauner, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Ohio University
- Margaret Schotte, Associate Professor, York University
- Jordan B. Kinder, Assistant Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
- Anthony Cuda, Professor of English, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
- Karena Clarke, MA Literature Student, West Virginia University
- Patty Stokes, Associate Professor of Instruction, Ohio University
- Olivia Wood, Lecturer, City College of New York
- Kara Mosovsky, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Moravian University
- Paul Gellert, Professor & Director of Global Studies, University of Tennessee
- Ralph H. Lutts, Visiting Scholar, Virginia Tech
- Norma Claire Moruzzi, Associate Professor, Director International Studies Program, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza, Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, The Ohio State University
- Dr. Gabrielle Fuentes, University of Maryland
- Qian Wang, Associate Professor of Teaching, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Oliver Knabe, Assistant Professor of German Studies, University of Dayton
- Alberto Zambenedetti, Associate Professor of Italian and Cinema Studies, University of Toronto
- John O'Keefe, Associate Professor of History, Ohio University
- Hiroyuki Oshita, Linguistics, Ohio University
- Hartmut Rastalsky, Lecturer, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan
- Terry Kennedy, Director MFA Writing Program, UNC Greensboro
- Kin Cheung, Chair of the Global Religions Department and Philosophy Department, Moravian University
- Chris Girman, Point Park University
- Liz W Faber, Assistant Professor of English & Communication, Dean College (WVU BA '07, MA '09)
- Mark Rifkin, Linda Arnold Carlisle Professor of WGSS, UNC Greensboro
- Danielle Fosler-Lussier, Professor of Music, Ohio State University
- Dr Stephanie A.Tingley, Prof Emerita, English, Youngstown State U
- Jennifer Nycz, Associate Professor of Linguistics, Georgetown University
- Glenn Roe, Professor of French Literature, Sorbonne University
- Ran Zhao, Professor of Chinese (General Faculty), Department of East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, University of Virginia
- Di Qi, Assistant Teaching Professor, Georgetown University
- Noriko Otsuka VanKeuren, Advocacy Director of AATJ
- Robert Briscoe, Professor, Philosophy, Ohio University
- Jamie Jones, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Angela Swain, Assistant Teaching Professor of Spanish, Penn State University
- Jennifer Whitaker, AP Faculty in English, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Joel Gomez, President, Center for Applied Linguistics
- Brian Shuve, Associate Professor, Harvey Mudd College
- Virginia Closs, Associate Professor of Classics, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Jennifer Grouling , Associate Professor, Ball State University
- Janay Crabtree, Assistant Professor, University of Virginia
- Jennifer James, Associate Professor of English, The George Washington University
- Stephen J. Scanlan, Professor of Sociology, Ohio University
- Anna Grotans, Associate Professor German, The Ohio State University
- Elizabeth Black, Associate Professor, Ohio State University
- Debby Rosenthal, Professor, John Carroll University
- aidan watson-morris, phd candidate, university of illinois at urbana-champaign
- David Galef, Professor, Montclair State University
- Gabriela Castaneda
- Holly Goddard Jones, Professor, UNC Greensboro
- Sydney Silverstein, Assistant Professor, Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
- Mireya González Rodríguez, Dr, Teacher of Classics at Loughborough Grammar School
- Liyi Yeh, Chinese Instructor, Tulane University
- Scott Seagroves, instructor, The College of St. Scholastica
- Julie White, Professor of Political Science, Ohio University
- Barbara Cobb, Professor of English Emerita, Murray State University
- Rose Ying, Graduate Student, UMD College Park
- Ania Debicka-Dyer, Instructor, Mississippi State University
- Allison Bigelow, Tom Scully Discovery Chair Associate Professor, Dept. of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, University of Virginia
- Jamie Mayerfeld, Professor of Political Science, University of Washington
- Linda Voris, associate professor, American University
- Leihua Weng, Assistant Professor of Chinese, Kalamazoo College
- Elisa Gironzetti, Associate Professor, University of Maryland
- Mauro Resmini, Associate Professor of Cinema and Media Studies and Italian, University of Maryland, College Park
- Kellie Robertson, Professor of English, University of Maryland
- Ana Catarina Teixeira, Associate Teaching Professor, Emory University
- Mingming Liu, Lecturer, University of California San Diego
- Antoine Traisnel, associate professor of comparative literature, University of Michigan
- Marina Ellis, PhD, Lecturer, University of Maryland, College Park
- Carol Ready, PhD, Assistant Professor of Spanish at Oklahoma State University
- Dr. Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell
- Thomas Noriega, PhD Student, Harvard University Department of History
- Elizabeth Lauderdale, Latin Teacher, Eaglebrook School
- Justin Fisk, Vice President, National Association of District Supervisors for Languages
- Pedro Lange-Churion. Professor. University of San Francisco
- Jeremy Lilly, Columbia BA, 2013; WVU Chinese student, 2014-15
- Hilary Havens, Associate Professor of English, University of Tennessee
- Andrew Schonebaum, Associate Professor, University of Maryland
- Michele M Mason, Associate Professor, University of Maryland, College Park
- Matt Lundberg, principal scientist, tentarix biotherapeutics
- Ryan Doerfler, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
- Caroline D. Laurent, Assistant Professor of Francophone Studies, American University of Paris
- Ginette Alomar Eldredge, PhD, Lecturer, University of Maryland
- Kathryn Campbell-Kibler, Associate Professor of Linguistics, Ohio State University
- Mireia Toda-Cosi, Ph.D. student in Second Language Acquisition, University of Maryland, College Park
- Janire Zalbidea, Assistant Professor of Spanish Linguistics, Temple University
- Katrien Vanpee, PhD, Arabic Program Director, University of Minnesota
- Dr. Stephen L. Bishop, Professor, University of New Mexico
- Paul Portner, Professor of Linguistics, Georgetown University
- Scott A. Sandage, Associate Professor of History
- Christopher Rollston, Professor, George Washington University
- Kanika Sharma, Coordinator, Outreach and Community Programs, Department of World Languages and Literatures
- Rob Veline, PhD Student, Advanced Science Research Center, CUNY
- Howard Hastings, Adjunct Faculty, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Tatjana Babic Williams, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of Italian, Purdue University
- Ava Serra, MFA Student, University of Maryland--College Park
- Brandon Gunn, Education Director, Tamarind institute
- Manel Lacorte, Head, Spanish and Portuguese, University of Maryland
- Scott Romine, Professor, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
- Anton Shammas, Prof. Emeritus, University of Michigan