次回作はN64!? アカネイア編暗黒戦争の前半を描いてみたい

Will the next game be on the N64!? Wanting to depict the first half of Archanea’s War of Shadows

Q N64が発売されましたが、このハードにおけるFEのようなシミュレーションRPGの新しい可能性はどこにあると思われますか。

Q: The N64 has been released. Where do you think new possibilities lie for a Simulation-RPG like Fire Emblem on this new hardware?

A もっと敵などを賢いルーチンで動かすことができるようになるでしょうね。状況の変化に合わせて、理屈に合った動きをするようになるという。血の通った人間に近い行動をとらせることができる。複雑なことが持ち時間を少なくしてできるというのはいいですね。今までの作品では、まだ理にかなった動きというのはあまりできていませんから。


A: You could let enemies and the like move with even more intelligent patterns. Meaning, you could create logical movement matching the changing circumstances. You could make them take actions akin to real humans. Being able to reduce the time complex things take is nice. Because in the games so far, we weren’t able to have movement that makes sense.

Because visual presentation is also becoming exceptionally advanced, you would be able to finish it off with three-dimensional displays of battles and the like, using polygons. And with information screens becoming easier to read, you could cram more information on one screen and create a more tactical Simulation-RPG.

Q 次回作の可能性はあるのでしょうか。作るとすればハードはやはりN64ですか。

Q: Is there a possibility for a next game? If you make a new one, would it be on the N64?

A はっきりと決まってはいませんが、次にやる場合は、戦略的にはレベルの高いものにしつつ、もっと遊びやすいものに戻そうと思っています。ほかのゲームとは違うFEらしさは失わないようにして。


A: That is not clearly decided yet, but if we make a new one, I think while the level of strategy would be high, we would return to something that’s easier to play. Without losing what makes Fire Emblem different from other games.

For the story, I think I’d like to delve into Archanea again. The previous story started from Marth’s escape to Talys, but of course there’s a story before that. There are fascinating characters like Camus and Michalis on the enemy side too, and I’d like to depict their stories as well.

Again, the only straight up disagreement I have with the other translation is „the level of strategy would be much higher “. You can interpret a „the level of strategy would remain high “. But as the original does not specify remain, I decided to play it safe with „the level of strategy would be high “.