But also known as “Pyro”

✧ Doc Layout: @mesmeriii (Twitter)


✧  Medium

Broken smartwatch

✧  Inspired by

Video games [Mineral] Marine life

✧  Fragrance note

No very noticeable smell, but when she spends a lot of time with a certain someone she comes back smelling like soap and lavender

✧  Dimension

Height: 158 cm / 5’2

Weight: 52 kg / 114 lbs

16 years old

✧  Description

A girl with unstable powers who ended up accidentally going to the past. She is a “tool of great potential” according to the St. Pavlov foundation, but Pyro doesn't seem to be very interested in collaborating with them.

✧  Signature

✧  Udimo


✧  Appearance



— . . . Origin

Pyro is from a arcanist lineage, her mom (Nai Maang Dik Si / An an Lee) being an arcanist who immigrated to Brazil in her adulthood with her husband Joshua (also known as Horropedia).

Due to many factors, such as her not being a human and having unconventional interests and behaviors, she frequently pushed people away and kept a very small circle of friends. Arius was her dearest friend and person she could trust most, being together with her for some years.

— . . . Pyro is missing

Arius, a great friend of Pyro, was constantly honing her skills and wanted to help Pyro get better control over her time-slowing abilities, since she didn't have much experience or control over them. During one of their meetings, Pyro ended up losing control of her arcane skill and lost her conscience, and when she woke up she found herself with only her backpack in an unknown place.

After some time in that strange place, she finally realized that she was in the past and the people at St. Pavlov Foundation recruited the girl to be with them. She was someone of high interest for them for being a unique case like Vertin, but just like her, Pyro is quite rebellious and sneaks off their experiments and research to be with Vertin and her other friends.




It seemed like she really was a time traveller… What a marvellous opportunity. She wasn't the first to claim she was one, but she definitely was convincing enough to make anyone believe it and even had technologies that haven't been made yet. A suggestion was made to keep her close to the Timekeeper, it was essential to protect such special cases and avoid any of them getting along with other organisations such as the Manus Vindictae. Even if Pxxxxxxxxx Hxxxx presented a strongly negative opinion towards Manus, it was always a possibility that they could persuade her if no one at the foundation was careful. No matter what happens, they shall never lose sight of this precious gem.




Table of suggestions and complaints for the P.H project:

Jamie - 1 week of research

Please raise the budget for food research of the 21st century, P seems especially picky with her food and eats in some disproportionately high amounts for her age. No need to check too much into her weight or health, she seems fine, weirdly enough

Reply from P.H:

I'm still able to grow a bit more, so I need to feed myself enough while I can! I just want to surpass Vertin height and when I do, I will stop eating too much!! ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ (ok that was a lie)

Pablo - 1 month of research

Can someone help me understand P better? Why does she keep insulting other people and trying to humiliate them, but after that she keeps wanting to be close to them? Is it a youth thing I don't get? Maybe It's because of the era I came from, but I don't understand why she's so insistent on “showing affection” through mean words…

Reply from P.H:

They're my friends, you really don't understand anything about 21st century irony. Well, I guess no one but me does… I will try being a bit more clear next time.


P is a very smart girl, I'm sure of that, but I've been noticing an upsetting tendency she has to fall asleep or lose focus during classes and important lectures. Madame Z, please assign a trustworthy student to help her pay attention to her activities.

Reply from P.H:

No way she made me study with Matilda :(

She won't stop bothering me until I actually do my homework… I want to escape this miserable life… It's so over for me guys…




Pandora Wilson: Hello, miss Pyromaniac.

Pyromaniac Heart: …

Pandora Wilson: So… we are starting our interview.

Pyromaniac heart:

Pandora Wilson: Pyro? Are you alright?

Pyromaniac heart: AHH! You scared me, I was just spacing out for a second.

Pandora Wilson: Understood. But back to the topic, do you have anything that you want to share about the age you came from?

Pyromaniac Heart: Well, of course I can! I'm a pretty big fan of video games, and they have evolved so much in recent years!

Pyromaniac Heart: I think one of the ones I like most is that one where you spend 5 nights surviving in a pizzaria, it's a horror game with a pretty confusing story. It all started when two friends built a pizzeria with animatronics…

Pandora Wilson: Sigh, I feel like we're going to spend a lot of time on this interview…


✧ the fact that An An Lee is Pyro’s mother in the future isn't something supposed to be very deep or important to her lore. I just wanted to justify why they looked the exact same lmao (couldn't do the same with Isolde, so it is what it is). I probably won't make new original designs for her and the Manus AU stuff since I loathe doing character design.

✧ Pyro only knows 3 recipes without looking at a guide at all times, but when she makes a dish it's usually very tasty.

✧ Horropedia and Pyro often sneak out of their chores together to watch horror movies.

✧ Diggers and Pyro are currently dating.



✧ Table Layout: @feensticks (Twitter)

Item 1 (0%)

Item 2 (60%)

Item 3 (100%)

“A handheld console with many games installed in it, frequently seen being played by Pyro. Supposedly she took it from one of her cousins and never actually remembered to give it back to its proper owner. Too bad they aren't really able to retrieve it considering the situation she is in.”

“A collection of manga about unconventional adventures. It contains more chapters than the number of issues we have currently available on shōnen Jump, is in another language, and Pyro seems really upset that everyone is behind on the story.”

"A bouquet of roses given by Diggers. Pyro insisted that this kind of gift was corny and using roses was a very outdated choice, but she secretly kept it in her room and hugs it when she's sad. But if you ever tell this to him, she will be very mad at you.”









DPS, Support, Debuff, healing


Slowing time for an uncertain amount of time. The thing responsible for making her travel in time, needs more development to time travel properly.