A list of Ukrainian educational and language resources, books, audiobooks, etc.

collated in April 2022 based on information shared on social media

(last updated 27.11.2023)

(if you have suggestions or relevant free resources to share and add to the list, please contact Joanna: joanna@beelingotheka.com)

Link for sharing: https://tinyurl.com/UkraineResourcesCompilation

Books and audiobooks (also on YouTube)

Language learning and support

Ukrainian Language Education Centre at the University of Alberta (textbooks for learning Ukrainian abroad): https://www.ualberta.ca/canadian-institute-of-ukrainian-studies/centres-and-programs/ulec/index.html

BABBEL: all of Babbel’s language courses are free for Ukrainian refugees: https://uk.babbel.com/babbeldliaukrainy

Babbel знає, наскільки важливо вивчення мови для вимушених переселенців і тому пропонує безкоштовні коди доступу всім українським біженцям. Біженці, які вже володіють однією з мов Babbel (наприклад, англійською), можуть розпочати вивчення потрібної мови безкоштовно. Крім того, наразі Babbel розробляє курси українською мовою з акцентом на допомозі українцям у вивченні німецької, польської та англійської мов. Після завершення розробки українські біженці можуть користуватися мовними курсами рідною мовою, що полегшить переїзд до Німеччини, Польщі та інших країн, що приймають біженців. Окрім мовних курсів, команда Babbel розробляє різні інші ресурси, від статей про прибуття до Німеччини та Польщі до глосарію української мовою для осіб у країнах, що приймають біженців. З усіма ініціативами Babbel для біженців з України можна ознайомитися за цим посиланням: http://uk.babbel.com/babbeldliaukrainy

English with Ukrainians/Англійська з українцями YouTube channel: https://tinyurl.com/YTEnglishWithUkrainians

A wide range of German courses for beginners and advanced students offered by Deutsche Welle: https://www.dw.com/uk/neue-kategorie/s-31469 (pages available in Ukrainian for easier navigation)

Publications Office of the EU produced a pictogram booklet in a variety of languages. Click on “Download and languages” for a list of booklets in various languages.  Downloadable for free: https://tinyurl.com/yrkbxckz

Ba Ba Dum Language Learning online game: https://tiny.pl/9nwfc

Widgit refugee bilingual support packs contain a range of symbol-supported charts to help communicate health information, urgent needs and requirements. Bilingual format: https://tinyurl.com/bd3s7eez

A selection of bilingual glossaries for learning published by NYU Steinhardt: https://tinyurl.com/yc46dsdu

Navchalochka offers numerous worksheets to work with your child on maths, reading and writing: http://liliteach.blogspot.com/

Folens Ukrainian Language Support Booklets for primary and post-primary with useful words and pictures such as feelings, hobbies, classroom interactions, classroom objects and places at school etc: https://www.folens.ie/ukrainian-booklets

Ukraine: linguistic support (Pomoc językowa dla Ukrainy). Free to print, distribute, use: https://linktr.ee/jezykowe_kontrowersje

Vokabelrätsel: auf spielerische Art und Weise deutsche Vokabeln lernen// Вивчати німецьку лексику в ігровій формі? Наші кросворди створені саме для цього: https://www.kreuzwortraetsellexikon.de/vokabelraetsel.pdf

BBC Bitesize English as an additional language for Ukrainian speakers (scroll to the bottom of the webpage): https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zvsc96f

Ukrainian lessons offers a selection of books, mostly for learning Ukrainian (paid resources): https://www.ukrainianlessons.com/books-and-more/

Teaching resources and support

Oak National Academy Support Hub offers information on translation, applicable for a variety of browsers (check their website for resources Oak National Academy): https://support.thenational.academy/ukrainian-translations; also available in Ukrainian: https://support.thenational.academy/ukrainian-translations#ukrainian

Obrazovanie bez ranitsi (Education Without Backpacks) has compiled an amazing rich selection of teaching and learning resources in Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian and English - all categorized and clearly signposted: https://obr.education/en/free-educational-resources-for-ukrainian-children/

Educational resources from Dwie Siostry: https://tiny.pl/9nwcg

Books Unbound provides free creative activities for organizations and individuals welcoming Ukrainian refugees. Access their free downloadable resources here: https://books-unbound.org/ukrainian-community/

НУМО - a website aimed at educators and parents with videos containing tips, interesting exercises and games that will help preschoolers master a variety of skills: https://numo.mon.gov.ua/

How to get a Ukrainian books abroad: information and details provided by the Ukrainian Book Institute, including info for publishers abroad: https://tinyurl.com/2p8jzdtz

Twinkl has plenty of teaching resources in Ukrainian, for children aged 0-14+. They are all for free but you need to create an account to download them. Useful for educators, pedagogues, teachers, etc, working with families from Ukraine. https://tinyurl.com/twinkl-Ukrainian

Languagenut is offering free language learning resources for schools supporting Ukrainian refugees. You can register with them for a free account to learn English, Polish, German, French, Bulgarian, Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish resources with Ukrainian support: https://www.languagenut.com/global/ukraine/

Learning Village is offering “Welcoming Ukrainian learners”, a resource pack with links to articles and resources for welcoming and supporting Ukrainian learners (scroll down the page to access the relevant material) : https://www.learningvillage.net/more_info?Ukraine

PPLI has devised a series of language mats in a selection of languages for use in the classroom to encourage communication in the target language. Check both links for Ukrainian or Russian versions with English translation: https://ppli.ie/language-mats-to-encourage-target-language-in-the-classroom/ Also on the Languages Connect website: https://languagesconnect.ie/language-mats/

A book of language challenges for a “secret agent”, published on the ECML (European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe) website: https://tinyurl.com/22j7zj8k

The Bell Foundation has published “Helping children learn: Guidance for parents of students who use English as an Additional Language” guides in a variety of languages, also Ukrainian and Russian: https://www.bell-foundation.org.uk/eal-programme/guidance/parental-involvement/



Ukrainian Language Pack by Lingobox Learning: https://tinyurl.com/UkrLP

University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Activities to start conversations with children about their family, what they like to play, how they feel, what sounds they hear in their home or community, and the weather: https://wida.wisc.edu/resources/learning-language-every-day-activities-families-ukrainian

The Bell Foundation is offering an online course for school staff seeking guidance, strategies and resources for supporting newly arrived pupils who are new to English.This is a paid course, due to start in April 2024: https://www.bell-foundation.org.uk/training-events/detail/supporting-new-arrivals-who-are-new-to-english-online-course-april-2024/?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=organic_social

Online education

School Education Gateway (EU Erasmus+) webpage listing educational resources and support for Ukrainian refugees: https://www.schooleducationgateway.eu/en/pub/latest/news/online-ed-resources-ua.htm

UNICEF Facebook page listing online schools and platforms which organize the educational process in the conditions of war: https://www.facebook.com/UNICEFUkraine/posts/5082164021848088

Ukrainian school textbooks (all subjects, all grades): https://tiny.pl/9nwfv

The Ukraine School is a virtual school which has been created to support children as they adapt to schooling in a different country:  https://www.ukraineschool.com/web

ECML (European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe) webpages with guidance and resources to support the linguistic integration of refugees from Ukraine in schools and in the workplace: https://tinyurl.com/yvzryvhy

International Ukrainian School: https://uis.org.ua/

The following are taken directly from the School Education Gateway page:


Aside from its National Online School, Ukraine’s online educational resources include:

More suggestions can be found in this information guide prepared by the Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (available in Ukrainian and English).

There is also educational material in Ukrainian provided from within the EU, including:


Materials are available on the website of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, which also finances the repository eSchool bag.

Estonian EdTech companies are translating their digital learning platforms, games and tools into Ukrainian (for teachers and learners from Ukraine, both in Estonia and in Ukraine), free of charge and regularly updated: Support for Ukraine – EdTech Estonia


Poland’s official online educational platform has a newly added Ukrainian section.


The Romanian Ministry of Education provides for the following teaching material in the Ukrainian language:

Communication in Ukrainian mother tongue (grade 1, grade 2)

Ukrainian mother tongue and literature (grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6)

Music and physical activity (grade 3)

ECML (European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe) document on issues of school education of Ukrainian children who left Ukraine which also provides a comprehensive list of education platforms, online workshops, teaching materials:  https://www.ecml.at/Portals/1/documents/events/Ukraine-online_schools.pdf

The Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights has prepared an information guide for parents, children and teachers on current web resources and portals. Guides are available from the Council of Europe website: https://www.coe.int/en/web/children/-/resources-supporting-ukrainian-children-s-right-to-education

Lviv Center for Urban History educational platform: https://lia.lvivcenter.org/edu/category/shkola/

European School Education Platform contains a series of articles and resources to support the integration of young Ukrainian refugees into the education systems of the EU Member States and Erasmus+ countries. This page is regularly updated: https://school-education.ec.europa.eu/en/insights/news/education-support-ukrainian-refugees

Support and webinars (& misc)

  • The Breath-Body-Mind Foundation offers live free webinars (with Ukrainian translation) for families of Ukraine and the surrounding countries. Please check out the latest information on the BBM Website: https://www.breath-body-mind.com/for-ukrainians

  • National Literacy Trust is the process of developing resources for Ukrainian families arriving in the UK. They have published Time Together booklets in Ukrainian and Russian (available to download on their website - registration required) as well as other resources to support wellbeing and welcome newly arrived families.: https://literacytrust.org.uk/about-us/ukraine-war-support-and-resources/ 

  • “Volunteering with Refugees'' is an award-winning MOOC which is designed to train volunteers and language teachers working with refugees. The free online course focuses on the skills needed to support the social and linguistic needs of refugees. The course is developed by Cambridge University Press & Assessment in collaboration with The Human Hive: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/volunteering-with-refugees/4

  • Language for resilience: Teaching English to refugees and displaced learners - an online course for teachers from British Council, showing effective strategies and techniques to help make your classroom a safe environment: https://tinyurl.com/BC-course

  • “Supporting the linguistic integration of young refugees from Ukraine” webinar by The European Centre for Modern Languages will provide you with guidance and teaching resources to address these new challenges and ensure a welcoming atmosphere, conducive to learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4Wa1lU2PWY

  • Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of displaced Ukrainians. Guidance, training and further resources available on the Thrive LDN website:


Appendix: A list of Ukrainian Literature for Ukrainian Language Learners Abroad/ Перелік творів з української літератури для учнів української мови за кордоном:

Вікова категорія 6-9 років

  • книги О. Дерманського
  • Нестайко Всеволод. Незвичайні пригоди в Лісовій школі. В країні Сонячних зайчиків
  • Г. Грайко “Вірші”, З. Мензатюк “Таємниця козацької шабл”, В. Арєнєв “Бісова душа, або Заклятий скарб”
  • Андрусяк. Вісім днів із життя Бурундука
  • Ганна Чубач “Веселі Хтосики” (збірка віршів)
  • Насамперед, класику, зокрема ”Три метелики”, Лесі Українки, Олена Пчілка “Плескачик”, Зірка Мензатюк “Український прапор”, Наталія Забіла
  • Усміхаки, Гарбузовий рік, 36 і 6 котів Галини Вдовиченко
  • Поезії Ганни Чубач “Біла Чапля”, “Жук малий і волохатий”. Ірина Жиленко “Гном”
  • Дитяча історія. Брати Капранови
  • Gluna (Українознавчий воркбук?)

Вікова категорія 10-13 років

  • Твори Лесі Вороніної
  • Нестайко Всеволод. Тореадори з Васюківки. Чайковський Андрій. Сагайдачний.
  • В. Нестайко ”Тореадори з Васюківки”, О. Рум’яна “Абрикоси зацвітають у ночі”, С. Васильченко “Приблуда”
  • Андрусяк. Сірка на порох
  • Марія Ткачівська “Обережно, діти!” для дітей 14-17 років: детективи Андрія Кокотюхи
  • Українські народні казки, легенди, Шевченко, байки Глібова, Франко, Леся Українка
  • Григір Тютюнник “Дивак”, “Ласочка”
  • Григорій Сковорода
  • Твори Григора Тютюнника

Вікова категорія 14-17 років

  • С. Жадан “Життя Марії”
  • С. Андрухович “Фелікс Австрія”
  • Д. Корній “Гонихмарник”
  • І. Вільде “Метелики на шпільках”
  • Іван Багряний “Тигролови”

*** Compiled by Joanna Ceremuga (mail to joanna@beelingotheka.com) ***